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Soils from a pastoral farm that had received large amounts of heavy metal contaminated sewage sludge 6-10 years previously were investigated to determine the impact of heavy metals on Rhizobium. The 8 ha application area was originally divided into five different-sized blocks (blocks 1-5), which received sludge at different times between 1991 and 1994. The response of a lux biosensor based on R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii (Rhizotox-C), was compared with more traditional techniques for measuring the presence of effective strains of Rhizobium (MPN) and nitrogen fixation (δ15N natural abundance). Although population size (MPNs), nitrogen fixation and biosensor response varied between treatment blocks, linear regression analysis determined that this block effect could not be directly linked to soil heavy metal concentrations, but was probably due to biological, physical, chemical and environmental compounding factors at the site. In this type of uncontrolled field application, the lux bioassay may provide the most useful information as it measures toxicity to any microorganism exposed to the soil solution, for example, the free living rhizobia.  相似文献   

Application of organic amendments has been proposed as a strategy for the management of diseases caused by soilborne pathogens. However, inconsistent results seriously hinder their practical use. In this work we use an extensive data set of 2423 studies derived from 252 papers to explore this strategy. First, we assess the capability of a specific organic amendment to control different diseases; second, we investigate the influence of organic matter (OM) decomposition on disease suppressiveness; and third, we search for physical, chemical and biological parameters able to identify suppressive OM. OM was found to be consistently suppressive to different pathogens in only a few studies where a limited number of pathogens were tested. In the majority of studies a material suppressive to a pathogen was ineffective or even conducive to other pathogens, suggesting that OM suppressiveness is often pathogen-specific. OM decomposition in many studies (73%, n = 426) emerged as a crucial process affecting suppressiveness. During decomposition, disease suppression either increased, decreased, was unchanged or showed more complex responses, such as ‘hump-shaped’ dynamics. Peat suppressiveness generally decreased during decomposition, while responses of composts and crop residues were more complex. However, due to the many interactions of contributing factors (OM quality, microbial community composition, pathosystem tested and decomposition time), it was difficult to identify specific predictors of disease suppression. Among the 81 parameters analysed, only some of the 643 correlations showed a consistent relationship with disease suppression. The response of pathogen populations to OM amendments was a reliable feature only for some organic matter types (e.g. crop residues and organic wastes with C-to-N ratio lower than ∼15) and for pathogens with a limited saprophytic ability (e.g., Thielaviopsis basicola and Verticillium dahliae). Instead, population responses of the pathogenic fungi Phytophthora spp., Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. appeared unrelated to disease suppression. Overall, enzymatic and microbiological parameters, rather than chemical ones, were much more informative for predicting suppressiveness. The most useful features were FDA activity, substrate respiration, microbial biomass, total culturable bacteria, fluorescent pseudomonads and Trichoderma populations. We conclude that the integration of different parameters (e.g. FDA hydrolysis and chemical composition by 13C NMR) may be a promising approach for identification of suppressive amendments.  相似文献   

Rhizobial symbionts were isolated from the surface (0-0.5 M) and phreatic (3.9-5.0 M) root environments of a mature mesquite woodland in the Sonoran Desert of Southern California, and from variable depths (0-12 m) of non-phreatic mesquite ecosystems in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. They were tested for their ability to tolerate high salinity, and respire NO3 as mechanisms of free-living survival. Sixteen of 25 isolates were grown in yeast-extract mannitol (YEM) broth at NaCl concentrations of 2 (basal concentration), 100, 300, 500 and 600 mM, and their specific growth rates, cell dry weight and lag times were determined. Twenty of the 25 isolates were also grown in YEM broth under anaerobic conditions with or without 10 mM KNO3. Three categories of NaCl salinity responses were observed: (1) eight isolates showed decreased specific growth rates at NaCl concentrations of 100, 300 and 500 mM, but they nevertheless remained viable at 500 mM NaCl concentration; (2) the specific growth rate of six isolates increased significantly at 100 and 300 mM NaCl; and (3) specific growth rates of two isolates were significantly greater than the base-rate at all concentrations of NaCl. Five of 11 of the Bradyrhizobium isolates tested respired NO3, but showed no growth. Seven Rhizobium isolates, three from the deep (3.9-5 m) phreatic rhizobial community, and four from the surface community denitrified NO3 but only the isolates from the phreatic community displayed anaerobic growth. Long-term interactions between rhizobial and bradyrhizobial communities and the surface and phreatic root environments of the mature Sonoran Desert mesquite woodland appear to have selected for strains of NO3 respiring rhizobia, general salt tolerance of both rhizobial and bradyrhizobial symbionts, and strains of weak facultative halophilic bradyrhizobia. These survival characteristics of mesquite rhizobia may be important regarding mesquite's establishment and long-term productivity in marginal desert soils, and may provide novel types of rhizobia for food crops growing in harsh environments.  相似文献   

After the toxic spill occurred at Aznalcóllar pyrite mine (Southern Spain), a wide area of croplands near the Doñana Wild Park was contaminated with 4.5 million m3 of slurries composed of acidic waters loaded with toxic metals and metalloids such as As, Sb, Zn, Pb, Cu, Co, Tl, Bi, Cd, Ag, Hg and Se. Today, 6 years after the spill, the concentration of toxic elements in these soils is still very high, in spite of the efforts to clean the zone. However, some plant species have colonised this contaminated area. Legumes possessing N2-fixing nodules on their roots represented a significant proportion of these plants. Our objective was to use the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis as a new tool for bioremediate the affected area. We have isolated about 100 Rhizobium strains, 41 of them being resistant to high concentrations of As (300 mg l−1), Cu (100 mg l−1) and Pb (500 mg l−1). Their phenotypes and bioaccumulation potentials have been characterised by their growth rates in media supplemented with As and heavy metals. The presence of the resistance genes in some strains has been confirmed by PCR and Southern blot hybridisation. Several Rhizobium were symbiotically effective in the contaminated soils. On the other hand, the first steps in nodule establishment seemed to be more affected by heavy metals than N2-fixation.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of in situ remediation of a heavy metal (HM) contaminated soil on some soil chemical properties, microbial function and microbial structural diversity after 18 months. The experiment was carried out at semifield scale in containers filled with HM contaminated soil from the Aznalcóllar mine accident (Southern Spain, 1998). The remediation measures consisted of the application of different amendments and/or establishment of a plant cover (Agrostis stolonifera L.). Seven treatments were established: four organic treatments (municipal waste compost (MWC), biosolid compost (BC), leonardite (LEO) and litter (LIT)), one inorganic treatment (sugar beet lime (SL)) and two controls (control with plant cover (CTRP) and control without plant cover (CTR)). Several soil chemical (pH, soluble HM, total organic C (TOC), water-soluble C (WSC) and available-P) and biochemical properties (microbial biomass C (MBC), MBC/TOC ratio and enzyme activities) were determined. Microbial community structure was studied by means of ARDRA (amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis). The SL, MWC and BC treatments were the most efficient to raise soil pH and decrease soluble HM concentrations. Total organic C was increased in the organic treatments by 2 to 4-fold, whereas water-soluble C was statistically similar in the CTRP, SL and the organic treatments, probably due to the presence of a root system in all these treatments. Available-P was also increased in the BC, SL and MWC treatments due to the higher P content of the amendments applied in these treatments. Soil microbial function was generally enhanced in the amended and CTRP treatments. The MWC, BC and SL treatments were particularly efficient to increase microbial biomass C, the MBC/TOC ratio and the dehydrogenase and aryl-sulphatase enzyme activities. These results could be attributed to the amelioration of some of the soil chemical properties: increase in soil pH and water-soluble C and decrease of HM soluble concentrations. ARDRA analyses showed changes in structural diversity in both the bacterial and fungal community under the different treatments. Fingerprinting patterns of the 16S rDNA obtained with Hinf-I and of the 18S rDNA with Hpa-II revealed higher similarity percentages among samples from the same treatment compared with samples from the other treatments. In addition, a higher similarity was found between samples from all treatments under the Agrostis influence. The use of certain amendments and/or a plant cover is important for in situ remediation of HM contaminated soils, since these practices can affect soil chemical properties, as well as the microbial community function and structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to simplify the procedure for evaluation of legume nodulation, by examining if there is a relationship between the nodulation of the whole root system and at the crown region. Roots of peanut, soybean and common bean plants growing in soils were split in two parts (crown and bottom) and assessed for nodulation (nodule number and dry weight). In general, most nodules were concentrated at the crown, and crown nodulation was generally positively correlated with total nodulation of all three legume crops. The results are highly applicable in studies such as strain selection for inoculants and assessment of inoculation technologies, among others, and is an important contribution to help reduce the time and labor required for the evaluation of nodulation parameters.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen fixation plays a key role in agriculture sustainability, and assessment of rhizobial diversity contributes to worldwide knowledge of biodiversity of soil microorganisms, to the usefulness of rhizobial collections and to the establishment of long-term strategies aimed at increasing contributions of legume-fixed N to agriculture. Although in recent decades the use of molecular techniques has contributed greatly to enhancing knowledge of rhizobial diversity, concerns remain over simple issues such as the effects of sampling on estimates of diversity. In this study, rhizobia were isolated from nodules of plants grown under field conditions, in pots containing soil, or in Leonard jars receiving a 10−2 or a 10−4 serially-diluted soil inoculum, using one exotic (soybean, Glycine max) and one indigenous (common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris) legume species. The experiments were performed using an oxisol with a high population (105 cells g−1 soil) of both soybean rhizobia, composed of naturalized strains introduced in inoculants and of indigenous common-bean rhizobia. BOX-PCR was used to evaluate strain diversity, while RFLP-PCR of the ITS (internally transcribed spacer) region with five restriction enzymes aimed at discriminating rhizobial species. In both analyses the genetic diversity of common-bean rhizobia was greater than that of soybean. For the common bean, diversity was greatly enhanced at the 10−4 dilution, while for the soybean dilution decreased diversity. Qualitative differences were also observed, as the DNA profiles differed for each treatment in both host plants. Differences obtained can be attributed to dissimilarity in the history of the introduction of both the host plant and the rhizobia (exotic vs. indigenous), to host-plant specificity, rhizobial competitiveness, and population structure, including ease with which some types are released from microcolonies in soil. Therefore, sampling method should be considered both in the interpretation and comparison of the results obtained in different studies, and in the setting of the goals of any study, e.g. selection of competitive strains, or collection of a larger spectrum of rhizobia. Furthermore, effects of sampling should be investigated for each symbiosis.  相似文献   

Plants often impact the rate of native soil organic matter turnover through root interactions with soil organisms; however the role of root-microbial interactions in mediation of the “priming effect” is not well understood. We examined the effects of living plant roots and N fertilization on belowground C dynamics in a California annual grassland soil (Haploxeralf) during a two-year greenhouse study. The fate of 13C-labeled belowground C (roots and organic matter) was followed under planted (Avena barbata) and unplanted conditions, and with and without supplemental N (20 kg N ha−1 season−1) over two periods of plant growth, each followed by a dry, fallow period of 120 d. Turnover of belowground 13C SOM was followed using 13C-phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers. Living roots increased the turnover and loss of belowground 13C compared with unplanted soils. Planted soils had 20% less belowground 13C present than in unplanted soils after 2 cycles of planting and fallow. After 2 treatment cycles, unlabeled soil C was 4.8% higher in planted soils than unplanted. The addition of N to soils decreased the turnover of enriched belowground 13C during the first treatment season in both planted and unplanted soils, however no effect of N was observed thereafter. Our findings suggest that A. barbata may increase soil C levels over time because root and exudate C inputs are significant, but that increase will be moderated by an overall faster C mineralization rate of belowground C. N addition may slow soil C losses; however, the effect was minor and transient in this system. The labeled root-derived 13C was initially recovered in gram negative (highest enrichment), gram positive, and fungal biomarkers. With successive growing seasons, the labeled C in the gram negative and fungal markers declined, while gram positive markers continued to accumulate labeled belowground C. The rhizosphere of A. barbata shifted the microbial community composition, resulting in greater abundances of gram negative markers and lower abundances of gram positive, actinobacteria and cyclopropyl PLFA markers compared to unplanted soil. However, the longer-term utilization of labeled belowground C by gram positive bacteria was enhanced in the rhizosphere microbial community compared with unplanted soils. We suggest that the activities of gram positive bacteria may be major controllers of multi-year rhizosphere-related priming of SOM decomposition.  相似文献   

Plants inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi utilize more soluble phosphorus from soil mineral phosphate than non-inoculated plants. However, there is no information on the response of soil microflora to mineral phosphate weathering by AM fungi and, in particular, on the catabolic diversity of soil microbial communities.The AM fungus, Glomus intraradices was examined for (i) its effect on the growth of Acacia holosericea, (ii) plant-available phosphate and (iii) soil microbial activity with and without added rock phosphate.After 4-months culture, AM fungal inoculation significantly increased the plant biomasses (by 1.78× and 2.23× for shoot and root biomasses, respectively), while mineral phosphate amendment had no effect in a sterilized soil. After 12-months culture, the biomasses of A. holosericea plants growing in a non-sterilized soil amended with mineral phosphate were significantly higher than those recorded in the control treatment (by 2.5× and 5× for shoot and root biomasses, respectively). The fungal inoculation also significantly stimulated plant growth, which was significantly higher than that measured in the mineral phosphate treatment. When G. intraradices and mineral phosphate were added together to the soil, shoot growth were significantly stimulated over the single treatments (inoculation or amendment) (1.45×). The P leaf mineral content was also higher in the G. intraradices+mineral phosphate treatment than in G. intraradices or rock phosphate amendment. Moreover, the number of fluorescent pseudomonads has been significantly increased when G. intraradices and/or mineral phosphate were added to the soil. By using a specific type of multivariate analysis (co-inertia analysis), it has been shown that plant growth was positively correlated to the metabolization of ketoglutaric acid, and negatively linked to the metabolisation of phenylalanine and other substrates, which shows that microbial activity is also affected.G. intraradices inoculation is highly beneficial to the growth of A. holosericea plants in controlled conditions. This AM symbiosis optimises the P solubilization from the mineral phosphate and affects microbial activity in the hyphosphere of A. holosericea plants.  相似文献   

The soils of the Bodega Marine Reserve (BMR, Sonoma County, California) contain many nematode-trapping fungi and many ghost moth larvae parasitized by entomopathogenic nematodes. The current study determined whether these nematode-parasitized moth larvae, which can produce very large numbers of nematodes, enhanced the population densities of nematode-trapping fungi and whether the fungi trapped substantial numbers of nematodes emerging and dispersing from moths. Wax moths were used in place of ghost moths because the former are easier to obtain. When nematode-parasitized moth larvae were added to laboratory microcosms containing BMR field soil, the population densities of four nematode-trapping fungi increased substantially. The greatest increase in population density was by Arthrobotrys oligospora, which uses adhesive networks to capture nematodes. A. oligospora population density increased about 10 times when the added moth larvae were parasitized by the nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus and about 100 times when added moth larvae were parasitized by the nematode Steinernema glaseri. Other trapping fungi endemic to the soil and enhanced by nematode-parasitized moth larvae included Myzocytium glutinosporum, Drechslerella brochopaga, and Gamsylella gephyropaga, which produce adhesive spores, constricting rings, and adhesive branches, respectively. The data suggest that the previously documented abundance and diversity of nematode-trapping fungi in BMR soil can be explained, at least in part, by nematode-parasitized insects, although that inference requires further studies with ghost moths. The strong bottom-up enhancement of nematode-trapping fungi was not matched by a strong top-down suppression of nematodes, i.e. the fungi trapped fewer than 30% of dispersing nematodes.  相似文献   

Invasive plant species have been shown to alter the microbial community composition of the soils they invade and it is suggested that this below-ground perturbation of potential pathogens, decomposers or symbionts may feedback positively to allow invasive success. Whether these perturbations are mediated through specific components of root exudation are not understood. We focussed on 8-hydroxyquinoline, a putative allelochemical of Centaurea diffusa (diffuse knapweed) and used an artificial root system to differentiate the effects of 8-hydroxyquinoline against a background of total rhizodeposition as mimicked through supply of a synthetic exudate solution. In soil proximal (0-10 cm) to the artificial root, synthetic exudates had a highly significant (P < 0.001) influence on dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis and urease activity. In addition, 8-hydroxyquinoline was significant (p = 0.003) as a main effect on dehydrogenase activity and interacted with synthetic exudates to affect urease activity (p = 0.09). Hierarchical cluster analysis of 16S rDNA-based DGGE band patterns also identified a primary affect of synthetic exudates and a secondary affect of 8-hydroxyquinoline on bacterial community structure. Thus, we show that the artificial rhizosphere produced by the synthetic exudates was the predominant effect, but, that the influence of the 8-hydroxyquinoline signal on the activity and structure of soil microbial communities could also be detected.  相似文献   

Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi increase the ability of their host plants to colonize soils polluted with toxic metals, although the underlying mechanisms are not clearly understood. Two mycorrhizal strains of Oidiodendron maius isolated from contaminated soil were previously shown to tolerate high concentrations of toxic metals. We investigated further the biological mechanisms that may explain metal tolerance, focussing on the interactions between insoluble metal species and extracellular fungal metabolites. In particular, we demonstrate that fungal strains derived from polluted and unpolluted soils mobilize insoluble inorganic zinc compounds to different extents. Strains from polluted soils showed in fact little ability to solubilize Zn from both ZnO and Zn3(PO4)2, whereas strains from unpolluted soils showed a higher solubilization potential. This different behaviour was confirmed when the solubilization abilities of a wider range of fungal strains (25 isolates) was examined. Induction of organic acids (malate and citrate) by the metal compounds was at least in part responsible for metal solubilization. Our results suggest that ericoid mycorrhizal strains from polluted and unpolluted soils may interact differently with metal compounds. We speculate that this may reflect specific strategies to maintain homeostasis of essential metals under different soil conditions.  相似文献   

In this work we studied the influence of Pb, Zn, and Tl on microbial biomass survival and activity during a laboratory incubation of soil. In comparison to uncontaminated soil, the microbial biomass C decreased sharply in soil contaminated with Zn and Tl, whereas the addition of Pb did not have any significant inhibitory effect on the level of microbial biomass C. Zn displayed the greatest biocidal effect, confirmed by the measurement of the death rate quotient (q D). The microbial activity, measured as CO2 evolution, increased significantly in contaminated soils, emphasizing the need of living organisms to expend more energy to survive. The greater demand for energy by microorganisms in order to cope with the toxicity of pollutants was also confirmed by measurement of the metabolic quotient (q CO2). In order to determine whether soil microorganisms affect the bioavailability of these metals through their mobilization and release, we studied the relationships between available Pb, Zn, and Tl, and microbial biomass C. The water-soluble fraction of Tl, available Tl, and Zn, and microbial biomass C were related significantly, but not Pb.  相似文献   

It has been established that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are involved in the conservation of soil structure. However, the effect of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi alone or in interaction with AM fungi in soil structure has been much less studied. This experiment evaluated EM and AM fungi effects on soil aggregation and plant growth. Ash plants (Fraxinus uhdei) were grown in pots, and were inoculated with Glomus intraradices and Pisolithus tinctorius separately but also in combination. Our results showed that F. uhdei established a symbiotic association with EM and AM fungi, and that these organisms, when interacting, showed synergistic and additive effects on plant growth compared to singly inoculated treatments. EM and AM fungi prompted changes in root morphology and increased water-stable aggregates. AM fungi affect mainly small-sized macroaggregates, while EM and EM-AM fungi interaction mainly affected aggregates bigger than 0.5 mm diameter. These results suggest that ectomyccorrhizal as well as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi should be considered in restoration programs with Fraxinus plants.  相似文献   

Dense hyphal mats formed by ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi are prominent features in Douglas-fir forest ecosystems, and have been estimated to cover up to 40% of the soil surface in some forest stands. Two morphotypes of EcM mats have been previously described: rhizomorphic mats, which have thick hyphal rhizomorphs and are found primarily in the organic horizon, and hydrophobic mats, which occur in the mineral horizon and have an ashy appearance. This study surveyed EcM mat and non-mat soils from eight early and late seral conifer forest stands at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest in western Oregon. EcM mats were classified by morphology and taxonomic identities were determined by DNA sequencing. A variety of chemical and biochemical properties, including enzymes involved in C, N, and P cycling were measured. Analysis was confined to a comparison of rhizomorphic mats colonizing the organic horizon with non-mat organic soils, and hydrophobic mats with non-mat mineral soils. Both the organic and mineral horizons showed differences between mat and non-mat enzyme profiles when compared on a dry weight basis. In the organic horizon, rhizomorphic mats had greater chitinase activity than non-mat soils; and in the mineral horizon, hydrophobic mats had increased chitinase, phosphatase, and phenoloxidase activity compared to the non-mat soil. The rhizomorphic mats had 2.7 times more oxalate than the non-mats and significantly lower pH. In the mineral horizon, hydrophobic mats had 40 times more oxalate and significantly lower pH than non-mat mineral soils. Microbial biomass C was not significantly different between the rhizomorphic mat and non-mat organic soils. In the mineral horizon, however, the hydrophobic mats had greater microbial biomass C than the non-mat soils. These data demonstrate that soils densely colonized by EcM fungi create a unique soil environment with distinct microbial activities when compared to non-mat forest soils.  相似文献   

Field data have shown that soil nitrifying communities gradually adapt to zinc (Zn) after a single contamination event with reported adaptation times exceeding 1 year. It was hypothesized that this relatively slow adaptation relates to the restricted microbial diversity and low growth rate of the soil nitrifying community. This hypothesis was tested experimentally by recording adaptation rates under varying nitrification activities (assumed to affect growth rates) and by monitoring shifts in community composition. Soils were spiked at various Zn concentrations (0-4000 mg Zn kg−1) and two NH4+-N doses (N1, N2) were applied to stimulate growth. A control series receiving no extra NH4+-N was also included. Soils were incubated in pots under field conditions with free drainage. The pore water Zn concentration at which nitrification was halved (EC50, mg Zn l−1) did not change significantly during 12 months in the control series (without NH4+-N applications), although nitrification recovered after 12 months at the highest Zn dose only. The EC50 after 12 months incubation increased by more than a factor 10 with increasing NH4+-N dose (p < 0.05) illustrating that increased activity accelerates adaptation to Zn. Zinc tolerance tests confirmed the role of Zn exposure, time and NH4+-N dose on adaptation. Zinc tolerance development was ascribed to the AOB community since the AOB/AOA ratio (AOB = ammonia oxidizing bacteria; AOA = ammonia oxidizing archaea) increased from 0.4 in the control to 1.4 in the most tolerant community. Moreover, the AOB amoA DGGE profile changed during Zn adaptation whereas the AOA amoA DGGE profile remained unaffected. These data confirm the slow but pronounced adaptation of nitrifiers to Zn contamination. We showed that adaptation to Zn was accelerated at higher activity and was associated with a shift in soil AOB community that gradually dominated the nitrifying community.  相似文献   

The growth of clover (Trifolium repens ) and its uptake of N, P and Ni were studied following inoculation of soil with Rhizobium trifolii, and combinations of two Ni-adapted indigenous bacterial isolates (one of them was Brevibacillus brevis) and an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus mosseae). Plant growth was measured in a pot experiment containing soil spiked with 30 (Ni I), 90 (Ni II) or 270 (Ni III) mg kg−1 Ni-sulphate (corresponding to 11.7, 27.6 and 65.8 mg kg−1 available Ni on a dry soil basis). Single inoculation with the most Ni-tolerant bacterial isolate (Brevibacillus brevis) was particularly effective in increasing shoot and root biomass at the three levels of Ni contamination in comparison with the other indigenous bacterial inoculated or control plants. Single colonisation of G. mosseae enhanced by 3 fold (Ni I), by 2.4 fold (Ni II) and by 2.2 fold (Ni III) T. repens dry weight and P-content of the shoots increased by 9.8 fold (Ni I), by 9.9 fold (Ni II) and by 5.1 fold (Ni III) concomitantly with a reduction in Ni concentration in the shoot compared with non-treated plants. Coinoculation of G. mosseae and the Ni-tolerant bacterial strain (B. brevis) achieved the highest plant dry biomass (shoot and root) and N and P content and the lowest Ni shoot concentration. Dual inoculation with the most Ni-tolerant autochthonous microorganisms (B. brevis and G. mosseae) increased shoot and root plant biomass and subtantially reduced the specific absorption rate (defined as the amount of metal absorbed per unit of root biomass) for nickel in comparison with plants grown in soil inoculated only with G. mosseae. B. brevis increased nodule number that was highly depressed in Ni I added soil or supressed in Ni II and Ni III supplemented soil. These results suggest that selected bacterial inoculation improved the mycorrhizal benefit in nutrients uptake and in decreasing Ni toxicity. Inoculation of adapted beneficial microorganisms (as autochthonous B. brevis and G. mosseae) may be used as a tool to enhance plant performance in soil contaminated with Ni.  相似文献   

In sustainable agriculture, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal inoculation in agronomical management might be very important, especially when the efficiency of native inocula is poor. Here, we assessed the effect of native and exotic selected AM fungal inocula on plant growth and nutrient uptake in a low input Trifolium alexandrinum-Zea mays crop rotation. We evaluated the effects of four exotic AM fungal isolates on T. alexandrinum physiological traits in greenhouse. Then, the field performances of T. alexandrinum inoculated with the exotic AMF, both single and mixed, were compared to those obtained with a native inoculum, using a multivariate analysis approach. Finally, we tested the residual effect of AM fungal field inoculation on maize as following crop. Multivariate analysis showed that the field AM fungal inoculation increased T. alexandrinum and Z. mays productivity and quality and that the native inoculum was as effective as, or more effective than, exotic AM fungal isolates. Moreover, the beneficial effects of AMF were persistent until the second year after inoculation. The use of native AMF, produced on farm with mycotrophic plants species, may represent a convenient alternative to commercial AM fungal inocula, and may offer economically and ecologically important advantages in sustainable or organic cropping systems.  相似文献   

The effect of the soil yeast, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa LBA, on Glomus mosseae (BEG n°12) and Gigaspora rosea (BEG n°9) was studied in vitro and in greenhouse trials. Hyphal length of G. mosseae and G. rosea spores increased significantly in the presence of R. mucilaginosa. Exudates from R. mucilaginosa stimulated hyphal growth of G. mosseae and G. rosea spores. Increase in hyphal length of G. mosseae coincided with an increase in R. mucilaginosa exudates. No stimulation of G. rosea hyphal growth was detected when 0.3 and 0.5 ml per petri dish of yeast exudates was applied. Percentage root length colonization by G. mosseae in soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) and by G. rosea in red clover (Trifolium pratense L. cv. Huia) was increased only when the soil yeast was inoculated before G. mosseae or G. rosea was introduced. Beneficial effects of R. mucilaginosa on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization were found when the soil yeast was inoculated either as a thin agar slice or as a volume of 5 and 10 ml of an aqueous solution. R. mucilaginosa exudates (20 ml per pots) applied to soil increased significantly the percentage of AM colonization of soybean and red clover.  相似文献   

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