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Northeast of Brazil is a semi-arid region, where water is a key strategic resource in the development of all sectors of the economy. Irrigation agriculture is the main water consumer in this region. Therefore, policy directives are calling for tools to aid operational monitoring in planning, control and charging of irrigation water. Using Landsat imagery, this study evaluates the utility of a process that measures the level of water use in an irrigated area of the state of Ceará. The experiment, which models evapotranspiration (ET), was carried out within the Jaguaribe-Apodi irrigation scheme (DIJA) during two months of the agricultural season. The ET was estimated with the model Mapping Evapotranspiration at High Resolution and with Internalized Calibration (METRIC). The model uses the residual of the energy balance equation to estimate ET for each pixel in the image. The results of the estimates were validated using measurements of ET from a micrometeorological tower installed within a banana plantation located near the irrigation scheme. After evaluating the ET estimates, the average fraction of depleted water for a set of agricultural parcels combined with the monthly ET mapping estimates by METRIC provided a method for predicting the total water use in DIJA for the study period. The results were then compared against the monthly accumulated flow rates for all the pumping stations provided by the district manager. Finally, this work discusses the potential use of the model as an alternative method to calculate water consumption in irrigated agriculture and the implications for water resource management in irrigated perimeters.  相似文献   

为探明微喷灌施肥对三七土壤氮素运移转化影响,2017—2020年在泸西县大栗树村三七种植基地设置3个灌水水平0.4FC(W1),0.6FC(W2),0.8FC(W3),4个施肥水平3.20(F1),4.80(F2),6.20(F3)和120.00 kg/ha(F4),CK为对照,共13个处理.研究微喷灌施肥条件下不同灌水及施肥对三七土壤全氮、硝态氮和铵态氮运移转化影响.结果表明:不同灌水施肥全氮质量比随时间增加先增大后减小,硝态氮质量比随时间增加先减小后增大,铵态氮质量比随时间增加逐渐减小,8月W2F3全氮质量比最大,9月W2F4硝态氮质量比最大,6月W2F4铵态氮质量比最大.全氮和铵态氮质量比随土层深度增加逐渐减小,硝态氮质量比随土层深度增加先减小后增大,全氮、硝态氮和铵态氮聚集在土层0~10 cm,W2F3土壤全氮和硝态氮质量比最大,W2F4铵态氮质量比最大.灌水量与硝态氮和铵态氮相关性具有统计学意义(P<0.01),与全氮呈负相关且相关性具有统计学意义(P<0.05),施肥量与硝态氮呈正相关且相关性具有统计学意义(P<0.01),与铵态氮相关性具有统计学意义(P<0.05).该研究明确灌溉施肥可调控酸性红壤土三七氮素运移转化特性,改善农田微生态环境,提高水氮利用效率,为有效防治病虫害提供技术支持和理论依据.  相似文献   

The great expansion of irrigated lands using groundwater has often caused the exploitation of aquifer reserves beyond their recharge capacity. The development of management tools which can harmonize resource exploitation with reserve sustainability is the objective of an interesting experience being accomplished in the aquifer 08.29 in Mancha Oriental, Spain. This paper offers a summary of this ongoing project (GESMO), pointing out the specific role of the Irrigation Advisory Service. The general objective of the project is to create an integrated and integral management system of the aquifer as well as to prepare appropriate techniques for its adequate exploitation. Integral management means that both supply and demand management are considered, including the socio-economic and environmental perspectives. The concept of integrated management implies that the process must involve the majority of economic and social agents affected.

Management is founded on a Decision Support System (DSS) which takes into consideration different possible options. The DSS must contemplate the impacts on the environment, mainly the aquifer reserve losses and the increase of nitrates concentration in groundwater. The project directly affects more than 5000 agricultural users, irrigating about 100 000 ha with the aquifer water resources, as well as the whole population living in this region. Results of this project, including irrigation technologies developed may be useful for other areas in the Mediterranean Basin where similar cases occur.  相似文献   

为了明确灌后复水(降水)对土壤中水氮分布的影响以及选择合理的灌施方式,通过室内模型试验,研究了在蓄水多坑肥灌条件下不同降水量(30.624,37.334,43.56 mm)所对应单坑不同复水量(140.1,228.7,400.5 mm)和不同复水时间(灌后1,5,10 d)对土壤水氮运移的影响.研究结果表明:复水后土壤含水率增大,复水量为228.7 mm及以上时,30~80 cm深度范围内土壤含水率均达到田间持水率的80%以上,且复水量越大或复水时间间隔越短,复水后水分分布越均匀;硝态氮在湿润锋处积累明显,复水后坑壁附近土壤硝态氮质量浓度降低,硝态氮质量浓度峰值向远处推进,复水量越大或复水时间间隔越短,硝态氮推进越远且向深处迁移越明显;复水后铵态氮质量分数在近坑处降低,在距坑较远处增加,但变化幅度均不大,复水量越大,或复水时间间隔越短,对铵态氮质量浓度影响越大,复水后土壤铵态氮分布越均匀.  相似文献   

The DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 model was calibrated for yield and irrigation scheduling of wheat with 2004–2005 data and validated with 13 independent data sets from experiments conducted during 2002–2006 at the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) farm, Ludhiana, and in a farmer's field near PAU at Phillaur, Punjab, India. Subsequently, the validated model was used to estimate long-term mean and variability of potential yield (Yp), drainage, runoff, evapo-transpiration (ET), crop water productivity (CWP), and irrigation water productivity (IWP) of wheat cv. PBW343 using 36 years (1970–1971 to 2005–2006) of historical weather data from Ludhiana. Seven sowing dates in fortnightly intervals, ranging from early October to early January, and three irrigation scheduling methods [soil water deficit (SWD)-based, growth stage-based, and ET-based] were evaluated. For the SWD-based scheduling, irrigation management depth was set to 75 cm with irrigation scheduled when SWD reached 50% to replace 100% of the deficit. For growth stage-based scheduling, irrigation was applied either only once at one of the key growth stages [crown root initiation (CRI), booting, flowering, and grain filling], twice (two stages in various combinations), thrice (three stages in various combinations), or four times (all four stages). For ET-driven irrigation, irrigations were scheduled based on cumulative net ETo (ETo-rain) since the previous irrigation, for a range of net ETo (25, 75, 125, 150, and 175 mm). Five main irrigation schedules (SWD-based, ET-driven with irrigation applied after accumulation of either 75 or 125 mm of ETo, i.e., ET75 or ET125, and growth stage-based with irrigation applied at CRI plus booting, or at CRI plus booting plus flowering stage) were chosen for detailed analysis of yield, water balance, and CWP and IWP. Nitrogen was non-limiting in all the simulations.Mean Yp across 36 years ranged from 5.2 t ha−1 (10 October sowing) to 6.4 t ha−1 (10 November sowing), with yield variations due to seasonal weather greater than variations across sowing dates. Yields under different irrigation scheduling, CWP and IWP were highest for 10 November sowing. Yields and CWP were higher for SWD and ET75-based irrigations on both soils, but IWP was higher for ET75-based irrigation on sandy loam and for ET150-based irrigation on loam. Simulation results suggest that yields, CWP, and IWP of PBW343 would be highest for sowing between late October and mid-November in the Indian Punjab. It is recommended that sowing be done within this planting period and that irrigation be applied based on the atmospheric demand and soil water status and not on the growth stage. Despite the potential limitations recognised with simulation results, we can conclude that DSSAT-CSM-CERES-Wheat V4.0 is a useful decision support system to help farmers to optimally schedule and manage irrigation in wheat grown in coarse-textured soils under declining groundwater table situations of the Indian Punjab. Further, the validated model and the simulation results can also be extrapolated to other areas with similar climatic and soil environments in Asia where crop, soil, weather, and management data are available.  相似文献   

中国是世界上人均水资源占有量最贫乏的13个国家之一,水是农业的命脉,水资源的严重不足,使我国农业发展面临非常大的挑战。发展节水灌溉技术是我国未来农业发展的一项重大战略决策,也是坚持绿色发展理念的必然选择。为了解我国农业节水灌溉技术现状和研究进展,本文通过综合分析国内外节水灌溉技术现状,梳理我国目前主要的节水灌溉工程技术,总结我国在农业节水灌溉技术现阶段面临的主要问题和未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

CPSP模型在华北井灌区农业水管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同农业水管理措施对区域水平衡的影响,选择北京市大兴区为华北井灌区代表性研究区,以CPsP模型为技术支持,研究了提高灌溉水利用率、采用亏缺灌溉、改善农业种植结构及利用区外水源等不同水管理措施影响下区域水平衡、区域耗水、区域取水及用水指标的变化规律.结果表明,在资源型缺水区域,提高灌溉水利用率、采用非充分灌溉及改善农业种植结构在一定程度上能缓解区域水资源紧缺的压力,特别是采用非充分灌溉及改善作物种植结构能显著减少区域取水及耗水总量,并能减少地表水及地下水的补给量中回归水所占比例,在缓解区域水资源紧缺压力的同时也降低了区域水质遭受回归水污染风险.另外,在未来情景中,因经济快速发展及人口持续增长,工业及居民生活用水量增加,区域水资源供需矛盾将会加剧,为确保区域水资源良性循环,势必采取积极有效的水资源管理模式.  相似文献   

Local infiltration tests on 1.5 m long blocked furrows were carried out on a loam soil to assess N fertiliser leaching under furrow irrigation where ridging operations entails placing nitrogen on the upper part of the ridge. This article focuses on the impact of flow depths, or water application depth (WAD), on nitrogen movement in seven 1.5-m long blocked furrows. For a first irrigation event, a WAD greater than or equal to 240 mm, significantly reduced the heterogeneity of the N concentration profiles measured at the top of the ridge and beneath the furrow. The virtually homogeneous N soil distribution with depth permitted the determination of the nitrogen balance throughout the season using soil samples obtained at the beginning and end of the season as well as the determination of nitrogen present in the crop tissue. This is not possible when there is a heterogeneous N soil profile at the end of the irrigation season, as observed under moderate WAD conditions. In addition, a substantial WAD delivered during the first irrigation event, and at a period where the plant N requirements are high, does not affect crop yield potential.  相似文献   

The use of measured water in controlling flows for the irrigation of sugarcane was found to be vital for the rehabilitation and management of surface irrigation on a 5000 ha sugarcane project. Methods of water delivery, measurement and control at Inyoni Yami Swaziland Irrigation Scheme (IYSIS) are described. Improvements to the irrigation, using existing methods of water measurement, were carried out over a period of four years. The lessons gained in this programme of improvements confirmed the benefits of using modulus gates which allow a constant, measured, discharge of water.  相似文献   

Develi Basin is a semi-arid basin in central Turkey where water sustains both irrigated agriculture and an internationally important wetland, the Sultan Marshes. Agricultural and environmental changes in the Develi Basin have occurred since irrigation management was transferred in 1994 from a state authority (DSI) to irrigation associations (Kovalı and Ağcaaşar IAs). In this paper we evaluate the practices of the IAs using extensive data from interviews with farmers and IA officials, as well as data from reports prepared by DSI and the IAs, using comparisons with case studies reported in the scientific literature. Irrigated areas and surface water use in the Develi Basin showed significant fluctuations from 1995 to 2003. The area allocated to high water-consuming plants increased. Maintenance activities became dependent on fee collection rates. Quality of the irrigation water did not changed significantly. Ground-water levels, flow rates from springs, and water levels in the Sultan Marshes all dropped. Overall analyses indicate that the water requirements of the Sultan Marshes have not been met, while water use for irrigation has been effective but not efficient. To reconcile agricultural and wetland water requirements, a basin-wide approach in water planning is recommended. Amounts of water to be allocated to the IAs and wetlands need to be clearly defined. DSI has to monitor canal maintenance by the IAs more closely, and IAs need to be given more responsibilities for future rehabilitation of the canals. Realistic water pricing, increased reliability of irrigation scheduling, higher on-farm irrigation efficiency, and in the long-term, modernization of the irrigation system need to be considered.  相似文献   

The majority of rice grown in south-east Australia is continuously flooded for much of its growing season, but reduced irrigation water availability brought about by a combination of drought and environmental flow legislation has presented a need to maintain (or even increase) rice production with less irrigation water. Delaying the application of continuous flooding until prior to panicle initiation can increase input water productivity by reducing non-beneficial evaporation losses from free water and the soil. A field experiment was conducted over two growing seasons, 2008/9 and 2009/10, comparing a conventional dry seeded treatment (the control - continuous flooding from the 3 leaf stage) with delayed continuous flooding (10-20 days prior to panicle initiation) with several irrigation scheduling treatments prior to flooding commencement. In the first year, the delayed water treatments were irrigated at intervals of 40, 80 and 160 mm of cumulative reference evapotranspiration (ETo) prior to delayed continuous flooding, thereby imposing differing degrees of crop water stress. In year 2, the 80 and 160 mm treatments were modified by use of a crop factor (Kc) when the plants were small and the 40 mm treatment was replaced with a continuously flooded treatment throughout the crop duration.Decreases in net water input (irrigation + rain − surface drainage) and increases in input water productivity were achieved by reducing the flush irrigation frequency during the pre-flood period. Savings of 150 and 230 mm (10 and 15%) were achieved in Year 1 from the 80 and 160 mm cumulative ETo irrigation frequency treatments, respectively, in comparison to the control. In the second year, net water input savings of 230 and 330 mm (15 and 22%) were achieved with the 80/Kc and 160/Kc mm treatments, respectively. Input water productivity of the 160 mm treatment was 0.06 kg/m3 (8%) higher than the control in Year 1, while in Year 2 a 0.15 kg/m3 (17%) increase in input water productivity above the control was achieved by the 160/Kc mm treatment. Delaying the application of continuous flooding in the second year greatly extended the period of crop growth suggesting the need for earlier sowing (by 7-10 days) to ensure pollen microspore still occurs at the best time to minimise yield loss due to cold damage. Nitrogen fertiliser management is an important issue when delaying continuous flooding, and nitrogen losses appeared to increase with the frequency of irrigation prior to continuous flooding. This was likely due to increased denitrification from alternate wetting and drying of the soil. Further research is required to determine the most appropriate nitrogen management strategies, and to also better define the optimal pre-flood irrigation frequency.  相似文献   

通过对北京市村镇供水工程的管理现状调研,阐述了村镇供水工程中存在的管理制度落后、收费困难,不能良性运行等问题。借鉴国内外供水行业先进的管理理念、管理制度和当前的水业改革趋势,论述了村镇管理机制建设的主要内容和模式。最后,从所有权分离、管理制度建设、服务宣传和加强农民参与等多个方面探讨了村镇供水工程管理机制建设的重点,提出了管好村镇供水工程的对策措施和适宜于北京市郊区村镇供水的管理模式。  相似文献   

为探讨水、盐、氮三因素对棉花生长的耦合效应及最优水肥制度,分别设置了4种灌溉定额(1 575,2 100,2 625,3 150 m3/hm2)、4种施氮量(0,150,300,450 kg/hm2)和4种土壤盐分(非盐化土、轻度、中度和重度盐化土),通过盆栽试验,研究了水、氮、盐对膜下滴灌棉花产量的影响.结果表明:灌溉定额、施氮量和土壤盐分与棉花产量之间符合回归模型,模型对水氮盐的耦合效果较好;单因素对棉花产量影响按因素排序由大到小为灌水量,土壤含盐量,施氮量;耦合作用的影响按因素排序由大到小为盐氮,水氮,水盐;水氮施加量对棉花产量的影响均存在阈值,低于此阈值,棉花增产效果较为明显;中、重度土壤盐分含量明显抑制棉花生长;通过回归模型进行耦合分析,最适合研究区的水肥盐耦合方式为轻盐土壤、灌溉定额2 677 m3/hm2和施氮量202 kg/hm2.本研究可为盐碱区棉田水肥高效利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

北京大兴区浅层地下水水质初步评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用模糊数学方法对大兴区82个浅层地下水监测井的水质进行了现状评价。结果表明,中西部水质较好,主要为Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类水,而北部、南部和东部大部分地区水质较差.主要为Ⅳ类和V类水。造成本区地下水水质污染的主要原因是过境污水的渗透、不适当的污水灌溉。  相似文献   

Water saving in irrigation is a key concern in the Yellow River basin. Excessive water diversions for irrigation waste water and produce waterlogging problems during the crop season and soil salinization in low lands. Supply control and inadequate functionality of the drainage system were identified as main factors for poor water management at farm level. Their improvement condition the adoption of water saving and salinity control practices. Focusing on the farm scale, studies to assess the potential for water savings included: (a) field evaluation of current basin irrigation practices and further use of the simulation models SRFR and SIRMOD to generate alternative improvements for the surface irrigation systems and (b) the use of the ISAREG model to simulate the present and improved irrigation scheduling alternatives taking into consideration salinity control. Models were used interactively to define alternatives for the irrigation systems and scheduling that would minimize percolation and produce water savings. Foreseen improvements refer to basin inflow discharges, land leveling and irrigation scheduling that could result in water savings of 33% relative to actual demand. These improvements would also reduce percolation and maintain water table depths below 1 m thereby reducing soil salinization.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and industrialization have increased the pressure on limited existing fresh water to meet the growing needs for food production. Two immediate responses to this challenge are the efficient use of irrigation technology and the use of alternative sources of water. Drip irrigation methods may play an important role in efficient use of water but there is still limited information on their use on sugar beet crops in arid countries such as Iran. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of irrigation method and water quality on sugar beet yield, percentage of sugar content and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The irrigation methods investigated were subsurface drip, surface drip and furrow irrigation. The two waters used were treated municipal effluent (EC = 1.52 dS m−1) and fresh water (EC = 0.509 dS m−1). The experiments used a split plot design and were undertaken over two consecutive growing seasons in Southern Iran. Statistical testing indicated that the irrigation method and water quality had a significant effect (at the 1% level) on sugar beet root yield, sugar yield, and IWUE. The highest root yield (79.7 Mg ha−1) was obtained using surface drip irrigation and effluent and the lowest root yield (41.4 Mg ha−1) was obtained using furrow irrigation and fresh water. The highest IWUE in root yield production (9 kg m−3) was obtained using surface drip irrigation with effluent and the lowest value (3.8 kg m−3) was obtained using furrow irrigation with fresh water. The highest IWUE of 1.26 kg m−3 for sugar was obtained using surface drip irrigation. The corresponding efficiency using effluent was 1.14 kg m−3. Irrigation with effluent led to an increase in the net sugar yield due to an increase in the sugar beet root yield. However, there was a slight reduction in the percentage sugar content in the plants. This study also showed that soil water and root depth monitoring can be used in irrigation scheduling to avoid water stress. Such monitoring techniques can also save considerable volumes of irrigation water and can increase yield.  相似文献   

Good water management combined with appropriate soil management is necessary for sustainable crop production in drylands. A pot culture experiment was conducted using sand dune soil under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the application of farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM), and irrigation with water at two salinity levels (0.11 and 2.0 dS m−1) and two irrigation intervals (daily and every second day). The manure was applied at a rate of 20 Mg ha−1. The soil water content, measured 1 h before every irrigation, showed that soil treated with PM retained more water than that treated with FYM, while the control (no manure) contained the least water. FYM treatment resulted in 78 and 21% higher dry matter yield compared to the control and PM treatments, respectively, under daily irrigation using good-quality water. The increase was 29 and 55%, respectively, when saline water was used for daily irrigation. A similar trend was observed with the alternate day irrigation treatment; FYM gave the highest dry matter yield. The number of tillers and plant height showed that FYM was better than PM, which in turn was better than the control under irrigation with good-quality water regardless of the irrigation interval. When water of the highest salinity was used for irrigation, FYM was still always the best, but the control was now better than the PM treatment. The electrical conductivity of the soil measured at the end of the experiment was slightly higher with PM, as compared to the FYM and control treatments. A significant interaction between irrigation water quality and manure application was observed, affecting plant growth. PM aggravated the adverse affect of saline water on plant growth by increasing soil salinity.  相似文献   

Drought and fresh water shortage are in the way of sustainable agriculture development in the North China Plain. The scarcity of fresh water forces farmers to use shallow saline ground water, which helps to overcome drought and increase crop yields but also increases the risk of soil salinization. This paper describes salt regimes and crop responses to saline irrigation water based on field experiments conducted from October 1997 to September 2005. It was found that use of saline water causes the ECe of the topsoil (0–100 cm, Cv: 0.196∼0.330) to be higher and more variable than the subsoil (100–180 cm, Cv: 0.133∼0.219). The salt load rapidly increased, notably in the upper 80 cm and especially during the season of October 1999 to June 2000. It was concluded that the maximum soil depth to which the soil was leached during the wet season was about 150 cm. The relative yields of winter wheat could be ranked Fresh Sufficient (FS, 100%) > Fresh Limited (FL, 91.80%) > Saline Sufficient (SS, 91.63%) > Saline Limited (SL, 88.28%) > Control (C, 69.58%) and for maize FS (100%) > FL (96.37%) > SS (93.05%) > SL (90.04%)> C (89.81%). The best irrigation regime was Saline Limited for winter wheat and maize, provided rainfall is sufficient. The experiments confirm that saline irrigation water appears to be economically attractive to farmers in the short term and ecological hazards can still be controlled with proper leaching.  相似文献   

为做好镇级污水处理厂建后管理工作,促进设施的可持续运行和发挥设施效益,提高镇区的污水集中处理率,改善建制镇的生态环境,丰县在建后管理方面做了一些探索和尝试.根据丰县建制镇污水处理厂数量多、规模小、管理分散等特点,本文阐述了丰县建制镇污水处理设施概况、做法、经验及建议.  相似文献   

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