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Kuttanad, the low-lying tract in Kerala State of south-west India, is a place where drainage problems have caused the agricultural production to remain low. The problem is more severe in the acid sulphate soils of Kuttanad. Besides the problems inherent to acid sulphate soils, the area also experiences problems of flooding, lack of fresh water and intrusion of saline water from the Arabian Sea. A subsurface drainage system consisting of 10 cm diameter clay tiles, each of 60 cm length, was installed at a depth of 1 m with two different spacings of 15 and 30 m for evaluating its influence in improving soil quality and crop production. Many of the critical crop growth parameters in the subsurface drained area, particularly the grain yield and 100 grain weight, were significantly superior to that of the ill-drained areas. Drain spacings up to 30 m was found to significantly improve the productivity of the area. The overall increase in rice yield due to subsurface drainage was 1.36 t/ha. It was also found that subsurface drainage could remove the chemical heterogeneity of soil which is the root cause for patchy crop growth and uneven ripening of rice crop in the area. Acidity in the subsurface drained area was always lower throughout the cropping season. The salinity in the soil could be controlled considerably by subsurface drainage. The iron transformations were not serious enough to cause concern for rice cultivation when subsurface drainage was adopted. Accumulation of sulphates in insoluble form occurred during drainage due to the oxidation of pyrite. Subsurface drainage was also very efficient in leaching sodium, calcium and magnesium. Chloride content in soil decreased drastically during drainage.  相似文献   

选取再生水原液及其稀释2,4,6倍作为灌溉水源,设置再生水单一灌溉(4种处理RW,RW-2,RW-4,RW-6)、再生水-蒸馏水交替灌溉(4种处理ARW,ARW-2,ARW-4,ARW-6)2种灌溉模式,以蒸馏水灌溉(CK)为对照,对红壤阳离子交换性能的影响进行研究.结果表明:与CK处理比较,单一灌溉模式下各处理交换性...  相似文献   

The system approach and combination of simulation and optimization models to the problems of water quality in public water supply basins influenced by agricultural activities, drainage, irrigation and soil conservation are presented. The methodological aspects of the problem are analysed.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted to examine the effects of retaining drain water with a weir on reducing acid flux from a drained coastal acid sulphate soil backswamp. Prior to weir construction, groundwater seepage to the ditch drain was the main hydrological pathway for acid flux. High hydraulic conductivity (>120 m per day) in the sulphuric horizons due to extensive macropores, combined with tidal modulation of drain water levels encouraged rapid seepage of acid groundwater. Most seepage occurred while the backswamp groundwater table was in a narrow elevation range, referred to as an ‘acid export window’. The acidity of drainage water was highly sensitive to the hydraulic gradient between the groundwater table and the adjacent drain water level. Acid flux rates from groundwater seepage were strongly positively correlated to effluent groundwater hydraulic gradients. The constructed weir was designed to reduce the magnitude of effluent groundwater gradients and retain shallow groundwater by maintaining high and stable drain water levels. This reduced groundwater seepage to the drain and increased the proportion of shallow groundwater lost from the system via evapotranspiration. The weir affected 60% of drainage network and observed and modelled data suggest acid flux from groundwater seepage was reduced by about 65–70%. Effluent groundwater gradients behind the weir were reduced by about 80%. The main effect of the weir was to reduce discharge volumes, although reductions in H+ and acidic metal cation concentrations were also observed. This study demonstrates that a weir can be an effective means of reducing acid flux in coastal acid sulphate soils where main hydrological pathway of acid export is groundwater seepage. However, this strategy may not prevent continued sulphide oxidation. Reduced acid export, but continued acid generation, combined with enhanced evaporative flux has the potential over the longer term to increase the net accumulation of acidic products in the backswamp soil and groundwater. Further monitoring is required to assess this possibility.  相似文献   

The design and management of drainage systems should consider impacts on drainage water quality and receiving streams, as well as on agricultural productivity. Two simulation models that are being developed to predict these impacts are briefly described. DRAINMOD-N uses hydrologic predictions by DRAINMOD, including daily soil water fluxes, in numerical solutions to the advective-dispersive-reactive (ADR) equation to describe movement and fate of NO3-N in shallow water table soils. DRAINMOD- CREAMS links DRAINMOD hydrology with submodels in CREAMS to predict effects of drainage treatment and controlled drainage losses of sediment and agricultural chemicals via surface runoff. The models were applied to analyze effects of drainage intensity on a Portsmouth sandy loam in eastern North Carolina. Depending on surface depressional storage, agricultural production objectives could be satisfied with drain spacings of 40 m or less. Predicted effects of drainage design and management on NO3-N losses were substantial. Increasing drain spacing from 20 m to 40 m reduced predicted NO3-N losses by over 45% for both good and poor surface drainage. Controlled drainage further decreases NO3-N losses. For example, predicted average annual NO3-N losses for a 30 m spacing were reduced 50% by controlled drainage. Splitting the application of nitrogen fertilizer, so that 100 kg/ha is applied at planting and 50 kg/ha is applied 37 days later, reduced average predicted NO3-N losses but by only 5 to 6%. This practice was more effective in years when heavy rainfall occurred directly after planting. In contrast to effects on NO3-N losses, reducing drainage intensity by increasing drain spacing or use of controlled drainage increased predicted losses of sediment and phosphorus (P). These losses were small for relatively flat conditions (0.2% slope), but may be large for even moderate slopes. For example, predicted sediment losses for a 2% slope exceeded 8000 kg/ha for a poorly drained condition (drain spacing of 100 m), but were reduced to 2100 kg/ha for a 20 m spacing. Agricultural production and water quality goals are sometimes in conflict. Our results indicate that simulation modeling can be used to examine the benefits of alternative designs and management strategies, from both production and environmental points-of-view. The utility of this methodology places additional emphasis on the need for field experiments to test the validity of the models over a range of soil, site and climatological conditions.  相似文献   

The quality of municipal waste water is affected by its chemical composion and by the process used to treat it. If suspended solids limit infiltration, their removal by the municipal treatment facility is a factor to consider in the planning and management of water resources. The effect of water quality and sprinkler water application rate on bare soil infiltration was investigated. Treated wastewater and clean water were applied to a bare soil at two different application rates, 25 mm/hr and 100 mm/hr. The change in each soil infiltration rate after eight runs for each water quality was determined. The results showed that the reduction in infiltration rate was greatest for the soil under the treated wastewater application due to the effect of accumulation of suspended solids at the soil surface.  相似文献   

Ground water and water from springs are sources used for water supply in Slovenia. The quality of these waters has been monitored since 1987. Among 12 main ground water aquifers in Slovenia the amount of nitrate exceeds the allowable level (50 mg/l) for drinking water in areas with more intensive agricultural production with higher concentrations of animals (two livestock unit – LU/ha) and where drainage of sewage water is not excellently arranged or where quality of river water that effluent ground water is not well. The identification of nitrogen surpluses has been done on regional and farm level (using normative approach). This method is taking into account nitrogen input from mineral fertiliser, animal wastes and the deposition from the atmosphere minus nitrogen uptake of harvested crops and ammonia losses to the atmosphere. On an average nitrogen input from mineral fertiliser is low, while input from organic manure is rather high – 90 kg/ha. Average net-balance surplus for Slovenia is about 56 kg N/ha. The differences between regions are relatively high. In the most intensive arable region with high intensity of animal husbandry (2 LU/ha) nitrogen surplus is about 90 kg/ha. This region can be identified as vulnerable for nitrogen leaching into ground water. In regions with limited growing conditions for agriculture plants (climate, soil depth) just small increase of livestock density can cause high nitrogen surpluses. Our Slovenian legislation, which almost entirely corresponds to EC Nitrate Directive and Code of Good Agricultural Practice intends to reduce mineral surpluses in agriculture and meet the standards of nitrate in drinking water.  相似文献   

Drainage water quality in rice paddies was strongly influenced by the puddling of soil in the paddy fields by tractors and in response to opening of drainage gates. The concentrations of contaminants in drainage water increased rapidly when the puddling process began and were maintained at high concentrations throughout the puddling period. Moreover, the high concentrations did not decrease immediately after the puddling procedures ceased. Additionally, the ratio of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorous to total nitrogen and total phosphorous increased daily during the last half of the puddling period, due to discharge of chemical fertilizers with the drainage water. Also, the loads of particulate nitrogen and phosphorus discharged during the puddling period were larger than the loads discharge during irrigation. The discharge from paddy fields during puddling also increased the total annual contaminant load.  相似文献   

Based on the mass balance equation, a pseudo-analytical solution for the chemical concentration in drainage water from a soil profile is given. The effects of linear adsorption, decomposition and plant water uptake as well as the water content and layer thickness may be specified separately for each layer. The phenomenon of bypass flow can also be taken into account. From the obtained relationship between the concentration of solute in the drainage water leaving the soil profile and the time, a coupling between the unsaturated and the saturated zone can be achieved as was described earlier. This leads to breakthrough curves of the solute leaving the combined system of unsaturated and saturated zones. Time-dependent input concentrations can easily be incorporated through the systems approach. The computer programs (written for an HP41CV pocket calculator), describing the quality of drainage water from non-homogeneous profiles and the breakthrough of a solute leaving the combined system, are given as an appendix.  相似文献   

Water transmission characteristics under saturated and unsaturated conditions were studied in a sandy loam soil with (F1) and without (F0) long-term farmyard manure (FYM) treatments, in relation to sodium adsorption ratios (SAR) and electrolyte concentrations of water. The effect of FYM and ratios of Ca2+ : Mg2+ in water at a given SAR on sodication of the soil was also studied.Saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) and weighted mean diffusivity (D?) were slightly higher for F1 than for F0, whereas sodication indices like Gapon constant (KG), Krishnamoorthy-Davis-Overstreet constant (KKDO) and Vanselow constant (KV) were slightly smaller. The k and D? decreased with an increase of SAR and decrease of electrolyte concentration, the effect of SAR being more pronounced. There was proportionately a sharper decrease in the k and D? values at SAR 10 with total electrolyte concentrations of 10–40 meq 1?1. However, with a total electrolyte concentration of 80 meq 1?1, there was a smaller drop at SAR 10.A small difference in the build-up of exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) in F1 and F0 treatments at a given SAR suggests that, apart from slightly improving water transmission parameters, the use of FYM also reduces the sodication hazard in a soil irrigated with sodic waters. An increase in the Ca2+ : Mg2+ ratio from 25:75 to 75:25 slightly decreased the values of KG, KKDO and KV, thus indicating somewhat more preference for Ca2+ to Mg2+ at a given SAR, which was more so in F1 soil. This fact could also be expressed in terms of a slight shift of thermodynamic exchange constant (K) and standard free energy change of the exchange reaction (ΔG0r). The presence of some unidentified Na+ releasing minerals in the soils studied was observed and correction for exchangeable Na+ determination applied.  相似文献   

Two tillage and two water table control treatments under continuous maize cropping were evaluated over a 3-year period (1992–1994) for their effects on evapotranspiration, surface runoff (SR), tile drainage (TD) and soil water content in the root-zone on a clay loam soil in southern Ontario. The tillage treatments included soil saver (SS, reduced tillage) and moldboard plow (MP, conventional tillage). The water table control treatments included controlled drainage-subirrigation (CDS) and regular tile drainage (DR). There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in evapotranspiration estimates between the SS and MP tillage treatments. The SS tillage increased SR compared with MP tillage during the non-cropping periods in 1993 and 1994, but not in 1992. Relative to MP, the SS tillage increased soil profile water content during the cropping period but decreased soil profile water content during the non-cropping period in 1992. The CDS treatment produced significantly higher (P<0.05) evapotranspiration and soil water content than the drainage treatment during the dry 1993 and 1994 years, but not during the wet 1992 year. The CDS treatment also had significantly lower (P<0.05) TD and higher SR than the drainage treatment. For all the treatments, over 65% of SR and TD occurred in the 5 month non-cropping period from November to March. Of the total annual water input (precipitation and/or subirrigation) to the field site, 8% was partitioned to SR, 30% was partitioned to TD, 55% was removed by crop and soil evapotranspiration and 7% was accounted for by changes in soil profile water content.  相似文献   

水肥耦合是利用以水促肥,以肥调水的效应来提高作物产量,改善作物品质,同时提高水肥利用效率。本文主要从水肥耦合对葡萄土壤环境和品质的影响方面进行国内外研究动态梳理,从葡萄土壤的水热特性、土壤养分、土壤酶活性及葡萄品质等角度考虑水肥耦合对其的影响。通过文献的整理,为后续水肥耦合对葡萄土壤环境及品质影响的研究提供有力的依据。  相似文献   

The quality of irrigation water has the potential to significantly affect soil structural properties, infiltration and irrigation application efficiency. While the effect of electrolyte concentration (as indicated by the electrical conductivity EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) have been studied under laboratory conditions, the effect on soil profile structural properties and irrigation performance have not been widely investigated under field conditions. In this paper, water with three different levels of sodium (SAR = 0.9, 10 and 30) was applied as alternative treatments to a clay loam soil. The application of 238–261 mm of medium- to high-SAR water was found to reduce aggregate stability, increase the bulk density of both the surface crust and underlying soil, and reduce the total depth of infiltration and final infiltration rate. Where low-SAR water was used, there was no significant (P<0.05) difference in final infiltration rate after the first four irrigations. However, where moderate- and high-SAR water was applied after the first four irrigations with the low EC-SAR water, the final infiltration rate was found to decrease on each of the successive irrigation events. For the moderate- and high-SAR treatments, this suggests that a steady-state equilibrium had not been reached within that part of the soil profile impeding infiltration. It is proposed that the initial reduction in infiltration is related to the physical processes of slaking leading to the development of an apedal, hardsetting surface soil layer. Similarly, it is proposed that the subsequent increase in bulk density and decline in infiltration where moderate and high EC-SAR water is applied is due to an increase in clay tactoid swelling reducing the size of the conducting micropores, dispersion blocking pores, and/or an increase in the thickness of the apedal surface layer. The reduction in infiltration associated with the use of high-SAR irrigation water was found to reduce the performance of the irrigations, with the application efficiency of the final irrigation decreasing from 40% where the low-SAR water was used, to 21% where the high-SAR water was applied. The implications for surface irrigating with water containing high sodium levels are discussed.Communicated by A. Kassam  相似文献   

The salinity condition in the root zone hinders moisture extraction from soil by plants, because of osmotic potential development in soil water due to presence of salts, which ultimately, decreases transpiration of plants and thereby affects crop yield. Therefore, an effort was made in this study to quantify the impact of salinity on soil water availability to plants. The movement of salts under irrigation and evapotranspiration regimes in root zone of soil profile was studied throughout the growing season of wheat crop with adopting exponential pattern of root water uptake. A model was developed to analyze soil water balance to find out moisture deficit because of salinity. A non-linear relationship was formulated between moisture content and salt concentration for simultaneous prediction. The Crank–Nicolson method of Finite Differencing was used to solve the differential equations of soil water and solute transport. The effect of various salt concentrations on transpiration was analyzed to develop a relationship between relative evapotranspiration and relative yield. Relationships among salt concentration, matric potential, moisture deficit and actual transpiration were also established to provide better understanding about impact of salinization and to provide guidelines for obtaining better crop yields in saline soils.  相似文献   

进行暗管排水条件下微咸水灌溉田间试验,设置3种暗管埋深,分别为80 cm(D1)、120 cm(D2)以及无暗管排水(D0),3种微咸水浓度,其电导率分别为0.78 dS/m(S1),3.75 dS/m(S2)和6.25 dS/m(S3),共9个处理,每个处理3组重复.试验结果表明:暗管排水措施可以有效排除微咸水灌溉过程中土壤中累积的盐分;在玉米全生育期内,暗管埋深D1条件下,3种浓度微咸水S1,S2和S3灌溉时根系土壤电导率分别下降了39.00%,31.56%和29.43%,暗管埋深D2条件下,根系土壤电导率则分别下降了31.91%,18.08%和7.44%;夏玉米干物质累积量、穗棒累积量和穗棒质量分配率及最终产量均随着微咸水浓度的升高而降低;在相同微咸水浓度下,不同暗管埋设条件下的夏玉米最终产量从大到小依次为D1,D2,D0;3种暗管埋设条件下的作物需水量从大到小依次为D0,D2,D1的规律;暗管埋深80 cm的处理(D1)下夏玉米水分利用效率最高,而未埋设暗管的处理(D0)水分利用效率最低;当暗管埋设条件一定时,夏玉米水分利用效率随微咸水浓度的升高呈逐渐降低的趋势.  相似文献   

灌溉水质和灌水方式对红壤斥水性及其理化性质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以蒸馏水为对照,选取再生水和稀释2,4,6倍再生水等4种低质水,采用连续灌溉和再生水-蒸馏水交替灌溉等2种灌溉方式对红壤进行1年的处理,以此探明灌溉水质和灌水方式对酸性土壤斥水性、pH、盐分及有机质质量比的影响.结果表明:2种灌溉方式下红壤均产生亚临界斥水性,连续灌溉下红壤接触角比交替灌溉平均增加了23.1°;2种灌溉方式均使红壤酸性增强,盐分和有机质质量比增加,其中连续灌溉下的增长率大于交替灌溉下增长率;连续灌溉下红壤斥水性、pH、盐分和有机质质量比随灌溉水质的变化均可用二次函数来描述,决定系数均在0.9以上;交替灌溉下,红壤斥水性和盐分与灌溉水质的关系可用二次函数来表示,决定系数均在0.9以上,而土壤pH和有机质质量比与灌溉水质相关性不明显;2种灌溉方式下,红壤斥水性与pH呈负相关,与盐分质量比呈正相关,与土壤有机质质量比在连续灌溉下表现为正相关,而交替灌溉下则相反.采用再生水-蒸馏水交替灌溉方式能抑制土壤斥水性的产生.  相似文献   

A better understanding of leaching processes in raised beds is useful in assessing management options for acid sulphate soils. Field and laboratory studies were carried out to quantify the effects of soil physical properties and bypass flow on leaching processes of new, 1-year-old and 2-year-old raised beds for yam and pineapple cultivation in a Typic Sulfaquept in Tien Giang, Vietnam. The methylene blue staining technique was used to characterize the water-conducting pores in terms of number, stained area, and total pore perimeter at 10 cm depth intervals of six 1 × 1 m subplots. Undisturbed 20 cm X 25 cm soil cores taken from the raised beds were subjected to three 30 mm h−1 rains. Volume, aluminum and sulphate concentration of the outflows were monitored. Consolidation with time decreased the area and perimeter of water-conducting pores in 2-year-old pineapple beds to about a third, and bypass flow rate to about 80% of those in newly constructed beds. Consolidation did not affect macropore network geometry in yam beds because they were subjected to annual tillage and yam tubers were uprooted regularly. A13+ and SO42− concentrations in the outflows of the newly constructed and 1-year-old raised beds were higher in pineapple, while those in 2-year raised beds were higher in yam.  相似文献   

Nitrogen leaching has caused a growing societal concern over N fertilizer impact on water quality. One way to decrease nitrogen loss through leaching is to adjust fertilizer inputs to site-specific conditions. This study was conducted to investigate spatial variability of NO3 leaching parameters on a 5 ha commercial wheat field (Typic Ustifluent) located 25 km north of Tokat, Turkey, for the purpose of dividing the field into small cells in which application rates can be kept constant. NO3 leaching parameters were calculated using the monthly analysis version of computer program NLEAP (nitrate leach and economic analysis package) on a regular grid spacing of 25 m, and semi-variogram for each parameter was calculated using the computer program GEAOES. The values for parameter NL (nitrate leached) were between 24.64 (low) and 77.28 kg ha−1 (medium), for NAL (nitrate available for leaching) 42.46 (low) and 274.40 kg ha−1 (high), and for MRI (movement risk index) 0.28 (low) and 0.35 (medium). Values for parameter ALRP (annual leaching risk potential) varied from high (index=4) to moderate (index=3). A moderately significant correlation (r=0.54, P<0.01) was found between measured and model-estimated values for the parameter NAL, indicating that the NLEAP model adequately simulated the NO3 leaching in the study area. Values for range were 360 m for NAL, 350 m for NL and 180 m for MRI, and nugget effect was 0.72 for MRI, 0.45 for NAL and 0.25 for NL, and mean correlation distances (MCD) were 145 m for NAL and 61 m for NL. Although, the spatial patterns for the parameters NAL and NL were similar, the upper cell limit for parameter NAL was higher than two times that of parameter NL, suggesting that calculation of input for continuous control of nitrogen application rate in a variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application program be based on the spatial pattern of NL but not on that of NAL.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that organic matter (OM) content originating from treated wastewater (TWW) irrigation and soil texture dominate the intensity of soil water repellency. The relationship between soil texture, wastewater treatment level, and water repellency was examined in a 3-year lysimeter experiment (2008–2010). Soil type–water quality combinations, consisting of three soils with different specific surface area (SSA) and four levels of water quality differing in OM content, were tested. In each year, water repellency developed in all TWW quality treatments, but not in freshwater-irrigated controls. At the end of each year (except 2009), the highest degree of repellency was exhibited by sandy soil treated with the lowest quality TWW (highest OM content). The lowest degree of water repellency was consistently exhibited by the soil with the highest SSA irrigated with the highest quality TWW (lowest OM content). Water quality, rather than SSA, was the dominant factor in determining degree of repellency induced by TWW irrigation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the introduction of subsurface drainage as a tool to improve rice production in low land areas of acid sulphate soils. Pipe drains with 15 and 30 m spacing were installed in farmers fields in coastal lowlands of Kerala, India, at Kuttanad. Soil conditions improved within 2 years after the introduction of the subsurface drainage and significantly improved the crop yield. Data collected over a period of 14 years, showed a yield increase of 1.1 t/ha (43%) compared to non-drained areas. An economic analysis indicated that subsurface drainage is feasible with a benefit–cost ratio of 2.45, an internal rate of return of 47% and a net present value of Rs 5.17 million. The poor financial status of the farmers, however, is the main constraint for the large-scale adoption of the comparatively capital-intensive subsurface drainage systems in the acid sulphate soils of Kerala.  相似文献   

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