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In the Mesilla Valley of southern New Mexico, furrow irrigation is the primary source of water for growing onions. As the demand for water increases, there will be increasing competition for this limited resource. Water management will become an essential practice used by farmers. Irrigation efficiency (IE) is an important factor into improving water management but so is economic return. Therefore, our objectives were to determine the irrigation efficiency, irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and water use efficiency (WUE), under sprinkler, furrow, and drip irrigated onions for different yield potential levels and to determine the IE associated with the amount of water application for a sprinkler and drip irrigation systems that had the highest economic return.Maximum IE (100%) and economic return were obtained with a sprinkler system at New Mexico State University’s Agriculture Science Center at Farmington, NM. This IE compared with the 54–80% obtained with the sprinkler irrigation used by the farmers. The IEs obtained for onion fields irrigated with subsurface drip irrigation methods ranged from 45 to 77%. The 45% represents the nonstressed treatments, in which an extra amount of irrigation above the evapotranspiration (Et) requirement was applied to keep the base of the onion plates wet. The irrigation water that was not used for Et went to deep drainage water. The return on the investment cost to install a drip system operated at a IE of 45 was 29%. Operating the drip system at a IE of 79% resulted in a yield similar to surface irrigated onions and consequently, it was not economical to install a drip system. The IEs at the furrow-irrigated onion fields ranged from 79 to 82%. However, the IEs at the furrow-irrigated onion fields were high because farmers have limited water resources. Consequently, they used the concept of deficit irrigation to irrigate their onion crops, resulting in lower yields. The maximum IWUE (0.084 t ha−1 mm−1 of water applied) was obtained using the sprinkler system, in which water applied to the field was limited to the amount needed to replace the onions’ Et requirements. The maximum IWUE values for onions using the subsurface drip was 0.059 and 0.046 t ha−1 mm−1 of water applied for furrow-irrigated onions. The lower IWUE values obtained under subsurface drip and furrow irrigation systems compared with sprinkler irrigation was due to excessive irrigation under subsurface drip and higher evaporation rates from fields using furrow irrigation. The maximum WUE for onions was 0.009 t ha−1 mm−1 of Et. In addition, WUE values are reduced by allowing the onions to suffer from water stress.  相似文献   

The potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is widely planted in the Middle Anatolian Region, especially in the Nigde-Nevsehir district where 25% of the total potato growing area is located and produces 44% of the total yield. In recent years, the farmers in the Nigde-Nevsehir district have been applying high amounts of nitrogen (N) fertilizers (sometimes more than 900 kg N ha−1) and frequent irrigation at high rates in order to get a much higher yield. This situation results in increased irrigation and fertilization costs as well as polluted ground water resources and soil. Thus, it is critical to know the water and nitrogen requirements of the crop, as well as how to improve irrigation efficiency. Field experiments were conducted in the Nigde-Nevsehir (arid) region on a Fluvents (Entisols) soil to determine water and nitrogen requirements of potato crops under sprinkler and trickle irrigation methods. Irrigation treatments were based on Class A pan evaporation and nitrogen levels were formed with different nitrogen concentrations.The highest yield, averaging 47,505 kg ha−1, was measured in sprinkler-irrigated plots at the 60 g m−3 nitrogen concentration level in the irrigation treatment with limited irrigation (480 mm). Statistically higher tuber yields were obtained at the 45 and 60 g m−3 nitrogen concentration levels in irrigation treatments with full and limited irrigation. Maximum yields were obtained with about 17% less water in the sprinkler method as compared to the trickle method (not statistically significant). On the loam and sandy loam soils, tuber yields were reduced by deficit irrigation corresponding to 70% and 74% of evapotranspiration in sprinkler and trickle irrigations, respectively. Water use of the potato crop ranged from 490 to 760 mm for sprinkler-irrigated plots and 565–830 mm for trickle-irrigated treatments. The highest water use efficiency (WUE) levels of 7.37 and 4.79 kg m−3 were obtained in sprinkle and trickle irrigated plots, respectively. There were inverse effects of irrigation and nitrogen levels on the WUE of the potato crops. Significant linear relationships were found between tuber yield and water use for both irrigation methods. Yield response factors were calculated at 1.05 for sprinkler methods and 0.68 for trickle methods. There were statistically significant linear and polynomial relationships between tuber yield and nitrogen amounts used in trickle and sprinkler-irrigated treatments, respectively. In sprinkler-irrigated treatments, the maximum tuber yield was obtained with 199 kg N ha−1. The tuber cumulative nitrogen use efficiency (NUEcu) and incremental nitrogen use efficiency (NUEin) were affected quite differently by water, nitrogen levels and years. NUEcu varied from 16 to 472 g kg−1 and NUEin varied from 75 to 1035 g kg−1 depending on the irrigation method. In both years, the NH4-N concentrations were lower than NO3-N, and thus the removed nitrogen and nitrogen losses were found to be 19–87 kg ha−1 for sprinkler methods and 25–89 kg ha−1 for trickle methods. Nitrogen losses in sprinkler methods reached 76%, which were higher than losses in trickle methods.  相似文献   

Deep percolation and nitrate leaching are important considerations in the design of sprinkler systems. Field experiments were therefore conducted to investigate the influence of nonuniformity of sprinkler irrigation on deep percolation and spatial distributions of nitrogen and crop yield during the growing season of winter wheat at an experiment station in Beijing, China. Three experimental plots of a sandy clay loam soil in the 0–40 cm depth interval and a loamy clay soil below 40 cm were irrigated with a sprinkler irrigation system that had a seasonal averaged Christiansen irrigation uniformity coefficient (CU) varying from 72 to 84%. Except for the fertilizer applied before planting, fertilizer was applied with the sprinkler irrigation system. The corresponding seasonal averaged CU for fertigation varied from 71 to 85%. Daily observation of matrix water potentials in the root zone showed that little deep percolation occurred. Consequently, the effect of sprinkler uniformity on deep percolation was minor during the irrigation season for the soil tested. Intensive gravimetric soil core samplings were conducted several times during the irrigation season in a grid of 5 m × 5 m for each plot to determine the spatial and temporal variation of NH4-N and NO3-N contents. Soil NH4-N and NO3-N exhibited high spatial variability in depth and time during the irrigation season with CU values ranging from 23 to 97% and the coefficient of variation ranging from 0.04 to 1.06. A higher uniformity of sprinkler fertigation produced a more uniform distribution of NH4-N, but the distribution of NO3-N was not related to fertigation. Rather it was related to the spatial variability of NO3-N before fertigation began. At harvest, the distribution of dry matter above ground, nitrogen uptake, and yield were measured and the results indicated that sprinkler fertigation uniformity had insignificant effects on the parameters mentioned above. Field experimental results obtained from this study suggest that sprinkler irrigation if properly managed can be used as an efficient and environment-friendly method of applying water and fertilizers.  相似文献   

The analysis of irrigation and drainage management and their effects on the loading of salts is important for the control of on-site and off-site salinity effects of irrigated agriculture in semi-arid areas. We evaluated the irrigation management and performed the hydrosalinity balance in the D-XI hydrological basin of the Monegros II system (Aragón, Spain) by measuring or estimating the volume, salt concentration and salt mass in the water inputs (irrigation, precipitation and Canal seepage) and outputs (evapotranspiration and drainage) during the period June 1997–September 1998. This area is irrigated by solid-set sprinklers and center pivots, and corn and alfalfa account for 90% of the 470 ha irrigated land. The soils are low in salts (only 10% of the irrigated land is salt-affected), but shallow (<2 m) and impervious lutites high in salts (average ECe=10.8 dS m−1) and sodium (average SARe=20 (meq l−1)0.5) are present in about 30% of the study area.The global irrigation efficiency was high (Seasonal Irrigation Performance Index=92%), although the precipitation events were not sufficiently incorporated in the scheduling of irrigation and the low irrigation efficiencies (60%) obtained at the beginning of the irrigated season could be improved by minimising the large post-planting irrigation depths given to corn to promote its emergence. The salinity of the irrigation water was low (EC=0.36 dS m−1), but the drainage waters were saline (EC=7.5 dS m−1) and sodic (SAR=10.3 (meq l−1)0.5) (average values for the 1998 hydrological year) due to the dissolution and transport of the salts present in the lutites. The discharge salt loading was linearly correlated (P<0.001) with the volume of drainage. The slope of the daily mass of salts in the drainage waters versus the daily volume of drainage increased at a rate 25% higher in 1997 (7.6 kg m−3) than in 1998 (6.1 kg m−3) due to the higher precipitation in 1997 and the subsequent rising of the saline watertables in equilibrium with the saline lutites. Drainage volumes depended (P<0.001) on irrigation volumes and were very low (194 mm for the 1998 hydrological year), whereas the salt loading was moderate (13.5 Mg ha−1 for the 1998 hydrological year) taking into account the vast amount of salts stored within the lutites. We concluded that the efficient irrigation and the low salinity of the irrigation water in the study area allowed for a reasonable control of the salt loading conveyed by the irrigation return flows without compromising the salinization of the soil’s root-zone.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of evapotranspiration (LE) using eddy covariance method and energy budget were performed over more than 1 year above the heterogeneous canopy of an arid oasis ecosystem in the central Syrian desert. Irrigation practice was traditional flooding with a 28-day turn of water delivery. The work focused on seasonal variations of energy budget over a 2-year period with emphasis on effects of rainfall, wind speed and radiative budget and irrigation practice on evapotranspiration. A time lag of 3 days was observed between irrigation and transpiration response from the vegetation and maximum evapotranspiration was only 5 mm/day. Even with water input from irrigation, winter rainfall seems to have an important impact on LE: comparisons of two situations in June 2002 and June 2003 showed an increase of 13% in values of LE/Rn  G. In many situations averaged hourly values of evapotranspiration increased with wind speed up to 3 m/s, then decreased suggesting strong evaporative control from the vegetation. Results from the energy balance closure showed significant differences in the slope of H + LE against Rn  G relationships between cold and hot month which was explained by specific radiative budget of desert areas.  相似文献   

This study evaluates agricultural impact sprinklers under different combinations of pressure (p), nozzle diameter (D) and meteorological conditions. The radial curve (Rad) of an isolated sprinkler, i.e., the water distribution along the wetted radius, was evaluated through 25 tests. Christiansen's uniformity coefficient (CUC) and the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) were evaluated for a solid-set system using 52 tests.The Rad constitutes the footprint of a sprinkler. The CUC is intimately connected to the Rad. The Rad must be characterized under calm conditions. Very low winds, especially prevailing winds, significantly distort the water distribution. The vector average of the wind velocity (V’) is recommended as a better explanatory variable than the more popular arithmetic average (V). We recommend characterizing the Rad under indoor conditions or under conditions that meet V’ < 0.6 m s−1 in open-air conditions.The Rad was mostly affected by the sprinkler model. V’ was the main explanatory variable for the CUC; p was significant as well. V was the main variable explaining the WDEL; the air temperature (T) was significant, too.Sprinkler irrigation simulators simplify the selection of a solid-set system for farmers, designers and advisors. However, the quality of the simulations greatly depends on the characterization of the Rad. This work provides useful recommendations in this area.  相似文献   

Pecan orchards require more irrigation water to maximize yield than any other crop grown in the Southwest US. This paper reports daily evapotranspiration (Et) measurements for 2001 and 2002 in a 5.1 ha, mature pecan orchard on the Rio Grande floodplain, 7 km south of Las Cruces, NM, USA. The 21-year-old stand had an average tree height of 12.8 m, diameter at breast height of 30 cm, and tree spacing of 9.7 m × 9.7 m. Additional pecan orchards surrounded the study orchard. When the tensiometer reached a suction of 65 kPa at the 45 cm depth, the orchard was flood-irrigated. Sparling meters were installed on the pumps and read before and after each irrigation. The total irrigation amount was 1940 mm in 2001 and 1870 mm in 2002. A walk-up tower was placed in the orchard’s center to support flux sensors at 16 m height. The instrument package included a net radiation (Rn), discs for soil heat flux (G), and two sets of one-propeller eddy covariance (OPEC) sensors. OPEC systems measure sensible heat flux (H) with a sensitive, vertically oriented propeller anemometer and a fine-wire thermocouple. Latent heat flux (LE) was obtained as a residual in the surface energy balance LE = Rn − GH. The maximum daily evapotranspiration was 8 mm/day, and the yearly cumulative evapotranspiration averaged for 2 years was 1420 mm, resulting in a yearly average irrigation application efficiency of 79%. The crop coefficient (daily measured Et/reference Penman Et) ranged from 0.2 to 1.1. Increased evaporation due to irrigation was detected only for the April 9 irrigation in 2001. The seasonal water use was 4% lower in 2001 and 12% lower in 2002 than previously reported values.  相似文献   

Gross sprinkler evaporation losses (SELg) can be large and decrease irrigation application efficiency. However, it is not universally established how much of the SELg contributes to decrease the crop evapotranspiration during the sprinkler irrigation and how much are the net sprinkler losses (SELn). The components of SEL were the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) and the water intercepted by the crop (IL). The gross WDEL (WDELg) and evapotranspiration (ET) were measured simultaneously in two alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plots, one being irrigated (moist, MT) and the other one not being irrigated (dry, DT). Catch can measurements, mass gains, and losses in the lysimeters and micrometeorological measurements were performed to establish net WDEL (WDELn) during the irrigation and net IL (ILn) after the irrigation as the difference between ETMT and ETDT. Also, equations to estimate ILn and net sprinkler evaporation losses (SELn) were developed. ILn was strongly related to vapor pressure deficit (VPD). SELn were 8.3 % of the total applied water. During daytime irrigations, SELn was 9.8 % of the irrigation water and slightly less than WDELg (10.9 %). During nighttime irrigations, SELn were slightly greater than WDELg (5.4 and 3.7 %, respectively). SELn was mainly a function of wind speed.  相似文献   

The effects of supplemental irrigation and irrigation practices on soil water storage and barley crop yield were studied for a crust-forming soil at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village during the 1996/97 growing season. An amount of 0.0, 48.9, 73.3, 122.2 and 167 mm supplemental irrigation water were applied. The 48.9, 73.3 and 122.2 mm applications were applied through surface irrigation into furrows with blocked ends, and the 0.0 and 167 mm applications via sprinkler irrigation. The greatest water infiltration and subsequent soil storage was achieved with the 122.2 mm application followed by the 73.3 mm irrigation, both surface applied. Application efficiency (the fraction of applied water that infiltrated into the soil and stored in the 600 mm soil profile) and soil water storage associated with supplemental blocked furrow irrigation was significantly greater than with supplemental sprinkler irrigation. For arid zone soil, which has little or no structural stability, application of supplemental irrigation water via short, blocked-end furrows prevents runoff and increases the opportunity time for infiltration, thereby increasing the amount of applied water that is infiltrated into the soil and stored in the soil profile. Supplemental irrigation, applied by a low-rate sprinkler system, was not as effective because of the low infiltration rates that resulted from the development of a surface throttle due to dispersion of soil aggregates at the soil surface. The differences in stored water had a significant effect on grain and straw yields of barley. Without supplemental irrigation, barley grain and straw yields were zero in natural rainfall cultivation with a total rainfall of 136.5 mm. Barley yields in the control treatment, with a 167 mm supplemental sprinkler irrigation were low being 0.19 and 1.09 ton/ha of barley grain and straw, respectively. Supplemental irrigation through blocked-end furrows increased barley grain and straw yields significantly compared with supplemental sprinkler irrigation to a maximum of 0.59 and 1.8 ton/ha, respectively. The improvement coming from the increased water storage associated with furrows. Since irrigation water is very limited if available, farmers are encouraged to form such furrows for reducing runoff from rainfall thereby increasing the amount of water available for forage and field crop production.  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation methods, application rates and initial moisture content on soil water storage and surface runoff were studied in soils liable to surface crust formation during 1995–1996 at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village. Four irrigation methods were tested (sprinkler, furrow, basin and trickle) and four application rates (6.2, 14.4, 24.4 and 28.4 mm/h). Two runs were performed (soil initially dry and soil initially wet). Basin irrigation provided the highest application efficiency followed by trickle, sprinkler and furrow irrigation methods. Entrapping water by the basin borders increased soil water storage by allowing more water to infiltrate through the surface crust. Decreasing the application rate from 28.4 to 6.2 mm/h increased soil water storage significantly in all 150 mm layers to a depth of 600 mm. If the soil was already wet, soil moisture storage decreased owing to siltation during the prewetting and formation of a surface crust and low soil water storage capacity. A sedimentary crust formed at the bottom of the furrows in the furrow irrigation treatment, which reduced soil water storage and increased surface runoff significantly owing to the reduction in infiltration. Increasing the application rate from 6.2 to 28.4 mm/h in the furrow surface irrigation treatment increased the runoff discharge 10-fold. Even with the lowest application rate the runoff coefficient under sprinkler irrigation was 20.3% indicating high susceptibility of Al-Muwaqqar soils to surface crust formation.  相似文献   

Scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS) is defined as the use of crop evapotranspiration data and soil moisture sensors to accurately determine when and how much to irrigate. Three surveys were conducted during 1997 and 1998 to determine the status of and direction for SIS in Washington. According to the survey results, nine private consultants were contracted to perform irrigation scheduling on nearly 120,000 ha per year. Conservation districts, county extension, and the national resource conservation service assisted producers in scheduling irrigation on an additional 6000 ha in a year. Two-hundred and four producers reported scheduling 26,750 ha of irrigation on their own and 6000 ha with consultants. At a minimum, the combined acreage reported in these surveys indicates an 18% adoption rate of SIS. However, the actual adoption rate is much greater if the self-implementation rate for the 200 producers is representative of the entire state.Survey results also indicated that potatoes and tree fruit account for more than half of the acreage being scheduled. The main reason producers were willing to pay for irrigation scheduling is to insure the quality of high-value crops. Energy savings became important when water needed to be lifted a considerable distance; however, water conservation, high yield, fertilizer savings, and non-point pollution reduction were considered secondary benefits. Center-pivots were the most likely irrigation systems to be scheduled and a considerable proportion of drip and solid-set sprinklers were scheduled, but a very small proportion of furrow systems and set-move sprinklers were scheduled. Over 75% of the survey respondents have personal computers and 50% have modems but less than 5% are using their computers to schedule irrigation. However, when examining the group producers who irrigate more than 405 ha, 33% are using their computers to schedule irrigation.Since computers and communication technology are available “on-farm”, and producers are showing a willingness to implement SIS on their own, Washington State University (WSU) has developed the Washington Irrigation Scheduling Expert (WISE) software and a web-based information system. Self-implemented SIS also requires increased producer knowledge along with training for potential vendors. Therefore, WSU is continuing traditional SIS educational efforts such as on-farm testing of soil moisture sensors, workshops, field days, publications and newsletters. Conversely, WSU has stopped providing full-service SIS demonstrations that compete with existing services, require intensive labor, and affect a limited number of producers. Agri-business is employing a similar strategy as self-service SIS providers have increased by seven companies since the 1998 survey.  相似文献   

Frequent fertigation of crops is often advocated in the technical and popular literature, but there is limited evidence of the benefits of high-frequency fertigation. Field experiments were conducted on an Indo-American Hybrid var., Creole Red, of onion crop during three winter seasons of 1999–2000 through 2001–2002 in coarse-textured soil of Delhi under the semi-arid region of India. Three irrigation levels of 60, 80 and 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ET) and four fertigation frequencies of daily, alternate day, weekly and monthly comprised the fertigation treatment. Analysis of soil samples indicated considerable influence of fertigation frequency on NO3-N distribution in soil profile. NO3-N in lower soil profiles (30.0–60.0 cm soil depth) was marginally affected in daily, alternate day and weekly fertigation. However, fluctuations of NO3-N content in 0.0–15.0, 15.0–30.0, 30.0–45.0 and 45.0–60.0 cm soil depth was more in monthly fertigation frequency. The level of soil NO3-N after the crop season shows that more NO3-N leached through the soil profile in monthly fertigation frequency. Amounts of irrigation water applied in three irrigation treatments proved to be too small to cause significant differences in the content of NO3-N leached beyond rooting depth of onion. Yield of onion was not significantly affected in daily, alternate day and weekly fertigation, though there was a trend of lower yields with monthly fertigation. The highest yield was recorded in daily fertigation (28.74 t ha−1) followed by alternate day fertigation (28.4 t ha−1). Lowest yield was recorded in monthly fertigation frequency (21.4 t ha−1). Application of 56.4 cm irrigation water and 3.4 kg ha−1 urea per fertigation (daily) resulted in highest yield of onion with less leaching of NO3-N.  相似文献   

Efficient irrigation regimes are becoming increasingly important in commercial orchards. Accurate measurements of the components of the water balance equation in olive orchards are required for optimising water management and for validating models related to the water balance in orchards and to crop water consumption. The aim of this work was to determine the components of the water balance in an olive orchard with mature ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees under three water treatments: treatment I, trees irrigated daily to supply crop water demand; treatment D, trees irrigated three times during the dry season, receiving a total of about 30% of the irrigation amount in treatment I; and treatment R, rainfed trees. The relationships between soil water content and soil hydraulic conductivity and between soil water content and soil matric potential were determined at different depths in situ at different locations in the orchard in order to estimate the rate of water lost by drainage. The average size and shape of the wet bulb under the dripper was simulated using the Philip’s theory. The results were validated for a 3 l h−1 dripper in the orchard. The water amounts supplied to the I trees during the irrigation seasons of 1997 and 1998 were calculated based on the actual rainfall, the potential evapotranspiration in the area and the reduction coefficients determined previously for the particular orchard conditions. The calculated irrigation needs were 418 mm in 1997 and 389 mm in 1998. With these water supplies, the values of soil water content in the wet bulbs remained constant during the two dry seasons. The water losses by drainage estimated for the irrigation periods of 1997 and 1998 were 61 and 51 mm, respectively. These low values of water loss indicate that the irrigation amounts applied were adequate. For the hydrological year 1997–1998, the crop evapotranspiration was 653 mm in treatment I, 405 mm in treatment D and 378 mm in treatment R. Water losses by drainage were 119 mm in treatment I, 81 mm in treatment D and 4 mm in treatment R. The estimated water runoff was 345 mm in treatments I and R, and 348 mm in treatment D. These high values were due to heavy rainfall recorded in winter. The total rainfall during the hydrological year was 730 mm, about 1.4 times the average in the area. The simulated dimensions of the wet bulb given by the model based on the Philip’s theory showed a good agreement with the values measured. In a period in which the reference evapotranspiration was 7.9 mm per day, estimations of tree transpiration from sap flow measurements, and of evaporation from the soil surface from a relationship obtained for the orchard conditions, yielded an average daily evapotranspiration of 70 l for one I tree, and 48 l for one R tree.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of irrigation modernization on water conservation, using the Riegos del Alto Aragón (RAA) irrigation project (NE Spain, 123354 ha) as a case study. A conceptual approach, based on water accounting and water productivity, has been used. Traditional surface irrigation systems and modern sprinkler systems currently occupy 73% and 27% of the irrigated area, respectively. Virtually all the irrigated area is devoted to field crops. Nowadays, farmers are investing on irrigation modernization by switching from surface to sprinkler irrigation because of the lack of labour and the reduction of net incomes as a consequence of reduction in European subsidies, among other factors. At the RAA project, modern sprinkler systems present higher crop yields and more intense cropping patterns than traditional surface irrigation systems. Crop evapotranspiration and non-beneficial evapotranspiration (mainly wind drift and evaporation loses, WDEL) per unit area are higher in sprinkler irrigated than in surface irrigated areas. Our results indicate that irrigation modernization will increase water depletion and water use. Farmers will achieve higher productivity and better working conditions. Likewise, the expected decreases in RAA irrigation return flows will lead to improvements in the quality of the receiving water bodies. However, water productivity computed over water depletion will not vary with irrigation modernization due to the typical linear relationship between yield and evapotranspiration and to the effect of WDEL on the regional water balance. Future variations in crop and energy prices might change the conclusions on economic productivity.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration was measured for a reference crop, rye grass (Lolium prerenne) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) grown over two seasons in 2000 and 2001 at Tal Amara Research Station, Lebanon, using drainage and weighing lysimeters. Climatic data from the field weather station were recorded daily. Within the experimental plots, irrigation was withheld at full bloom, R2 stage (S1 treatment), at seed enlargement, R5 stage (S2 treatment) and at mature seeds, R7 stage (S3 treatment). Further, a control (C) was fully-irrigated throughout the growing period.Average crop evapotranspiration (ETc) as measured by the drainage lysimeters in 2000 totaled 800 mm for a total growing period of 140 days. However, when ETc was measured by the weighing lysimeter in 2001, it was 725 mm during a growing period of 138 days. Average crop coefficients (Kc) were computed for different growth stages for the two growing periods by dividing the measured crop evapotranspiration (ETc) by the corresponding measured reference evapotranspiration (ETo-rye grass). Kc values ranged from 0.62 at V10 stage (10th node on the main stem beginning with the unifoliolate node) to 1.0 at pod initiation, then to 0.81 at mature pods.Growth parameters, leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation, have been shown to be sensitive to water stress caused by the deficit irrigations. However, growth parameters were found to compensate for water stress at early stages, while at seed maturity the compensation ability was decreased.Plants of the lysimeters produced average aboveground biomass and seed yield of 8.1 and 3.5 t ha−1, respectively. However, in the well-irrigated field treatment, aboveground biomass and seed yield averaged 7.3 and 3.2 t ha−1, respectively. Deficit irrigation at R2 stage reduced aboveground biomass and seed yield by 16 and 4%, respectively, while deficit irrigation at R5 stage reduced these two parameters by 6 and 28%, respectively, with comparison to the control. The significant decrease in biomass at R2 stage due to water deficit may be attributed to a pronounced reduction in the number of vegetative nodes. However, limited irrigation at this stage did not reduce significantly (P < 0.01) neither seed number nor seed weight, while at R5 stage these two parameters were reduced by 20 and 10%, respectively, with comparison to the control. Results showed also that deficit irrigation at R7 stage (S3) was more profitable than irrigation deficit at any other crop phenology and did not cause significant reductions either in seed number or seed weight.  相似文献   

A 2-year experiment was conducted at Tal Amara Research Station in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon to determine water use and lint yield response to the length of irrigation season of drip irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Crop evapotranspiration (ETcrop) and reference evapotranspiration (ETrye-grass) were directly measured at weekly basis during the 2001 growing period using crop and rye-grass drainage lysimeters. Crop coefficients (Kc) in the different growth stages were calculated as ETcrop/ETrye-grass. Then, the calculated Kc values were used in the 2002 growing period to estimate evapotranspiration of cotton using the FAO method by multiplying the calculated Kc values by ETrye-grass measured in 2002. The length of irrigation season was determined by terminating irrigation permanently at first open boll (S1), at early boll loading (S2), and at mid boll loading (S3). The three treatments were compared to a well-watered control (C) throughout the growing period. Lint yield was defined as a function of components including plant height at harvest, number of bolls per plant, and percentage of opened bolls per plant.Lysimeter-measured crop evapotranspiration (ETcrop) totaled 642 mm in 2001 for a total growing period of 134 days, while when estimated with the FAO method in 2002 it averaged 669 mm for a total growing period of 141 days from sowing to mature bolls. Average Kc values varied from 0.58 at initial growth stages (sowing to squaring), to 1.10 at mid growth stages (first bloom to first open boll), and 0.83 at late growth stages (early boll loading to mature bolls).Results showed that cotton lint yields were reduced as irrigation amounts increased. Average across years, the S1 treatment produced the highest yield of 639 kg ha−1 from total irrigations of 549 mm, compared to the S2 and S3 treatments, which yielded 577 and 547 kg ha−1 from total irrigations of 633 and 692 mm, respectively, while the control resulted in 457 kg ha−1 of lint yield from 738 mm of irrigation water. Water use efficiency (WUE) was found to be higher in S1 treatment and averaged 1.3 kg ha−1 mm−1, followed by S2 (1.1 kg ha−1 mm−1), and S3 (1.0 kg ha−1 mm−1), while in the control WUE was 0.80 kg ha−1 mm−1. Lint yield was negatively correlated with plant height and the number of bolls per plant and positively correlated with the percentage of opened bolls. This study suggests that terminating irrigation at first open boll stage has been found to provide the highest cotton yield with maximum WUE under the semi-arid conditions of the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in a tropical region to determine the water-use efficiency (WUE), yield (Y) and evapotranspiration (ET) of a 6-year-old dwarf-green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) orchard. Three water levels were applied in plots with nine palms. The irrigation treatments denoted as T:50, T:100 and T:150 received 50, 100 and 150 L/plant/day, respectively. The actual evapotranspiration was obtained by the soil water balance (SWB) method. Yield and water-use efficiency were assessed in terms of bunches per plant, fruits per plant and water volume per fruit. The application of the SWB resulted in mean daily ET values of 2.5; 2.9 and 3.2 mm/day for irrigation treatment of T:50, T:100 and T:150, respectively, while the cumulative ET varied from 900 to 1100 mm as irrigation treatment increased from T:50 to T:150. Results also showed that ET values were higher in the beginning and end of the year and lower in the middle of the experimental period. The application of a high irrigation water volume does not necessarily resulted in high coconut fruits yield. Evapotranspiration, fruits yield and water-use efficiency were strongly affected by irrigation water volume in coconut palms. WUE values decreased with increasing irrigation water level for all productivity parameters.  相似文献   

Eight-year-old Murcott orange trees grown in greenhouse lysimeters filled with sandy soil were subjected to irrigation with saline water to investigate the influence of salinity on daily evapotranspiration (ET). The study was conducted in Japan from 1 August to 15 September 2000. The study duration was divided into three periods of about 2 weeks each. In period I, all lysimeters planted with a tree were irrigated with 60 mm of non-saline water at the water content of 70% of field capacity (FC). Salinity treatments for period II started on 14 August. The treatments during period II were as follows: Lysimeter 1 (L1) had 32 mm non-saline water with an electrical conductivity (ECI) of 1.0 dS/m applied. At the same time Lysimeter 2 (L2) had 32 mm of saline water with an ECI of 8.6 dS/m applied when the water content decreased to 70% of FC. Lysimeter 3 (L3) had 16 mm saline water (ECI=8.6 dS/m) applied at 85% of FC. The irrigation amounts during period II were equal to those corresponding to 1.2 times of water required to reach FC. Treatments in period III were the same as in period I.Daily ET was similar for all weighing lysimeters during period I. The average relative ET for L2 and L3 with respect to L1 (L2/L1 and L3/L1) were similar during this period, with a mean value of 0.99. During period II, ET from L1 was consistently higher than that from L2 and L3. In addition, L3 with a higher irrigation frequency because of irrigation at higher soil water content resulted in higher ET than L2. The average relative ET of period II was 0.71 and 0.88 for both L2 and L3. During the last half of period III, reductions occurred in the ET differences between the saline treatments (L2 and L3) and non-saline control (L1).Evaporation rates from soil did not exceed 0.7 mm per day. Transpiration rates from L1, L2 and L3 during period II varied between 6.3 and 3.1 mm per day, 4.5 and 2.2 mm per day, and 5.8 and 3.0 mm per day, respectively. The results reflected a tangible difference of water extraction by roots from individual soil layers. Maximum water uptake by these trees was observed at layer of 30–60 cm. Nevertheless, no clear differences in water extraction pattern between trees were observed.Approximately, 95% of drainage occurred during the first 2 days following irrigation. The electrical conductivity of soil water (ECS) and the electrical conductivity of drainage water (ECD) for the saline water treatments (L2 and L3), compared to the control (L1) were significantly different during period II. ECS values were 2–5 times higher in saline treatments compared to the control treatment. After irrigating trees with saline water, ECS increased from 5 to 14 and 16 dS/m in L2 and L3, respectively. Similarly, in both saline treatments, ECD values were greatly increased after irrigation. During period III, ECD values increased from 5 to 8 dS/m in L2, and from 3 to 11 dS/m in L3. By contrast, ECS declined from 14 to 5 dS/m in L2, and from 16 to 3 dS/m in L3 over the same period.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of different drip irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of cucumber (Cucumbis sativus L.) and to determine a threshold value for crop water stress index (CWSI) based on irrigation programming. Four different irrigation treatments as 50 (T-50), 75 (T-75), 100 (T-100) and 125% (T-125) of irrigation water applied/cumulative pan evaporation (IW/CPE) ratio with 3-day-period were studied.Seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ETc) values were 633, 740, 815 and 903 mm in the 1st year and were 679, 777, 875 and 990 mm in the 2nd year for T-50, T-75, T-100 and T-125, respectively. Seasonal irrigation water amounts were 542, 677, 813 and 949 mm in 2002 and 576, 725, 875 and 1025 mm in 2003, respectively. Maximum marketable fruit yield was from T-100 treatment with 76.65 t ha−1 in 2002 and 68.13 t ha−1 in 2003. Fruit yield was reduced significantly, as irrigation rate was decreased. The water use efficiency (WUE) ranged from 7.37 to 9.40 kg m−3 and 6.32 to 7.79 kg m−3 in 2002 and 2003, respectively, while irrigation water use efficiencies (IWUE) were between 7.02 and 9.93 kg m−3 in 2002 and between 6.11 and 8.82 kg m−3 in 2003.When the irrigation rate was decreased, crop transpiration rate decreased as well resulting in increased crop canopy temperatures and CWSI values and resulted in reduced yield. The results indicated that a seasonal mean CWSI value of 0.20 would result in decreased yield. Therefore, a CWSI = 0.20 could be taken as a threshold value to start irrigation for cucumber grown in open field under semi-arid conditions.Results of this study demonstrate that 1.00 IW/CPE water applications by a drip system in a 3-day irrigation frequency would be optimal for growth in semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Optimizing irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the North China Plain (NCP), more than 70% of irrigation water resources are used for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A crucial target of groundwater conservation and sustainable crop production is to develop water-saving agriculture, particularly for winter wheat. The purpose of this study was to optimize irrigation scheduling for high wheat yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Field experiments were conducted for three growing seasons at the Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agriculture University. Eleven, four and six irrigation treatments, consisting of frequency of irrigation (zero to four times) and timing (at raising, jointing, booting, flowering and milking stage), were employed for 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97 seasons, respectively. Available water content (AWC), rain events, soil water use (SWU), evapotranspiration (ET) and grain yield were recorded, and water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were calculated.The results showed that after a 75-mm pre-sowing irrigation, soil water content and AWC in the root zone of a 2-m soil profile during sowing were 31.1% (or 90.7% of field capacity) and 16.1%, respectively. Rainfall events were variable and showed a limited impact on AWC. The AWC decreased significantly with the growth of wheat. At the jointing stage no water deficits occurred for all treatments, at the flowering stage water deficits were found only in the rain-fed treatment, and at harvest all treatments had moderate to severe soil water deficits. The SWU in the 2-m soil profile was negatively related to the irrigation water volume, i.e. applying 75 mm irrigation reduced SWU by 28.2 mm. Regression analyses showed that relationships between ET and grain yield or WUE could be described by quadratic functions. Grain yield and WUE reached their maximum values of 7423 kg/ha and 1.645 kg/m3 at the ET rate of 509 and 382 mm, respectively. IWUE was negatively correlated with irrigated water volume. From the above results, three irrigation schedules: (1) pre-sowing irrigation only, (2) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigation at jointing or booting stage, and (3) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigations at jointing and flowering stages were identified and recommended for practical winter wheat production in the NCP.  相似文献   

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