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Newly hatched chickens were inoculated intranasally with either the S6 or TS 100 strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or they were left uninoculated. The three groups of chickens did not differ discernibly in body, spleen, or bursa weight during the 27-day sampling period. However, the S6-inoculated chickens showed a more pronounced cellular response in the nasal passages and had nearly complete lymphoid depletion in the spleens. The TS 100-inoculated birds expressed only a mild cellular reaction, which was localized in the nasal passages. Uninoculated chickens appeared normal histologically. Serologic tests such as rapid serum plate agglutination, hemagglutination-inhibition, and radioimmunoassay were able to detect antibody responses of chickens to MG inoculations yet could not differentiate the response to TS 100 from the response to S6. Tracheal secretions in intact TS 100-inoculated chickens contained antibodies to MG, yet only one-half of the bursectomized inoculated chickens contained detectable antibody, which appeared to be IgG. This led to the conclusion that bursectomy suppresses the appearance of locally synthesized IgG antibodies to MG in tracheal washings. The locally produced antibody was considered important in the development of resistance induced by intranasal inoculation of TS mutants.  相似文献   

Harderian glands of one-day-old chickens were surgically removed. At one week old, these chickens and controls from which these tissues were not removed, were vaccinated intranasally with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Humoral and local immunity were measured by means of antibody in sera and tracheal washings, respectively. Protection was measured by resistance to intra-air-sac challenge with the S6 strain of M gallisepticum. There was no discernible difference in either humoral or local antibody response between vaccinated chickens from which the glands had been removed and control birds. In addition, both groups were significantly protected against air-sac challenge compared with unvaccinated controls. These results indicate that removal of the Harderian glands neither affects the production of antibody to M gallisepticum, nor alters the effectiveness of temperature-sensitive M gallisepticum vaccination. The role that the Harderian glands play in resistance to M gallisepticum is therefore questioned.  相似文献   

Evans JD  Leigh SA 《Avian diseases》2008,52(3):491-497
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is an important avian pathogen causing significant economic losses within the poultry industry. In an effort to develop tools to aid in MG research and diagnostics, we have compared sequences of the attenuated MG vaccine strain ts-11 to those of commonly used pathogenic challenge strains in search of a simple means of differentiation. Via gapA sequence alignments and comparisons, we have identified and designed primers facilitating strain differentiation. When applied to conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay at low annealing temperature, the primer sets allow for the differentiation of MG attenuated vaccine strains ts-11 as well as the attenuated MG vaccine strain 6/85 from the commonly utilized MG challenge strains R(low), R, and S6. Conventional PCR differentiation is based on the visualization of sole products with the attenuated MG strains ts-11 and 6/85 and the lack of the corresponding products from MG strains R(low), R, and S6. When applied to MG strain F, product visualization varies with the applied primer set. The differentiation of MG strains ts-11 and 6/85 from the pathogenic challenge strains was also accomplished via real-time analyses, however, the primer sets were not able to differentiate MG strains ts-11 and 6/85 from selected MG field isolates.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (TS) mutants of the S6 strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) were used to immunize newly hatched chickens. Immunized chickens developed antibodies to the wild-type (WT) S6 strain as demonstrated by serologic tests. MG was recovered from nasal cavities but not from the lower respiratory tract of the immunized chicks. Three weeks after intranasal immunization, chickens were challenged via the air sacs with the virulent S6 strain. Immunized chickens were significantly better protected from development of air-sac lesions than were controls.  相似文献   

K M Lam  W Q Lin 《Avian diseases》1984,28(1):131-138
Newly hatched chickens were immunized with a temperature-sensitive (TS) Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) mutant (TS 100). Immunized chickens resisted challenge with the virulent S6 strain. The dose of TS MG needed for protection was less than 3.3 X 10(4) colony-forming units. After immunization with TS 100, chickens were subjected to a variety of virus infection and immunosuppressive treatments. Neonatal bursectomy or thymectomy, infectious bursal disease virus infection, and infectious bronchitis virus vaccination or a combination of infectious bronchitis virus and Newcastle disease virus vaccination did not contribute to the development of air-sac lesions in TS MG-immunized chickens. Infectious bronchitis virus vaccination enabled MG to migrate from the nasal cavity to the trachea but not to the air sacs. The TS MG vaccine appears to be a safe immunogen.  相似文献   

A temperature sensitive (ts) vaccine strain designated ts-11 was selected after exposure of a low passage culture of the immunogenic Australian field isolate (strain 80083) of Mycoplasma gallisepticum to 100 mg/ml of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Viable counts (assayed as colour changing units (CCU)/25 microliters) of a thawed stock culture of ts-11 were typically log10 3 to log10 5 higher when incubated at 33 degrees C (the permissive temperature) than duplicate viable counts incubated at 39.5 degrees C (the restrictive temperature). Doses of approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 caused no gross lesions or loss of egg production when inoculated into the air sacs of susceptible chickens and no clinical or pathological signs of sinusitis when inoculated into the infraorbital sinuses of susceptible turkey poults, whereas the parent strain 80083 was demonstrably pathogenic. However, 1 of 10 poults inoculated intra-abdominally with approximately 2 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 did show signs of mild airsacculitis. Eight-week-old pullets were vaccinated by eye drop with up to 1.4 x 10(7) CCU of ts-11 and simultaneously subjected to several stressful management practices, without apparent ill effects. Administration by coarse aerosol of 5 ml of ts-11 vaccine/25 day-old broilers, with or without 25 doses of infectious bronchitis virus vaccine caused no obvious signs of respiratory disease. The non virulent ts phenotype was maintained after 3 passages of strain ts-11 in chickens. Chickens vaccinated 3 weeks previously with ts-11 or with strain 80083 were placed in contact with susceptible chickens for a period of 2 weeks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

对临床分离和实验室药物压力下筛选的鸡毒支原体耐药株与敏感株进行超微结构的观察和比较.结果显示鸡毒支原体敏感株呈多形性,柔软且有较大的变形性,可清晰观察到细胞膜分为外、中、内三层膜,并可观察到裂殖繁殖方式;有的支原体在繁殖时先在极端产生泡状突起,形成不均等分裂.在恩诺沙星药物压力下敏感株产生耐药性后其外膜显著增厚,导致支原体的多形性减弱或消失,呈现出较为一致的圆形;细胞膜内层周围存在排列整齐、结构紧密、类似微管样的结构,胞内电子密度明显升高.临床分离的耐药株超微结构观察结果与实验室条件下筛选的耐药株一致:凡是超微结构发生变化的,均存在耐药表型,而且高水平耐药株的超微结构变化最为突出.研究结果表明耐药性的产生可导致鸡毒支原体超微结构明显的改变,并可能引起抗原性变异.  相似文献   

为了解猪脾转移因子(TF)与鸡毒支原体(MG)F弱毒疫苗株联合接种对SPF鸡淋巴细胞比率的影响,以活菌数达109 ccu/mL的MG F株0.033 mL/羽与TF 0.02 mL/羽分侧点眼SPF鸡,设为A组;B组以MG F株0.033 mL/羽与生理盐水0.02 mL/羽分侧点眼;C组以生理盐水0.033 mL/羽与TF 0.02 mL/羽分侧点眼;D组以生理盐水0.033 mL/羽和0.02 mL/羽对应分侧点眼,作为对照组.点眼后第7 d采血测定淋巴细胞比率.结果显示,A组(63.9%)、B组(53.8%)和C组(54.6%)的淋巴细胞比率均值分别比D组(41.5%)提高了22.4%、12.3%和13.1%.结果表明,TF与MG F株单独使用均能提高SPF鸡的淋巴细胞比率,且TF与MG F株联合使用后淋巴细胞比率提高值高于单独使用.  相似文献   

S H Kleven 《Avian diseases》1985,29(4):1012-1017
Chickens vaccinated once or twice with inactivated oil-emulsion vaccine against Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or left unvaccinated were challenged intratracheally with the R strain of MG. The population of MG organisms was determined by enumerating tracheal cultures periodically up to 28 weeks postchallenge (PC). The number of organisms in the respiratory tract increased rapidly after 4 days PC, and the number tended to decrease after 4 weeks PC. Tracheal populations of MG varied considerably among individual chickens. Bacterin-vaccinated chickens had numerically lower populations of MG in their tracheas up to 8 weeks PC, but the differences were small and considered of little practical significance.  相似文献   

Turkeys were vaccinated with temperature-sensitive (TS) mutants of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) to determine pathogenicity and immunogenicity. TS 37 was apathogenic yet immunogenic to turkeys, TS 100 was highly pathogenic, and TS 102 was slightly pathogenic and nonimmunogenic. Five or 7 weeks after intranasal vaccination of turkeys with the TS 37 mutant, a highly statistically significant resistance against intra-air-sac challenge with the S6 strain of MG was observed.  相似文献   

Groups of white leghorn hens were vaccinated twice with a Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) bacterin, once with bacterin, or left unvaccinated. Four weeks after vaccination, they were challenged with virulent R strain MG. Egg production was significantly higher in challenged vaccinated groups than in the challenged control group. Four challenged control hens went out of production, whereas only one twice-vaccinated hen did. MG was first isolated directly from eggs 5 days postchallenge (PC) in twice-vaccinated hens, 4 days PC in once-vaccinated hens, and 2 days PC in controls, and the hens continued to lay positive eggs till the end of the experiment 7 weeks PC. MG was found in 17.65%, 38.55%, and 45.90% of eggs cultured in twice-vaccinated, once-vaccinated, and control groups, respectively. Nine of 16 twice-vaccinated hens were found to be shedding MG through their eggs, whereas 15 of 17 once-vaccinated hens and 14 of 16 controls were shedding MG through their eggs.  相似文献   

观察雏鸡在免疫新支二联活疫苗后,间隔较短时间(5d),再对其进行鸡毒支原体活疫苗的免疫后,观察鸡群出现的临床症状。将50羽雏鸡随机分成5组,2组用不同途径免疫福州大北农生物技术有限公司生产的新支二联活苗(商品名:芯之圣),2组免疫另一厂家生产的新支二联活苗,1组不免疫作为对照。5d后免疫组40羽鸡均免疫福州大北农生物技术有限公司生产的鸡毒支原体活疫苗(商品名:领风),观察各组临床反应。试验表明,福州大北农生物技术有限公司生产的芯之圣和领风在临床使用中安全性好。  相似文献   

We evaluated the pathogenicity of three live Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccine candidates by infection via aerosol of 3-wk-old chickens with log phase broth cultures (trial 1). Two of the candidates (K3020 and K4649A) colonized only 10% and 20% of the chickens, respectively, unlike K2101 (K-strain), which was reisolated from all of the vaccinated chickens tested. K-strain inoculation did not result in significant air sac or tracheal lesions in chickens at 10 and 39 days postinfection (P < or = 0.05). The efficacy of K-strain as a live vaccine was evaluated in trial 2, by challenge of vaccinated chickens with virulent R-strain via aerosol at 6 wk postvaccination. K-strain vaccination resulted in significant protection from air sac and tracheal lesions (P < or = 0.05). The K-strain was further investigated to evaluate transmissibility (trial 3), colonization and persistence of infection following aerosol administration (trial 4), genetic and phenotypic stability following back passage through chickens (trial 5), and vertical transmission (trial 6). The K-strain had a low rate of horizontal transmission; it remained primarily in the respiratory system of inoculated birds and persisted in the upper respiratory tract for the duration of the trial 4 (5 mo). There was no increase in virulence of K-strain when it was back passaged five times through chickens, and no vertical transmission of K-strain was detected. K-strain showed great potential as a safe and effective live MG vaccine.  相似文献   

A live attenuated Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine, ts-11, has been used for control of M gallisepticum in several countries. The rapid serum agglutination test is usually used as an indicator of flock response to vaccination; however, in some flocks, the detected response may be weak or absent. We investigated whether the low level, or lack, of systemic antibodies in ts-11-vaccinated flocks is correlated with susceptibility to infection after challenge with a virulent M. gallisepticum strain. Birds from 2 separate ts-11-vaccinated commercial flocks with no, or weak, rapid serum agglutination responses (at 11 or 14 wk postvaccination) were randomly selected and subjected to aerosol challenge with either M gallisepticum strain Ap3AS or sterile mycoplasma broth. A group of nonvaccinated specific-pathogen-free chickens at similar age were also exposed to aerosolization with M. gallisepticum strain Ap3AS and used as positive controls. Postmortem examination of the birds, performed 2 wk after challenge, revealed no significant difference in microscopic tracheal lesions or mucosal thicknesses between the ts-11-vaccinated field birds irrespective of their aerosolization treatment. However, both microscopic tracheal lesions and tracheal mucosal thicknesses of nonvaccinated challenged birds were significantly greater than those of ts-11 vaccinates. Hence, broiler breeders vaccinated in the field showed significant protection against virulent M. gallisepticum challenge even when no serum antibody was detected by rapid serum agglutination test. These results reveal that seroconversion detected by rapid serum agglutination test after ts-11 vaccination is not a reliable predictor of protection against M. gallisepticum infection. The possible significance of local antibody response and cell-mediated immunity against M. gallisepticum infection is discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous methods are currently used throughout the poultry industry for the administration of vaccines. Each utilizes water for vaccine reconstitution and/or administration, including two of the three commercially available live Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccines. Selected water temperatures were used to reconstitute and/or dilute the three commercially available live MG vaccines. Water temperatures included 4 C, 22 C (room temperature), and 32 C, and titer (color change units) was recorded at four time intervals, at point of reconstitution (time 0), 15, 30, and 60 min postreconstitution of the vaccines (time periods 15, 30, and 60, respectively). Results for F strain MG (FMG) vaccine showed significant decreases in titer from time 0 to time 15 for the 22 C and 32 C water temperatures but no significant decrease for any time period for FMG reconstituted with 4 C water. For 6/85 strain MG no significant difference in titer was noted for any of four time periods within any of the three water temperatures. For ts-11 strain MG a significant decrease was observed in titer at each of the four postdilution time periods when diluted with 32 C water. There was no significant decrease in titer at any time period for ts-11 MG vaccine when diluted with either 4 C or 22 C water.  相似文献   

从国外引进的鸡败血支原体R株和副鸡嗜血杆菌221株和668株的冻干品,经我所扩增复壮和系统的鉴定试验证明:鸡败血支原体R株属典型的强毒株,副鸡嗜血杆菌221和668株分别属典型的A型和C型强毒株.经过免疫原性试验、毒力鉴定试验及效力试验证明,这三种菌株是制备鸡败血支原体、鸡传染性鼻炎二联疫苗最好的菌株.  相似文献   

刘晓跃 《中国家禽》2002,24(15):24-25
一些国家的禽业生产中,支原体(MG)是肉用种鸡及其后代的本土病.它的危害在于:感染呼吸系统、小母鸡及产蛋鸡的输卵管,致使产蛋下降,蛋壳质量差,雏鸡质量下降.  相似文献   

Lyophilized Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccines are generally rehydrated and diluted with distilled or chlorine-free water as per manufacturer recommendations. However, as mycoplasma species lack a cell wall, this can lead to decreased viability of live vaccine during administration. The ability of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to prevent losses in live vaccine viability was examined. It was shown that a concentration of 1 x PBS prevented the two-fourfold decrease in MG viability seen when the vaccines were diluted with water alone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The macrolide class of antibiotics, including tylosin and tilmicosin, is widely used in the veterinary field for prophylaxis and treatment of mycoplasmosis. In vitro susceptibility testing of 50 strains of M. gallisepticum isolated in Israel during the period 1997-2010 revealed that acquired resistance to tylosin as well as to tilmicosin was present in 50% of them. Moreover, 72% (13/18) of the strains isolated from clinical samples since 2006 showed acquired resistance to enrofloxacin, tylosin and tilmicosin. Molecular typing of the field isolates, performed by gene-target sequencing (GTS), detected 13 molecular types (I-XIII). Type II was the predominant type prior to 2006 whereas type X, first detected in 2008, is currently prevalent. All ten type X strains were resistant to both fluoroquinolones and macrolides, suggesting selective pressure leading to clonal dissemination of resistance. However, this was not a unique event since resistant strains with other GTS molecular types were also found. Concurrently, the molecular basis for macrolide resistance in M. gallisepticum was identified. Our results revealed a clear-cut correlation between single point mutations A2058G or A2059G in domain V of the gene encoding 23S rRNA (rrnA, MGA_01) and acquired macrolide resistance in M. gallisepticum. Indeed, all isolates with MIC ≥ 0.63 μg/mL to tylosin and with MIC ≥ 1.25 μg/mL to tilmicosin possess one of these mutations, suggesting an essential role in decreased susceptibility of M. gallisepticum to 16-membered macrolides.  相似文献   

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