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Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) was used to detect genetic variation among nine provenances, including 135 individuals.
A total of 108 loci were amplified using 10 random primers. The differentiation of the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB)
among different provenances was evident, ranging from 27% to 54%, of which Honghuaerji provenance had the highest PPB and
Kalunshan provenance had the lowest PPB. Shannon's Information index (I) at species level was 0.1581 and Nei's gene diversity
(h) was 0.2393. Coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST) calculated by Popgene was 0.3965, these results indicated that majority of genetic variation (60.35%) was found within provenances.
According to dendrogram among pinus sylvestriv provenances, nine provenances were divided into two provenance areas, namely Daxing's and Xiaoxing'an Mountains provenance
area and Hulunbeier provenance area.
Foundation item: This study was supported by National Scientific and Technological Brainstorm Project.
Biography: LI Hui-yu (1978-), female, Ph.D. candidate, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China.
Responsible editor: Song Funan 相似文献
When spring frosts occur on recently planted forest sites, severe damage may occur to the seedlings. The aim of the present study was to test how different low levels of nutrient concentrations in Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings affected spring frost hardiness and time of bud break. Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for one season and supplied with fertiliser containing 22, 43 and 72 mg N l –1, respectively. The treatments resulted in needle nitrogen concentrations ranging from 0.9 to 1.8% in autumn. After winter storage at 0 °C, bud break was recorded on seedlings growing in the greenhouse, outdoors and in growth chambers at 12 °C and at 17 °C. Freezing tests were performed on seedlings directly removed from winter storage and following one week growth in the greenhouse. Seedlings receiving fertiliser with 43 mg N l –1 had less freezing injury than the two other fertilisation treatments in the present study. The earliest bud break occurred in seedlings receiving 72 mg N l –1. 相似文献
In order to assess the genetics of fall cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), shoot cuttings were collected in October from saplings (9-year-old trees) of open-pollinated families in two progeny tests in each of two breeding zones in Washington, one in the Coast range (80 families) and one on the west slope of the Cascade Mountains (89 families). Samples from over 5500 trees were subjected to artificial freezing and visually evaluated for needle, stem and bud tissue injury. The extent to which cold injury is genetically related to tree height and shoot phenology (timing of bud burst and bud set) was also evaluated. Significant family variation was found for all cold hardiness traits; however, individual heritability estimates were relatively low (ranging from 0.09 to 0.22). Significant family-by-test site interaction was detected for needle injury in the Cascade breeding zone, but not in the coastal zone. Genetic correlations (rA) among needle, stem and bud tissues for cold damage were weak (0.16 ≤ rA ≤ 0.58) indicating that genes controlling fall hardening are somewhat different for different tissues. Timing of bud burst and bud set were only weakly correlated with cold injury (rA ≤ 0.49). Thus, bud phenology is a poor predictor of fall cold hardiness in this species. There was no consistent relationship between tree height and cold injury in the coastal zone. In the Cascade zone, taller trees appeared to be more susceptible to cold injury, but the association was weak (mean rA = 0.38, range 0.20 – 0.72). 相似文献
Prosopis africana (Guill., Perrott. and Rich.) Taub. is important for farming and pastoralist communities in the West African Sahel. It provides a range of essential products (wood, fuel, food, fodder and medicines) and services (soil fertility improvement), and is one of many native tree species maintained in the traditional agroforesty system, known as the parkland. However, this and other valuable species are disappearing in many parts of the region due to over-exploitation and, perhaps, due to increasingly drier conditions in the region. A provenance/progeny test (275 families from 28 provenances in Burkina Faso and Niger) was established at one location in Niger to investigate geographic variation in the species. Mean annual rainfall decreases from south to north and from west to east in the seed collection area. Given these gradients, one would expect clinal variation in growth and survival of P. africana and other tree species that occur naturally in the region. Tree growth (height, number of primary branches, stem diameter at 20 cm and 1.3 m) and survival were analyzed at 11 years. Variation due to provenances was significant for growth variables and almost significant for survival. Variation due to families within provenances was not significant for any variable. Provenance means for growth and survival increased from the more humid to the drier parts of the sample region. The clines in growth and survival with regional rainfall patterns suggest that tree improvement and conservation programs should collect seeds from populations in the drier zones for planting and conservation in the West African Sahel. This may be particularly important when one considers the trend in global warming. 相似文献
The patterns of current‐year shoot, needle and terminal bud elongation in seedlings of three Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and three lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) provenances were compared during the third and fourth growing seasons after planting. Lodgepole pine produced longer shoots and buds than did Scots pine, mainly because lodgepole pine formed more stem units and elongated at a faster rate. Stem unit length and the duration of shoot and bud elongation differed relatively little between species and provenances. Lammas or polycyclic growth occurred in some lodgepole pine provenances, but not in any Scots pine provenance, and was associated with enhanced shoot elongation. Needle elongation commenced earlier, proceeded at a faster rate, and was greater in lodgepole pine than in Scots pine, but ceased about the same time in all species and provenances. The heat sum required to attain 50% of final length was lower for shoots and needles in lodgepole pine than in Scots pine, and for shoots in northern provenances than in southern ones. Mitotic activity in the apical meristem of the terminal bud, which occurred less than one week after the seedlings were free from snow, started and ceased about the same time in each species, but was higher in lodgepole pine than in Scots pine early in the shoot elongation period. 相似文献
[目的]在不同供Ca2+水平下对马尾松幼苗生长及生理特性进行研究,以确定适宜马尾松生长的钙浓度,为马尾松人工林培育及合理施用钙肥提供参考。[方法]以半年生马尾松幼苗为试材,采用温室内砂培,研究不同供Ca2+水平(0.0、0.4、1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0 mmol·L~(-1)(CK))对马尾松生长及生理指标的影响。[结果]不同供Ca2+水平处理5个月后,在Ca2+水平为1.0、2.0 mmol·L~(-1)时,马尾松幼苗的株高增量和地径增量较高,其中,2.0 mmol·L~(-1)Ca2+水平的株高增量和地径增量最高。马尾松幼苗对Ca2+水平适应能力强弱顺序为2. mmol·L~(-1)(CK)。在不同生长期内,随着供Ca2+水平的增加,马尾松针叶中ROS(O2-产生速率、H2O2浓度)、MDA含量、抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT和APX)活性、抗氧化物质(GSH、As A)含量、脯氨酸含量均先降低后增加,最小值均在1.0 mmol·L~(-1)或2.0 mmol·L~(-1)处理中;类胡萝卜素含量先增加后降低,其最高值均在2.0 mmol·L~(-1)处理中。马尾松幼苗的株高增量和地径增量与类胡萝卜素含量关系不明显,而与其他生理指标均呈显著负相关。[结论]马尾松幼苗适宜在1.0 2.0 mmol·L~(-1)Ca2+水平的环境中生长。在马尾松林地中,应对土壤有效钙含量进行测定,并结合植株的生长和生理特征进行综合评价后,科学合理施肥以提高生产力。 相似文献
【目的】研究马尾松松脂化学组分在家系间的变异以及松脂组分间的相关性,为以松脂品质为目标的马尾松遗传改良工作提供理论依据和指导。【方法】以福建省国有来舟林业试验场11年生马尾松高产脂半同胞家系测定林为研究对象,通过气相色谱/质谱联用技术(GC/MS)检测每株样木树干胸径部位木质部内松脂化学组分的种类和含量,分析这些组分在家系间的遗传变异以及它们之间的遗传相关性,并利用在家系间差异显著的松脂化学组分对所有家系进行聚类。【结果】从马尾松松脂中共检出20种主要化学组分,其中,α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、长叶烯、β-石竹烯、海松酸、山达海松酸、长叶松酸/左旋海松酸、脱氢枞酸、枞酸和新枞酸为松脂中含量较高的组分。经方差分析发现:单萜中的莰烯和柠檬烯,倍半萜中的长叶环烯、洒剔烯、β-石竹烯和α-石竹烯以及二萜中的海松酸和新枞酸在家系间的差异显著或极显著,家系遗传力为0.45 0.59,意味着通过家系选择,这10个组分的遗传改良可取得较好的成效。对松脂化学组分进行遗传相关分析发现:在单萜类内,β-蒎烯、莰烯和柠檬烯间遗传相关显著或极显著,组分间遗传相关系数为0.59 0.78;在倍半萜内,长叶蒎烯、长叶环烯、洒剔烯和长叶烯之间遗传相关达极显著水平,遗传相关系数为0.67 1.00,β-石竹烯和α-石竹烯遗传相关性也达极显著水平;但在二萜类内和各萜类间,遗传相关性较弱,未达到显著水平。依据在家系间差异显著的10个松脂化学组分将所有家系聚为3类。【结论】马尾松树干木质部松脂共检出20种组分,其中,莰烯、柠檬烯、长叶环烯、洒剔烯、β-石竹烯、α-石竹烯、海松酸和新枞酸受家系影响较大,受中度遗传控制。在单萜、倍半萜类和双萜类内和类间,较强的遗传相关主要出现在单萜和倍半萜类内。 相似文献
[目的]以北方干旱区常用的3种松科植物沙地赤松、樟子松和青海云杉为研究对象,分析其种子萌发特性及对干旱胁迫的响应。沙地赤松为辽宁省固沙研究所于2014年筛选审定的新品种,目前在辽宁省生长状况良好,尚未有过其抗旱能力的相关研究。青海共和是高寒沙区,将沙地赤松与青海省常见的两种松科植物青海云杉和樟子松进行对比,以期为沙地赤松在青海引种试种提供参考。[方法]采用不同浓度PEG-6000溶液模拟干旱胁迫的方法进行种子萌发试验,利用模糊隶属函数对干旱胁迫下3种松科植物的种子相对发芽率、相对胚根长、相对胚芽长、萌发胁迫指数、萌发抗旱指数和萌发活力指数等6项指标进行综合评价。[结果]低浓度的PEG-6000溶液对3种松科植物种子萌发和胚根生长发育均有促进作用;随着干旱胁迫程度的加剧,3种松科植物的发芽率、幼苗鲜质量、活力指数、萌发胁迫指数、萌发抗旱指数均呈先上升后下降的趋势;种子萌发期耐水分胁迫能力为沙地赤松樟子松青海云杉。[结论]沙地赤松比樟子松和青海云杉的抗旱性强,适宜在青海引种试种。 相似文献
本试验以火炬松、湿地松、晚松成熟种子的胚为材料,在附加有细胞分裂素(BAP)的GD改良基本培养基(总盐分含量为0.21%;总含氮量为186mg/L)经3 ̄4周培养,在胚或子叶及下胚轴上出现膨大肉眼可见的暗绿色愈伤组织及小芽,其分化率达75% ̄85%。培养基中的细胞分裂素(BAP)浓度对三种松种不定芽的分化具有很大影响,一般以3 ̄5mg/L为好,在继代培养基中,活性炭对于嫩梢的生长具有良好的效果。当 相似文献
The avifaunas of a 30–40-year-old secondary forest and a 25–30-year-old Lophostemon confertus plantation were compared using the point count method over 1 year. Similar total numbers of bird species were recorded in the secondary forest (44 spp.) and the plantation (46 spp.) but many of those in the plantation were typical of non-forest habitats in Hong Kong and the number of forest-associated species was higher in the secondary forest. The mean total bird density in the secondary forest (44.5 ha −1) was much higher than in the plantation (12.4 ha −1). The Great Tit Parus major, Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus chinensis and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica were the three most abundant species at both the sites but their mean annual densities were all much higher in the secondary forest. There were relatively more granivores and insectivores and fewer insectivore-frugivores in the plantation. Twelve species were confirmed breeding in the secondary forest and none in the plantation. 相似文献
目的 选育高产、优质红松无性系营建坚果用材林。 方法 以吉林省临江林业局闹枝林场170个红松无性系为材料,对38年生树高、胸径、单株材积、单株球果数、单塔出籽量、单株出籽量、千粒质量、球果鲜质量和发芽率进行测定分析。 结果 方差分析结果表明:除发芽率外(P=0.280),无性系间各性状差异均达到极显著水平(P < 0.01);无性系间各指标表型变异系数变化范围为3.57%~66.09%;除发芽率外(0.07),各性状重复力均超过0.45;树高、胸径和单株材积间达到极显著正相关(0.680 < r < 0.975);除发芽率外,各结实性状间也均达到极显著正相关(0.411 < r < 0.996);结合生长和结实性状看,胸径和单株材积与单株球果数、单塔出籽量及单株出籽量间均达到极显著正相关水平(0.201 < r < 0.227)。利用生长性状对各无性系进行综合评价,以10%的入选率,初选出17个优良无性系,入选无性系单株材积和胸径的遗传增益分别为79.42%和32.20%;根据结实性状对无性系进行评价,初选出的17个无性系千粒质量和单株出籽量的遗传增益分别为2.19%~142.99%;结合生长和结实性状对无性系进行评价选择,初选的17个无性系各指标遗传增益变化范围为2.23%~137.44%。 结论 综合上述结果,利用生长性状、结实性状及生长与结实相结分别初选出适用于不同育种目标的17个优良无性系,其中无性系138均被选出,表明该无性系生长及结实均较优良。 相似文献
目的 研究3个试验点5年生马尾松生长和抽梢性状的家系遗传变异和遗传稳定性,为马尾松各栽植区选择优良材料提供科学依据。 方法 对2014 年营建于湖北京山、湖南桂阳、广东信宜的5年生马尾松家系区域试验林进行生长及抽梢性状调查,分析各性状遗传变异规律及相关性,在此基础上评价家系的稳定性和速生性。 结果 5年生马尾松生长和抽梢性状在家系间、地点间和家系与地点互作间均存在极显著差异。3个试验点各性状的家系遗传力均大于单株遗传力,胸径、树高、轮盘总数和抽梢性状具有较高的遗传力,家系遗传力为0.72~0.96,单株遗传力为0.45~0.88。性状相关分析表明,速生的家系抽梢次数更多,当年抽梢较长,而第1次抽梢长度较短;采用AMMI模型根据家系树高和胸径的稳定性分析得出:ZP325、ZP386家系的树高稳定性最好,ZJ5153、ZJ39家系的胸径稳定性最好,GD8家系的胸径和树高稳定性均最差。以高出各试验点树高和胸径5.00%,且高于各试验点相应的1代种子园对照为速生性评价标准,在湖北京山、湖南桂阳、广东信宜分别评价出13、4和7个速生家系,其中,GLN2和GD7家系在3个试验点既速生又稳定,可作为3地点速生、稳定型优良家系。 结论 5年生马尾松生长和抽梢性状在家系间存在丰富的遗传变异,生长和抽梢性状受到较强遗传控制;速生家系抽梢次数较多,抽梢长度较长,但固定生长量较短;GLN2和GD7家系为3地点速生、稳定型优良家系。 相似文献
樟子松人工林天然更新问题的研究一直在进行,但人工林内幼苗数量过少及难以发育为幼树的问题一直难以彻底解决。文中综述了影响我国沙地樟子松人工林天然更新能力的因素,如光照、温度、水分、土壤环境、生物因子及人工营林技术等的研究概况。在研究过程中发现,樟子松人工林的遗传多样性与土壤微生物对樟子松人工林天然更新影响方面的研究尚少有报道,或可以为解决樟子松人工林天然更新问题提供更深入的思路。 相似文献
The influence of above-ground insect herbivory and other agents of damage to seedlings was studied in a field experiment. Nine different tree species were planted in each of five randomised blocks. The species were: Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner, Betula pendula Roth., Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Larix eurolepis Henry, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Prunus avium L., Quercus robur L. and Tilia cordata Mill. The seedlings were monitored through the 2000–2002 growing seasons. Pine weevils ( Hylobius abietis L.) fed significantly more on Norway spruce seedlings than on all other tree species. The following rough preference order was obtained: Norway sprucelarch>birch, beech, oak>cherry>alder, ash, lime. Thus, during the conversion of single-species coniferous plantations to mixed-species broadleaved stands, the use of costly insecticides against pine weevil is not required. Short-snouted weevils (e.g. Strophosoma melanogrammum Forst. and Otiorhynchus scaber L.) and other insects caused leaf and needle area loss primarily during the first growing season. 相似文献
[目的]研究不同种源文冠果(Xanthocerassorbifolium Bunge)的种子形态特征及在山东省安丘地区苗期性状差异,了解文冠果不同种源变异特征,为文冠果在山东安丘地区引种和遗传改良提供参考。[方法]以来自山东、河南、内蒙古、辽宁、黑龙江、河北、新疆、陕西等地的27个种源的文冠果种子为研究对象,对其种子形态指标进行测定,并在山东省安丘市开展种源试验。[结果]研究发现:不同种源间文冠果表型性状均存在极显著差异(P0.01),且这些差异可以稳定遗传(遗传力均大于0.9);苗期苗高与种源地降水、年均气温及地径与降水之间呈极显著正相关(P0.01),苗高与种源地纬度、年均日照及地径与年均日照呈极显著负相关(P0.01),种子长、种子宽、种皮厚均与海拔呈极显著负相关(P0.01)。[结论]文冠果表型性状存在丰富的变异,且受较强遗传控制;文冠果苗期性状变异主要受降水、年均气温、年均日照3个环境主导因子的影响,种子性状变异主要受海拔的影响。综合种源苗期生长状况,初步筛选出山东东营、山东安丘、内蒙古库伦、辽宁关山和辽宁海城5个适合安丘地区育苗的速生种源。 相似文献
对中等立地上杉木、马尾松,甜槠等林分的土壤养分状况进行了综合比较,结果表明:不同林分对土壤有机质及矿质养分的影响不尽相同,阔叶林能增加土壤有机质积累,改善土壤养分状部;马尾松林对提高土壤有效性N、P、K含量具有一定作用,特别是对提高有效P作用很大;杉木纯林不利于改善土壤养分状况及土壤理化性质;针阔混交林能改良土壤养分状况,尤其能较好地改良土壤有效性微量元素状况,防止地方衰退,有利于林业持续发展,另 相似文献
Seedlings of 15 open-pollinated families of baldcypress ( Taxodium distichum) were tested for their tolerance to combined salinity and flooding strees. Ten of the families were from coastal locations in Louisiana or Alabama, USA, that were slightly brackish. The other families were from locations not affected by saltwater intrusion. Five salinity levels were investigated — 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 g l −1 artificial seawater—all with flooding to approximately 5 cm above the soil surface. Survival, height growth, leaf area and total biomass all declined with increasing salinity. Significant variation was found among salinity levels, families, and salinity×family interactions for leaf area and total biomass. Two tolerance indices were also developed to compare family response with salinity. In generalm families from brackish sources had greater total biomass, leaf area, and tolerance index values than families from freshwater sources at the higher salinity levels. A selection and breeding program designed to develop moderately salt-tolerant baldcypress seedlings for use in wetland restoration projects and other applications appears to be well-justified. 相似文献
[目的]了解沙地樟子松天然纯林中枯立木的数量及空间结构特征,探究枯立木形成的原因,为樟子松林的保护和经营提供依据。[方法]在沙地樟子松天然纯林中设置2块1 hm~2的大样地,用全站仪对样地中所有胸径大于5 cm的立木进行定位并进行全面调查;对调查样地的基本特征,枯立木的数量特征及径级分布进行了分析,提出了用于表达林分中枯立木微环境的活立木比的概念,并采用林分空间结构参数一元分布和二元分布分析方法,对枯立木与其最近4株相邻木的关系进行分析。[结果]2块不同密度的樟子松天然纯林下更新幼苗和枯立木数量相差较大,密度较小(样地1)的样地更新幼苗和枯立木较少,而密度较大的样地(样地2)中枯立木达到200棵,林下更新幼苗数量达到15 280株·hm~(-2);樟子松天然纯林样地内枯立木主要以小径级木为主,胸径集中在11 cm以下;样地1枯立木径级连续分布,幅度较窄;样地2中的枯立木径级幅度较宽,但在20 22 cm缺刻,有2株大于23 cm的枯立木;2块样地中枯立木的分布格局均为随机分布,样地1中枯立木周围的4株相邻立木大多为活立木,且胸径较枯立木大;样地2中,只有一半的枯立木周围的最近4株立木为活立木,且有三分之一以上的枯立木胸径不是最小的,枯立木有连续分布的现象。2块样地中枯立木的角尺度-大小比数二元分布特征的差异不明显,而角尺度-活立木比二元分布特征和大小比数-活立木比二元分布特征差异明显,样地1中枯立木的最近4株随机分布于其周围的相邻木为活立木且胸径大于枯立木的比例明显高于样地2,而枯立木最近4株随机分布于其周围的相邻木有枯立木的比例明显小于样地2。[结论]樟子松天然纯林枯立木以小径级林木为主,枯立木的数量与林分密度相关,林木竞争是林木死亡的主要原因,密度过大也会产生病虫害,因此,对天然樟子松纯林要进行适度经营,保持合理密度。 相似文献
Mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal Quercus faginea Lamk., Quercus petraea Liebl., and Pinus halepensis Mill. one-year-old seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum Vitt. have been analyzed with the purpose of studying the influence of mycorrhization on their growth, water relations, and
mineral nutrition. The mycorrhization improved Q. petraea and P. halepensis seedling growth. In addition, the mycorrhization created an elastic adjustment in P. halepensis, although it did not cause any osmotic adjustment. Additionally, the mycorrhization increased phosphorus uptake in Q. faginea and P. halepensis, content of all nutrients in P. halepensis, and N content in Q. petraea. 相似文献
据物候观测,桐花树隐胎生胚轴最佳采摘在海南为8月中旬,廉江为8月下旬,深圳为9月上旬,催芽点播育苗比直接点播育苗成苗率可提高80.8%容器袋填充基质以基质I为最佳。移栽大小灌丛,成活率均可达100%。由于受风浪冲击的影响,选择规划造林地时,首先应确定当地的宜林淮涂高程,深圳湾宜林滩涂高程应高于潮高基准面的1.42m,且土质较为硬实。造林初植密度为0.5*1m或1m*1m适当密植为宜,桐花具有极强的 相似文献