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An eight-year-old, entire female Pekingese cross, weighing 3.8 kg, had been inappetent with fever, depression, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea for seven days. The radiographic and ultrasonographic findings were consistent with glomerulonephritis, nephrolithiasis in both kidneys, bladder calculi and an accumulation of fluid in the left perinephric space. The clinical signs, together with the results of the diagnostic imaging, suggested that this fluid could be pus. A definitive diagnosis of a subcapsular abscess in the left kidney was established when this kidney was removed surgically. A histopathological examination of the kidney revealed a diffuse suppurative interstitial nephritis, membranous glomerulonephritis and an abscess invading the perinephric adipose tissue from the renal cortex. Twelve months after surgery the dog remains clinically stable, but owing to the disease of its remaining kidney its long-term prognosis is poor.  相似文献   

Bilateral xanthine nephrolithiasis in a dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xanthinuria is an uncommon metabolic disorder clinically manifested as uroiithiasis. There are two forms of the disease, Congenital and iatrogenic. The former was diagnosed in a four-year-old dachshund bitch. The patient was presented with signs of terminal chronic renal failure. Urine was bacteriologically sterile with massive amorphous crystaliuria. Bilateral nephroiithiasis was diagnosed at necropsy. The kidneys were shrunken with marked atrophy of the renal cortex and medulla. infrared spectrometry revealed that the stones comprised 100 per cent xanthine. Later, two of the patient's siblings were examined for urine xanthine content; both showed higher concentrations of xanthine than a control dog. The described case is compared with seven known published cases of Congenital xanthinuria.  相似文献   

Traumatic ear canal separation is rare in animals, with only eight dogs and one cat reported with the condition in the English language literature. Para-aural abscessation occurred in six of these nine animals. Diagnosis was made on otoscopic observation of a shortened, abruptly ending external ear canal that was free from advanced disease. Radiographs in those cases which have been described showed a disruption of the normal air opacity of the affected ear canal. Drainage, by creating a separate opening for the horizontal ear canal, or total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy (TECA/LBO), have led to resolution of the clinical signs. This report adds a further case to the literature in which TECA/LBO was employed successfully.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old, female entire Labrador retriever was presented for acute-onset vomiting and lethargy, associated with weakness and generalised tremors. The clinical, radiographic, ultrasonographic and histopathological findings revealed septic peritonitis which occurred secondarily to unilateral pyometra and ovarian bursal abscessation. However, in this case, the initial clinical findings, blood parameters, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings did not allow a specific diagnosis. Repeat monitoring was required, and abdominocentesis proved to be the most useful diagnostic test, allowing a definitive diagnosis and the decision to be made as to whether or not to carry out exploratory surgery.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a case of retrobulbar abscessation in a dog that was initially diagnosed as masticatory myositis and treated with immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids. Secondary bacterial infection of the central nervous system (CNS) occurred and was definitively diagnosed by the analysis and culture of the cerebrospinal fluid. This is the first time that retrobulbar infection has been definitively shown to result in secondary bacterial infection of the CNS in the dog and highlights the importance of ruling out infectious causes of retrobulbar disease before assuming and treating for an immune-mediated etiology.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old castrated male domestic shorthair cat was presented for investigation of weight loss, lethargy, inappetence and polydypsia. On serum biochemical analysis there was evidence of severe hepatocellular damage and cholestasis. Abdominal ultrasonographic examination revealed an irregular lesion of mixed echogenicity in a left hepatic lobe. It was compromised of a hypoechoic periphery surrounding an anechoic central area containing highly echogenic densities with distal acoustic shadowing suggestive of gas formation. On necropsy, the only gross abnormality was a solitary 5 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm multilobulated mass in the left lateral hepatic lobe, containing foul-smelling purulent fluid within a thick fibrous wall. Cytological examination of the fluid revealed numerous degenerate neutrophils and large numbers of Gram-positive spore-forming rods. The histopathological diagnosis was hepatocellular carcinoma with secondary abscessation. The bacterial morphology was consistent with Clostridia sp. Both hepatocellular carcinoma and focal hepatic abscessation are rare in cats. Hepatic abscesses should be included in the differential diagnosis of cats with non-specific signs, even in the absence of biochemical evidence of a hepatopathy.  相似文献   

A 4.5-month-old Standard-bred filly was referred for evaluation of pigmenturia. Initially, the pigmenturia had resolved with the administration of antibiotics, only to recur after their withdrawal. A dark red urine sample contained numerous RBC, WBC, and gram-negative rods (Escherichia coli). Ultrasonography revealed the right kidney to be large, with multiple cystic structures and a dilated renal pelvis and calices. Cystoscopy revealed a large blood clot within the bladder and urine coming from the left ureteral opening. Urine was not observed coming from the right ureter. It was suspected that the primary infection within the urinary tract was coming from the right kidney, with secondary ureteral obstruction and cystitis. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole treatment was initiated. However, acute depression and abdominal pain developed several days later, and the foal died before assistance could be provided. Necropsy revealed a large abscess that had eroded into the right ureter and aorta and had ruptured, resulting in acute blood loss and death. The location and extensive nature of the lesion would have precluded surgical intervention.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old male domestic shorthaired cat was presented with behavioural disturbances and abdominal distension of two days' duration. Haemobartonella felis was found on routine haematology and serum biochemistry showed mild azotaemia. Abdominocentesis revealed a transudate. Bilateral perinephric fluid accumulations were observed on ultrasonography and chronic nephrosclerosis was diagnosed on needle biopsies of the kidney. A celiotomy with resection of the major portion of both cyst walls was performed. The omentum was extended along the floor of the abdomen, across the ventral aspect of both kidneys and attached to the remnants of the pseudocyst wall. Ongoing physiological drainage was secured and cyst recurrence was prevented. Perirenal fluid was not detected at clinical and ultrasound follow-up examinations 14 days and seven months postoperatively. Mild azotaemia and refractory Haemobartonella infection were, however, still present.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old, quarter horse gelding with obstructive urethrolithiasis was treated with a perineal urethrostomy. The horse's condition deteriorated and abdominocentesis confirmed septic uroperitonitis. The horse was euthanized and postmortem examination revealed peritonitis, a tear in the lateral wall of the bladder, and a nephrolith within the left renal pelvis.  相似文献   

Transcutaneous needle decompression of the caecum through the right flank is a valuable, routine procedure performed to resolve cases of large intestinal tympany. Nevertheless, it can be the cause of potentially life‐threatening complications as highlighted by the 3 cases presented in this case report. Abscess formation, septic peritonitis and haemorrhage following needle decompression are described.  相似文献   

Due to their long hypsodont reserve crowns, extraction of equid cheek teeth can be difficult and result in more complications than the extraction of their shorter brachydont counterparts although the more recent resumption of oral extraction has greatly reduced such complications. The more common post-extraction sequelae in equids include non-healing alveoli due to retained dental or alveolar sequestrae which may lead to oromaxillary or oronasal fistula formation, chronic external sinus tract formation or osteomyelitis of the supporting bones. Collateral damage to adjacent teeth has also occasionally been reported during dental repulsion. Systemic complications following equine cheek tooth extraction have been infrequently described, including a small number of cases of exodontia-related bacterial meningioencephalitis. This is surprising, as dental manipulation can lead to bacteraemia in many species, including horses. Infections at distant sites related to the spread of dental pathogens have been well described in humans and in small animals. This report describes deep abscessation of the masseter muscles followed by extensive thrombophlebitis of the jugular, facial and rostral cervical veins following oral cheek tooth extraction in a pony affected by pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) that was successfully treated by abscess drainage and thrombectomy of the affected veins.  相似文献   

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