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1 材料与方法: 实验动物:2月龄的幼犬.试验药品:犬眠宝、苏醒灵、5%碘酊、75%酒精.试验器械及材料:常规手术器械1套及刻度尺、创巾、凡士林油纱布和绷带. 2 受区及供皮区创面的准备 犬眠宝(0.04~0.08 mL/kg体重)对犬进行全身麻醉,待实验犬进入麻醉期后行俯卧保定.受区(右侧臀部)及供皮区(左侧臀部)剃毛,彻底消毒,准备手术.  相似文献   

桔皮提取物抑制霉菌试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
试验选用乙醚,丙酮,乙醇3种溶剂提取桔皮中有效成分,分别制成60%的乳剂,用灭菌蒸馏水稀释成不同浓度梯度,加入培养其中进行抑制霉菌试验。  相似文献   

文中阐述了农业科技论文结论部分的信息内涵,分析了结论部分写作的常见问题,指出撰写农业科技论文的正确表述形式,以突出论文的完整性和科学性。  相似文献   

Krista B.  Halling  DVM  John P.  Graham  MVB  MSc  Susan P.  Newell  DVM  MS  Gary W.  Ellison  DVM  MS  Carol J.  Detrisac  DVM  PhD  Frank G.  Martin  PhD  James M.  Vangilder  BS  Daniel  Grossman  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2003,44(6):707-713
The sonographic features of acute renal allograft rejection in humans and dogs are manifested by increase in renal cross-sectional area and reduction in renal cortical blood flow. These changes have not been investigated in cats. The objectives of this study were to evaluate sonographic and scintigraphic changes during acute renal allograft rejection in cats. Eight SPF, intact, adult, male cats received heterotopic renal allotransplantations. Immunosuppressive doses of cyclosporine and prednisolone were administered for 14 days and then discontinued to allow acute allograft rejection to occur. Serial measurements of renal cross-sectional area, resistive index (RI), echogenicity, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were performed to evaluate changes during acute rejection. Upon sonographic confirmation of absent diastolic blood flow or a 20% increase in cross-sectional area of the allograft, a nephrectomy and histopathologic evaluation were performed. Acute allograft rejection was confirmed histologically in all cats. Significant increases in renal cross-sectional area (P < 0.001) occurred postoperatively and during rejection. There were no significant changes in RI (P = 0.43) at any time. A subjective increase in medullary echogenicity and a decrease in corticomedullary demarcation were observed in the rejection period. While GFR decreased significantly in the immediate postoperative period (P < 0.001), no further change occurred during rejection (P = 0.42). Changes in RI and GFR do not appear to be sensitive indicators of acute renal allograft rejection in cats. Serial measurements of renal cross-sectional area appear to be a sensitive method for the early diagnosis of allograft rejection in feline renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the best method to ultrasonographically monitor renal size changes associated with acute allograft rejection in dogs. Qualitative changes in renal cortical and medullary echogenicity were also evaluated, although this was not a major focus of the study. Four unrelated, mixed-breed dogs underwent bilateral nephrectomies and heterotopic renal allograft transplantation. Ultrasound examinations of transplanted kidneys were initiated at 3 days after surgery and continued at 2–3 day intervals until death (38±2 days). Ultrasound measurements of kidney length, width, height, cross-sectional area, and estimated volume were used to assess relative changes in renal size associated with transplantation and rejection. Transplanted kidneys had a rapid increase in volume and cross-sectional area that averaged 103% and 83% above baseline levels, respectively, by 17 days after transplantation. The increased size was attributed to a combination of hypertrophy and acute rejection, the latter of which was confirmed at postmortem. Kidney volume decreased to approximately 35% above baseline volume by day 34 as rejection became more advanced. Qualitative changes associated with rejection included medullary enlargement with decreased echogenicity early in the study, followed by increased cortical thickness and echogenicity with poor cortical medullary definition in the latter stages of the survival period. It was concluded that relative changes in renal allograft size can be easily monitored with ultrasound. In regard to linear measurements, changes in renal width were more pronounced than changes in height or length with acute rejection. Therefore measurements that incorporate the width, namely volume or cross-sectional area, appear to be the most sensitive for monitoring changes in allograft size. Renal cross-sectional area measurements are preferred because they are simple to perform using the automated calculation capability of most newer ultrasound units.  相似文献   

本文探讨了显微注射不同浓度的DNA以及温度,培养皿,石腊油和观察次数等培养条件对小鼠原核胚体培养发育能力的影响。显微注射1.5ng/μl,15ng/μl和50ng/μl的外源小鼠乳清酸蛋白和人蛋白C的融合基因,使原核胚发育到囊胚的比率依次降低,分别为60%,37%和13%。  相似文献   

测试了沙生冰草(Agropyroncristatum deseotorum)、无芒雀麦(Bfomus ynermis)不同株龄的细胞壁、细胞内容物含量。沙生冰草细胞壁含量(y)与株龄(x)(半月龄,下同)间呈非常显著正相关(r=0.8609 P<0.01),其线性回归方程式为:y=48.45+1.91x(P<0.01 r~2=0.74),其细胞内容物含量(y)与株龄(x)间呈非常显著负相关(r=-0.8586 P<0.01).其线性回归方程式为:y=37.67-1.78x(P<0.01 r~2=0.74)。无芒雀麦细胞壁含量(y)与株龄(x)间呈显著正相关(r=0.6768 P<0.05),其线性回归方程式为:y=53.88+0.83x(P<0.05 r~2=0.46),其细胞内容物含量(y)与株龄(x)问呈非常显著负相关(r=-0.9524 p<0.01),其线性回归方程式为:y=33.80-1.27x(P<0.01 r~2=0.91)。用株龄变量估测了酸性洗涤纤维、纤维素、木质素、粗蛋白、初水分含量的回归方程式。  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old dog weighing 3.4 kg presented with intermittent regurgitation. Esophagography revealed that the thoracic esophagus was compressed dorsally at the region of the fourth intercostal space and segmentally dilated from the second to third intercostal region. Three‐dimensional computed tomographic (CT) angiography confirmed a suspected vascular ring anomaly and also revealed multiple other vascular anomalies. These included aberrant right subclavian artery, absence of bilateral external jugular veins, right‐gastric caval shunt, and a completely duplicated caudal vena cava. Findings supported the use of thoracic CT angiography to rule out additional vascular malformations in dogs with suspected vascular ring anomaly.  相似文献   

低山丘陵地区林草结合立体开发模式调查浅析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
低山丘陵地带在黑龙江省占相当大的比例,其山坡上的天然植物资源早经开发利用,并已趋殆尽。碾子山区自1990年开始,对低山丘陵进行二次深度开发,采取在“山顶人工造林,山腰开辟林间草场,山脚和山川种粮”的多层次立体构造,使高树与矮草紧密结合,山上与山下协调发展,经过3~5年的造林育草,使牧草产量提高5~7倍,近期可获得草牧业收益,远期有林果业收益,不仅发挥出长短期相结合的经济效益,而且还显露出防止水土流  相似文献   

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