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Despite problems of low fruit set, small fruit size and alternate bearing, the Hass cultivar dominates commercial avocado production worldwide. To increase yield and fruit size, gibberellic acid (GA3) (25 mg L−1) was applied at different stages of ‘Hass’ avocado tree phenology: (i) mid–late April (flower abscission), end of June–beginning of July (fruit abscission and beginning of the exponential phase of fruit growth), and mid-January (beginning of pre-harvest fruit drop); (ii) end of June–beginning of July; and (iii) mid-September (near the end of the major fruit abscission period; period of exponential fruit growth). In both years of the research, applications of GA3 in April and June–July were within the periods of intense flower and fruit abscission, respectively; fruit abscission was low in September and January. Maximum air temperature was not related to flower or fruit abscission. In the on-crop year (391 fruit per untreated control tree), a single application of GA3 at the end of June–beginning of July significantly increased total yield (kilograms only) and yield of commercially valuable fruit (178–325 g/fruit) (as kilograms and number per tree) compared with the control (P < 0.0001). GA3 applied in September increased total yield (kilograms only) and yield of commercially valuable fruit (kilograms and number per tree) to values intermediate to and not significantly different from all other treatments, except trees receiving multiple applications of GA3. This treatment reduced total yield and yield of commercially valuable fruit (kilograms and number per tree) relative to all treatments (P ≤ 0.0002). In contrast, during the off-crop year (32 fruit per control tree), no GA3 treatment had a significant effect on yield or fruit size compared with the control and all other GA3 treatments. For ‘Hass’ avocado, there was no negative effect from applying GA3 at the end of June–beginning of July in both the off- and on-crop years; 2-year cumulative total yield and yield of commercially valuable fruit were increased by 27 kg (128 fruit) and 22 kg (101 fruit) per tree, respectively, above the yield of untreated control trees (P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi causes a severe root rot in avocado, Persea americana. Breeding tolerant rootstocks is thought to be the most promising method for phytophthora root rot disease control but breeding avocado is challenging. The avocado flowering syndrome (synchronous protogynous dichogamy), combined with high flowering and low fruit set, render controlled pollination exceedingly difficult. Juxtaposing complementary flowering types of elite parent cultivars (cultivars that produce progeny with tolerance to phytophthora root rot) was performed in an effort to increase the number of full-sib progeny for elite maternal parents and, hypothetically, the number of phytophthora root rot tolerant progeny. Although high outcrossing rates were achieved (estimated ∼93%), the majority of progeny had a non-elite paternal parent (56% of progeny were offtypes) implying maternal trees were pollinated by non-elite distant trees. Among progeny that could be confidently genotyped, a high number of cross types were detected (33). Contrary to our hypothesis, a significant portion of the progeny were the result of crosses between like, and not complementary, flowering types. The spatial distribution of productive trees and grafts helped to explain these data, as productive grafts were directly adjacent to grafts of the same flowering type more often than that of the complementary flowering type. Selfed progeny were significantly less tolerant to phytophthora root rot than outcrossed progeny. Progeny resulting from crosses between an elite maternal parent and non-elite pollen donor (offtypes) were less tolerant than full-sib progeny resulting from crosses between elite parents. Maternal effects may interfere with identifying truly disease tolerant selections. Thus, to reduce maternal effects and non-elite pollen donor contamination, removal of seedling cotyledons before screening for disease tolerance and better isolation of elite parent trees and windbreaks may improve breeding efficacy. This study also demonstrates the usefulness of microsatellite markers in parentage analysis where a high proportion of the putative parents are closely related.  相似文献   

The effect of in-row spacing on the vegetative and productive performance of 4-year-old ‘Conference’ (CON) and ‘Williams’ (WIL) pear trees was studied. Analysis of digital images was used to estimate canopy growth and conformation. Fruit quality was determined by measuring fruit weight, flesh firmness, peel color, soluble solid content, and titratable acidity. WIL produced more and more efficiently than CON, especially at closer spacings. WIL canopies were generally bigger than CON canopies, and reduced spacing penalized stem growth and influenced canopy conformation. Root growth and conformation was similar for both cultivars, whereas decreasing in-row spacing reduced root dry weight, length, volume, and spread area only in WIL. Also, WIL trees partitioned more to fruit and leaves compared to CON, and increasing spacing resulted in a relative shift toward vegetative growth. CON fruit was smaller but sweeter and less acidic than WIL fruit. Increasing spacing influenced negatively WIL fruit quality parameters, with the only exception of fruit weight, which was increased. For the range of in-row spacing considered, our results indicate that WIL may represent a more efficient and competitive option than CON for high-density plantings, at least in the early stages of orchard life.  相似文献   

Faced with new challenges, such as emerging diseases, shortening of orchard longevity, and larger social and environmental demands from consumers, practices such as rootstock diversification, irrigation and high density plantings have become relevant for the Brazilian citrus industry. This research had the objective to evaluate the performance of irrigated and non-irrigated ‘Tahiti’ lime trees grafted on 12 rootstocks and one interstock. Plots were distributed following a randomized block design, with four replicates and one plant per plot. Rootstocks influenced plant vigor, especially ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate, which reduced tree height by approximately 47% compared to the ‘Rangpur’ lime. Trees that were budded on more vigorous rootstocks showed higher yield when grown without irrigation than with irrigation. The ‘1646’ citradia and ‘Morton’ citrange rootstocks performed particularly well. On the other hand, the plants on less vigorous rootstocks showed better performance in terms of yield under irrigation than the same combinations without irrigation, especially those grafted on the tetraploid ‘Carrizo’ and ‘Troyer’ citranges, ‘Swingle’ citrumelo, ‘Davis A’ trifoliate and ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate. Plants budded on the ‘1708’ citradia had high yields under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The effect of interstock on plant vigor was dependent of rootstock. Interstocked plants on ‘Davis A’ trifoliate were higher than those without interstock. On the other hand, interstocked plants on Catania 2 ‘Volkamer’ lemon were less vigorous than those without interstock.  相似文献   

Measurements of sap flux were carried out from May 2003 to March 2004 on 6 year-old irrigated olive trees of cultivar Chétoui cultivated at 6 m × 6 m spacing in Mornag (36.5°N, 10.2°E), Northern Tunisia. The aim of the research is to evaluate the sap flux technique for its applicability with young olive trees and to estimate their water consumption under field conditions. Three thermal sensors were implanted in the trunk of three olive trees following to North (N), South-East (SE) and South-West (SW) directions. Data were analyzed following to the procedure of Do and Rocheteau (2002b) that derives from Granier (1985). In this paper, data on probe calibration, wood conductive section estimation and sap flux spatial-variability are presented and discussed. Relationships between sap flux measurements, climate and soil water status have been investigated. Results show that sap flux values vary with sensor position, soil water content and climate demand. Good agreements between sap fluxes and global radiation and reference evapotranspiration measurements were observed. Some variations were recorded under water shortage conditions. Maximum and minimum daily fluxes of 4.5 l and 41.0 l per tree were found in February 2003 and in August 2003, respectively. Maximum transpiration represented only 53% of the crop evapotranspiration as determined by the F.A.O. method.  相似文献   

Rootstocks for stone fruit varieties differentially influence tree physiology and one possible explanation for these differences is that varieties vary in their response to root zone temperature (RZT). To examine the effects of RZT, two trials using actively growing plants of five different Prunus rootstocks with chill requirements between 100 and 1100 h were undertaken. Plants were grown at RZTs of 5, 13 and 19 °C for 6 weeks after which total dry matter accumulation and its partitioning amongst roots, stems and leaves was determined. In general, the magnitude of total dry matter and its component parts positively correlated with RZT and significant differences were found among varieties in the magnitude of total dry matter accumulation. Individual varieties ranked differently at the three RZTs with respect to total dry matter: in general, the same ranking was also seen in the ranking of each growth component. RZT significantly influenced partitioning causing differences in leaf, stem and root mass ratios. These differences were greatest at low RZTs and became less as RZT increased. Several patterns of partitioning were found. Firstly, the low chill varieties (Okinawa and Flordagold) were little affected by RZT with similar partitioning occurring at each RZT. Secondly, the higher chill varieties, Green Leaf Nemaguard (GL), Golden Queen (GQ) and Fay Elberta (FE), reacted more strongly to RZT and were particularly affected by the lowest RZT. For these varieties, the root mass ratio rose and stem mass ratio fell as RZT increased. However, with respect to leaf mass ratio, two different trends were found: the leaf mass ratio for FE and GQ positively correlated with RZT whilst the relationship for GL was negative. These findings suggest that the response to RZT is related to a variety's chill requirement; offer an explanation for differences in performance of rootstock–scion combinations at different locations; and will aid the development of more accurate tree performance models by taking RZT into account.  相似文献   

The vegetative and reproductive performances of ‘Coscia’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) grown on nine rootstocks [OHF 69, OHF 97, OHF 217, OHF 333, OHF 513 and BP 1 (P. communis), clonal seedling (Davis AxB) of Pyrus betulifolia and quince BA 29 and EMA (Cydonia oblonga)] were compared during a 9-year period. The trial was conducted at the Experimental Station ‘Avnei Eitan’ in northern Israel (elevation 400 m above sea level, a.s.l.), on a well-drained soil with pH 7.1. Trees were planted in December 1998, spaced at 4.0 m × 2.0 m and trained with a central axis. The most vigorous trees were on P. betulifolia seedlings, followed by the four OHF rootstock (69, 97, 333, 513) and BP 1 (with no significant difference between them). All the above rootstocks demonstrated greater vigor than OHF 217 and quince BA 29 or EMA. The highest cumulative yields per tree were harvested from trees on the four OHF rootstocks (69, 97, 333, 513) and P. betulifolia followed by the BP 1. The two quince rootstocks, as well as OHF 217, had the lowest cumulative yield and the lowest yield of large fruit. A positive correlation was found between the vigor of the tree, as affected by the rootstock, and both the total yield and the fruit size. We conclude that in a warm climate, yield efficiency is not the only parameter that should be taken into account, and building a strong tree for a weak cultivar is the first requirement for establishing an orchard.  相似文献   

Tree growth and the increase in inorganic nutrients during a growing season were studied in 3-year-old, container-grown ‘Fuyu’ persimmon trees with different levels of fruit-load. Fruit-load was varied by adjusting the leaf–fruit ratio to 10, 20, 30, and 60 on July 5. Some trees were completely defruited. The whole trees were harvested on November 5 of that year, and increases in dry weight and inorganic elements in different tree parts during the season were measured. A lower leaf–fruit ratio resulted in a higher yield but also decreased fruit weight, soluble solids, and fruit color. Dry weight of the aerial woods and root increased significantly with a greater ratio. However, total dry weight including the fruits was higher in the lower ratio trees than in the higher ratio trees; the weight of a tree that maintained the ratio of 10 was 35% higher than a tree without fruit. Fruits accounted for 62% of total dry weight when the ratio was 10 and 27% when the ratio was 60. The leaf–fruit ratio did not significantly alter the total increase in P, K, Ca, and Mg content. N tended to decrease with an increasing leaf–fruit ratio. Of the total increases of N, P, and K during the season, the fruits accounted for 30%, 50%, and 54% at the ratio of 20, respectively, and the percentages increased to 44, 81, and 74 at the ratio of 10. The inorganic element content in the aerial woods and root tended to increase with greater ratios, especially in the root. When trees were defruited, N and K increases in the root accounted for 44% and 35% of the total increase, respectively. These results indicated that persimmon orchard fertilization programs with different fruit-load levels should accommodate the proportion of nutrients partitioned to fruits that are removed permanently from the tree.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of extended drying of half the root system on fruit yield and fruit Ca concentration, an indirect measure of fruit quality, in avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv Hass). In a field experiment on a sandy soil, withholding irrigation and plastic sheeting was used to dry the root-zone beneath the whole canopy (DD) or half the canopy (WD), compared with well-watered trees (WW). The irrigation water contained added nutrients and was slightly saline. Yield, shoot growth, leaf conductance, leaf and fruit water status and mineral concentrations of leaves and fruit were studied. The responses of treated trees were assessed in the following season during which normal irrigation practices were restored. With respect to yield, the WD treatment behaved the same as the DD treatment. It reduced yield by more than half and proportionately more than the reduction in water supply thus reducing irrigation efficiency. Re-watering did not restore yield of WD or DD-trees in the next season. The WD and DD treatments had no effect on the concentration of Ca in the fruit mesocarp and so are unlikely to affect fruit quality. The main impact of reduced water supply on the trees was fruit abscission and this was linked to dry soil around the roots rather than the water status of the leaves or fruits. We conclude that extended drying of half of the root-zone in one season reduced irrigation efficiency for two seasons by promoting the abscission of developing fruit to the same extent as occurred when the whole root system was exposed to extended drying.  相似文献   

The response of ‘Conference’ pear subjected to branch bending in the content levels of various metabolites in its fruit was investigated. The fruits in commercial maturity were sampled in 2004 and 2005 from branches bent in the late summer of 2003 (the summer treatment), from branches bent in the late spring of 2004 (the spring treatment) and from control branches. The content levels of carbohydrates, organic acids and phenolic compounds were compared among treatments in two successive years. The fruit revealed various responses in content levels of metabolites. In the first year after bending, no significant differences were found in the content of each carbohydrate, but in 2005 by far the highest content level of glucose and fructose and the lowest content level of sucrose were found in fruits from the control. The control fruit showed significantly higher content levels of malic acid and lower content levels of some phenolics (chlorogenic and vanillic acid) in the first year after bending, but in the next year the opposite reaction occurred—the control fruit had the lowest content level of malic acid and the highest content level of epicatechin, quercetin-3-d-galactoside and quercetin-3-β-d-glucoside. The comparison of the two bending treatments alone in 2004 showed that the summer treatment often produced a slightly higher value of each phenolic in comparison to the spring treatment. However, in 2005 the significantly highest content of chlorogenic acid was in fruit from the spring treatment. Sorbitol, as well as citric acid, catechin and sinapic acid showed no clear tendency among treatments, neither in 2004 nor in 2005. It is suggested that these variations of ‘Conference’ fruit subjected to different bending treatments could not be the result of bending alone, but that they could be indirectly affected by other physiological responses of the fruit tree. However, it seemed that variations are affected by the time of bending and by the year-to-year, and such responses can be attributed to the ‘Conference’ genotype only.  相似文献   

Double-flowered lilies, in which stamens are converted to petaloid organs, are valuable for horticulturists. ‘Elodie’ is a double-flowered lily cultivar in which stamens are homeotically converted into petaloid organs in whorl 3. The ‘Elodie’ cultivar shows individual variation in stamen structure and it was therefore classified into the following three types according to the strength of petaloidy of the stamens: weak (type-I), intermediate (type-II), and strong (type-III) phenotypes. The AGAMOUS (AG) gene is a class C floral identity gene in Arabidopsis thaliana that is involved in the formation of stamens and carpels. An AG-like gene was isolated from ‘Elodie’ (LelAG1) and its expression was compared between flower types. The LelAG1 gene was expressed in whorls 3 and 4, but not in whorls 1 and 2 in all flower types. In type-I flowers, LelAG1 was expressed strongly in whorls 3 and 4, while its expression was significantly decreased in whorl 3 in type-III flowers. In type-II intermediate phenotype flowers, the expression level of LelAG1 in whorl 3 was reduced by 60%. These results suggest that the expression level of AG-like genes is correlated with the degree of petaloidy of the stamens.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to provide a better insight into the adaptive processes to water deficit of Rosa hybrid plants grown in soilless cultivation. Rose plants were grown in a greenhouse under two water regimes, corresponding to 100% and 67% of the irrigation needs. Watering was stopped for 0, 72, and 96 h (dry-down period) and photosynthetic parameters, water relations, chlorophyll fluorescence, carbohydrate and ion content were determined.  相似文献   

Potato microtubers produced in vitro of the cultivar ‘Superior’ were assessed to decide up to what size it can be used for the seed potato with respect to storability, dormancy period, and sprouting vigor. The larger microtubers lost moisture content more slowly and retained firmness longer when stored at 4 °C. In the sprouting test, the larger ones had less period of dormancy and showed more vigorous sprouting ability. The starch increased with increasing size of the microtuber and showed the distribution of about 70–80% of dry matter content. The amounts of sugars were positively co-related with the size of the potato. The internal factors such as dry matter and carbohydrate content reveal that potato microtuber follows the field-grown potatoes in all aspects. The results suggest that the size of microtubers can be used as an index for grading their quality as seed potatoes, and the size of the microtuber should be at least 0.5 g to be used as seed potato.  相似文献   

Canopy leaf to fruit ratio (L:F) of 6-year-old ‘Lapins’ sweet cherry trees on Gisela 5 rootstock was manipulated at the end of stage II (38 DAFB) of fruit development. While control trees showed a L:F ratio of 0.7:1 without alteration, on other trees young fruit were manually removed to yield L:F ratios of 2:1 and 3:1, respectively. All leaves and young fruit on trees were counted 30 DAFB. The effect of altering the source–sink ratio of whole trees on sweet cherry fruit quality parameters (fruit increment, fruit mass, color, total soluble solids content, contents of individual sugars and organic acids) was evaluated in the study. High leaf area to fruit (LA:F) ratios influenced significantly darkest fruit color, higher fruit mass, higher total soluble solids content and higher ratio between sugars and acids, which corresponded to better ripening stage. Contents of glucose, fructose and sorbitol, but not sucrose, sum of individual sugars, and the content of malic acid differed significantly among fruit of the different treatments. Fruit of the most advanced maturity stage (treatment 3:1) had the highest quality. Each day of improved L:F ratio counts towards better sweet cherry fruit quality. The results show that low L:F ratio influenced prolonged ripening process and delayed fruit maturity of ‘Lapins’ sweet cherry.  相似文献   

Fruit nutrient content and lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in strawberry fruit to establish a relationship, if it exists, between nutrients, and LOX activity with the fruit malformation and nubbins or button berry disorders. Nearly 17% fruit were affected by malformation and 10% by nubbins in open-field-grown strawberries. ‘Etna’ produced higher proportion of malformed (22.7%) as well as button berries (16.9%) and ‘Sweet Charlie’ the lowest (8.9% and 3.3%, respectively). Dry matter content (%) was lower in malformed (5.2%) and button berries (3.23%) than normal berries (7.41%). The concentration of P and Mg did not differ significantly, but that of N and K was notably higher and of Ca and B was lower in malformed and button berries than normal berries. Consequently, the N/Ca and K/Ca ratios were higher in malformed and button berries. LOX activity was significantly higher in malformed as well as button berries than normal berries, with significant differences among cultivars. The correlations between N, K and malformed and button berries were positive and between Ca and B, and malformed and button berries were negative. Similarly, the correlation between LOX activity and malformed, and button berries were also positive, indicating that excess of N and K, and deficiency of Ca and B are related to the production of malformed and buttons or nubbins in strawberry.  相似文献   

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