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民以食为天,农业是万业之基。中央一号文件连续十年聚集"三农",从中央到地方各级政府均加大了农业扶持力度,力度之大前所未有,对畜牧业更是如此。据统计,重庆市合川区畜牧业近五年来获各级财政资金投入量比前几十年的资金投入总和还要多。这些项目既有普惠政策,又有重点支持,通过连续几年的实施,在促进畜禽产品市场调控、畜禽养殖场标准化建设、畜禽品种改良和技术推广以及畜禽养殖污染治理和循环经济建设等方面发挥 相似文献
1原则符合国家和地区的发展规划要求。绿色畜产品生产是利国、利民、利己的畜牧项目,是利在当代、功在千秋的全民工程,所以各级政府正大力支持绿色项目的发展,而且政府对畜禽绿色饲养项目的前景比企业看得更深远。我国实施畜禽绿色生产,这在提高我国畜产品质量的同时,也提高我国畜牧业在国际畜牧业中的地位和比较效益。同时,对于改善人们 相似文献
农村畜牧实用人才是指具有一定知识和技能,为畜牧业经济发展提供服务,做出贡献,起到示范和带动作用的农村劳动者,以及在畜禽养殖、畜产品加工、流通、企业经营管理等领域掌握实用技术的人员和有市场开拓能力的经纪人、牧业合作组织负责人和龙头企业经营人才,是活跃在畜牧业生产一线的 相似文献
近年,我国畜牧业取得了较快发展,在促进农村经济发展、促进农民增收等方面发挥着巨大作用。畜禽养殖小区作为一种新型的畜牧业生产组织形式,在各级政府的重视和支持下,日益发展壮大,已成为畜牧业发展新的经济增长点。但随着畜牧养殖小区的增加它存在的一些问题和不足逐渐显露出来。 相似文献
进入新世纪以后,畜牧经济发展面临加入世贸组织、计划经济向市场经济体制转轨、畜产品消费结构变化、现代畜牧业发展中规模养殖与环境保护矛盾等诸多新情况、新问题.我们必须树立以下十大基本理念,才能确保畜牧经济又好又快发展. 相似文献
霉菌毒素对养殖业的危害及解决方案 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
每年全国范围内由于气候的因素,使得谷物在生产及加工存储中出现了大量的霉变现象,给养殖业带来了相当严重的损失。而由于国内对霉菌及霉菌毒素引起的疾病研究较少,经常将霉菌毒素引起的疾病误断为传染病,诊断失误造成药物无效或低效,延误疾病控制时机,从而给真正的传染 相似文献
Photosensitization problems in livestock 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
L D Rowe 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice》1989,5(2):301-323
Photosensitization is a sunburn-like condition caused by the presence of certain photoactive compounds in the skin when it is exposed to the appropriate wavelength of light. Most photoactive compounds (phototoxic agents) that cause PS in livestock are of plant origin, others are drugs, chemicals, or endogenous porphyrins. Photosensitization is a disease caused by phototoxic xenobiotics, or by acquired or hereditary dysfunction of (1) heme synthesis or (2) PE excretion by the liver. Hepatotoxins, especially those of plant origin, most frequently are the cause of the condition. Photosensitization primarily is a disorder of sheep and cattle, but all classes of livestock are susceptible. Clinical recognition of the syndrome usually presents no difficulty because of the restriction of lesions to areas of skin unprotected from sunlight. Prognosis generally depends on the extent of hepatic injury. The most important elements of treatment are termination of exposure to the photo- or hepatotoxin, protection from light, treatment and prevention of infection and fly strike, and provision of nutritious feed. 相似文献
Organochlorine insecticide problems in livestock 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M F Raisbeck J D Kendall G E Rottinghaus 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice》1989,5(2):391-410
1. Antidotal therapy for acute OC intoxications is symptomatic and supportive. Use sedatives to control convulsions and AC to adsorb any pesticide remaining in the gut, and wash topical exposures. 2. Published kinetics should be applied to field situations with caution. In general, residues decline relatively quickly immediately following the last exposure; thereafter, the rate slows considerably. The elimination-rate constant and, hence, the half-life of any given OC is dependent on many variables that usually are not known under field conditions. This fact may result in serious errors if literature values are relied on too heavily in predicting the outcome of "natural" contamination. As a rule of thumb, elimination data derived from animals experimentally fed to plateau concentrations may be regarded as fairly conservative for such purposes, if the contaminated animals are maintained in a normal fashion. Probably the least risky method of predicting return to marketability is using frequent samples, taken at regular intervals (for example, 1 to 2 weeks) during the first month after last exposure, to adjust literature values. 3. Residues from larger dosages and shorter exposures tend to be smaller in proportion to dose and are eliminated more quickly than those resulting from longer exposures and smaller doses. 4. Activated charcoal is of universal benefit only if given immediately after exposure. 5. Pharmaceutical modifiers of xenobiotic metabolism such as phenobarbital are of very limited value. The particular type and amount of residual OC and the potential economic benefit of therapy should be considered thoroughly before undertaking such therapy. In most cases, the expense won't be justified. 6. Mineral oil increases the fecal excretion of some OC. Fecal excretion, however, is so small in relation to total body burdens that even a several-fold increase may not be useful economically except when residue concentrations are low to start with. 7. Nutritional strategies have the advantage of being very cheap. Practitioners should remember, however, that tissue concentrations actually may increase as body fat decreases. The costs of maintaining animals for an extra 6 to 10 months should be considered before undertaking such an effort.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
盛夏时节,天气炎热,气候潮湿,管理不好,畜禽极容易中暑或患病死亡。作为养殖户,要针对不同畜禽的生理特点,采取多种措施,防暑降温,预防疾病,做好保健工作,保证正常生长发育,尽量减少损失。 相似文献
崔增田 《河南畜牧兽医(综合版)》2002,23(5):4-5
随着我国国民经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,尤其是对优质营养、卫生安全、方便多样的肉、蛋、奶及其制品的需求逐步加大,畜禽产品的营养质量和卫生安全问题已成为制约畜牧业发展的重要因素,也成为畜禽产品进入国内、外市场的瓶颈。其中突出的问题是畜禽产品中农药、兽药、杀虫剂、添加剂的残留,有毒物质、霉菌、有害微生物超标,放射性元素的污染及畜禽疫病等问题。这些都严重影响我国畜禽产品对外贸易信誉度和对外贸易的畜禽产品价格。绿色畜禽产品以优质营养、卫生安全、无污染、无疫病而日益显示出强大的生命力、竞争力,被誉为“… 相似文献
大豆是世界上最重要的油料和高蛋白作物.而且是养殖业重要的蛋白饲料来源,在国际农产品贸易中占有重要地位。大豆不仅在国内农产品生产和消费系统中扮演着重要角色,而且为国家出口创汇做出了重大贡献,在我国种植业、养殖业中占据重要地位。目前我国大豆产量排名世界第四,大豆加工和消费量居世界第二,是世界上最大的大豆进口国。曾经令国人引以为豪的大豆产业,近十几年却发生了巨大变化,我国从大豆的发源地和出口国摇身一变成了世界上最大的大豆进口国。国内市场对大豆的需求不断增加,而国产大豆又供不应求,必须大量进口才能满足需要。此外,跨国公司对整个大豆产业链进行垄断,大豆产业的变化已经开始影响种植业和养殖业.透过大豆我们看到的是我国未来的粮食安全问题 相似文献
提高畜产品质量安全是一项复杂的系统工程,不仅需要社会有关部门的积极参与和通力合作,还需要技术和管理措施做保障.要谋长远化,着力构建兽医政策法律、兽医丁作、动物疫病防控、动物卫生监督执法、动物疫病防控支撑"五大体系",夯实兽医事业科学发展的基础;创新动物疫病区域化管理、重大动物疫病防控应急管理、动物标识及疫病可追溯管理、兽药监管和残留监控、兽医事务协调交流合作"五大机制",推动兽医事业又好又快发展;加大法律宣传力度,多渠道、全方位进行畜产品质量安全知识的教育、普及. 相似文献