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Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts are anomalous vessels joining portal and systemic venous circulation. These shunts are often diagnosed sonographically, but computed tomography (CT) angiography produces high‐resolution images that give a more comprehensive overview of the abnormal portal anatomy. CT angiography was performed on 25 dogs subsequently proven to have an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The anatomy of each shunt and portal tributary vessels was assessed. Three‐dimensional images of each shunt type were created to aid understanding of shunt morphology. Maximal diameter of the extrahepatic portosystemic shunt and portal vein cranial and caudal to shunt origin was measured. Six general shunt types were identified: splenocaval, splenoazygos, splenophrenic, right gastric‐caval, right gastric‐caval with a caudal shunt loop, and right gastric‐azygos with a caudal shunt loop. Slight variations of tributary vessels were seen within some shunt classes, but were likely clinically insignificant. Two shunt types had large anastomosing loops whose identification would be important if surgical correction were attempted. A portal vein could not be identified cranial to the shunt origin in two dogs. In conclusion, CT angiography provides an excellent overview of extrahepatic portosystemic shunt anatomy, including small tributary vessels and loops. With minor variations, most canine extrahepatic portosystemic shunts will likely be one of six general morphologies.  相似文献   

Helical abdominal computed tomography (CT) was performed in nine normal beagle-mix dogs. Following cephalic vein injection of ionic iodinated contrast medium via power injector (rate 5 ml/s) dual-phase CT was performed in all dogs. A delayed scan was performed in five dogs between 5 and 13 min after the contrast medium injection. The median time of appearance of contrast medium in the aorta and gastroduodenal artery was 6.3 and 7 s, post start injection and 12 and 12.2 s in the gastroduodenal and portal vein, resulting in a purely arterial pancreatic time window of 5-6s. Pancreatic veins and parenchyma remained enhanced until the end of the dynamic scan (40s). The pancreatic parenchyma showed heterogeneous arterial and homogenous venous contrast enhancement which was slightly hypoattenuating compared to the liver. Delayed scans provided best delineation of the pancreas from the liver. The common bile duct could be identified ventral and to the right of the portal vein joining the dorsomedial aspect of proximal duodenum. Because of the very short time window and variable onset of pure arterial enhancement careful planning of dual-phase studies with previous dynamic CT is recommended. Dual-phase CT angiography enables assessment of the arterial supply, parenchymal perfusion and venous drainage of the canine pancreas.  相似文献   

Arterioportal fistulae are rare congenital anomalies of the hepatic vasculature. Diagnosis is conventionally made by selective angiography or ultrasonography. This report describes use of a dual-phase computed tomographic (CT) angiographic technique to diagnose arterioportal fistulae in four dogs. Advantages of this method include a noninvasive peripheral injection of contrast medium, ability to diagnose multiple acquired extrahepatic shunts, and observation of hemodynamic changes such as hepatofugal blood flow and reduced circulation to the caudal abdomen. The hepatic vasculature including arteries, veins, and portal veins can be completely evaluated. Dual-phase CT angiography is a safe and minimally invasive method of diagnosing arterioportal fistulae in dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a simple, safe, minimally invasive protocol to evaluate the hepatic vasculature. Five purpose-bred Beagle dogs underwent noncontrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan of the entire abdomen. A dynamic, nonincremental computed tomography scan at the level of T11 was then performed using a test bolus of contrast medium to determine time to peak opacification and to aid in the calculation of scan delay. The time to peak arterial enhancement ranged from 2.0 to 7.0 s, with a median of 2.0 s. The time to peak portal venous enhancement ranged from 23.0 to 46.0 s, with a median of 32.0 s. Scan delay for arterial opacification ranged from 0 to 5.0 s, with a median of 0 s. Scan delay for the portal phase of opacification ranged from 6.0 to 21.0 s, with a median of 17.0 s. Using this information, two separate computed tomographic studies were used to image the arterial and portal venous phases of circulatory opacification, respectively. The dogs were hyperventilated to prevent breathing motion during the scan, each of which required approximately 20 s. A power injector was used to inject diatrizoate meglumine (128 mg I/kg) through an 18-gauge cephalic vein catheter at a rate of 5 ml/s. Scanning was initiated after the appropriate scan delay to optimize the specific phase of vascular filling. Maximum intensity projections allowed clear delineation of the hepatic arteries and the portal venous system, while eliminating overlying structures that might interfere with image analysis. Time/density curves were generated, and the time needed for each study was recorded. Hepatic arteries and portal veins were clearly visualized in all dogs. Parenchymal opacification was also observed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the feasibility and usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) multislice computed tomography (CT) angiography with maximum intensity projection (MIP) and volume rendering (VR) in six dogs with clinical and sonographic findings suggestive of portosystemic shunt. Furthermore, we aimed to estimate the diameter of the portal vein and shunt vessels. MIP and VR reconstructions were performed for each patient and the origin and insertion of all shunt vessels were detected. In addition, 3D reconstructions allowed excellent depiction of vascular morphology and topography. All diagnoses and vessel measurements were confirmed by surgery. 3D multidetector CT angiography is a promising, noninvasive, and accurate method of evaluating dogs with suspected portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use quantitative computed tomography (CT) to estimate liver volume in dogs with a portosystemic shunt and to compare the liver volume in normal dogs to dogs with a shunt. Twenty-one dogs with a portosystemic shunt underwent contrast-enhanced abdominal CT for shunt characterization and preoperative planning. Six dogs without clinical signs relating to liver disease were used as a control group. In addition, liver volume was compared before and 2-4 months after surgical shunt attenuation in three dogs. All studies followed established clinical imaging protocols. Liver margins were defined on each image using an operator-defined region of interest and hepatic volume renderings were produced from which the liver volume was quantitatively estimated. There was a statistically significant association between liver volume and body weight in control and shunt dogs (r = 0.909 and 0.899, respectively, P < 0.01). Liver volume normalized to body weight was 15.5 +/- 5.2 cm3/kg in affected dogs and 24.5 +/- 5.6 cm3/kg in control dogs. Based on postligation CT studies in three affected dogs, liver volume increased by 43%, 51%, and 62%. Hepatic volume estimation may be a clinically useful parameter in the initial and postsurgical evaluation of dogs with portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

Paul  Frank  DVM  Mary  Mahaffey  DVM  MS  Christine  Egger  DVM  MVSC  Karen K.  Cornell  DVM  PHD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2003,44(4):392-400
Contrast enhanced helical computed tomography (CT) of the liver and portal system is routinely performed in human patients. The purpose of this project is to develop a practical protocol for helical CT portography in the dog. Ten clinically normal dogs were initially evaluated to develop a protocol. Using this protocol, ten dogs with confirmed portosystemic shunts (PSS) were then evaluated. Each patient was anesthetized, and a test dose of sodium iothalamate (400 mg I/ml) at 0.55 ml/kg was injected. Serial images were acquired at the level of T12-13 or T13-L1. The time to maximum enhancement of the portal vein was determined. This time period was used as the period between the second injection (2.2 ml/kg) and the start of the helical examination of the cranial abdomen. Delay times for normal dogs ranged from 34.5 s-66.0 s (median: 43.5 s) or 1.41 s/kg-4.12 s/kg (median: 2.09 s/kg). For patients with a PSS, the delay times were 16.5-70.5 s (median: 34.5 s) or 1.47-19.17 s/kg (median: 3.39 s/kg). The aorta, caudal vena cava, portal vein, shunt vessels, and their respective branches were well visualized on the CT images. Clinical case results were surgically confirmed. The surgeons reported that the information gained from the CT portography resulted in a subjective decrease in surgical time and degree of dissection necessary compared with similar surgeries performed without angiographic information. We believe that helical CT portography in the dog will be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of PSS. The use of helical CT portography may allow clinicians to give clients a more accurate prognosis prior to surgery and will allow patients with lesions that are not surgically correctable to avoid a costly and invasive procedure.  相似文献   

Comprehensive evaluation of canine elbow joint dysfunction includes assessment of articular cartilage, which can noninvasively be performed with contrast arthrography. Aims of this prospective study were to compare positive contrast computed tomographic (CT) arthrography and histomorphometry measures of cartilage thickness in normal canine elbows, and to determine the optimal contrast medium concentration. Thirty‐two canine cadaver elbows were examined using multidetector CT, before and after intra‐articular administration of iohexol at one of three different concentrations. Articular cartilage thickness was measured on both the CT arthrography images and corresponding histologic specimens. Mean difference (bias) between the CT arthrography and histomorphologic measurements was 0.18 and 0.19 mm in the sagittal and dorsal planes, respectively. Mean bias and precision of CT arthrography measurements made in the sagittal or dorsal reformations were not significantly different from one another. Computed tomographic arthrography measurements from elbows with 75 mg I/ml were significantly larger and had greater bias compared to other contrast medium groups (150 and 37.5 mg I/ml). There was no significant difference in CT arthrography measurement precision between different contrast medium concentrations. Histomorphologic thickness of the articular cartilage overlying the cranial aspect of the ulna (mean 0.32 mm) was significantly thinner than cartilage of the radius (0.36 mm) or humerus (0.36 mm). Findings from this cadaver study indicated that CT arthrography delineates articular cartilage of the normal canine elbow; yields cartilage thickness measures slightly greater than histomorphometry measures; and provides high measurement precision regardless of image plane, contrast medium concentration, or anatomic zone.  相似文献   

Barium sulfate was administered into the coeliac artery of 5 canine cadavers to allow for contrast computed tomography of the pancreas. Contiguous, 2-mm-thick slices were acquired. Multiplanar and three-dimensional reformatting were performed to clarify the anatomic relationship. After imaging, the cadavers were frozen, cross sections obtained, and plastinated. These were compared to the computed tomography images. Five plain and contrast enhanced computed tomographic series of normal live controls were acquired and evaluated retrospectively. In the study of the canine cadavers the pancreas became opacified and appeared homogenous with irregular contour. In normal live controls, acquiring an image at the end of expiration allowed a detailed view of the pancreatic parenchyma in the non-alterated pancreas, but pancreatic and bile ducts could not be seen. Adjacent to the hepatic hilus the pancreatic body appeared as a dorsoventrally flattened structure bordering on the ventral surface of the portal vein, both in cadavers and normal live controls. The right lobe extended caudodorsally to the right abdominal wall and aligned with the cranial part of the duodenum. The left lobe was adjacent to the gastric body in all dogs although it was separated from the gastric fundus by the dorsal extremity of the spleen in normal live controls. Neither kidney was suitable as an anatomic marker for localization of the pancreas, unlike traditional references in textbooks. We recommended using the portal vein to localize the pancreatic body, the descending duodenum for the right lobe, and the dorsal extremity of the spleen as well as the gastric fundus for the left lobe.  相似文献   

Computed tomography angiography, sonography, scintigraphy, and portography can be used to evaluate the portal vasculature to evaluate for a portosystemic shunt (PSS). Time‐of‐flight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF‐MRA) and contrast‐enhanced MRA (CE‐MRA) are other potentially useful techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate CE‐MRA in 10 dogs suspected of having a PSS. Noncontrast MR images of the abdomen were obtained using a Siemens Symphony MR‐scanner (1.5 T) and a T1‐weighted FLASH‐3D sequence with a very short scan time (about 20 s). After injection of contrast medium, the initial sequence was repeated five times. The sequence with the best contrast medium filling of the portal vasculature was selected subjectively, subtracted from the initial survey image series, and a maximum intensity projection (MIP) of the subtraction data, in multiple views, was created. The cross‐sectional and MIP images were evaluated for abnormal portosystemic vasculature. A single PSS was identified and confirmed at surgery in all dogs. A portocaval shunt was found in five dogs, a portophrenic shunt in three dogs, a portoazygos shunt in one, and a central divisional intrahepatic shunt in one other dog. Based on our results, CE‐MRA is a useful tool for imaging abdominal and portal vasculature and for the diagnosis of a PSS.  相似文献   

A prospective study was conducted to determine the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of portosystemic shunts (PSS) and the accuracy of anatomically locating single congenital PSS in dogs using magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). MRA was performed on 10 normal dogs and 23 dogs with PSS. Sensitivity and specificity of MRA to diagnose any shunt among all dogs were 80% and 100%, respectively. Among dogs identified with PSS, sensitivity and specificity of MRA for diagnosis of multiple extrahepatic shunts were 63% and 97%, respectively, and for diagnosis of single congenital shunts were 79% and 100%, respectively. Using MRA, radiologists correctly identified shunts as extrahepatic or intrahepatic in 83% of patients and correctly identified the origin and insertion of the shunts in 57% and 97% of patients, respectively. Use of MRA is specific for diagnosis of PSS and is a sensitive indicator of anatomic location of single congenital portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

Spinal tumoral calcinosis is reported in a Berner sennenhund puppy. The condition was manifested clinically as a non-ambulatory tetraparesis associated with neck pain. On survey radiographs there was a focal calcified mass at the atlantoaxial articulation. Computed tomography and computed tomographic myelography gave additional information on the extent of the mass and on the degree of spinal cord compression. The mass was removed surgically and the dog made a complete recovery.  相似文献   

A series of high-resolution computed x-ray tomography (CT) images of the normal canine middle and inner ear are presented to serve as a reference for optimal interpretation of clinical CT images of animals with diseases affecting this region.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old German Shepherd dog presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at North Carolina State University with an eleven-day history of progressive depression, lethargy, inability to walk, blindness and intermittent vomiting. Computed tomography (CT) of the brain was unremarkable; however, bilateral regions of low photon absorption were noted within the tentorium cerebelli osseum. Mean CT numbers of −47.9 Hounsfield units (HU) and −26.4 HU were recorded within the left and right areas, respectively. These areas most likely represent diploë and are presumably a normal variant of the canine skull. A possible explanation for this finding includes a developmental variant where the medial and lateral plates of the tentorium cerebelli osseum fail to fuse, thus leaving a space for diploë accumulation. Use of various combinations of CT windows and numbers can be valuable for characterizing such variants.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) imaging of eight normal cadaveric canine stifles was performed before and after intra-articular administration of iodinated contrast medium. Transverse CT images were reconstructed in dorsal, parasagittal, and oblique planes. The following ligamentous structures were identified on transverse CT images in all stifles: cranial cruciate ligament, caudal cruciate ligament, medial meniscus, lateral meniscus, and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. The following ligamentous structures were identified on transverse computed tomographic arthrography (CTA) images in all stifles: cranial cruciate ligament, caudal cruciate ligament, medial meniscus, lateral meniscus, meniscofemoral ligament, cranial meniscotibial ligaments, caudal meniscotibial ligaments, intermeniscal (transverse) ligament, and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. The patellar tendon was identified on transverse and reconstructed dorsal and sagittal CT and CTA images in all stifles. Multiplanar reconstructions enabled further evaluation of the continuity of the cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments and menisci. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were not clearly identified on CT or CTA multiplanar reconstructed images.  相似文献   

A 15-year retrospective analysis of histologically proven canine and feline mediastinal malignancies at the University of Minnesota was conducted to identify patients imaged by computed tomography (CT). The goal of the study was to characterize the CT appearance, to determine if there were any tumor type-specific appearances, and to clarify the role of CT in patients with mediastinal masses. Fourteen patients meeting these criteria were available for evaluation. The masses were characterized based on the presence or absence of contrast enhancement, internal architecture, size, extent of local invasion, the presence of pleural fluid, and the presence of regional vascular invasion. Within the limits of this study and the histopathologic information available, there appeared to be no clinically exploitable relationship between the CT appearance and the histologic characterization of the mass. However, CT does provide reasonably accurate local staging information.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine if accurate diagnosis of congenital portosystemic shunt was possible using two dimensional, grey-scale ultrasonography, duplex-Doppler, and color-flow Doppler ultrasonography in combination, and to determine if dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts have increased or variable mean portal blood flow velocity. Eighty-two dogs with clinical and/or clinicopathologic signs compatible with portosystemic shunting were examined prospectively. Diagnosis of congenital portosystemic shunt was subsequently confirmed in 38 of these dogs using operative mesenteric portography: 14(37%) dogs had an intrahepatic shunt and 24(63%) had an extrahepatic shunt. Ultrasonography had a sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 98%, and accuracy of 94%. Ultrasonographic signs in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts included small liver, reduced visibility of intrahepatic portal vessels, and anomalous blood vessel draining into the caudal vena cava. Correct determination of intra - versus extrahepatic shunt was made ultrasonographically in 35/38 (92%) dogs. Increased and/or variable portal blood flow velocity was present in 21/30 (70%) dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts. In one dog with an intrahepatic shunt the ultrasonographic diagnosis was based partly on finding increased mean portal blood flow velocity because the shunting vessel was not visible. Detection of the shunting vessel and placement of duplex-Doppler sample volumes were facilitated by use of color-flow Doppler. Two-dimensional, grey-scale ultrasonography alone is sufficient to detect most intrahepatic and extrahepatic shunts; sensitivity is increased by additional use of duplex-Doppler and color-flow Doppler. Increased and/or variable portal blood flow velocity occurs in the majority of dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

Abdominal computed tomography (CT) using a protocol designed for evaluation of the ureters was performed on six normal purpose-bred research dogs. After noncontrast CT, a postcontrast scan was performed 3 min post midpoint of injection of 400 mgI/kg body weight of diatrizoate meglumine/sodium. Ureteral and ureterovesicular junction anatomy were readily assessed with minimal patient preparation. The ureters were similar in size to reported values and the renal pelvis, ureter, and ureterovesicular junction were easily identified on both noncontrast and contrast-enhanced scans. There was a significant relationship between bladder volume and interureterovesicular junction distance but not between bladder volume and ureterovesicular junction to internal urethral orifice distance. A reliable bony landmark for the identification of the internal urethral orifice could not be determined. The results of this preliminary study of normal anatomy should facilitate the clinical use of CT in the evaluation of ureteral disease (e.g., ureteral ectopia).  相似文献   

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