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An experiment was conducted at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India from June 1984 to April 1988 on a shallow Alfisol to determine whether the productivity of annual crop systems can be improved by adding perennial species such as Leucaena leucocephala managed as hedgerows. Except in the first year, crop yields were suppressed by Leucaena due to competition for moisture. The severity of competition was high in years of low rainfall and on long-duration crops such as castor and pigeonpea. Based on total biomass, sole Leucaena was most productive; even on the basis of land productivity requiring both Leucaena fodder and annual crops, alley cropping had little or no advantage over block planting of both components. Application of hedge prunings as green manure or mulch on top of 60 kg N and 30 kg P 2 O 5ha−1 to annual crops did not show any benefit during the experimental period, characterized by below average rainfall. Indications are that (i) alley cropping was beneficial in terms of soil and water conservation with less runoff and soil loss with 3 m alleys than with 5.4 m alleys, and (ii) root pruning or deep ploughing might be effective in reducing moisture competition.  相似文献   

Maize growing next toErythrina hedgerows had 44% lower biomass (p<0.01) and 35% lower N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. Maize growing next toGliricidia hedgerows had the same biomass but 56% higher N content (p<0.1) than maize growing in the middle of the alleys. However these differences did not develop until 2 months after sowing of the maize.Spatial variability in soil nitrogen mineralization and mulch nitrogen release did not explain any of the differences in growth or N uptake of the maize with respect to distance from the trees. It is hypothesized that the slower growth of the maize next to theErythrina trees after 2 months is due to increasing light and/or nutrient competition from the trees as the trees recover from pollarding. The apparent lack of competition fromGlirigidia may be due to different rates of regrowth or different shoot and root architecture.A theoretical model is described demonstrating that if a crop is to take advantage of the higher nutrient availability under alley cropping it must complete the major part of its growth before the trees recover significantly from pollarding, and start competing strongly with the crop.  相似文献   

Matching tree species to appropriate site conditions and stand management is crucial for sound agroforestry production. In this study, survival, growth and site index for laurel (Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pavón) Oken.) were measured between 1987–1999 in two forestry (line plantings and pure plantations) and four agroforestry systems (taungya and three laurel – cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) systems) in the lowland humid tropics of Costa Rica and Panama. Mortality ranged between 2 and 52% at age nine years. Poor drainage, flooding and high water tables resulted in low laurel survival on some sites. At age 5, laurel site index was 21 m in cacao – plantain (Musa AAB) – laurel associations (CLP), but only 15 m in line plantings. Diameter at breast height at that age was 28.5 cm in CLP and only 15.6 cm in pure plantations. Laurel growth and site index were high when planted in association with intensively managed crops (e.g., cacao, plantain or taungya sequences).  相似文献   

In cultivation, sandalwoods suffer high seedling losses both in the nursery and when transplanted to the field. It was hypothesised that early haustorial connection to an efficient pot host should enhance growth and survival in both nursery and field. Nursery performance of Santalum album was contrasted with a range of species as initial- or nursery-stage hosts for plantation establishment in Timor. With pot-hosts of Desmanthus virgatus, Crotalaria juncea L. or Alternanthera cv., sandalwood grows rapidly to a mean height > 25 cm at < 26 weeks from sowing. These species are superior pot-hosts to the traditional Capsicum frutescens L. Subsequent field performance over 4 years is best with those sandalwoods initially hosted to D. virgatus. This species has the capacity to function as both a pot-host and an intermediate field-host for sandalwood. We conclude that for Timor conditions, sandalwood should be preferentially grown with D. virgatus as the first-stage, or in-pot, host plant species.  相似文献   

Nutrient contribution and maize performance in alley cropping systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dry matter yield and potential contribution of N, P and K of some woody perennials as well as performance of maize were assessed in an alley cropping system at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Dry matter yield was highest forCassia, followed byGliricidia and theFlemingia. Whereas dry matter yields ofCassia varied significantly at the various pruning times, those ofGliricidia andFlemingia were relatively uniform.Gliricidia contributed the highest amount of N from the cutback (first pruning) and three subsequent prunings. Dry wood yield at cutback was 14.5, 6.8 and 29.7 tonnes/ha forGliricidia, Flemingia andCassia respectively. Coppicing rate was faster inGliricidia thanFlemingia andCassia. Maize height, stover and cob weights were reduced though insignificantly, for the maize rows close to the shrub hedgerows compared to those in the middle of the alleys. For the plots without N application and prunings removed, the maize near the hedgerows showed better performance than those in the middle of the alleys. The results indicate that N supplementation is needed in the alley cropping systems to optimize yield. The amount of N required is higher inFlemingia alleys than forGliricidia andCassia. Root growth of maize was found to be restricted in control plots without hedges; uptake of the major nutrients (N, P and K) was also found to be similarly affected in those plots.  相似文献   

The different sectors of the economy, and the forest sector in particular, must create innovations in order to survive and to be competitive. Scientific knowledge should be introduced and institutionalized into the forest processes, but also knowledge derived from other sources such as user producer relationships and others should be incorporated. A new concept is emerging that considers that the economy should learn not only from the new scientific knowledge but also from the rest of the processes. This concept is National Systems of Innovation (created in 1985 in the Scandinavian countries), however, here the concept is broadened of a Sustainable System of Innovation. This approach of sustainable systems of innovation (SSI), considers that the sources for innovation towards development, particularly sustainable development, are formal organisations (universities, research centres, or so), the productive structure (the economy), the institutional set-up (patterns of behaviour), the economy–ecology relationships (potential and limitations of the ecosystem for production) and the policies of the sector. Each one of these factors interact and feed each other. They cannot be seen independently nor static; on the contrary, they are dynamic and evolutionary, without any doubt including the ecosystem. Then, the process of learning from all these sources, which is the base for SSI, may produce ‘greener’ innovations, greener technologies and greener institutions. Innovations related to forest services from Costa Rica will illustrate these ideas.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the animal stocking rate used in commercial Pinus caribaea plantations 2.5–8.5 yr old. Pines were planted at 2.5 × 2.5 m and programmed for clear-cut harvest at 10 yr rotations (pulpwood). Cattle grazing was introduced to reduce weeding costs.Stocking rate in 1983–1985 was 0.67 AU/ha/yr (AU = animal units 350 kg live weight). A quadratic model calculated using 1984 data (S = 0.0108 + 0.385A–0.0418A2) describes the relationship between animal stocking rate (S) and stand age (A 9.5 in yr).The model predicts a maximum of 0.89 AU/ha/yr at plantation age 4.5 yr. Grazing started at plantation ages 2.5 yr; no plantations older than 9.5 yr are grazed.  相似文献   

赵琼  曾德慧 《林业研究》2006,17(1):25-30
为评价我国北方大规模人工造林对土壤磷素转化及磷素有效性的影响,对半干旱沙地樟子松人工林和天然植被(疏林草地)不同层次(0~5 cm, 5~20 cm)土壤中不同形态磷组分和磷酸单酯酶活性进行了比较.结果表明:除人工林土壤中活性有机磷不受土壤深度影响外,各样地表层土壤中各种磷素含量和酶活性均显著高于低层土壤,但分层效应在人工林中低于疏林草地;与疏林草地土壤相比,除Al-P外,人工林土壤中各种磷素绝对含量和酶活性均显著降低,总有机磷和Ca-P在全磷中的比例显著下降,而活性磷,Al-P和Fe-P占全磷的比例增加.可见表层土壤是磷素转化最活跃的区域,凋落物分解是土壤磷的主要来源;用樟子松进行人工造林促进了有机磷的矿化和Ca-P的溶解,提高了土壤磷素的有效性,同时导致土壤总磷库逐渐耗竭.要维持该人工防护林功能和稳定性,必须对地被物予以保护,并进行适当施肥.表3参38.  相似文献   

Organic mulch is beneficial to plantain because it maintains soil fertility, prevents erosion and suppresses weeds. Mulch availability is however a major constraint. Mulching in a cut-and-carry system withPennisetum purpureum Schum. (elephant grass) was compared with mulching with the prunings ofAlchornea cordifolia (Schum. & Thonn.),Dactyladenia barteri (Hook. f. ex Oliv.)Engel. (Syn.Acioa barteri),Gmelina arborea (Roxb.) andSenna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & Barneby (Syn.Cassia siamea) in alley cropping systems. Plantain inPennisetum mulch treatment gave the highest bunch yield, but similar net revenues per hectare as theDactyladenia treatment, whileGmelina, Alchornea andSenna treatments produced the lowest incomes. But when the land required to producePennisetum mulch was included in the economic analysis, the net revenue per hectare was negative over three years of cropping. The returns to labour were also much lower for thePennisetum compared to the alley cropping systems. Among the in-situ mulch sources,Gmelina had the highest labour requirement because of the high pruning frequency. In addition, weeding inGmelina, Alchornea andSenna treatments resulted in high labour demand due to the rapid decomposition of the mulch materials leaving the soil bare for weeds to invade.Dactyladenia alley cropping was the most profitable of the five plantain production systems studied.IITA Journal Paper No: 94/004/JA.  相似文献   

Frequent burning and grazing and cultivation of cash crops increasingly threaten forest patches in hilly grassland in Northeast Luzon, yet their importance as a resource with multiple environmental functions and forest products persists. The aim of this study is to identify different types of forest patches, and their condition under present land-use intensification, and discuss prospects for their integration into sustainable local farming systems. Five types of forest patches are distinguished, both natural and planted ones, including rows of trees, woody patches, gallery forests, hill-slope forests and homegarden conglomerations. Natural woody patches and gallery forests in Imperata grassland are subject to degradation and land-use conversion under conditions of agricultural intensification. Woody patches in grassland affected by frequent burning and grazing cover small areas (66% below 50 m2 as opposed to 28% in protected grassland) and contain relatively few woody plant species (25 woody species in total as opposed to 82 where protected). Yet where well managed, they may provide a variety of products for sale and subsistence, covering emergency needs and giving off-season cash income to rural communities. Moreover they serve like the gallery forest various ecological functions, carrying valuable indigenous tree species, retaining soil base nutrients, providing a continuous supply of organic matter and intercepting fine earth soil particles removed from bare surfaces. It is suggested that forest-patch management systems may be developed, taking into account both patch diversity and the diverse needs of rural communities, and to strengthen existing and undervalued functions of forest patches as permanent elements in an agricultural landscape.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

On highly-weathered Ultisols of the Georgia (USA) Piedmont, a combination of no-till agriculture and alley cropping presents an option for rapidly increasing soil nitrogen availability while restoring long-term soil fertility. Three years after the establishment of Albizia julibrissin hedgerows and no-till agriculture trials, we measured inorganic soil nitrogen (NO3 -–N and NH4 -–N) and net nitrogen mineralization during a 4-month field study and a 14-day laboratory study . We also measured the influence of tree leaf amendments on grain sorghum production and N uptake. Soil nitrate increased four-fold within two weeks of adding Albizia leaf mulch. Soil ammonium did not increase as rapidly nor to the same extent after tree mulch addition. Averaged over the 4-month study, soil nitrate and ammonium were 2.8 and 1.4 times higher in the alley-cropped than in the treeless no-till plots. Net nitrification and mineralization were no higher in the alley cropping plots, during either field or laboratory incubations. Tree mulch additions enhanced crop biomass production and N uptake 2 to 3.5 times under both high and low soil moisture conditions. Our study demonstrates the dramatic short-term impacts of Albizia mulch addition on plant available nitrogen. Combined with no-till practices, alley cropping with Albizia hedges offers Piedmont farmers an option for reducing reliance upon chemical N fertilizer while improving soil organic matter levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ambiguity in the potential of soils under Imperata cylindrica grass contributes to the slow pace of grassland development in Northeast Luzon. The aim of this study is to investigate the soil properties of Imperata grassland and the prospects for tree-based farming systems in northeastern Luzon. Soils are developed over Miocene-Pliocene sedimentary rock and Plio-Pleistocene volcanic and fluvial deposits. There is a clear distinction between relatively well-developed fertile soils (Cambisols, Luvisols) along hill slopes, clayey soils in lowlands (Vertisols) and inferior leached soils (Planosols) restricted to palaeo terraces and elevated surfaces. Low soil organic matter content is a regional constraint to grassland development. Other constraints mainly occur on a local level and are associated with soil physical, rather than soil chemical, properties such as low infiltration, surface crusting, gully formation, limited soil depth, and stony surfaces. It is argued that variable soil conditions and topography are inadequately considered in regional attempts to develop and rehabilitate grasslands. Fertile, low-angle foot slopes are most suitable to permanent cultivation with crop rotation and husbandry practices such as mulching of crop residues, efficient use of animal manure and inclusion of nitrogen-fixing plants. Enrichment of natural forest patches is proposed, together with mixed tree plantations on rocky and steep terrain, field boundaries and stream banks in cultivated areas. Less fertile palaeo terraces, watersheds and upper slopes are most suitable to silvipastoral systems.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Multipurpose tree species (MPTs) were studied in an agroforestry arboretum under subtropical humid climate in Northeast India. Out of 12 MPTs planted under agroforestry systems, Acacia auriculiformis in spacing of 2 m × 2 m (2500 stems·hm^-2) could have the potentiality to meet the timber/fuelwood requirement due to its high wood production of 635 m^3·hm^-2 with mean annual increment (MAI) of 2.54×10^-2 m^3.treel.a^-1 in a short rotation period of 10 years. Thus, A. auriculiformis is a short rotation forest tree species suitable to grow in subtropical humid climate. On the other hand, at 16 years of age, Eucalyptus hybrid and Michelia champaca in spacing of 3 m × 3 m (1111 stems.hm^2) produced appreciably high timber volume of 315 m^3.hm^-2 and 165 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.77×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1·a^-1 and 0.92×10.2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1, respectively. At 16 years of age, Gmelina arborea produced a timber volume of 147 m^3.hm^-2 with MAI of 1.47×10^-2 m^3.tree^-1.a^-1 followed by Samania saman (140 m^3.hm^-2), Albizziaprocera (113 m^3·hm^-2) and Tectona grandis (79 m3.hm^-2) with MAI of 1.40, 1.13 and 0.78 × 10^-2 m^3 .tree^-1a^-1, respectively in 4 m × 4 m spacing (625 stems.hm^-2). Gliricidia maculata and Leucaena leucocephala could be used as live fences around the farm boundary to supply their N-rich leaves for mulch as well as manure to crops. In agroforestry arboretum, direct seeded upland rice (Oryza sativa - variety, AR-11), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea - variety, JL-24) and sesamum (Sesamum indicum - variety, B-67) were grown during the initial period upto 8 years of tree establishment. Under other MPTs, there was a reduction in crop productivity as compared to open space. After 8 years of tree establishment, horti-silvi and silvi-pastoral systems were developed and pineapple (Ananas comosus - variety Queen), turmeric (Curcuma longa -variety RCT -1) and cowpea (Vigna sinensis - variety Pusa Barsati) as forage crop were raised. The productivity of p  相似文献   

在印地安具有亚热带潮湿气候特点的东北地区,本文对几种多种用途的树种进行研究。选择12种多用途树种种植在农林系统中,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis),种植间距为2m×2m(2500 个·hm-2),有很大的生长潜力。在 10 年期的短期轮伐中,每年有很高的产量(635 m3·hm-2),平均每年增涨量为 2.54×102 m3·tree-1·a-1,可以满足薪碳材的需要。所以,耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)是一种短期轮伐树种,适合种植在潮湿亚热带气候地区。另一方面,16年树龄的桉树(Eucalyptus hybrid)和黄兰(Michelia champaca) 种植间距为3m×3m (1111个·hm-2),分别有较高的生长量(315 m3·hm-2和165 m3·hm-2),平均每年每棵树增长量分别为1.77×10-2 m3和0.92 × 10-2 m3。16年树龄的印度石梓(Gmelina arborea) 木材产量为147 m3·hm-2,每年每树的增长量是 1.47×10-2 m3。其次为 Samania saman(140 m3·hm-2)和柚木(Tectona grandis (79 m3·hm-2)),平均每年每树的增长量分别是 1.40,1.13和0.78×10-2 m3。毒鼠豆属植物(Gliricidia maculate) 和银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala) 可以用作农厂的围栏并提供农作物的肥料。在植物园,种植树木的最初 8 年间,可以种植高地水稻(Oryza sativa–variety, AR-11), 落地花生(Arachis hypogaea–variety, JL-24)和胡麻(Sesamum indicum–variety,B-67)。由于林下郁闭度太大,在耳果相思(Acacia auriculiformis)林下的农作物产量不高,与空旷地的农作物比较产量有所降低。树木种植 8 年后,种植草料作物如,凤梨、姜黄、豇豆,它们的产量在印楝(Azadirachta indica)林下很高。高产量的农作物和园艺植物与具有高产量多种用途树种一起种植构成了有发展前景的农林系统,并改变土壤特性,改善土壤酸度,提高土壤有机质,降低土壤腐蚀度,提高土壤含水量。  相似文献   

The interactions between component species in three-tier agroforestry systems were studied on sloping laterite soils of South India for three years. The wood yield of Eucalyptus was found to increase in association with the intercrops, with cassava + groundnut resulting in the best growth of Eucalyptus. Green forage yield of Leucaena was adversely affected by cassava but was improved by inclusion of a short duration seasonal crop. Both spread and mean length of lateral roots of Eucalyptus and Leucaena were restricted by cassava intercropping. Both the tree species were found to reduce the tuber yield of cassava and also the pod yield of both the seasonal crops when grown in association. Monocropping with cassava was found to improve the fertility and an increase in phosphorus and potassium contents of the soil was observed when grown in association with Eucalyptus and Leucaena. Soil fertility fell considerably after three years of cultivation of the tree species. The nutrient uptake by cassava was low when grown in association with perennial species. Both run off and soil loss were effectively reduced when cassava was grown in staggered mounds under Eucalyptus and Leucaena.  相似文献   

银杏复合经营对土壤碳、氮、磷和有机质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏东台林场银杏+小麦(G+W)、纯银杏(G)和纯小麦(W)经营模式为研究对象,对不同土层(0~5,≥5~15,≥15~30和≥30~50mm)的p H、微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮和铵态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质进行了系统的测定。结果表明:不同经营模式对土壤p H没有显著的影响,但对土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质等影响显著。G+W经营模式有较高的土壤微生物量碳、微生物量氮、硝态氮、全氮、速效磷、全磷和有机质。因此,银杏复合经营系统能够更好地维持土壤肥力,利于土地可持续经营。  相似文献   

Many environmental benefits have been attributed to agroforestry systems in various ecosystems around the world. However, there is a limited amount of information to evaluate this agricultural system in the semi-arid region, specifically in the region of Ceará, Brazil. The objective of this work was to evaluate five agricultural (four agroforestry and one conventional) systems in order to test the hypothesis that the agroforestry systems promote an increase in the soil organic carbon stocks and organic carbon pools, thus improving soil quality. The following treatments were tested: agrosilvopasture (AGP), silvopasture (SILV), traditional agroforestry (TRAG), intensive cropping (IC), and native forest (NF). The soil samples were collected at four depths: 0–6, 6–12, 12–20 and 20–40 cm. Total soil organic carbon stocks and the organic carbon pools (microbial biomass-C, mineralizable-C, oxidizable-C, free, occluded light fraction organic matter, and C in the humic substances) were analyzed. After 5 years of experimental cultivation, the soil under the SILV system presented the best results for the attributes studied, preserving, and in some cases, improving these attributes, when compared to the other conditions. The traditional agroforestry system (TRAG) reduced total organic carbon stocks and, consequently, C in some organic matter compartments, indicating that the fallow period was not sufficient to maintain soil quality. The AGP and IC systems presented significant losses in some of the soil organic matter (SOM) pools, suggesting that the soil environment had been degraded. The most labile SOM components were considered sensitive indicators of change in the soil quality. The silvopasture system can, therefore, be recommended as an alternative soil management strategy for food production and for the maintenance of soil quality and agricultural sustainability in the semiarid region of Ceará state.  相似文献   

Land management practices that simultaneously improve soil properties are crucial to high crop production and minimize detrimental impact on the environment. We examined the effects of crop residues on crop performance, the fluxes of soil N2O and CO2 under wheat-maize (WM) and/or faba bean-maize (FM) rotations in Amorpha fruticosa (A) and Vetiveria zizanioides (V) intercropping systems on a loamy clay soil, in subtropical China. Crop performance, soil N2O and CO2 as well as some potential factors such as soil water content, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, microbial biomass and N mineralization were recorded during 2006 maize crop cultivation. Soil N2O and CO2 fluxes are determined using a closed-based chamber. Maize yield was greater after faba bean than after wheat may be due to differences in supply of N from residues. The presence of hedgerow significantly improved maize grain yields. N2O emissions from soils with maize were considerably greater after faba bean (345 g N2O–N ha−1) than after wheat (289 g N2O–N ha−1). However, the cumulated N2O emissions did not differ significantly between WM and FM. The difference in N2O emissions between WM and FM was mostly due to the amounts of crop residues. Hedgerow alley cropping tended to emit more N2O than WM and FM, in particular A. fruticosa intercropping systems. Over the entire 118 days of measurement, the N2O fluxes represented 534 g N2O–N ha−1 (AWM) and 512 g N2O–N ha−1 (AFM) under A. fruticosa species, 403 g N2O–N ha−1 (VWM) and 423 g N2O–N ha−1 (VFM) under Vetiver grass. We observed significantly higher CO2 emission in AFM (5,335 kg CO2–C ha−1) from June to October, whereas no significant difference was observed among WM (3,480 kg CO2–C ha−1), FM (3,302 kg CO2–C ha−1), AWM (3,877 kg CO2–C ha−1), VWM (3,124 kg CO2–C ha−1) and VFM (3,309 kg CO2–C ha−1), indicating the importance of A. fruticosa along with faba bean residue on CO2 fluxes. As a result, crop residues and land conversion from agricultural to agroforestry can, in turn, influence microbial biomass, N mineralization, soil C and N content, which can further alter the magnitude of crop growth, soil N2O and CO2 emissions in the present environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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