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蔬菜根结线虫病药剂防治的实践体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来由于种植结构调整及一些人为因素影响,我国北方保护地蔬菜根结线虫病呈明显加重态势,已成为保护地蔬菜生产的障碍.药剂防治是目前控制蔬菜根结线虫病的主要手段,如何根据生产实际,发挥药剂防治的优势,避免负面影响,安全、有效、经济地控制根结线虫病已成为当前蔬菜生产面临的重要问题.现结合我们近几年对蔬菜根结线虫病药剂防治的实践谈几点体会,供参考.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were carried out to determine the toxicity to Folsomia candida Willem (Collembola: Isotomidae) of residues of a pyrethroid insecticide, deltamethrin, and an organophosphorus insecticide, dimethoate, on different leaf surfaces. The test leaves included a range of species and leaves of different ages. Dose-response relationships were estimated for F candida walking over the various treated leaf substrates. Probit analysis was used to estimate the means and standard deviations of the associated tolerance distributions expressed as gAIha-1. Parallelism tests were undertaken to compare the susceptibilities of F candida to the two compounds applied to the different leaf surfaces. On deltamethrin-treated leaf surfaces, the LD50 values for F candida varied from 6.36 to 77.14 gAIha-1. F candida was least susceptible to deltamethrin residues when applied to leaves of dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgarus L) and the highest susceptibility was observed following application to leaves of seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare L). In contrast, the LD50 values observed for dimethoate treatments did not differ significantly between leaf types, ranging from 1.35 to 8.69 gAIha-1. The laboratory data on susceptibility of F candida on different leaf types for different pesticides can be used to investigate the role of leaf surface properties in modifying the toxicity of applied pesticides to exposed invertebrates.  相似文献   

土壤吸附是农药在环境中归趋的关键支配因素,也是支配农药在环境中的持久性和生物有效性的重要因素之一。该文采用高效液相色谱法研究了除草剂敌草胺在不同性质土壤中的吸附、持久性和生物有效性以及吸附与土壤持久性、蚯蚓生物有效性之间的关系。结果表明,在供试浓度范围内,采用批量平衡技术测定的敌草胺土壤吸附等温线可用Freundlich模型表征(r>0.99),土壤有机质含量(PPt50)在61.3-97.6 d之间;微生物对敌草胺在土壤中的持久性影响显著,微生物降解是敌草胺在土壤环境中降解的主要途径,灭菌处理后其在土壤中的半衰期延长了2.09~3.65倍。蚯蚓Eisenia foetida对敌草胺的吸收和生物积累也主要取决于土壤性质,特别是土壤的有机质含量水平(Pr=-0.885,Pr=-0.796,Pt50=94.210-3.535 Kf和BAF=0.264-0.014 Kf,表明吸附系数可用作模型参数来评价敌草胺在土壤中的持久性和生物有效性。  相似文献   

The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid is the most important insecticide in hop cultivation in Germany. A laboratory study was undertaken to investigate its systemic properties and translaminar bioavailability in hop leaves. Radiolabelled [methylene-14C]imidacloprid was applied either alone or in combination with different additives onto leaves of several hop varieties. Uptake and translocation were evaluated 1 and 7 days after foliar application under greenhouse conditions. The uptake of imidacloprid into hop leaves was most pronounced in the first 24 h after application and only negligible amounts were taken up after this period. Significant differences in the quantitative uptake occurred when imidacloprid was combined with additives, such as Amulsol, Genapol C-100, Hasten and LI 700. The uptake of imidacloprid applied without additives was less than 10% 7 days after application, whereas the combination with LI 700 provided 70-80% uptake. Genapol C-100 and Amulsol induced considerable phytotoxicity at the application site. Comparing hop varieties revealed differences up to twofold in foliar penetration of imidacloprid. The translaminar and acropetal bioavailability of imidacloprid foliarly applied to hop leaves was determined by a laboratory bioassay using the damson hop aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank). Significantly higher mortality was observed with laboratory formulations containing imidacloprid and the additive LI 700. In contrast to these results from systemic tests, contact mortality at the application site was constantly high over the testing period of 7 days, highlighting the importance of this mode of entry for aphid intoxication.  相似文献   

Difficulties in the practical use of disease forecasting models based on meteorological data result not only from differences between macro and microclimate. Most important is the fact that the network of meteorological stations in most cases is only a wide-meshed one, not sufficient for taking into account all local characteristics. Examples are given to show the consequences for disease forecasts if meteorological data of insufficient representativeness are used as input for the models. Possibilities for overcoming such difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

以城市污泥比例为4%的施污土壤为供试土样,小麦(Triticumaestivum L)为供试作物,采用Tessier五步连续浸提法,研究不同Cd胁迫水平下施污土壤中Cd的形态分布及其生物有效性。结果表明:当外源Cd进入施污土壤后,Cd的主要赋存形态转变为碳酸盐结合态(CAB)和铁锰氧化态(FMO)。一定程度的Cd胁迫可促进小麦的生长,随着Cd胁迫水平的进一步增加,这种作用由促进转为抑制。小麦根系和茎叶吸收的Cd主要为可交换态,而碳酸盐结合态Cd为小麦籽粒中的主要贡献形态。  相似文献   

Several physicochemical factors which can influence the interactions between pest and pesticide are described. These relate mainly to the pesticides partition, reaction and diffusion processes. The combination of diffusion and partition processes in controlled release formulations is examined in some detail via theoretical consideration of encapsulated material. Extensive control of release can be obtained this way with the release time ranging from minutes to years. The advantages and disadvantages of controlled release are discussed and the relevance of theoretical considerations of this type to commercial objectives is touched upon.  相似文献   

An analysis comparing conventional and air-assisted sprayers indicates that even over relatively small areas air-assisted spraying offers advantages of both economics and efficacy. An analysis of Danish meteorological data from 1989 to 1991 indicates that, without including any savings on plant protection products, air-assisted sprayers proved most economic at total sprayed areas of over 600 ha, which with a typical Danish rotation equals a farm area of approx. 160 ha. Danish users of air-assisted sprayers claim reduction in their use of plant protection products of 25-30%. If more modest reductions of only 20 or 10% are considered, the break-even occurs at total sprayed areas of only 300 or 200 ha, equalling typical farms of 77 or 52 ha, respectively.  相似文献   

Information on temporal and spatial variation in weed seedling populations within agricultural fields is very important for weed population assessment and management. Primarily, spatial information allows a potential reduction in herbicide use, when post‐emergent herbicides are only applied to field sections with high weed infestation levels. This paper presents a system for site‐specific weed control in sugar beet, maize, winter wheat, winter barley, winter rape and spring barley. The system includes on‐line weed detection using digital image analysis, computer‐based decision making and Global Positioning System‐controlled patch spraying. In a 2‐year study, herbicide use with this map‐based approach was reduced in winter cereals by 6–81% for herbicides against broad leaved weeds and 20–79% for grass weed herbicides. Highest savings were achieved in cereals followed by sugar beet, maize and winter rape. The efficacy of weed control varied from 85% to 98%, indicating that site‐specific weed management will not result in higher infestation levels in the following crops.  相似文献   

通过模拟基于Cd-Zn复合污染下干旱区绿洲土壤的胡萝卜盆栽试验,用Tessier连续提取法对胡萝卜土壤中Cd、Zn的形态分布进行分析,同时就生物利用性形态的变化研究了Cd、Zn的生物有效性。结果表明:1)原状土壤中Cd和Zn主要以残渣态存在,随着复合胁迫浓度的增加,Cd的主要赋存形态逐步转变为碳酸盐结合态和可交换态,Zn主要赋存形态逐步转变为以铁锰氧化态和残渣态,但有效态和潜在有效态的比例大大增加。2)胡萝卜对Cd、Zn的富集作用均为地上部分大于地下部分,对Cd的富集能力远远大于Zn。3)胡萝卜吸收的Cd和Zn不仅包括可交换态和碳酸盐结合态,还包括了在一定条件下释放出来的铁锰氧化态和有机结合态。  相似文献   

The concept of scale has only recently gained recognition as a central theme in ecology. The rise in significance of scale in ecology can be attributed to the increase in hypothesis-driven experimental ecology over the last quarter century, and the realization that experimental results do not sufficiently explain past, or predict future observations in nature. Plant pathologists, who rely heavily on hypothesis-driven research, have confronted these same issues for nearly a century. In this paper, I will provide a concise presentation and discussion of the important concepts of scale and how they apply to the discipline of plant pathology.  相似文献   

[14C]Endosulfan, α or β isomers separately, was administered to rats as a single oral dose and as a dietary supplement for 14 days. No appreciable differences were observed in the fate of the two isomers. Five days after the single dose, 75% of the dose had been voided in the feces and 13% in the urine. Of the total radiocarbon consumed in the diet after 14 days, 56% had been eliminated in the feces and 8% in the urine. Bile collection studies showed that up to 47% of a single oral dose was eliminated from the liver via this route; enterohepatic circulation was not apparent. Maximum [14C]endosulfan equivalents in body tissue occurred in the kidney and liver, 3 and 1 ppm, respectively, after 14 days of feeding 5 ppm of endosulfan. Apolar metabolites in the excreta and/or tissues were a minor portion of the total residues and consisted of the sulfate, diol, α-hydroxy ether, lactone, and ether derivatives of endosulfan. The sulfate was slightly more toxic to mice than endosulfan, while the other products were less toxic. Neither endosulfan nor its metabolites were active in the Salmonella mutagenicity test. Endosulfan in the diet of rats for 28 days at 50 ppm did not induce liver oxidase enzymes, alter liver or kidney weights, or influence the rate of weight gain of the animals.  相似文献   

乔雄梧 《农药学学报》2020,22(5):727-733
文章从中国制定食品中农药最大残留限量(MRL)标准和进行农药残留膳食暴露评估常用的术语及模型出发,就相关研究及数据选择中易出现的问题,如定义不准确、数据选择偏差、模型模糊、结论依据不足等进行了分析评述,提出了作者的见解和观点,以期加深理解,达成共识,正确应用风险评估原则,完善风险评估研究方法,从而提高风险评估对食品中农药残留管理的支撑水平。  相似文献   

Vossbrinck CR  Debrunner-Vossbrinck BA 《Folia parasitologica》2005,52(1-2):131-42; discussion 130
The Microsporidia are a group of obligate intracellular parasites, now thought to be derived fungi. Presented here is a comparative small subunit rDNA (ssrDNA) analysis of 125 species of Microsporidia (sequences obtained from GenBank). This analysis shows that groups or clades are formed based largely on habitat and host. This result is supported by comparative molecular analyses of the past decade, and indicates that structural and ultrastructural characters are unreliable for distinguishing among higher-level microsporidian taxa. Our findings indicate the presence of five major clades of Microsporidia which group according to habitat. We present three new classes of Microsporidia based on natural phylogenetic groupings as illustrated by the ssrDNA analysis: Aquasporidia, Marinosporidia and Terresporidia. The names of the proposed classes reflect the habitat of each group. The class Aquasporidia, found primarily in freshwater habitats, is a paraphyletic group consisting of three clades. The Marinosporidia are found in hosts of marine origin and the Terresporidia are primarily from terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

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