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The cause of lameness is usually identified through evaluation of signalment, history, and physical examination. Radiographic evaluation provides a definitive diagnosis in many cases; however, laboratory evaluation may prove useful in the characterization of certain conditions or in the prognostication of the condition. In some instances where the definitive diagnosis remains elusive, arthroscopic examination is a minimally invasive diagnostic tool that may be more affordable and available than computed tomography. This article reviews laboratory evaluation of the lame patient and arthroscopic evaluation of joint abnormalities.  相似文献   

草坪质量的模糊数学综合评价方法   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
由于国内外对草坪质量评价还没有统一标准,探索建立数量化、多指标的质量评价方法具有重要意义。选择了密度、质地、颜色、盖度、均一性、回弹性作为评价指标进行数量化测定,采用层次分析法(AHP)通过构建权重矩阵,对观赏草坪和运动草坪分别配以指标权重,然后结合模糊数学综合评判方法,给出草坪质量的评价等级。评定结果基本符合实际,表明该方法能为客观评价草坪质量进一步提供理论方法依据,具有一定科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

农业生态环境评价是对农业进行综合布局的一项十分重要的原则依据。然而,对农业生态环境作出评价又是非常复杂且艰难的工作。所以,建立农业生态环境评价的专家系统是很必要的。本文表明了作者建立农业生态环境评价专家系统的构想,并且展示了作者们设计出的专家系统的基本结构及其功能。  相似文献   

Probiotics are live microorganisms. When they are administrated in adequate amounts, they can have beneficial effects on the host. They are widely applied in food fermentation and feed industry. With the appearance of commercial probiotics, more concerns are raised on the safety and efficacy evaluation of probiotics. At present, the evaluation of probiotics are mainly about the safety and efficacy, and both of them can be done in vivo and in vitro. When developing probiotic products, many companies rarely make a comprehensive safety evaluation of strains, and the evaluation index and methods used by various researchers from different countries are different. Besides, standards in efficacy evaluation of probiotics are not uniform either. In order to solve the problems of probiotics evaluation, it is necessary for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the probiotics systematically and scientifically to establish a comprehensive evaluation method. From the aspects of potential harm and efficacy of probiotics, the authors summarizes recent developments in some aspects of safety evaluation in vitro including hemolytic, evaluation of virulence factors, antibiotic resistance and toxic metabolites-producing ability, in functional characteristics evaluation including resistance to acid and bile, tolerance to simulated gastrointestinal tract, adhesion capacity to gastrointestinal mucosa and epithelial cells, antimicrobial activity, and in safety and functional characteristics in vivo. The aim of this paper is to provide references to build a comprehensive technical system and standard of evaluation of probiotics.  相似文献   

益生菌是指一类活的、摄入足够量就能够对人体产生有益作用的微生物,目前广泛应用于食品和饲料工业领域。随着市场上商品化益生菌的不断出现,如何评价一个菌株的安全性及有效性成为人们关注的问题。目前,益生菌的评价主要从安全性和有效性入手,安全性和有效性评价又包括体内和体外的评价。很多企业在开发益生菌产品时很少对菌株做出全面的安全性评价,而且各国研究者采用的评价指标和评价方法也不尽相同。对于有效性评价,同样也没有统一的评价标准。针对目前益生菌评价存在的问题,亟需建立一套完善的评价方法,对益生菌的安全性和有效性进行系统、科学地评价。作者从益生菌可能产生的潜在危害及功效方面出发,着重论述了益生菌的溶血性、毒力因子、抗生素抗性和产有毒代谢产物的体外安全性评价方法,耐酸、耐胆盐、耐人工胃肠液、胃肠黏膜黏附性和抑菌活性的体外有效性评价方法,及体内的安全性和有效性评价方法的研究进展,期望为建立完善的益生菌评价技术体系和标准提供参考。  相似文献   

保护区管理有效性评估的意义和问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
保护区主管部门正在进行的对国家级自然保护区联合开展管理有效性的评估,意味着中国的保护区事业已从数量建设向质量建设阶段发展。应该抓住这个机会,进一步完善保护区的建设,使之更适应客观形势的发展要求。本研究论述了保护区评估的目的和作用;保护区评估的内容和指标;保护区评估过程中存在的问题和解决的途径;急需开展的工作等,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

Bone marrow examination is an important part of the evaluation of the hematopoietic system. In pharmaceutical and toxicological research, bone marrow evaluation can help determine the potential hematotoxicity or effects of new compounds on hematopoietic cells. The rat is a common research animal, and bone marrow evaluation often is performed in this species. The goal of this review is to provide clinical pathologists and researchers with an updated overview of bone marrow evaluation in rats as well as practical guidelines for methods and microscopic evaluation. Indications for bone marrow collection in a research setting, methods of collection and smear preparation, and unique morphologic features of rat bone marrow cells are discussed. A summary of published cell differential percentages for bone marrow from healthy rats and possible explanations for discrepancies in these values also are provided.  相似文献   

在对风景园林景观规划方案各评价指标分析的基础上,建立风景园林景观规划方案评价指标体系。采用模糊数学综合评判模型与层次分析法相结合的方式,初步建立了风景园林景观规划方案模糊综合评价模型。结合实例评价,介绍了本模型的具体应用过程。  相似文献   

A quantitative method for the informative evaluation of teaching activities was devised using a survey from 33 experts. It is based on an evaluation, by students and two peers, of the four steps of the instructional methodology: analysis of training needs, statement of learning objectives, delivery of teaching session, and testing of student performance. Faculty evaluation is optional, and results are strictly confidential. Results of a three-year trial of this protocol at the Alfort veterinary school are presented and discussed. Each year the method has been assessed and some changes have been implemented. It is now felt that evaluation questionnaires for lectures and tutorial sessions have been validated, while those for laboratories and clinical teaching have to be tested through a larger number of settings. A the same time, a change from informative to summative evaluation is under consideration.  相似文献   

根据影响猪舍健康状态的因素多、模糊性等特点,建立了从实用性、经济性、场址选址、猪舍管理和创新性等5个方面评价猪舍健康状态多级综合评价指标体系,提出了一种定性与定量相结合的猪舍健康状态多级综合评价方法,通过对指标隶属度综合、权重确定、模糊综合评判和特征值计算等步骤客观地得到评价结果,它能够有效地评价猪舍健康状态并根据评价结果追踪影响猪舍健康状态的因素,实践表明该方法简便、合理、实用.  相似文献   

乳制品感官品评技术日益成熟并受到重视。现代统计学、心理学及人类仿生学等学科的发展推动了乳制品感官品评技术的日渐成熟。本文对乳制品感官品评的定义、方法及感官品评在乳制品中的应用进行综述,并对其应用进行展望,旨在为乳制品的感官评定技术提供理论基础。  相似文献   

粗饲料营养价值指数及评定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粗饲料是反刍动物瘤胃微生物和宿主主要的营养来源,科学有效地评价粗饲料营养和饲喂价值,对于开发饲料资源、合理利用粗饲料和提高其利用效率至关重要。本文简述了国内外对动物粗饲料营养价值的评定指数和方法,介绍了粗饲料营养价值评定方法的发展以及各方法的优缺点,指出实际研究中可根据不同的科研需求,选择适合的评定指数和方法,根据实际情况完善评定指数和评定方法,对粗饲料营养价值的科学评定和合理利用起到一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A review of the clinical and pathologic evaluation of allogeneic bone grafts is presented with particular emphasis upon partial joint replacement. The histologic evaluation of cortical bone transplantation is reviewed. Radiographic evaluation of cortical bone transplants is presented in an attempt to understand the normal events that take place in incorporation of the graft by the host. The histologic and radiographic correlation is related to the healing process. Current methods of graft collection and storage are reviewed. While collection of the graft is fairly uniform, there are many varied treatment and storage procedures. General surgical procedures used in performing full cortical bone grafts are reviewed. The clinical use of an osteoarticular allogeneic bone graft in the elbow of a dog is presented, with a review of the operative and postoperative evaluation of the clinical patient.  相似文献   

对畜牧业实行循环经济的综合评价是衡量畜牧业可持续发展程度的重要措施。采用层次分析法的原理建立畜牧业循环经济综合评价的数学模型,对层次分析法的具体流程进行详细描述,同时对层次分析法存在的一些问题进行总结。通过相应的实例,证明层次分析法在畜牧业循环经济综合评价中应用的可行性,对畜牧业相关部门在制定政策时能起到决策支持的作用。  相似文献   

李妙娟 《中国饲料》2021,1(7):135-138
面对日益复杂的竞争形势,饲料加工企业需要加强内控管理。为了评价内控体系的有效性,通常寻找一些评价指标形成体系对内控进行评价。本文提出构建内控评价指标体系需要一些前提,包括对关键环节的识别、评价原则的确定等,在指标选取中,至少应涵盖公司层面、业务层面、财务层面和合法合规层面的指标。内控评价体系构建后,需要有组织保障和制度保障,并且需要不断改进完善。 [关键词] 饲料加工企业|内部控制|评价指标体系|风险管理  相似文献   

蜜蜂授粉的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,目前在我国引起一定重视,养蜂界进行了广泛的研究和应用,但是对蜜蜂授粉效果的科学评价仍是一个薄弱环节,国际上至令尚未形成一个统一的方法。本文将对蜜蜂授粉效果的评价方法,存在问题和注意事项进行阐述,以期引起同行重视,使蜜蜂授粉效果评价方法在发展中得到不断完善和规范,更加科学和准确。  相似文献   

生物安全隔离区国家评估工作,既是我国《动物防疫法》等法律法规的要求,也是当前动物和动物产品国际贸易中进口方对出口方生物安全隔离区实施无疫认可的前提条件。生物安全隔离区是我国无规定动物疫病区的一种重要类型。本文在《无规定动物疫病区评估管理办法》基础上,结合肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区有关标准的相关技术要求,研究构建了我国肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区国家评估机制,明确了生物安全隔离区国家评估的评估管理、评估程序和方法、评估结果发布以及评估后管理等方面的要求,为我国下一步开展肉禽无禽流感生物安全隔离区国家评估工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

亚高山草甸植被利用的综合评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用多层次模糊综合评价方法建立草地资源的综合评价模型,对山西沁源县华城乡亚高山草甸植被利用进行动态评价。结果表明,试验区除个别月份和少数坡向的草地属优等和中等外,其余月份和坡向均属良等。由于评价结果是评价对象分别属于各个不同等级的隶属度,因此,同一等级的草地还可以进一步比较。通过对同月不同坡向和同一坡向不同月份评价结果的比较,可为制定全年的放牧计划提供科学依据。同时,也为草地资源综合评价提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

An important prerequisite for high prediction accuracy in genomic prediction is the availability of a large training population, which allows accurate marker effect estimation. This requirement is not fulfilled in case of regional breeds with a limited number of breeding animals. We assessed the efficiency of the current French routine genomic evaluation procedure in four regional breeds (Abondance, Tarentaise, French Simmental and Vosgienne) as well as the potential benefits when the training populations consisting of males and females of these breeds are merged to form a multibreed training population. Genomic evaluation was 5–11% more accurate than a pedigree‐based BLUP in three of the four breeds, while the numerically smallest breed showed a < 1% increase in accuracy. Multibreed genomic evaluation was beneficial for two breeds (Abondance and French Simmental) with maximum gains of 5 and 8% in correlation coefficients between yield deviations and genomic estimated breeding values, when compared to the single‐breed genomic evaluation results. Inflation of genomic evaluation of young candidates was also reduced. Our results indicate that genomic selection can be effective in regional breeds as well. Here, we provide empirical evidence proving that genetic distance between breeds is only one of the factors affecting the efficiency of multibreed genomic evaluation.  相似文献   

营养状况直接影响水貂的生长发育和繁殖性能,准确评价水貂的营养状况是养殖生产中制定饲喂制度和管理措施的重要依据。介绍了目前水貂养殖生产和科研中常见的几种评价方法,旨在为我国水貂营养状况评价提供依据。  相似文献   

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