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行为是动物个体对外界刺激的应答反应,是心理状态或情绪的直接表现。行为有先天性的,也有在成长过程中通过学习形成的。鹅表现出的所有行为中,有些行为是正常行为,有些行为则是异常行为或称有害行为。只有充分了解哪些行为可后天培养及鹅表现出的行为正常与否等等,才能通过观察鹅的行为来判断鹅群情况、确定养鹅环境是否合理等,并采取相应措施,使鹅适应环境,充分发挥其生产潜能,提高生产效益。自2004年以来,笔者进行了白鹅饲养观察与选育试验等研究,以湖北本地鹅为基本素材,同时引进了四川白鹅、五龙鹅(豁鹅)等白羽鹅,进行湖北白鹅选育研究,采用“青料+精料补饲”的模式,圈养,通过对湖北白鹅选育群的观察,发现鹅的行为与鹅生产性能的正常发挥有着紧密的关系,现将多年来积累的经验总结如下,供读者参考。  相似文献   

<正>动物的行为学研究是动物生产管理技术制定的基础和根据,是实现动物性能高效发挥的有效保证。本文对动物的行为进行了概述,阐述了动物行为的定义、特点以及如何服务于畜牧生产。作者以鹅的行为特征为主题,分别论述了鹅的产蛋行为、就巢行为、求偶行为、运动行为和采食行为的特征以及行为表达对生产管理的指导,为企业和养殖户提供了更好的鹅场管理方法和制度,促进了动物福利观念的普及以及养鹅效率和鹅产品品质的提高。我国是世界上鹅品种资源最为丰富的国家,也是鹅产业最大的国家,饲养量占全世界90%以上。  相似文献   

2008年将是全国的养鹅业承前启后、继往开来的年份,较为突出的是全国范围的鹅业专业活动内容丰富,扎实有效。自3月6日“河南省经济战略学会鹅业工程委员会”组织召开的“河南省科学养鹅大会”以来,3月26日~28日由“全国鹅业专家咨询服务团”、“河南省商城武氏贸易公司”、河南省商城县畜牧局主办召开了“2008·河南商城全国鹅业产品展销交易订货会”,来自全国26个省市及台湾、法国的近千名养鹅业界人士参加大会;4月23日由“大西北养鹅基地(陕西·宝鸡)”主办的“2008·陕西·杨凌农民养鹅实用技术讲习班”和由“重庆清水湾良种鹅业有限公司”即将在重庆垫江举办的鹅业会议都对区域性和全国的养鹅业的发展注入了新的活力,  相似文献   

昌图豁鹅属中国白色鹅种的著名小型鹅,具有产蛋多、生长快、肉质好、耐粗饲等特点,其中产蛋量居全世界鹅中之最,有“鹅中来航”之称。1984年在全国鹅种评比会上被誉为“王牌鹅种”和“国宝”;1998年荣获埃及“金字塔”奖牌,在国内外具有较高的知名度和影响力。  相似文献   

鹅疫防治的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于本病常是突然发生,病程短,发病率和死亡率高,称为“鹅疫”;患鹅常呈头颈肿,称之“鹅肿头病”;也因患鹅眼睛严重潮红,电称之“鹅红眼病”;又因患鹅眼睛和鼻腔流血,也称之“鹅出血症”。由于生物学特性的变化,不同类型的毒株并发感染、环境应激以及禽的年龄、性别和种类及品种等许多因素可以影响感染后的后果。在禽类中水禽常被认为是病毒的携带者,不表现其致病性。但一些资料记载表明,有些类型能引起水禽致病,对养鹅业有很大的危害。  相似文献   

对家鹅的行为进行系统观察的报道较少,因此观察鹅的行为,有助于掌握其生物学特性,并为家鹅的饲养和管理提供科学依据。中国鹅的远祖是鸿雁(Anser cygn-oides),常栖息于河川、湖泊、旷野、沼泽的水边,有时也活动在山区、平原、海湾等地。性爱群聚,结群觅食,主食植物,亦食些软体动物。迁徒时,常聚成大群。飞翔时,在高空中一会儿排“人”字,一会儿排“一”字,徐徐向前飞行。  相似文献   

鹅啄食癖也称“异食癖”或“异嗜癖”,啄癖多见于鸡,但随着集约化养鹅的出现,饲养方式的改变,鹅啄癖的发生越来越多,给养鹅业带来一定经济损失。正确分析鹅啄癖发生的原因,采取相应有效措施,可使经济损失降到最低程度。  相似文献   

由于我国鹅业发展迅速,如何充分利用鹅产品、发展新疆鹅业并提高其产业化成为畜牧工作者探讨的关键。本文通过分析我区鹅业养殖及加工现状,针对“政府扶持力度不够、科技投入不足”,“深加工欠缺、附加值低”以及“商品化、规模化和产业化程度较低”等主要问题提出了相关对策,为发展我国特色养鹅业生产体系提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

开江白鹅是地方良种鹅。近几年,开江县大搞以鹅为首的“白色革命”,全县养鹅达150万只,开江白鹅远销四川省内外20多个县。笔者曾在开江县工作,对开江白鹅的行为进行了观察。通过对其行为的观察和研究,能利用其行为规律提高生产性能,达到提高经济效益的目的。行为学是生物科学领域中最新兴起的学科,是研究动物对生态环境适应的科学。  相似文献   

鹅新城疫的病原体一鹅新城疫病毒属于副粘病毒科副粘病毒属,它包括9个血清型,其中Ⅰ型禽副粘病毒是禽类最重要的病原体之一,由其原型病毒-新城疫病莓(NDV)所引起的鸡新城疫几乎在世界上所有养禽国家都有发生。近几年来,由NDV引起的鹅的临床感染在我国华南和华东地区有逐渐形成流行的趋势,已造成严重的经济损失。自辛朝安等1997年首次发表“疑似鹅副粘病毒感染初报”以来,该种感染先后被称为“鹅的禽副粘病毒感染”、“鹅副粘病毒病”及“鹅类新城疫”等。  相似文献   

本研究以籽鹅作为研究对象,探讨籽鹅早期体重体尺变化规律,结果表明:籽鹅3~9周龄体重增加较快,6周龄达到最高,之后缓慢下降;不同周龄体斜长、龙骨长、颈长、髋宽、胸宽和胸深的增长规律与体重相近,但胫长6周龄后增长较慢.各体尺和体重间均呈正相关、其相关性以6周龄时为最强,是生长发育的旺盛期.  相似文献   

鹅绒与鸭绒鉴别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡仲云 《中国家禽》2000,22(6):12-13
现场活拔采集全国鹅鸭生产区14个省28个点的鹅鸭毛绒标本,从显微形态的角度,研究其特征差别。明确了鉴别分析的具体部位,认定其稳定特征在绒丝1/5以远至1/2附近的绒丝枝;建立了分类比较鉴别方法,划分了有鳞绒、无磷绒和有磷变异线三种开矿成熟度类别;量化了鳞节大小与节间距的长度量化关系,提出了简明确切的显微形态特征文字表述。定性鉴别准确率达到96.75%,差异不显著。  相似文献   

鹅副粘病毒NA-1分离株HN蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鹅副粘病毒分离株NA-1经11日龄鸡胚增殖后纯化.提取病毒的基因组RNA,采用RT-PCR扩增出与预期设计的1.7kb大小相符合的特异条带.将扩增产物提纯后克隆入pMD 18-T载体,经纯化、筛选及酶切鉴定后,初步获得了含鹅副粘病毒HN基因的阳性克隆,并对阳性克隆进行测序.测序后拼接得出HN基因的全序列长度为1 740bp,该基因的ORF总长为1 716 bp,编码571个氨基酸.与GenBank下载的15株参考毒株比较HN基因编码区全核苷酸序列,发现所测NA-1毒株与参考毒株YG97核苷酸序列同源性为97.3%,与F48E9同源性为84.5%,与La Sota为82.2%.同源性分析表明NA-1相对于NDV在HN基因上发生了较大的变异.  相似文献   

鹅副粘病毒分离株NA-1株经11日龄鸡胚增殖后纯化。提取病毒的基因组RNA,采用RT-PCR扩增出与预期设计的1.7kb大小相符合的特异条带。将扩增产物提纯后克隆入pMD18-T载体,经纯化、筛选及酶切鉴定后,初步获得了含鹅副粘病毒HN基因的阳性克隆,并对阳性克隆进行了测序。测序后拼接得出HN基因的全序列长度为1740bp,该基因的ORF总长为1716bp,编码571个氨基酸。与GenBank下载的15株参考毒株比较HN基因编码区全核苷酸序列,发现所测NA-1株与国内标准强毒株F48E9核苷酸的同源性为84.5%,氨基酸的同源性为89.5%;与传统的疫苗株La Sota核苷酸的同源性为82.2%,氨基酸的同源性为88.5%;与鹅源禽副粘病毒SF02株核苷酸的同源性为97.1%,氨基酸的同源性为97.4%;与鹅源禽副粘病毒YG97株核苷酸的同源性为97.3%,氨基酸的同源性97.4%。说明NA-1株和SF02株、YG97株亲缘关系较近,它们三者可能有着共同的来源。根据基因树分析,NA-1株应属于基因VII型新城疫病毒。由此更进一步证实新城疫可以感染水禽,且对鹅具有高度的致死性。  相似文献   

For the vast majority of mammalian genes, maternally- and paternally-derived alleles behave identically and are either expressed or repressed, regardless of whether they were inherited from egg or sperm. For imprinted genes, however, this is not the case. The alleles of imprinted genes are epigenetically modified in a parent-of-origin-specific manner and, as a consequence, maternally- and paternally-derived alleles behave differently. Typically one allele is expressed while the other is silent. Although relatively few in number, imprinted genes are the focus of intensive study, as they have important roles in embryonic development. Abnormal expression of imprinted genes results in growth disorders and is implicated in several clinical conditions. Most studies of imprinted genes have been performed in rodents or primates, with limited studies in other mammals such as bovine and opossum. We have recently demonstrated the existence of imprinted genes in the canine, by showing that the canine insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor gene ( IGF2R ) is monoallelically expressed, with predominant expression of the maternally-derived allele and repression of the paternally-inherited allele. Our ultimate goal is to characterize all imprinted genes in the canine, and to understand how they contribute to canine reproduction, development and disease. Such knowledge will be vital for optimizing the success of most reproductive strategies in the canine.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is perhaps the most infectious disease known to human and veterinary medicine. This article is written with the practitioner in mind, concentrating on early recognition, epidemiology, occurrence around the world, and sampling and diagnostic methods. The article stresses that there are numerous FMD viruses, and not all behave in a similar fashion. The practitioner must be acute in his or her herd inspection of animals in which vesicular disease is suspected and knowledgeable as to differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

The two major polypeptides H (Mr 49,000) and L (Mr 33,000) of equine sweat have been purified by gel filtration and characterised by gel electrophoresis and compositional analysis. Both H and L are glycoproteins containing sialic acid, neutral sugars, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine, but the two polypeptides differ considerably in the extent of glycosylation. H and L also differ in amino acid composition, but both contain only low levels of sulphur containing amino acids and histidine. These glycoproteins may behave as surfactants.  相似文献   

Atypical Pasteurella haemolytica type A from poultry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P B Addo  K Mohan 《Avian diseases》1985,29(1):214-217
Atypical strains of Pasteurella haemolytica that failed to ferment maltose were isolated from nodular necrosis in the liver and heart blood of domestic fowl (Gallus domestica). These strains did not typically behave like either of the two well-known biotypes of P. haemolytica. The strains utilized trehalose and produced hydrogen sulfide (H2S), thus behaving like P. haemolytica type T, and produced acid in xylose but not in salicin, thus behaving like P. haemolytica type A. Most of the properties of the strains, however, conformed closely to those of P. haemolytica type A. Detailed characteristics of the isolates are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma spp were isolated in pure culture from bronchoalveolar lavage specimens from three cats with clinical, cytological and radiographic signs of bron-chopneumonia or suppurative bronchitis. Predisposing factors were not identified in the first case, the second cat had oesophageal hypomotility, while the third cat had been exposed to cigarette smoke and had advanced periodontal disease. Respiratory signs resolved promptly and completely in all cases following antimicrobial therapy directed against mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma spp are possible causes of lower respiratory tract disease in cats and this should be considered when selecting empirical therapy for feline airway disease and pneumonia. In some situations mycoplasmas may behave as primary lower respiratory tract pathogens in cats.  相似文献   

There are myriad problems that can arise when training the novice stallion for natural service. Many problems can be avoided by proper early training of the novice stallion. In the final analysis, common sense should prevail. The major ally of common sense is patience. One should keep in mind that the goal is to have a stallion behave in a disciplined manner, allowing for his expression of libido and effective mounting, intromission, and ejaculation. This is accomplished through judicious training and, as with any training process, takes some time and work. Proper training will help circumvent many potential problems and make the ultimate goal of impregnating mares more efficient.  相似文献   

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