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In MRL mice aged more than 1 year, but not in C57BL/6 mice, ovaries had grossly visible cysts presenting unilaterally or bilaterally. Postnatally, all MRL mice developed ovarian cysts by 8 months of age. Observations by light microscopy, including lectin histochemistry, indicated that the cysts sometimes included papillomatous tissues located at the hilar region and were similar to the rete ovarii system, but not to follicles. Two types of epithelial cells, ciliated and non-ciliated, were arranged on the cysts, in which both cell types had many microvilli projecting in various directions and random ramifications in the cystic lumen. These characteristics suggest that ovarian cysts developing in MRL mice originate mostly from the rete ovarii. Cysts derived from the rete ovarii at 8 months of age were histologically detected in all C3H mice as well as MRL mice, with variable incidence in ICR, AKR, CBA/N and ddY, and none in C57L/6, DBA/2, BALB and A/J mice. However, measurement of the maximum diameters of the ovarian cysts indicated that MRL mice regularly possessed the largest cysts visible to the naked eye. This is the first report of ovarian cysts in this inbred strain, suggesting that ovarian cysts in MRL mice appear with stable incidence and development.  相似文献   

Ten 14-week-old calves were fed a diet containing 87.5% NaOH-treated barley, and killed after 29, 65, 75, 117, 140, 179, 314, 338, and 408 days. Eight control calves were fed a diet in which untreated rolled barley was substituted for alkali-treated grain. Calves receiving NaOH-treated barley became polyuric with urine pH ranging from 9.0 to 9.5, and had significantly raised plasma creatinine levels on day 29. Other clinical findings were normal, and there were no other significant alterations in blood. At necropsy, bilateral renal lesions consisted of white cortical foci, medullary stippling, and the presence of uroliths in the renal papillae and calyces. Microscopic changes included tubular dilatation, atrophy, necrosis, and mineralization, interstitial fibrosis with mononuclear cell invasion and consequent glomerular changes. It appeared that glomerular and interstitial changes were secondary to primary tubular damage. No abnormalities were detected in control calves. Feeding of NaOH-treated barley can result in nephrotoxicosis in cattle.  相似文献   

Renal lesions associated with Borrelia burgdorferi infection in a dog   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Borrelia burgdorferi infection was diagnosed serologically in a dog with lethargy, stiffness, and anorexia. Treatment with ampicillin and chloramphenicol did not alleviate the signs. Azotemia, proteinuria, cylindruria, pyuria, and hematuria developed over a 3-month period. Antibody titer for B burgdorferi remained high (1:8,192) during this time. Renal histopathologic findings included severe, chronic, diffuse, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and moderate chronic, multifocal, interstitial nephritis. Borrelia burgdorferi organisms were identified in renal tissue and in urine by results of immunofluorescent studies and bacteriologic culture, respectively.  相似文献   

MRL/MpJ (MRL) is a mouse model for autoimmune disease and develops ovarian cysts with age. The ovarian cysts originate from the rete ovarii, which is considered to be the remnant of fetal mesonephric tubules. In a previous study, we analyzed the genetic background of ovarian cysts by using backcross progenies between MRL and C57BL/6N (B6) mice. By interval mapping, suggestive linkages were detected on several chromosomes (Chrs), and a significant linkage on Chr 14 was designated as MRL Rete Ovarian Cyst (mroc). In the present study, which evaluated 113 F2 intercross progenies, a significant linkage appeared on Chr 6 at the marker position D6Mit188 (likelihood ratio statistic = 18.5). In particular, the peak regions of Chrs 6 and 14, which contain major causative loci by backcross analysis, showed close reverse interaction. From these results, a locus on Chr 6 was identified as mroc2, the second major locus associated with ovarian cyst formation in MRL mice.  相似文献   

Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) virus, strain SR-11 (SR) was inoculated intraperitoneally into specific-pathogen-free (SPF) newborn rats, from which the kidney lesions were examined pathologically. The infected rats revealed proteinuria on and after 16 days postinoculation (PI). Histologically, the epithelial cells of the renal tubules showed mild vacuolar and granular degeneration with cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (CIB) on and after 16 days PI. Ultrastructurally, a decrease in number of mitochondria and endocytic vesicles was recognized in the epithelial cells of the proximal renal tubules. Occasionally, both the proximal and distal renal tubular cells had CIB near well-developed Golgi apparatus on and after 13 days PI. Immunohistochemically, CIB were positive for anti-SR nucleocapsid antibody, but negative for anti-SR envelope protein antibody. From the results obtained here, it was concluded that the proteinuria in rats infected with HFRS virus resulted from an insufficiency of reabsorption in the proximal renal tubules, and that CIB consisted of the viral nucleocapsid protein.  相似文献   

Histological examination of kidneys from mice experimentally infected with Toxocara canis embryonated eggs demonstrated the presence of a segmental or diffuse mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. Immunohistochemical studies established that renal alterations were associated with glomerular deposits of IgG, IgM and third component of complement (C3). These findings suggest that an immunomediated mechanism might possibly be involved in the genesis of kidney damage observed in mice infected with T. canis embryonated eggs.  相似文献   

Morphological study of metaphase-specific apoptosis in MRL mouse testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Apoptosis of male germ cells is a complex phenomenon in many animal species. Understanding its mechanisms could be useful in the diagnosis and therapy of male infertility. To examine the differences of distribution of apoptosis among mouse strains, the terminal transferase-mediated nick end labelling (TUNEL) method was employed. In the testes of MRL mice, many TUNEL-positive cells were identified at the metaphases of meiotic spermatocytes. Morphometrical analysis revealed that metaphase-specific apoptosis occurred at the region between secondary spermatocytes and step 1 spermatids in stage XII seminiferous tubules. In the investigation of the developing first-wave of seminiferous tubules, there were some metaphases showing apoptotic morphology prior to becoming secondary spermatocytes. Details of the apoptotic structure revealed by electron microscopy showed that cellular arrest occurred after the beginning of the M phase of the cell cycle. These results suggested that metaphase-specific apoptosis in the testis of the MRL mouse strain took place at least at the first meiotic division, perhaps showing the spindle assembly checkpoint of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

We examined the localization of connexin 32 (Cx32), a component of gap junctions, in 24-month-old male B6C3F1 mice with spontaneously occurring hepatocellular altered foci or tumors. Immunohistochemically, Cx32-staining intensity in cell-to-cell membranes of altered hepatocytes was decreased in eosinophilic foci and increased in basophilic foci as compared to those in intact hepatocytes. These alterations were enhanced in adenomas and carcinomas with both eosinophilic and basophilic cytoplasm. In cell membranes facing on the sinusoidal portions, the intensities increased in all lesions. Image analyses confirmed that the spot areas of Cx32 were decreased in eosinophilic foci, but increased in basophilic foci, adenomas and carcinomas. These results demonstrate that Cx32 shows different expression in different types of hepatic lesions.  相似文献   

Glomerular lesions in unilateral nephrectomized and diabetic (UN-D) mice.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental diabetes was induced in both control and unilaterally nephrectomized male mice by injecting streptozotocin (SZ) (50 mg/kg x 5 days) one week after nephrectomy. The time course changes in the glomerular lesions were examined for up to 12 weeks after completion of the SZ-injection (12WAI). In unilateral nephrectomized and diabetic mice, mild segmental expansion of the mesangial area developed at 4WAI, and it progressed to prominent segmental glomerulosclerosis at 12WAI. In the electron microscopic examination at 12WAI, marked expansion of the mesangial area, segmental thickening of the glomerular basement membrane, fusion of the foot processes of podocytes and a prominent increase in the number of microvilli of capillary endothelial cells were observed. On the other hand, mild to moderate expansion of the glomerular mesangial area was only sporadically found in unnephrectomized diabetic mice at 12WAI. Interestingly, Bowman's capsules of diabetic mice were generally lined with flattened epithelia but those of non-diabetic mice with cuboidal or low columnar epithelia.  相似文献   

MRL/lpr mouse is an established animal model which develops autoimmune diseases including glomerulonephritis, sialoadenitis, hepatitis and inflammatory lung disease. Additionally, it has been reported that lpr strains uniquely accumulate CD3+ CD4- CD8- B220+ (double negative, DN) T cells in lymphoid organs leading to lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. To investigate the role of CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway in the development of lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, MRL/lpr mice were treated with soluble form of CTLA4 molecules, CTLA4IgG, which efficiently blocks this pathway. It was demonstrated that (i) the development of DN T cells was independent of the CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway, (ii) the CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway was required for the development of lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, (iii) the CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway was important for the accumulation of various cell populations in the lymph node and spleen, (iv) composition of the accumulating cell populations was not altered by CTLA4IgG treatment, and (v) activation of conventional T cells and IL-4 production from conventional T cells were the CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway dependent. Thus, we concluded that the CD28/CTLA4-B7 pathway was required for the development of full-blown lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly in MRL/lpr mice.  相似文献   

In MRL/MpJ mice, there is a genetic mutation of exonuclease 1 (Exo1), in which the exon 9 is sometimes deleted. In the present study, to check the generation of the spliced exons, exon 8-intron 8-exon 9 (pCX/Ex/EIE/B and pCX/Ex/EIE/M) plasmids were temporally transfected in vitro into BALB 3T3 cells, and RT-PCR using appropriate primer pair was carried out 1 day after transfection. In these constructions, pCX/Ex/EIE/B was derived from genomic sequence of C57BL/6 mice, and pCX/Ex/EIE/M was from MRL/MpJ. A spliced band was detected in pCX/Ex/EIE/B, but was present little or very weakly in pCX/Ex/EIE/M. Next, the same spliced band was demonstrated in the pCX/Ex/EIE/M(T) plasmid, in which the branchpoint sequence (BPS) of pCX/Ex/EIE/M including the exon 9 was changed into that of pCX/Ex/EIE/B. The splicing did not occur in the dell1/B mutant, in which 1960 nucleotides of the intron 8 were deleted, whereas it was detected in the del2/B plasmid deleted 1036 nucleotides in its middle region. These results suggest that the nucleotide T to A mutation of the BPS in the intron 8 is at least a sufficient for generation of splice variants (tr-1 and tr-2 Exo1).  相似文献   

The nonobese diabetic mouse is a model of spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The present study made longitudinal observations of renal lesions in the acute-progressive phase of diabetic mice 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 days after onset of diabetes without insulin therapy. Plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen concentrations gradually increased after onset of diabetes. Kidney weight increased and plateaued at day 20. Under electron microscopy the glomeruli demonstrated only mild changes on day 40. In the proximal tubules proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive nuclei and nuclear divisions were increased on days 10 and 20. On day 40 of diabetes, increased periodic acid-Schiff-positive granules, confirmed as lysosomal dense bodies, increased neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) positive reaction, and decreased periodic acid-Schiff staining in the brush border were observed in the proximal straight tubules. In the juxtaglomerular apparatus stratified macula densa were decreased with time in diabetes compared with the findings on day 0, and this macula densa positively reacted with nNOS. No changes in renin levels were observed. In addition, apoptotic cells were not detected. In conclusion, this research represents the first thorough characterization of acute changes in nonobese diabetic mouse kidneys. The results demonstrated renal hypertrophy and slight glomerular injury in early stages and structural alteration of the proximal straight tubules at later stages during the acute phase of diabetes. Furthermore, increased nNOS may represent one of the pathogenic factors of diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

The role of T-2 toxin-induced gastrointestinal lesions in T-2 toxin-enhanced resistance to listeriosis in mice was evaluated. The T-2 toxin-induced lesions did not cause a starvation effect sufficient to enhance resistance to listeriosis. Administration of polymyxin E markedly reduced the gram-negative intestinal microflora and did not eliminate the toxin-induced resistance to listeriosis. The T-2 toxin did not cause an increased expression of Ia surface antigens on peritoneal macrophages. Thus, toxin-induced anorexia and starvation or absorption of gram-negative intestinal bacteria and endotoxins through toxin-induced gastrointestinal lesions did not account for the enhancing effect of T-2 toxin on resistance to Listeria monocytogenes infection in mice.  相似文献   

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