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一、饲用甜菜的生态习性饲用甜菜是长日照植物,喜冷凉半湿润气候,在我国北方干旱地区种植需要有灌溉条件。饲用甜菜同时又怕涝,当遇上涝害时,极易烂根和感染病虫害。饲用甜菜种子在4~8℃可以萌发,幼苗在萌芽期不耐冻,当长至2~3片叶后抗寒力逐渐增强,可忍耐-6~-4℃的短暂低温。生长最适宜的温度为15℃~25℃,秋季气温降至6℃以下时,饲用甜菜停止生长。饲用甜菜的整个生长周期,可分为营养生长和生殖生长两个时期,第一年主要是营养生长,生长块根;第二年主要为生殖生长,抽苔、开花。在我国北方饲用甜菜的营养生长…  相似文献   

饲用甜菜在我国各地均有栽培,东北、华北、西北等地种植较多,广东、湖北、湖南、江苏、四川等省也有栽培。饲用甜菜是专门作为养牛、养猪用的饲料作物,块根的含糖率较低,通常仅为5~10度,但产量较高,可达到60~80吨/公顷。作为饲料作物,饲用甜菜在我国有较好的开发前景。特别是随着人民生活水平的提高,牛奶的消费  相似文献   

西德饲用甜菜栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西德饲用甜菜栽培技术四川省涪陵市畜牧食品局陈德祥西德饲用甜菜属藜科二年生植物,是新型简产优质饲料,适合我国各地种植的品种有皮拉莫洛、莫纳技、飞尔得赫尔等,饲用甜菜每株叶片数68匹以上,象牛皮菜那样剥叶利用,年剥叶3-5次,亩产8000-12000公斤...  相似文献   

高产优质的饲用作物——饲用甜菜   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
饲用甜菜(Fodderbeet)是黎科甜菜属二年生植,第1年生长粗大的块根和繁茂的叶丛,第2年抽、开花、结籽。饲用甜菜是一种高产优质的饲用作,打碎或切丝后可用来直接饲喂家畜,它的适口性,营养价值丰富,是饲喂奶牛、肉牛、猪等各种动的极好饲料。饲用甜菜适宜在我国北方广大农区种,由于它的品质好、产量大,经济效益高,因此可带动广大农民的种植积极性,对发展当地的畜牧业增加农民的收入有重要意义。.饲用甜菜的块根不同品种饲用甜菜块根的差异较大,主要表现在根表皮颜色、块根形状、块根入土深度、块根干物含量等。饲用甜菜块根…  相似文献   

饲用甜菜具有营养丰富、产量高、适口性等优点,是饲喂家畜的优良多汁饲料。饲用甜菜不但可以为家畜提供丰富的营养,还可以补充春冬季青绿饲料的紧缺。本课题组根据多年试验数据,集成配套出一套适宜黑龙江半干旱区饲用甜菜高产栽培技术并经过示范验证,增产效果显著。现从播前准备、播种、田间管理、病虫害防治、收获等环节对饲用甜菜高产栽培技术进行总结,以期为黑龙江半干旱区饲用甜菜种植提供指导。  相似文献   

<正>1饲用甜菜喂猪1.1饲喂生长肥育猪当生长肥育猪的体重达到30kg时,可开始饲喂新鲜的饲用甜菜。把饲用甜菜洗净、切碎,每头猪每日饲喂蛋白质水平为17%的配合料1.5kg,然后让其自由采食甜菜。1.2饲喂母猪喂前先把饲用甜菜洗净、打碎。新鲜甜菜饲喂母猪,每头每日不要超过5kg,同时还要补充一定  相似文献   

饲用甜菜原产于欧洲南部,适应性强,世界各地均有栽培。我国东北、华北和西北等地栽培很多,现在河南、山东、安徽、江苏、湖北、上海等地已广泛种植。 (一)植物学特性 饲用甜菜在欧美奶牛业发达国家种植很普遍,种子发芽温度为6~8℃,幼苗在子叶期不耐  相似文献   

饲用甜菜(Fodder beet)是黎科甜菜属二年生植物,第一年生长粗大的块根和繁茂的叶丛,第二年抽苔、开花、结籽。饲用甜菜是高产优质的饲用作物,打碎或切丝后可用来直接饲喂家畜,它的适口性好,营养价值丰富,是饲喂猪、牛等各种动物的极好饲料。饲用甜菜的块根和茎叶是各种家畜,特别是猪、乳牛肉牛的良好多汁饲料。据报道,饲用甜菜干物质  相似文献   

李春鸣  汪玺  徐长林 《草业科学》2007,24(11):56-59
对甘肃天祝地区地膜覆盖栽培饲用甜菜Beta vulgaris营养成分、含糖率及适口性和瘤胃消失率进行了测定.结果表明:饲用甜菜粗蛋白含量块根为11.39%,茎叶为17.36%;含糖率达10%左右;在有青草的条件下,饲用甜菜采食率小于燕麦Avea fatua,但有稳定的适口性,适合于冬春无青草时饲喂.饲用甜菜在藏羊瘤胃内的消失率茎叶为88%,块根为90%.  相似文献   

通过有氧发酵、无氧发酵、酵母菌发酵和混合活干菌发酵对饲用甜菜鲜叶进行处理,试验结果表明,发酵良好的饲用甜菜鲜叶呈绿色或黄绿色,有酸香味,手感湿润、柔软,呈酸性(pH在4.1~4.4之间)。有氧发酵导致饲用甜菜茎叶腐败变质,与鲜叶相比较,干物质含量降低11%,而其他发酵方法处理后其干物质含量分别提高了3.3%、5.3%和16.5%,同时能有效地增加有益微生物总量,说明在一定条件下利用发酵可有效地提高饲用甜菜鲜叶的营养价值。  相似文献   

在临夏川塬灌区饲用甜菜以种植密度4000株/667 m^2最好,块根产量达9438.3kg/667 m^2,较种植密度5800株/667 m^2处理增产2.6%,较种植密度2500株/667 m^2处理增产7.3%,块根产值943.8元/667 m^2,叶丛高度60.4 cm,平均单根重2.8 kg,其块根大小适中,群体分布结构合理,块根均匀,光滑,商品性好,效益显著,在临夏州地区大面积种植饲用甜菜时,应选择该种植密度进行种植。  相似文献   

饲用甜菜茎叶发酵效果研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
柴长国 《草业科学》2006,23(7):70-72
通过有氧发酵、无氧发酵、酵母菌发酵和混合活干菌发酵对饲用甜菜Beta vulgarisvar.lutea鲜叶进行处理,试验结果表明:混合活干菌发酵效果良好,饲用甜菜鲜叶呈绿色或黄绿色,有酸香味,手感湿润、柔软,pH值在4.1~4.4。有氧发酵导致饲用甜菜茎叶腐败变质,与鲜叶相比较,干物质含量降低11%,而其他发酵方法处理后其干物质含量分别提高了3.3%、5.3%和16.5%,同时能有效地增加有益微生物总量,说明在一定条件下利用发酵可有效提高饲用甜菜鲜叶的营养价值。  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the suitability of diets containing either approximately 85% fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) with barley straw or 65% fodder beet with pasture silage when fed to non-lactating dairy cows, by measuring intakes, digestibility, rumen function including microbial growth, and N excretion.

METHODS: Holstein-Friesian cows fitted with permanent rumen fistulae were fed either 65% fodder beet with pasture silage (Silage; n=8) or 85% fodder beet with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) straw (Straw; n=8) in an indoor facility over a 9-day period, for measurement of intakes, digestibility, rumen function and urine production. The cows were adapted to the diets over 2 weeks before the indoor measurements. Feed was available for about 6 hours/day, as practiced commercially for wintering non-lactating cows.

RESULTS: Five cows fed the Straw diet had to be removed from the trial because of acute acidosis; four on Day 1 of the measurement period and one on Day 7. One cow allocated to the Silage diet refused to eat fodder beet bulbs and was also removed from the trial. Two cows fed the Silage diet were also treated for acidosis. DM intakes were lower with the Straw than Silage diets (6.4 (SE 0.4) vs. 8.3 (SE 0.5) kg/day) and organic matter (OM) digestibility was lower with the Straw than Silage diets (77 (SE 1) vs. 83 (SE 1) g/100g). The N content of the two diets was 1.14 and 1.75?g/100?g DM and there was a net loss of N by cows fed the Straw diet (?22.7 (SE 7) g/day). Rumen microbial N production was much lower in cows fed the Straw than the Silage diet (6.6 (SE 1.3) vs. 15.8 (SE 0.7) g microbial N/kg digestible OM intake). Concentrations of ammonia in rumen liquid collected on Days 5–6 were below detection limits (<0.1?mmol/L) in 36/48 (75%) samples collected from cows fed the Straw diet and in 27/48 (56%) cows fed the Silage diet. Mean urinary N excretion was lower in cows fed the Straw than the Silage diet (52.0 (SE 5.8) vs. 87.7 (SE 5.9) g/day).

CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVENCE: An over-wintering diet for dry cows comprising about 65% fodder beet with 35% pasture silage provided adequate nutrition, although there was some risk of acidosis. In contrast, the diet containing about 85% fodder beet with barley straw resulted in lower DM intakes, poor rumen function, negative N balance so that both nutrition and welfare were compromised.  相似文献   

目的:为探索在奶牛日粮中添加饲料甜菜对其泌乳量的影响,提高奶牛养殖的经济效益。方法:2011年9月20日至11月20日,选择健康黑白花奶牛6头,随机分为试验组(饲料甜菜组)和对照组(普通饲料组),进行饲料甜菜对奶牛产奶量的影响试验。结果:试验组比对照组头均日产奶量增加2 kg,产奶量提高7.9%,差异极显著(P〈0.01);试验组比对照组粗饲料采食量增加14%,饲料成本增加504元,差异极显著(P〈0.01);试验组比对照组头日均收入高6.8元,增加纯收入1 124元,经济效益提高13.2%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。结论:饲料甜菜饲喂奶牛,牛奶产量和质量明显提高,经济效益提高,在实践中应大力推广。  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A group of 545 pregnant rising 2-year-old Coopdale ewes on a Southland sheep farm were grazed over winter on a fodder beet (Beta vulgaris) crop. Subsequently, 45 out of approximately 750 lambs were born with a variety of skeletal deformities, including shortened limbs, varus and valgus angular limb deformities, palmar grade stance and cranial bowing of the carpus. Analysis of the crop showed the fodder beet contained a low percentage of phosphorus. In addition, 60 out of 460 rising 2-year-old ewes that had been grazed on the fodder beet crop as 1-year-olds had incisor abnormalities and malocclusion.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Two affected lambs (1-day-old and 3-days-old) with representative clinical signs examined postmortem were found to have markedly enlarged costochondral junctions, and noticeably enlarged long bone metaphyses. In addition, one lamb had a dense band of metaphyseal sclerosis beneath the physes of all long bones examined. Histopathological findings included small islands and columns of chondrocytes and eosinophilic cartilage matrix present in the metaphysis. Metaphyseal trabeculae were disorganised and often lined by accumulations of pale pink osteoid; similar pale pink osteoid was also present in the cortices. Unerupted molar teeth in the affected lambs lacked a layer of enamel, and the dentine was irregular with globular basophilia.

DIAGNOSIS: The gross and histopathological lesions were consistent with a diagnosis of rickets.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Nutritional congenital rickets has not been previously diagnosed in sheep, but is a recognised disease of human infants with vitamin D deficient mothers. The rickets in affected lambs was most likely associated with phosphorus deficiency as a result of the pregnant ewes grazing fodder beet during gestation. While vitamin D deficiency was not definitively ruled out in these cases, practitioners are alerted to the possible effects of feeding phosphorus-deficient fodder beet to ewes for long periods during gestation and to 1-year-old sheep during important growth periods.  相似文献   

陶雅  孙启忠  柳茜  李峰  徐丽君  李达  王笛 《草业学报》2021,30(5):200-210
采集、渔猎和畜牧是人类在原始社会中最主要的3种谋生方式,由渔猎和畜牧进化到植物栽培是人类文明的重大转折.在原始社会,牧畜和农业的发明都是男子,男子由渔猎中发明了牧畜的事业,随着牧畜的发展,对草料的需求量也增加,就产生了刍秣的栽培.因牧畜时代所养牲畜渐多,刍秣之需要亦愈切,当先民们偶然发现积存牧草之处长出了新的牧草,无形...  相似文献   

The objective of this digestibility assessment was to determine whether there are significant differences in the digestibility of Roundup Ready (glyphosate-tolerant) and conventional sugar beet, fodder beet, and beet pulp produced from sugar beet varieties when fed to sheep (seven wethers per treatment group). Three experiments were conducted in this assessment. Experiment 1 (35 wethers) compared one glyphosate-tolerant fodder beet variety with four conventional varieties, Exp. 2 (42 wethers) compared one glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet variety with five conventional varieties, and Exp. 3 (42 wethers) compared beet pulp derived from glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet with beet pulp from five European locations. The experimental phase consisted of a 2-wk preliminary period followed by a 1-wk collection period for Exp. 1 and 2, and a 1-wk preliminary period followed by a 1-wk digestibility collection period for Exp. 3. Diets were comprised of grass hay at 30, 30, and 20% of DM for Exp. 1, 2, and 3, respectively, with the balance being beet components. Urea and sodium sulfate were supplemented (8 and 2.9 g, respectively, for Exp. 1 and 2; and 6 g and 2.16 g, respectively, for Exp. 3) to supply sufficient dietary N and S. Each diet was fed to sheep (96 +/- 0.9 kg) in the three experiments to at or near maintenance energy levels. Treatment differences were considered significant at P < 0.05. Apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, and DE for glyphosate-tolerant fodder and sugar beets did not differ from those for commercial fodder and sugar beets in Exp. 1 and 2. There were differences (P < 0.05) in DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, and DE digestibilities influenced by the different varieties of beet pulp in Exp. 3, but these were not unique to just the Roundup Ready sugar beet variety. Digestibilities and feeding values of Roundup Ready fodder beet, sugar beet, and beet pulp produced from Roundup Ready sugar beet varieties were not influenced by the introduction of the Roundup Ready trait compared with conventional varieties.  相似文献   

我国茶资源丰富,且其富含多种独特的营养成分,可以调节畜禽机体的生理功能,在畜禽养殖应用中无残留、无毒副作用,能从根本上满足人们对畜禽产品品质安全的需求,从而改善和提高人们的生活水平。为此,文章就茶及其副产物的生物学特征和营养水平进行介绍,并综述其作为饲料资源对畜禽自身的生长发育、畜产品品质的影响,以及在畜禽养殖上的保健作用,旨在为茶及其副产物作为新型饲料资源的开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

为探讨开发利用岗岭低产土地资源的有效途径,从1984—1989年在踢球山种畜场进行牧草栽培,一年生草地每公顷产鲜草平均85815公斤,多年生草地平均每公顷产鲜草49275公斤。每天每头奶牛饲喂15公斤鲜草以代替部分干草,每月比精料加粗料常规饲喂方法增奶量为34.6%,每公顷鲜草饲喂增值效益达6000元以上。  相似文献   

牛粗饲料品质评价指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粗饲料是牛日粮的重要组成部分,其品质对牛生产性能和健康有极大影响,而实际生产中往往做不到对其品质准确评价甚至忽略,进而影响养殖的经济效益。现有粗饲料品质评价指标有单项指标和综合指标,单项指标主要包括常规营养成分、干物质随意采食量、消化率等,综合指标则包括粗饲料相对值、品质指数、粗饲料相对品质指数、粗饲料分级指数等。现综述国内外现有评价粗饲料品质指标的研究进展,以期为研究人员进行牛粗饲料评价提供参考。  相似文献   

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