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In eastern India, cultivation of winter maize is getting popular after rainy season rice and farmers practice irrigation scheduling of this crop based on critical phenological stages. In this study, crop water stress index of winter maize at different critical stages wase determined to investigate if phenology-based irrigation scheduling could be optimized further. The components of the energy budget of the crop stand were computed. The stressed and non-stressed base lines were also developed (between canopy temperature and vapor pressure deficit) and with the help of base line equation, [(T c − T a) = −1.102 VPD − 3.772], crop water stress index (CWSI) was determined from the canopy-air temperature data collected frequently throughout the growing season. The values of CWSI (varied between 0.42 and 0.67) were noted just before the irrigations were applied at critical phenological stages. The soil moisture depletion was also measured throughout the crop growing period and plotted with CWSI at different stages. Study revealed that at one stage (silking), CWSI was much lower (0.42–0.48) than that of recommended CWSI (0.60) for irrigation scheduling. Therefore, more research is required to further optimize the phenology-based irrigation scheduling of winter maize in the region. This method is being used now by local producers. The intercepted photosynthetically active radiation and normalized difference vegetation index over the canopy of the crop were also measured and were found to correlate better with leaf area index.  相似文献   

Soil moisture availability is the main limiting factor for growing second crops in rainfed rice fallows of eastern India. Only rainfed rice is grown with traditional practices during the rainy season (June–October) with large areas (13 m ha−1) remaining fallow during the subsequent dry season (November–March) inspite of annual rainfall of the order 1000–2000 mm. In this study an attempt was made to improve productivity of rainfed rice during rainy season and to grow second crops in rice fallow during dry (winter) season with supplemental irrigation from harvested rainwater. Rice was grown as first crop with improved as well as traditional farmers’ management practices to compare the productivity between these two treatments. Study revealed that 87.1–95.6% higher yield of rice was obtained with improved management over farmers’ practices. Five crops viz., maize, groundnut, sunflower, wheat and potato were grown in rice fallow during dry (winter) season with two, three and four supplemental irrigations and improved management. Sufficient amount of excess rainwater (runoff) was available (381 mm at 75% probability level) to store and recycle for supplementary irrigation to second crops grown after rice. Study revealed that supplemental irrigation had significant effect (P < 0.001) on grain yield of dry season crops and with two irrigation mean yields of 1845, 785, 905, 1420, 8050 kg ha−1 were obtained with maize (grain), groundnut, sunflower, wheat and potato (tuber), respectively. With four irrigations 214, 89, 78, 81, 54% yield was enhanced over two irrigations in respective five crops. Water use efficiency (WUE) of 13.8, 3.35, 3.39, 5.85 and 28.7 kg ha−1 was obtained in maize, groundnut, sunflower, wheat, potato (tuber), respectively with four irrigations. The different plant growth parameters like maximum above ground biomass, leaf area index and root length were also recorded with different levels of supplemental irrigation. The study amply revealed that there was scope to improve productivity of rainfed rice during rainy season and to grow another profitable crops during winter/dry season in rice fallow with supplemental irrigation from harvested rainwater of rainy season.  相似文献   

Continuous cropping of winter wheat and summer maize is the main cropping pattern in North China Plain lying in a seasonal frost area. Irrigation scheduling of one crop will influence soil water regime and irrigation scheduling of the subsequent crop. Therefore, irrigation scheduling of winter wheat and maize should be studied as a whole. Considering the meteorological and crop characteristics of the area lying in a seasonal frost area, a cropping year is divided into crop growing period and frost period. Model of simultaneous moisture and heat transfer (SMHT) for the frost period and model of soil water transfer (SWT) for the crop growing period were developed, and used jointly for the simulation of soil water dynamics and irrigation scheduling for a whole cropping year. The model was calibrated and validated with field experiment of winter wheat and maize in Beijing, China. Then the model was applied to the simulation of water dynamics and irrigation scheduling with different precipitation and irrigation treatments. From the simulation results, precipitation can meet the crop water requirement of maize to a great extent, and irrigation at the seeding stage may be necessary. Precipitation and irrigation had no significant influence on evaporation and transpiration of maize. On the other hand, irrigation scheduling of winter wheat mainly depends on irrigation standard. Irrigation at the seeding stage and before soil freezing is usually necessary. For high irrigation standard, four times of irrigation are required after greening. While for medium irrigation, only once (rainy year) or twice (medium and dry years) of irrigation is required after greening. Transpiration of winter wheat is very close for high and medium irrigation, but it decreases significantly for low irrigation and will result in a reduction of crop yield. Irrigation with proper time and amount is necessary for winter wheat. Considering irrigation quota and crop transpiration comprehensively, medium irrigation is recommended for the irrigation of winter wheat in the studying area, which can reduce the irrigation quota of over 150 mm with little water stress for crop growth.  相似文献   

In eastern India, farmers grow rice during rainy season (June-September) and land remains fallow after rice harvest in the post-rainy season (November-May) due to lack of sufficient rainfall or irrigation facilities. But in lowland areas of eastern India, sufficient carry-over residual soil moistures are available in rice fallow in the post-rainy season (November-March), which can be utilized for growing second crops in the region. During the post-rainy season when irrigation facilities are not available and rainfall is meager, effective utilization of carry-over residual soil moisture and conservation agriculture become imperative for second crop production after rice. Implementation of suitable tillage/seeding methods and other agro-techniques are thus very much important to achieve this objective. In this study four pulse crops (lathyrus, blackgram, pea, and greengram) were sown utilizing carry-over residual soil moisture and with different tillage/seeding methods viz. relay cropping (RC)/farmers’ practice, reduced tillage (only two ploughing) (RT), conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT). Study revealed that the highest grain yields of 580, 630, 605 and 525 kg ha−1 were obtained from lathyrus, blackgram, pea and green gram, respectively, with RT treatment. On the other hand, with conventional tillage, 34-44% lower yields were obtained than that of RT. Crops with reduced tillage performed better than that with zero tillage or relay cropping also. Impacts of different tillage methods on important soil physical properties like infiltration, bulk density were also studied after harvesting first crop (rice) and before growing second crops (pulses) in rice fallow. The lowest mean bulk density (1.42) was recorded in the surface soils of CT treatment while the corresponding value under ZT treatment was 1.54 Mg m−3.  相似文献   

The productivity of rice in rainfed upland soils of eastern India is very low (<1 t/ha) and unstable because of erratic monsoon, moisture deficit during dry spells, light textured with less fertile soils and several biological constraints (weeds, pests and diseases). Keeping the urgent need of augmenting the productivity of vast rainfed upland rice ecosystem of eastern India (4.3 million ha), crop diversification technology was generated through on-farm research trials in representative upland rice soils of eastern India after analyzing agro-climatic (rainfall variability, probability and onset of effective monsoon) and edaphic (soil water retention properties) constraints and prospects. Based on rainfall analysis, direct seeded, low water requiring, rice substituted alternative upland crops namely maize, groundnut, pigeonpea, greengram and blackgram (sole or intercropping) was sown in light textured upland rice soils on 24th meteorological weeks (11–17 June) in 3 years 2000–2002 with two to three summer ploughings during pre-monsoon shower (May). Study revealed that in deficit rainfall years (2000 and 2002), when rice yield was affected adversely in light textured upland, higher rice equivalent yield and rain water use efficiency were obtained from groundnut+pigeonpea intercropping followed by sole groundnut and sole pigeonpea. Study also revealed that productivity of rice substituted crops in the same upland did not fluctuate much between rainfall excess (2001) and rainfall deficit years (2002 and 2000). Double cropping in rainfed upland rice soils was also explored through maize–horsegram/sesamum rotation with increased productivity and rainwater use efficiency. The crop diversification technology was found to be very effective for drought mitigation.  相似文献   

Intensification of olive cultivation by shifting a tree crop that was traditionally rain fed to irrigated conditions, calls for improved knowledge of tree water requirements as an input for precise irrigation scheduling. Because olive is an evergreen tree crop grown in areas of substantial rainfall, the estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ET) of orchards that vary widely in canopy cover, should be preferably partitioned into its evaporation and transpiration components. A simple, functional method to estimate olive ET using crop coefficients (K c=ET/ET0) based on a minimum of parameters is preferred for practical purposes. We developed functional relationships for calculating the crop coefficient, K c, for a given month of the year in any type of olive orchard, and thus its water requirements once the reference ET (ET0) is known. The method calculates the monthly K c as the sum of four components: tree transpiration (K p), direct evaporation of the water intercepted by the canopy (K pd), evaporation from the soil (K s1) and evaporation from the areas wetted by the emitters (K s2). The expression used to calculate K p requires knowledge of tree density and canopy volume. Other parameters needed for the calculation of the K c’s include the ET0, the fraction of the soil surface wetted by the emitters and irrigation interval. The functional equations for K p, K pd, K s1 and K s2 were fitted to mean monthly values obtained by averaging 20-year outputs of the daily time step model of Testi et al. (this issue), that was used to simulate 124 different orchard scenarios.  相似文献   

Quantitative information concerning crop yield response to water deficiency (magnitude and time of occurrence) is of outstanding importance for the economic evaluation and optimization of irrigation systems. In this paper attention is focused on the parameter representing crop sensitivity in a production function proposed by Jensen (1968). A method is presented for the modification of this parameter, derived from experiments, in order to make it suitable for application in irrigation practice. The procedure is illustrated using data for grain sorghum. Finally, an attempt is made to optimize the intraseasonal distribution of irrigation water for the same crop when the volume of available irrigation water for the entire season is limited.  相似文献   

Irrigation needs to be scheduled properly for winter wheat, the main food crop in North China where the water resources are limited. We optimized the irrigation timing of crops under limited water supply by integrating a soil water balance model, dated water production function with cumulative function of water sensitivity index, and a nonlinear search method. The optimization produced the optimal irrigation date series with the predetermined irrigation quota for each application, which aims to obtain higher crop yield with limited irrigation water and be convenient for irrigation management. This simulation–optimization model was used to investigate the irrigation scheduling of winter wheat in Xiaohe irrigation Area in North China. Results show that optimal irrigation date series, corresponding relative yield and relative evapotranspiration are all closely related to the irrigation quota and initial soil water conditions. For rich and medium initial soil water conditions in medium precipitation year, it takes four times of irrigation (60 mm each time) after greening in order to obtain higher crop yield. But it increases to five times for poor initial condition. With limited irrigation water, irrigation should generally be applied in the preferential sequence of early May or late April (in the jointing stage), then mid and late May (in the heading stage), and finally March (in the greening stage). Irrigation should be applied earlier with lower initial soil water storage. Higher irrigation quota increases the crop yield but tends to decrease the marginal value, especially when irrigation quota exceeds 180 mm. The study also indicates that the optimized relative yield is generally higher than that obtained in field experiment. Based on the optimization, we proposed to use the quadratic polynomial function to describe the frontier water production function, which shows the mathematical relationship between optimized relative yield and relative evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Optimizing irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the North China Plain (NCP), more than 70% of irrigation water resources are used for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A crucial target of groundwater conservation and sustainable crop production is to develop water-saving agriculture, particularly for winter wheat. The purpose of this study was to optimize irrigation scheduling for high wheat yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Field experiments were conducted for three growing seasons at the Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agriculture University. Eleven, four and six irrigation treatments, consisting of frequency of irrigation (zero to four times) and timing (at raising, jointing, booting, flowering and milking stage), were employed for 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97 seasons, respectively. Available water content (AWC), rain events, soil water use (SWU), evapotranspiration (ET) and grain yield were recorded, and water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were calculated.The results showed that after a 75-mm pre-sowing irrigation, soil water content and AWC in the root zone of a 2-m soil profile during sowing were 31.1% (or 90.7% of field capacity) and 16.1%, respectively. Rainfall events were variable and showed a limited impact on AWC. The AWC decreased significantly with the growth of wheat. At the jointing stage no water deficits occurred for all treatments, at the flowering stage water deficits were found only in the rain-fed treatment, and at harvest all treatments had moderate to severe soil water deficits. The SWU in the 2-m soil profile was negatively related to the irrigation water volume, i.e. applying 75 mm irrigation reduced SWU by 28.2 mm. Regression analyses showed that relationships between ET and grain yield or WUE could be described by quadratic functions. Grain yield and WUE reached their maximum values of 7423 kg/ha and 1.645 kg/m3 at the ET rate of 509 and 382 mm, respectively. IWUE was negatively correlated with irrigated water volume. From the above results, three irrigation schedules: (1) pre-sowing irrigation only, (2) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigation at jointing or booting stage, and (3) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigations at jointing and flowering stages were identified and recommended for practical winter wheat production in the NCP.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapour pressure deficit for no stress condition of wheat crop (baseline equations), which was used to quantify crop water stress index (CWSI) to schedule irrigation in winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The randomized block design (RBD) was used to design the experimental layout with five levels of irrigation treatments based on the percentage depletion of available soil water (ASW) in the root zone. The maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water (ASW) of 10, 40 and 60 per cent, fully wetted (no stress) and no irrigation (fully stressed) were maintained in the crop experiments. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (fully stressed) baselines were determined empirically from the canopy and ambient air temperature data obtained using infrared thermometry and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) under fully watered and maximum water stress crop, respectively. The canopy-air temperature difference and VPD resulted linear relationships and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for lower baseline of pre-heading and post-heading stages of wheat crop were found m = −1.7466, c = −1.2646 and m = −1.1141, c = −2.0827, respectively. The CWSI was determined by using the developed empirical equations for three irrigation schedules of different MAD of ASW. The established CWSI values can be used for monitoring plant water status and planning irrigation scheduling for wheat crop.  相似文献   

ISAREG is a model for simulation and evaluation of irrigation scheduling. The model performs the soil water balance and evaluates impacts of water stress on yields for different crops. It is now being used to support a water saving irrigation scheduling program in a pilot area in the North China plain. This paper reports on the calibration and validation of the model using independent data sets relative to winter wheat and summer maize. Data are originated from the Wangdu experimental station and concern a set of drainage lysimeters where diverse irrigation treatments were applied representing different strategies of deficit irrigation. The calibration of the model was performed by deriving the crop coefficients adapted to the local climatic conditions, and considering the soil freezing during winter. The validation of the model was performed using different data sets. Results show that the relative errors to estimate the soil water content averaged 5.3% for summer maize and 7.3% for the winter wheat. These results support the use of the model in the practice.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess crop water stress index (CWSI) of bermudagrass used widely on the recreational sites of the Mediterranean Region and to study the possibilities of utilization of infrared thermometry to schedule irrigation of bermudagrass. Four different irrigation treatments were examined: 100% (I1), 75% (I2), 50% (I3), and 25% (I4) of the evaporation measured in a Class A pan. In addition, a non-irrigated treatment was set up to determine CWSI values. The status of soil water content and pressure was monitored using a neutron probe and tensiometers. Meanwhile the canopy temperature of bermudagrass was measured with the infrared thermometry. The empirical method was used to compute the CWSI values. In this study, the visual quality of bermudagrass was monitored seasonally using a color scale. The best visual quality was obtained from I1 and I2 treatments. Average seasonal CWSI values were determined as 0.086, 0.102, 0.165, and 0.394 for I1, I2, I3, and I4 irrigation treatments, respectively, and 0.899 for non-irrigated plot. An empirical non-linear equation, Qave=1+⌊6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]−0.559Qave=1+6[1+(4.853 CWSIave)2.27]0.559, was deduced by fitting to measured data to find a relation between quality and average seasonal CWSI values. It was concluded that the CWSI could be used as a criterion for irrigation timing of bermudagrass. An acceptable color quality could be sustained seasonally if the CWSI value can be kept about 0.10.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of the effect of some selected deficit irrigation scheduling practices on irrigated maize crop in a sub-catchment in south western part of Tanzania. Field experiments, in which maize (TMV1-ST) variety was planted under total irrigation, were conducted during the dry seasons of 2004 and 2005. Surface irrigation method was used and the crop was planted in basins. The seasonal water applied ranged from 400 to 750 mm. Soil moisture content from both cropped and bare soils, leaf area index, dry matter, and grain yields were measured. The dry matter yield ranged between 6,966 and 12,672 kg/ha, and grain yields obtained were between 1,625 and 4,349 kg/ha. The results showed that deficit irrigation at any crop growth stage of the maize crop led to decrease in dry matter and grain yields, seasonal evapotranspiration and deep percolation. Deficit irrigation in any one growth stage of the maize crop only seems to affect grain production and no significant effect on biomass production, but deficit irrigation that spanned across two or more growth stages affect both biomass and grain production drastically. Crop water use efficiency (WUE) and Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were strongly influenced by the number of growth stages in which deficit irrigations were applied and how critical the growth stages were to moisture stress rather than the amount of irrigation water applied. While maximum WUE was obtained under full irrigation, maximum IWUE was obtained in the deficit irrigation treatment at vegetative growth stage, which suggest that IWUE may be improved upon by practicing deficit irrigation at the vegetative growth stage of the maize crop.  相似文献   

Spring maize under plastic mulch is the staple food crop in northwest China. Studying its evapotranspiration (ET) and crop coefficient (Kc) is important for managing water-saving irrigation in the region. Eddy covariance (EC) was applied to measure spring maize ET in 2007 in northwest China, focusing on the characteristics of the maize ET and Kc processes under plastic mulch. An interesting result was that a higher Kc in this study relative to the value of FAO 56 was presented in the mid and late season, e.g. average Kc was 1.46, 1.39 and 1.22 during the heading, filling and maturity stage, respectively. This result was mainly due to that (1) the plastic mulch had an effect on anti-senescence of maize and great green leaf still existed before the harvest; (2) the FAO 56 PM model may underestimate the reference crop ET in the mid and late season of maize in the region; (3) the planting density was higher in the study, which was about 374,800 plants ha−1. Though Kc during the mid and late season was high, a high water use efficiency of 25.2 kg ha−1 mm−1 was still obtained in the study. Our study confirmed that plastic mulch has beneficial effect on improving maize water use efficiency in this severe water shortage region of northwest China.  相似文献   

Drip irrigation system has been one of the technical means to improve water use efficiency. In India, this system is gaining popularity among fruit growers and in water scarced area but a substantial area is being covered annually under vegetables crops. One of the major concerns raised by farmers about this system is its economic viability. In present study, the economic viability of drip irrigation system for growing capsicum crop based on discounted cash flow technique (Net present worth and Benefit cost ratio) was explored. Eight irrigation treatments were laid under drip with and without plastic mulch. The irrigation levels were taken as 1, 0.8 and 0.6 of the crop evapotranspiration. The pan evaporation method was used for estimation of reference evapotranspiration and Water Balance Approach was used for irrigation scheduling. The average amount of water supplied under treatment VD (100% irrigation requirement supplied with drip) was found to be 415 mm for whole growing season of the crop. Similarly the amount of water was found to be 332 mm and 249 mm for the treatment 0.8VD (80% irrigation requirement supplied with drip) and 0.6VD (60% irrigation requirement supplied with drip) respectively. Highest yield was recorded in case of treatment VD + PM (100% irrigation requirement supplied with drip plus plastic mulch) followed by VD. Yield under treatments 0.8VD, 0.6VD, 0.8VD + PM and 0.6VD + PM were significant while treatments VD, VF and VF + PM were at par with the treatment VD + PM. Net Present Worth (NPW) was found to be positive for all the treatments. The highest NPW was obtained under treatment VD as Rs. 309,734.90 and lowest was in case of 0.6VD + PM as Rs. 144,172.24. The yield per mm of water used was reported to be at higher side as 35 in both the treatments VD and VD + PM. But the yield per mm of water used was found to be lowest as 18.07 and 19 in case of VF and VF + PM respectively.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during 1993/94 and 1994/95 in the sub-humid tropic environment of northern India to identify suitable irrigation schedule(s) for winter maize (December to May). Based on plant growth stages, viz. knee-high, tasselling, flowering, silking, grain-filling and dough, which occurred, respectively, at 55, 75, 95, 105, 125 and 145 days after planting, the crop was subjected to six irrigation treatments, which were: no irrigation (I0); irrigation given at all the growth stages (I1); irrigation missed at knee-high (I2); at knee-high and dough (I3); at knee-high, flowering and grain-filling (I4); and at knee-high, flowering, silking and dough stages (I5). The change in profile soil water content, (W (depletion) of the entire crop-growing season was found to be in the order I0 >I5 >I4 >I3 >I2 >I1. Of the total net water use (NWU), about 87% was evapotranspiration and 13% deep percolation losses. The NWU was highest (472 and 431 mm) under I1 and lowest (223 and 240 mm) under the I0 treatment during the two cropping seasons. Compared to I1, NWU in I3 decreased by 23% and 12.3% and in I4 by 33.8% and 24.2% in the two cropping seasons. However, there was no statistically significant difference (at LSD, P=0.05) between yields of the I1 to I4 treatments during either year. The NWU was found to be in the order I1 >I2 >I3 >I4 >I5 >I0, whereas the water-use efficiency (WUE) based on NWU was found to be in the reverse order: I5 >I4 >I3 >I0 >I2 >I1. Maximum yield (5.14 t ha-1) with WUE of 1.39 kg m-3 was obtained under the I3 treatment. However, optimum yield (4.91 t ha-1) with high WUE of 1.54 kg m-3 was under I4. Accordingly, irrigation applications greater than 240 mm did not provide additional yield of winter maize. Frequent irrigations (I1) proved detrimental to grain yield of winter maize in the northern Indian plains, especially under cool weather conditions, where minimum temperature (6°C) can be accompanied by occasional frost.  相似文献   

基于充分滴灌条件下,定量分析了东北典型区玉米膜下滴灌与不覆膜滴灌下太阳净辐射、土壤热通量、土壤温度和作物耗水量的差异.结果表明:在晴天覆膜使得净辐射峰值时间滞后约1 h,在阴天覆膜处理土壤热通量能够为玉米生长提供更多的能量;全生育覆膜与不覆膜处理,冠层上方获得净辐射分别为133.25和135.42 W/m2,覆膜处理获得的可供能量低于不覆膜处理的,但在玉米生长中后期,覆膜处理提高了2%的净辐射;全生育期覆膜提高了0~80 cm土层平均地温1.13 ℃和土壤积温149.68 ℃;覆膜滴灌下玉米生长初期和后期的耗水量显著低于不覆膜滴灌处理下的,全生育期耗水量显著减少10.21%,生育期内平均作物系数Kc显著降低7.42%.  相似文献   

Irrigation plays an important role in increasing food production in China. The impact of irrigation on crop yield (Y), crop water productivity (CWP), and production has not been quantified systematically across regions covering the whole country. In this study, a GIS-based EPIC model (GEPIC) was applied to simulate Y and CWP for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in China at a grid resolution of 5 arc-minutes and to analyze the impacts of reducing irrigation water on wheat production. The findings show that irrigation is especially important in improving CWP of winter wheat in the North China Plain (NCP), the “bread basket” of China. On average, the provincial aggregate CWP was 56% higher under the irrigated than that under the rainfed conditions. The intensification of water stress and the associated increase in environmental problems in much of the NCP require critical thoughts about reducing water allocation for irrigated winter wheat. Two scenarios for irrigation reduction in the NCP provinces are presented: reducing irrigation depth (S1), and replacing irrigated winter wheat by rainfed winter wheat (S2). The simulation results show that S1 and S2 have similar effects on wheat production when the reduction in irrigation water supply is below 20% of the current level. Above this percentage, S2 appears to be a better scenario since it leads to less reduction in wheat production with the same amount of water saving.  相似文献   

Using a correlation between trunk diameter fluctuation (TDF) and stem water potential (SWP) it appears possible to determine water deficit threshold values (WDTV) for young cherry trees. This correlation must be based on a significant effect between SWP and at least one variable associated with the vegetative or reproductive growth of the trees. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of several irrigation treatments on vegetative and reproductive growth and the SWP of young cherry trees; (2) to determine the correlation between TDF and SWP, and; (3) to propose a first approximation of SWP and TDF water deficit threshold values for young cherry tree plants. The experiment was carried out between September and April of the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons, in Quillota, in the Valparaiso region, central Chile. The irrigation treatments consisted of applications of 50% (T50), 100% (T100) and 150% (T150) of potential evapotranspiration (ET0) over the two growing seasons, using a randomized complete block design (RCB). The effect of irrigation scheduling was observed on: apical shoot growth rate (GRAS), branch cross-sectional area (BCSA), canopy volume (CV), annual length of accumulated growth (ALAG) and productivity. This effect showed that the T50 treatment caused lower SWP (measured pre-dawn), vegetative growth and productivity. The fruit quality variables (cracking and size) were not affected by the different treatments. Combining the vegetative growth, productivity and SWP results shows that the water deficit threshold value, as a first approximation, is between 50% and 100% of ET0, and therefore the critical SWP for defining irrigation frequency should be close to −0.5 MPa. Upon applying a post-harvest drought period (14 days without irrigation), a linear correlation was determined both between SWP and maximum daily trunk shrinkage, MDS (R2 = 0.69) and between SWP and trunk growth rate, TGR (R2 = 0.57). Using these correlations and the SWP reference value, reference values were obtained for MDS (165 μm) and TGR (83 μm day−1), which would permit automated control of water status in young cherry trees.  相似文献   

A weekly irrigation planning LP model is formulated for determining the optimal cropping pattern and reservoir water allocation for an existing storage based irrigation system in India. Objective of the model is maximization of net annual benefit from the project. In an irrigation planning of a storage based irrigation system, initial storage of the reservoir at the beginning of the reservoir operation, expected inflows into the reservoir during each intraseasonal period, capacity of channels, crop calendar and yield response to water deficit in each growth stage of crop play a vital role in deciding acreage and water allocation to each crop. The planning model takes into account yield response to water deficit in each intraseasonal period of the crop, expected weekly inflows entering into the reservoir, storage continuity of reservoir, land and water availability, equity of water allocation among sub areas and proportionate downstream river release. One year comprising of 52 weeks is considered as planning horizon. To account for uncertainty in water resources availability, the model is solved for four levels of reliability of weekly inflows entering into the reservoir (90%, 85%, 80% and 75%). Alternative optimal cropping patterns and weekly releases to crops grown in each sub area under each main canal are obtained for various states of initial storage at the beginning of reservoir operation and for various levels of weekly inflows into the reservoir. Results reveal the importance of initial state of reservoir storage for feasible solution and shows the impact on cropping pattern with the change in initial storage of reservoir for different levels of reliability of weekly inflows.  相似文献   

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