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奶山羊实验性苍耳籽饼中毒的研究Ⅱ.生理生化指标的变化张洪友,马春全,夏远亮,王新军,聂利(黑龙江八一农垦大学牧医系,密山158308)本试验的目的是通过人工复制奶山羊苍耳籽饼中毒模型来测试山羊发生中毒时体内生理生化指标的变化情况,为研究本病的发病机理...  相似文献   

反刍动物过食综合征,是指反刍动物采食精料过多所致的一类疾病。多数学者认为,本病的本质是乳酸酸中毒。但近年来,国内外一些学者的研究指出,本病的本质可能是内毒素中毒,或二者兼而有之。为了探讨内毒素及乳酸在本病中的地位,从而有效地防治本病,笔者在前人工作的基础上,采用人工复制方法,对本病的全过程进行了较为系统深入的研究。现将对瘤胃内容物性状的研究结果报道于下。  相似文献   

近几年来,吉林省海龙县散发一种马肠炎病。本病无明显季节性,以发病急、病程短、死亡率高为发病特点;以剧烈腹泻、脱水、自体中毒、心力衰竭和休克为主要临床特征,按一般胃肠炎治疗无明显效果。此病在1979年初马流感后暴发,造成大批死亡,以后每年都有发生。本病病因尚不清楚,有人认为是马传贫的症状;有人认为是霉菌引起的霉性胃肠炎;有人认为是大肠杆菌内毒素引起的内毒素休克,其说不一。为探讨本病的病因病性,现将1979年搜集的33个本病病例综合介绍如下,以供参考。  相似文献   

通过6例绵羊实验性过食谷物中毒的研究,探讨了反刍兽过食谷物中毒经过中有无内毒素血症和微循环障碍,以及内毒素血症和乳酸酸中毒在本病发生上的作用。结果:试验羊血浆内(6/6)和脑脊液内(4/6)均检出内毒素,血浆内毒素呈双相反应,于试验后3h(4例)、6h(2例)第一次出现阳性反应,多数在36h后再次出现阳性反应,血液乳酸含量于试验后12h开始明显增高,36h达峰值,病程48h以上的羊以后又下降,脑脊液乳酸含量显著增高。血浆凝血酶原时间随病程的推移而逐渐延长,鱼精蛋白副凝集试验也呈双相反应,试验后6h第一次出现阳性反应,24h后再次出现阳性反应。据此初步认为,内毒素血症先于酸中毒出现,其在本病的发生上起决定的作用;病程中的酸中毒和微循环障碍是严重的,但在病程超过48h的羊,酸中毒有自然缓解的现象;在疾病的转归上,内毒素血症和乳酸酸中毒起加成作用,试验羊死亡的直接原因是微循环障碍所导致的多系统器官功能衰竭。  相似文献   

猪水肿病又称猪溶血性大肠杆菌病、胃水肿、肠毒血症,是由致病性大肠杆菌引起仔猪断乳后幼猪的一种急性、散发性肠毒血症。本病常出现内毒素中毒的休克症状而突然死亡。  相似文献   

旨在观察不同NFC/NDF比日粮对奶山羊瘤胃细菌及瘤胃和血浆中内毒素及组胺含量的影响。选用6只安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的泌乳期关中奶山羊为试验动物,试验分四期进行,每期10d,依次饲喂NFC/NDF比分别为1.02(Ⅰ期)、1.24(Ⅱ期)、1.63(Ⅲ期)、2.58(Ⅳ期)的4种日粮,以逐渐增加日粮精料的方式诱导奶山羊发生亚急性瘤胃酸中毒(SARA)。分别利用pH动态监测记录系统和滚管培养法测定瘤胃pH、瘤胃细菌总数、淀粉分解菌及坏死梭形杆菌的浓度;以鲎试验试剂法和荧光分光光度法测定内毒素和组胺含量。结果表明:随着日粮NFC/NDF比的增大,瘤胃pH显著降低(P0.05),并且瘤胃pH下降速率和下降幅度也随之加快;日粮NFC/NDF比为2.58时,瘤胃内组胺和内毒素的浓度明显增加(P0.05),坏死梭形杆菌和淀粉分解菌的数量也显著升高(P0.01)。内毒素、组胺和坏死梭形杆菌三者浓度的异常增加对SARA发生和发展起重要作用。  相似文献   

用蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)实验性饲喂3头贵州黄牛3个月后成功地复制了急性致死性蕨中毒。2头对照牛无任何异常。发热、皮肤及可视粘膜的泛发性出血为本病重要的临床症状。贫血、粒细胞及血小板减少、出血时间及凝血时间延长、血沉加速、血块收缩不良以及骨髓中各造血系的破坏等,为本病特征的血液学变化。病理学变化则包括全身泛发性出血、水肿及严重的骨髓损伤。国内有关黄牛蕨中毒的实验复制,本文首次报道。  相似文献   

<正>瘤胃酸中毒是反刍动物采食了过量易发酵的碳水化合物饲料,在瘤胃内产生大量乳酸而引起的以前胃机能障碍为主的一种疾病。本病主要发生于乳牛和奶山羊,役用牛和绵羊、鹿偶有发生。瘤胃酸中毒又称乳酸中毒、过食症或豆谷过食症。1发病原因由于突然采食或偷食了大量的富含碳水化合物的饲料,特别是谷物,如小麦、玉米、大麦、高粱和谷子等,被反刍动物采食后,在瘤胃微生物的作用下,极易引起本病。长期过量食用块根  相似文献   

<正> 本病是由羊无乳支原体(M.agalac-tiae)引起的一种接触病传染病,成年公羊、母羊及小羊都能发病。尤其是泌乳期的母羊引起无乳症对发展奶山羊威胁很大。  相似文献   

赵会茹  王正新 《畜牧兽医杂志》2010,29(4):128-128,132
乳房炎是奶山羊常见病之一,属于乳腺组织的综合性炎症,常发生在泌乳期,尤其是高产奶山羊的泌乳盛期常发生该病,有时在产前及干乳期也可见到此病的发生。本病可直接影响奶山羊的泌乳机能和产奶量,严重时可导致乳腺失去泌乳性能,甚至造成羊只死亡。因此,在我们奶山羊基地县将该病作为严重危害奶山羊产业发展的三大疾病之一。可见,积极探索奶山羊乳房炎的有效防控方法和诊治技术,在理论和生产中均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

奶山羊实验性过食黄豆的血液学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
20只装置永久性瘤胃瘘管的假定健康奶山羊进行了过食黄豆对其血液理化性质影响的研究。结果表明,一次给予40、00、80g/kgwt黄豆,分别可导致发病,明显临床症状和死亡;过食黄豆是一个由酸中毒转入以氨中毒为主的代谢性碱中毒的全过程,血氨浓度与黄豆的给予量呈正相关;血液pH值先下降(7.13±0.22,P<0.01)而后上升(7.86±0.25,P<0.01),血浆CO_2CP先降低(12.03±2.73mmol/L,P<0.05)而后升高(22.76±0.76mmol/L,P<0.01),血乳酸先升高(2.07±0.22,P<0.01)后降低(1.23±0.05mmol/L,P<0.01);血氨、血pH值及血浆CO_2CP的升高,是过食黄豆在血液理化性质方面的特征。  相似文献   

瘤胃酸中毒是由于牛过量采食含可溶性糖类物质的精饲料,瘤胃内急剧产生、积聚并吸收大量乳酸等物质所致的一种急性消化性酸中毒,危及牛的健康。本文分析了24例病牛的临床表现、血液学和生化指标变化情况。结果表明,病牛主要临床表现为轻症者食欲减退,瘤胃收缩力降低;中度病牛精神迟钝,食欲废绝,呼吸急促;重症病牛陷入昏迷状态,呼吸浅表而快,最后衰竭而死亡。血液学检测结果为病牛的RBC、Hb、Pcv均显著高于健康牛(P<0.05),且随着瘤胃酸中毒的加剧而升高;WBC总数上升,嗜中性白细胞增加而淋巴细胞减少。生化指标检测结果为随病情加重,其血浆二氧化碳结合力及钾、氯、钙等离子不同程度下降;尿素氮含量高于健康牛;轻度酸中毒阶段血糖含量不断增加,但病情严重时则下降。通过本研究,以期为反当动物瘤胃酸中毒的防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of feeding barley grain treated with lactic acid (LA) and heat on the profile of plasma metabolites related to carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and variables related to rumen health and acute phase response. Eight primiparous rumen-fistulated lactating Holstein cows were randomly assigned, in a crossover design, to 1 of the 2 dietary treatments consisting of 32% (DM basis) rolled barley grain steeped in an equal quantity of either tap water alone (CTR) or a 1.0% LA solution and heated at 55°C for 48 h (LAH). Each experimental period was 21 d, with the last 10 d used for measurements. Blood samples were collected on d 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 before the morning feeding and on the last day of each period at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h postfeeding to measure glucose, lactate, cholesterol, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), NEFA, haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Also, rumen samples were collected on d 1, 5, and 11 as well as at 0, 4, 8, and 12 h postfeeding on the last day of each period for measuring the concentration of rumen endotoxin. Results of the day-to-day analysis indicated that cows fed the LAH diet had reduced preprandial concentrations of rumen endotoxin (472 vs. 793 ng/mL; P < 0.01) and cholesterol and greater lactate in the plasma; however, treatment had no effect on plasma Hp and TNF-α (P > 0.10). Postprandial responses showed that the LAH diet tended to decrease the concentration of SAA (4.67 vs. 8.50 μg/mL; P = 0.06). Also, there was a treatment by time interaction for rumen endotoxin (P < 0.01), suggesting a role for both the treatment and the time of sampling on this variable. Furthermore, greater concentration of BHBA and a tendency for greater NEFA and reduced concentrations of plasma glucose were observed in cows fed the LAH diet. In conclusion, results indicated that feeding dairy cows barley grain steeped in 1.0% LA and treated with heat modulated the profile of plasma metabolites and acute phase response.  相似文献   

Flurbiprofen, a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, was given as an intravenous infusion (2 mg/kg) followed by a bolus injection of 1 mg/kg six hours later. After drug administration body temperature and rumen contractions were slightly depressed, whereas urea values gradually increased; serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, plasma iron concentration and the number of circulating lymphocytes were significantly lower. Intravenous injection of endotoxin from Escherichia coli O111B4 (0.1 microgram/kg) caused shivering, fever, inhibition of rumen contractions, changes in heart rate, lymphopenia, neutropenia followed by neutrophylic leucocytosis, changes in urea values, hypoferraemia, hypozincaemia and a decline in serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, whereas gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, lactic dehydrogenase and SDH values were not significantly altered. Pretreatment with flurbiprofen completely abolished the febrile reactions to endotoxin. The endotoxin-induced inhibition of rumen contractions was only delayed. The drug blocked the initial tachycardia to endotoxin but did not prevent the secondary biphasic increase in heart rate. Flurbiprofen failed to modify the endotoxin-induced decrease in both plasma zinc and serum ALP activity whereas the decline in plasma iron concentration was delayed. After drug pretreatment the changes in circulating white blood cells were more pronounced. These data demonstrate that most of the haematological, blood biochemical and clinical effects of endotoxin cannot be blocked by flurbiprofen, and that these effects are not due to the increase in body temperature alone. Tolerance induced by repetitive daily intravenous administration of endotoxin resulted in an almost complete abolition of all the effects. However, the plasma iron values from tolerant goats were significantly lower than those from non-tolerant animals, which demonstrates that the development of a refractory state can result in modification of this biochemical parameter.  相似文献   

将20头安装瘤胃瘘管的荷斯坦产奶牛随机分为对照组和试验Ⅰ~Ⅲ组,每组5头,对照组饲喂TMR,试验Ⅰ~Ⅲ组饲喂TMR分别加150.0g/(头·d)复合脂肪酸、乳酸和复合脂肪酸+乳酸(1:1),探讨复合脂肪酸和乳酸对奶牛瘤胃CH4释放量、VFA和NH3-N浓度及产奶性能的影响。结果显示,TMR加150.0g/(头·d)复合脂肪酸+2L酸(1:1),使奶牛瘤胃NH3-N和CH4释放量分别减少11.92%(P〈0.05)和21.35%(P〈0.01),FCM、乳脂率和乳糖含量分别提高3.28%、5.12%和3.62%,瘤胃VFA明显增加,能够有效抑制奶牛对空气的CH4污染.显著提高奶牛的生态效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

【目的】 试验旨在研究外源生物制剂对玉米秸秆与马铃薯渣混贮饲料发酵品质、营养价值及72 h瘤胃降解率的影响, 筛选高效饲用生物制剂, 探索实用的玉米秸秆饲料转化技术。【方法】 以粮饲兼用型玉米品种原单32秸秆和克新1号马铃薯渣为试验材料, 以3∶1比例混合青贮。采用完全随机试验设计, 共15个处理, 分别采用酶制剂(CE1、CE2、CE3和CE4)、菌制剂(LAB)及酶菌复合处理(MCL1、MCL2、MCL3、MCL4、MCL5、MCL6、MCL7、MCL8和MCL9), 并设置不添加任何酶菌制剂的对照组(CK)。青贮发酵60 d之后, 对混贮饲料青贮质量指标及瘤胃降解率进行测定。【结果】 混贮饲料各处理及对照感官评定均达到了优级; 酶处理组和酶菌处理组混贮饲料乳酸、乙酸含量均显著高于菌处理组及对照(P<0.05), 其中MCL2和MCL4处理组乳酸含量最高, 分别为2.82%和2.77%;与对照相比, 各处理组混贮饲料纤维素、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)及酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均显著降低(P < 0.05), 其中MCL2处理最低, 分别为22.86%、53.43%、33.99%;1 g/3 kg纤维素酶添加处理组(CE1、MCL2、MCL6、MCL7)纤维素72 h瘤胃降解率均显著高于其他处理组(P<0.05)。【结论】 酶、菌及菌酶协同作用不同程度促进玉米秸秆与马铃薯渣混贮饲料发酵, 改善混贮饲料营养价值, 提高反刍动物瘤胃对营养物质的降解效率, 综合玉米秸秆发酵品质、营养成分及养分瘤胃降解率: 酶菌复合处理>酶处理>菌处理, 其中MCL2处理组(木聚糖酶1 g/3 kg、果胶酶1 g/3 kg、β-葡聚糖酶1 g/3 kg、乳杆菌3 g/3 kg、纤维素酶1 g/3 kg)效果最佳; 纤维素酶降低玉米秸秆混贮饲料纤维素、ADF、NDF含量, 最适纤维素酶添加量为1 g/3 kg。  相似文献   

The clinical efficacy of the lazaroid, tirilazad mesylate, a new therapeutic agent for prophylaxis and treatment of endotoxemia, was evaluated in 24 neonatal Holstein calves. Endotoxemia was induced by IV infusion of commercial Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (3.25 micrograms/kg of body weight) over 3 hours. Group-1 calves were given endotoxin alone; group-2 calves were given an infusion of 0.9% sterile saline solution, then were treated with tirilazad mesylate (1.5 mg/kg) 1 hour after the infusion was started. Group-3 calves were treated with tirilazad mesylate 1 hour after the start of the endotoxin infusion, and group-4 calves were given tirilazad mesylate 1 hour before the start of the endotoxin infusion. Clinical signs of endotoxemia were mitigated by tirilazad mesylate. In addition, tirilazad mesylate protected calves from endotoxin-induced hyperglycemia; treatment after endotoxin infusion decreased the severity of hypoglycemia and prevented lactic acidosis. Treatment with tirilazad mesylate after initiation of endotoxin infusion was as protective as was pretreatment.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究日粮不同非纤维性碳水化合物/中性洗涤纤维(NFC/NDF)对瘤胃液和血液中内毒素和组织胺含量的影响。选择3只安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的关中奶山羊作为试验动物,采用自身对照试验法,依次饲喂NFC/NDF分别为1.02(Ⅰ组)、1.24(Ⅱ组)、1.63(Ⅲ组)、2.58(Ⅳ组)的4种日粮。结果表明,随着日粮NFC/NDF的提高,瘤胃液中内毒素和组织胺含量随之提高,导致血浆中内毒素和组织胺含量相应增加。当日粮NFC/NDF为2.58时,SARA发生,瘤胃液和血液中内毒素含量随病程发展显著升高(P<0.05),瘤胃液中组织胺含量也随病程发展显著升高(P<0.05)。因此,内毒素、组织胺对促进SARA发生、发展起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

20只装置永久性瘤胃瘘管的假定健康奶山羊进行了过食黄豆的研究。瘤胃液性状的研究结果为,pH值先降低而后上升,乳酸浓度先上升而后下降,氨持续上升,纤毛虫活力降低、数量减少,纤维素消化能力减弱。结果表明,过食黄豆导致瘤胃液出现了先酸性物质占优势后碱性物质占优势的结果,这是本病的重要特征,也是诊断本病的重要依据。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with ruminally fistulated wether lambs to determine the effect of lactic acid addition to a hay diet on rumen lactate metabolism, blood acid-base status and subsequent adaptation to a high concentrate diet. In Exp. 1, lambs were fed mature brome hay (H), H plus 5% (w/w) D,L lactic acid (H5L) or H plus 10% lactic acid (H10L) (three lambs per treatment) for 14 days (phase I) then switched to a 90% concentrate diet for 2 days (phase II). In Exp. 2, lambs were fed alfalfa-brome hay (H) (six lambs), H plus 2.5% lactic acid (H2.5L) (six lambs) or H plus 5% lactic acid (H5L) (four lambs) during phase I, then switched to a 70% concentrate diet (3 days) followed by a 90% concentrate diet (10 days) (phase II). During both experiments rumen fluid samples were taken periodically for pH and lactate analyses and in vitro L- or D-lactate disappearance (IVLD) studies. Blood samples were taken to measure acid-base status, serum lactate, and serum calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Dietary lactic acid enhanced IVLD during phase I of both experiments. L and D isomer IVLD rates were similar and followed zero-order kinetics. In Exp. 2, IVLD increased rapidly during phase II in response to increased concentrate level in the diet; the enhanced rates of H2.5L and H5L lambs were sustained for the first 3 days of phase II. Blood data from both experiments indicated a deleterious effect of dietary lactic acid on blood acid-base balance; however, this treatment effect was not manifested in any symptoms of acute acidosis. There was a decrease (P less than .05) in serum calcium during phase II of both experiments. In Experiment 1, serum calcium increased linearly (P less than .05) in response to dietary lactic acid level. In Exp. 1, rumen fluid total lactate and L-lactate were lower (P less than .05) for H5L vs H lambs during phase II. However, all lambs in Exp. 1 experienced acute acidosis; four of the nine lambs subsequently died. There was evidence of acidosis in Exp. 2, but there were no clear treatment effects during phase II on rumen fluid pH or lactate, or feed intake. All lambs adapted to the high concentrate diets as evidenced by rumen lactate levels and feed intakes. In both experiments, the proportion of L-lactate in rumen fluid decreased from almost 100 to about 50% of total lactate by the end of phase II.  相似文献   

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