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This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of recombinant Ovalbumin-LHRL (OL) immunization on changes in testicular size, histological appearance and testosterone production in buck kids. Thirty native buck kids at 18 weeks of age were divided into three groups, control (n = 10), immunization (n = 10) and castration (n = 10) groups. Immunized animals received OL protein generated by recombinant DNA technology. Ultrasonographic and histological examinations of the testes were performed. Animals were slaughtered at 44 weeks of age. Semen and epididymides were evaluated for the presence of sperm cells. Immunized animals generated anti-LHRH antibodies. Testosterone production, testicular and accessory glands development and sperm production were suppressed in the immunized animals (p < 0.01). Semineferous tubule diameters decreased (p < 0.01), basal membrane of the tubule was thickened and hyalinized in immunized kids. Immunization affected ultrasonographic appearance of the testes drastically. While testes of control animals gained their normal ultrasonographic appearance as the age increased, immunized animals had uniform hypoechogenic testicular structure as observed at 18 weeks of age until slaughter. Simultaneous histological and ultrasonographic evaluations indicated that the changes in testicular histology could partly be monitored via ultrasonographic imaging; nevertheless, it is difficult to claim that ultrasonographic image reflects the exact changes in such instances. In conclusion, these results indicate that recombinant OL fusion protein is effective in immunocastration in buck kids and has a potential to be used as an alternative to physical castration. Further researches should be conducted to help assessing reproductive status of testes from ultrasound images.  相似文献   

Bilateral testicular haemorrhage was detected in a 5-year-old Bleu du Maine ram in an abattoir survey of male reproductive tracts in sheep; the ultrasonographic and histologic features of the lesions are described.  相似文献   

提取绵羊睾丸总RNA,并以此为模板,采用RT—PCR技术扩增出精子表面特异性蛋白PH-20的cDNA。应用T/A克隆策略,将扩增的PH-20基因克隆入T栽体,通过酶切和测序进行鉴定,结果表明,PH-20 mRNA在绵羊睾丸和附睾中均有表达。  相似文献   

本试验测定了18头湖羊公羔及考力代20头公羔90日龄前睾丸生长和血浆LH水平。结果表明,湖羊睾丸的重量、直径在60和90日龄均显著大于考力代(P<0.05)。湖羊血浆LH水平从初生到90日龄均高于考力代。血浆LH水平与睾丸重量、直径均呈正相关。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the tight junctional complex of pubertal ram lamb Sertoli cells was studied in immersion-fixed samples and related to clinical data and a light microscopical classification of the degree of spermatogenesis attained in the corresponding seminiferous tubule. Although the process followed the general mammalian developmental trend for tight junction complex formation, 2 unusual ultrastructural features were detected: the presence of an active Golgi complex during the early stage of tight junction formation and the transitory presence of ribosomes on both faces of the ectoplasmic cisternae bordering the developing junctions. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial transplantation will provide a new way to study spermatogenesis in domestic animals, disseminate male genetics and produce transgenic animals, if efficiency can be improved. We evaluated a 'surgical' method for transplanting donor cells into testes of ram lambs, where the head of the epididymis is reflected, and a catheter introduced into the extra-testicular rete testis. We also tested transduction of ram spermatogonia with a lentiviral (LV) vector as a means to identify permanent colonization, and introduce genes into donor cells. Eight ram lambs, 11- to 13-week olds, were the recipients: in five, spermatogonia were injected into one testis, and the contralateral testis was an un-manipulated control: in two, spermatogonia were injected into one testis and the contralateral was sham-injected: in one, both testes were injected. Six lambs received spermatogonia labelled with a cell-tracking dye and these were collected 1 or 2 weeks after transplantation; three lambs received spermatogonia transduced with a LV vector driving the expression of enhanced Green Fluorescence Protein and these were collected after 2 months. Donor cells were detected by immunohistochemistry in tubules of seven of nine recipient testes. Approximately 22% of tubule cross-sections contained donor cells immediately after transplantation, and 0.2% contained virally transduced cells 2 months after transplantation. The onset of spermatogenesis was delayed, and there were lesions in both injected and sham-injected testes. Despite the effects of the surgery, elongated spermatids were present in one recipient testis 2 months after surgery. The results suggest that, after modifying the surgical and transduction techniques, this approach will be a means to produce good colonization by donor spermatogonia in sheep testes.  相似文献   

锌硒对绵羊睾丸发育及初情期体重的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本试验目的研究锌、硒对公绵羊羔睾丸及初情期体重的影响。在二月龄公绵羊羔每公斤日粮分别添加40,80,100和120mg锌,或0.08,0.1,0.126 0.15mg硒。结果表明,公绵羊羔睾丸发育和初情期体重均有明显提高。每公斤日粮中添加80和100mg的锌或0.1和0.12mg硒,可显著地促进公绵羊羔睾丸的发育和初情期体重。  相似文献   

轮状病毒VP4基因的原核表达、蛋白纯化及动物免疫试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大肠埃希菌中表达并纯化了轮状病毒SA11株的外壳蛋白VP4,并测定了该纯化产物免疫豚鼠后的中和抗体滴度。结果表明,轮状病毒VP4主要以包涵体的形式存在,利用阴离子交换层析纯化后,VP4纯度为80%,与弗氏佐剂混合接种豚鼠后,所产生的中和抗体效价为1∶500。  相似文献   

利用PSORTb及CELLO生物学软件对布鲁菌16M菌株基因组序列进行分析,预测其外膜蛋白基因序列;选取BMEI1829基因进行PCR扩增并与原核表达载体pET32a(+)连接,转入E.coliBL21(DE3)感受态细胞;IPTG诱导蛋白表达,SDS-PAGE分析及Western blot鉴定目的蛋白的表达;经His-TrapTMHP纯化,免疫Balb/c小鼠,间接ELISA法检测特异性抗体。结果表明,BMEI1829蛋白在原核表达系统中成功表达,纯化后蛋白免疫Balb/c小鼠可产生特异性抗体,抗体亚型分布以IgG1、IgG2b为主,为进一步研究其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同日龄伊拉兔睾丸和附睾组织在性成熟前的变化规律,为其初情期及性成熟的判定提供组织学依据。【方法】将45只伊拉兔随机分为9组,每组5只,从30日龄开始每隔15日采集1组试验兔的睾丸及其附睾,运用形态学与组织解剖学方法对其生长发育规律进行研究分析。【结果】随着日龄的增加,睾丸指数、睾丸重、睾丸长径、睾丸短径及厚径等指标逐步增加,且150日龄时各指标均显著高于其他组(P<0.05);30、45、60日龄睾丸内生精小管排列稀疏,75、90、105日龄时睾丸间质成分逐渐增多,管腔逐步形成,120、135、150日龄时间质细胞进一步增生并成群分布,90日龄起出现圆形和长形未成型精子,120日龄的睾丸生精小管、附睾管腔中出现少量成型精子,150日龄时有大量精子密集分布于睾丸管腔内,且在120、135、150日龄时生精小管面积、上皮细胞厚度、支持细胞数均显著大于其他组(P<0.05);30日龄以上各组间质细胞个数在各组间差异不显著(P>0.05),但均显著高于30日龄;120、135、150日龄时附睾头、体、尾的直径均极显著高于其他组(P<0.05),而附睾头的柱...  相似文献   

[目的] 整合分析多个绵羊睾丸转录组数据集,揭示绵羊睾丸差异基因及蛋白质互作网络关系,以期探索影响绵羊精子生成的关键基因,为绵羊的繁殖提供理论参考。[方法] 对74个绵羊睾丸转录组进行生物信息学分析,通过limma软件包进行差异基因分析,使用WGCNA构建加权绵羊睾丸差异基因共表达网络,并通过MCODE计算网络中重要基因;利用Metascape进行功能富集分析,利用Cytoscape插件AutoAnnotate识别基因集簇。[结果] 最终筛选到11 884个基因,构建237 366对蛋白质互作关系;对2 058个差异基因构建蛋白质互作网络,产生46 169对蛋白质互作关系,确定了4个得分最高的基因集合。对2 058个差异基因构建加权共表达网络,共获得7个模块,其中Blue模块内有929个基因,功能富集分析发现显著富集于雄性配子产生、繁殖、精子发生、鞭毛运动和AMPK信号通路等,且富集结果高度连接并聚成一个完整的网络,最终确定了25个参与精子发生和精子细胞发育过程的关键基因。[结论] 本研究揭示了绵羊睾丸表达基因的蛋白质互作网络和多维差异基因的蛋白质互作网络,最终找到与睾丸精子发生相关且有互作关系的25个基因,为绵羊繁殖研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Six cadaver pelvic limbs were obtained from clinically sound dromedary camels and examined radiographically and ultrasonographically using a 7.5 MHz convex transducer. Radiographic examination was performed in dorsoplantar, lateromedial, dorsolateral‐plantaromedial oblique and plantarolateral‐dorsomedial oblique projections, and the bony structures and articulations of the tarsal joint were outlined. The tarsus was ultrasonographically investigated in four planes (dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar), and each plane was scrutinized in four levels (calcaneal tuber, tibial malleoli, base of calcaneus and proximal end of metatarsus) in both transverse and longitudinal views. Limbs were examined grossly, frozen at ?20°C and sectioned. Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings correlated well with the gross anatomy and frozen sections. The normal appearance of bony and soft structures of the tarsus described in this study provided basic reference data for ultrasonographic and radiographic investigations of tarsal disorders in the dromedary camel.  相似文献   

雌激素与睾丸的功能密切相关.人和哺乳动物体内雌激素的合成需芳香化酶(Ar)的参与,而雌激素与特异受体(ERα、ERβ)结合后才发挥生物学效应.在睾丸所有发育阶段,芳香化酶和雌激素受体几乎都有表达.在睾丸发育过程中,雌激素的缺乏对胎儿睾丸的发育有利.但对成年动物来说,大剂量的雌激素可以引起睾丸功能紊乱和生精障碍,而体外条件下小剂量的雌激素又能促进精原细胞的分裂、增生和分化,诱导精子发生和精子成熟,减少细胞凋亡.文章主要从睾丸内雌激素的来源、芳香化酶和雌激素受体的分布、雌激素对胎儿和新生儿睾丸发育以及对精子发生的影响这几个方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

通过在公鸡日粮中添加不同水平亚硒酸钠,研究硒对公鸡睾丸组织结构及精原干细胞增殖的影响,以期为禽类繁殖性能的研究提供实验依据。选取80只体重接近、健康无疾病的海兰白成年公鸡,随机分成4组,每组20只,分别在日粮中添加0,0.5,1和2mg/kg的亚硒酸钠。通过免疫荧光观察精原干细胞数量。结果显示:日粮中添加适量的硒对睾丸的组织结构及精原干细胞的增殖有显著影响(P〈0.05),其中0.5mg/kg组显著高于对照组、1mg/kg组和2mg/kg组。结论:适量的硒可以促进鸡睾丸的发育及精原干细胞的增殖,过量的硒对精原干细胞的增殖有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

家鸡Leptin成熟肽cDNA的克隆、重组蛋白表达及纯化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从 18周龄鸡卵巢组织中抽提总 RNA,使用六聚体随机引物反转录后 ,用鸡 L eptin(瘦素 )特异性引物扩增出鸡L eptin编码区第 5 2~ 4 6 0 bp的长度为 4 0 9bp的 c DNA片段。根据鸡 L eptin的 3′端第 4 6 0~ 4 92 bp序列设计了 3条部分相互重叠并且顺序串联延伸的下游反义引物 ,并在最后 1条引物 3′端连接上 Eco R 切点 ;在以上用于反转录扩增的 5′端引物的 5′端连接一 Bam H 切点。用该 5′端引物分别与 3个 3′端引物配对 ,利用反转录扩增出的 4 0 9bp的L eptin c DNA片段作为第 1模板进行扩增 ,扩增产物再作为模板与下一引物对再次扩增。经 3次扩增得到编码鸡 L ep-tin成熟肽的全长 4 5 1bp的 c DNA序列。将该 4 5 1bp的 L eptin c DNA序列经 Bam H 和 Eco R 双酶切后 ,克隆入表达质粒 p RSET A的 Bam H 和 Eco R 两酶切位点之间 ,构建成表达质粒 p L ep- SCAU。转化有重组表达质粒 p L ep-SCAU的大肠杆菌 BL 2 1(DE3)在 L B培养基中培养后 ,经 IPTG诱导表达出相对分子质量为 2 0 10 0的鸡 L eptin融合蛋白和少量 4 0 2 0 0的 L eptin融合蛋白。L eptin融合蛋白的表达在 IPTG浓度为 0 .0 5 mmol/ L 时达到最高 ,占总菌体蛋白的 32 .6 %。用 Ni- NTA凝胶从 7L 发酵培养菌裂解液中纯化出 180 m g左右  相似文献   

本研究旨在观察羊驼睾丸的出生后发育和精子发生过程中的细胞凋亡及凋亡相关蛋白Bcl2和Caspase3 的定位.取材新生、12月龄和24月龄羊驼的睾丸,用TUNEL法检测睾丸发育和精子发生过程的细胞凋亡,用免疫组织化学技术检测凋亡相关蛋白Bcl2和Caspase3在羊驼出生后发育和精子发生过程中的定位.结果显示在新生羊驼睾丸未检测到TUNEL阳性细胞,Caspase3和Bcl2表达于间质细胞,提示在新生期凋亡蛋白参与间质细胞凋亡的调节,为曲精小管的发育提供空间;12月龄羊驼睾丸TUNEL阳性细胞定位于曲精小管中央部分,Caspase3 和Bcl2定位于间质细胞和曲精小管中央生殖细胞,提示在青春期(12月龄)羊驼睾丸,细胞凋亡和凋亡相关蛋白参与曲精小管管腔形成的调节;24月龄羊驼睾丸TUNEL阳性细胞定位于精原细胞、精母细胞和精子细胞,Caspase3 和Bcl2定位于间质细胞和各个发育阶段的生精细胞,Caspase3阳性细胞在精原细胞最高,向精母细胞和精子细胞逐渐减少,Bcl2在精原细胞弱阳性表达,在血睾屏障以内的曲精小管近腔室部分呈弥散性强阳性表达,提示在性成熟(24月龄)羊驼睾丸精子发生过程中,细胞凋亡主要发生于精原细胞和早期精母细胞,Bcl2可能抑制精母细胞之后生殖细胞的凋亡.结果提示在羊驼睾丸出生后发育和精子发生过程中存在细胞凋亡现象;凋亡蛋白Caspase3和Bcl2参与羊驼睾丸发育和精子发生过程中细胞凋亡的调节.  相似文献   

为了有效解决新制作的组织切片在晾干过程中所带来的侵占实验平台空间及污染问题,研制了一种组织切片烘烤架。该组织切片烘烤架制作和使用方法简单,主要由支撑架和若干隔板组成,隔板与支撑架通过滑轨连接,使用时将新制作出来的组织切片先摆放在镂空的隔板上,再将隔板插入支撑架的滑槽内,最后放入烤箱烘烤。通过使用该组织切片烘烤架提高了切片的质量,减少了二甲苯对实验人员的伤害,节省了实验平台的空间。  相似文献   

犬瘟热的诊断及其预防免疫的研究进展   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:29  
本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。CDV不仅感染陆生食肉动物,而且也感染水生食肉动物,并且其宿主范围还在不断扩大。CDV感染主要采用病毒分离、特异性病毒抗原或特异性核酸检测等方法确诊。疫苗包括灭活的CDV疫苗、麻疹病毒(MV)异源苗及CDV弱毒活苗。疫苗接种犬的免疫反应主要取决于毒株特性及犬的应答能力,只有弱毒活苗能诱导产生持久而坚强的保护力。尽管多年来CDV弱毒活苗的使用控制了CD的发生,但最近免疫过的犬发生CD的病例并不少见。分析免疫失败的原因,主要是母源抗体干扰、疫苗质量差、其它病毒的免疫抑制以及CDV流行株可能发生了变异等因素的影响。  相似文献   

为了研究日粮中添加纳米硒对公羊睾丸发育的影响,试验选用体重、日龄接近的20只波尔山羊公羔羊随机分2组,1组日粮中添加0.3mg/kg的纳米硒(以硒计),另一组饲喂基础日粮,预试2周,试验期每月测量睾丸周径、长度和高度,每组阉割1只公羔,按照常规方法制作石蜡切片,观察睾丸组织结构。结果显示,3月龄时纳米硒组睾丸间质组织增生发育,4月龄时纳米硒组睾丸曲精细管中精原细胞开始发育分化;5月龄时曲精细管中可见大量的精子,而对照组间质组织以及曲精细管发育、精母细胞发育分化较纳米硒组缓慢。试验表明,日粮中添加一定浓度的纳米硒能够促进睾丸间质组织及曲精细管的发育,促进精母细胞的分化。  相似文献   

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