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Ehrlichia canis has a worldwide geographic distribution, occurring particularly in tropical and subtropical areas. In Brazil, the main vector in urban areas is believed to be the brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, but little is known about the occurrence, transmission and other epidemiological aspects of canine ehrlichiosis in rural areas, where Amblyomma ticks are found more frequently than R. sanguineus. A sero-prevalence study of canine ehrlichiosis was carried out in three distinct rural regions of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Serum samples were collected from 226 dogs living on farms in Lavras (n=85), Belo Horizonte (n=45), and Nanuque (n=96) and were analyzed by an indirect fluorescent antibody test for the detection of anti-Ehrlichia canis antibodies. Age, breed, sex, presence of ticks and packed cell volume were also recorded. There were 65.6% positive dogs in Nanuque, 37.8% in Belo Horizonte, and 24.7% in Lavras. Animals living in Nanuque were 4.6 times more likely to be serologically positive than dogs living in the other two regions and antibody titres were considerable higher in this area. Male dogs, dogs >5 years of age, those infested with ticks, and mongrels all showed higher rates of positivity. The results point to the importance of canine ehrlichiosis in rural areas and indicate the need for further studies on natural transmission and maintenance of the disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to continue the study on the presence of parasitic elements in the canine faeces contaminating the urban environment of Naples (southern Italy), focussing on the protozoa Giardia and Cryptosporidium. The total number of sub-areas studied was 143, and the total number of canine faecal samples collected and examined was 415. Each faecal sample was tested for the presence of copro-antigens of Giardia and Cryptosporidium using two commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Giardia antigens were found in 19.6% (28/143) of the sub-areas and in 7.7% (32/415) of the canine faeces collected. Cryptosporidium antigens were found in 4.2% (6/143) of the sub-areas and in 1.7% (7/415) of the canine faeces collected. Co-infection was not found in any sample. The results of the logistic regression models did not show any association between the positivity to Giardia or Cryptosporidium and the independent demographic variables (human population density, male and female population density) taken into consideration. In conclusion, the findings of the present study revealed the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium in canine faecal samples from the urban environment of Naples; however, the zoonotic potential of these findings was not assessed due to the lack of information on species/genotypes detected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical and laboratory profiles of canine leishmaniasis in two distinct areas. Dogs from urban and rural areas were examined. The population studied in the metropolitan area included 54 dogs. Of these, 20 (37%) animals did not present with any signs suggestive of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Among these, only eight were confirmed negative by ELISA (rK39 and CE) and 12 dogs, clinically negative for leishmaniasis, were seropositive by ELISA (rK39 and CE). Thinness, conjunctivitis and onychogryphosis were the most frequent clinical signs in the urban areas, followed by crusty lesions, alopecia, ulcerated lesions, hyperkeratosis and exfoliation. In the metropolitan area human VL cases occurred mainly in 1991, 1992, 1999 and 2000. In the rural areas the ELISA rK39 test detected a seroprevalence of 11.3% and ELISA CE (Leishmania crude extract) of 20.6%. Thirty-nine dogs were examined 6 months after the first visit. Serological exams using rK39 antigen showed seroconversion of only one dog, whereas Leishmania CE showed seroconversion of 13 (33.4%) dogs. In this rural environment 83.3% of the positive dogs were asymptomatic. Lutzomyia intermedia and Lu. longipalpis were the most predominant sandfly vector species. Amastigotes were identified in spleen and liver fragments of symptomatic necropsied animals. PCR amplification of DNA isolated from promastigote culture indicated that the species was Leishmania chagasi. This finding suggests that delayed diagnosis and euthanasia of potentially infectious animals may occur with an increased transmission risk to sandflies and subsequently to humans.  相似文献   

A rich body of work has reported levels of infection with Toxocara species in definitive hosts, and the frequency of eggs in the environment, in many different regions and situations. These have greatly increased our understanding of the relationship between egg excretion from companion and wild animals and the risk of human infection by inadvertent ingestion of eggs from soil and other environmental reservoirs. Nevertheless, it is difficult to compare studies directly because of vagaries in sampling and laboratory methods, a preponderance of prevalence rather than abundance data, and a lack of studies that systematically sample different sympatric definitive host populations. Such comparisons could be instructive, for example to determine the relative contributions of different definitive host populations and categories to environmental contamination in specified areas, and hence guide priorities for control. In this article we use estimates of host density and infection levels in the city of Bristol, UK, as a case study to evaluate the relative contribution of sympatric cats, dogs and foxes to overall environmental contamination with eggs. Results suggest that dogs, especially those less than 12 weeks of age, dominate total egg output, but that this is modified by degree of access to public areas and removal of faeces, such that foxes could take over as the primary source of eggs. Results and conclusions are likely to differ among specific locations. The general aim is to show how an improved quantitative framework for epidemiological studies of Toxocara spp. egg contamination can help to advance understanding and the effectiveness of control strategies in future.  相似文献   

Broiler-chicken are often Salmonella carriers. However, these bacteria are responsible for major food-borne human infection, in which poultry-meat products are frequently implicated. In order to prevent Salmonella spread during the slaughtering process, control measures should be implemented at the farm level to reduce the prevalence before slaughtering. The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors for Salmonella contamination in French commercial broiler flocks at the end of the rearing period. A prospective study was carried out in 1996 and 1997 on 86 broiler flocks located in western France. The Salmonella status of the flocks was assessed by means of litter swabs and dust samples analyzed with classical bacteriological methods. Sixty flocks (70%) had at least one contaminated environmental sample and were classified as Salmonella-contaminated flocks. Logistic regression was used to assess association of managerial practices, general hygiene and results of environmental Salmonella recovery, with the odds that the flock itself would be Salmonella-contaminated at the end of the rearing period. Salmonella contamination of the house before placing day-old chicks and the Salmonella contamination of day-old chicks were significantly related to Salmonella contamination of the flock at the end of the rearing period. The risk for Salmonella contamination of the flock was increased when feed trucks parked near the entrance of the change room and when feed meal, instead of small pellets, was provided at the start.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of the seroprevalence to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and granulocytic Ehrlichia spp. in Swedish horses was conducted to evaluate associations with demographic, clinical and tick-exposure factors. From September 1997–1998, blood samples from 2018 horses were collected from the animals presented to veterinary clinics affiliated with the Swedish Horserace Totalizator Board (regardless of the primary cause for consultation). Standardized questionnaires with information both from owners and attending veterinarians accompanied each blood sample. The apparent seroprevalences to B. burgdorferi s. l. and granulocytic Ehrlichia spp. were 16.8 and 16.7%, respectively. The northern region had the lowest seroprevalences. Four logistic models were developed (controlling for demographic variables). In the disease model of seropositivity to B. burgdorferi s. l., age, breed, geographic region, the serologic titer to granulocytic Ehrlichia spp., season and the diagnosis coffin-joint arthritis were significant. In the tick-exposure model of B. burgdorferi s. l., pasture access the previous year and gender were significant. Age, racing activity, geographic region, season and the serologic titer to B. burgdorferi s. l. were associated with positivity to granulocytic Ehrlichia spp. In the tick-exposure model of granulocytic Ehrlichia spp., pasture access was a risk factor. An interaction between racing activity and geographic region showed that the risk of positive serologic reactions to Ehrlichia spp. was increased in the horse population in the south and middle of Sweden, but only among horses not used for racing. Except for the positive association between coffin-joint arthritis and serologic reactions to B. burgdorferi s. l., there were no significant associations in the multivariable models between non-specific or specific clinical sign or disease with seropositivity to either of these agents.  相似文献   

An outbreak of upper respiratory tract disease was investigated in a group of 17 housed home-bred calves on a mixed dairy, beef and sheep farm in Devon. Conjunctival swabs were collected and tested for Chlamydophila spp. DNA using a PCR test that detects Chlamydophila abortus and Chlamydophila psittaci. Six of the calves tested gave a positive result. Further epidemiological observations and laboratory testing indicated that the adult dairy cows, from which the affected calves originated, were the most likely source of infection.  相似文献   

A total of 57 bacteria representing eight species of genus Arcanobacterium (A.) were investigated for hemolytic properties on blood agar containing sheep and rabbit blood and for CAMP-like reactions. An enhanced hemolysis on blood agar containing rabbit blood compared to sheep blood could be observed for A. haemolyticum, less pronounced for A. hippocoleae and A. pluranimalium.A synergistic hemolytic reaction with staphylococcal β-hemolysin appeared to be constantly visible for A. hippocoleae, A. pluranimalium and A. pyogenes, with Streptococcus agalactiae for A. phocae and A. haemolyticum, with Rhodococcus equi for A. phocae, A. haemolyticum, A. pluranimalium and A. pyogenes and with A. haemolyticum for A. hippocoleae, A. pluranimalium and A. pyogenes, respectively. A reverse CAMP-reaction in the zone of staphylococcal β-hemolysin could be observed for A. phocae and A. haemolyticum. In addition, a novel CAMP-like reaction could be noted between Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus, identified by 16S rDNA sequencing, and A. phocae and A. haemolyticum. These synergistic or antagonistic hemolytic properties could possibly be used as additional criteria for identification of bacteria of genus Arcanobacterium.  相似文献   

This review summarizes evidence for associations between Salmonella prevalence in market-weight swine and changes in feeding management practices or feed characteristics. A systematic review of the topic was conducted with the goal of minimizing the impact of bias on the review conclusions. Potential interventions included feed withdrawal from swine prior to slaughter, feed acidification, heat treatment of feed, pelletized feed versus mash, course versus fine grind, and wet versus dry feeds. In the reviewed literature, Salmonella prevalence was measured either by culture or by the presence of antibodies to Salmonella. The evidentiary value of studies was assessed, and studies that failed to meet predetermined standards were excluded. 7694 potentially relevant references were identified by an extensive literature search; however, 2623 references that were not published in English were excluded, because funds for translation were not available. Of the remaining references, only 277 were considered relevant to the review topic by two independent reviewers, and assessed for methodological quality. During quality assessment, 233 references were excluded because they failed to report design features that limit the introduction of bias or were conducted in a non-target population such as gnotobiotic, neonatal, nursery, or recently weaned pigs and sows. Forty-four publications passed the quality assessment conducted by 2 independent reviewers, but only 15 of the 44 publications reported studies that tested hypotheses associated with feeding management practices and feed characteristics and Salmonella prevalence in market-weight swine. The most common study design was cross-sectional (7/15). The included studies failed to provide strong evidence of an association between any of the potential interventions and Salmonella prevalence, due to the potential for confounding, and the failure to document temporal association between the intervention and Salmonella prevalence. The strongest evidence of an association was found for feed form, i.e. the use of non-pelleted may be potential interventions associated with reduced Salmonella prevalence. The uncertainty is primarily based on studies containing moderate to low evidentiary value or insufficient numbers of tested individuals, resulting in a low degree of confidence that results could be extrapolated to the target population. Therefore, the conclusion of the review is that there should be a low level of comfort among qualified scientists that the claimed association between non-pelleted feed and reduced Salmonella prevalence is scientifically valid. There is no strong evidence regarding associations between presence of Salmonella and the other feed characteristics examined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the herd prevalence of veal and dairy herds and to identify risk factors for VTEC O157 positive veal herds. The study was based on monitoring data from November 1996 through July 2005 of 1051 dairy herds and 930 veal herds. The herd level prevalence (95% CI) was 8.0% (6.4–9.6) for dairy herds and 12.6% (10.5–14.7) for veal herds. Within the population of veal herds, a prevalence of 39.8% (33.9–45.6) was found for pink veal herds (n = 269) and 1.5% (0.7–2.8) for white veal herds (n = 661).Multivariable logistic regression showed that the type of veal (pink vs. white; OR = 21.6; 95% CI: 10.4–45.0), ventilation (mechanical vs. natural; OR = 0.4; 95% CI: 0.2–0.8), time between arrival in the herd and sampling (3–5 months vs. 0–2 months: OR = 2.33; 95% CI: 1.1–5.1, ≥6 months vs. 0–2 months: OR = 4.11; CI: 1.9–8.9), other feed than the 7 most common (yes vs. no; OR = 2.1; 95% CI: 1.2–3.7) and at least one dog present in the stable (yes vs. no; OR = 2.6; 95% CI: 1.5–4.6) were significantly (P < 0.05) associated with the presence of VTEC O157. The large difference in the VTEC O157 prevalences for pink veal and white veal production might have been caused by a very different management of these type of herds. However, this could not be studied with the data collected.  相似文献   

A survey to document tick control methods used by resource-limited farmers in the control of cattle ticks in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was conducted by interviewing 59 cattle farmers using structured questionnaires and general conversation. Information collected was on external parasites of cattle, their effects and their control methods. Ticks were reported to be a major problem causing diseases like anaplasmosis (89.8%), babesiosis (55.9%) and ehrlichiosis (16.9%), as well as wounds that predispose to screwworm infestation, tick worry and teat damage to cows troubling farmers in their farming enterprises. The main tick control methods were; acaricides provided by government, however 94.9% of the farmers interviewed were of the opinion that the dip wash is not effective in killing the ticks. As a result, farmers complement the government dipping service with their own initiatives like spraying with conventional acaricides (22%), household disinfectants such as Jeyes fluid (18.6%), used engine oil (10.2%), chickens (5.1%), manual removal (5.1%), and pouricides (1.7%). In addition, some farmers also use plants (6.8%), mainly the leaf of Aloe ferox and the bark of Ptaeroxylon obliquum. The study revealed ticks to be a major problem in the study area.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriosis due to mycobacteria is one of the most common bacterial diseases in ornamental fish. We describe here the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Mycobacterium isolates from fighting fish Betta spp. using ATCC Mycobacterium marinum, Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium chelonae as references. A total of four isolates (M1, M2, M3, M4) were obtained from four out of 106 fish samples using selective agar, and identified to Mycobacterium genus using acid-fast staining and 16s rRNA gene-based genus specific polymerase chain reaction. DNA sequencing and NCBI-BLAST analysis further identified isolate M1 as M. marinum and isolates M2, M3, M4 as M. fortuitum. Morphological, physiological and biochemical tests were carried out for phenotypic characterizations. Universal M13 and wild-type phage M13 RAPD dendogram was generated to illustrate the genetic relationship of the isolates and reference strains.  相似文献   

Risk factors for the spread of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in sows have not been studied although vertical transmission from sows to their offspring is considered a significant risk factor in the development of enzootic pneumonia in growers and finishers. Seropositivity for M. hyopneumoniae in sows, as assessed by commercial ELISA, is a possible indicator of infection pressure among sows. The objective of this study was to estimate seroprevalence and associated risk factors of a sow being seropositive for M. hyopneumoniae. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2578 sows from 67 herds in north-west Germany. Data concerning general herd characteristics, acclimatisation practices, indoor and outside contacts, as well as data describing the immediate local environment were collected during a herd visit via questionnaire. Blood samples were seropositive in 65% of the 2578 sows, and all herds had ≥14% seropositive sows. Data analysis was performed in two steps. First, univariate analysis of predictor variables for the risk of a sow being seropositive for M. hyopneumoniae was performed using chi-square test. Secondly, all variables associated with the risk of a sow being seropositive (P ≤ 0.25) were included in a multivariate model using a generalised linear model. The risk of a sow being seropositive for M. hyopneumoniae was increased in herds with two- or three-site production (OR 1.50), when piglets were not vaccinated against M. hyopneumoniae (OR 1.81), in herds with a 2-week farrowing intervals (OR 1.84) and in herds without all-in/all-out management of the farrowing units (OR 1.37). The lack of an acclimatisation period for replacement boars was also associated with the risk of a sow being seropositive (OR 2.10). The results indicate that M. hyopneumoniae seropositivity is common in sows in north-west Germany and is influenced by various management factors. It is recommended that evaluation of sow herd management should be included in any strategic health plan to control M. hyopneumoniae infection.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine Campylobacter prevalence in broiler chicken flocks in Reunion Island and to define specific practices associated with the presence of Campylobacter spp. Infection in Reunionese broiler flocks. Fifty broiler flocks were studied in Reunion Island from May 2007 to February 2009. A questionnaire was submitted to the farmers and samples of fresh droppings were collected to assess the flock's Campylobacter status. Fifty four percent of the flocks were infected by Campylobacter spp.: 30% (95% CI: 28.71-31.29) were infected with Campylobacter coli and 17% (95% CI: 15.95-18.05) with Campylobacter jejuni; only 7% (95% CI: 6.28-7.72) were infected by both species at the same time. Several poultry houses in the farm (OR=11.2; [1.05-92]) and cleaning without any detergent (OR=13.1; [2.1-78.3]) increased the risk of Campylobacter infection. A distance higher than 500 m between broiler farms (OR=0.27; [0.1-0.8]) and use of disinfectant during the rearing period decreased this risk of infection (OR=0.15; [0.1-0.75]).  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to carry out a study on caprine toxoplasmosis in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. To determine the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in goats in Minas Gerais, 767 sera from goats were tested by ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and IFAT (indirect fluorescence antibody test). The prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii was 43.0% and 46.0% by ELISA and IFAT, respectively. It was observed that 26.8% of the goats show low-avidity IgG to T. gondii. These results suggest the presence of animals in recent phase of toxoplasmosis in Minas Gerais. The risk factors for toxoplasmosis in goats were: age over 36 months (OR = 1.21; IC 95% 1.02–1.44), use of pen (OR = 1.83; IC 95%1.01–3.31) and pure breed animals (OR = 2.49; IC 95% 1.11–5.59).  相似文献   

Mycoplasma suis, the causative agent of porcine infectious anemia, causes large economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in 69 pig farms in Hubei Province, China, from November 2011 to August 2013 to ascertain the prevalence and associated risk factors of M. suis. Four thousand and four blood samples from pigs of all the age groups were tested for M. suis antibodies using the established rMSG1–ELISA assay. Among these 4004 samples, 1615 blood samples from multiparous sows were examined to identify the association between seroprevalence and different seasons. Information on risk factors collected from farmers or attending veterinarians was recorded on a pre-designed questionnaire. The overall test seroprevalence of M. suis infection at the animal level was 31.9% (1277/4004; 95% CI: 30.5%, 33.4%), whereas at the farm level, this value was 95.65% (66/69; 95% CI: 87.8%, 99.1%). The seroprevalence of M. suis was higher in replacement gilts (40.6%; 95% CI: 35.1%, 46.3%), multiparous sows (48.2%; 95% CI: 45.8%, 50.7%) and boars (44.4%; 95% CI: 34.5%, 54.8%), as compared to piglets (13.0%; 95% CI: 9.4%, 17.3%), weaned-piglets (10.8%; 95% CI: 8.9%, 13.0%), and growing-finishing pigs (25.0%; 95% CI: 22.0%, 28.3%). In terms of seasons, the prevalence of M. suis in pigs was significantly higher in summer (65.3%; 95% CI: 61.0%, 69.5%) and autumn (65.0%; 95% CI: 59.0%, 70.6%) compared to spring (30.1%; 95% CI: 26.0%, 34.4%) and winter (36.4%; 95% CI: 31.4%, 41.5%). Farm-level risk factors were identified by multivariable logistic regression analysis. The associated factors retained in the final multivariable logistic regression model were drug treatment, presence of mosquitoes and flies, and frequency of disinfection. Drug treatment (OR = 0.24; 95% CI: 0.07, 0.88; P = 0.031) and frequency of disinfection (OR = 0.23; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.90; P = 0.035) were protective factors, and the presence of mosquitoes and flies (OR = 5.994; 95% CI: 1.56, 23.00; P = 0.009) was a risk factor for M. suis infection on farms. The results of the present study provide the first insight into the impact of associated determinants on M. suis infection in central China.  相似文献   

This epidemiological survey on canine babesiosis was carried out in three distinct rural regions (Lavras, Belo Horizonte and Nanuque) of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Ticks and blood samples were collected during a dry season (Lavras, n = 92; Belo Horizonte, n = 50; Nanuque, n = 102) and the subsequent rainy season (Lavras, n = 71; Belo Horizonte, n = 28; Nanuque, n = 66) from dogs living on farms. Plasma samples were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test for detection of anti-Babesia canis vogeli antibodies. DNA was extracted from blood of serologically positive dogs and molecular characterization of Babesia species was performed. Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma cajennense and Boophilus microplus were the tick species identified in all regions. In Lavras, in addition to those tick species, A. tigrinum and A. ovale were also identified. The most prevalent tick species was A. cajennense (35.3%), followed by R. sanguineus (19%) and B. microplus (4.0%). Dogs living in Nanuque region were more heavily infested with ticks than dogs living in Belo Horizonte and Lavras regions. The overall frequency of anti-B. c. vogeli antibodies in the canine population in rural areas of Minas Gerais was 28.7%, with prevalence rates of 49.0% in Nanuque, 34.0% in Belo Horizonte and 3.3% in Lavras. The age of the animals and tick infestation were associated with seroprevalence of B. c. vogeli. The sequence analysis showed that B. c. vogeli was the only Babesia species present in all three regions. This study showed different rates of prevalence and incidence of canine babesiosis among the three rural regions sampled in Minas Gerais State. The results point to the importance of canine babesiosis in rural areas and to the need for further studies related to its transmission and maintenance in nature.  相似文献   

The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in suckling piglets, weaners, fattening pigs and sows was studied from November 2001 to October 2002 on 16 free-range farms (FRF), 11 organic farms (OF) and 9 conventional farms (CF) by means of faecal examinations of composite samples. Each farm was visited four times with a 3-month interval. Infections with coccidia were found on 43.8% of the FRF, 90.9% of the OF and 66.7% of the CF. Sows had the highest prevalence, particularly on FRF (87.5%) and OF (80%).Ascaris suum was present on 50% of the FRF, 72.7% of the OF and 11.1% of the CF, whereas fattening pigs on FRF (42.9%) and OF (54.5%) had the highest prevalence.Oesophagostomum spp. were observed on 25% of the FRF, 27.2% of the OF and 22.2% of the CF. The infection was most prevalent in the sows on all farm types: 37.5% on FRF, 30% on OF and 22.2% on CF.Trichuris suis was found on 37.5% of the FRF, 36.4% of the OF and 11.1% of the CF. Again, this infection was most prevalent in the sows, particularly on the FRF (50%) and OF (30%). No other gastrointestinal parasite species were found and no clinical signs were observed. No seasonal trends could be distinguished. In many cases, when an age group on a farm was positive for a certain parasite, it remained so during the whole study. This indicates that this parasite was really ‘endemic’ on that farm. The results of this study demonstrate that the prevalence of helminth infections of pigs on farms with outdoor facilities is higher than in pigs on conventional farms.  相似文献   

To detect Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia sp. and Eimeria leuckarti in horses, fecal samples were collected from three different handling horse groups from the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Group A was composed of “Mangalarga Marchador” pure breed horses, Group B was formed by horses of a Military Corporation and Group C by stray horses captured by the Center of Zoonosis Control Paulo Dacorso Filho. A total of 396 fecal samples were collected, 212 samples from Group A, 154 samples from Group B and 30 from Group C. The material was submitted to the centrifugation - flotation technique and staining by the safranin-methylene blue technique and analyzed. Oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. were identified in 0.75% of the samples (n = 3); cysts of Giardia sp. in 0.5% (n = 2) and oocysts of E. leuckarti in 0.5% (n = 2). One case of E. leuckarti in group A and one of Cryptosporidium sp. in group B were observed. In group C were observed two cases of Cryptosporidium, two of Giardia and one of E. leuckarti,. Horses of group C were more parasitized by the three protozoans than animals from the other groups (p < 0.01). It was possible to verify that factors related to the animals, like host individual susceptibility and sanitary factors may influence the occurrence of natural infections by gastrointestinal protozoans, although the age did not have influence. This study reports, for the first time, the occurrence of Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia sp. and E. leuckarti in equines of the State of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus, AIV)通过为其他流感病毒提供内部基因或直接跨越种间屏障感染人,而活禽市场是H9N2亚型AIV传播的主要传播途径之一。为了解吉林省长春地区城乡活禽市场H9N2亚型AIV流行特点和趋势,对2021年9月至2023年4月在4个城乡活禽市场分离到3株代表性H9N2亚型AIV进行了分子遗传进化分析。结果显示3株毒株HA蛋白裂解位点均为PSKSSR↓GLF,其受体结合位点的第226位氨基酸由Q突变为L,可与α,2-6唾液酸受体结合,具有感染人的特性。分子遗传进化分析显示3株毒株的HA基因归属于BJ-94谱系中h9.4.2.5亚分支;NA基因归属Y280谱系;PB2、M基因均属于G1谱系;剩余内部基因均属于F-98谱系。研究结论丰富当前国内H9N2亚型AIV的流行病学研究,提示需加强病毒变异监控和新疫苗研发。  相似文献   

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