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The mechanism by which the flowering holoparasitic plant, Orobanche aegyptiaca , infects its host without evoking a defence mechanism is still poorly understood. In this work, we studied several mechanisms used by phytopathogenic fungi. We focussed on the possible role of peroxidases during O. aegyptiaca penetration into the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana . A convenient experimental system for studying the interaction under sterile conditions was developed. The formation of extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) was detected at the interaction site before, during, and after the parasite penetrated into the host. These extracellular ROS probably originated from the parasite. However, no intracellular ROS could be detected at the site of the interaction. Peroxidase activity was observed mainly at the apex of the root of the parasite and in the adventitious roots of the tubercle. Benzhydroxamic acid, a peroxidase inhibitor, was used to probe the possible role of peroxidase in the infection process. Peroxidase activity was observed in the root apex and adventitious roots of O. aegyptiaca, but no evidence was found for its participation in the actual infection process. Peroxidase activity was also found in the later stages of the interaction between the host and the parasite. We propose that peroxidases could have a role in generating extracellular ROS for loosening the cell wall of the host in order to facilitate penetration. Alternatively, the ROS could act in facilitating the root elongation of the parasite.  相似文献   

茉莉酸甲酯调控防御酶活性诱导猕猴桃果实抗采后软腐病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以‘金魁’猕猴桃果实为试验材料,研究茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate,MeJA)调控防御酶活性抗猕猴桃采后软腐病的效应。测定了MeJA对猕猴桃软腐病病斑直径、软腐病菌Botryosphaeria dothidea抑菌作用及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)等防御酶活性的影响。结果表明:在0.001~10 mmol/L浓度范围内,MeJA对猕猴桃软腐病菌B.dothidea的抑制作用随浓度升高而增强;MeJA对猕猴桃果实最佳诱导浓度和熏蒸时间分别为0.1 mmol/L和24 h,其诱导效果分别为26.01%和26.85%;猕猴桃果实经0.1 mmol/L MeJA熏蒸处理24 h后,SOD、POD、CAT、APX和PPO活性提高,其中SOD和POD活性分别较对照增加33.85%和61.61%,差异达显著水平(P<0.05)。以上结果暗示MeJA诱导猕猴桃果实抗采后软腐病可能与其提高防御酶活性有关。  相似文献   

MeSA诱导茶树抗叶蝉取食效应的DC-EPG分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用可视直流刺探电位技术(DC-EPG)记录试虫在3h 内呈现的各种EPG波型。共明确7种波型,根据这些波型确定15个描述叶蝉取食行为的EPG参数,以评判茶树抗叶蝉取食特性。与未诱导茶苗(CK)上叶蝉刺吸行为相比,在0.2、0.4和0.8mmol/L MeSA诱导24h的茶苗上,总刺探次数增加,即n(ck) =8.30±1.13,n(0.2)=13.25±3.95,n(0.4)=15.01±2.68,n(0.8)=34.50±7.56;非取食刺探时间明显延长,即NP(ck)=110.97±5.2min, NP(0.2)=128.39±6.76min, NP(0.4)=148.35±6.14min, NP(0.8)=131.94±10.75min;韧皮部取食时间显著减少,即E(ck)=52.90±2.22min, E(0.2)=9.08±2.6min, E(0.4)=8.87±1.44min, E(0.8)=15.89±2.21min。3个MeSA处理剂量相比较,0.4mmol/L的诱导效应最明显。24h与48h 诱导时间相比,24h的效应较显著。茶树被诱导之后,对叶蝉的取食适合度明显下降,表明产生了一定程度的抗性。  相似文献   

为探索茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate,MeJA)诱导水稻抗白叶枯病的效应,采用MeJA喷雾处理剪叶接种法,测定MeJA对水稻幼苗的白叶枯病病情指数、白叶枯病病菌Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae的抑菌效果及对叶片过氧化物酶(peroridase,POD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalnaine ammonialyase,PAL)等相关防御酶活性的影响.0.05 ~ 2.0 mmol/L的MeJA能降低水稻幼苗白叶枯病的病情指数,但对水稻白叶枯病菌无直接抑菌活性;0.1 mmol/L MeJA的诱导效果最好,处理48h后,感病品种温229和抗病品种嘉早312的诱导效果分别为73.18%和70.43%;0.05 ~2.0mmol/L的MeJA处理水稻叶片中POD、CAT、SOD、PPO和PAL活性呈上升趋势.研究表明MeJA能诱导水稻幼苗对白叶枯病的抗性,且诱导抗性的产生与MeJA提高水稻相关防御酶的活性有关.  相似文献   

The plant growth‐promoting fungus, Penicillium simplicissimum GP17‐2, was evaluated for its ability to induce resistance against Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco plants. Treatment with barley grain inoculum (BGI) of GP17‐2 significantly enhanced fresh weight, dry weight and leaf number of A. thaliana and tobacco plants 6 weeks after planting. Two weeks after CMV inoculation, all plants treated with BGI of GP17‐2 or its culture filtrate (CF) showed a significant reduction in disease severity compared with non‐treated control plants, which exhibited severe mosaic symptoms by the end of the experiment. The enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) demonstrated that CMV accumulation was significantly reduced in plants treated with GP17‐2 or its CF relative to control plants. Based on RT‐PCR, plants treated with GP17‐2 (BGI or CF) also exhibited increased expression of regulatory and defence genes involved in the SA and JA/ET signalling pathways. These results suggested that multiple defence pathways in A. thaliana and tobacco were involved in GP17‐2‐mediated resistance to CMV, although neither the transgenic NahG line, nor the npr1, jar1 or ein3 mutants disrupted the response in A. thaliana. This is the first report to demonstrate the induction of systemic resistance against CMV by GP17‐2 or its CF.  相似文献   

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