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兽用生物制品是应用普通的或以基因工程、细胞工程、蛋白质工程、发酵工程等生物技术获得的微生物、细胞及各种动物组织和体液等生物材料制备,用于动物疫病预防、治疗和诊断的药品。目前,我国兽用生物制品包括细菌类疫苗(含类毒素)、病毒类疫苗、抗毒素及免疫血清、细胞因子、体  相似文献   

<正>中华人民共和国农业部公告第2573号为加强兽用疫苗生产企业生物安全管理,我部组织制定了《兽用疫苗生产企业生物安全三级防护标准》,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。特此公告。2017年8月31日兽用疫苗生产企业生物安全三级防护标准1适用范围根据农业部规定,兽用疫苗生产检验生物安全防护条件应达到兽用疫苗生产企业生物安全三级防护要求的,其疫苗生产检验过程中涉及活病原微生物操作的生产车间、检验用动物房、质  相似文献   

对1991-2012年在我国获得注册并取得产品批准文号的兽用基因工程疫进行了分类总结,分析了我国兽用基因工程疫苗商品化现状和存在的主要问题,展望了兽用基因工程疫苗的发展前景.  相似文献   

2014年我国兽用疫苗进口量下降价格上升 1 兽用疫苗(海关编码:30023000)进口情况分析 2011-2014 年期间,我国兽用疫苗进口量年增长率在10.34%左右.数据显示,2014 年1-12 月我国进口兽用疫苗共1 409 102 kg,同比下降1.38%,进口金额为217 640 158 美元,同比增长14.26%.  相似文献   

兽用疫苗起到了很好的预防、控制动物传染病的发生与流行,对动物养殖业的健康发展起到至关重要作用,当前我国兽用疫苗的科研和检测技术的不断提升,政府重视和动物饲养业的发展需求,都将推动我国兽用疫苗市场规模的扩大。针对我国兽用疫苗的研究和市场现状,通过分析市场情况,对兽用疫苗的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

正为贯彻2016年4月13日国务院129次常务会议精神,进一步加强我国兽用疫苗生产、流通和使用管理,全面提高兽用疫苗质量保障能力,2016年5月6日农业部召开了全国兽用疫苗监管工作视频会议。会议由农业部兽医局局长冯忠武主持,山东和福建省兽医行政主管部门负责同志分别介绍了兽药监管工作经验和疫苗招标采购和使用监管工作经验。农业部副部长于康震同志就兽用疫苗监管工作作了重要讲话,并对兽用抗生素、兽药二维码等重点工作进行了安排部署。  相似文献   

自从1953年Watson和Crick的DAN双螺旋结构模型的提出以来,分子生物学的发展进入了一个全新的阶段。70年代初美国首先成功地将基因在体外重组并通过转入细菌内,进行无性繁殖,基因工程从此应运而生。随着微生物分子生物学及重组DNA技术研究向产业化发展,基因工程的产品开始成为生物制品及疫苗生产中的一部分。虽然目前在我国兽用疫苗产品中,基因工程疫苗还极为有限熏但可以预计,在不久的将来,不断会有新的基因工程产品出现在我国动物保健品市场上。1禽用基因工程疫苗的特点目前用于防制人和动物传染病的疫苗,无论是灭活苗、弱毒苗,还是亚…  相似文献   

应用风险分析模型对疫苗微生物及环境释放进行安全性研究,明确地描述了鉴定和评估潜在安全风险的方法,提交风险分析报告,以确保新的试验性兽用疫苗的安全性。试验性兽用疫苗的风险评估包括:安全危害的鉴定、释放评估以及对动物、公共卫生或环境的安全风险的鉴定。  相似文献   

动物源细菌耐药性对动物细菌传染性疾病防治的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马苏 《中国兽药杂志》2012,46(2):50-52,56
通过阐述动物源细菌耐药性的产生及演变趋势,分析抗生素在兽医领域中的应用情况,探讨动物细菌传染性疾病的防治策略,旨在了解细菌耐药性对动物细菌传染性疾病治疗的影响,为兽用药品特别是兽用细菌疫苗的发展提供参考,促进动物卫生安全和公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

文章通过从细胞产品、培养基种类以及疫苗生产等方面对国内外疫苗规模化生产技术进行综述,分析了我国兽用疫苗的生产现状,提出我国兽用疫苗的发展方向。  相似文献   

兽药对生态环境影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了兽药对陆生和水生生态环境影响方面的研究进展,探讨了兽药对陆生植物、土壤动物、土壤微生物与原生生物等陆生生态环境的影响及对浮游类生物与微生物、鱼虾与水体甲壳动物等水生生态环境的影响及其生态毒理效应。  相似文献   

为考察兽药中实际存在的微生物对动物健康的影响,对山东省兽药GMP企业生产的粉散剂、颗粒剂产品的微生物污染状况进行抽样调查检测,发现不同的内服给药制剂,其微生物污染水平结果差异显著。在此基础上选择微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂,从中分离细菌、霉菌,拟定不同菌量的污染水平对健康鸡进行饲喂试验。结果表明:试验期间各用菌组试验鸡的精神状况、饮水和采食均未发现异常,试验结束后剖检各用菌液组及空白对照组鸡的心、肝、肾、肠道等,均未发现异常,各组鸡均未出现发病与死亡情况,且各组间增重无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。为进一步考察兽药被微生物污染后对临床疗效的影响,选用微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂鸡康灵微粉,开展对鸡慢性呼吸道病治疗试验,将自然感染鸡随机分为两组,每组1600只,一组鸡服用微生物限度超标的鸡康灵微粉,另一组服用辐射灭菌后的鸡康灵微粉。结果表明:两组治愈率均达90%以上,经x。检验,无显著性差异(P〉0.05),产蛋率均恢复到90%以上。由上述试验可见,兽药不同内服制剂的微生物污染差异显著,且不同的微生物污染水平对动物健康及兽药临床疗效无显著影响,其相关性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

由美国金融危机引发的全球经济危机已经影响到我国的实体经济领域,兽药企业也未能幸免.如何在危机中求生存求发展,成为众多兽药企业急需解决的问题.本文从我国兽药企业的发展现状出发,分析了目前兽药企业发展所存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对策和建议.  相似文献   

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education (COE) has challenged veterinary schools to improve self-assessment of curricular outcomes. One way to assess the quality of education is to gather feedback from alumni. To successfully gather feedback using a questionnaire, questions must be pertinent to veterinary education and include quantifiable responses. Several principles must be applied in questionnaire development to ensure that the questions address the intended issues, that questions are interpreted correctly and consistently, and that responses are quantifiable. The objectives of the questionnaire for alumni of Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine (MSU-CVM) were twofold: (1) to determine whether graduates were comparable to their US peers in terms of work opportunities and salary, and (2) to evaluate how well the CVM curriculum prepared students to begin their veterinary careers. Demographic categories used by the AVMA and published knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aptitudes of veterinary graduates were used in developing the questions. College-specific questions, such as those relating to student activities and impressions of college resources, were also incorporated. Questionnaires were mailed to participants, who could respond via the World Wide Web. Questionnaire results allowed leaders within the college to determine which aspects of alumni's experiences were exceptionally positive, which needed immediate response, and which might require further study. This article describes the application of principles in developing, administering, and analyzing responses to a questionnaire regarding veterinary education.  相似文献   

The attitudes of veterinary faculty toward animal welfare were surveyed in four Australian and three Turkish veterinary schools. The former were considered to be typical of modern Western schools, with a faculty of more than 40% women and a primary focus on companion animals, whereas the latter were considered to represent more traditional veterinary teaching establishments, with a faculty of 88% men and a primary focus on livestock. A total of 116 faculty responded to the survey (42 Australian and 74 Turkish faculty members), for response rates of 30% and 33%, respectively. This survey included demographic questions as well as questions about attitudes toward animal-welfare issues. Women were more concerned than men about animal-welfare issues, especially the use of animals in experiments, zoos, entertainment, and sports and for food and clothing. Total scores demonstrated different concerns among Turkish and Australian faculty. The study demonstrates that the veterinary faculty of these two countries have different concerns for animal welfare, concerns that should be acknowledged in considering the welfare attitudes that students may adopt.  相似文献   

O bjectives : The expectations of small animal pet owners in Great Britain were evaluated on a number of issues regarding aseptic practice and clinical management and compared with final year veterinary students' assessment of actual veterinary practice.
M aterials and M ethods : A survey was completed by 328 small animal pet owners and 56 veterinary practices in Great Britain. Questions from the pet owner survey related to expectations and opinions on a number of surgical issues and questions from the veterinary surgeon survey examined veterinary practice in relation to the same issues. Comparisons were made to determine whether there were any differences between pet owner expectations and veterinary student assessment of actual practice of small animal first opinion clinics.
R esults : In the majority of issues examined there was a significant mismatch between client expectation and provisions made. Of particular importance was the discrepancy regarding the use of surgical gloves and administration of analgesia.
C linical S ignificance : These results suggest that attempts should be made to understand and improve the disparity that exists between small animal pet owners and veterinary surgeons in Great Britain.  相似文献   



To prove the hypothesis that procedural knowledge might be tested using Key Feature (KF) questions in written exams, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation (TiHo) pioneered this format in summative assessment of veterinary medicine students. Exams in veterinary medicine are either tested orally, practically, in written form or digitally in written form. The only question formats which were previously used in the written e-exams were Type A Single-choice Questions, Image Analysis and Short Answer Questions. E-exams are held at the TiHo using the electronic exam system Q [kju:] by CODIPLAN GmbH.


In order to examine less factual knowledge and more procedural knowledge and thus the decision-making skills of the students, a new question format was integrated into the exam regulations by the TiHo and some examiner used this for the first time in the computer based assessment. Following a successful pilot phase in formative e-exams for students, KF questions were also introduced in summative exams. A number of multiple choice questions were replaced by KF questions in four computer based assessment in veterinary medicine. The subjects were internal medicine, surgery, reproductive medicine and dairy science.


The integration and linking of KF questions into the computer based assessment system Q [kju:] went without any complications. The new question format was well received both by the students and the teaching staff who formulated the questions.


The hypothesis could be proven that Key Feature questions represent a practicable addition to the existing e-exam question formats for testing procedural knowledge. The number of KF questions will be therefore further increased in examinations in veterinary medicine at the TiHo.  相似文献   

One large study in medical education has reported that the choice of question format (or question content) could introduce a gender bias, with men outperforming women on questions with a true-false component or that required knowledge of anatomy or physiology. The purpose of our study was to ascertain whether this finding is also true in veterinary medical education. Two veterinary student cohorts were analyzed across four different modules over a three-year period (804 questions in total). The results of the study show that the women's and men's performance did not differ in any of the question types analyzed across any module or year. When students' (both women and men) overall average performance on different question types was compared with their performance on standard multiple-choice questions (MCQs), performance levels increased when students were asked to answer MCQs that contained an image-based prop (IMCQ) such as a photograph, X-ray image, or diagram. In contrast, students' performance was consistently lower when answering assertion-reason questions (ARQs), and this performance could not be explained by the demographic makeup of the two cohorts analyzed. When comparing standard MCQs with MCQs that contained a true-false question stem, no specific trend in the data could be determined. In conclusion, this study suggests that the short-answer question style does not bias against one gender in veterinary medical education, but that overall students do perform differently according to question type and, in particular, less well when ARQs are used in examinations.  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
在通过对上海一发病猪群临床流行病学研究和病理学观察的基础上 ,从发病仔猪肺脏、气管和脾脏检出并分离到 1株革兰氏阴性细小杆菌 ,兼性厌氧。生化试验为 :接触酶阳性 ,氧化酶阴性 ,鸟氨酸脱羧酶、吲哚和脲酶阴性 ;生长需要NAD ,发酵果糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖 ;不分解D 甘露醇、D 山梨醇和海藻糖。用副猪嗜血杆菌的 1 6S小亚单位rRNA和tbpA基因的特异性PCR引物 ,通过PCR技术分别从该分离菌株扩增出 82 2bp及 1 9kb的特异基因片段 ,表明该分离菌株为副猪嗜血杆菌  相似文献   

Social media is an increasingly common form of communication, with Facebook being the preferred social-networking site among post-secondary students. Numerous studies suggest post-secondary students practice high self-disclosure on Facebook. Research evaluating veterinary students' use of social media found a notable proportion of student-posted content deemed inappropriate. Lack of discretion in posting content can have significant repercussions for aspiring veterinary professionals, their college of study, and the veterinary profession they represent. Veterinarians-in-training at three veterinary colleges across Canada were surveyed to explore their use of and attitude toward the social networking site, Facebook. Students were invited to complete an online survey with questions relating to their knowledge of privacy in relation to using Facebook, their views on the acceptability of posting certain types of information, and their level of professional accountability online. Linear regression modeling was used to further examine factors related to veterinary students' disclosure of personal information on Facebook. Need for popularity (p<.01) and awareness of consequences (p<.001) were found to be positively and negatively associated, respectively, with students' personal disclosure of information on Facebook. Understanding veterinary students' use of and attitudes toward social media, such as Facebook, reveals a need, and provides a basis, for developing educational programs to address online professionalism. Educators and administrators at veterinary schools may use this information to assist in developing veterinary curricula that addresses the escalating issue of online professionalism.  相似文献   

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