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Improved water capture and erosion reduction through furrow diking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Crop production in Georgia and the Southeastern U.S. can be limited by water; thus, supplemental irrigation is often needed to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water capture would efficiently improve water use and reduce irrigation amounts and other input costs, thus improving producer's profit margin. We quantified water capturing and erosional characteristics of furrow diking by comparing runoff (R) and soil loss (E) from furrow diked (DT) and non-furrow diked tilled (CT) systems. A field study (Faceville loamy sand, Typic Kandiudult) was established (2006 and 2007) near Dawson, GA with DT and CT systems managed to irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Treatments included: DT vs. CT; DT with and without shank (+/− S); and rainfall simulation performed (0, 60 days after tillage, DAT). Simulated rainfall (50 mm h−1 for 1 h) was applied to all 2 m × 3 m plots (n = 3). All runoff and E were measured from each flat, level sloping 6-m2 plot (slope = 1%). Compared to CT, DT decreased R and E by 14-28% and 2.0-2.8 times, respectively. Compared to DT − S, DT + S decreased R and E by 17-56% and 26% to 2.1 times, respectively. Compared to sealed/crusted soil conditions at 60 DAT, simulating rainfall on a freshly tilled seedbed condition (DAT = 0) decreased R by 69% to 3.4 times and increased E by 27%. DT0 + S + RF0 plots (best-case scenario) had 2.8 times less R, and 2.6 times less E than CT − S + RF60 plots (worst-case). Based on $1.17 ha-mm−1 to pump irrigation water and $18.50 ha−1 for DT, a producer in the Coastal Plain region of Georgia would recover cost of DT by saving the first 16 ha-mm of water. The DT + S system is a cost-effective management practice for producers in Georgia and the Southeastern U.S. that positively impacts natural resource conservation, producer profit margins, and environmental quality.  相似文献   

Micro-catchment water harvesting (MCWH) requires development of small structures across mild land slopes, which capture overland flow and store it in soil profile for subsequent plant uses. Water availability to plants depends on the micro-catchment runoff yield and water storage capacity of both the plant basin and the soil profile in the plant root zone. This study assessed the MCWH potential of a Mediterranean arid environment by using runoff micro-catchment and soil water balance approaches. Average annual rainfall and evapotranspiration of the studied environment were estimated as 111 and 1671 mm, respectively. This environment hardly supports vegetation without supplementary water. During the study period, the annual rain was 158 mm in year 2004/2005, 45 mm in year 2005/2006 and 127 mm in year 2006/2007. About 5000 MCWH basins were developed for shrub raising on a land slope between 2 and 5% by using three different techniques. Runoff at the outlets of 26 micro-catchments with catchment areas between 13 and 50 m2 was measured. Also the runoff was indirectly assessed for another 40 micro-catchments by using soil water balance in the micro-catchments and the plant basins. Results show that runoff yield varied between 5 and 187 m3 ha−1 for various rainfall events. It was between 5 and 85% of the incidental rainfall with an average value of 30%. The rainfall threshold for runoff generation was estimated about 4 mm. Overall; the soil water balance approach predicted 38-57% less water than micro-catchment runoff approach. This difference was due to the reason that the micro-catchment runoff approach accounted for entire event runoff in the tanks; thus showed a maximum water harvesting potential of the micro-catchments. Soil water balance approach estimated water storage in soil profile and did not incorporate water losses through spillage from plant basins and deep percolation. Therefore, this method depicted water storage capacity of the plant basins and the root zone soil profile. The different between maximum water harvesting potential and soil-water storage capacity is surplus runoff that can be better utilized through appropriate MCWH planning.  相似文献   

The Southeast U.S. receives an average of 1300 mm annual rainfall, however poor seasonal distribution of rainfall often limits production. Irrigation is used during the growing season to supplement rainfall to sustain profitable crop production. Increased water capture would improve water use efficiency and reduce irrigation requirements. Furrow diking has been proposed as a cost effective management practice that is designed to create a series of storage basins in the furrow between crop rows to catch and retain rainfall and irrigation water. Furrow diking has received much attention in arid and semi-arid regions with mixed results, yet has not been adapted for cotton production in the Southeast U.S. Our objectives were to evaluate the agronomic response and economic feasibility of producing cotton with and without furrow diking in conventional tillage over a range of irrigation rates including no irrigation. Studies were conducted at two research sites each year from 2005 to 2007. Irrigation scheduling was based on Irrigator Pro for Cotton software. The use of furrow diking in these studies periodically reduced water consumption and improved yield and net returns. In 2006 and 2007, when irrigation scheduling was based on soil water status, an average of 76 mm ha−1 of irrigation water was saved by furrow diking, producing similar cotton yield and net returns. Furrow diking improved cotton yield an average of 171 kg ha−1 and net return by $245 ha−1 over multiple irrigation rates, in 1 of 3 years. We conclude that furrow diking has the capability to reduce irrigation requirements and the costs associated with irrigation when rainfall is periodic and drought is not severe.  相似文献   

为探讨保护性耕作措施对农田土壤风蚀的影响,通过中国知网,以“免耕或保护性耕作并且土壤风蚀”为主题,检索至2020年底公开发表的中文期刊论文,对检索到的论文进行整理分析。结果表明,中国保护性耕作对土壤风蚀的田间试验均来自北方干旱半干旱农田,研究方法以集沙仪野外测量为主;保护性耕作研究中对土壤风蚀方面的研究占比较少,产量效应一直是保护性耕作的研究重点;综合相关研究分析,保护性耕作平均可减少农田土壤风蚀量71.2%;保护性耕作减少农田土壤风蚀具有普遍性,少量研究认为保护性耕作不能减少农田土壤风蚀量。  相似文献   

Water harvesting is viable alternatives for rainfed agricultural production in semiarid lands. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of a relatively new water harvesting technique, called sand ditch, for moisture and soil conservation. Twelve field plots of 10 m × 2 m were constructed in two adjacent fields having silt loam soils but varied in soil depth, 0.75 m and 2 m, and slope of 10% and 12%. A 130 L barrel was installed at the downslope end of the plots to collect water and sediments at the end of each rainstorm along the rainy season. Three types of treatments were used in duplicates (12 plots in total); sand-ditch plots in which a ditch of 2-m long, 1 m wide and 0.8 m deep was constructed in the middle of plots across the slope (2 in each field), two compacted plots and two plots covered with plastic mulch in addition to four control plots, 2 in each field. The total amount of runoff, sediment concentration, total infiltration and sediment loss for the experimental plots were measured or calculated after each storm during the winter season 2004/2005. Experimental results showed that sand-ditch technique significantly reduced runoff and sediment loss and increased infiltration and soil moisture compared to control or compacted plots. The overall average runoff and sediment reductions in the sand-ditch plots were 46% and 61% compared to control plots. Sediment losses from compacted plots were about 2.2 and 6 folds higher than control and sand-ditch plots, respectively making soil compaction unsuitable technique for rainfall harvesting under the current experimental and climatic conditions. Construction of sand ditch also increased the dry matter yield of native grass by an average of 62% and 40% in the two experimental fields compared to control.  相似文献   

Soil, water and production systems constitute the most important natural resources of a watershed in the rainfed agro-ecosystem; and for sustainability of the production systems they need to be in harmony with the environment. To learn from the past research, a review is made of literature on the impact of natural resource management practices on soil and water quality in the semi-arid tropical regions of India. The results from long-term on station field experiments show that an integrated use of soil and water conservation practices with balanced plant nutrition can not only sustain increased productivity but also maintain soil quality at the watershed or catchment level. Natural resource management practices that conserve soil and water also help to maintain surface and groundwater quality. The changes in soil and water quality, as impacted by natural resource management practices, need to be monitored and assessed on a continuing basis as the outcome of such research offers valuable opportunity for the implementation of corrective management practices, as and when needed.  相似文献   

不同入渗水头条件下土壤水分运动数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析入渗水头对土壤水分入渗影响的基础上,提出了分层计算假定,建立了不同入渗水头作用下土壤水分运动数学模型,并采用差分法进行求解.在室内进行了不同入渗水头土壤水分入渗验证试验,结果表明,模型计算土壤含水率与试验实测值具有较高一致性,最大相对误差为4.8%,表明所建立的不同入渗水头作用下土壤水分运动数学模型是正确的,求解方法是可行的.  相似文献   

植物混掺物对甘肃景泰砂壤土入渗过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内试验,研究了不同混掺物及不同混掺比例对土壤水分入渗特性及湿润体含水量分布规律的影响.结果表明:指数函数能较好地描述含有混掺物的土壤水扩散率;添加一定比例混掺物的土体能有效延长水分对耕层土壤的湿润,增大水分在耕层的滞留时间;混掺3%玉米叶处理和1%玉米叶处理能够有效提高耕层土壤含水量.  相似文献   

A rainwater harvesting system on slopes using contour furrows with plastic-covered transverse ridges designed to be used in small rainfall dominated areas of the semiarid loess region of China has been tested from 2001 to 2004. The system consisted of constructing contour furrows on the loess slope at a distance of 5 m with plastic-covered transverse ridges built in the furrows between shrubs of Caragana korshinskii. There were three treatments in the study: (1) plastic-covered ridge with gravel-mulched furrows (T1), (2) plastic-covered ridge with bare furrows (T2), and (3) control (no ridge and no contour furrow) (T3).

The experimental results indicated that runoff from the natural loess slope was small and variable, and only produced from a few rainfall events with high intensity. Runoff efficiency averaged 13.8, 4.5, 1.4, and 0.4% in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. However, the plastic-covered ridges accumulated runoff from most rainfall events, particularly from the light rains less than 5 mm. So the natural loess slope between the furrows and the plastic-covered ridges in the furrows can complement each other, i.e., the plastic-covered ridges induce runoff from small rainfall to the planted area, and the natural loess slope between the furrows concentrate runoff from heavy rainfall, thus improving rain use efficiency. The total runoff collected from both the natural loess slope and the plastic-covered ridges to the planted area in the furrows was 231, 143, 88, and 59 mm in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. Soil moisture storage in the 200-cm deep soil layer was obviously higher for T1 and T2 than for T3, and C. korshinskii showed a significant improvement in growth for the T1 and T2 treatments. Therefore the combination of contour furrows and plastic-covered ridges as rainwater harvesting system may have a great potential development in the small rainfall dominated arid regions of China.  相似文献   

高吸水性树脂对沙质土壤物理性质和玉米生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对4种典型的不同质量分数的高吸水树脂进行试验,用以研究其对鄂尔多斯沙质土壤的物理性质和玉米生长的影响。结果表明,高吸水树脂能够明显改善土壤水分特性,并且当高吸水性树脂质量分数在0.50%~1.00%时效果最佳;高吸水树脂有效地改善了土壤的持水能力,且在土壤水吸力小于0.8MPa的土壤中的改善作用明显优于土壤水吸力大于0.8MPa的土壤;在鄂尔多斯沙质土壤的有效水方面,聚丙烯酸酯聚合物在质量分数低于0.50%时优于聚丙烯酰胺聚合物,但当质量分数高于0.50%时结论则相反;土壤容重随着高吸水树脂质量分数的增大而降低,土壤总孔隙度随着高吸水树脂质量分数的增大而增大。高吸水树脂质量分数越大玉米存活的时间也越长。  相似文献   

To maximize the irrigation efficiency and to protect groundwater from agrochemical pollution, two variables must be known with good accuracy: effective evapotranspiration and infiltration, especially in lowland areas were the run-off is minimal. Three different experimental plots cultivated with maize were equipped with tensiometers and soil moisture probes to monitor every day the water movement in the unsaturated zone. Other relevant parameters of the various soil layers, as hydraulic conductivity and water retention curve, were obtained in laboratory experiments, while boundary conditions, as precipitations, temperature and root growth, were obtained on site. Inverse modeling was performed using HYDRUS-1D to assess the degree of uncertainty on model parameters. Results showed a good model fit of water content and head pressure at various depths, in each site, using Penman-Monteith formula for daily potential evapotranspiration calculation, but poor fit applying the Hargreves and Turk formulas. Best performance of model fit was observed for S-shaped equation employed to simulate the root water-uptake reduction with respect to Feddes equation. The soil parameters uncertainty was limited and remained within analytical errors, thus a robust estimation of cumulative infiltration and evapotranspiration has been derived. This study points out that evapotranspiration is the most important variable in defining groundwater recharge for maize crops in lowlands.  相似文献   

The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.  相似文献   

In this work, maize (Zea mays L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were irrigated in two adjoining plots with the same sprinkler solid-set system. Irrigation was evaluated between four sprinklers in the central position within each plot, above the canopy with pluviometers and in the soil with a FDR probe. Maize and alfalfa were simultaneously irrigated under the same operational and technical conditions during two seasons: in 2005, the solid-set irrigation system layout was rectangular, 15 m between sprinklers along the irrigation line and 15 m among lines (R15 × 15), and the seasonal irrigation applied according to the crop evapotranspiration (ETc); in 2006, the solid-set layout was R18 × 15 and the seasonal irrigation was around 30% lower than the ETc. The irrigation depth above the canopies (IDC) and the soil water recharge after irrigation (RW) were monitored using a 3 m × 3 m grid (25 points in 2005 and in 30 points in 2006). For maize, RW was assessed both in the lines of plants (CL) and between the lines (BCL).The average values of IDC were similar between crops during both seasons but the uniformity (CUC) of the IDC noticeably depended on the crop: the differences were greater between crops than between sprinklers spacings (R15 × 15 and R18 × 15). The CUC of IDC, the RW and the CUC of RW were greater for alfalfa than for maize. The CUC of IDC was greater than the CUC of RW for both crops. The RW was significantly related with the IDC throughout the irrigation season for alfalfa. The correlation was weaker for maize, with important differences between positions and between growth stages. At the beginning of the season, the RW significantly correlated with the IDC, both in the CL and BCL positions. However, the correlation weakened when the maize grew, especially in the CL, because the maize plants redistributed the water.The results show that the height and canopy architecture of the crop must be considered in the analysis of the sprinkler water distribution as factors influencing the irrigation performance.  相似文献   

我国粮食虚拟水流动对水资源和区域经济的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟水流动是虚拟水形态的水资源在地理空间上的再分配,对区域经济和水资源具有重要影响。以省级行政区为单元,计算了2010年我国粮食生产、消费、调运及生产用水和虚拟水流动情况;选取节水量、水资源压力指数和人均国内生产总值3个指标,定量研究了我国区域间粮食虚拟水流动对区域经济和水资源的影响。结果表明:我国省级行政区之间粮食虚拟水流动量为1 138.1亿m3,其中蓝水为449.7亿m3,流动的主要规律是从水资源效率高的地区流向效率低的地区,从缺水地区流向丰水地区,从经济欠发达的地区流向经济相对发达的地区。相应地,在国家尺度上,省级行政区之间的粮食虚拟水流动节水578.9亿m3,其中蓝水为478.9亿m3;粮食虚拟水输出使输出省级行政区水资源压力指数由1.61(假设输出区粮食虚拟水输出为0)上升到2.04;人均GDP由43 428元(假设生产调出粮食的水量全部转变为工业用水)减少到31 776元。提高农业用水效率,实施虚拟水补偿,优化作物种植结构是解决我国区域虚拟水流动负面效应的关键措施。  相似文献   

Yield levels in smallholder farming systems in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa are generally low. Water shortage in the root zone during critical crop development stages is a fundamental constraining factor. While there is ample evidence to show that conservation tillage can promote soil health, it has recently been suggested that the main benefit in semi-arid farming systems may in fact be an in situ water harvesting effect. In this paper we present the result from an on-farm conservation tillage experiment (combining ripping with mulch and manure application) that was carried out in North Eastern Tanzania from 2005 to 2008. Special attention was given to the effects of the tested treatment on the capacity of the soil to retain moisture. The tested conservation treatment only had a clear yield increasing effect during one of the six experimental seasons (maize grain yields increased by 41%, and biomass by 65%), and this was a season that received exceptional amounts of rainfall (549 mm). While the other seasons provided mixed results, there seemed to be an increasing yield gap between the conservation tillage treatment and the control towards the end of the experiment, and cumulatively the yield increased with 17%. Regarding soil system changes, small but significant effects on chemical and microbiological properties, but not on physical properties, were observed. This raises questions about the suggested water harvesting effect and its potential to contribute to stabilized yield levels under semi-arid conditions. We conclude that, at least in a shorter time perspective, the tested type of conservation tillage seems to boost productivity during already good seasons, rather than stabilize harvests during poor rainfall seasons. Highlighting the challenges involved in upgrading these farming systems, we discuss the potential contribution of conservation tillage towards improved water availability in the crop root zone in a longer term perspective.  相似文献   

The dynamics of soil water was investigated in a Mediterranean vineyard during the 2003-2007 period in order to identify the inter-seasonal modification of water storage due to intercropping. The intercrop was a mixture of tall fescue and rye grass. Soil water content was measured on 3 m soil profiles (plus one 5 m profile) as was runoff from local stands.Great variations in soil refilling were observed over the years, for both the bare soil and intercrop treatments. The complete refilling occurred once and it was associated with a rise of the water table up to less than 2 m from the soil surface in the low part of the field. During the other years, the wetting front was identified between 1 m and 2.3 m at spring in the bare soil treatment, deeper in the lowest part of the field. The available soil water content at bud-break was influenced by the topography. A higher infiltration was observed in the intercropped treatment. Runoff kinetics was compared to rainfall kinetics in a selection of three rain events differing by duration and intensity. The curve number method was used to perform the analysis of runoff at a 1-day time-step rather than the quarter of an hour time-step of the registrations. With this method, the time limitation of water balance studies for Mediterranean vineyards would be partially removed.  相似文献   

降雨类型和水土保持对黄土区小流域水土流失的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对黄土区桥子东沟流域的143场次洪水事件水文泥沙数据进行统计分析,并利用K均值分类法划分降雨类型,比较不同降雨类型条件下流域水土流失特征,探讨水土保持治理对不同降雨类型下流域产流输沙的影响。结果表明,次降雨量和最大30 min雨强是影响流域产流输沙的主要降雨特征。降雨事件划分为4种类型:Ⅰ型(小雨量、小雨强)、Ⅱ型(大雨量、大雨强)、Ⅲ型(大雨量、小雨强)和Ⅳ型(小雨量、大雨强)。4种降雨类型下次洪水事件的产流能力和洪峰流量由大到小依次为Ⅱ型、Ⅳ型、Ⅲ型和Ⅰ型。频次最少的Ⅱ型降雨次洪水事件的输沙量最多,Ⅰ型、Ⅲ型和Ⅳ型降雨条件下次洪水事件输沙量的差异不显著,输沙量均较少。水土保持综合治理显著减少了流域径流量和输沙量,其中Ⅱ型降雨次洪水事件减水量和减沙量最多,Ⅰ型最少。  相似文献   

交替隔沟灌溉水分入渗特性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以玉米为试验材料 ,通过大田 3种灌水方式土壤水分的入渗规律比较分析 ,发现交替隔沟灌溉和固定隔沟灌溉土壤水分的侧向入渗比较明显 ,而常规灌溉由于受到相邻灌水沟侧向入渗的影响 ,土壤水分主要在土壤剖面的垂直方向变化。对 3种灌水方式湿润锋到达深度的研究表明 ,常规灌溉的湿润锋到达深度明显大于固定隔沟灌溉和交替隔沟灌溉。因此 ,田间采用交替隔沟灌溉可以减小土壤水分发生深层渗漏的机率  相似文献   

The highly weathered, low-carbon, intensively cropped, drought-prone Coastal Plain soils of Georgia are susceptible to runoff and soil loss, especially at certain times of the year when soil water contents are elevated. We quantified the effects of antecedent water content (AWC) on runoff (R) and sediment (E) losses from two loamy sands managed under conventional- (CT), strip- (ST), and/or no-till (NT) systems. Two AWC treatments were evaluated: field moist (FM) and pre-wet (PW), created with and without post pesticide application irrigations (∼12 mm of water added with the rainfall simulated over 30 min) for incorporation. Treatments (5) evaluated were: CT + FM, CT + PW, ST + FM, ST + PW, and NT + PW. Field plots, each 2-m × -3 m, were established on each treatment. Each 6-m2 field plot received simulated rainfall at a variable rainfall intensity (Iv) pattern for 70 min (site 1) or a constant rainfall intensity (Ic) pattern for 60 min (site 2; Ic = 50.8 mm h−1). Adding ∼12 mm of water as herbicide incorporation increased AWCs of the 0-2 (3-9-fold) and 2-15 (23-117%) cm soil depths of PW plots compared to existing field moist soil conditions. Increase in AWC increased R (as much as 60%) and maximum R rates (as much as 62%), and decreased E (at least 59%) and maximum E rates (as much as 2.1-fold) for corresponding tillage treatments. Compared to CT plots, ST and NT plots decreased R (at least 2.6-fold) and maximum R rates (as much as 3-fold), and decreased E (at least 2.7-fold) and maximum E rates (at least 3.2-fold). Runoff curves for pre-wetted CT and ST plots were always higher than corresponding FM curves, whereas E curves for field moist CT and ST plots were always higher than corresponding PW curves. Changes in AWC and tillage affected detachment and transport processes controlling runoff and sediment yields. A more accurate measure of rainfall partitioning and detachment and transport processes affecting R and E losses was obtained when commonly occurring field conditions (increased AWC with irrigation; Iv pattern derived from natural rainfall; commonly used tillage systems) were created and evaluated.  相似文献   

坡面径流量与含沙量动态测量系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
设计了一套测量坡面径流含沙量与径流量的动态测量系统,利用γ射线穿过不同介质后强度衰减不同的规律来测量含沙量,通过检测径流注入给定容器时液位由下检测点到达上检测点的时间来测定流量。实际应用结果表明,系统工作稳定,操作方便,省工省时,测量结果准确。系统不仅适合于室内土壤侵蚀试验中含沙量与径流量的测量,而且可用于野外坡面土壤侵蚀试验小区长期定点监测和其他相关试验研究。  相似文献   

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