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为选择高光效的优质樱桃品种,选取‘美早’、‘先锋’、‘友谊’、‘早大果’4个樱桃品种,测定其叶绿素含量、荧光参数及光响应曲线,并对它们进行比较分析,计算其有效光化学效率和实际光化学效率。结果表明:4个品种樱桃中‘美早’的Fo(初始荧光)、Fm(最大荧光)、Fw(可变荧光)均达到显著水平,具有较好的光合生理功能;‘美早’的叶绿素含量显著高于‘友谊’和‘早大果’,但与‘先锋’差异不显著;快速光响应曲线测试结果显示4个品种的电子传递速率(rETR)均随PAR增加而迅速升高,最大电子传输效率(rETRmax)、半饱和光强(Ik)和初始斜率(α)均表现出‘美早’‘先锋’‘友谊’‘早大果’的趋势,说明‘美早’光化学效率较强;4个品种的有效光化学效率和实际光化学效率也以‘美早’表现最优。综合比较,在选育优良品种时,‘美早’可作为首选。  相似文献   

杨树品种对杨干象敏感性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内饲养观察和野外调查,了解到不同杨树品种对杨干象敏感性是有差异的。抗性强的品种有小美旱36、小美旱39、小美旱、青杨、北京杨、小黑杨和小叶杨等;中间类型有美小杨、小美杨、美杨、小青杨、晚花杨等;抗性差的品种有北京杨8000、214杨、合作杨、中东杨、斯大林杨和加杨等。  相似文献   

二、杨树新品种自1975、1977年黑龙江省杨树委员会建议推广杨树六个新品种后,牡丹江、合江、松花江等许多地区从省内科研单位、北京、辽宁、吉林、河北等地引进小×黑、小青×黑、北京605、白城2号、俄罗斯杨、美×青、加×香、小青×美黑、马氏×美黑等杨树品种和杂交种进行区域性栽培试验。经7—8年的区域性栽培试验,初步证明其中一些杨树品种适于林区生长。据牡丹江林管局林口林业局科  相似文献   

为了延伸大樱桃的种植范围,通过美早、早大果、俄8号、先锋4个樱桃品种在较温暖地区的浙江省西南高海拔山区试种,对造林当年的成活率和移栽4 a后樱桃树高、根径、冠幅、新梢等指标进行综合评价,结果表明在4个樱桃品种中,美早表现最好,其次是俄8号,根径生长粗壮,冠幅大,生长势较强,先锋和早大果表现一般;4个樱桃品种引种成活率为87%—93%;树高200.70—251.70 cm、根径5.29—6.33 cm、新梢62.00—80.67 cm、冠幅134.70—179.30 cm,而且已开花结果,树体花芽分化也良好,由此可见,在浙江省西南高海拔山区亦可以栽培美早、早大果、俄8号、先锋等大樱桃品种。  相似文献   

<正> 为了探索适应围场县生长的杨树品种,笔者从1965年开始,先后6次共引进了70个品种,通过苗圃和林地6次筛选,按速生标准选出了6组15个可推广的速生或较速生品种。其中,美×黑龙江_(77)和小×中东是适宜小密度、大距离栽植的最佳品种。  相似文献   

连续3a对早美酥梨在河南孟津的植株长势、枝叶花特征、果实经济性状、各品种的物候期、开花结果习性及病虫害等进行了调查,证明早美酥是一个优质、丰产、稳产的早熟梨品种。  相似文献   

大樱桃不同品种具有共性,但是也有品种间的差异性,需要差别管理。笔者于2011年栽植大樱桃13.1hm2,主栽品种为红灯、先锋、美早,占总数量的83%。其他17%为雷尼、拉宾斯、红蜜、砂蜜豆。经过6年栽培实践,对主栽大樱桃品种-红灯、先锋、美早特性进行观察,总结出针对这3个主栽品种特性的管理技术。  相似文献   

张华 《林业与生态》2023,(11):40-41
<正>红铃(山茶科山茶属)授权号∶20210122品种权人∶怀化市林业科学研究所,湖南省植物园培育人∶颜立红、唐娟、蒋利媛、向光锋、田晓明、张凌宏、钟凤娥、王耀辉、李菊美、向奕芳、周芳芝、邱玲品种特征特性:该品种是从大花红山茶(Camellia Magniflora Chang)中选育出来的,其花瓣颜色为紫红色,花瓣形状椭圆形,  相似文献   

从浙江引进南高丛蓝莓6个品种进行引种试验,结果表明:6个南高丛蓝莓品种在赣州均能正常生长,但以维尔康、美蓝、威尔生长更好,3年生的维尔康已开花结果。  相似文献   

根据日光温室栽培的要求和品种选择依据,引进早熟桃树品种,开展设施栽培试验,通过品种适应性观察及品种综合鉴评,初步筛选出:油桃品种的"中农金辉"、"中农金硕"、"中油5号",及普通桃品种"春美"、"春蜜"和"春雪",在兰州市日光温室中表现良好,可以在促早栽培选用。  相似文献   

柏科植物共有22个属,其中10个属拥有彩叶植物44个种、183个变种。在刺柏属、柏木属和扁柏属中的彩叶植物种数较多,而在扁柏属、刺柏属、崖柏属和柏木属中彩叶植物变种数较多。从柏科植物彩叶种或变种叶色来看,呈黄色的种或变种数最多,达100个,蓝色种或变种60个,白色种或变种16个,灰绿色种或变种3个,紫叶种或变种3个,红棕色种或变种1个。文中介绍了柏科彩叶植物种类、叶色特征,提出了我国繁育和推广利用建议。  相似文献   

在大渡河干旱河谷3个典型地区(康定市金汤乡陇须村(KJ)、泸定县杵坭乡联合村(LC))、康定市姑咱镇甘孜州林科所苗圃(KG))开展早实核桃品种8518、9818、云新14号和香玲引种栽培试验,并以本地品种为对照,评价早实核桃品种的成活率、保存率以及地径、株高等生长指标,以筛选出适合大渡河干旱河谷地区引种栽培的优良早实核...  相似文献   

Population densities of wheat ear insects infesting different winter wheat varieties (n = 50) were estimated during 2008 and 2009 seasons near Halle, central Germany. The research was aimed at identifying wheat varieties most resistant to wheat ear insect pests. Two methods were used to evaluate the degree of insect infestations in different wheat ear varieties. Wheat ears were dissected when kernels were in Zadoks stage 73 and examined using a binocular microscope to count the number of spikelets and infested kernels, and to identify the insect pests present. In addition, white water traps were placed on the soil underneath each variety to collect mature larvae of wheat blossom midges (WBMs) as an indicator of potential crop risk for the next year. There were significant differences in the number of thrips and WBM infesting wheat ears among varieties in both years. Thrips numbers were the highest in Akratos, Limes and Ritmo varieties in 2008 and in Michigan Amber, Elegant and Kontrast in 2009. Thrips were the lowest in Thuareg in 2008 and Robigus varieties in 2009. The results showed that the highest WBM infestation level was observed in Michigan Amber in both years. The lowest WBM infestations were found in Türkis, Cubus, Capo, Welford and Robigus in both years. The number of infested kernels was positively correlated with WBM among varieties. In the water traps, the highest numbers of WBM larvae were recorded in Saladin and Bussard in 2008 and Orlando, Julius and Glasgow varieties in 2009. The lowest values were recorded in Victo, Enorm, Robigus and Welford varieties in both years. The results provide a guide for selecting winter wheat varieties with resistance to these wheat ear pests.  相似文献   

对引种的5个杂交榛子品种在甘肃的生长表现情况进行观测,结果表明:杂交榛子85-127的萌芽期、展叶期略早于其他4个品系,雄花序形成期和落叶期和其他4个品系相同;5个杂交榛子品种在引种地天水均能正常越冬。定植1年后5个杂交榛子品种平均株高54.08 cm,最高达68.5 cm;平均地径1.00 cm,最大1.25 cm;萌蘖枝条12条,最多4条;84-524生长量比较大,长势也较好;84-545的生长量相对比较小,萌生枝条也少,长势也比其它品种稍差,但地径较粗;其他3个品种生长量和长势居中。  相似文献   

Acer mono Maxim. is one of the major components of cool temperate forests in Japan. Some of its many varieties are distributed sympatrically. Because of its great variability, the intraspecific taxonomy and nomenclature of the species are controversial. To understand the genetic relationships among these varieties and whether hybridization or introgression occurred among the sympatric varieties, we studied the genetic relationships among sympatric varieties of A. mono in the Chichibu Mountains (A. mono var. ambiguum, A. mono var. connivens, A. mono var. marmoratum) and Central Hokkaido (A. mono var. mayrii and A. mono var. glabrum) in Japan. Our results showed that varieties in Chichibu are genetically close, suggesting that hybridization or introgression might occur between these varieties, which could explain the higher genetic diversity of varieties in Chichibu than in Hokkaido. In contrast to the close relationships between the varieties in Chichibu, varieties in Hokkaido seemed relatively separated from each other; indeed, there may be reproductive isolation between the two varieties. The results provide new insight for the taxonomy of the varieties of A. mono, especially the sympatric varieties, in Japan.  相似文献   

Acer mono Maxim. is one of the major components of cool temperate forests in Japan. Some of its many varieties are distributed sympatrically. Because of its great variability, the intraspecific taxonomy and nomenclature of the species are controversial. To understand the genetic relationships among these varieties and whether hybridization or introgression occurred among the sympatric varieties, we studied the genetic relationships among sympatric varieties of A. mono in the Chichibu Mountains(A. mono var. ambiguum, A. mono var. connivens, A. mono var. marmoratum) and Central Hokkaido(A. mono var.mayrii and A. mono var. glabrum) in Japan. Our results showed that varieties in Chichibu are genetically close,suggesting that hybridization or introgression might occur between these varieties, which could explain the higher genetic diversity of varieties in Chichibu than in Hokkaido.In contrast to the close relationships between the varieties in Chichibu, varieties in Hokkaido seemed relatively separated from each other; indeed, there may be reproductive isolation between the two varieties. The results provide new insight for the taxonomy of the varieties of A. mono,especially the sympatric varieties, in Japan.  相似文献   

云南小粒咖啡优良品种比较试验及丰产栽培示范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以德宏热带农业科学研究所咖啡种质库选出的13个小粒咖啡品种为材料,在云南省4个不同的生态类型区建立咖啡优良品种比较试验区和丰产栽培试验区,以验证各品种的生长、产量和品质等优良特性,和在不同生态类型区的稳定性,试验结果筛选出CIFC7963、28号可在云南适宜植区大规模种植;T8667、T5175、CatimorP88、CatimorP128等4个品种可以扩大种植。景洪试验点年均气温高(22.4℃),超过小粒种咖啡对最适年均温(19~21℃)的要求,不适宜种植小粒种咖啡。  相似文献   

The average annual rainfall in coastal Kenya is 450–700?mm per annum in most places while the total annual evapotranspiration is 1200–1800?mm. In arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), farmers grow maize varieties for medium to high rainfall zones without considering the need for water harvesting to enhance crop yield. To address the moisture constraint, a study was conducted to evaluate the performance of drought tolerant maize varieties under different water harvesting technologies (Zai pits, tied ridges and conventional). The treatments were laid out in a split - plot design with water harvesting methods as the main plots and maize varieties as the sub-plots. The response of four maize varieties (DK8031, DUMA 43, KDV1 and PH4) to three water harvesting technologies was evaluated. Variety Duma 43 produced the highest grain yield (P < 0.05) compared to the other varieties whereas yields for Zai pits and tied ridges were higher (P < 0.05) than for conventional treatment. Economic analysis revealed a higher gross margin for tied ridges than for Zai pits. Conventional planting showed a negative gross margin under the ASAL conditions. The variety DUMA 43 was selected for yield and cob size components whereas PH4 was selected for grain recovery when pounded and high stover biomass.  相似文献   


Over the past decades, the general trend towards shade reduction and intensification of cacao management has led to biodiversity losses. In the Peruvian Amazon, the regional government is heavily promoting crop conversion to shift from regionally marketed foods towards cacao (Theobroma cacao) and copoazu (Theobroma grandiflorum). While this shift is already visibly impacting the farming landscape and the lives of many smallholder farmers, little is known about the reasons that drive farmers to choose certain types of Theobroma species or cacao varieties over others. In this paper, we addressed how cacao farmers perceive and manage specific and varietal Theobroma diversity. We interviewed cacao farmers (n?=?20) during a seed-exchange fair and adapted a version of the four-square analysis to explore which Theobromas are currently adopted by farmers and why. The native cacao variety (cacao chuncho) was the one cultivated by most farmers, followed by the more industrial clonal varieties. The source of seeds and seedlings for the most cultivated varieties was a mix of donations by public institutions (for clonal varieties) and informal exchange among farmers (mainly for native and criollo varieties, and species i.e. macambo (Theobroma bicolor) and cacauillo (Theobroma speciosum)). The cacao varieties incentivized by public institutions were the least desired for future investment. The motivations for farmers to plant Theobromas was mainly based on the perceived current and potential market, but their desire to invest in a given species or variety was also based on pest resistance, traditional use, farm diversification and taste. Copoazu and CCN cacao varieties are produced by many households in large areas, while macambo, cacauillo and the cacao varieties TSH and porcelana are produced by few households in small areas. Our study suggests that agroforestry systems that include alternative Theobroma species are multi-strata and more diverse than cacao-based systems. It highlights the risks of agrobiodiversity loss associated with the promotion of industrial cacao varieties, and the importance of seed and seedling access for the development of diverse farming systems. We recommend the expansion of local seed-sharing networks and the extension of public cacao-donation campaigns to neglected and underutilized Theobromas with socio-economic and environmental benefits, in order to make the local farming systems more diverse and resilient.


黑龙江省西部地区农防林针叶树新品种的引选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对黑龙江省西部半干旱地区农防林树种较为单一的问题,从20世纪60年代开始按照气候相似论及品种同源性理论先后从国内外引进常绿针叶树品种17个,历经40余a定点试验,从生长发育、抗逆性及适宜性等方面进行了长期观测。结果表明:国外引进的10个品种先后3次在6个地点试验,因不能适应该区严寒、干旱的气候条件而在苗期即被淘汰。国内的7个品种中东宁赤松、长白松、兴凯湖松、红松在该区从播种育苗到试验造林获得成功。从生长特性看,其生长速度为兴凯湖松>樟子松≥红松>长白松>东宁赤松;抗逆性上,东宁赤松最弱,其余3个品种与樟子松稍有差异;从生长特性及树种特性上看,兴凯湖松、长白松较适宜作为农防林树种,红松作为农防林则还需进一步驯化。  相似文献   

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