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This study was conducted to determine the effects of genetic and environmental factors on onion pungency, estimated as pyruvic acid levels. Genetically identical clones were grown at three different field locations and in a greenhouse. Onion pungency was significantly influenced by clone type, location, and their interaction. Genetic differences were the major determining factor of onion pungency (81.3% of total variation). Location, including all environmental factors, and the clone × location interaction comprised 11.4% and 7.3% of the total variation, respectively. The magnitude of the pungency difference among field-grown onions was about 1.5 μmol/ml. The pungency levels were not positively correlated with soil sulfur nutrition levels, which ranged from 16 to 97 ppm. Within clones, onion pungency levels were loosely inversely correlated with increasing bulb weight. The clones proved to have the most uniform pungency (8% CV), followed by hybrids (10.6% CV) and open-pollinated cultivars (21.3% CV). We have demonstrated that genetic factors were determinant of onion pungency. Environmental factors influenced pungency to a lesser degree. Therefore, choosing cultivars with low pungency, ideal growing environments and proper sulfur nutrition control, are key factor in producing sweet onions.  相似文献   

To evaluate genetic damage, parameters including root growth, chromosomal aberrations, and interphase silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in root tip cells of Allium cepa L. were investigated after treatment with NaCl (40–160 mM). The results showed that NaCl caused a decrease in root growth. All concentrations of NaCl showed an inhibitory effect on dividing cells in root tips of A. cepa L. and caused a reduction in mitotic index values. Upon exposure to NaCl, roots exhibited various mitotic abnormalities, including c-mitosis, anaphase bridge, and chromosome stickiness. In addition, interphase cells with micronuclei, budding nuclei, and unequal-sized nuclei were observed. Moreover, total cell aberration increased with increasing NaCl concentration. For AgNOR parameters, the average number of AgNORs per nucleus decreased in roots treated at all NaCl concentrations. The singular AgNOR area and whole AgNOR area in the nucleus containing 1–3 AgNORs were inversely proportional to NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

Smoke-water and a biologically active butenolide compound (3-methyl-2H-furo[2,3-c]pyran-2-one) derived from burning plant material, show stimulating effects on a number of agricultural and horticultural crops. In these trials, onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were treated (drenched) with either a 1:500 (v/v) smoke-water solution or a butenolide solution of 10−10 M under greenhouse conditions. Onion plants supplied with smoke-water and butenolide solution exhibited a significantly greater number of leaves, increased leaf length, and a higher fresh and dry leaf weight than untreated plants at 175 days after seed sowing (DASS) (third harvest). In addition, smoke-water and butenolide-treated onion plants exhibited a significantly higher bulb diameter and bulb weight than untreated plants, when these plants were harvested at 175 DASS. Overall, smoke-water was more effective than butenolide and achieved the highest harvest index. Genotoxicity was not detected in the bulbs of onion when they were treated with either smoke-water or butenolide.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to maximize the fertilization efficiency of mixed organic fertilizer (OF) for organically managed onion (Allium cepa L.) production during the one growing season of 2005–2006. The organic fertilizer was made of organic materials like sesame oil cake, rice bran and molasses and minerals like illite and mountainous soil. Four organic topdressing treatments, which all followed the same basal fertilization with solid OF, consisted of solid OF without mulch (OF/OFnM), liquid organic fertilizer without mulch (OF/LOFnM), liquid organic fertilizer under mulch (OF/LOFuM) and liquid organic fertilizer over mulch (OF/LOFoM). Chemical fertilizer (CF) and no fertilizer (NF) were treated as controls. The solid organic fertilization base was 2.0 ton ha−1, and 4.57 ton ha−1 and was used for topdressing. The total amount of liquid organic fertilization was 133.2 ton ha−1, which was divided into 6 applications from February through March. The OF/LOFuM and OF/LOFoM topdressings did not reduce onion height, leaf number or bulb diameter as compared to chemical fertilizer, whereas no mulch treatments made onion growth significantly poorer. Onion top weight in CF was significantly higher than that in OF groups at the peak growth stage, while there was not much difference in bulb weight between the CF and OF/LOFoM treatment. Finally, the onion marketable yield was 45.9 ton ha−1 in the OF/LOFoM treatment, which exceeded that in the CF treatment by up to 1.9 ton. Furthermore, OF/LOFoM was the most effective among all the treatments in transferring the nutrients from sink to source. CF made the soil pH more acidic than OF did, and the electrical conductivity (EC) remained higher with CF than OF as well. While organic fertilizer helped to keep the NO3-N content stable throughout the growing season, the concentration rapidly oscillated up and down according to CF fertilization. Organic fertilizer increased population number of soil microorganisms like aerobes, actinomycetes in the field.  相似文献   

Calcium in different forms was compared in the pericarp of cracked and healthy fruit in the cracking-susceptible litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) cultivar ‘Nuomici’. Incorporation of 45Ca into the cell walls of the pericarp and effects of sprays of calcium chloride (0.2% or 0.5%) on endogenous calcium and cracking incidence were examined. The results showed that calcium concentration in cracked fruit was significantly lower than in healthy fruit. Structural calcium as part of cell wall components contributed to the majority of the difference in calcium concentration between cracked fruit and healthy fruit. Surface spray of calcium chloride, either once or three times at different stages of fruit development exhibited no significant effect on fruit cracking and hardly increased calcium, especially structural calcium in the pericarp. X-ray microanalysis revealed that the applied calcium remained on pericarp surface. Radioisotope test showed that less than 0.1% of 45Ca applied on fruit surface was incorporated into the cell walls. It is suggested that spraying calcium on fruit surface is not an effective way to prevent litchi fruit cracking due to the difficulty in uptake of the calcium sprayed on fruit surface.  相似文献   

The rhizome, stem and leaf aqueous extracts of ginger were assayed at 10, 20, 40, and 80 g l−1 for their effects on seed germination and early seedling growth of soybean and chive. All aqueous extracts at all concentrations inhibited seed germination, seedling growth, water uptake and lipase activity of soybean and chive compared with the control, and the degree of inhibition increased with the incremental extracts concentration. The degree of toxicity of different ginger plant parts can be classified in order of decreasing inhibition as stem > leaf > rhizome. The results of this study suggest that rhizome, stem and leaf of ginger contain water-soluble allelochemicals which could inhibit seed germination and seedling growth of soybean and chive. The rhizome is the main harvested part of ginger. The residue (mainly stems and leaves) of the ginger plant should be removed from the field so as to diminish its inhibitory effect. Further work is needed to specify and verify the allelochemicals produced by this plant. The results of this study suggest that ginger allelochemicals are heterotoxic, and thus intercropping should not be practiced using ginger.  相似文献   

The soluble sugar and organic acid composition of melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit flesh has become a major focus of plant breeding worldwide in an attempt to improve taste. Thus, sugar and organic acid profiles were characterized using near-isogenic lines (NILs) derived from the Spanish cultivar Piel de Sapo (PS) and the exotic Korean accession Shongwan Charmi (PI 161375). Fruits were cultivated in only one environment. These data were used to map 60 quantitative trait loci (QTLs): 18 for individual sugars, eight for sucrose equivalents, five for the glucose-to-fructose ratio, seven for the total sugar content and 21 for organic acids. Within the QTLs that were associated with the sugar profile, 27 defined the sugar content: eight for fructose, six for glucose, four for sucrose, and nine for sucrose equivalents. Although increased sweetness of selected NILs compared with the parental PS was achieved by an increased glucose or fructose content, only glucose heritability was above 0.5. A total of 21 QTLs (two with positive effects and nineteen with detrimental effects compared with the PS levels) controlled the organic acid profile: l-glutamic, ascorbic and succinic acids (the principal ones) and fumaric, citric, oxalacetic, and isocitric acids. The levels of sugars imparted by the PI 161375 introgression frequently decreased the score grades given to NILs by consumers. Within the 32 QTLs mapped for sensory traits, 27 were associated with lower scores in taste (nine QTLs), sweetness (eight QTLs) or global quality appreciation (nine QTLs); two with increased fruit sourness or sweetness and three with increased fruit bitterness. The QTLs defined herein may assist breeders to understand the overall organoleptic balance (sweetness, sourness, and umami taste) in melon fruit, particularly those located within linkage groups III, V, VI, and VIII to XI.  相似文献   

Changes in biophysical attributes, mangiferin and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), catalase and peroxidase activities in malformation resistant mango cultivar Elaichi were studied at various stages of flower development and compared with susceptible cvs. Amrapali, Beauty Mc-lin and Dashehari. Accumulation of mangiferin was maximum (96.0 and 108.0 mg g−1 FW) in Elaichi prior to flower bud differentiation (September) and at full bloom (February), while these were minimum (59.0 and 74.0 mg g−1 FW) in susceptible cv. Beauty Mc-lin. Mangiferin promoted vegetative growth and exhibited inhibitory role on the occurrence of malformation. It was also found that the resistant cultivar had highest activity of PPO as compared to susceptible ones. There was no significant difference in the enzymes catalase and peroxidase activity at early stage of flower differentiation but at flower bud burst stage the catalase activity was enhanced significantly in cv. Elaichi (25.28 unit min−1 g−1 FW) in comparison to Amrapali (16.20 unit min−1 g−1 FW), Beauty Mc-lin (18.39 unit min−1 g−1 FW) and Dashehari (17.50 unit min−1 g−1 FW). The resistant cultivar had high leaf temperature (30.30 °C) and diffusion resistance (476.14 m mol m−2 s−1) during the flowering but the rate of transpiration and relative humidity (RH) were high in susceptible cultivars. Results of the present study clearly indicate that level of mangiferin could be considered as a potential biochemical indicator for screening mango genotypes to malformation.  相似文献   

Integration of previously developed Allium cepa linkage maps requires the availability of anchor markers for each of the eight chromosomes of shallot (A. cepa L. common group Aggregatum). To this end, eight RAPD markers originating from our previous research were converted into SCAR markers via cloning and sequencing of RAPD amplicons and designing of 24-mer oligonucleotide primers. Of the eight pairs of SCAR primers, seven resulted in the amplification of single bands of the original RAPDs, and the remaining primer set amplified an additional band. The results of Southern hybridization using RAPD amplicons from genomic DNA of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.)—shallot monosomic addition lines indicated that five SCAR markers were single shallot chromosome-specific markers and were not detected in genomic DNA of A. fistulosum. The eight SCAR primer pairs were applied to other Allium species and exhibited three types of amplification profiles, namely RAPD amplicons observed only in shallot, in shallot and Allium vavilovii, and in several Allium species. A mapping study using 65 F2 plants generated by the selfing of one interspecific cross A. cepa × Allium roylei individual integrated the SCAR marker SAOE17500 into chromosome 5 as expected. The results of the present study show that the eight SCAR primer sets specific to shallot can facilitate the mapping in A. cepa and can also serve as anchor points between maps of different Allium species.  相似文献   

A 3-year study was conducted to examine leaf gas exchange response of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Tempranillo) grapevines growing in the central Iberian Peninsula as a function of soil water availability. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) of leaves were measured at the east and west side of vines planted in north/south orientated rows. Soil water availability was varied by three different irrigation treatments at 0.45, 0.30 and 0.15 of ETo and a fourth non-irrigated treatment. Approximately 60% of the variation in gs over 3 years was due to changes in soil water content (θv); the correlation between the two was closer when examined on a season by season basis. Net CO2 assimilation rates were significantly correlated with gs. Stomatal conductance decreased by approximately 25–30% when measured 15:00 h (west side of vines) compared to 09:00 h (east side of vines); reductions in A were even greater than those in gs. Leaf E increased approximately by 15–25% from morning to afternoon. The reduction in A and gs from morning to afternoon was observed even in irrigated vines but absolute differences increased with decreasing soil water. This occurred when maximum daily gs was less than 200 mmol m−2 s−1. These responses indicate that in hot areas training systems and row orientation, which minimize exposed leaf, area in the afternoon should be recommended.  相似文献   

A recent increasing demand in Western countries for pomegranate products by consumers is especially supported for the nutritional and medicinal characteristics, due to the antioxidant properties of this fruit. Some studies have been published on the morphological and biochemical characteristics of pomegranate fruits in some Mediterranean countries, but little information is available about the genotypes present in Italy and in particular in Apulia (Southeastern region of Italy). This study (2008–2009) evaluated morpho-pomological and chemical parameters of eight pomegranate genotypes localized in private small orchards. Significant differences were observed among the pomegranate genotypes for many of the parameters investigated. In particular, fruit weight ranged from 168.9 g (SouMol) to 574.9 g (SouOst), °Brix from 14.7 (ComTri) to 18.0 (SouMol), titratable acidity from 5.4 (ComMol) to 25.0 (SouTri) g/L. SouMol showed the highest polyphenols (97.1 mg/L) and vitamin C (236.3 mg/L) contents. Oil content of the seeds was between 5.90% and 10.30%, no differences have been observed for the fatty acid composition with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers as the most abundant fraction (81.23%). Considering all the evaluated parameters, and especially those referring to the organoleptic characteristics and antioxidants content, it must be stated that the best genotypes worthy to be considered from agricultural and industrial points of view were AdeSgi for fresh market and SouOst for the juice industry.  相似文献   

Dessert quality of guava fruit is considerably reduced by high seed content. Number of seeds in guava is associated with different seed and fruit characters. Influence of different seed characters on number of seeds per fruit (NSPF) was studied by analysing character association and direct and indirect effects on NSPF and seed related traits for 68 genotypes of guava collected from diverse sources and conserved at National Active Germplasm Site, CISH, Lucknow. Seed related characters were studied at the colour break stage of the fruits using image analysis software for counting number of seeds. The data was subjected to path analysis to find out direct and indirect effects of different characters on number of seeds in the fruits. At genotypic and phenotypic levels, NSPF was significantly and positively associated with seed weight per fruit (SWPF), number of seeds 100 g−1 pulp (NSPHP) and fruit weight (FW). The genotypic (0.0029) and phenotypic (0.0563) residual values were fairly very low, which revealed that variables included in this study had significant contribution in determining NSPF. The NSPHP exhibited high positive direct effect on NSPF. The maximum direct response (P = 0.737, G = 1.004) of this component was attributed to the indirect positive effects of the SWPF and fruit:seed weight proportion (FSWP). SWPF also had a very high positive direct effect (P = 0.521, G = 0.694) on the NSPF. Correlation and path coefficient analysis revealed that SWPF, NSPHP and 100-seed weight (100SW) were deciding factors for realizing improvement for NSPF. The importance of small seeded genotypes in selection of less seeded varieties was emphasized.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl stress on plant growth, gas-exchange, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), rate of lipid peroxidation, and accumulation of Na+ ion and sugar were investigated in leaves and fruits of pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.). Especially, the gene expression of l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GalLDH), which is the last enzyme of ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthesis, and the relationships between AsA level and Na+ concentration in plant tissue were investigated with increasing salinity. Plants were treated with three treatments: the control (0 mM NaCl) and two salinity levels (50 and 100 mM NaCl) for 21 days under greenhouse conditions. Plant growth was markedly restricted due to the reduction of photosynthetic rate and the increase of Na+ accumulation in leaves with the increasing intensity of NaCl stress. Salinity had more effect on fruit growth comparing to leaf growth, suggesting that fruits could be more sensitive to salinity than leaves. In comparison with the control, salt stress significantly increased lipid peroxidation (as measured as malondialdehyde content) but decreased SOD activity in both fruits and leaves although the effect was larger in fruits; and the rate of the decrease in SOD activity was greater than that of the increase in lipid peroxidation. The AsA concentration transiently increased first 7 days but it slightly decreased from the initial level in the end of treatment day 21. The change in GalLDH gene expression was similar to AsA concentration. The accumulation of Na+, the reduction of AsA level at severe salinity stress were greater in fruits than in leaves; and AsA level had a negative relationship with Na+ concentration in both leaves and fruits. These results suggest that the difference in salt sensitivity between fruits and leaves in pepper plants can be related to the difference in inhibition of AsA synthesis, which in turn is probably due to the toxicity of extreme accumulation of Na+.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among 63 melon (Cucumis melo L.) genotypes collected from various regions of Turkey were determined by comparing their molecular ISSR, SRAP, and RAPD markers with those of 19 foreign melon genotypes to investigate the taxonomic relationships and genetic variation of Turkish melon germplasm. Total 162 polymorphic markers (69, 18, and 75 obtained from ISSR, SRAP, and RAPD primers, respectively) were used to define the genetic similarity among the melon genotypes by dendrogram or two and three dimensional scalings. The average similarity (SM coefficient) between any two pairs of accessions examined as estimated by molecular variation was 0.73 ± 0.48. Within-group genetic similarities ranged between 0.46 and 0.96. Related genotypes or genotypes collected from similar regions were partitioned to similar clusters. Southeastern Anatolian genotypes were distinctly apart from group inodorus and group cantalupensis (sweet) genotypes. This reinforced the position of Turkey in the secondary genetic diversity center of melon. The genetic diversity among Turkish genotypes (H = 0.28 and I = 0.42) was only a little less than that of the world accessions (H = 0.30 and I = 0.45). On the other hand, the percentage of polymorphic loci among Turkish melon genotypes (90.7%) was even higher than that of the world accessions (87.6%).  相似文献   

The use of plastic materials for mulching is a very common practice for vegetable crops. Black polyethylene is the most widely used due to its excellent properties and low cost. However, the massive use of these materials supposes an environmental risk. In the last few years, the use of starch-based biodegradable films has been introduced as an alternative to conventional mulches. These materials can be incorporated into the soil at the end of the crop season and undergo biodegradation by soil microorganisms. A 2-year study was conducted to determine the response of a tomato crop to seven mulch materials (polyethylene and biodegradable) in open fields in Central Spain. Biodegradable films underwent early decomposition, but in general remained functional during use and did not affect yield and the fruit quality attributes (total soluble solids, firmness, dry weight, juice content and shape). The temperatures reached under polyethylene films were always higher than under biodegradable films, which could be a disadvantage in certain circumstances, especially in hot climates, although may be advantageous in cool conditions. The use of polyethylene films resulted in the lowest values of soil microbial biomass C and soil organic matter mineralization, probably due to the increase of temperature registered under mulches. The analysis of the marketable yield components indicates that the variability in yield mainly depended on the number of fruits, with mean fruit weight being practically constant in the different treatments and seasons, which suggests the strong varietal character of this parameter.  相似文献   

Chloroplast microsatellite markers were used in this study to genotype 43 grapevines accessions grown in Tunisia. Size variation was observed for the three cpSSR loci, both in the sample of cultivars and in wild accessions. The seven alleles observed in the sample of cultivars for the three loci are present in wild accessions except that their distribution is different. Levels of genetic diversity obtained for the Tunisian grapevines either in wild or cultivated gene pools are high and comparable with values obtained with other studied samples of Vitis vinifera. The distribution of haplotypes within the two samples is differential. Indeed, the chlorotype A is most abundant in the wild sample, whereas the chlorotype C is majority in the sample of cultivars. Haplotypes frequencies for cultivated grapevine distinguish haplotypes B and C as the most frequent (28% and 44% respectively) and haplotypes A and D as the least frequent (16% and 12% respectively). For wild grapevines, the seven alleles combined in three haplotypes, A, C and D. The haplotype A is the most frequent (44%) in the analyzed sample of wild accessions while haplotypes C and D show a frequency of 28%. Chlorotype distribution in Tunisian cultivars is comparable with that of cultivars in the Eastern Region representing the primary centre of domestication of the species. These results agree with the higher relevance of table grape cultivars in Tunisian viticulture and support an oriental origin of a large part of autochthons cultivars. Our results agree with other studies based in nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers and suggest independent domestication events for V. vinifera L. species.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of different air temperatures (10, 20 and 30 °C) on the response of sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Herminio) to foliar urea applications after growing plants for 20 day with and without nitrogen (N) applied to the growing substrate. Leaf CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, root respiration, lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes were analysed. Spraying plants with urea increased leaf CO2 assimilation of N-deficient plants when applied at 20 or 30 °C, compared with non-sprayed plants. When plants were sprayed with urea at 10 °C chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves was similar to that of plants that were supplied with full N in the nutrient solution. Root respiration was not affected by urea sprays whilst leaf NO3 concentration was increased by urea but only when it was sprayed at 10 or 20 °C. Lipid peroxidation and ascorbate peroxidase in N-deficient plants were reduced significantly by urea sprays, especially when plants were sprayed at 20 °C with N-limitation in the growing substrate. This study shows that N-limitation in the growing substrate induces a temperature-dependant increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of pepper and applications of foliar urea can be optimised, when applied at the appropriate temperature, to partly replace the N supplied to the roots of sweet pepper.  相似文献   

Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) and Caisin (Brassica rapa subsp. parachinensis) are leafy vegetable crops grown in south-east Asian countries where rainfall varies dramatically from excess to deficit within and between seasons. We investigated the physiological and growth responses of these plants to waterlogging and water deficit in a controlled experiment in a glasshouse. Juvenile plants were subjected to waterlogging or water deficit for 19 days in case of Chinese kale and 14 days in case of Caisin and compared with well-watered controls. Caisin tolerated waterlogging better than Chinese kale because it produced hypocotyl roots and gas spaces developed at the stem base. In Chinese kale, waterlogging reduced plant fresh weight (90%), leaf area (86%), dry weight (80%) and leaf number (38%). In contrast, waterlogging had no impact on leaf number in Caisin and reduced plant fresh and dry weights and leaf area by 60–70%. Water deficit reduced leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight of both species by more than half. Leaf number in Chinese kale was reduced by 38% but no effect occurred in Caisin. Water deficit increased the concentration of nitrogen in the leaf dry matter by more than 60% in both species and the leaf colour of water deficient plants was dark green compared with the leaf colour of well-watered plants. Soil water deficit delayed flowering of Caisin while waterlogging accelerated it. Thickening and whitening of the cuticle on the leaves of Chinese kale probably increased its ability to retain water under drought while Caisin adjusted osmotically and Chinese kale did not. Waterlogging and water deficit had strong effects on leaf gas exchange of both Brassica species. Water deficit closed the stomata in both species and this was associated with a leaf water content of 9 g g−1 DW. In contrast, waterlogging reduced conductance from 1.0 to 0.1 mol H2O m−2 s−1 in direct proportion to changes in leaf water content, which fell from 11 to 5 g g−1 DW. This separation of the effects of water deficit and waterlogging on conductance was reflected in transpiration, internal CO2 concentration and net photosynthesis. In conclusion, Chinese kale and Caisin showed rather different adaptations in response to waterlogging and water deficit. Caisin was more tolerant of waterlogging than Chinese kale and also showed evidence of tolerance of drought. There is genetic variation to waterlogging within the Brassica genus among the leafy vegetables that could be used for cultivar improvement.  相似文献   

A method was developed and optimized for the accelerated ripening of date fruits of cultivar ‘Mazafati’ to prevent diseases and decay. The date fruits were incubated in hot acetic acid solution 0.5% at 40 + 1 °C for 72 h. During the process some physicochemical changes in the fruits were studied and were found to be comparable with the changes in the fruits that naturally ripened on the tree. Fruit firmness, water insoluble solid (WIS), protein, pH, L*a*b* and E decreased during accelerated ripening whereas in control samples at 4 °C increased. Total solid (TS), total soluble solid (TSS) and acidity were slightly higher in treated fruits compared to control fruits. The greatest loss of fruit firmness occurred during the first 12 h of incubation. Organoleptic tests also showed little difference between the naturally ripened fruits on trees and accelerated ripened fruits in hot acetic acid. Overall there was no difference between the fruits and were readily acceptable to consumers.  相似文献   

Eighty-one accessions representing apricot germplasm in Tunisia were collected from different areas of cultivation and fingerprinted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellites (SSR) markers. A total of 339 polymorphic markers were revealed using 5 AFLP primers combinations and 24 SSR loci. AFLP and SSR markers expressed a high level of polymorphism allowing the distinction of the accessions with an efficiency coefficient of discrimination of 100% for AFLP and 97% for SSR markers. Genetic diversity structure was assessed with AFLPs and SSRs markers separately then with combined matrix data by the help of hierarchical clustering elaborated using Wards method based on Nei and Li (1979) distances. Comparison of the obtained dendrograms revealed a phylogeographic structure into two major groups with significant conservation between the observed subgroups in relation with the geographic origin of the accessions. The relative efficiency of the markers in determining the genetic relationships among apricot accessions has been assessed and a combination of AFLPs and SSRs markers was the most effective. In addition, Mantel test based on genetic distances indicated highly significant correlation between AFLP-SSR data and each of the AFLP and SSR ones, with Pearson correlation values of r = 0.873 and r = 0.692, respectively, revealing the higher efficiency of the combination of both molecular techniques (AFLP and SSR) to estimate the levels of genetic variability among apricot germplasm.  相似文献   

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