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The effects of the difference (DIF) between day/night temperature (DT/NT) and end-of-day (EOD) light quality on growth, morphology, dry matter (DM) content and carbohydrate status in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were examined. Plants were grown under a 12 h high light intensity period and DT/NT of 25/19 °C (positive DIF) or 19/25 °C (negative DIF) in combination with an exposure of 30 min EOD-red (EOD-R) or far-red (EOD-FR) light. A significant interaction between DIF and EOD light quality was found on morphology, DM and carbohydrate content in axial plant organs like stems and petioles, but not in leaf blades and roots. Positive DIF induced taller stems, and higher DM and carbohydrate content than negative DIF when the plants were grown under EOD-R. The stems developed under EOD-FR were tall and accumulated the highest content of DM and carbohydrates and only small differences were found between positive DIF and negative DIF. Under EOD-R a higher content of glucose and fructose was found under positive than negative DIF, while EOD-FR light resulted in a high glucose and fructose content under both positive and negative DIF and thereby equalized the effect of the two temperature treatments. The results show that positive DIF can induce similar responses in elongation growth, DM and carbohydrate accumulation as EOD-FR, and further that phytochrome status interact with the responses to alternating DT and NT.  相似文献   

In the present paper we report on the effects of the insertion of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC gene in the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., formerly Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivar Tondino. Several transgenic lines were successfully obtained, between which two clones, rolC1 and rolC3, were chosen for the analysis of morpho-productive traits as well as of the endogenous levels of auxin and abscisic acid. Consistent with the known phenotypic effect of this gene, the transformed tomato plants were significantly shorter than the corresponding controls. On the other hand, even if yield was not affected by the transformation in terms of average number of fruits produced, fruit weight was significantly lower in the transgenics with respect to the controls. Therefore, insertion of the rolC gene does not lead to an improvement in plant productivity.  相似文献   

Two transgenic strawberry lines (Pel 1 and Pel 3) containing the open reading frame of a fruit specific strawberry pectate lyase gene (FaplC) under the control of the CaMV35S promoter have been obtained to evaluate the role of this gene on fruit softening. Ripen fruits from both lines showed a significant down-regulation of FaplC, being the percentage of silencing of 84 and 71% on Pel 1 and Pel 3, respectively. The agronomic behaviour of transgenic plants was evaluated during two consecutive years. Fruit set increased in the two transgenic lines when compared with control plants, although Pel 1 showed a significant reduction on fruit weight. Firmness of full ripen fruits from Pel lines was significantly higher than control fruits, while color and soluble solids were not affected. The increase of firmness in Pel lines was maintained when ripe fruits were stored for 3 days at 25 °C. Histological analysis of ripe fruits showed lower intercellular spaces and a higher degree of cell to cell contact area in transgenic fruits when compared with controls. Altogether, these results suggest a direct relationship between pectate lyase gene expression and strawberry fruit softening.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of variable iron on biomass, economic yield and role of iron in potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Chandramukhi metabolism, plants were grown in refined sand at variable iron ranging from 0.001 to 2.0 mM. Exposure of potato plants to Fe stress (i.e. a Fe concentration different from 0.1 mM) shows retarded growth, decreased chlorophyll concentration and Hill reaction activity, induced changes in enzyme activities and concentration of Fe and Mn. The visible symptoms of iron deficiency appeared on day 15 at 0.001 mM Fe as chlorosis of young leaves. The excess of iron (at >0.1 mM Fe) appeared later, after 25 days and the chlorosis was observed on older leaves. Both deficiency (0.001 mM) and excess (>0.1 mM) of iron reduced the tuber yield, deteriorating its quality by lowering the concentration of sugars, starch and protein nitrogen and increasing the accumulation of non-protein nitrogen and phenols in tubers.  相似文献   

Treatment of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with chlorocholine chloride (CCC) applied twice as a foliar spray 25 and 30 days after planting has shown to decrease shoot and stolon growth but increase tuber yield. However, the regulatory role of CCC on translocation of recently fixed photoassimilates into different parts of potato plants has not been fully illustrated. In this study, 14C-isotope labelling technique was used to estimate the photosynthetic capacity and photoassimilate partitioning among leaves, stems, roots + stolons, and tubers of potted potatoes treated with 1.5 g l−1 CCC. CCC treatment significantly increased tuber dry mass but reduced leaf dry mass. CCC-treated leaves had significantly higher chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and assimilated 22.0% more 14CO2 per leaf dry mass than the controls. Compared with the control, CCC treatment reduced the translocation of 14C-photoassimilates into leaves, stems and roots + stolons but increased that into tubers. CCC-treated leaves exported 14.6% more 14C-photoassimilates into other parts of the plants. In addition, CCC treatment reduced 14C-soluble sugar and 14C-starch accumulation in leaves and stems but enhanced them in tubers and roots + stolons. Collectively, the results indicate that CCC treatment significantly improves the photosynthetic capacity of potato leaves and promotes photoassimilates partitioning into tubers thereby enhancing tuber growth.  相似文献   

To study the response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rio Grande) to salinity, the effect on plant growth, water relations, stomatal conductance and Chlorophyll fluorescence was investigated. Tomato plants were grown in peat culture under controlled conditions and submitted during 28 days to saline stress ranging from 0 to 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM of NaCl. At the end of the experiment period, plant growth was significantly decreased with increasing salinity.  相似文献   


The main goal of this research was to investigate the effects of a wet pad-and-fan evaporative cooling system (ECS) on the incidence of blossom-end rot (BER) and fruit cracking in greenhouse-grown bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). The specific objectives were: (i) to study the efficiency of the wet pad-and-fan ECS in improving plant water status and reducing transpiration; and (ii) to explore the impact of these conditions on fruit yield, fruit Ca content and the incidence of BER and fruit cracking. For 3 years, peppers were grown in the Lachish Region, Israel, in a greenhouse divided into two compartments, one with and one without (control) a pad-and-fan ECS. The results showed that the ECS increased total fruit yield and the incidence of cracked fruits, but reduced the incidence of BER. The efficiency of the ECS in reducing temperature and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) decreased as the distance from the wet pad increased. Consequently, the incidence of cracked fruits decreased with distance from the wet pad, whereas the incidence of BER increased.  相似文献   

Following consumer complaints about the quality of modern varieties of tomato, landraces have strengthened their quality markets. In Spain, two tomato landraces, ‘Montserrat’ and ‘Pera Girona’, are grown in contiguous areas and have different market niches. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to characterize 13 accessions of Montserrat, 14 accessions of Pera Girona, and 4 control varieties. We found a narrow genetic base for ‘Montserrat’ and ‘Pera Girona’ (8.5% of polymorphic loci) and no differences between the landraces. We studied agronomical and sensory traits to determine why the two landraces continue to have separate market niches. We found high variability among accessions within each landrace and overlapping among accessions of both landraces for all traits except fruit morphology. Consumers probably came to associate the organoleptic quality of these landraces with their external traits, but due to spontaneous crossings and introgressions these relations have been lost. Selection within landraces will be necessary to reestablish the link between morphology and sensory value and to consolidate these quality markets.  相似文献   

The effects of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on the fruit yield, growth and nutrient element content of strawberry cv. Fern were investigated under organic growing conditions between 2006 and 2008. The experimental plot was a completely randomized design with 3 replicates. Three PGPB strains (Pseudomonas BA-8, Bacillus OSU-142 and Bacillus M-3) were used alone or in combination as bio-fertilizer agent in the experiment. Data through 3 years showed that the use of PGPB significantly increased fruit yield, plant growth and leaf P and Zn contents. Root inoculation of M3 and floral and foliar spraying of OSU-142 and BA-8 bacteria stimulated plant growth resulting in significant yield increases. M3 + BA-8, BA-8 + OSU-142, M3, M3 + OSU-142 and BA-8 applications increased cumulative yield by 33.2%, 18.4%, 18.2%, 15.3% and 10.5%, respectively. Number of fruits per plant significantly increased by the applications of M3 + BA-8 (91.73) and M3 (81.58) compared with the control (68.66). In addition, P and Zn contents of strawberry leaves with bacterial inoculation significantly increased under organic growing conditions. Available P contents in soil were increased from 0.35 kg P2O5/da at the beginning of the study to 2.00, 1.97 and 1.82 kg P2O5/da by M3 + OSU-142, M3 + BA-8 and M3 + BA-8 + OSU-142 applications, respectively. Overall, the results of this study suggest that root inoculation of Bacillus M3 alone or in combination with spraying Bacillus OSU-142 or Pseudomonas BA-8 have the potential to increase the yield, growth and nutrition content of strawberry plant under organic growing conditions.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture protocol was developed as a means of avocado embryo rescue. Different factors including presence of cotyledons, medium texture and cold or gibberellic acid pretreatments, were studied. To better understand the germination process in this recalcitrant species, immature zygotic embryos at different stages were used in these experiments. Optimum results were dependant on the embryo developmental stage. Whereas smaller embryos (5 mm long) germinated better in M1 liquid medium, 15 mm long embryos responded better when precultured in B5m medium supplemented with 1 mg l−1 GA3, and fully mature embryos were capable of germinating directly in solid M1 medium. Our results suggest the existence of two types of dormancy in avocado embryos: an embryo-dormancy caused by cotyledons, and another type of dormancy, mainly occurring in 35 mm long embryos and revealed by the formation of dwarfing rosette seedlings, that can be released by a GA3 pretreatment.  相似文献   

Changes in membrane lipid composition are important in the acclimation of plants. The influence of four day/night growing temperature combinations (18/12, 25/12, 25/22, and 30/22 °C) on membrane lipids of ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) were studied. The monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) and digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG) were the major galactolipids in the strawberry leaves. ‘Earliglow’ contained a higher amount of galactolipids in the leaves than ‘Kent’. The major phospholipids in the strawberry leaves, roots, and fruit were phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). PC and PE were the two predominant phospholipids in the strawberry. The leaves and fruit of ‘Earliglow’ contained higher amounts of phospholipids compared to those of ‘Kent’, whereas ‘Kent’ strawberry roots had higher phospholipids. Palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and α-linolenic (C18:3) acids were major fatty acids in galacto- and phospholipids of the ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry. PC is very rich in linolenic acid in leaves compared to the fruit and root tissues. PC had the highest ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids among all phospholipids. There was a significant increase in the content of galactolipids (MGDG, DGDG) and phospholipids (PC, PI, PG and PE) and unsaturation of their fatty acids in the cool day/night growth temperature. Increasing day/night growth temperatures decreased MGDG/DGDG ratios. The shifts in saturation and composition of fatty acids observed with strawberry may be an adaptation response of plants to the temperature changes.  相似文献   

Production of horticultural crops has undergone enormous change in recent years due to development of innovative technologies including integrated nutrient management practices using biofertilizers. The present study represents the positive response of biofertilizers in nursery seedlings followed by their transplantation in harsh field conditions of Indian Thar Desert. Nursery and field experiments were carried out to assess the effectiveness of selected N2-fixing bacteria and AM fungi alone or in combination, on the growth and biomass production of Punica granatum. In both experiments, the combined treatment of Azotobacter chroococcum and Glomus mosseae was found to be the most effective. Besides enhancing the rhizosphere microbial activity and concentration of various metabolites and nutrients, these bioinoculants helped in better establishment of pomegranate plants under field conditions. A significant improvement in the plant height, plant canopy, pruned material and fruit yield was evident in 5-year-old pomegranate plants in field conditions. In view of the above results, use of biofertilizer technology may be adopted for the establishment and development of other horticultural plant species in arid regions.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculating ‘Maradol’ papaya plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus mosseae (GM) and Entrophospora colombiana (EC) was assessed. The results showed that both mycorrhizae species increased the number of fruits and yield in papaya plants by 41.9 and 105.2% for GM and 22.1 and 44.1% for EC, respectively, with respect to control plants. GM significantly increased plant height. Sugar content, firmness, color (°Hue), and ripening process of mycorrhized plant fruits were similar to those of the control. Weight loss of mycorrhized plant fruits was considerably less than that of the control. Inoculation of papaya with AMF is recommended, particularly with GM since it increases yield, and fruit weight (45.1%), furthermore, it reduced fruit weight loss during ripening.  相似文献   

Agar is being used to solidify media for plant tissue culture since long. Both purity and type of agar or gelling agent influence the behaviour and growth of tissues in culture. The study using leaf disc explants of variety Samsun of tobacco compares adventitous shoot regeneration on 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm leaf discs cultured on MSD4X2 medium and rooting on MSO medium gelled with different blends of agar–isubgol, gelrite–isubgol, phytagel–isubgol or isubgol singly. It was found that irrespective of some problems associated with isubgol gel, the maximum number of shoot per explant were recorded on MSD4X2 medium gelled with 7 g/l isubgol. The longest shoots were recorded on MSD4X2 medium gelled with 9 g/l isubgol. Likewise, the highest number of roots were also recorded on MSO medium gelled with 7 g/l isubgol. For a given quantity of a medium, agar, gelrite/isubgol blends are very cheap compared to agar used singly. Moreover, blends of agar/isubgol, gelrite/isubgol gelled at low temperatures indicated safe use of these gels for heat labile substances in genetic transformation or tissue culture experiments. The results emphasized the potential of the isubgol used singly or in combination with agar and gelrite for economic commercial application, replacing the costliest, though not indispensable, gelling agent agar.  相似文献   

The effect of different fertilisation (i.e. broadcast application and fertigation) and irrigation practices (tank sprinkler and drip irrigation) on yield, yield quality (nitrate content), nitrogen uptake of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) and the potential for N losses was assessed on sandy-loam agricultural soil. 15N-labelled fertiliser was used as a tracer. It was found that different practices significantly affected yield, nitrate content in plants, N uptake, as well as fertiliser use efficiency. The highest yield (93 t ha−1), plant N uptake (246 kg ha−1), and fertiliser use efficiency (42%) were obtained under treatment with broadcast fertilisation with farmer's practice of irrigation (tank sprinkler). The N surplus after harvest was −41 kg N ha−1, indicating the lowest potential for N losses. Treatment by fertigation and drip irrigation covering 100% of the crop's water requirements did not result in the highest yield as expected (72 t ha−1), the N surplus after harvest was about +38 kg ha−1. The lowest yield (58 t ha−1), fertiliser use efficiency (30%) and hence the highest potential for N losses (N surplus after harvest +68 kg ha−1) were found in treatment with broadcast fertilisation and drip irrigation covering 50% of the crop's water requirements.  相似文献   

Previous experiments demonstrated that treatment of longan trees with potassium chlorate (KClO3) induces “off season floral induction” (FI) even in the absence of the naturally required cool temperature [Manochai, P., Sruamsiri, P., Wiriya-alongkorn, W., Naphrom, D., Hegele, M., Bangerth, F., 2005. Year around off season flower induction in longan (Dimocarpus longan, Lour.) trees by KClO3 applications: potentials and problems. Sci. Hortic. 104, 379–390]. Potassium chlorate, however, cannot replace the presence of functional mature leaves and sufficient light intensity. Here we examined in more detail the effect of shade (about 10% of natural sunlight) on KClO3 affected hormone concentrations/transport of leaves and shoot apical buds (SAB) and their interactions with FI.  相似文献   

Alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) was grown in hydroponics with the nutrient film technique, in order to evaluate the effects of four buffer concentrations (1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2 mS cm−1) and two cultural cycles (summer-spring versus autumn-spring) in terms of growth, yield and fruit quality (dry and optical residues, sugars, acids, antioxidants, mineral composition). The longer summer-spring cycle gave a correspondingly higher yield than the autumn-spring one. The 1.3 mS cm−1 nutrient solution was the most effective in terms of overall and spring production. However, the autumn and winter yields were not affected by the buffer EC. Fruit quality did not change with the cultural cycle, but the berries harvested in the spring had higher vitamin C and sucrose content and lower nitrate content compared with berries picked up in the winter. Fruit quality was also improved when the nutrient solution concentration increased. From the productive point of view, the cultural cycle choice should be made considering that 71% of the yield of the more productive summer-spring cycle derived from the spring harvest. Moreover, as regards the nutrient solution strength, 1.3 mS cm−1 EC should be preferred during the spring season, whereas the 2.2 mS cm−1 EC proved to be best in the winter in terms of fruit quality.  相似文献   

Difficulties to develop an easy and reproducible protocol to get healthy and well formed plants from somatic embryos of papaya (Carica papaya L.) had included low germination, callus production at the base of the embryo radicle and the occurrence of hyperhydric plantlets among others, and by consequence unsuccessful transfer to the field. With the aim of improving a propagation method, the effects of light quality, gelling agent and phloridzin concentration on the germination of somatic embryos of hermaphrodite C. papaya L. var. Maradol were studied. Somatic embryos were grown on half strength MS medium, with the addition of Chen vitamins [Chen, M.H., Wang, P.J., Maeda, E., 1987. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Carica papaya L. tissue culture derived from root explants. Plant Cell Rep. 6, 348–351], solidified with three distinct gelling agents: Sigma® Agar–Agar, Difco® Bacto agar and Phytagel®; supplemented with phloridzin and exposed to different light qualities: blue (54 μmol m−2 s−1), red (65 μmol m−2 s−1), gro-lux (68 μmol m−2 s−1), red + blue, white (32 μmol m−2 s−1) and wide spectrum (49 μmol m−2 s−1) during a period of 4 weeks. Results show that light quality and gelling agent had important effects on germination and plant growth, while 3.0 mg L−1 phloridzin had an important role on germination as well as in root development. Somatic embryos exposed to white light, culture medium solidified with 3.0 mg L−1 phytagel and 3.0 mg L−1 phloridzin showed longer roots. Meanwhile, germination and plant length were promoted on an improved culture medium solidified with 7.5 g L−1 Difco® Bacto agar, 3.0 mg L−1 phloridzin and exposed to gro-lux lamps. Under these conditions, 70% of somatic embryos germinated and developed normal roots without hyperhydricity. The regenerated plantlets with well developed roots and shoots were successfully transferred to a greenhouse with a survival rate of 95%.  相似文献   

Yield and fruit quality in fig (Ficus carica L.) are highly dependent on cultural practices especially caprification (pollination). However, this technique remains not well controlled in Tunisia. This study was conducted during two successive years, 2009 and 2010, to investigate different pollination conditions, i.e. number of caprifigs and repetitions of caprification on fruiting of two cultivars Bouhouli (San Pedro type) and Zidi (Smyrna type). In addition, the efficiency of four pollen sources was evaluated to identify the most effective pollinator for female cultivar Zidi. The following parameters were recorded: fruit number per shoot, fruit set, productivity, fruit characteristics and vegetative growth.  相似文献   

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