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M. Kihara    K. Fukuda    H. Funatsuki    I. Kishinami  Y. Aida 《Plant Breeding》1994,112(3):244-247
Plant regeneration was achieved through anther culture of three wild species of Hordeum (H. murinum, H. marinum and H, bulbosum). Calli or embryoids were formed from microspores in anthers cultured on a medium containing 6-benzylammopurine (BAP) and ficoll. These calli or embryoids regenerated green or albino shoots and roots after transfer to regeneration media. Green plantlets which developed on regeneration media were transferred to soil where they showed further growth.  相似文献   

基因型对陆地棉花药离体培养反应的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对27种棉花基因型的花药在离体培养中的反应进行了比较,结果表明:所有的基因型在合适的培养条件下均能高频率地形成愈伤组织,但不同基因型间愈伤组织诱导率和诱导量不同;再生植株的花药比原始亲本的花药易诱导出愈伤组织;品种间杂种表现出部分优势,但不明显。本试验中,仅鲁棉6号和Siokra1-3两个品种诱导获得了胚性愈伤组织、胚状体和再生植株,且二者之间也存在着差别。从基因型在棉花花药培养中的效应、外界调控对棉花不同基因型花药培养效果的影响、棉花花药培养与体细胞培养基因型差异的比较等三个方面进行了讨论,提出了棉花花药培养愈伤组织诱导和植株再生是受两套遗传基因控制的遗传性状,并提出了棉花组织培养植株再生的阈值问题  相似文献   

Genetic stocks of Triticum aestivum including the disomic, 8 ditelosomic and 3 nullisomic-tetrasomic ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat lines were employed to ascertain the chromosomal arm locations of the genes acting on the production of embryos from micro-spores and on the regeneration capacity (green and albina) of the microspore-derived embryos. All these aneuploid lines differed significantly from the parental line ‘Chinese Spring’ for embryo production. Our results confirmed or in most cases established that genes affecting embryo production are located on several chromosomal arms: IBS, 1BL, 3AS, 3AL, 5AS, SAL, 5BS, 5BL, 7DS, 7DL. Whereas most of the chromosomal arms stimulate the production of embryos from the microspores, IBS and 1BL reduce it. The results of plant production from microspore-derived embryos suggest that the genes increasing regeneration ability are located on CS5A chromosome and are likely associated to a gene increasing green plant frequency. On the contrary, the 1BL arm increases the albina frequency.  相似文献   

Q. Cai    I. Szarejko    K. Polok  M. Maluszvnski 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(3):218-226
The influence of carbon source and growth regulator composition in induction medium on anther culture response was investigated using spring barley genotypes. Anthers were cultured on BAC3, Ficoll-containing medium, supplemented with one of the following carbohydrates: sucrose, maltose, cellobiosc and melibiose (6 % w/v). The use of either maltose or cellobiose resulted in a significantly higher anther response, calli and/or embryoid production and green plant regeneration compared to the incubation of anthers on a medium containing sucrose. Contrary to these results, the replacement of sucrose by melibiose in BAO medium, drastically reduced the efficiency of anther culture. As an average for the three genotypes tested, the frequency of green plants per 100 anthers plated was 9- to 22-fold higher on medium supplemented with sucrose or cellobiose than on medium containing melibiose as a sole carbohydrate. Among the growth regulators tested, the combination of auxin NAA (2 mg/l) and cytokinin BAP (1 mg/1) performed much better than the employment of auxin 2,4-D combined either with zeatin riboside or BAP as cytokinins. The beneficial effect of medium supplemented with NAA and BAP was associated with better embryoid formation compared to the other growth regulator combinations tested. The hormone-free combination gave a similar anther response and production of calli as any medium supplemented with growth regulators, but the regeneration capacity of calli produced on hormone-free medium was much lower, resulting in the drastic reduction of the number of both total and green regenerants.  相似文献   

S. Agache    J. De  Buyser  Y. Henry  J. W. Snape 《Plant Breeding》1988,100(1):26-33
A population of thirty-eight doubled haploid lines, developed from the F1 between two wheat parents differing in anther culture and somatic tissue culture responses, ‘was used to examine the genetical control of responses to these in vitro systems. During anther culture genetic variation between lines was exhibited for frequencies of callus induction., embryo production and embryo regeneration rates. In addition the relative frequencies of green and albino plants was shown to be genotype dependent. However, there was no correlation, between the frequencies of embryo production and the regeneration rate of those embryos suggesting an independent genetic control of these two components. Transgressive segregation for performance was observed for all components indicating that at least two genes are involved in the response of each, and lines for improved performance, combining high ernoryo production rates and good regeneration capacity were identified. No genetic variation for frequencies of callus induction from immature embryos was observed in this cross. However, genetic variation for the regeneration frequencies of plants was observed. Lines with an improved tissue culture response over the two parents were identified. There was no correlation between the performance of lines in anther culture and somatic tissue culture, indicating separate genetical control, and lines with alternative levels of response to the two systems were identified.  相似文献   

摘 要:水仙离体培养及其再生技术在水仙品种改良、种质资源保存与繁殖、遗传转化等方面发挥着重要作用。本文综述了20世纪70年代以来水仙离体培养及植株再生的研究进展,包括水仙营养器官培养、生殖器官培养、体细胞培养等方面的应用,对水仙离体培养过程中存在的一些问题进行了探讨并对今后的研究方向作下展望。  相似文献   

K. Tang    X. Sun    Y. He  Z. Zhang 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(5):443-446
Thirteen different wild species of the genus Oryza were investigated for their response to anther culture and plant regeneration. Callus induction from microspores of anthers was found to be strongly dependent on the species. Although large numbers of anthers from wild Oryza species, including O. barthii, O. latifolia, O. australiensis, O. minuta, O. nivara, O. paraguagensis and O. eichingeri, were cultured, no calli could be obtained. However, calli were produced from anthers of O. punctata, O. perennis, O. alta, O. ridleyi and O. rufipogon, although the frequency of callus induction was different. Similar species-dependence was observed in plant regeneration from microspore-derived calli. In total, 62 plants were derived from anther culture, including 47 albino and 15 green plants (of which 26.7% were haploids) from O. perennis; for the first time, six albino plants were obtained from O. ridleyi. Phytohormone combinations in the callus induction medium were found to influence callus induction and different wild Oryza species exhibited their own preferred phytohormone combinations for anther culture. In general, NK medium containing suitable concentrations of auxin and cytokinin may be successfully applied for anther culture of selected wild Oryza species.  相似文献   

玉米原生质体培养及可育植株的再生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由玉米获白×莱1029的幼胚诱导愈伤组织,经改造后进行液体悬浮培养,获得了优良的、有再生能力的悬浮细胞系。用其分离原生质体,采用4种方式进行培养,最高原生质体植板率达到1.2%。原生质体再生的小愈伤组织,通过分步诱导分化法,获得了5株完整的绿色植株,经进一步的壮苗培养后,移栽到土壤中全部成活,最终雄穗结籽。后代植株育性正常。  相似文献   

辣椒花药培养研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳了辣椒花药培养过程中影响雄性胚胎发生的诸多因素,包括供试材料、小孢子发育时期、基本培养基、植物生长调节剂、培养基添加物质和温度胁迫处理,总结了小孢子胚胎发生的细胞学观察、再生株的倍性水平和单倍体基因组加倍研究,指出尽管人类已从细胞和分子方面对辣椒花药培养中诱导小孢子胚胎发生和形成胚状体有了进一步的认识,但尚未完全了解小孢子是如何被激发进入孢子体发育途径。当小孢子胚胎发生之谜完全揭开后,辣椒花药培养技术将会应用于更加广泛的领域。  相似文献   

Anthers of Brassica nigra, excised from fresh as well as cold-pretreated (3 days at 3 ± 2°C) buds cultivated on modified B5 medium (Gamborg et al. 1968) containing sucrose level varying from 2 % to 10 %, along with 1O?6M BAP (benzylaminopurine) and 9 × 10?6M 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), developed calli and/or embryos. The latter response was observed only in anthers reared on media containing 6 % or higher levels of sucrose. On media containing two or four per cent sucrose, the anthers produced calli, exclusively. The growth of embryos was inhibited or else they started callusing if left on the media containing higher levels of sucrose. However, on transfer to MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962), containing 2 % sucrose, embryos started callusing and subsequently a few secondary embryos differentiated. Such embryos were sub-cultured on MS + 5 × 10?6M BAP + 2 % sucrose, wherein numerous shoots developed from embryos. The shoots were rooted by transferring to a medium containing 5 × 10?6M NAA (naphthalene acetic acid). Within two months of culture, some of these plants started flowering in vitro.  相似文献   

Fifty genotypes and ten growth-regulator combinations were used in two experiments (I and II) to investigate genotype and hormonal effects on production of callus and embryoids via anther culture in maize (Zea mays L.). Hormonal effects across all genotypes were not significant in either experiment. However, highest callus-induction frequencies in both experiments occurred on YP basal medium plus 2,4-D at 2.0 mg 1?1, and kinetin at 1.5 mg 1?1 indicating that this combination was more effective than others. Genotypic differences in callus or embryoid induction across all media were significant. The most responsive genotypes in experiment I were single-cross hybrids Yuanwu × 592 and K727 × K305, which produced 18.3 and 6.7 % calli, respectively, with their appropriate media. The most responsive entry in experiment II was CIMMYT Pool 29, which produced 15.0 % calli on appropriate medium and an average of 10.0 % calli across 10 media. Twenty-three plantlets was regenerated from this study. Most of them developed embryogenically.  相似文献   

棉花组织培养与植株再生   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
棉花是世界上重要的纤维和油料作物。现代生物技术的不断发展为棉花育种和种质创新提供了新的技术手段,极大地推动了棉花育种的进程。现代生物技术在植物育种中的成功应用大多是依靠有效的再生体系的建立。因此棉花组织培养及其再生技术在品种改良、种质资源的繁殖和保存、杂种优势的固定和遗传转化等方面具有重要作用,颇受各国研究者的重视。本文综述了棉花的体细胞培养、花药培养、茎尖培养、胚珠和胚培养以及原生质体培养等方面近年来的主要研究进展,并提出了棉花组织培养中存在的主要问题及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

为优化橡胶树花药体细胞胚诱导及植株再生体系,为橡胶树分子育种提供技术支撑,以橡胶树品种‘云研73-477’、‘云研73-46’、‘热研8-79’、‘云研77-4’、‘RRII105’、‘热垦525’的花药为材料,比较不同品种在相同培养条件下愈伤组织诱导、体胚发生能力及植株再生频率。结果表明,6个品种的花药均能脱分化形成愈伤组织,但不同品种间存在显著差异,诱导率最高的是‘RRII105’和‘热垦525’,分别为93.33%、90.33%,最低的是‘云研77-4’,为31.33%;体胚发生能力在不同品种间也有较大差异,‘云研73-477’体胚诱导率最高达76%,‘云研73-46’没有分化出体细胞胚;植株再生频率较高的品种有‘热垦525’和‘云研73-477’,分别为75.38%、54.35%,‘云研73-46’和‘云研77-4’无再生植株。  相似文献   

为进一步提高小麦花药培养的效率,从而加快花培育种的进程,对140份不同基因型的小麦亲本及其杂种F1和F3代进行花药培养,并对各世代不同基因型小麦的花药培养力进行研究。结果表明:小麦不同基因型及亲本的花药愈伤组织诱导率在2.89%~41.25%之间,平均为3.55%,绿苗分化率在0%~70.00%之间,平均为33.05%;114份不同基因型小麦F1代杂种材料中,有107份材料能够诱导出愈伤组织,愈伤组织诱导率最低为0%,最高为76.25%,平均为11.59%,绿苗分化率在0%~160.00%之间,平均为29.20%;F3代材料均能诱导出愈伤组织,愈伤诱导率在4.58%~80.83%之间,平均为16.39%,绿苗分化率在0%~71.43%之间,平均为34.99%。因此,不同基因型小麦材料的愈伤组织诱导率、绿苗分化率和绿苗产率在各材料间差异很大。依据高培养力组合亲本组配的规律,筛选到可作为桥梁亲本的材料(品种)有:‘宁春4号’、Jinghong No.2、‘鉴63’、Chuanmai 18、Synthderiv.29589、S111、D-27、‘晋匽746-9’和K6-39等。  相似文献   

陆地棉原生质体培养与植株再生   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以陆地棉品种“珂字201”为材料,比较了IAA+KT和2,4-D+KT在愈伤诱导和悬浮培养中的效应,结果表明:愈伤组织诱导中,IAA和2,4-D表现为正效应,且2,4-D的效应强于IAA;KT表现为负效应;胚性愈人务悬浮培养中;3种激素都表现出负效应。以胚性细胞悬浮系了原生质体的分离和培养试验,分离原生质体的最佳酶组合为纤维素酶3%+果胶酶1.5%,原生质体培养的最佳激素为IAA0.5mg/L+K  相似文献   

Components of Response in Barley Anther Culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anther culture response with 17 widely-grown varieties and one model variety of barley was studied with one replication from field-grown donor plants and one replication from a growth-chamber. Plants were regenerated from all 18 varieties and green plants were obtained from 16 of them. On average, 1.6 green plants were obtained per 100 cultured anthers from all the material. Estimated variance components for the formation of embryos/callus from the anthers were dominated by the effects of the genotypes and interactions between plant material and environments which together accounted for 60.1 and 17.0 % of the total variation respectively, while environments were nonsignificant for this character. Plant regeneration from embryos/callus were not significantly influenced by either genotype or environments. Components of variance for green plant formation were dominated by the effects of the genotypes, accounting for 73.2 % of the total variation, and a smaller effect from environments accounting for 11.2% of the total variation. Main effects from genotypes on the percentage of green regenerants divided 7 varieties into two distinct groups, indicating that major genetic factors were involved. The genetic basis for green plant regeneration seems different from that governing embryo formation. The results are discussed with respect to the possible prediction of anther culture response for new barley hybrids, as a means for directing the use of barley anther culture towards material that responds well.  相似文献   

黑糯米成熟胚愈伤组织培养及植株再生研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
余婧  蒋杰  郭刚  赵德刚 《种子》2008,27(11)
对贵州惠水黑糯、黑糯141成熟胚愈伤组织培养及再生条件的研究结果表明,分步消毒可以减少外植体的污染率,在附加2,4-D 2 mg/L的NBD 1培养基中,成熟胚愈伤组织诱导率较高,分别为93.84%、90.52%。愈伤组织的继代培养是分化前必不可少的过程,适当干燥处理及合适的激素配比能够提高愈伤组织分化率,贵州惠水黑糯分化率为95.18%,黑糯141分化率为89.38%。2个黑糯米品种在附加NAA 0.5 mg/L的生根培养基中均能正常生根。  相似文献   

Anther culture has been demonstrated to be an applicable technique for the development of doubled haploid, i. e. homozygous lines of many crop species. In some species, androgenetic doubled haploids have already been shown to be a useful tool for breeding. However, anther culture results in sunflower have been rather unsatisfactory up to now. As in other species, anther culture response of sunflower (Helianthus sp.) is strongly affected by physical, nutritional, physiological and genetical factors. By testing a number of different culture parameters, i. e. donor plant stages, culture media and conditions, and appropriate schedule could be worked out for the successful regeneration of shoots – at least for a number of sunflower lines and interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

中国水仙花药培养及植株再生体系建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以中国水仙花药为外植体,通过器官发生途径建立其植株再生体系,并通过染色体计数鉴定筛选变异个体。结果显示:在4℃下预处理3d有利于花药愈伤组织的形成;愈伤组织诱导培养基最适配比为:MS+2,4-D1.0mg/L+BA0.5mg/L+CH500mg/L+AC500mg/L;愈伤组织分化小鳞茎的最适培养基为:MS+BA0.5mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+CH500mg/L+AC1000mg/L。通过染色体计数对38个再生植株进行倍性鉴定,结果显示其中30个为三倍体(2n=30),8个为非整倍体(2n=10,11,12,14,17,26)。以这些再生苗为外植体,经器官发生途径,建立了不同倍性的再生体系。  相似文献   

降香黄檀愈伤组织培养与植株再生研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了实现降香黄檀工厂化快速繁殖和扩大栽培,并为降香黄檀抗寒基因导入打下一定的基础,以降香黄檀无菌实生苗茎段、叶片、根尖为外植体,MS为基本培养基,对各器官愈伤组织诱导与分化的最适培养基成分进行了研究。结果表明,可从降香黄檀无菌实生苗茎段、叶片、根尖成功地进行愈伤组织培养和植株再生。茎段、叶片、根尖诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基分别为1/2MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+NAA 0.10 mg/L、1/2MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.10 mg/L和1/4MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L;茎段、叶片、根尖的愈伤组织诱导丛生芽最适培养基分别为1/2MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+2,4-D 4.0 mg/L、1/2MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+2,4-D 3.5 mg/L和1/2MS+6-BA 1.5 mg/L+2,4-D 3.5 mg/L;茎段、叶片、根尖来源的单芽,其最佳生根培养基分别为MS+NAA 1.5 mg/L、MS+NAA 1.0 mg/L和MS+NAA 2.0 mg/L。比较茎段、叶片与根尖的愈伤组织诱导率、丛生芽诱导率和单芽生根率,得出以无菌实生苗根尖作为外植体是降香黄檀愈伤组织培养和植株再生的最佳选择。  相似文献   

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