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行距及间作对箭筈豌豆与燕麦青干草产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国西北地区,普遍应用燕麦与箭筈豌豆间作生产饲草。为了研究不同间作模式的增产效果,2009—2010年在吉林省白城市采用两因子完全随机区组设计,研究了2种行距(A1:33 cm;A2:16.5 cm)和3种种植方式(B1:燕麦单作;B2:箭筈豌豆单作;B3:燕麦箭筈豌豆1∶1间作)对饲草产量、品质的影响。结果表明,行距减小播量增大时,作物单株重量减小,饲草总产量提高13%;行距减小播量不变,燕麦单株重量增大,饲草总产量提高29%;B3饲草产量比B1提高24%,比B2提高30%;B3粗蛋白产量比B1高1倍,比B2低20%;间作使燕麦的株高、单株重和粗蛋白质含量提高,使箭筈豌豆的株高增加,单株重、含氮量降低,节数减少,分枝减少。采用行距16.5 cm、燕麦播量87.5 kg hm–2、箭筈豌豆播量75 kg hm–2的燕麦与箭筈豌豆间作处理,全年两茬饲草产量为19.8 t hm–2,粗蛋白产量为2.43 t hm–2,可作为白城及气候相似地区饲草生产的基本模式。  相似文献   

Provision of feed supplies for the rapidly growing livestock population is essential in West Asia. Shortages can be alleviated by growing forage crops in the existing fallow lands.
Narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) is a leguminous species with high yield potential, drought tolerance and cold resistance. It could be used for grain and straw production as source for animal feed in dry areas. It is good source of protein with seeds contain 28 % protein yielding 364 kg per hectare protein, whilst straw contains 9 % protein and yields a similar amounts of digestible protein per hectare.
Nine promising lines of Narbon vetch developed at ICARDA were tested at two sites over four years under rainfed conditions. Since climatic conditions were considered to be of considerable importance, each site in each year was treated as a separate environment to give eight environments with annual rainfall varied from 195 to 504 mm.
Narbon vetch possessed high seedling vigour with rapid winter growth and negligible cold damage. Grain yield varied form 0.47 to 1.90 t/ha, with a harvest index varying from 30 to 40 %. The data indicated that below 300 mm rainfall the grain yield varied from 0.47 t/ha when rain fall was 195 mm to 1.4 t/ha when rainfall was 245 mm. Most of the lines had wide adaptation to dry areas in terms of both grain yield and stability. Climate, except early spring rains had little effect on biological and grain yields.  相似文献   

The effects of six seeding rates (50-300 seeds m−2:) on some morphological traits with hay and seed yield were evaluated in common vetch ( Vicia sativa L.) under fall and spring sowing conditions. The mutual correlations among yield and yield components were also determined.
The sowing seasons and seeding rates significantly affected hay and seed yield, and most of the yield components. Fall sowings resulted in significantly higher hay and seed yield than spring sowings at all seeding rates, and the highest seed and hay yield was achieved in densities of 250 and 300 seeds m−2. In spring sowings there was a positive response in hay yield up to 250 seeds m−2 while no further increase in seed yield at the seeding rates higher than 150 seeds m−2. Average protein content of hay and seed was found to be higher in spring sown crops than fall. The highest protein yields of hay and seed were obtained at 250 seeds m−2 in fall sowings, and 150 seeds m−2 in spring sowings.
Most of the correlations between both hay and seed yields with the yield components were not consistent and differed with the sowing time. Only the correlations between number of the plants per unit area with hay yield, and number of the pods and seeds per unit area with seed yield were statistically significant in both sowing seasons. Close positive associations were obtained between hay and seed yield.  相似文献   

Subterranean vetch [Vicia sativa ssp. amphicarpa (Dorth.) Aschers & Graebn.] is native to disturbed grasslands of the Mediterranean basin where heavy grazing, seasonal drought and erosion act as strong selection forces. It produces two pod types, above‐ground and 5 cm below the soil surface. Unlike subterranean clover (Trifolium subterranean L.), which buries its seeds after flowering above‐ground, subterranean vetch flowers and forms pods beneath the soil surface on underground stems. The aerial pods are produced after vegetative development ceases, while the underground pods are produced in ontogeny. The ability of this unusual vetch to survive in marginal areas with low rainfall (about 250 mm year?1) and to produce nutritious herbage and pods is an important characteristic which helps address rehabilitation of degraded rangelands and increase feed production for small ruminants. Research at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) during the 1988–93 growing seasons has assessed the herbage and seed productivity of underground vetch, its ability to grow in rotation with barley in marginal low‐rainfall areas, and its capacity to regenerate after heavy grazing. Drier conditions in 1989 favoured earlier underground flowering; the number of underground pods was higher than that of aerial pods. Grain yield of barley (var. Atlas) was around 2.0 t ha?1 after underground vetch and only 1.2 t ha?1 after barley. Grazing underground vetch had no effect on the productivity of the succeeding barley crop. The aerial and underground pods serve two distinct functions; aerial pods increase dissemination within suitable habitats, while underground pods increase the probability of plant survival under adverse conditions such as drought and heavy grazing. Underground vetch has two potential uses, namely the rehabilitation of marginal areas and production in rotation with barley.  相似文献   

178 common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) strains were tested for 2 years under dryland conditions in Bursa, Turkey. Broad-sense heritability of the traits was calculated for each trait. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between seed and straw yield, with several morphological and reproductive traits, were obtained. Broad-sense heritability estimates were high for 1000-seed weight and number of seeds per pod. Heritability values for both seed and straw yield were small and insignificant. Harvest index, 1000-seed weight and spring vigour showed significant positive correlations with seed yield, but days to flower correlated negatively with seed yield. Spring vigour, plant height and number of leaflets per leaf correlated positively, while harvest index, seeds per pod and seeds per plant correlated negatively with straw yield. Correlations between seed and straw yield were both positive and significant.  相似文献   

Triennial field trials were carried out at Viterbo, central Italy, to investigate the influence of the sowing time, nitrogen fertilization and harvest dates of the two fibre flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties Belinka and Ariane. Our results showed that warm and dry weather conditions, prevailing from late spring onwards, caused excessive shortening of the growing cycle of spring crops, with negative consequences for seed and fibre yield and quality. However, autumn sowings gave interesting results. Stem dry weight ranged between 5.6 and 6.7 t ha?1 for autumn sowings and between 1.9 and 4.1 t ha?1 for spring sowings. In autumn sowings, plant height and seed yields were also increased. Seed germinability was good even for early harvest dates. Stem dry weight remained constant at harvest dates following yellow‐green ripening, indicating that biomass was no longer allocated to the stems after that phase.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of mouldboard‐ or chisel‐ploughing and rotations on barley crops and associated weeds in a semi‐arid location. Two primary soil tillage operations and eight crop rotation‐tillage operation combinations were evaluated over two successive seasons. Drought conditions prevailed (<152 mm annual precipitation) and affected the measured parameters. Barley grown in mouldboard‐ploughed plots had higher biomass compared with chisel‐ploughed plots. Barley grain yield was greater in mouldboard‐ploughed plots in a fallow‐fallow‐barley rotation. Weed species densities varied between tillage systems and rotations. Density of Hordeum marinum, for example, was high in fallow‐barley‐fallow in chisel‐ploughed plots, and was high under more continuous fallow in mouldboard‐ploughed plots. Similar variations were also observed in weed fresh weights and in numbers of seed produced. The results describe the productivity of barley under extremely dry conditions, where an advantage for mouldboard ploughing was observed. The results also indicate the complexity of weed communities in their response towards different tillage‐rotation combinations.  相似文献   

试验以10%和16%含水量燕麦种子为材料,研究不同控制劣变处理对种子发芽特性的影响,以期为深入探索种子劣变的生理变化提供参考.燕麦种子劣变温度设置为35,40,45℃和50℃;劣变时间分别为10%含水量种子8,16,24,32 d和40 d,16%含水量种子1,2,3,4,5d和6d.结果表明:随着劣变时间的延长,10%含水量燕麦种子在35℃下发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数呈现先下降后上升的趋势;在40℃下各指标缓慢下降但没有显著差异(p>0.05);在45℃下,各活力指标均呈下降趋势且有显著性差异(p<0.05);在50℃下各活力指标急剧下降,并且在劣变32 d时发芽势和发芽率均降至0%,发芽指数降至0.16%含水量燕麦种子在35℃和40℃劣变处理下,随着劣变时间的延长各活力指标下降缓慢但仍有显著差异(p<0.05);在45℃和50℃下,随着劣变时间的延长各活力指标急剧下降,并且在劣变5d时发芽势和发芽率降至0%,发芽指数降至0.此外,劣变温度、时间以及二者之间的交互作用均对燕麦种子活力的下降有显著(p<0.()5)影响,在45℃条件下劣变24 d处理可以较好评价不同含水量种子的活力水平.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were conducted on chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) and four on lentil ( Lens culinaris Med.) at different winter-sown rainfed locations in Jordan from 1988/89 to 1990/91 to study the effect of the duration of weed-free and weed-infested conditions on yields and yield components of the crops. Chickpea seed yields were reduced on average by 81 % and straw yields by 63 % when fields remained weed infested until harvest compared with weed-free conditions throughout the growing season. The corresponding lentil seed and straw yield decreases were 63 % and 55 %. As the duration of weed-free period increased and the duration of weed-infested period decreased, yields increased. However, the critical period of weed interference was between 35 and 49 days after emergence in chickpea and between 49 and 56 days after emergence in lentil, when these crops were at an advanced stage of vegetative growth. There were significant negative correlations between the weed dry weight and the seed or straw yields. The reduction in seed yields in both crops because of weed interference occurred mainly through the reduced number of pods /plant, which in turn was partly the result of reduced number of secondary branches. In chickpea, some reduction also occurred through reduced 100-seed weight.  相似文献   

Nutmeg ( Myristica fragrans ) is a valuable tropical spice crop, which is not easily propagated vegetatively. As the seeds of this species lose viability soon after harvest, storage for research causes problems, especially due to the seasonality of production. Thus, a study evaluated the characteristics of nutmeg seeds, and the relationship between time of harvest, drying temperature, and storage condition on germinability. Seeds were picked at full maturity, full ripeness or were collected within 2 hours after falling from the tree. Seed moisture contents, germination characters and germination indices were determined soon after harvest. The freshly fallen seeds were used for the drying and storage due to their better germination characters and higher germination index.
Seed moisture contents were high in the seeds. These values decreased and germinability increased with increasing seed maturity. Germination percentages were lost at higher moisture contents at a faster rate when dried at higher temperatures. All seeds lost germinability at moisture contents below 45 % (dry wt basis) when dried at the selected temperatures. Germination of stored seed were maintained for a longer period of time when stored at 5 °C in sealed transparent polythene packs, in contrast to when stored at room temperature. The results suggest the recalcitrant nature of nutmeg seeds and present possible methods of storage for short period of time while maintaining some degree of germinability.  相似文献   

Isoxaflutole at 75 g ai ha?1 is registered in Australia for the control of several broadleaf weeds in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Although isoxaflutole provides satisfactory control of problematic weeds, under certain conditions crop injury can occur. Higher air temperature and moisture content of soil are reported to affect the metabolism of soil applied herbicide. Controlled environment experiments were used to determine the tolerance of chickpea to isoxaflutole under a range of temperature and soil moisture levels. For the soil moisture study, the variables examined were two desi chickpea genotypes (Kyabra as a tolerant cultivar and Yorker as a sensitive cultivar), three soil moisture levels [50 % field capacity (FC), 75 % FC and FC] with three herbicide rates [0, 75 (recommended rate) and 300 g ai ha?1]. For the temperature by soil moisture study, the variables examined were two other desi chickpea genotypes (97039‐1275 as a tolerant line and 91025‐3021 as a sensitive line), three temperature regimes (20/5, 30/15 and 35/25 °C), two soil moisture conditions (50 % FC and FC) with the same three herbicide rates. The results demonstrated that the chickpea genotypes exhibited differential tolerance to isoxaflutole, but that differences in response were affected by rate, temperature and soil moisture. Increasing temperature and soil moisture content made the susceptible chickpea genotype more vulnerable to isoxaflutole damage. Injury to the susceptible genotype in terms of increased leaf chlorosis and reduction in shoot height and dry matter production increased as soil moisture increased from 50 % FC to FC and temperature increased from 20/5 to 35/25 °C. Overall damage of the sensitive genotype from increasing rates of isoxaflutole also increased when soil moisture content increased from 50 % FC to FC within the fixed temperature regime of 30/15 °C. The sensitivity of chickpea to isoxaflutole depends on existing temperature and moisture content and the chances of crop damage were enhanced with increasing temperature and moisture levels.  相似文献   

为建立不同采收期黄芪药材HPLC指纹图谱并测定5种成分含量,确定采收期对宁夏六盘山冷凉地区黄芪质量的影响,以乙腈甲醇混合液-醋酸缓冲盐梯度洗脱,检测波长260 nm,建立黄芪药材HPLC指纹图谱,以DAD检测器测定毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷、芒柄花黄素、刺芒柄花苷、毛蕊异黄酮含量;以乙腈-水等度洗脱,ELSD检测器测定黄芪甲苷含量。结果显示,14批不同采收时间黄芪药材HPLC指纹图谱有15个共有峰,5月采收的黄芪毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷与刺芒柄花苷含量较高,10月采收的黄芪毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷与黄芪甲苷含量较高,5月与10月采收的黄芪指纹图谱共有峰总峰面积较大。在宁夏六盘山冷凉地区,黄芪宜在5月或10月采收,HPLC指纹图谱结合含量测定,能够客观、有效地评价不同采收时期黄芪质量。  相似文献   

To determine the effect of different preceding crops and crop rotations on the grain yield of oil-seed rape, a long-term rotation experiment was conducted at the Hohenschulen experimental station in Kiel, NW Germany. Additional factors included the nitrogen fertilization and the fungicide application. The results reported herein are based upon the harvest years 1988 to 1993. Averaged over the different rotations and husbandry treatments, the grain yields in the 6 experimental years varied between 2.71 t ha?1 and 3.99 t ha?1. In contrast, the effect of the different husbandry treatments was smaller and non significant. Averaged over 6 years, only the fungicide application caused small yield increase of 0.2 t ha?1. The highest grain yields of 3.77 t ha?1 or 3.65 t ha?1 occurred when oil-seed rape was directly following peas. Low yields between 3.15 tha?1 and 3.33 tha?1 were obtained when oil-seed rape was grown after oilseed rape. The lowest grain yield of 3.13 t ha?1 was produced with oil-seed rape grown in monoculture only. In rotations with oil-seed rape following a preceding cereal crop (wheat or barley), the grain yields averaged between 3.22 tha?1 in a two course rotation and up to 3.44 tha?1 in a four course rotation. In general, the yields of oil-seed rape increase with the length of the rotation and the length of the break between two oilseed rape crops. The yield component number of seeds per m2 was affected by the previous cropping accordingly, whereas the thousand seed weight did not respond to the cropping history. Based upon disease assessments in the first years of this experiment, we argue that an increase in the incidence of fungal diseases has considerably contributed to the yield decrease of oil-seed rape in short rotations.  相似文献   

In the dry Mediterranean environments of the West Asia and North Africa region, irrigation is frequently used to supplement rainfall to increase crop productivity and yield stability. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an important pulse crop of the region, often suffers from drought and can benefit from such a practice. To investigate the response of chickpea to irrigation, experiments were conducted in the field at Tel Hadya, Syria, from 1985 to 1988 using 24 improved chickpea genotypes sown in winter. Irrigation scheduling was done using the daily water balance computed from rainfall and pan evaporation data. Yearly rainfall was 316, 358, and 504 mm and supplemental irrigation amount was 130, 120, and 80 mm in 1985–86, 1986–87, and 1987–88, respectively. Irrigation increased seed yield by 916 kg ha?1 (44.0%) over the 3-year period. Irrigation requirement for chickpea coincided with flowering and seed development period. The top 10 highest-yielding genotypes under irrigated conditions were ILC 464, ILC 1272, ILC 237, ILC 613, ILC 95, ILC 4291, ILC 142, ILC 147, ILC 295, and ILC 3256. Their mean seed yields ranged from 3877 to 3208 kg ha?1. Among these four genotypes, ILC 464, ILC 1272, ILC 3256, and ILC 4291 with mean seed yields of 3877, 3726, 3208, and 3266 kg ha?1, respectively, were with predictable response to favourable conditions. Aboveground biomass contributed 49% of the total increase in seed yield from irrigation followed by plant height (26%) and early maturity (16%). These results indicate that it may be possible to breed chickpea for improved response to irrigation, and irrigation can enhance the yields of winter-sown chickpea grown in the lowland Mediterranean drylands.  相似文献   

This study gives estimates of breeding progress achieved in winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) since the 1960′s in grain yield and the change in several morphological traits for seventeen historically important cultivars: 12 six-rowed and 5 two-rowed, grouped into four epochs according to the period of major commercialization in Italy. All genotypes were evaluated across a range of soil fertility and climatic environments. The modern six-rowed cultivars have shown a consistent increase in tillers/m2 and seeds/spike (16 and 28 %, respectively) over the local populations. In the modern two-rowed cultivar ‘Igri’ the increase in tillers/m2 and seed weight were, respectively, 20 and 14 % snd seeds/spike decreased by 20 % over the local populations. The modern six-rowed and two-rowed cultivars have less lodging, are earlier and shorter than the old varieties and local populations. In the last quarter of a century, the breeding progress for gram yield has been increased by 52 and 74 kg/ ha/year or 0.75 and 1.1 % per year respectively, for six-rowed and two-rowed genotypes: while the gain in biomass yield in the same period was not uniform for six-rowed cuitivars and increased by 64 kg/ha/ year or 0.46 % in two-rowed cultivars. The grain yield improvement in the modern six-rowed and two-rowed cultivars is the result of a better partitioning of the photosynthetic products into the grain.  相似文献   

Three varieties of Pea ( Pimm sativum L.) viz. EC33866 (early), P-116 (medium) and T-163 (late), differing in their flowering and maturity times, were taken for this study. The early variety recorded lower dry matter, CO2 exchange rate and lower yield. The harvest index (HI) was the highest (44 %) in this variety. Though medium and late varieties did not differ significantly in dry matter accumulation and pod yield, they differed in their HI. The HI in the medium variety is 42 % but in the late variety it is only 36%.
The late variety maintained high leaf area, leaf dry weight, high shoot/root, shoot/nodule and root/nodule ratios, increased nodule dry weight and maximum glycolate oxidase activity. But acetylene reduction activity was low, and the harvest index was lowest. On the other hand, in the early variety the dry matter accumulation was lowest but HI was highest. The major reasons for high HI in this variety were translocation of photosynthates to reproductive organs and lower photorespiration as indicated by low glycolate oxidase activity.  相似文献   

水稻主要根系性状对施氮时期反应的品种间差异   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
以日本晴、武运粳8号、扬稻6号、汕优63为供试材料,设计不施肥、基肥、分蘖肥、促花肥、保花肥等4个不同氮肥施用时期的处理,研究水稻抽穗期主要根系性状对施氮时期反应的品种间差异及其对产量的影响.结果表明:(1)不同穗型品种根系性状差异明显,小穗型品种在每株不定根数、每株不定根总长上具有优势,大穗型品种在每株根干重、  相似文献   

A net‐house experiment was conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, to study the effect of simulated zero‐tillage on the N loss through ammonia (NH3) volatilization, and flux of inorganic N after the sowing of wheat and urea‐N application on two different dates. In addition, the effects of soil perturbation through simulated tillage vs. zero‐tillage, and of sowing time on the wheat yields (above and below‐ground) and N use were examined. Results showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher NH3 volatilization loss of N in zero‐tillage than the tillage treatments, but no significant difference between early (18 November) or later (8 December) sowing wheat on such losses. Inorganic N, mostly NH‐N, was significantly higher in undisturbed soil on day 5, whereas on day 15, NO‐N was significantly higher in disturbed soil than the undisturbed (zero‐tilled) soil. There was little difference in NH‐N or NO‐N contents in soils between two dates of sowing. Plant parameters showed no significant (P > 0.05) differences among the treatments in terms of height, spike length, or number of grains per spike, grain and straw yields and root biomass and harvest index. Moreover, there were no significant differences among the treatments when N uptakes were compared. Our results thus suggest that after flooded rice, wheat can be grown successfully on zero‐tilled soils even when adopting sowing dates till early December. More N loss through NH3 volatilization in zero‐tilled than tilled soils may not affect growth and yields of wheat, but needs to be reduced for N conservation and environmental reasons.  相似文献   

Leaf area development, biomass production and yield of four spring barley varieties grown in a Mediterranean environment (southern Spain) in response to an early application of foliar sulphur or etephon have been studied. Both sulphur and etephon produced similar results compared to the control. Thus, whereas the maximum leaf area index on untreated plots was reached at the beginning of shooting, the growth of foliar area in the treated ones was extended until anthesis and its decline during maturity was similarly retarded. This led to a significant improvement in the biomass at anthesis (which was closely correlated with grain yield) as well as in the leaf area duration during grain filling. These effects were principally due to variations in the number of leaves per plant, caused by a higher tiller production in the treated plants and not by an increase in the number of leaves per tiller or by leaf size.
An application of sulphur or etephon at tillering increases grain yield by raising both the number of ears per plant and per plot, without modifying the number of grains per ear or 1000-grain weight. The similarity between the effects of sulphur and etephon may be due to the fact that sulphur absorbed by the leaves results in an increase in methyonine, the biological precursor or ethylene. The positive correlation between biomass at anthesis and number of ears over grain yield suggests that sink capacity and source activity are closely related and both simultaneously limited by the environment.  相似文献   

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