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Two new nematode species of Philometra Costa, 1845, P. carolinensis sp. n. and P. cynoscionis sp. n., are described from the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier) (Sciaenidae, Perciformes) in estuaries on the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, USA. Philometra carolinensis (males and gravid and subgravid females) parasitic in the host's ovary is most similar to P. lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935) in female morphology, but distinctly differs from it in possessing conspicuously short spicules (81-87 microm long) with heavily sclerotized distal parts, the gubernaculum bearing a reflected dorsal barb, and in the length ratio of the gubernaculum and spicules (1:1.23-1.42) in the male. Philometra cynoscionis (only gravid females) found subcutaneously in the host's tissue (lateral to the ascending process of the premaxilla and also posteromedial to the length of each maxilla) is characterized mainly by the presence of cephalic papillae arranged in two circles (8 large papillae in outer circle and 6 small papillae in inner circle), the absence of caudal projections, the body size (length of gravid female 20-33 mm) and the location in the host.  相似文献   

Males of the nematode Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), the type species of the genus Philometra Costa, 1845, were discovered for the first time in gonads of its type host, the Japanese seaperch, Lateolabraxjaponicus (Cuvier). Morphological comparisons carried out between the collected male and female P. lateolabracis with the male and female philometrid nematodes previously reported as P. lateolabracis infecting chicken grunt, Parapristipoma trilineatum (Thunberg), and red sea bream, Pagrus major (Temminck et Schlegel), revealed that the latter represent two new species, Philometra isaki sp. n. and Philometra madai sp. n., respectively. Molecular comparison of ITS2 rDNA between P. lateolabracis and P. madai supported the morphological conclusion that the two nematodes obtained from different fish species should be assigned to different species.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Philometra strongylurae sp. n. and Philometra tylosuri sp. n., are described from female specimens collected from needlefishes (Belonidae, Beloniformes) off the Fao coast, Basrah, Persian Gulf, in Iraq. Philometra strongylurae (gravid females with larvae) was recorded from the subcutaneous tissue, muscles of beak and gills of Strongylura leiura (type host) and S. strongylura, whereas P. tylosuri (nongravid females) from the musculature and the subcutaneous tissue of Tylosurus crocodilus. The former is characterized mainly by the presence of eight markedly large cephalic papillae, conspicuously large anterior oesophageal bulb and by the length of body (15-20 mm); the latter by eight minute cephalic papillae, poorly developed oesophageal bulb and by the body length (46-72 mm). A key to Philometra spp. with gravid females parasitic in the subcutaneous tissue, fins or musculature of fishes is provided.  相似文献   

Based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies, the following five species of the Philometridae (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) are described from female specimens collected from marine fishes off the southwestern coast of Java, Indonesia: Philometra lobotidis sp. n. from the abdominal cavity of the Atlantic tripletail Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch) (Lobotidae, Perciformes); Philometra javaensis sp. n. from the abdominal cavity of the immaculate puffer Arothron immaculatus (Bloch et Schneider) (Tetraodontidae, Tetraodontiformes); Philometra psettoditis sp. n. from the musculature of the Indian spiny turbot Psettodes erumei (Bloch et Schneider) (Psettodidae, Pleuronectiformes); Philometroides indonesiensis sp. n. from the musculature of the hound needlefish Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus (Péron et Lesueur) (Belonidae, Beloniformes); and Philometroides trichiuri sp. n. from the dorsal fin of the largehead hairtail Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus (type host) and the savalai hairtail Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier) (both Trichiuridae, Perciformes). All these new species are distinguished from their congeners parasitizing marine fishes by morphological (mainly the shape and structure of the cephalic and caudal ends and of the oesophagus) and biometrical features. Besides previously known Philometra pellucida (J?gerski?ld, 1893) and Philometra ocularis Moravec, Ogawa, Suzuki, Miyazaki et Donai, 2002, they are the only nominal philometrid species recorded from Indonesian waters.  相似文献   

The following acanthocolpid species are reported from New Caledonia. Acaenodera nautili sp. n. from Conger cinereus Rüppel differs from other Acaenodera species in details of the body-spination, the sucker-ratio and the bipartite seminal vesicle; Stephanostomum murielae sp. n. from Carangoides hedlandensis (Whitley) differs from most species of Stephanostomum in the average of 36 circum-oral spines, the circum-oral spine rows with a ventral hiatus and the anterior extent of the vitellarium being > 10% of the hindbody length from ventral sucker. The species is distinguished from the three other species with these characters in a detailed review. The other species reported are: Stephanostomum aaravi Bray et Cribb, 2003 from Lethrinus miniatus and L. rubrioperculatus; Stephanostomum ditrematis (Yamaguti, 1939) from Gnathanodon speciosus; Stephanostomum japonocasum Durio et Manter, 1969 from Cephalopholis urodeta, Epinephelus areolatus, E. chlorostigma, E. maculatus, E. retouti, Lethrinus miniatus and Variola louti; Stephanostomum uku Yamaguti, 1970 and Pleorchis uku Yamaguti, 1970 from Aprion virescens.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Paraphilometroides nemipteri sp. n. is described from the female specimens collected from the dorsal fin and operculum of the marine perciforme fish, Nemipterus peronii off Kuala Terengganu coastal waters in Malaysia. It considerably differs from all other species in Philometridae in the structure of the head end (presence of wide dorsal and ventral cephalic cuticular alae supported by special inner transverse muscular formations) and, therefore, a new genus Paraphilometroides gen. n. has been erected to accommodate it. Additional characteristic features of P. nemipteri are the presence of cuticular bosses on the body, eight cephalic papillae in the outer circle and four small papillae in the inner circle, and the absence of caudal protrusions.  相似文献   

The cystidicolid nematode Metabronema magnum (Taylor, 1925) is redescribed from specimens collected from the swimbladder of the fish (golden trevally) Gnathanodon speciosus (Forssk?l) (Carangidae, Perciformes) off New Caledonia, South Pacific (a new geographical record). The light and scanning electron microscopical examination made it possible to study in detail the morphology of this so far little-known species. Its pseudolabia were found to possess distinct anterior protrusions (protuberances), sublabia are absent, only four cephalic papillae are present, deirids are bifurcated, and the male possesses six pairs of postanal papillae. By its morphology, M. magnum seems to be most similar to species of Salvelinema Trofimenko, 1962, also from the swimbladder of fishes, differing from them mainly in the presence of median wedge-shaped outgrowths in the mouth, lateral alae, the longer spicule on the right side, and a fewer number of pairs of preanal papillae in the male. Since the morphology of M. magnum considerably differs from that of other representatives of the Cystidicolidae, Metabronema in Rasheed's (1966) conception is considered a valid genus.  相似文献   

A new species, Prosorhynchus maternus sp. n., is described from the serranid fish Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch et Schneider) in the waters off New Caledonia. It belongs to a group of Prosorhynchus species from serranids in which the uterus is restricted to the postovarian region. Its distinguishing features include the vitellarium relatively distant from the rhynchus, the cirrus-sac relatively distant from the posterior testis, the distinctly pre-equatorial mouth and several other somatic ratios. New records of Prosorhynchus longisaccatus Durio et Manter, 1968 from Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson) and Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott et Cribb, 2005 from Caranx papuensis Alleyne et Macleay off New Caledonia are also included.  相似文献   

Coprological examination of New Caledonian geckoes of the genus Rhacodactylus Fitzinger, 1843 revealed two new species of coccidia. Isospora leachiani sp. n. from R. leachianus (Cuvier, 1829) has oval, colourless oocysts, measuring 21-26 x 16-18.5 microm. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 11-12.5 x 6.5-8 microm, with distinct Stieda and substieda bodies. Oocysts of Isospora sykorai sp. n. from R. ciliatus (Guichenot, 1866) are elongately oval to cylindrical, 20-23.5 x 11-14 microm; sporocysts of this species are ellipsoidal, 10-11.5 x 7-8 microm, with a slightly pointed end and Stieda and substieda bodies. Infected geckoes did not exhibit any alteration of their health status.  相似文献   

Two new species ofrhabdochonid nematodes are described from the intestine of freshwater fishes in Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand: Rhabdochona (Rhabdochona) pseudomysti sp. n. from the catfish Pseudomystus siamensis (Regan) (Bagridae, Siluriformes) in the Fang Brook, a tributary of the Kok River (the Mekong River basin), Fang District and Rhabdochona (Globochona) thaiensis sp. n. from the cyprinid Mystacoleucus marginatus (Valenciennes) (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) in the Ping River (the Chao Phraya River basin), Muang District. Rhabdochona pseudomysti is mainly characterized by simple, leaf-like oval deirids (a unique feature among Rhabdochona spp.), a prostom with 14 anterior teeth, the presence of basal prostomal teeth, the length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:2.1-2.6), an unusually long left spicule (1.10-1.22 mm), length ratio of spicules (1:11.5-14.7), arrangement of genital papillae, and conspicuously elevated vulval lips. Rhabdochona thaiensis differs from other representatives of the subgenus Globochona Moravec, 1972 possessing caudal projections on the tail tip in that it has only 2 claw-shaped projections located ventrally on the tail tip of both males and females; the species is mainly characterized by the presence of distinct pseudolabia, 8 anterior prostomal teeth, absence of basal teeth, bifurcated deirids, length ratio of the muscular and glandular portions of oesophagus (1:11.3-11.9), conspicuously short (135-141 microm) left spicule, arrangement of genital papillae, and somewhat elevated vulval lips. Fully developed eggs of R. pseudomysti and R. thaiensis remain unknown. These are the first nominal species of Rhabdochona reported from Thailand.  相似文献   

A new nematode species (Neoascarophis mariae n. sp.) is described based on specimens collected from the Argentine goatfish Mullus argentinae (Hubbs et Marini) from coastal waters off the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the genus, the new species belongs to the group of species with females that have the vulva near the posterior end of the body. Only males of Neoascarophis longispicula Moravec et Klimpel, 2009 are known and can be distinguished from those of the new species by their larger body, developed and somewhat dorsoventrally expanded flat inner part of the pseudolabia, bifurcate deirids and larger spicules (the left one with a rounded tip) with a different length ratio. Other species with females that have the vulva near the equatorial region are N. yarihige Machida, 1976 and N. bathygadi Machida, 1976. Both males and females of N. yarihige are longer than those of the new species and have a shorter vestibule; males have shorter spicules with a different length ratio. Neoascarophis bathygadi is the only member of the genus that shares the presence of a cephalic vesicle with the new species, which, however, is shorter and arises at 40 microm from the anterior end instead from the deirids, as in the new species. Both males and females of N. bathygadi are also longer than those of the new species and have a shorter vestibule; males have a larger left spicule, but shorter right spicule and a different length ratio. Ascarophis upeneichthys Johnston et Mawson, 1945, a parasite ofa mullid host, is transferred to Neoascarophis Machida, 1976 and is distinguished from the new species by having a shorter vestibule in females and shorter spicules (left spicule with a pointed tip) with a different length ratio in males.  相似文献   

Examination of the original literature concerning species of Philometra (Philometridae, Dracunculoidea) parasitic in the abdominal cavity of European cyprinids revealed that P. abdominalis Nybelin, 1928 is a junior synonym of P. ovata (Zeder, 1803), a parasite of cyprinids of the genera Gobio, Phoxinus and Leuciscus. The valid name of the species parasitizing cyprinids of the genera Abramis, Rutilus and Vimba, mostly reported erroneously as P. ovata, is P. cyprinirutili (Creplin, 1825) comb. n.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Avitocaligus assurgericola gen. et sp. n., of the family Caligidae is established based on an ovigerous female collected from a razorback scabbardfish, Assurger anzac (Alexander), caught off New Caledonia. This is the first record of any parasitic copepod from this fish. The new genus is placed in the Caligidae since it possesses the caligid cephalothorax incorporating the first to third pedigerous somites. It also exhibits biramous first and fourth swimming legs but lacks dorsal plates on the fourth pedigerous somite. This combination of characters serves to differentiate the new genus from existing genera. In addition, it possesses loosely coiled, uniseriate egg sacs, concealed between the middle lamellar plates on the genital complex and the ventral plates on the abdomen. Preliminary phylogenetic analysis with a restricted matrix suggests that the new genus represents the earliest offshoot from the main caligid lineage since it does not exhibit the dominant exopod on the fourth swimming leg found in all other members of the Caligidae, including the genus Euryphorus. It strongly supports the newly recognized monophyletic status of the Caligidae, incorporating the genera formerly placed in the Euryphoridae.  相似文献   

Two new nematodes, Paraseuratoides ophisterni gen. et sp. n. (Seuratoidea: Quimperiidae) and Philometra ophisterni sp. n. (Dracunculoidea: Philometridae) are described based on specimens recovered from the intestine and mesentery, respectively, of the swamp-eel Ophisternon aenigmaticum Rosen et Greenwood (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from a canal of the Papaloapan River in Tlacotalpan, State of Veracruz, Mexico. The genus Paraseuratoides is mot similar to Paraseuratum Johnston et Mawson, 1940, differing from it mainly in the absence of a bulbous inflation on the anterior end of the oesophagus and in the structure of the mouth (presence of 6 spines in addition to 6 oesophageal teeth). Neoquimperia Wang, Zhao, Wang et Zhang, 1979 and Wuinema Yu et Wang, 1992 are synonymised with Ezonema Boyce, 1971 and Paragendria Baylis, 1939, respectively, and Haplonema hamulatum Moulton, 1931 is considered a junior synonym of Ichthyobronema conoura Gnedina et Savina, 1930. Philometra ophisterni (only females) is mainly characterised by minute cephalic papillae, a greatly developed anterior oesophageal bulb separated from the cylindrical part of the oesophagus, anterior extension of the oesophageal gland anterior to the nerve ring, and by the character of large caudal projections. This is the first Philometra species recorded from inland fishes in Mexico.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and coexistence of monogenean dactylogyrids was assessed on the gills of 63 specimens of wild spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner), caught in the Mazatlan Bay, Sinaloa, Mexico. Five species are reported: Euryhaliotrema perezponcei Garcia-Vargas, Fajer-Avila et Lamothe-Argumedo, 2008, Euryhaliotrematoides sp., Haliotrematoides spinatus Kritsky et Mendoza-Franco, 2009, H. plectridium Kritsky et Mendoza-Franco, 2009, and H. guttati Garcia-Vargas, Fajer-Avila et Lamothe-Argumedo, 2008. All except E. perezponcei and H. guttati represent new geographical records for the Pacific coast. The most prevalent dactylogyrid species was E. perezponcei (100%), H. plectridium and H. spinatus had > 80% prevalence, and H. guttati and Euryhaliotrematoides sp. had the lowest prevalence. The mean abundance of H. plectridium and E. perezponcei was close to 60 parasites/fish, whereas Euryhaliotrematoides sp. and H. guttati had the lowest abundance. The dactylogyrid species exhibited a tendency for attachment to gill arch 2: 25% attachment occurring on gill arch 1, 30% on 2, 27% on 3 and 18% on 4, and showed a significant preference for the central sector of the gill (42%). Haliotrematoides plectridium had a preference for attachment to gill arches 2 and 3 and the central sector. Haliotrematoides spinatus tended to settle on the gill arches 2 and 3 and had a preference for the central sector. Euryhaliotrema perezponcei tended to settle on the gill arches 1 and 2 and the anterior gill sector. Euryhaliotrematoides sp. and H. guttati did not show a preference for any gill arch or sector. The intraspecific aggregation was stronger than the interspecific aggregation, indicating that all the dactylogyrid species on spotted rose snapper were aggregated, and there was no evidence of competition among the species.  相似文献   

Gravid females of two species of philometrid nematodes (Philometridae) were collected from marine perciform fishes in Japanese waters, mainly from the southern Sea of Japan. Based on light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy examinations, the previously described but poorly known species Philometra cryptocentri Yamaguti, 1961 is redescribed from specimens recovered from the abdominal cavity of Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck et Schlegel), Pterogobius elapoides (Günther) and P. zonoleucus Jordan et Snyder (all Gobiidae) (all new host records); the number (14) and arrangement of cephalic papillae in this species are described for the first time. The new species, Philometroides branchiostegi sp. n. from head tissues of Branchiostegus japonicus (Houttuyn) (Malacanthidae), based on a single specimen, is mainly characterized by the embossment of the entire body except for the cephalic end, presence of four submedian pairs of large cephalic papillae of external circle and two small lateral single papillae of internal circle, pair of large papilla-like caudal projections, the oesophagus with a distinct anterior inflation, by a markedly small body (length about 18 mm) and the larvae 306-465 microm long.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Five populations of a new dagger nematode species were recovered from natural grasslands and forests of north and northwest Iran, and described based upon...  相似文献   

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