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尿石症是指尿路中无机盐或有机盐类结晶的凝结物,即结石、积石或多量结晶刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的泌尿器官疾病。犬泌尿系统结石是犬常发疾病,根据结石位置不同,可分为肾盂结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石和尿道结石。  相似文献   

手术治疗犬膀胱结石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尿石症是常见的一种泌尿系统疾病,是由尿液中无机盐或有机盐类形成的结晶物体,尿结石刺激尿路黏膜引起尿血、发炎,尿结石阻塞尿路而致尿淋漓,甚至尿路阻塞。按结石所在位置有肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石以及尿道结石,临床中以膀胱结石多为常见。笔者将临床中一例犬膀胱结石的诊断与治疗作一总结。  相似文献   

犬尿石症的诊断与治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬尿石症又称尿路结石,是肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石和尿道结石的统称,临床上以排尿不畅、排尿困难、尿闭、血尿为特征。其发病率占临床病例的0.5%-1%,近年发病率远远高于此数目。尿石症不是一种单一的疾病,而是一种或多种潜在疾病的后遗症。结石形成涉及多种相关、复杂的生理和病理因素,结石的形状多样性,有的呈球形、椭圆形或多边形、细沙状,其核心物质是由尿中各种矿物质盐类和保护性胶体物质聚集而成的。  相似文献   

犬尿石症是一种十分常见的宠物营养代谢类疾病。文章通过收集北京农学院动物医院犬尿石症临床病例4例,跟进诊断与治疗过程,探讨最佳临床处理方法,旨在为临床医生和宠主提供明确的诊疗方向。通过查阅资料,进一步讨论分析了尿石症诊疗过程中的注意事项和预防措施。4例病例中1例手术治疗,3例保守治疗,目前均恢复良好。  相似文献   

尿结石又称尿石症,是指尿路中形成的盐类结晶凝集物,刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的一种泌尿器官疾病。临床上根据阻塞部位分为肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石和尿道结石。且临床上以排尿困难和血尿、尿频、急剧腹痛问或呕吐,肾区及腹部触诊结石部位敏感等症状为特征,为犬猫常见的尿路疾病。本文以一例患膀胱尿道结石的公犬为例,阐述犬尿石症的基本治疗方法及体会。  相似文献   

犬尿石症及X线在诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬泌尿系统疾病中,尿石症是常见的疾病之一,利用X线技术可以提高其疾病诊断率。本院接诊尿石症的大多在2~10岁之间,无性别差异,尿道结石全部为雄性大。  相似文献   

犬尿石症的病因与预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
犬尿石症是犬的尿路中的无机盐或有机盐类结晶的凝结物,即结石、积石或多量结晶刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的一种泌尿器官疾病[1]。正常尿液中黏多糖、黏蛋白等非晶体有机基质和相关盐类保持相对平衡,当这种平衡遭到破坏时常形成结石[2]。该病多见于老年犬、小型犬,膀胱和尿道结石最常见。犬尿石症结石类型可分为磷酸盐结石、草酸盐结石、尿酸盐结石、胱氨酸结石等[3]。即在日常饲养管理、气候或疾病等各种外界因素影响下机体内环境发生相对变化,导致正常尿液中的盐类晶体、胶体物质的相对平衡被破坏,盐类晶体的析出使形成结石的核…  相似文献   

尿石症是泌尿系统各部位结石的总称,按其结石所在部位分为上尿路结石(肾结石和输尿管结石)和下尿路结石(膀胱结石和尿道结石)。对于犬的膀胱结石,临床上常采取外科手术的方法。现将中西医结合治疗犬膀胱结石报告如下:  相似文献   

尿石症是尿路中盐类结晶的凝结物刺激尿路黏膜而引起出血、炎症和阻塞的一种泌尿器官疾病,是肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石和尿道结石的总称,也可称为泌尿系统结石、尿石病和尿路结石.它是人和动物常见的一种泌尿系统疾病,古医书称之为"砂石淋",中医称之为"石淋"、"砂淋"等.按结石化学成分,尿结石可分为含钙结石、感染性结石、尿酸结石和胱氨酸结石四类.  相似文献   

犬尿路结石的综合治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尿路结石又称尿石病,是指在肾脏、输尿管、膀胱以及尿道中盐类结晶凝结成大小不一、数量不等的凝结物,刺激尿路黏膜而引起的出血性炎症和尿路阻塞性疾病,以排尿障碍和血尿为特征。尿路结石是犬泌尿系统的一种常发疾病,根据结石部位的不同,分为肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石和尿  相似文献   

Etiopathogenesis of canine struvite urolithiasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urine must be oversaturated with magnesium ammonium phosphate for struvite uroliths to form. Oversaturation of urine with magnesium ammonium phosphate may be associated with several factors, including urinary tract infections with urease-producing microbes, alkaline urine, diet, and genetic predisposition. Of the urease-producing microbes, staphylococci are most struvitogenic in dogs. The precise mechanisms resulting in formation of sterile struvite uroliths in dogs have not been determined.  相似文献   

犬尿结石是临床上经常遇到的一种严重的泌尿系统疾病,根据其分布位置分为肾结石、输尿管结石、膀胱结石、尿道结石,其临床病理因结石的大小、形状以及个体和品种差异而有所不同。诸多学者对该病进行了多方位的研究,保守疗法、手术取石及微创技术用于临床,效果确实。现就该病防治研究的进展报告如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   


With the trend towards heavier stocking of sheep and cattle on New Zealand hill country, considerable stress is being placed on beef calves during the winter months following weaning.  相似文献   

通过南京地区多家大型宠物医院146例犬尿石症流行病学调查,采用化学方法对尿石主要成分进行分析,了解南京地区犬尿石症流行病学特点。结果表明,146例尿石标本中,鸟粪石(磷酸铵镁)成分占52.55%(76/146),尿酸及尿酸盐占17.81%(26/146),磷酸钙占2.74%(4/146),草酸钙占23.29%(34/146),复合型结石占4.11%(6/146)。患尿石症犬的性别倾向、发病部位、平均年龄和饮食习惯对结石的成分及发生部位都有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Silica uroliths were first recognized in dogs in the mid 1970s. Currently available data suggest that dietary factors may play a role in their pathogenesis. Diagnosis is facilitated by their typical jackstone appearance but must be verified by quantitative analysis. Surgery is the only feasible method of treatment.  相似文献   

56例犬尿结石的检验及成因分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对中国农业大学动物医院收治的 56例犬尿结石进行有关方面的研究 ,分析了犬尿道结石的成分及影响其形成的因素 ,并对化验结果及影响因素等进行统计 ,从而对尿结石发生机理提出几点看法  相似文献   

Calcium oxalate uroliths are commonly called metabolic uroliths because they are sequelae of a variety of metabolic abnormalities that alter the composition of body fluids and urine. Factors incriminated in the etiopathogenesis of calcium oxalate urolithiasis include hypercalciuria, hyperoxaluria, and hyperuricosuria. The predominant type of calcium oxalate urolith encountered in dogs is the monohydrate form; however, the dihydrate form may also occur. Male dogs have been more frequently affected than female dogs. Medical therapy should be formulated with the goal of reducing urine concentration of calculogenic substances.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of canine urolithiasis in the Czech Republic from 1997 to 2002   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: To compare data on the epidemiology of canine urolithiasis in the Czech Republic with that from other countries. METHODS: The records from the Centre for Mineralogical Analysis from 1997 to 2002 were reviewed. The data were obtained from mineralogical analysis of 1366 canine uroliths obtained from patients in the Czech Republic. These included 396 females and 629 males. RESULTS: Sixty-eight breeds plus crossbreeds were identified. Eight breeds plus the crossbreeds accounted for 71.3 per cent of all cases. Males were affected more frequently than females (61.4 per cent versus 38.6 per cent). Struvites significantly predominated in females, while in males calcium oxalates, brushites and cystines were the most common stones. Most of the uroliths (48.9 per cent) were 5 mm or less in dimension. By 2001, struvite was the most frequent (38.5 to 44.1 per cent) urolith, followed by calcium oxalate (26.5 to 32.0 per cent). In 2002, calcium oxalate became the most frequent calculus, followed by struvite, mixed calculi and others. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Comparison of these results with studies by other authors showed that for most of the monitored parameters there was agreement with respect to the proportions of different breeds within the populations of dogs in different geographical areas.  相似文献   

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