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采用环境经济学方法对北京市郊区农田污水灌溉的正负效应价值进行了评估。结果表明:2002年北京市农田污水灌溉的正效应价值约为4.62亿元,占当年农业增加值的9.3%,其中减少污水处理成本和节约清洁水资源的价值所占份额较大,分别为49.7%和27.6%,其次为节约化肥和粮食增产价值,分别为18.1%、3.1%;负效应价值约为1.39亿元,占当年农业增加值的2.8%,其中粮食减产造成的损失占总损失的46.5%,品质下降占2.2%,土壤污染占30.3%,人体健康损失占15.7%,而地下水污染占5.2%。污水灌溉的正负效应价值比为3.3∶1,其中污水灌溉的直接经济价值为负效应价值的1.7倍,说明污水灌溉的经济收益几乎完全是靠牺牲环境所维持的。因此必须高度重视污水灌溉造成的污染损失。 相似文献
我国农田污水灌溉现状、危害及防治对策研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
我国是一个严重缺水的国家,现阶段以至未来一段时期内,被动污水灌溉仍然是我国农业发展中面临的突出问题。本文全面分析了我国农田污水灌溉的现状,在第二次污水灌溉调查的基础上通过文献检索补充信息等方式明确了我国131个典型污灌区的分布情况及总体污灌面积的变化情况,并就污水灌溉对耕地、农产品及人体健康的危害进行了分析。在此基础上... 相似文献
通过对石家庄市污水灌溉区污水,农作物,土壤及地下水的现状调查及评价,研究了污水灌溉对农作物、土壤及地下水的影响。结果表明,石家庄市排放的污水水质为有机污染类型,硫化物污染较重,有机物污染中度、重金属类污染较轻;污水泽排污水渠两侧地下水有影响,影响范围为100 ̄200m;该市已用污水灌溉农田40年,作物(小麦、玉米)籽粒中重金属含量均应低于国家食品重金属限量卫生标准;表层土壤中重金属含量均低于国家土 相似文献
污水灌溉对土壤浸提液元素浓度变化影响的田间试验研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
土壤化学元素的变化趋势关系到污水灌溉农业的可持续性。该文通过田间试验,研究了冬小麦和夏玉米轮作条件下2种灌溉水质和3种灌水量对土壤浸提液元素浓度变化的影响。试验结果表明:在自然降雨条件下,大水量污灌增加土壤盐分而中、小水量污灌则降低土壤盐分。试验用污水不会导致土壤的次生碱化。土壤中的Ca、Mg、Fe和Zn含量在试验期间增加而P、Mn、Cu、Cd和Ni减小。大水量污灌增加土壤中的Na和B含量而小水量污灌则降低其含量;K的变化趋势与其相反。污灌可补充土壤中的作物营养元素K和P,但降低污水灌水定额可有效抑制盐分、B和Zn在土壤以及重金属元素在作物中的累积。 相似文献
污水灌溉作物受害事故分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文调查了发生在山西省原平县的一起污染事故,对作物伤害症状,相关污染源水质,受害区土壤及地下水多种污染物进行了全面监测,通过对结果的综合分析表明,污灌水中铵态氮严重超标是造成小麦死苗,玉米缺苗的主要原因,为事故的妥善处理提供了科学依据。 相似文献
污水灌溉对稻田土壤氮磷淋失动态变化的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过模拟稻田灌溉大型淋洗柱试验,在污染河水灌溉条件下对太湖地区水稻生长季两种主要类型的稻田土壤--黄泥土和乌珊土的氮磷淋洗特征进行了研究.结果表明,在灌溉淹水初期,不同形态氮素的淋失量均比较高,并达到峰值,以后淋失量逐渐降低,说明淹水初期淋失的氮素不是来源于灌溉河水,而是主要来自土壤氮.到淹水后期,NO3--N和NH4 -N淋失量接近零值,但仍能观测到可溶性有机氮淋失现象,这表明可溶性有机氮是污水灌溉稻田土壤主要的氮素淋失形态.而磷素的淋失动态与氮素的淋失动态截然相反,在灌溉淹水后很长一段时间内均观测不到土壤磷素淋失,但在淹水灌溉的淹水后期,发现土壤磷素有淋溶损失现象,这可能是利用富营养化的河水长期淹水后,土壤对磷的吸持已达到饱和状态,土壤不能继续固持多余的磷素所致. 相似文献
采用城市二级污水对万寿菊(Tgetes erecta L.)、五彩石竹(Dinathus L.)、鸡冠花(Celosia argentea var.cristata)、高羊茅(Testucaarundinacea L.)、百日草(Zinnia elegans jacq)5种园林植物进行室内盆栽灌溉,以自来水灌溉为对照,研究城市二级污水灌溉园林植物对土壤化学性状的影响。研究表明:5种植物污灌处理和对照处理的土壤全氮、速效磷、速效钾含量差异均未达显著水平,但速效钾含量呈增加趋势。二级污水灌溉对土壤全盐量的影响总体呈增加的趋势,但目前土壤全盐量的绝对值尚未达到轻度盐渍化(0.1%)的危害水平,最高值为0.075%(高羊茅),说明短期灌溉不会引起土壤盐渍化,给园林植物带来养分胁迫。土壤pH值测定结果表明,污水灌溉土壤pH值呈增加趋势,但与对照差异不显著,长期灌溉pH是否还会增加,对园林植物的生长是否会产生不良的影响,还需要进一步的试验来验证。 相似文献
Vegetables are vital to the human diet, and in particular provide the well-known nutrients to maintain normal physiological functions. The prolonged application of large amount of fertilizers and pesticides has resulted in heavy metal accumulation in vegetable gardens. Exposure to heavy metals by the consumption of contaminated vegetables and its toxicity is a serious concern. This article reviews the presence of heavy metals in different vegetables, their mechanism of absorption, impact of heavy metals on physiology, and nutrient reduction and associated impact on humans with emphasis on pregnant women based on the existing scientific literature. However, a limited number of studies was found in the data base that examined the reduction of nutrients in the vegetables due to heavy metal contamination. The heavy metals were found in 36 vegetables in 61 regions of the world and were above permissible limits in most of the vegetables. Specific study to human toxicity due to the contamination of heavy metals may be conducted with emphasis on pregnant women, children, and elderly people. Furthermore, strategy and policy should be devised to control the heavy metals in vegetables and those vegetables that are hyper-accumulators of heavy metals should be identified for awareness purposes. 相似文献
C. Lin X. Tong W. Lu L. Yan Y. Wu C. Nie C. Chu J. Long 《Land Degradation \u0026amp; Development》2005,16(5):463-474
Impacts of surface mining on ecosystems were investigated in the Guangdong Dabaoshan Mine region, southern China. Significant soil acidification has been induced by mining activities which cause oxidation of metal sulfides contained in the mine spoils. Natural colonization of vegetation in the mine site has been impeded and this has resulted in severe soil erosion. Acid mine drainage from this mine site has caused the degradation of the downstream aquatic ecosystems. Mine water with pH< 3·5 has been continuously flowing into a first‐order tributary of the Beijiang River and has destroyed all the aquatic life to a distance of at least 25 km downstream of the discharge point, even when the pH rose to above 6 in the Hengshishui River (a third‐order tributary of the Beijiang River). Further downstream, macroinvertebrates first occurred at about 30 km from the discharge point, and only one species was found. This is in contrast to a reference site that was not affected by acid mine drainage, where 36 macroinvertebrate taxa were found. Acidic mine water also had marked impacts on the agricultural lands irrigated with it. Severe contamination of the soils by mine drainage is responsible for the extremely high concentrations of some heavy metals in the edible portions of a variety of food crops grown on the agricultural lands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
重庆市城市污泥中的重金属及其农用环境容量 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
城市污泥农用的环境风险取决于城市污泥中的污染物含量及土壤理化性质。该文分析了重庆市10个城市污水处理厂污泥中的Cu,Zn,Pb和Cd含量及形态,根据土壤环境容量及氮肥施用量计算了重庆主要旱地土壤的最大施用量和年施用量。结果表明,重庆市城市污泥中的Zn、Cu、Pb和Cd含量分别为362.12~725.32mg/kg,69.84~170.22mg/kg,21.25~107.24mg/kg和1.26~4.25mg/kg。污泥中不稳定态Zn、Cu、Pb和Cd的比例分别为42.89%~44.74%,2.69%~9.45%,0.95%~12.06%和61.05%~79.91%。根据土壤重金属的静态容量,计算出重庆主要旱地土壤紫色土和黄壤城市污泥的一次性最高施用量分别为384.62t/hm2和98.90t/hm2。根据土壤重金属动态容量,以15、20、50为年限,计算出的城市污泥的年施用量,紫色土为66.10,60.91和55.71t/(hm2·a),黄壤为30.32,28.99和27.53t/(hm2·a)。根据作物的需氮量计算城市污泥的年施用量为3.04~6.40t/(hm2·a),该施用量低于根据土壤环境的动态容量计算的施用量,按此用量施用城市污泥更安全。 相似文献
城市化对上海土壤环境质量的影响 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
Heavy metal contents in the soils in the Baoshan District of Shanghai were monitored to evaluate the risk of soil environmental quality degradation due to rapid urbanization and to reveal the ways of heavy metal accumulation in soil during rapid urban sprawl. It was found that the soils in this district were commonly contaminated by Pb, Zn and Cd. Evaluated with a geo-accumulation index (Igeo), the rate of Pb contamination in soils was 100% with 59% of these graded as moderate-severe or severe; Zn contamination reached 59% with 6% graded as moderate-severe or severe; and Cd contamination was over 50%, with one site graded as moderate-severe and another severe-extremely severe. Metal contamination of soils around the Shanghai metropolis was mainly attributed to trame, industrial production, wastewater irrigation and improper disposal of solid wastes. Because of continuing urbanization, the cultivated land around the metropolis should be comprehensively planned and carefully managed. Also the soil environmental quality of vegetable production bases in this area should be monitored regularly, with vegetables to be grown selected according to the degrees and types of soil contamination. 相似文献
There is only sparse information on the metal contamination of agricultural soils in the former Soviet Union and the development of impacts during the process of transformation to a private structure of production. In this study a first overview on the metal load (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn) of agricultural soils in central and eastern regions of Georgia is given using 251 subsamples from 106 profiles on 37 plots. While the data sets for lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) are rather homogeneous and range only within narrow limits, the contents of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) vary much more. Additionally, manganese (Mn) was tested. Here the data vary largely, which is probably due to the natural soil loads. Very low loads for all investigated metals are typical for communally used pastures (Allmende) and especially for a biologically managed farm. On the contrary, Cu loads frequently exceed the median by more than five to ten times (the maximum value is 1023 mg kg−1) in vineyards. The comparison of complete soil profiles proves that this is due to the application of copper sulphate for pest control. In the Bolnisi region south of Tbilisi extremely high loads in the upper soil horizons are found not only for Cu, but for Zn as well, ranging up to 794 mg kg−1. Compared to all other data, the loads for Pb and Cr are also high in several samples. Cu, Zn and Pb are significantly correlated to one another in the Bolnisi region. This striking situation most probably results from the frequent irrigation of the plots by industrially contaminated water from the Mashawera River. Due to economic deficiencies the application of chemicals in Georgian agriculture has dropped heavily since 1990. Consequently, the metal contamination of agricultural soils in general is rather low, being far below western European tolerance limits. Intensive pasturing might even cause values close to the natural loads due to erosion and/or the export by the way of plants and livestock. On the other hand, some specific types of land use cause serious environmental problems. This is especially true for vineyards and plots that are irrigated with contaminated water. Overgrazed plots tend to soil erosion. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
采用单项与综合污染指数法,以海南省农产品为研究对象,开展了农产品中重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni、As、Cr和Hg含量的抽样调查分析与评价。结果表明,全省农产品中重金属的平均含量均低于食品中规定的限值,各重金属的单项与综合污染指数均≤1,综合污染指数为0.57;全省农产品未受重金属污染,属于安全水平,适宜发展无公害农产品。同时发现,个别监测点的农产品中重金属含量有超标现象,新鲜水果中个别样品Pb、Cd、Hg超标,超标率在2.17%~10.87%之间;豆类蔬菜中个别样品Ni超标,超标率为9.09%;瓜果类蔬菜中个别样品Pb、Cd超标,超标率为12.24%~24.49%;叶菜蔬菜中个别样品Pb超标,超标率为6.67%;谷物中个别样品Pb、Cd、As超标,超标率在2.11%~7.37%之间。农产品中重金属含量间多呈正相关,其中Zn与Ni、As与Hg之间差异达到极显著水平,Cu与Zn、Cu与As、Cu与Hg、Zn与As、Zn与Hg、Cd与As、Cd与Cr、Cd与Hg、Ni与As、Ni与Hg、As与Cr之间差异达到显著水平。结合主成分分析结果,推测Cu、Zn、Ni、As、Hg含量主要受农业生产和人类活动的影响,而Cr、Pb和Cd含量受土壤母质的影响比较大。 相似文献
为了解粉煤灰充填复垦土壤重金属污染情况,通过实地试验与现场采样化验相结合的方法,对复垦时间不同的粉煤灰复垦土壤里砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、铜(Cu)、硒(Se)、锌(Zn)、、镍(Ni)和氟(F)等重金属和微量元素含量的时空变异性进行了研究。结果发现:以土壤本底值作为评价标准时,粉煤灰充填复垦土壤整体处于受污染状态。其中,表层复垦土壤受到Cd、Se、Zn、F 4种元素污染较重;粉煤灰充填复垦土壤适合旱作,不适合用作水田;随着复垦时间的增加,表层复垦土壤的污染指数呈递增趋势。 相似文献
基于不同标准的郑州市农产品产地土壤环境质量评价 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
以郑州市耕地土壤为例,对其表层重金属Pb、Cr、Cd、Hg、As含量进行了测定分析,按照单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法,分别根据有机农业生产基地环境质量标准、绿色食品产地环境质量标准、无公害食品蔬菜产地环境条件标准进行了评价,同时应用克里格插值方法进行空间特征分析.结果表明,研究区表层土壤重金属变异程度由大到小为:Hg、Cr、Pb、As、Cd;全区土壤环境质量完全满足无公害蔬菜产地环境条件的要求,北部和东南部大部分满足绿色食品产地环境质量的要求,而仅约半数的土壤适宜发展有机农业生产.可为农业生产发展规划和相关管理部门提供科学依据和辅助决策. 相似文献
A. M. Rautengarten J. L. Schnoor S. Anderberg K. Olendrzynski W. M. Stigliani 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1995,85(2):737-742
Simultaneous soil acidification and deposition of heavy metals is a major concern for forest and agricultural soils of the Black Triangle region of East Central Europe including southern former East Germany, northern Bohemia of the Czech Republic, and southern Poland. The objective of this project was to develop historical and future projections of acid and heavy metal deposition to soils (As, Cd, Pb, Zn) and to produce a preliminary map of soil sensitivity to cadmium pollution and uptake by crops. Ultimately, we wish to assess the relative hazard and recovery times of soils to metals deposition in the region. Emission and deposition data bases obtained from several models developed at IIASA were linked using the Geographical Information System ARC/INFO to produce soil maps of sensitivity to cadmium mobility based on metals deposition, soil type, soil texture, organic matter content, and acid deposition. RAINS 6.1 (Alcamo et al., 1990) was utilized to produce maps of acid deposition for EMEP grids (150 km x 150 km). The largest amount of acid load is deposited in southern East Germany. Sulfur deposition in that area was 10–12 gS/m2/yr in 1990, and S+N deposition exceeded 8000 eq/ha/yr. But the hot spot for metals deposition is further to the east, in the Silesia area of southern Poland. The TRACE2 trajectory model of Alcamo, Bartnicki, and Olendrzynski (1992) was used to estimate cumulative metals deposition since 1955 with scenarios to 2010. Pb has improved over Europe since 1970 when depositions in the Ruhr River Valley of West Germany exceeded 60 mg/m2/yr. But cadmium deposition in southern Poland (Katowice and Krakow) has now accumulated to 60–70 mg/m2 by atmospheric deposition alone. During base case simulations from 1955–87, approximately 1.8 mg/kg Pb and 0.12 mg/kg Cd have been added to the mixed plow-layer of 30 cm. If these emissions continue indefinitely, the accumulation of metals will become problematic for agriculture and the food chain. 相似文献