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The effect of baking method on folates of rye and wheat breads, as well as the effect of sourdough fermentation of rye, were examined. Sourdough fermentations were performed both with and without added yeast, and samples were taken throughout the baking process. Samples were analyzed microbiologically for their total folate content after trienzyme extraction. Individual folate vitamers were determined by HPLC after affinity chromatographic purification. The lowest folate contents for both rye and wheat breads were found from breads baked without added yeast. Total folate content increased considerably during sourdough fermentation due to increased amounts of 10‐HCO‐H2folate, 5‐CH3‐H4folate, and 5‐HCO‐H4folate. Baker's yeast contributed markedly to the final folate content of bread by synthesizing folates during fermentation. Proofing did not influence total folate content but changes in vitamer distribution were observed. Folate losses in baking were ≈25%. The variety of sourdoughs and baking processes obviously lead to great variation in folate content of rye breads. The possibilities to enhance natural folate content of rye bread by improving folate retention in technological processes and by screening and combining suitable yeasts and lactic acid bacteria should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Hydration of oat bran including fermentation by rye sourdough was studied. Three types of oat bran suspensions were prepared (a control, one with whole meal rye flour added, and one with rye starter added). The suspensions were incubated for 1, 2, 3 and 4 hr. β‐Glucan content and solubilities of protein and β‐glucan were analyzed. Viscosity of the supernatants of oat bran suspensions was determined. Neither the rye sourdough nor the rye flour alone had a significant effect on the total β‐glucan content of oat bran suspensions. However, the addition of rye, either as whole meal rye flour or as sourdough starter, markedly increased the solubility of β‐glucan and proteins and simultaneously decreased the viscosity of the water‐soluble fraction of oat bran suspension. This suggests that a hydrolysis of β‐glucan had occurred that could change the rheological properties of oat bran in baking and the physiological potential of oat bran in nutrition.  相似文献   

Rye sourdough (RSD) gives rye bread mildly acidic taste and desired flavor. Flavor precursors (amino acids and small peptides) are generated in the proteolytic breakdown of rye proteins. Our aim was to study the protein degradation during RSD fermentations. Two sourdoughs were prepared of flours derived from two rye cultivars (Amilo and Akusti). RSD samples were collected during fermentations. Three protein fractions were obtained by sequential protein extraction and these were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Free amino nitrogen (FAN) was measured with a ninhydrin method. In addition, two rye incubations without starter microorganisms (with antibiotics) were made at pH 3.6 and 6.1, and proteinase profiles of the rye cultivars were analyzed at pH 4.3. SDS‐PAGE analysis showed that during RSD fermentations, rye proteins, especially the alcohol‐soluble secalins, were degraded. Secalins also evidently degraded during the incubation without starter microorganisms at pH 3.6. Aspartic proteinases were in the major proteinase group in both rye cultivars. This study confirms that endogenous proteinases of rye, mainly aspartic proteinases, hydrolyze rye proteins, especially secalins, during RSD fermentation. Protein degradation in rye sourdoughs may thus be enhanced by selecting rye flours with high proteolytic activity toward secalins.  相似文献   

This research investigated the impact of semolina dough formulation (percentage of sourdough [SD] addition and presence of yeast [Y] or common wheat gluten [G]) added singly and in combination on the sensory and physicochemical profiles of fresh and stored sourdough‐started durum breads, particularly Moddizzosu type. Main distinctive features of breads were identified, and optimal amounts of SD addition in presence of either yeast or gluten were used to achieve high‐quality fresh and stored soured durum breads made with semolina and remilled semolina at a ratio of 80:20. Common features of durum breads included color parameters and crumb grain characteristics of either fresh or stored samples. Increasing SD significantly increased scores for overall acceptability. In yeasted costarted samples, a linear promotion of both aroma and taste intensity resulted from increasing amounts of SD, whereas the opposite trend was observed for unyeasted breads. Higher values for degree of acidification, specific volume, crumb cohesiveness, resilience, and springiness but lower pH, moisture content, crumb hardness, and chewiness in durum samples were achieved with increased SD. The presence of Y counteracted acidification, harmonized volume increase, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and resilience, minimizing the effects of the SD added. Y and G acting singly as crumb softeners when added together to soured durum breads started with SD at a dose >10% provided lower and slower crumb firming kinetics. Breads with especially slow retrogradation kinetics corresponded to yeasted started samples with or without added gluten, regardless the presence or absence of SD. In unyeasted soured breads, the dose of SD slightly decreased the rate and extent of amylopectin retrogradation, irrespective of gluten addition.  相似文献   

Whole wheat breads are becoming a dominant presence in the market; however, the sensory qualities that drive consumer liking have not been well described. The purpose of this study was to identify sensory attributes and consumer acceptance of commercial whole wheat breads. Six whole wheat breads were evaluated for 26 attributes by a trained panel (N = 8). Two distinct groups of attributes were noted for the breads: those that were sweet, moist, and sticky versus those with characteristics associated with whole wheat such as wheaty, earthy, and bitter. In the consumer panel (N = 75), three clusters were formed. Cluster 1 (n = 28) had higher mean hedonic scores for all attributes compared with the other clusters (P < 0.01), although these consumers did not distinguish well among samples. Significant differences were found in all attributes in clusters 2 (n = 33) and 3 (n = 14). Cluster 2 preferred samples with sweet flavors and moist, cohesive textures, whereas cluster 3 preferred samples with earthy, roasted, and whole wheat flavors. A portion of consumers appeared to prefer breads not only with sweet and moist characteristics but also with some of the more hearty attributes like roasted and fermented. These data may be useful in developing new whole wheat products.  相似文献   

The fundamental rheological characteristics of a biologically acidified, a chemically acidified, and a neutral preferment (sourdough) were monitored over the course of a 24‐hr fermentation period using a split‐plot design. Three doughs were subsequently prepared in which 20% of the flour was in the form of the respective preferment. A control dough containing no fermented material was also prepared. The fundamental rheological properties of both the dough and its isolated wet gluten were determined. Laser‐scanning confocal microscopy was used to capture images of selected preferments and doughs. Results from the preferment showed that there was a decrease in elasticity (phase angle data from oscillatory measurements and relative recovery values from creep tests) and viscosity with fermentation time for all three preferments, all of which reached similar end values for these parameters. The microscopy images illustrated that the gluten strands were dissolved to a more amorphous structure during the fermentation period. Changes in the nature of the preferments were reflected in the rheological characteristics of the respective doughs and their wet glutens, which were significantly less elastic (phase angle and relative recovery data) and softer (maximum creep compliance) than the control treatment. It is concluded that degrading processes over time are key to the sourdough process.  相似文献   

The changing rheological characteristics of wheat doughs during fermentation at 30°C for 72 hr were measured using a controlled stress rheometer. Dynamic oscillation tests were performed at frequencies ranging from 0.01 to 10 Hz. Wheat sourdoughs (dough yield 200) were prepared with a mixed starter culture containing typical hetero- and homofermentative sourdough lactic acid bacteria. Results from the controlled fermentation process were compared to results from spontaneous fermentation. Maximum phase angle values, especially at low frequencies, were closely related to total gas production in the doughs. Complex viscosity decreased during fermentation and reached lower final values for doughs without starter culture. Heating characteristics of doughs after various fermentation times were measured at temperatures ranging from 30 to 80°C. The highest values for complex viscosity were found at ≈65°C. When heated, fermented doughs produced weaker gels than fresh doughs. The temperatures at which these maxima occurred increased significantly with fermentation time for spontaneously fermented dough.  相似文献   

Variations in physical and compositional bran characteristics among different sources and classes of wheat and their association with bread‐baking quality of whole grain wheat flour (WWF) were investigated with bran obtained from Quadrumat milling of 12 U.S. wheat varieties and Bühler milling of six Korean wheat varieties. Bran was characterized for composition including protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, phenolics, and phytate. U.S. soft and club wheat brans were lower in insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and phytate content (40.7–44.7% and 10.3–17.1 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively) compared with U.S. hard wheat bran (46.0–51.3% and 16.5–22.2 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively). Bran of various wheat varieties was blended with a hard red spring wheat flour at a ratio of 1:4 to prepare WWFs for determination of dough properties and bread‐baking quality. WWFs with U.S. hard wheat bran generally exhibited higher dough water absorption and longer dough mixing time, and they produced smaller loaf volume of bread than WWFs of U.S. soft and club wheat bran. WWFs of two U.S. hard wheat varieties (ID3735 and Scarlet) produced much smaller loaves of bread (<573 mL) than those of other U.S. hard wheat varieties (>625 mL). IDF content, phytate content, and water retention capacity of bran exhibited significant relationships with loaf volume of WWF bread, whereas no relationship was observed between protein content of bran and loaf volume of bread. It appears that U.S. soft and club wheat bran, probably owing to relatively low IDF and phytate contents, has smaller negative effects on mixing properties of WWF dough and loaf volume of bread than U.S. hard wheat bran.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in 2016 to determine the effect of cereal rye (Secale cereale) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) combination on pest suppression and corn yield in Northwest Missouri. The experiments consisted of six treatments corresponding to cereal rye and hairy vetch combinations, plus a control. The corn treatments included conventional corn and transgenic corn. Harvested ears were assessed for rating on corn earworm damage and fungal damage on ears. Similarly, corn yield was measured across the treatments on randomly selected ears. Visual assessments of weed suppression, pest suppression (corn earworm damage), and fungal ear rots revealed no significant treatment effects. However, relevant trends in higher corn yield were observed with increasing hairy vetch proportion from 33% to 66% level. Delayed termination of hairy vetch caused poor corn growth and higher true armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta) infestation.  相似文献   

The influence of bran particle size on bread‐baking quality of whole grain wheat flour (WWF) and starch retrogradation was studied. Higher water absorption of dough prepared from WWF with added gluten to attain 18% protein was observed for WWFs of fine bran than those of coarse bran, whereas no significant difference in dough mixing time was detected for WWFs of varying bran particle size. The effects of bran particle size on loaf volume of WWF bread and crumb firmness during storage were more evident in hard white wheat than in hard red wheat. A greater degree of starch retrogradation in bread crumb stored for seven days at 4°C was observed in WWFs of fine bran than those of coarse bran. The gels prepared from starch–fine bran blends were harder than those prepared from starch–unground bran blends when stored for one and seven days at 4°C. Furthermore, a greater degree of starch retrogradation was observed in gelatinized starch containing fine bran than that containing unground bran after storage for seven days at 4°C. It is probable that finely ground bran takes away more water from gelatinized starch than coarsely ground bran, increasing the extent of starch retrogradation in bread and gels during storage.  相似文献   

Bakeries use sourdoughs to improve bread properties such as flavor and shelf life. The degradation of gluten proteins during fermentation may, however, crucially alter the gluten network formation. We observed changes that occurred in the HMW glutenins during wheat sourdough fermentations. As fermentation starters, we used either rye sourdough or pure cultures of lactobacilli and yeast. In addition, we incubated wheat flour (WF) in the presence of antibiotics under different pH conditions. The proteolytic activities of cereal and sourdough‐derived proteinases were studied with edestin and casein. During sourdough fermentations, most of the highly polymerized HMW glutenins degraded. A new area of alcohol‐soluble proteins (≈30.000 MW) appeared as a result of the proteolytic breakdown of gluten proteins. Very similar changes were observable as WF was incubated in the presence of antibiotics at pH 3.7. Cereal and sourdough‐derived proteinases hydrolyzed edestin at pH 3.5 but showed no activity at pH 5.5. An aspartic proteinase inhibitor (pepstatin A) arrested 88–100% of the activities of sourdough enzymes. According to these results, the most active proteinases in wheat sourdoughs were the cereal aspartic proteinases. Acidic conditions present in sourdoughs create an ideal environment for cereal aspartic proteinases to be active against gluten proteins.  相似文献   

The ability of HMW and LMW subunits of wheat glutelin to form a polymeric gluten network by intermolecular disulfide bonds is responsible for the unique rheological properties and baking quality of wheat dough. Because the mechanism of gluten formation is not fully understood, the reoxidation behavior of HMW and LMW subunits of wheat glutelin and HMW subunits of rye glutelin was studied. The subunits were isolated from wheat flour cv. Rektor (REK) and from rye flour cv. Danko (DAN) with a selective extraction and precipitation method. For reoxidation, different oxidants (KBrO3 and KIO3), protein concentrations (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0%), solvent compositions, pH values (2.0 and 8.0), and reaction times (0–360 min) were compared. The characterization of reoxidized products was achieved by the determination of the thiol content with the Ellman's reagent, and of the Mr distribution by gel‐permeation chromatography. The results demonstrated that both HMW and LMW subunits could be slowly reoxidized with KBrO3 to polymers with Mr up to several millions. Yield and Mr distribution of polymers were dependent both on the protein concentration and on the molar ratio of oxidants to thiol groups. The HMW subunits of wheat glutelin (HMW‐REK) yielded slightly higher quantities of polymeric proteins than did the HMW subunits of rye (HMW‐DAN). Reoxidation with KIO3 proceeded much faster than with KBrO3 and led to lower proportions of polymerized proteins for HMW‐REK and HMW‐DAN. Obviously, more intra‐ and fewer intermolecular disulfide bonds were formed by reoxidation with KIO3 compared with KBrO3. In contrast, LMW‐REK was reoxidized with KIO3 to higher amounts of polymeric aggregates, which indicated that LMW subunits formed intermolecular disulfide bonds with both KIO3 and KBrO3. Independent of the protein type and the oxidant used for reoxidation, more inter‐ and fewer intramolecular disulfide bonds were formed when the protein concentration was increased. Single subunits 5, 7, and 10 were isolated from HMW‐REK by preparative acid‐PAGE and were reoxidized with KBrO3 for 360 min. The Mr distribution indicated that x‐type subunit 5 had a greater tendency to form polymers than x‐type subunit 7. The y‐type subunit 10 was characterized by a lower proportion of polymers after reoxidation than x‐type subunits 5 and 7.  相似文献   

A new and improved method for baking wheat flour tortillas was evaluated. The method was faster and reduced tortilla dehydration. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of the infrared baking method on rollability, puffing, layering, color (lightness), and texture (cutting force and tensile strength) characteristics of wheat tortillas formulated and formed by the traditional (hand-rolled) and commercial (hot-press) methods. These tortillas were also compared with traditional tortillas cooked on a hot griddle and commercial tortillas cooked in a three-tier, gas-fired oven. In the infrared radiation (IR) method, tortillas were baked for 17 or 19 sec by IR using black-body radiation at a selected wavelength band and emission temperatures of 549 or 584°C. IR-baked tortillas showed good characteristics of rollability, puffing, layering, color, and texture. The loss of moisture during baking of the tortillas formed by hot-pressing and baked by IR was significantly lower than that of tortillas baked by traditional and commercial methods. X-ray diffraction of tortillas prepared by the traditional process and baked by the IR method showed a pattern similar to that of homemade tortillas baked on a hot griddle. The average energy used by the IR oven was less than that used in the commercial method which, in turn, is more efficient than the traditional hot griddle method.  相似文献   

Rheological methods were used to study the behavior of rye meal suspensions during a time‐temperature treatment corresponding to the initial baking conditions (<70°C). Eight different rye cultivars were investigated, with four of the cultivars grown during two different years. Baking experiments included pan bread and hearth bread. Viscosity, falling number, and the amount of adhesive material present during heating were measured. The storage (G′) and loss (G″) moduli increased during a temperature sweep from 45°C, reaching a maximum at 62.1–67.1°C. At the same time, the amount of adhesive material increased. A further increase in temperature caused a decrease in G′ and G″, whereas the amount of adhesive material continued to increase. The mechanical spectra (G′ or G″ vs. frequency) showed that the rye meal suspensions had gel‐like behavior at 45°C which turned into behavior typical of a strong gel at 70°C. The rye meals performing the best in hearth bread baking gave intermediate values of G′ and G″ and high values of the phase shift (δ) at 45°C. During the temperature sweep, the G′ values of these rye meal suspensions increased slowly to a maximum of 62.1–67.1°C.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of cell‐wall‐degrading enzymes added to temper water on wheat milling performance and flour quality. An enzyme cocktail consisting of cellulase, xylanase, and pectinase and five independent variables (enzyme concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature, tempered wheat moisture content, and tempering water pH) were manipulated in a response surface methodology (RSM) central composite design. A single pure cultivar of hard red winter wheat was tempered under defined conditions and milled on a Ross experimental laboratory mill. Some treatment combinations affected flour yield from the break rolls more than that from the reduction rolls. However, a maximum for flour yield was not found in the range of parameters studied. Though treatments did not affect the optimum water absorption for breadmaking, enzyme‐treated flours produced dough exhibiting shorter mixing times and slack and sticky textures compared with the control. Regardless of differences in mixing times, specific loaf volumes were not significantly different among treatments. Crumb firmness of bread baked with flour milled from enzyme‐treated wheat was comparable to the control after 1 day but became firmer during storage up to 5 days.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of rye flour-water-salt doughs prepared from different flour types (different falling number and coarseness) at different water levels were studied after mixing and after 90 min of incubation (30°C and 80% rh). Both the effect of water and the coarseness of the flour had significant effects on storage modulus (G′) measured by oscillatory test in the linear viscoelastic region and on compressional force measured at large deformation. The results of the two rheological methods correlated very well with each other (correlation coefficients varied in the different doughs at r = 0.975–0.999). Dough rheological measurements suggested that falling number did not have a statistically significant effect on dough rheology after mixing or incubation. Although the two rheological methods correlated well, the responses for incubation were different. In the small deformation method, the storage modulus of all doughs, independent of the falling number, decreased during incubation, whereas in the large deformation method, only the hardness of doughs made from flours with lower falling number decreased during incubation. The rheological measurements of doughs after mixing and the viscosity measurements of flourwater suspension at 30 and 40°C did not correlate with each other. Total pentosans have great effect on viscosity measurements of flour-water suspensions, whereas flour particle size and soluble pentosans correlated more with rheological properties of doughs (r = 0.851 between G′ and soluble pentosans).  相似文献   

关硕  刘瑞  于章龙  孙元琳 《核农学报》2022,36(11):2229-2238
为探讨不同制粉方式及不同粒度对黑小麦流变学特性及加工品质的影响,将运黑161黑小麦经直接粉碎法和回添法制得的全麦粉分别过80、100、120目筛,以运黑161黑小麦面粉为对照,分析全麦粉淀粉含量、水合特性、发酵特性以及流变学特性。结果表明,直接粉碎且过80目筛的全麦粉支链淀粉含量最高,为80.18%,破损淀粉含量最低,为9.93%,溶解度、膨润力最小,分别为2.5%和3%。回添法制备的全麦粉面团发酵高度、持气率小于直接粉碎法。直接粉碎且过80目筛全麦粉的粉质质量指数最高,为59.5,形成时间和稳定时间分别为3.45和3.2 min,较接近于黑小麦面粉,且该全麦粉的阻力值、最大阻力值在醒发时间135 min时最大,用该全麦粉制作的面包感官得分最高。综上,以直接粉碎且过80目筛制备的全麦粉为原料制作的全麦面包品质较好。本研究结果为黑小麦全麦面包研发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient in animals. High levels of Se can accumulate in wheat grain, but it is not clear how high Se affects milling or baking. Low and high Se grain from the same hard red winter wheat cultivar was milled and used for breadbaking studies and Se analysis. Mill stream yields from the low and high Se wheat were comparable, as were flour yields. The amount of total grain Se retained in the flour mill streams was 71.2 and 66.4% for the low and high Se wheat, respectively. Proportionally, Se content in the bran, shorts, and the first reduction flour stream in high Se wheat was higher by 13–20% compared to the low Se wheat. Flour quality parameters including protein content, ash content, and farinograph traits were similar in low and high Se flours, although high Se flour mill streams exhibited lower farinograph stability. Breadbaking evaluations indicated that high Se had a deleterious effect on loaf volume. There was no evidence of significant Se loss after breadbaking with either low or high Se flour.  相似文献   

Flours obtained by a specific polishing process were used to prepare sourdough and bread. Three fractions designated C‐1 (100–90%), C‐5 (60–50%), and C‐8 (30–0%) were studied. The pH, total titratable acidity levels, and buffering capacity of sourdoughs made from polished flours were significantly different from those of the control sourdough with No. 1 Canada Western Red Spring (CW), and they provided sourdough breads with better qualities than that of CW. The growth of lactic acid bacteria and yeast in polished flour sourdoughs were significantly accelerated during fermentation over that in CW sourdough. Higher maturation of polished flour sourdoughs softened the hardness of mixed dough. The intricate network of honeycomb structure gluten and uneven surface of starch granules were distinctly observed in SEM images. Substitutions of C‐5 or C‐8 sourdoughs for CW significantly increased the loaf volume and softened breadcrumbs more than CW sourdough. Flour qualities of polished flours such as suitable acidity and good buffering capacity caused by the bran fraction were effective for better growth and longer life of yeast in the dough during fermentation. Therefore, application of polished flours in sourdough bread would improve rheological properties of dough and bread as compared with CW sourdough.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect and magnitude of flour particle size on sponge cake (SC) baking quality. Two different sets of wheat flours, including flours of reduced particle size obtained by regrinding and flour fractions of different particle size separated by sieving, were tested for batter properties and SC baking quality. The proportion of small particles (<55 μm) of flour was increased by 11.6–26.9% by regrinding. Despite the increased sodium carbonate solvent retention capacity, which was probably a result of the increased starch damage and particle size reduction, reground flour exhibited little change in density and viscosity of flour‐water batter and produced SC of improved volume by 0.8–15.0%. The volume of SC baked from flour fractions of small (<55 μm), intermediate (55–88 μm), and large (>88 μm) particles of soft and club wheat was in the range of 1,353–1,450, 1,040–1,195, and 955–1,130 mL, respectively. Even with comparable or higher protein content, flour fractions of intermediate particle size produced larger volume of SC than flour fractions of large particle size. The flour fractions of small particle size in soft white and club wheat exhibited lower flour‐water batter density (102.6–105.9 g/100 mL) than did those of large and intermediate particle fractions (105.2–108.2 g/100 mL). The viscosity of flour‐water batter was lowest in flour fractions of small particle size, higher in intermediate particles, and highest in large particles. Flour particle size exerted a considerable influence on batter density and viscosity and subsequently on SC volume and crumb structure. Fine particle size of flour overpowered the negative effects of elevated starch damage, water absorption, and protein content in SC baking.  相似文献   

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