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Reforestation and afforestation have been suggested as an important land use management in mitigating the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration under Kyoto Protocol of UN Framework Convention on climate change. Forest inventory data (FID) are important resources for understanding the dynamics of forest biomass, net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon cycling at landscape and regional scales. In this study, more than 300 data sets of biomass, volume, NPP and stand age for five planted forest types in China (Larix, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pouulus) from literatures were synthesized to develop regression equations between biomass and volume, and between NPP and biomass, and stand age. Based on the fourth FID (1989–1993), biomass and NPP of five planted forest types in China were estimated. The results showed that total biomass and total NPP of the five types of forest plantations were 2.81 Pg (1 Pg = 1015 g) and 235.65 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (1 Mg = 106 g), respectively. The area-weighted mean biomass density (biomass) and NPP of different forest types varied from 44.43 (P. massoniana) to 146.05 Mg ha−1 (P. tabulaeformis) and from 4.41 (P. massoniana) to 7.33 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (Populus), respectively. The biomass and NPP of the five planted forest types were not distributed evenly across different regions in China. Larix forests have the greatest variations in biomass and NPP, ranging from 2.7 to 135.37 Mg ha−1 and 0.9 to 10.3 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. However, biomass and NPP of Populus forests in different region varied less and they were approximately 50 Mg ha−1 and 7–8 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The distribution pattern of biomass and NPP of different forest types closely related with stand ages and regions. The study provided not only with an estimation biomass and NPP of major planted forests in China but also with a useful methodology for estimating forest carbon storage at regional and global levels.  相似文献   

China has been implementing the world's most ambitious afforestation and forest conservation programs and undergoing rapid forest expansion since 1990s, thus, understanding the forest dynamics in China has global implications for sustainable forest management. Through analyzing forest area, biomass dynamics, and factors influencing deforestation and forest restoration, we found that the natural disasters and economic development drove forest dynamics and transition in China. The growth of the economy and population drove up demand for forest products, facilitating deforestation. The booming economy also boosted government's investment in forest restoration and conservation programs. Natural disasters damaged and frequently destroyed forests, but they also served as stimuli for the authorities to adopt remedy forestry policies and programs that ultimately led to forest increase. Nationwide, increasing peaks of annual afforestation were observed in the late 1950s, early 1980s, and early 2000s, and the newly increased area closed for forest restoration reached the peak in 1998. All these peaks were closely associated with peaks of natural disasters (i.e., floods, drought, and dust storm events). Based on the dynamics of forest area, biomass and forest consumption over the past 40 years, forest transition occurred during the late 1980s to the early 1990s, and it also strengthened the carbon (C) sink function of forests in China (with an increasing rate of 0.137 Pg C yr.1 during 1994–2008). Overall, our study highlighted the influences of natural disasters and economic development on the forestry policies and forest C dynamics in the newly industrialized country.  相似文献   

The lowland rain forests of Central America are poorly known from the standpoint of management for timber production. We studied the stand dynamics of a logged Costa Rican rain forest under three different regimes of post-logging silvicultural treatment. The site was located on low hills with Ultisols in Holdridge's Tropical Wet Forest life zone. The Pentaclethra macroloba-dominated forest had been high graded before planned management began. Management of the 540 × 540 m (29.2 ha) experimental area began with a timber harvest in the whole area during 1989–1990, 4 trees ha−1 being cut overall for 10.1 m3 ha−1. The experimental plots were 180 × 180 m (3.24 ha), comprising a 100 × 100 m (1.0 ha) central permanent sample plot (PSP) with a 40-m wide buffer strip. Two types of post-harvest silvicultural treatment: liberation/refinement (in 1991) and shelterwood (in 1992) were applied under a complete randomized block design with three replicates, using logged but untreated plots as controls. PSP data reported are for the 1988–1996 period for individuals with ≥10 cm DBH. The most marked changes in forest structure were caused by silvicultural treatment, basal area under the liberation/refinement treatment being reduced to ca. 65% of its probable mature forest value. Recruitment exceeded mortality in the years following intervention under all three treatments, but forest structural recovery was slowest under the liberation/refinement treatment. Post-intervention mortality rates appeared higher under the liberation/refinement treatment than under the control or shelterwood treatments, though differences were not statistically significant. In relation to tree attributes, mortality rates increased with decreasing DBH increment, crown illumination and quality of crown form. Commercial DBH increments were higher under the liberation/refinement treatment than in control plots during the 1993–1996 period. On the basis of its response to intervention during the first seven years of management, the forest appears resilient and productive; trends over time in mortality rates under the most intense silvicultural regime require close attention however. Pentaclethra-dominated forests are important components of the productive forest resources of Costa Rica and Nicaragua and, given current deforestation rates in areas such as southern Nicaragua, it is now urgent that the existing biophysical knowledge of these forests be applied to forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

The forest growth/hydrology model FORGRO–SWIF, consisting of a forest growth and a soil water model, was applied to quantify the inter-annual variability of the carbon and water budgets of a Douglas-fir forest (Pseudotsuga menziessii (Mirb.) Franco) in The Netherlands. With these budgets, the water use efficiency, the amount of water needed to fix a certain amount of carbon, and its variability was estimated. After testing the model performance in simulating daily carbon and transpiration fluxes, and soil water contents of this forest ecosystem, the model was applied to a 10-year period of meteorological data. Two forest parameterisations were used: the non-thinned situation of 1995, and the thinned situation in 1996. Relations between forest water use and forest growth were quantified with the model. The model performed satisfactory, an R2 value for daily carbon fluxes of 0.58 and for daily transpiration fluxes 0.81. The forest showed to be a clear carbon sink, in the climax situation between 1000 and 1210 g C m−2 per year. In the thinned situation the carbon uptake was more than halved to values between 430 and 620 g C m−2 per year. The calculated yearly WUE’s for the forest were between 2.5 and 4.3 g C m−2 mm−1 and for the total ecosystem between 1.1 and 2.0 g C m−2 mm−1. The thinned forest had clearly lower WUE’s than the non-thinned forest. The importance of including interception evaporation as forest water use is discussed, and the results showed the importance of integration of forest growth and forest water use for calculating yearly carbon and water budgets.  相似文献   

Only 7% of the once extensive forest along the eastern coast of Brazil remains, and much of that is degraded and threatened by agricultural expansion and urbanization. We wondered if methods similar to those developed to establish fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations might also work to enhance survival and growth of rainforest species on degraded pastures composed of highly competitive C4 grasses. An 8-factor experiment was laid out to contrast the value of different intensities of cultivation, application of fertilizer and weed control on the growth and survival of a mixture of 20 rainforest species planted at two densities: 3 m × 1 m, and 3 m × 2 m. Intensive management increased seedling survival from 90% to 98%, stemwood production and leaf area index (LAI) by ~4-fold, and stemwood production per unit of light absorbed by 30%. Annual growth in stem biomass was closely related to LAI alone (r2 = 0.93, p < 0.0001), and the regression improved further in combination with canopy nitrogen content (r2 = 0.99, p < 0.0001). Intensive management resulted in a nearly closed forest canopy in less than 4 years, and offers a practical means to establish functional forests on abandoned agricultural land.  相似文献   

A financial assessment of forest investments is comprehensive if the analysis includes reliable yield estimates, land expectation value (LEV) and risk calculation. All of these aspects were considered and applied to teak plantations in Colombia, an emergent economy where high forest productivity, low opportunity cost of land, and decreased financial/economic risk have substantially contributed to promote forest investments. The von Bertalanffy non-linear mixed effect model was used to estimate forest yields using data collected from 31 permanent sample plots, measured over a 17 year period. A stochastic version of LEV along with other financial criteria was calculated by using a computer algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, probabilities obtained from stochastic financial calculations were used in logistic models to estimate probabilities of success for a forest plantation project, a measure of risk assessment, after changing land prices. Results suggest that the potential forest productivity (i.e., the biological asymptote) ranges from 93 to 372 m3 ha 1. The mean annual increment is 27.8 m3 ha 1 year 1, which is attained 6 years after the forest plantation is established. Profitability analyses for teak plantations in Colombia suggest a LEV of US$7000 ha 1. The risk analyses indicate negligible financial risk for forestlands whose prices are lower than US$2000 ha 1.  相似文献   

During the period 1976–1991, a combined experiment of acidification, liming and nitrogen addition in a mature spruce stand was conducted at Farabol in south-east Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of these treatments on the ground vegetation 0, 1, 5 and 15 years after experimental establishment. The treatment regimes were nitrogen (200 kg N ha−1, repeated three times at 4–5-year intervals, totally 600 kg N ha−1), sulphur powder (50 and 100 kg S ha−1 a−1, totally 600 and 1200 kg ha−1), sulphur plus nitrogen (600+600 kg ha−1) and limestone (500 kg ha−1 a−1, i.e. totally 6000 kg ha−1). The results showed that nitrogen addition and liming promoted the abundance of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa, while acidification had a negative effect on D. flexuosa and herbs in the field layer. There was a negative reaction giving immediate damage to the bryophytes in connection with additions of nitrogen, sulphur powder and lime. The magnitude of damage and the capacity to recover varied among species as well as among treatments. The recovery from immediate damage after liming was much faster than after the treatments with sulphur powder and/or nitrogen. A negative interaction between sulphur powder and nitrogen was found for herbs and mosses where the combined effects were stronger than the effects of a single treatment alone. Acidification also had a negative effect on the total number of species. The results of this study showed that acidification and nitrogen deposition could negatively influence forest vegetation by changing the nutrient availability in the soils. Liming led to an improved growth of the forest ground vegetation and the flora changed towards a more nitrophilic species composition.  相似文献   

Studies of growth rates of trees in managed neotropical forests have rarely employed complete botanical identification of all species, while published information for Central American lowland rain forests largely concerns forests free of recent disturbance. We studied diameter increments of trees in a managed Costa Rican rain forest. The Pentaclethra macroloba-dominated forest was located on low hills with Ultisols in Holdridge's Tropical Wet Forest life zone. The 540 m × 540 m (29.2 ha) experimental area was lightly logged during 1989–1990. The 180 m × 180 m (3.24 ha) experimental plots comprised a 100 m × 100 m (1.0 ha) central permanent sample plot (PSP) with a 40-m wide buffer strip. Post-harvest silvicultural treatments were liberation/refinement (in 1991) and shelterwood (in 1992), applied under a complete randomized block design with three replicates, using logged but untreated plots as controls. All live trees ≥10 cm DBH in the PSPs, were identified to species; data reported are for 1993–1996. Cluster analysis was used to group species on the basis of the median and quartiles of their diameter increment distributions, separating data by silvicultural treatments; five diameter increment groups were established and subdivided on the basis of the adult height of each species (four categories), giving 17 species groups in the final classification. Adult height and silvicultural treatment made a significant contribution to growth rate variation. Median annual increments of the slowest-growing species groups, which featured many under- and middle story species, were ca. 1 mm; those for the fastest growing species, which were mainly canopy and emergents, were ca. 16 mm. All species in the groups of very fast growth were pioneers, whether short or long-lived, though many other pioneer species did not show fast growth. The proportions of species found in groups of moderate, fast or very fast growth were greater in the silviculturally treated plots than in the controls, and one complete diameter increment group, of fast growth, was only represented in the treated plots. Crown form, crown illumination and presence of lianas in the crown, showed significant correlations with diameter increments, though the importance of these latter two variables varied with silvicultural treatment. The very fast growth groups differed from the others in having higher proportions of trees with well-formed, well-illuminated crowns and an irregular diameter distribution with relatively few individuals in the smallest DBH class. Comparison with data from other neotropical forest sites shows that long-lived pioneers such as Vochysia ferruginea and Jacaranda copaia grow fast or very fast at all sites, while non-commercial canopy and emergent species of Chrysobalanaceae and Sapotaceae appear to be uniformly slow-growing. Growth data for the majority of species are, however, published for the first time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of habitat edges on the probability of acorn germination of three oak species (Quercus crassifolia Humb. and Bonpl., Quercus rugosa Née and Quercus laurina Humb. and Bonpl.). The effects of edge type (hard and soft), habitat type (grassland, edges and forest) and leaf litter cover (covered or uncovered acorns) on acorn germination was evaluated by the experimental establishment of acorns along transects crossing habitat edges. More acorns developed into seedlings in grasslands (38%) than in the forest edge (18%) or the forest interior (15%). In sites with soft edges, a higher number of seedlings emerged from acorns covered by litter compared with acorns sowed in the adjacent forest edge and forest interior (P < 0.05). In sites with hard edges, fewer seedlings emerged in the edge (14%) compared with the adjacent grassland (38%), and the adjacent forest (20%) presented intermediate values. However, in sites with soft edges significant differences in seedling emergence were recorded between the grassland (38%) and the forest (10%), whereas the edge presented intermediate values (23%). The effect of leaf litter cover on acorn germination was only significant in grasslands in sites with soft edges (P < 0.05). Acorns in grasslands received relatively little insect damage (10%) compared with the edge (19%) and the forest (30%, P < 0.05), emphasising the importance of acorn dispersal for successful oak establishment. The implications for regeneration of these oak species and the dynamics of montane oak forests in Mexico are discussed.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2003, a widespread outbreak of spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in the Copper River Basin, Alaska, infested over 275,000 ha of forests in the region. During 1997 and 1998, we measured forest vegetation structure and composition on one hundred and thirty-six 20-m × 20-m plots to assess both the immediate stand and landscape level effects of the spruce beetle infestation. A photo-interpreted vegetation and infestation map was produced using color-infrared aerial photography at a scale of 1:40,000. We used linear regression to quantify the effects of the outbreak on forest structure and composition. White spruce (Picea glauca) canopy cover and basal area of medium-to-large trees [≥15 cm diameter-at-breast height (1.3 m, dbh)] were reduced linearly as the number of trees attacked by spruce beetles increased. Black spruce (Picea mariana) and small diameter white spruce (<15 cm dbh) were infrequently attacked and killed by spruce beetles. This selective attack of mature white spruce reduced structural complexity of stands to earlier stages of succession and caused mixed tree species stands to lose their white spruce and become more homogeneous in overstory composition. Using the resulting regressions, we developed a transition matrix to describe changes in vegetation types under varying levels of spruce beetle infestations, and applied the model to the vegetation map. Prior to the outbreak, our study area was composed primarily of stands of mixed white and black spruce (29% of area) and pure white spruce (25%). However, the selective attack on white spruce caused many of these stands to transition to black spruce dominated stands (73% increase in area) or shrublands (26% increase in area). The post-infestation landscape was thereby composed of more even distributions of shrubland and white, black, and mixed spruce communities (17–22% of study area). Changes in the cover and composition of understory vegetation were less evident in this study. However, stands with the highest mortality due to spruce beetles had the lowest densities of white spruce seedlings suggesting a longer forest regeneration time without an increase in seedling germination, growth, or survival.  相似文献   

Carbon budgets are developed to understand ecosystem dynamics and are increasingly being used to develop global change policy. Traditionally, forest carbon budgets have focused on the biological carbon cycle; however, it is important to include the industrial forest carbon cycle as well. The overall objective of this study was to quantify the major carbon fluxes associated with the production of Wisconsin's industrial roundwood, by using life cycle inventory (LCI) methodology to produce an industrial forest carbon budget. To achieve this objective we (1) developed carbon LCIs for the harvest process for three major forest ownerships (state, national, and private non-industrial), (2) developed carbon LCIs for a dimensional lumber and two oriented strand board (OSB) mills and (3) completed a scaled version of 1 and 2 to include more Wisconsin forestlands and to incorporate the other major processes within the industrial forest carbon cycle (e.g. primary mill, secondary mill, product use and product disposal processes of the industrial forest carbon cycle). The carbon budgets for the harvesting process of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF), the Northern Highland American Legion State Forest (NHAL), and the non-industrial private forests that participated in the managed forest laws of Wisconsin (MFL-NIPF) were 0.10, 0.18 and 0.11 tonnes C ha−1 year−1), respectively. The dimensional lumber and OSB products were both net carbon sources, and released 0.05–0.09 tonnes C/tonnes C processed). More carbon is sequestered than released within the industrial forest carbon cycle of Wisconsin's national (6 g C m−2 year−1), state (12 g C m−2 year−1) and non-industrial private forests (7 g C m−2 year−1). Using published net ecosystem production data we estimate that the net forest carbon cycle budget (sum of the biological and industrial C cycle, [Gower, S.T., 2003. Patterns and mechanisms of the forest carbon cycle. Ann. Rev. Environ. Resour. 28, 169–204]) for the CNNF ranges between −897 and 348 g C m−2 year−1. Life cycle inventories of wood and paper products should be clear and explicitly state what processes are included, so that results can be used by policy makers and future researchers.  相似文献   

Although Brazil nut (B. excelsa) is often touted as one of the most economically successful NTFPs, little is known about the population structure of this species within its natural range in Southwestern Amazonia or ecological factors that affect fruit production. Since these are considered fundamental for sustainable resource management, we examined a natural Brazil nut stand in an extractive reserve in Acre, Brazil, posing the following questions: (1) What is the spatial distribution, species density, and size–class structure of B. excelsa? and (2) What tree-level factors influence Brazil nut production? In a 420 ha census, 568 trees ≥10 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) were counted, resulting in a density of 1.35 trees ha−1. Based on the nearest-neighbor method, an index of aggregation (R) of 0.77 indicated a rejection of the null hypothesis of a strictly random distribution pattern. Yet, this value suggests a much greater tendency toward randomness than either clumping or uniformity. Our data do not show the commonly reported existence of groves, referring to clearly defined clusters of 50 to several hundred trees separated from similar clusters by great distances. Almost 1/4 of the population (23%) was composed of non-reproductive juveniles. Maximum R2 improvement analysis applied to four distinct diameter classes provided insight into the dynamics of production-related variables over the species life cycle. While dbh explained 1/3 of production variance (R2 = 0.3360) in the smallest diameter class (10 cm  dbh < 50 cm), which included those in the process of reaching reproductive maturity, crown form best explained production variance of very large trees (dbh  100 cm). Results also demonstrated a significant negative correlation between crown vine load and production of trees  50 cm dbh (r = −0.13, P = 0.008), suggesting the need for further study on vine cutting as a possible silvicultural treatment for enhancing nut yields.  相似文献   

Tree encroachment into rough fescue (Festuca campestris) grassland has been identified as an ecological concern on the Cypress Hills plateau in southeastern Alberta, Canada. A combination of field sampling (109 transects), a dendrochronological assessment (1361 trees), and a time series analysis of remotely sensed images from five different time periods (1950–2002) were used to determine the extent and rate of tree encroachment and forest development. Tree cover increased by 768 ha (~51%) between 1950 and 2007, representing 10% of the study area, from 1502 ha of pre-1950 forest. Post-1950 tree invasion also created an ingress zone of 750 ha (~10% of study area) based on field transects. Forest cover increased at a consistent rate of 14.3 ha/year. Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) was the most common tree species associated with encroachment. Invasion based on the number of established trees occurred at an exponential rate of 3.1%/year after 1890, with density increased by filling spaces adjacent to and between trees within the grassland vegetation. The rate of tree establishment increased to 4.4%/year after 1980, suggesting a change occurred in environmental conditions. Annual atmospheric temperatures increased 0.55 °C from 1929 to 2005 (P < 0.001), with winter (December–February) and spring (March–May) temperatures accounting for most of the increase (P < 0.001), whereas summer (June–August) temperatures slightly decreased (P < 0.050, 0.34 °C) and precipitation increased (P < 0.005, 30 mm). Cattle and elk (Cervus elaphus) grazing was not considered a primary factor for explaining tree encroachment. Based on multidimensional scaling, lodgepole pine establishment was associated with warmer spring temperatures and greater fall (October–November) precipitation. A landscape devoid of wildfires, combined with greater moisture availability, and a longer frost-free season is likely conducive to the sustained establishment of coniferous trees and forest development within the Cypress Hills fescue grassland ecosystem. Long-term conservation of the fescue grasslands could be possible by reintroducing fire.  相似文献   

Tree growth, biomass productivity, litterfall mass and nutrient content, changes in soil chemical properties and understory forest succession were evaluated over a 8.5-year period in single- and mixed-species (50 : 50) plantations of two N2-fixing species, Casuarina equisetifolia and Leucaena leucocephala, and a non-fixing species, Eucalyptus robusta. At the optimal harvest age for maximum biomass production (4 years), total aboveground biomass ranged from 63 Mg ha−1 in the Eucalyptus monoculture to 124 Mg ha−1 in the Casuarina/Leucaena mixture, and was generally greater in the mixed-species than in single-species treatments due to increased productivity of the N-fixing species in the mixed stands. Total litterfall varied from 5.3 to 10.0 Mg ha−1 year−1 among treatments, or between 5.9% and 13.2% of net primary production. Litterfall production and rates of nutrient return for N, P, K, Ca and Mg were generally highest for Leucaena, intermediate for Casuarina and lowest for Eucalyptus. These rates were usually higher in the mixed-species than in monospecific stands due to differences in biomass productivity, but varied considerably depending on their species composition. Total system carbon and nutrient pools (in biomass plus soils to 40-cm depth) for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn at four years were consistently greater in the plantation treatments than in the unplanted control plots. Relative to the single-species plantations, these system pools were generally larger in the mixed-species plantations for C (−10% to +10%), N (+17% to +50%), P (−1% to +63%), K (−19% to +46%), Ca (−10% to +48%), Mg (+5% to +57%) and Mn (+19% to +86%). Whole-tree harvests at four years would result in substantial system carbon and nutrient losses, although these estimated losses would not exceed the estimated gains realized during the four-year period of tree growth at this site. At 7.5 years, soil organic matter and effective cation exchange capacity were reduced in all plantation treatments relative to the control. Changes in soil nutrient content from 0 to 7.5 years were highly variable and not significantly different among treatments, although stands containing Leucaena generally showed higher rates of nitrogen and phosphorus accretion in soils than those with Eucalyptus and/or Casuarina. Natural regeneration of secondary forest tree and shrub species increased over time in all plantation treatments. A total of 24 native or naturalized forest species were recorded in the plantations at 8.5 years. Woody species abundance at this age was significantly greater beneath Casuarina than either Eucalyptus or the Eucalyptus/Leucaena mixed stands. Species richness and diversity, however, were greatest beneath stands containing Eucalyptus and/or Leucaena than in stands with Casuarina.  相似文献   

Gap-associated spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) regeneration in Sphagnum-Myrtillus stands of south taiga forests (Central Forest Biosphere reserve, Tver region, Russia) was studied to evaluate the role of different disturbances in spruce dynamics. Sampled gaps (n=70) ranged from 40 m2 to 1.7 ha in size, and from 1 to 70 years since disturbance moment. Formation of gaps lead to increase in the number of stems per ha in all gap size classes (small: 40–200 m2, medium: 200–3000 m2, and large: >3000 m2 gaps). Spruce was the most important species in gap refilling, although its role was not the same in different gap classes. The highest values of relative abundance (compared to other species) were recorded in small gaps, and much lower values – in middle and large gaps. However, as refilling of gaps proceeded, spruce showed rather active regeneration in middle and large gaps and partly regained its abundance in middle-age disturbances. In general, all types of gaps studied supported spruce regeneration into the forest canopy. Almost perfect correlation between predicted outcome of spruce dynamics in gaps and its current role in the canopy of Sphagnum-Myrtillus stands suggests a good adaptation of this species to the current disturbance regime and a steady state of the these forests.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the spatial distribution of soil salinity in areas of jarrah and karri forest where groundwater levels may be close to the surface is important when planning land use activities that may reduce leaf area and thus increase the risk of a rise in stream salinity. Hence this study aimed, firstly, to test whether a Geonics EM31 induction meter could be used to accurately estimate soil salinity in jarrah and karri forest soils. Secondly, to determine an appropriate method of surveying the stream zone with an EM31 to adequately represent the spatial variation in soil salinity.A comparison of EM31 meter estimates of soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) with average soil salinity profiles (EC1:5) to 6 m depth across a broad range of sites resulted in good correlations in spring (R2 = 0.66, n = 164, p < 0.001) and autumn (R2 = 0.64, n = 156, p < 0.001). ECa measured in spring, when soil moisture was at its highest, was 25% higher than in autumn, when soil moisture was at its lowest.EM31 surveys along second-order stream zones showed that the highest ECa levels generally occurred within 10 m of the stream centre. However, ECa was highly variable along the length of the streams and the highest levels did not necessarily occur at the lowest part of the catchment. A suitable method for conducting surveys of stream zones is to carry an EM31, while walking along a traverse, taking a reading approximately every 2 m.  相似文献   

Multi-aged stands are not a common structural type of mountain-ash forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria, southeastern Australia, but they are nevertheless important, particularly as habitat for wildlife. Extensive field data and information generated from spatial models of climate, topography and radiation regimes were examined to identify factors which related to the occurrence of stands of multi-aged mountain-ash forest. The probability of occurrence of multi-aged stands increased significantly (p < 0.001) with the age of the forest. There also was evidence that multi-aged stands were more likely to occur on steeper slopes (p = 0.01). When actual on-ground field measurements were ignored and program-generated climate, topography and radiation data only were modeled, a decrease in the shortwave radiation ratio (a measure of the estimated solar radiation budget) was associated with a significantly increased probability of occurrence (p = 0.03) of multi-aged stands. Our analyses indicated there are particular parts of mountain-ash forest landscapes where complex multi-aged stand structures are more likely to develop. This has implications for the methods used to harvest mountain-ash forests for timber and pulpwood, particularly the need for increased retention of structural components of stands targeted for logging.  相似文献   

Human induced changes in global environmental conditions are expected to influence or, as it is hypothesised in this study, have already influenced the biomass and growth of forest ecosystems. In this study, we reconstruct the history of tree growth and quantify the standing biomass along a chronosequence of six Norway spruce stands (Picea abies [L.] Karst; 16–142 years old) on acid soils in a mountainous region with high nitrogen deposition. The inventories of the study sites, as well as the historical stem growth of the sample trees were compared with common yield tables, representing growing conditions before 1960, to find out if and when significant changes in growth of trees had occurred. The growth at tree level (0.003–0.030 m3 yr−1) was about 150–350% higher than predicted by the yield tables, independent of tree age. Because of low stand densities due to early thinning, the increase of stem growth at stand level (90% higher than yield table predictions) and the stand volume (35% higher than yield table predictions) were not as high as the increase of growth at tree level. Total biomass at stand level (including stems, branches, twigs, needles and roots) ranged between 35 and 180 t C ha−1. Net primary productivity varied between 6 and 13 t C ha−1 yr−1. Intensive tree thinning activities probably stimulated growth of remaining trees, but the observed growth rates were beyond what would be expected from these activities exclusively. Thus it is assumed that the fertilisation effects of increased nitrogen deposition and CO2 concentration, and improved climatic conditions due to ongoing climate change, have contributed to the observed changes in stem growth and that the thinning activities were synergetic with changing environmental conditions. The implications for carbon sinks as accountable under the Kyoto Protocol are probably small, because changes in environmental conditions are not accountable under the Kyoto Protocol and most of the observed changes in growth took place before 1990, the baseline for the Kyoto Protocol. Additionally, it is assumed that impacts on the carbon balance of forest stands due to changes in the thinning regime after 1990, which would be accountable according to article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol, are very small without any synergetic changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency is widespread in the subhumid highlands of eastern Africa but there are few data on the effect of P deficiency on the growth of agroforestry tree species. We studied the effect of P application on growth, nutrient uptake and dry matter partitioning in young trees of Calliandra calothyrsus, Cedrela serrulata, Eucalyptus grandis, Grevillea robusta, Markhamia lutea, Senna spectabilis, and Sesbania sesban on a P-deficient soil (Kandiudalfic Eutrudox, bicarbonate-EDTA extractable P = 1 mg kg−1) in western Kenya. The trees were grown at two P levels (control and 500 kg added P ha−1) at 1 m2 spacing in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Leaf K concentrations were in the low range for all species (5–9 mg g−1) and K deficiency may have limited responses to P. Averaged over species, P addition increased aboveground shoot dry matter by a factor of 2.6 at 62 and 124 days, but the response decreased to 1.3 at 325 days. The increases at 62 days were large in sesbania (5.4) and eucalyptus (3.2) but small in calliandra (1.4) and markhamia (1.1). Relative response to P was more strongly correlated with shoot growth rate per unit root length among species than with shoot growth rate alone. Calliandra, which had high early growth rate but low response to added P, had an exceptionally high root length (6.0 km m−2) compared with the other species (0.3–2.1 km m−2). P addition increased N and P content but decreased final shoot K content in sesbania and calliandra, and had little effect on K content in the other species. The high-yielding species (eucalyptus, sesbania and calliandra) accumulated more than 30 g N and 2 g P m−2 in shoots in 325 days of growth. The proportion of total shoot N in wood (branch + stem) was in a higher range (67–75%) in the shrubby species (sesbania, calliandra, senna) than in the upperstorey tree species (38–43%). Slow early shoot growth relative to total root length, and high specific root length (root length per unit root mass) are proposed as criteria for the selection of species and provenances that are well adapted to P deficient soils.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation in water-induced fluctuations in stem girth demonstrates the mechanisms promoting coexistence in seasonally dry tropical forest. In addition, these fluctuations are a potential, but unevaluated, source of bias in measurements of annual tree growth rates. To examine diurnal and seasonal patterns of stem diameter change, tree girth was measured over 2 years (1997–1999), using dendrometer bands, for three species (Celtis mildbraedii, C. zenkeri and Strombosia glaucescens) in semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Soil matric potential was measured concurrently at 15 cm depth. In addition, measurements of all trees >20 cm dbh on three, 1 ha plots were made at the beginning and middle of the 1998/1999 dry season. During the severe 1997/1998 dry season, soil matric potential declined below −1.5 MPa and two species showed significant stem shrinkage. For the evergreen species, C. mildbraedii, there was a significant positive effect of tree diameter on stem shrinkage, and shrinkage was greater in the second, compared to the first, half of the dry season. For the deciduous species, C. zenkeri, shrinkage was reduced during the second half of the dry season, following leaf fall. During 1998/1999, soil matric potential, did not decline below −1.5 MPa, and rates of girth change remained positive for all species. There were no significant effects of size or phenology on the rate of girth change in the plot-based study. Deviations in annual increment calculated over successive monthly intervals indicate that a 10-fold difference in soil water availability between measurement occasions can lead to a 4% bias in estimates of annual growth. Measurements of forest plots should be made when inter-annual variation in soil water availability is low. In this forest, measurements should, therefore, be made during the wet season, contrary to published recommendations.  相似文献   

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