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Interrill soil erosion as affected by tillage and residue cover   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
No-till cropping systems are effective in reducing soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine whether high infiltration rates and low runoff and soil loss under long-term, no-till conditions in loessial regions of the Midwest US result from both the well-structured, porous condition of the soil and the protective cover of crop residue or primarily from residue cover. Soil loss, runoff, and infiltration were measured using a rainfall simulator on interrill erosion plots with and without residue cover on a conventional and two no-till systems in central Illinois. For both conventional till and no-till conditions, removing surface residue significantly decreased infiltration rates and increased soil loss. Tilling the no-till surface while maintaining an equal surface cover as with the no-till system slightly increased interrill erosion. Removing residue on a no-till system, however, increased soil loss significantly. A no-till soil condition without adequate residue cover will seal, crust, and erode with extremely high soil losses following surface drying.  相似文献   

基于四种分辨率DEM的侵蚀模型地形因子差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭春香  梁音  曹龙熹 《土壤学报》2014,51(3):482-489
通过提取江西省兴国县潋水河流域10 m、25 m、50 m和100 m四种分辨率数字高程模型(DEM,Digital Elevation Model)的坡度、坡长因子,在GIS数字地形分析和数理分析等方法支持下,研究不同分辨率DEM计算坡度坡长组合因子(LS)的精度差异。结果表明:(1)基于4种分辨率DEM提取的坡度结果存在明显差异,随分辨率的降低,坡度整体变缓,DEM精度越低,对地形的概括作用越大,100 m分辨率DEM平均坡度降为10m分辨率DEM平均坡度的45.04%。(2)流域坡长以0~80 m的短坡为主,随着分辨率的降低,地面坡长明显整体延伸。(3)不同分辨率DEM计算的LS因子平均值变化范围为6.10~7.10,坡度和坡长的组合消弱了单一坡度和坡长的影响,随着地形起伏程度增大,在LS因子计算过程中,坡度的主导作用越来越弱,坡长的主导作用越来越强。  相似文献   



The interaction of mercury with organic matter was studied on three soils with distinct physical-chemical compositions (Fluvisol, Luvisol, and Chernozem) and three vermicomposts based on various bio-waste materials (digestate, kitchen waste with woodchips, and garden bio-waste).

Materials and methods

Laboratory batch experiments, in which organic matter composition was modeled by adding graded doses of vermicompost to individual soils, were carried out. The composition of organic matter in these vermicomposts was assessed via fractionation of humic acids, fulvic acids, hydrophilic compounds, and possible hydrophobic neutral organic matter. Furthermore, the samples were artificially contaminated with inorganic and organic mercury. Prepared samples were stored under constant temperature of 25 °C. The incubation experiments lasted for 56 days, in which the samples were taken ten times. During the experiments, the changes in mercury mobile phase amount were observed, and the influence of the source of contamination was evaluated.

Results and discussion

The amount of mobile mercury increased and then decreased during the time. In most of the soils and vermicompost combinations, the content of mercury bound to the soil was stable after 21 days. The effects of the mercury source on the exchangeable portion of Hg in the soils were most obvious in samples without added vermicompost. Nevertheless, differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were lower in the case of Fluvisol compared to other soils. Moreover, in this soil, the content of available mercury was higher than from others.


In general, the smallest differences between mobile inorganic and organic forms of Hg were observed in the case of soil with the highest content of organic matter. Also higher doses of vermicomposts decreased the amount of mercury mobile phase available. Additionally, the largest positive influence of vermicompost dose on Hg mobility was measured in soils combined with vermicompost with the highest portion of humic acids.

喀斯特峰丛坡地灌木林地与梯田旱地土壤水分入渗特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
为明确喀斯特峰丛坡地土壤的入渗特性,该文测定了灌木林地和梯田旱地不同土层的入渗过程,同时分析了影响入渗的因素,并用不同入渗模型对其过程进行拟合。结果表明:(1)梯田旱地的入渗性能低于灌木林地,其平均入渗系数约是灌木林地的78.6%,尤其在土层30~60 cm的平均初渗率、稳渗率仅为灌木林地的4.3%和4.4%,存在明显的入渗隔层,其原因是梯田旱地本身的土壤黏粒含量充足,加上人为翻耕促使较细颗粒向下移动后堆积。(2)灌木林地土壤中的砂粒含量和有机质含量较高,孔隙度较大,不同土层间的性质差异较小,而梯田旱地0~30 cm与30~60 cm土层的土壤性质差异明显,表现为下层土壤容重大、土壤孔隙度小。两者入渗性能均与土壤容重、孔隙度的相关性极显著(P0.01)。(3)Horton模型对灌木林地和梯田旱地的拟合效果较好(R20.9),且对梯田旱地表层和深层的拟合度比对灌木林地的拟合度更好。Kostiakov模型和Philip模型的拟合效果较差。该文为喀斯特土壤水分管理及土壤入渗模拟提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In the middle terrace area of south Sumatra, Indonesia, where red acid soils poor in crop productivity are widely distributed, the effects of cropping pattern and cultivation techniques on physico-chemical properties of soil were investigated. Five patterns for cassava cropping, including monoculture, a rotation with annual food crops, and three intercroppings with differences in the combination with annual crops and in the planting density, were evaluated in Experiment I. In Experiment II, eight plots composed of the combinations of two tillage methods (no-tillage or conventional tillage), the presence or absence of surface mulch from crop residues, and two rates of chemical fertilizers were established for a maize–soybean–cowpea sequential cropping pattern. At the end of 3 years, there was no difference in total C and total N concentrations among the plots in Experiment I irrespective of the mulch treatment using crop residues. Soil organic matter (SOM) concentration was not affected even in the no-tillage plot where the maximum crop residues (20 t ha−1) was given as surface mulch with the increased root residues due to higher rates of fertilizers (Experiment II). In Experiment I, available P concentration was highest in an intercropping with higher fertilizer rates and lowest cassava planting density. In Experiment II, an increase in available P was attained by mulching and the higher rate of fertilizers, and a minor positive effect of fertilizer was also observed in exchangeable Mg and K concentrations. Surface mulch resulted in less clay fraction compared with the non-mulch plots in both the experiments, suggesting its effect on the maintenance of soil particle distribution. An additional finding suggested no prominent influence of cassava monoculture on the level of SOM in this area based on the comparison with other major land uses, including secondary forest, rubber plantation, and mixed cultivation of fruits with crops. Nevertheless, the introduction of crop residue mulch and higher rates of fertilizers are recommended for sustaining soil quality and achieving higher crop yields.  相似文献   

通过室内人工模拟降雨试验,研究降雨强度、坡度及地表覆盖3因素对花岗岩红壤坡面侵蚀过程的影响.结果表明:1)起始产流时间随降雨强度和坡度的增加而有所提前,而地表覆盖能延缓起始产流时间;2)在不同降雨强度和坡度条件下,径流率从产流初期开始都快速增加,7 ~ 10 min后达到稳定,且随着降雨强度和坡度增加,径流率也显著增加;3)随着降雨强度的增大,产沙率明显增大,且降雨强度越大,坡度对产沙率的影响越明显;4)降雨强度和径流总量、产沙总量之间相关性极显著,其相关系数分别为0.892和0.799;5)地表覆盖具有良好的减沙作用,其减沙效益超过90%.  相似文献   

黄土坡面不同微坡位上糙度对降雨侵蚀的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工模拟降雨试验,结合高精度三维激光扫描技术研究了黄土坡面不同微坡位上糙度对降雨侵蚀的响应特征.结果表明,在同一条件下,坡顶、坡面和洼地上高程统计特征具有明显的差异;在降雨过程中,由于糙度所处的位置不同,对降雨侵蚀的响应特征也不同;地表糙度与微坡度之间存在显著的线性关系.因此,地表糙度对降雨侵蚀的响应规律具有一定的空间差异性.  相似文献   

我国水土流失日益严重,已成为制约构建和谐社会的重大生态环境问题[1]。因此,土壤侵蚀的监测研究显得格外重要且十分紧迫。磁性示踪技术作为土壤侵蚀监测研究的一种新手段,具有很多优点[2-3],近年来逐渐得到广大科研工作者的重视。  相似文献   


Little is known about the effects of long-term fertilization on pesticide persistence. A long-term field experiment was thus conducted to study the influence of fertilization on soil physicochemical properties, microbial biomass carbon, microbial quotient, enzyme activities, and cypermethrin dissipation. Five fertilization treatments were arranged: organic manure (OM), NPK fertilizer, PK fertilizer, NK fertilizer, and no fertilizer (control). Soil organic C, N, P contents and enzymatic activities were higher in soils with balanced fertilization as opposed to those with unbalanced fertilization, especially fertilization with organic manure. The longest half-life of cypermethrin was in the NK treatment (15.1 d), the least in the PK treatment (9.6 d). Pesticide dissipation in non-sterilized and sterilized soils showed that changes of cypermethrin persistence were caused by biodegradation. Soil N/P ratio (ratio of soil-available N to available P) and available N content positively correlated with half-life (p<0.05), and could limit cypermethrin dissipation greatly. These results indicate that in agricultural practice, oversupplying N should not be advocated. P application may be an efficient way to decrease N/P ratio and enhance cypermethrin dissipation in soil with high available N content. Based on a comprehensive consideration of soil fertility, crop yield, and environment, a mixed application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers is recommended in the region, although balanced fertilization results in slower cypermethrin dissipation than does N-deficiency treatment.  相似文献   

Concentrated flow experiments using a small hydraulic flume and a constant flow discharge and bed slope have been conducted in order to investigate the effects of rock fragment cover (Rc) on sediment yield for an initially wet and an initially air-dry loamy topsoil. The experimental results indicate that Rc reduces concentrated flow erosion rates (E) in an exponential way (i.e., E=ebRc), which is similar to previously reported relations for other water erosion processes such as interrill erosion and sheet-rill erosion measured on runoff plots. The decay rate (b) of this exponential relationship increased throughout the experiments because of scour-hole development and bed armouring. The concentrated flow erosion rates and b-values also depend on the initial moisture content of the topsoil. Depending on Rc, mean concentrated flow erosion rates were 20% to 65% less on initially wet compared to initially air-dry topsoils. The mean value for b was 0.032 for the initially wet, but only 0.017 for the initially air-dry topsoil, indicating that a rock fragment cover is less efficient in reducing concentrated flow erosion rates when the topsoil is initially air-dry than when it is initially wet. The results help explain the data scatter in reported relationships between Rc and interrill–rill erosion rates. They also indicate that a given surface rock fragment cover will offer more protection to wet topsoils than to dry topsoils, which are very common in Mediterranean environments. Event-based water erosion models should incorporate effects of antecedent soil moisture content as well as those of Rc on concentrated flow erosion rates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Three different management systems were compared in an olive grove on a Vertic soil, near the city of Cordoba, Spain. Rainfall, runoff and soil loss were recorded from experimental plots of 6×12 m for three years. Results indicated that the no-tillage system, which was kept weed-free with herbicides, gave the largest soil loss (8.5 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (21.5%), due to increased soil compaction, particularly outside the canopy projection area. A system that used a grass cover gave the lowest soil losses (1.2 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (2.5%) due to the protective effects of the cover and increased soil aggregate stability. The third system, conventional tillage, gave intermediate results, with a soil loss of 4.0 t ha−1 yr−1 and an average runoff coefficient of 7.4%. The search for alternative soil management to conventional tillage should consider occasional light tillage to establish a grass cover that would keep both soil erosion and runoff losses to a minimum.  相似文献   

Dynamics of soil hydraulic properties during fallow as affected by tillage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is limited information on the effects of tillage practices on soil hydraulic properties, especially changes with time. The objective of this study was to evaluate on a long-term field experiment the influence of conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT) on the dynamics of soil hydraulic properties over 3 consecutive 16–18 month fallow periods. Surface measurements of soil dry bulk density (ρb), soil hydraulic conductivity (K(ψ)) at −14, −4, −1 and 0 cm pressure heads using a tension disc infiltrometer, and derived hydraulic parameters (pore size, number of pores per unit of area and water-transmission porosity) calculated using the Poiseuille's Law were taken on four different dates over the fallow period, namely, before and immediately after primary tillage, after post-tillage rains and at the end of fallow. Under consolidated structured soil conditions, NT plots presented the most compacted topsoil layer when compared with CT and RT. Soil hydraulic conductivity under NT was, for the entire range of pressure head applied, significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that measured for CT and RT. However, NT showed the largest mean macropore size (0.99, 0.95 and 2.08 mm for CT, RT and NT, respectively; P < 0.05) but the significantly lowest number of water-conducting pores per unit area (74.1, 118.5 and 1.4 macropores per m2 for CT, RT and NT, respectively; P < 0.05). Overall, water flow was mainly regulated by macropores even though they represented a small fraction of total soil porosity. No significant differences in hydraulic properties were found between CT and RT. In the short term, tillage operations significantly increased K (P < 0.05) for the entire range of pressure head applied, which was likely a result of an increase in water-conducting mesopores despite a decrease in estimated mesopore diameter. Soil reconsolidation following post-tillage rains reduced K at a rate that increased with the intensity of the rainfall events.  相似文献   

长期施肥对中国亚热带水稻土土壤稳定性和机械属性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
LI Jiang-Tao  ZHANG Bin 《土壤圈》2007,17(5):568-579
Wet stability, penetration resistance (PR), and tensile strength (TS) of paddy soils under a fertilization experiment for 22 years were determined to elucidate the function of soil organic matter in paddy soil stabilization. The treatments included no fertilization (CK), normal chemical fertilization (NPK), double the NPK application rates (2NPK), and NPK mixed with organic manure (NPK+OM). Compared with CK, Fertilization increased soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil porosity. The results of soil aggregate fragmentation degree (SAFD) showed that fast wetting by water was the key fragmentation mechanism. Among the treatments, the NPK+OM treatment had the largest size of water-stable aggregates and greatest normal mean weight diameter (NMWD) (P ≤ 0.05), but the lowest PR and TS in both cultivated horizon (Ap) and plow pan. The CK and 2NPK treatments were measured with PR 〉 2.0 MPa and friability index 〈 0.20, respectively, in the Ap horizon, suggesting that the soils was mechanically unfavourable to root growth and tillage. In the plow pan, the fertilization treatments had greater TS and PR than in CK. TS and PR of the tested soil aggregates were negatively correlated to SOC content and soil porosity. This study suggested that chemical fertilization could cause deterioration of mechanical properties while application of organic manure could improve soil stability and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Aggregate stability is a fundamental property influencing soil erodibility and hydraulic characteristics. Knowledge of soil components controlling aggregate stability is very important to soil structure conservation. The objective of this study, which was carried out in surface soils from central Greece, was to relate wet aggregate stability to selected soil properties, with emphasis on excessive free carbonate content. The wet‐sieving technique of air‐dried aggregates was used for structural stability evaluation, according to a test that calculates an instability index. The soils studied were developed on Tertiary marly parent material and ranged in calcium carbonate content from 5 to 641 g kg−1. From the texture analysis before and after removal of carbonates, it was concluded that carbonates mainly contributed to total silt and sand fractions, that is to the mechanical fractions which, as a rule, negatively affect aggregate stability. The results of the correlation analysis showed that aggregate stability was positively affected by aluminosilicate clay content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and Al‐containing sesquioxides. Clay fraction from carbonates and total sand and silt negatively affected aggregate stability. CEC has been proved a very significant determinant of aggregate stability, which in a hyperbolic form relationship with instability index explained 78·9 per cent of aggregate stability variation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study sought to contribute to the understanding of soil redistribution by tillage on terraces and the extent and causes of within-field variation in soil properties by examining the spatial distributions of soil redistribution rates, derived using caesium-137, and of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, within a ribbon and a shoulder terrace in a yuan area of the Loess Plateau of China. Additional water erosion rate data were obtained for nine other terraces. Water erosion rates on the ribbon terraces were low (<1 kg m−2 yr−1), unless slope tangents exceeded 0·1. However, despite the use of animal traction, high rates of tillage erosion were observed (mean 5·5 kg m−2 yr−1). Soil nitrogen concentrations were related to rates of soil redistribution by tillage on the ribbon terrace examined in detail. In general, higher rates of water erosion (0·5–2·9 kg m−2 yr−1) and lower rates of tillage erosion (mean 1·4 kg m−2 yr−1) were evident on the longer shoulder terraces. On the shoulder terrace examined in detail, soil phosphorus concentrations were related to net rates of soil redistribution. A statistically significant regression relationship between water erosion rates and the USLE length and slope factor was used in conjunction with the simulation of tillage erosion rates to evaluate a range of terrace designs. It is suggested that off-site impacts of erosion could be further reduced by ensuring that the slope tangents are kept below 0·06 and lengths below 30 m, especially on the shoulder terraces. Tillage erosion and the systematic redistribution of soil nutrients could be reduced by modification of the contour-cultivation technique to turn soil in opposing directions in alternate years. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to study the effects of soil chemical and physical properties on CH4 emission and entrapment in 16 selected soils with a pH range of 4.7–8.1, organic matter content of 0.72–2.38%, and soil texture from silt to clay. There was no significant correlation with CH4 emission for most of the important soil properties, including soil aerobic pH (measured before anaerobic incubation), total Kjeldahl N, cation exchange capacity, especially soil organic matter, and soil water-soluble C, which were considered to be critical controlling factors of CH4 emission. A lower CH4 emission was observed in some soils with a higher organic matter content. Differences in soil Fe and Mn contents and their chemical forms contributed to the this observation. A significant correlation between the CH4 emission and the soil organic C content was observed only after stratifying soils into subgroups according to the level of CH4 emission in soils not amended with organic matter. The results also showed that the soil redox potential (Eh), anaerobic pH, anerobic pH, and biologically reducible Fe and Mn affected CH4 emission significantly. Urea fertilization promoted CH4 emission in some soils and inhibited it in others. This result appeared to be related to the original soil pH. CH4 entrapment was positively correlated with soil clay content, indicating the importance of soil physical characteristics in reducing CH4 emissions to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Because carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is rising, increases in plant biomass and productivity of terrestrial ecosystems are expected. However, phosphorus (P) unavailability may disable any potential enhanced growth of plants in forest ecosystems. In response to P scarcity under elevated CO2, trees may mine deeper the soil to take up more nutrients. In this scope, the ability of deep horizons of forest soils to supply available P to the trees has to be evaluated. The main objective of the present study was to quantify the relative contribution of topsoil horizons and deep horizons to P availability through processes governed by the activity of soil micro-organisms. Since soil properties vary with soil depth, one can therefore assume that the role of microbial processes governing P availability differs between soil layers. More specifically, our initial hypothesis was that deeper soil horizons could substantially contribute to total plant available P in forested ecosystems and that such contribution of deep horizons differs among sites (due to contrasting soil properties). To test this hypothesis, we quantified microbial P and mineralization of P in ‘dead’ soil organic matter to a depth of 120 cm in forest soils contrasting in soil organic matter, soil moisture and aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides. We also quantified microbiological activity and acid phosphomonoesterase activity. Results showed that the role of microbial processes generally decreases with increasing soil depth. However, the relative contribution of surface (litter and 0–30 cm) and deep (30–120 cm) soil layers to the stocks of available P through microbial processes (51–62 kg P ha?1) are affected by several soil properties, and the contribution of deep soil layers to these stocks vary between sites (from 29 to 59%). This shows that subsoils should be taken into account when studying the microbial processes governing P availability in forest ecosystems. For the studied soils, microbial P and mineralization of P in ‘dead’ soil organic matter particularly depended on soil organic matter content, soil moisture and, to a minor extent, Al oxides. High Al oxide contents in some sites or in deep soil layers probably result in the stabilization of soil organic compounds thus reducing microbiological activity and mineralization rates. The mineralization process in the litter also appeared to be P-limited and depended on the C:P ratio of soil organic matter. Thus, this study highlighted the effects of soil depth and soil properties on the microbial processes governing P availability in the forest spodosols.  相似文献   

氮磷配合对土壤氮素径流流失的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
大田试验研究结果表明 :增施N、P均能增加作物的产量和减少水土流失 ;当N、P用量分别达到 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 90kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,泥沙有机质和全氮流失最少 ,流失量分别为 2 0 89和 1 75kg/km2 ;当N、P用量分别为 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 4 5kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,土壤矿质氮流失最小 ,其流失量仅为 2 7.9kg/km2 ;作物对土壤氮素的吸收 ,可减少土壤氮素的流失 .  相似文献   

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