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A field lysimeter study was conducted to investigate the effect of initial soil salinity and salinity level of brackish subirrigation water on tuber weight and tuber size of three potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars (Kennebec, Norland and Russet Burbank) under simulated arid conditions. Both saline and non-saline initial soil conditions were simulated in a total of 36 lysimeters. Eighteen lysimeters were flushed with fresh water (0.2 dS/m), while the remaining 18 lysimeters were flushed with brackish water (2 dS/m). For each soil condition, two subirrigation water concentrations, 1 and 9 dS/m, were used in nine lysimeters each. For each subirrigation water treatment, three potato cultivars were grown. In all lysimeters, water table was maintained at 0.4 m from the soil surface. Arid conditions were simulated by covering the lysimeter top with plastic mulch, allowing the potato shoots to grow through a cut in the mulch. The average root zone salinities (ECw) were found to be 1.2 and 1.5 dS/m in non-saline lysimeters subirrigated with 1 and 9 dS/m waters, respectively. The corresponding salinities were 3.2 and 3.7 dS/m in the saline lysimeters. Across cultivars, there was no significant effect of either initial soil salinity or subirrigation water salinity on total tuber weight. However, the weight of Grade A tubers was higher in non-saline soil than in saline soil. Kennebec and Russet Burbank Grade A tuber weights were not affected by the initial soil salinity. On the contrary, a significant reduction in Grade A and total tuber weight under initially saline soil was evident for the Norland cultivar.  相似文献   

Soil moisture availability is the main limiting factor for growing second crops in rainfed rice fallows of eastern India. Only rainfed rice is grown with traditional practices during the rainy season (June–October) with large areas (13 m ha−1) remaining fallow during the subsequent dry season (November–March) inspite of annual rainfall of the order 1000–2000 mm. In this study an attempt was made to improve productivity of rainfed rice during rainy season and to grow second crops in rice fallow during dry (winter) season with supplemental irrigation from harvested rainwater. Rice was grown as first crop with improved as well as traditional farmers’ management practices to compare the productivity between these two treatments. Study revealed that 87.1–95.6% higher yield of rice was obtained with improved management over farmers’ practices. Five crops viz., maize, groundnut, sunflower, wheat and potato were grown in rice fallow during dry (winter) season with two, three and four supplemental irrigations and improved management. Sufficient amount of excess rainwater (runoff) was available (381 mm at 75% probability level) to store and recycle for supplementary irrigation to second crops grown after rice. Study revealed that supplemental irrigation had significant effect (P < 0.001) on grain yield of dry season crops and with two irrigation mean yields of 1845, 785, 905, 1420, 8050 kg ha−1 were obtained with maize (grain), groundnut, sunflower, wheat and potato (tuber), respectively. With four irrigations 214, 89, 78, 81, 54% yield was enhanced over two irrigations in respective five crops. Water use efficiency (WUE) of 13.8, 3.35, 3.39, 5.85 and 28.7 kg ha−1 was obtained in maize, groundnut, sunflower, wheat, potato (tuber), respectively with four irrigations. The different plant growth parameters like maximum above ground biomass, leaf area index and root length were also recorded with different levels of supplemental irrigation. The study amply revealed that there was scope to improve productivity of rainfed rice during rainy season and to grow another profitable crops during winter/dry season in rice fallow with supplemental irrigation from harvested rainwater of rainy season.  相似文献   

Field experiments were performed at the HsuehChia Experimental Station from 1993 to 2001 to calculate the reference and actual crop evapotranspiration, derived the crop coefficient, and collected requirements input data for the CROPWAT irrigation management model to estimate the irrigation water requirements of paddy and upland crops at the ChiaNan Irrigation Association, Taiwan. For corn, the estimated crop coefficients were 0.40, 0.78, 0.89 and 0.71 in the initial, crop development, mid-season and late-season stages, respectively. Meanwhile, the estimated crop coefficients for sorghum were 0.44, 0.71, 0.87 and 0.62 in the four stages, respectively. Finally, for soybean, the estimated crop coefficients were 0.45, 0.89, 0.92 and 0.58 in the four stages, respectively. With implementation of REF-ET model and FAO 56 Penman–Monteith method, the annual reference evapotranspiration was 1268 mm for ChiaNan Irrigation Association.In the paddy fields, the irrigation water requirements and deep percolation are 962 and 295 mm, respectively, for the first rice crop, and 1114 and 296 mm for the second rice crop. Regarding the upland crops, the irrigation water requirements for spring and autumn corn are 358 and 273 mm, respectively, compared to 332 and 366 mm for sorghum, and 350 and 264 mm for soybean. For the irrigated scheme with single and double rice cropping patterns in the ChiaNan Irrigation Association, the CROPWAT model simulated results indicate that the annual crop water demands are 507 and 1019 mm, respectively, and the monthly water requirements peaked in October at 126 mm and in January at 192 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper reports work done to assess the status of groundwater extraction technologies and practices in the Indus basin of Pakistan and hence to improve these technologies for sustainable groundwater extraction. A socio-technical approach was used which involved a field survey using participatory rural appraisal (PRA), monitoring of existing farmers’ wells for hydraulic and hydrosalinity behavior of these wells, and simulating hydrosalinity behavior under skimming wells using appropriate groundwater and solute transport models. The data collected in PRA shows a variety of wells designs, which reflects the absence of design code for these wells. Consequently, farmers have to choose one of the design options provided by the local drillers.We monitored a farmer's operation of a multi-borehole skimming well to extract groundwater to supplement canal water. Most of the time the well was operated daily, and occasionally on alternate days. The number of operating hours varied from 2 to 12 h per pumping event. We also conducted pumping tests in two wells, one with a single-borehole, and another with six boreholes. The data obtained at these two wells were used to develop guidelines for well design and operation using a flow model, MODFLOW and a solute transport model, MT3D.The parameters considered in the model studies were as follows: perforated well depth with respect to depth of the freshwater layer in the aquifer (i.e. well penetration ratio), number of boreholes and spatial distance between them in a multi-borehole well system, well discharge rate and daily operational hours. The results indicate that a single borehole well operated at a discharge rate of ranging from 32 to 180 m3/h (9–50 l/s) can be operated successfully with a 30–60% well penetration ratio for an operating time of 4–8 h/day where the thickness of the freshwater layer ranges from 20 to 30 m. Multi-borehole wells consisting of four to eight boreholes at a spacing of 3 m can be installed where the thickness of the freshwater layer ranges from 10 to 20 m without compromising the quantity and quality of pumped water.  相似文献   

Soil salinisation is very often due to excessive irrigation. However, irrigation is absolutely essential for obtaining reliable crop yields, particularly under predicted global warming conditions. A simple methodology for assessing the salinisation risk for any water management situation and under predicted global warming conditions is presented. The methodology is illustrated by the assessment of irrigation effects on soil salinity at San Antonio del Sur Valley, in the southeast of Cuba. Irrigation from a new dam will support agriculture in the Valley, but at the same time soil salinity is expected to increase. Soil electrical conductivity at several depths and topographical altitudes were used to create raster layers in a Geographic Information System (GIS), thus, determining the border of the saline-affected zones by a GIS analysis. Water-table depth at the border of the saline zones was assumed to be 2 m. The physically based SWAP model was used to predict future water-table depths after irrigation begins and under global warming conditions. Future temperature and precipitation daily values were calculated from a linear increase/decrease of the daily values corresponding to a typical year, according to a global-change forecast for the zone. Soil hydraulic properties were estimated from pedotransfer function and published soil data. Simulated results predict a fast water-table raise of 1 m, due to the increase of irrigation water. Borders of the new saline zones under these conditions (i.e. the places where the water-table is at a 2 m depth) were calculated using a digital terrain model, assuming that the water-table rose 1 m over the whole valley. According to the simulation results, the original saline zones of the valley will be enlarged from 31.4 to 96.8 ha 15 years after the scheduled start of irrigation. The methodology could be used by farmers and decision-makers to select the most suitable water management solution considering both economical and environmental criteria.  相似文献   

UPFLOW is a simple software tool developed to estimate with limited data availability and appropriate assumptions the expected upward water movement from a shallow water table to the root zone during a specific period (typically 10-day) in a specific environment. The program contains various sets of soil water retention curves that are considered as representative for various soil classes and indicative values for root water extraction for a number of crops. The environmental conditions are specified in fields of a spreadsheet type Main Menu by specifying: (i) the average evapotranspiration (ET) demand of the atmosphere during the period under consideration, (ii) the expected soil wetness in the topsoil as a result of rain during that period, (iii) the depth of groundwater below the soil surface, (iv) the water extraction pattern of the plant roots, (v) the thickness and characteristics of successive layers of the soil profile and (vi) the salt content of the water table. A steady state upward flow is assumed during the period. The simulations are in line with indicative values presented in literature. Additionally, the software displays the deficient aeration conditions in the root zone and its effect on crop evapotranspiration when the groundwater is close to the soil surface.The model was used to estimate the capillary rise from shallow groundwater (1–1.5 m) to the root zone (0.4–0.6 m) of horticultural crops in loamy sand and sandy loam soils in Belgium. The field measurements confirm that UPFLOW simulates the correct order of magnitude of the capillary rise to the root zone.UPFLOW is public domain software and hence freely available. An installation disk and manual can be downloaded from the web.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2007,92(1-3):115-139
Because of drought and nutrient stress, the yields of rainfed lowland rice in Central Java, Indonesia, are generally low and unstable. Variation in groundwater depth can contribute to experimental variability in results of yield-increasing interventions. To test this hypothesis, we used the crop growth simulation model ORYZA2000 to explore the impacts of groundwater depth on the effect of sowing date, tillage, fertiliser-N application and supplementary irrigation on the yield of lowland rice at Jakenan, Central Java, Indonesia. ORYZA2000 was first parameterized and evaluated using data from eight seasons of field experiments between 1995 and 2000. The model adequately simulated the soil water balance, crop growth and grain yield. With shallow to medium groundwater depth (less than 0.5 m deep), rainfed rice yields are close to potential yields with timely sowing in the wet season. With groundwater tables fluctuating mostly between 0.5 and 1.5 m, rainfed yields are 0.5–1 Mg ha−1 lower than potential yields with timely sowing. The decrease in yield with late sowing sets in earlier and proceeds faster with deeper groundwater depths. Deep tillage and supplementary irrigation increase yield more with deep groundwater tables than with shallow groundwater tables, but N fertilisation increases yield more with shallow than with deep groundwater tables. Groundwater depth should be taken into account in the selection of yield-increasing interventions.  相似文献   

The effects of opening tidal barriers (floodgates) upon water table levels and lateral transport of solutes adjacent drains was investigated at two sites on a coastal floodplain. The sites had contrasting geomorphology, soil texture and sediment hydraulic properties. The site with lower hydraulic conductivity (0.3–0.9 m day−1) soils (Romiaka) also had a higher elevation and hydraulic gradients towards the drain. While floodgate opening at Romiaka enhanced the amplitude of pre-existing tidal interaction with adjacent shallow groundwater, altered hydraulic gradients and caused some salt seepage, lateral solute movement from the drain was highly attenuated (<10 m). The site with very high hydraulic conductivity soils (Shark Creek; >125 m day−1) had a lower elevation and seasonally fluctuating hydraulic gradients. The introduction of a tidal pressure signal into the drain by opening the floodgate at Shark Creek caused tidal forcing of groundwater over 300 m from the drain. Floodgate opening at this site also caused changes in groundwater hydraulic gradients, leading to incursion of saline drain water into shallow groundwater over 80 m from the drain. Lateral movement of solutes was relatively rapid, due to macropore flow in oxidised acid sulfate soil horizons, and caused substantial changes to shallow groundwater chemical composition. Conversely, when groundwater hydraulic gradients were towards the drain at this site there was substantial lateral outflow of acid groundwater into drains. This study highlights the importance of assessing the hydraulic properties of soils next to drains on coastal floodplains prior to opening floodgates, particularly in acid sulfate soil backswamps, in order to prevent unintended saline intrusion into shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

The drained and irrigated marshes in south-west Spain are formed on soils of alluvial origin from the ancient Guadalquivir river estuary. The most important characteristics of these soils are the high clay content (about 70%), high salinity, and a shallow, extremely saline, water table. The reclaimed area near Lebrija, called Sector B-XII (about 15,000 ha), has been under cultivation since 1978. Some years, however, water supply for irrigation is limited due to drought periods. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of irrigation with high and moderately saline waters on soil properties and growth and yield of cotton and sugar beet crops. The experiments were carried out during 1997 and 1998 in a farm plot of 12.5 ha (250 m×500 m) in which a drainage system had been installed, consisting of cylindrical ceramic sections (0.3 m long) forming pipes 250 m long, buried at a depth of 1 m and spaced at intervals of 10 m. These drains discharge into a collecting channel perpendicular to the drains. Two subplots of 0.5 ha (20 m×250 m) each were selected. In 1997 cotton was growing in both subplots, and irrigation was applied by furrows. One subplot (A) was irrigated with fresh water (0.9 dS m−1) during the whole season, while in the other subplot (B) one of the irrigations (at flowering stage) was with water of high salinity (22.7 dS m−1). During 1998 both subplots were cropped with sugar beet. Subplot A was irrigated with fresh water (1.7 dS m−1) during the whole season, while in subplot B two of the irrigations were with moderately saline water (5.9–7.0 dS m−1). Several measurement sites were established in each subplot. Water content profile, tensiometric profile, water table level, drainage water flow, soil salinity, and crop development and yield were monitored. The results showed that after the irrigation with high saline water (subplot B) in 1997 (cotton), the soil salinity increased. This increase was more noticeable in the top layer (0–0.3 m depth). In contrast, for the same dates, the soil of subplot A showed no changes. After five irrigations with fresh water, the salinity of the soil in the subplot B reached values similar to those before the application of saline water. In 1998 (sugar beet) the application of moderately saline water in subplot B also increased soil salinity, but this increase was lower than in 1997. The irrigation with high saline water affected crop development. Cotton growth was reduced in comparison with that in the subplot irrigated only with fresh water. Despite this negative effect on crop development, the crop yield was the same as in the subplot A. Sugar beet development did not show differences between subplots, but yield was higher in subplot B than in subplot A.  相似文献   

The average productivity of rice–wheat sequence is quite impressive in the Trans Indo-Gangetic Plain (India) but these gains are over-shadowed due to declining groundwater, particularly in the areas, where groundwater quality is either good or marginal. The groundwater decline can be reversed through artificial groundwater recharge and by adopting suitable land and water management practices. Groundwater recharge is found technically feasible through vertical shafts conducting water from the ground surface directly to aquifers, after it has been passed through a sand-gravel filter. The recharge rate through this system is almost equal to a shallow cavity/filter well yield (about 11 l/s) and its cost is estimated at about INR 10/100 m3 (1 US$ = 45 INR). Further study in the Kaithal and Karnal districts of Haryana for stabilizing watertable within 6–7 m, which permits continuous use of shallow tubewell technology, indicated that the rice area could be supported at 60% of cultivable command area (CCA) and wheat between 65 and 80% of CCA with the existing management practices. The cultivation of wheat crop is sustainable in larger area, mainly due to its medium water requirement, salt resistance characteristics and consistent market demand resulting in assured returns. There is a possibility of supporting rice at a higher level, if part of the area (up to 10%) is left fallow and used for rainwater conservation and recharge. The fallow area may be subsequently put under early rabi (winter) crops like mustard, gram and other pulses. The effect of varying irrigation and fallowing would increase 23% equivalent wheat yield by changing land and water management practices. The analysis further indicated that the adoption of proposed irrigation management practices might stabilize watertable at desired level of 6–7 m in 10–15 years in high (3–4 m), 5 years in medium (5–10 m) and 40 years in deep (>10 m) watertable areas.  相似文献   

A computer simulation model, SWAP93, was used to simulate the soil water balance of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) over a period of 6 years, in order to develop an efficient irrigation scheduling scheme for Sindh, Pakistan. Given the limitations and inflexibility of the existing warabandi irrigation system, which does not allow on-demand irrigation, only irrigation depth and irrigation interval were varied in order to assess the best irrigation depth/interval combination for sugarcane production. Twelve irrigation treatments were simulated. These treatments were four irrigation amounts (900, 1200, 1650 and 1800 mm) and three irrigation frequencies (7, 10 and 15 days). Three seasons with rainfall totaling less than 20 mm were compared with three seasons of over 200 mm rainfall. Two approaches were used in assessing the irrigation schemes: yield parameters and water management response indicators. Treatment parameters (e.g. irrigation amounts, weather conditions, soil characteristics, etc.) served as input for SWAP93, actual transpiration was calculated and then used in a crop water production function to predict yield and water use efficiency. Additionally, water management response indicators were derived from model outputs, and used to assess the impact of the schemes on soil salinity and water logging. Both these indicators and the yield and water use efficiency indicated that a seasonal total of 1650 mm, applied at a 15-day interval was the best irrigation scheme for the region.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of residual sodium carbonates (RSC) of irrigation water on the growth and yield of sugarcane grown on sierozem light textured alkaline soil with sodic ground water and to study the performance of some promising sugarcane genotypes under these conditions. Treatments consisted of five levels of irrigations water viz RSC 2.8, 6.5, 12 me l−1 and RSC 6.5 and 12.0 me l−1 fully amended with gypsum. Plant and ratoon crops of eight genotypes of sugarcane were harvested. Cane yield and yield attributing characters like cane height, number of internodes per cane and number of millable canes were recorded. Juice quality viz percent juice extraction, percent sucrose, and commercial cane sugar (CCS%) in juice were determined at the harvest of crop. For both plant and ratoon crops, the average cane yield of all the genotypes of sugarcane and cane yield attributing characters decreased significantly with the increase in RSC of irrigation water to 6.5 and 12.0 me l−1 (35% and 51% decline in the average cane yield for plant crop). For ratoon crop, the corresponding decrease in the average cane yield was less than the plant crop (only 14% and 21%). Amending RSC with gypsum increased the yield in all genotypes. The cane yield of various genotypes obtained under amended RSC with gypsum treatments were almost equal to the yield obtained under RSC 2.8 me l−1 treatment (89% to 92% average cane yield for plant crop and 93% to 96% for ratoon crop). The effect of RSC of irrigation was variable for different genotypes (for example, for the plant crop of CoH 97, 65% and 76% and for CoH 108, 9% and 20% decline in the cane yield was observed with the application of high RSC irrigation water). As compared to plant crop, the ratoon crop of all genotypes recorded higher average cane yield and lesser decline in the cane yield with the application of high RSC irrigation water. Average juice extraction % decreased from 40.5% to 35.8%, and sugar yield decreased significantly (5.61 to 2.91 t ha−1 for plant crop and 6.18 to 5.38 t ha−1 for ratoon crop) with the increase in RSC of irrigation water, and amending RSC with gypsum increased the juice extraction % and sugar yield per unit area.  相似文献   

The resource potential of shallow water tables for cropping systems has been investigated using the Australian sugar industry as a case study. Literature concerning shallow water table contributions to sugarcane crops has been summarised, and an assessment of required irrigation for water tables to depths of 2 m investigated using the SWIMv2.1 soil water balance model for three different soils. The study was undertaken because water availability is a major limitation for sugarcane and other crop production systems in Australia and knowledge on how best to incorporate upflow from water tables in irrigation scheduling is limited. Our results showed that for the three soils studied (representing a range of permeabilities as defined by near-saturated hydraulic conductivities), no irrigation would be required for static water tables within 1 m of the soil surface. Irrigation requirements when static water tables exceeded 1 m depth were dependent on the soil type and rooting characteristics (root depth and density). Our results also show that the near-saturated hydraulic conductivities are a better indicator of the ability of water tables below 1 m to supply sufficient upflow as opposed to soil textural classifications. We conclude that there is potential for reductions in irrigation and hence improvements in irrigation water use efficiency in areas where shallow water tables are a low salinity risk: either fresh, or the local hydrology results in net recharge.  相似文献   

In this study an analysis was made on spatial variation of climatic water balance, (water surplus, actual evapotranspiration), probabilistic monthly monsoon rainfall and mapping of cold periods in agro-ecological region (AER) 12.0 of India using GIS and models. Since, rice is the dominant crop of the region, crop water requirements of rice was also spatially analyzed in different agro-ecological subregions (AESRs) of the AER 12.0 using CROPWAT 4.0 model and GIS. Study found that as per climatic water balance, large to moderate water surplus (520–70 mm) was available in AESR 12.1. The rainfall surplus of 220–370 mm was computed in AESR 12.2 and 370–520 mm in AESR 12.3 mm. Since winter rainfall is meagre and erratic, this amount of rainfall may be harvested and utilized for providing supplemental irrigation to winter crops or during dry spell of rainy season crops. Study also reveals that at 80% probability level (highly assured) in first month of southwest monsoon (June) 98–156 mm rainfall occurs in AESR 12.1, 103–144 mm in AESR 12.2 and 93–132 mm in AESR 12.3. These amounts of rainfall are sufficient to prepare land and sowing of direct seeded crops like maize, groundnut, blackgram, greengram, pigeonpea, cowpea, etc. that may be done from 24th standard week onwards (11th–7th June) after onset of southwest monsoon in the region. Based on existence of favorable temperature, among different AESRs, cold requiring crops may be tried in the districts of AER 12.1, but before cultivation of these crops, economic feasibility should be properly assessed. In normal rainfall year 450–550 mm, 600–720 mm and 775–875 mm crop water requirement was computed using CROPWAT 4.0 model for autumn rice, winter rice and summer rice, respectively in different AESRs of AER 12.0.  相似文献   

Productive tree plantations on degraded land within Pakistan’s irrigation areas may help control salinity by extracting shallow groundwater, but their adoption has been limited by a lack of information on tree–water–salt interactions. Tree growth, water use, climate and soil conditions were monitored between 1994 and 1998 in young plantations of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Prosopis at two locations in Punjab province. Eucalyptus camaldulensis on an irrigated, non-saline site near Lahore showed best growth till the age of 5 years, and an annual water use of 1393 mm. Irrigated Eucalyptus microtheca at this site and unirrigated E. camaldulensis dependent on saline groundwater at Pacca Anna also transpired over 1000 mm of water per year. Basal area growth of Acacia ampliceps at the latter site was similar to E. camaldulensis, but its water use was less. Lowest annual water use of 235 mm was shown by an understocked stand of Prosopis juliflora. Canopy conductance decreased with increasing vapour pressure deficit to a species-dependent minimum value. Results of soil sampling, chloride balance modelling and intensive monitoring of soil solution salinity demonstrated accumulation of salt in the root zone of plantations using saline groundwater. The concentration of stored salt varied seasonally as a result of water table fluctuations and redistribution processes within the unsaturated zone. The apparent limitation of salt accumulation by these processes and the continuing satisfactory growth of the plantations justify cautious support of tree growing as a control measure for shallow water tables and salinisation in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture may negatively affect groundwater quality and increase off-site salt and nitrate contamination. Management alternatives aimed at reducing these potential problems were analysed in the 15498 ha CR-V Irrigation District (Spain) by monitoring 49 wells and modelling the hydrological regime in a representative well of the Miralbueno Aquifer. Groundwaters presented low to moderate electrical conductivity (EC) (mean = 0.89 dS/m) and high [NO3] (mean = 94 mg/L). The groundwater depth (GWD) during the 2001 hydrological year responded to the annual cycles of precipitation and irrigation as well as to the secondary cycles derived from irrigation scheduling. GWD were consistently simulated by the groundwater BAS-A model. Model results indicate that an increase in irrigation efficiency and the pumping of groundwater for irrigation will decrease GWD and aquifer's discharge by 56–70%, depending on scenarios. These recommendations will save good-quality water in the reservoir, will be beneficially economical to farmers, and will minimize off-site salt and nitrogen contamination.  相似文献   

The most common sugarcane variety in the Gharb plain of Morocco (CP 66-345 variety) was grown in a lysimeter in the laboratory. It developed during 6 months with a water-table at 0.7 m below the soil surface. The water-table was then successively maintained with a Mariotte bottle at 0.45, 0.2 and 0.05 m from the soil surface for 21, 31 and 24 days, respectively. Transpiration was measured by Dynamax sap flow sensors. Soil water pressure heads were measured at six different depths; soil hydraulic properties and root density profile were also determined. No transpiration reduction was observed with soil waterlogging. Two different models were used to predict the pattern of root water uptake (RWU) with water-table at 0.45 m below the soil surface. These two models are based on a RWU function used as sink term in the Richards equation. The first model, HYDRUS-2D (Simunek et al., 1996), is based on the α-model RWU (Feddes et al., 1978a) which depends on a reduction function varying according to the soil water pressure head and on the root density. The second model, SIC (Breitkopf and Touzot, 1992) is based on the hr-model RWU (Whisler and Millington, 1968, Feddes et al., 1974). It is proportional to the difference between soil and root pressure heads, to unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and to root density. Calculated soil water flows from pressure head measurements are compared to predicted pressure heads by the two models. These predictions compare well with the measured values and show that sugarcane roots mainly absorbed water in the water-table. However, while goods predictions were obtained using the actual root density profile with the hr-model, it was necessary to modify this profile to obtain proper results using the α-model.  相似文献   

Salt-tolerant crops can be grown with saline water from tile drains and shallow wells as a practical strategy to manage salts and sustain agricultural production in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) of California. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) was grown in previously salinized plots that varied in average electrical conductivity (ECe) from 1.8 to 7.2 dS m−1 (0–2.7 m depth) and irrigated with either high quality (ECi<1 dS m−1) or saline (ECi=6.7 dS m−1) water. One response of safflower to increasing root zone salinity was decreased water use and root growth. Plants in less saline plots recovered more water on average (515 mm) and at a greater depth than in more salinized plots (435 mm). With greater effective salinity, drainage increased with equivalent water application rates. Seed yield was not correlated with consumptive water use over the range of 400–580 mm. Total biomass and plant height at harvest were proportional to water use over the same range. Safflower tolerated greater levels of salinity than previously reported. Low temperatures and higher than average relative humidity in spring likely moderated the water use of safflower grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Soil water and salinity are crucial factors influencing crop production in arid regions. An autumn irrigation system employing the application of a large volume of water (2200–2600 m3 ha−1) is being developed in the Hetao Irrigation District of China, since the 1980s with the goal to reduce salinity levels in the root zone and increase the water availability for the following spring crops. However, the autumn irrigation can cause significant quantities of NO3 to leach from the plant root zone into the groundwater. In this study, we investigated the changes in soil water content, NO3–N and salinity within a 150 cm deep soil profile in four different types of farmlands: spring wheat (FW), maize (FM), spring wheat–maize inter-planting (FW–M) and sunflower (FS). Our results showed that (1) salt losses mainly occurred in the upper 60 cm of the soil and in the upper 40 cm for NO3–N; (2) the highest losses of salt and NO3–N could be observed in FW, whereas the lowest losses were found in FW–M.NO3–N concentration, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) in the groundwater were also monitored before and after the autumn irrigation. We found that the autumn irrigation caused the groundwater concentration of NO3–N to increase from 1.73 to 21.6 mg L−1, thereby, exceeding the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). Our results suggest that extensive development of inter-planting tillage might be a viable measure to reduce groundwater pollution, and that the application of optimized minimum amounts of water and nitrogen to meet realistic yield goals, as well as the timely application of N fertilizers and the use of slow release fertilizers can be viable measures to minimize nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Eight-year-old Murcott orange trees grown in greenhouse lysimeters filled with sandy soil were subjected to irrigation with saline water to investigate the influence of salinity on daily evapotranspiration (ET). The study was conducted in Japan from 1 August to 15 September 2000. The study duration was divided into three periods of about 2 weeks each. In period I, all lysimeters planted with a tree were irrigated with 60 mm of non-saline water at the water content of 70% of field capacity (FC). Salinity treatments for period II started on 14 August. The treatments during period II were as follows: Lysimeter 1 (L1) had 32 mm non-saline water with an electrical conductivity (ECI) of 1.0 dS/m applied. At the same time Lysimeter 2 (L2) had 32 mm of saline water with an ECI of 8.6 dS/m applied when the water content decreased to 70% of FC. Lysimeter 3 (L3) had 16 mm saline water (ECI=8.6 dS/m) applied at 85% of FC. The irrigation amounts during period II were equal to those corresponding to 1.2 times of water required to reach FC. Treatments in period III were the same as in period I.Daily ET was similar for all weighing lysimeters during period I. The average relative ET for L2 and L3 with respect to L1 (L2/L1 and L3/L1) were similar during this period, with a mean value of 0.99. During period II, ET from L1 was consistently higher than that from L2 and L3. In addition, L3 with a higher irrigation frequency because of irrigation at higher soil water content resulted in higher ET than L2. The average relative ET of period II was 0.71 and 0.88 for both L2 and L3. During the last half of period III, reductions occurred in the ET differences between the saline treatments (L2 and L3) and non-saline control (L1).Evaporation rates from soil did not exceed 0.7 mm per day. Transpiration rates from L1, L2 and L3 during period II varied between 6.3 and 3.1 mm per day, 4.5 and 2.2 mm per day, and 5.8 and 3.0 mm per day, respectively. The results reflected a tangible difference of water extraction by roots from individual soil layers. Maximum water uptake by these trees was observed at layer of 30–60 cm. Nevertheless, no clear differences in water extraction pattern between trees were observed.Approximately, 95% of drainage occurred during the first 2 days following irrigation. The electrical conductivity of soil water (ECS) and the electrical conductivity of drainage water (ECD) for the saline water treatments (L2 and L3), compared to the control (L1) were significantly different during period II. ECS values were 2–5 times higher in saline treatments compared to the control treatment. After irrigating trees with saline water, ECS increased from 5 to 14 and 16 dS/m in L2 and L3, respectively. Similarly, in both saline treatments, ECD values were greatly increased after irrigation. During period III, ECD values increased from 5 to 8 dS/m in L2, and from 3 to 11 dS/m in L3. By contrast, ECS declined from 14 to 5 dS/m in L2, and from 16 to 3 dS/m in L3 over the same period.  相似文献   

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