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Gap fellings are used to promote multi-cohort structures and to restore other natural forest structures and processes in protected areas that have been altered by anthropogenic activities. Gaps and felled trees may also provide breeding material for species that in high numbers can cause significant tree mortality, growth reduction and consequent economic losses in surrounding production forests. In this study, the effect of restoration gap fellings on feeding intensity of Tomicus spp. (pine shoot beetles) was evaluated by counting fallen pine shoots at different distances from gaps in a protected area in eastern Finland. Gap fellings had a clear effect on the feeding intensity of the beetles. The average density of fallen shoots m−2 was 17 within a 10-m distance from gaps but decreased rapidly to around 4 at the distance of 50 m and beyond. The distance decay in shoot feeding is described well by the negative exponential models. Our results suggest that gap fellings have only a localized effect on shoot feeding by Tomicus in the forests surrounding the restoration gaps. In practical restoration, a buffer zone of 100–200 m around the gap fellings, as implemented here, is enough to minimize economically significant growth reduction in surrounding production forests. As shown in this study, restoration of natural forest structures and dynamics to protect biodiversity is not necessarily in conflict with forest hygiene objectives in production forests.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating forest net primary productivity (NPP) plays an important role in study of global carbon budget. A NPP model reflecting the synthetic effects of both biotic (forest stand age, A and stem volume, V) and climatic factors (mean annual actual evapotranspiration, E) was developed for Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) forest by making full use of Forest Inventory Data (FID) and dynamically assessing forest productivity. The NPP of Chinese pine forest was estimated by using this model and the fourth FID (1989–1993), and the spatial pattern of NPP of Chinese pine forest was given by Geography Information System (GIS) software. The results indicated that mean NPP value, of Chinese pine forest was 7.82 t m−2·a−1 and varied at the range of 3.32–11.87 t hm−2·a−1. NPP distribution of Chinese pine forests was significantly different in different regions, higher in the south and lower in the north of China. In terms of the main distribution regions of Chinese pine, the NPPs of Chinese pine forest in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces were in middle level, with an average NPP of 7.4 t hm−2·a−1, that in the southern and the eastern parts (e.g. Shichuang Hunan, Henan, and Liaoning provinces) was higher (over 7.7 t hm−2·a−1), and that in the northern part and western part (e.g. Neimenggu and Ningxia provinces) was lower (below 5 t hm−2·a−1). This study provides an efficient way for using FID to understand the dynamics of foest NPP and evaluate its effects on global climate change. Foundation item: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30028001, 49905005), National Key Basic Research Specific Foundation (G1999043407); the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSC2-1-07). Biography: ZHAO Min (1973-), female, Ph. D. in Laboratory of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Despite the fact that tree plantations are not able to completely replace the ecological function of natural forests, the present study proposes to evaluate for which bird species or avian groups tree plantations act as habitat in fragmented landscape in southern Brazil. We compared the richness and abundance of bird species in a natural forest to adjacent plantations of Araucaria, a native tree species and of pine, an exotic plant in South America. Moreover, we evaluated the impact of tree plantations on richness of avian groups with different levels of dependence on forest habitat, feeding habits and foraging strata as well as on threatened species. The fixed 100 m radius point-counts method was used. A total of 114 bird species were recorded in all areas. Of those, 93 occurred in natural forest, 87 in Araucaria plantations and 81 in pine plantations. These results indicate that richness and abundance were lower in the pine plantations than in the natural forest and in the Araucaria plantations. Araucaria plantations can be used by a high number of bird species and their richness was not significantly lower than that observed in the adjacent natural forest. Our results suggest that Araucaria plantations could act as habitat for a large number of bird species, especially for forest-dependents species, insectivores, frugivores and species at different threat categories.  相似文献   

Research agencies generate a vast number of agroforestry innovations, many of which have significant potential to increase productivity and to improve livelihoods. However, the dissemination of information related to these innovations and their adoption rate remains low throughout Indonesia, particularly in areas with a low level of infrastructure development, such as in Sulawesi, Indonesia. In areas such as these, interpersonal communication between farmers (farmer-to-farmer interpersonal communication) is a significant means by which farmers obtain information related to agroforestry innovations that they may utilize to improve the productivity of their plots. Given the significance of this channel of communication, further investigation is merited to assess how it might be leveraged to improve the dissemination of information related to agroforestry innovations and how it can complement the use of other communication channels. Thus, this study was conducted to identify how farmer-to-farmer interpersonal communication is used and the extent to which it is a preferred means by which information related to agroforestry innovations is disseminated in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews involving 144 farmers (40 % female) from 12 villages in the provinces of South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Results show distinct differences in terms of farmers’ preferences for the various types of disseminators of information related to agroforestry innovations between provinces and genders. It was found that farmers play a significant role as reliable disseminators of information related to agroforestry innovations to a greater extent in areas where farmer’s access to government extension agents is limited and where language barriers act as a constraint to the dissemination of information by these agents. Farmer-to-farmer communication is not the only communication channel for the dissemination of the information, but it is preferred by farmers who only speak local languages. Thus, to enhance the dissemination rate of agroforestry innovations, farmer-to-farmer communication channels should be utilized to complement the use of other channels. In areas where farmer-to-farmer communication channels are preferred, deliberate measures to improve expert farmers’ and opinion leaders’ access to information related to agricultural and agroforestry innovations will facilitate the effective dissemination of this information amongst a greater number of farmers.  相似文献   

IntroductionForestisakindofmulti-function'resourcethatcanbesustaininglyutiIized,butsomeprobIems,suchasinsufficiencyoftimberyieId,soiIerosion,cIimateim-baIanceinpartdistrictetc.,oftenarousedbecauseofincorrectuseandmanagementofnaturalresources.InordertodevelopthefOrestry,IotsoffOrestrypoIi-cieshavebeenissuedandcarriedout.V8rioustypesofforestresourcesmanagementhavebeenaroused,especialIycollectiveforestareasinsouthChina.However,whydiff6rentefficiencies,good,badandworse,eventoresultinthedecrea…  相似文献   


? Context

Two-thirds of Britain’s forest area is privately owned. Thus, understanding private forest owners and managers, and their attitudes to uncertainty and change, is essential for the success of climate change adaptation policies.

? Aim

The aims of this study are to (1) assess how beliefs in climate change in the private sector have influenced forest management practices; (2) identify constraints related to changes in species choice and silvicultural systems; (3) analyse the implications for implementing climate change policy in forestry.

? Method

Semi-structured interviews with key informants who provide advice to, or manage woodlands in, the private forest sector in north Wales.

? Results

Woodland managers and some advisers are not generally convinced of a need to adapt. They feel the future is uncertain, more usually in relation to tree disease than to climate change itself. Species choice is the principle focus of adaptation activities and reveals a deep divide in opinion. Commercial advisors look to new exotics but are inhibited by absence of markets, while small-scale owners rely more on native genetic diversity.

? Conclusions

Findings that are likely to apply widely include: the influential role of forest agents in forest management decisions including species choice; lack of confidence in climate change predictions, and in markets; more immediate concerns about tree pests and diseases; demand for leadership from the public sector, and for engagement amongst the private sector. Further research is needed across a wider area to test the variability in relationship between attitudes and behaviours, and local conditions including climate change predictions.  相似文献   

Standing dead trees (snags) play important roles in forest ecology by storing carbon as well as providing habitats for many species. Moreover, snags preserved for hundreds of years can provide useful data to extend tree-ring chronologies used for climatological and ecological studies beyond the lifespans of living trees. Here we examined the growth patterns of Scots pine snags from the central Scandinavian Mountains, in relation to still living trees. Using changes point analyses, we showed that a majority (74%) of the snags displayed significant negative growth changes prior (on average 17 years) to death. Change points around the same years were also seen in living trees, but they recovered their growth. The average growth reduction of snags showing negative growth changes before death was 46%. In most cases the final growth change points coincided with very cold summers, or to a lesser degree to period of cool summers. It was suggested that pines ending up as snags were less resilient than the trees which continued living, and thus not able to recover after cold summer events. Since the snag growth reductions prior to death were partly unrelated to climate, care should be taken when using such data in dendroclimatological studies.  相似文献   

Tube shelters were designed to protect against browsing, but they improve seedling survival in Mediterranean dry climates. Mechanisms for this response, however, are not fully understood and this knowledge can be useful to help design optimal tube shelters for Mediterranean species and climates. Our objective in this study was to determine if the positive effect of tube shelters is due to enhanced growth during the wet season or to reduced light stress during the dry season. We performed two independent experiments. In the first, we assessed root growth during the wet season in two Mediterranean species with contrasting light tolerance (Quercus ilex L. and Pinus halepensis Mill.) growing in tubes with varying light transmissivity. In the second experiment, we studied the response of a Quercus ilex plantation to different shelter treatments. Root growth during the wet season was reduced with decreasing light transmissivity in the shade intolerant P. halepensis, but not in the shade tolerant Quercus ilex. Survival of Q. ilex shaded by a mesh shelter only during summer was higher than in unsheltered seedlings and similar to the survival in tube and mesh shelters during the whole season. This suggests that shade during the dry period was the main factor explaining survival in this species. This effect could be related to the lower leaf temperature recorded in sheltered seedlings. We conclude that Q. ilex (and perhaps other late successional, shade tolerant Mediterranean species) should be planted in tubes with the currently used light transmissivity because these shelters reduce light stress in summer without impairing root growth in the wet season. However, current tubes impair root growth in P. halepensis (and likely other pioneer, shade intolerant Mediterranean species), so higher transmissivity tubes may be necessary. Optimal transmissivity for tube shelter in Mediterranean climates is species-specific and identifiable as the point that minimizes light stress during summer without impairing root growth in the wet season.  相似文献   

Community forestry, promoted as a “win–win” forest management strategy yielded a variety of results that includes both failure and relative success. The willingness of government to hold control over forest resources while transferring only part of property rights to local communities is one of the major constraints. Therefore, there is a need to explore alternative approaches, which enhance the position and accountability of local communities in community forest management. This study evaluated socio-economic and ecological outcomes of community forestry in a context of important property rights conceded to local communities. The study was conducted using focus groups discussions, forest income evaluation and assessment of forest resources and their dynamics. Findings showed that institutional design with important property rights conceded to local communities partially empowered local communities and reduced threats while improving the condition of forest resources. The approach also yielded positive economic outcomes that enabled bordering populations to make up to 25% of their global annual income from the forest. However, the sustainability of this scheme of forest management was mostly limited by the financial dependency on local non-governmental organization, by local institutions and discrepancy in forest benefits sharing among local forest users.  相似文献   

At Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon, a plywood industry based on exploitation of Ceiba pentandra developed over the last 15 years. By 1975, five Iquitos lumber mills had been set up to convert Ceiba trees to plywood. The cores of the peeled logs were used for local construction and cabinetry, forming an important secondary industry. By 1983, uncontrolled exploitation had led to total depletion of the resource base and collapse of the Iquitos plywood industry.  相似文献   

We examined the following hypotheses: (i) seeds of dry forest trees have high pre- and post-germination mortality by desiccation due to the time between seed dispersal and germination and to irregular rains at the onset of the rainy season; (ii) seedlings from seeds dispersed in the dry season which survive the dry spells are larger at the end of the first rainy season than those dispersed in the rainy season because the former have more time to grow. We evaluated the possible trade-off between few large seedlings (resulting from natural dispersal) × many small seedlings (resulting from delayed dispersal) on seedling survival during the dry season. We sowed eight tree species in a greenhouse in September, simulating the natural dispersal timing (before the rains), and in November, when rains are more constant. Because shading can counteract the effects of desiccation, we applied three levels of shade (10%, 40% and 72% of PPFD). From September 2005 to December 2006, we provided the daily precipitation of a median year from a major patch of dry forest in Central Brazil. At the end of the rainy season, a subset of seedlings was collected for growth measurements (dry mass) and the remainder was left to follow the dry season survivorship. The lower germination expected for seeds dispersed in the dry season and in full sun was not confirmed for species that had some dormancy. The delayed dispersal was advantageous for the initial establishment of fast germinating species, but it was irrelevant or even disadvantageous for others. Also, the greenhouse weather was certainly milder than the natural environment, reducing the potential for mortality by desiccation. The growth of the four species of higher dormancy were not affected by timing of seed dispersal, while three out of four fast germinating species had higher root biomass when dispersed in the dry season. The growth during the rainy season did not affect seedling survival during the dry season. Keeping seeds to sow when rain is constant might be a good strategy to increase the establishment of fast-germinating tree species.  相似文献   

Much has been written about a supposed shift ‘from government to governance’ in many policy areas, including forest policy. However, the idea remains very much at the level of hypothesis as few empirical studies have confirmed the transition. Part of the problem is the multi-dimensional character of governance itself, which includes traditional ‘government’ as one of many possible governance modes. By providing a three dimensional picture of these potential governance modes, including overlapping institutional, political and regulatory dimensions, this article analyses the complex and incomplete character of moves towards any new governance mode in a high-profile land use planning exercise in British Columbia, that of the “Great Bear Rainforest” protected area strategy on the province's mid-coast region in 2006. Little evidence of such a shift is uncovered, despite much rhetoric to the contrary.  相似文献   

Forest management, which is the main focus of this paper, is facing fundamental paradoxes and dilemmas that cannot be addressed by long-term management strategies or management concepts, even where the intention of these strategies is to follow a sustainability path. On this basis, it is argued that sustainability is not a suitable future-oriented term but rather a term oriented towards the present. The more complex the relationships between the different social subsystems, the more rapid the social change of modern societies, the more confusing the present situation and the more unpredictable the future, the less suitable utopian, long-term strategies and the attitude and strategy of firm decisiveness are to address challenges. Several suggested management strategies and techniques such as incrementalism, adaptive management and scenario-analysis are critically discussed. The intention of these strategies is to cope with uncertainty and ignorance. With regard to their limitations, it can be concluded that strategic decisions in the face of uncertainty have to explicitly consider the reversibility of decisions and the awareness of their shortcomings in relation to various dimensions of risk, uncertainty and ignorance. It is therefore necessary to look for modes of planning that actively address uncertainty in organizing learning opportunities and permanent feedback control.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method for evaluating the appropriate number of samples required to estimate plant species richness in different forest types within a forested landscape. In each of 36 plots (0.1 ha each) from 5 forest types (deciduous broad-leaved secondary forest and 4 categories of coniferous plantation classified according to stand age) in central Japan, 40 quadrats of 1 × 1 m were set in a regular pattern; the total number of quadrats in each forest type ranged from 200 to 400. In each plot, the number of observed species in 40 quadrats ranged from 60 to 80% of the number of species estimated by the rarefaction method for each forest type. Sampling 30 quadrats detected approximately 90% of the observed species in each plot that were detected using 40 quadrats. In specific functional groups (i.e., tall trees and weed species), the ratios of both tall trees and weed species to all species were at equilibrium for 30 or more quadrats. For fewer than 30 quadrats these ratios were highly variable. No significant differences were found among forest types in the ratio of the observed number of species in each plot to the estimated number of species calculated using the rarefaction method, and in sampling efficiency estimated by use of non-parametric estimators. We concluded that the number of samples does not need to be changed according to forest type or plantation stand age in the studied landscape, and that the method used to evaluate the number of samples could be useful.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin is a fire-prone area and is expected to continue being so according to projected climate and socioeconomic changes. Sustainable exploitation of forest biomass could have a positive effect on wildfire hazard mitigation. A modelling approach was used to compare how four different Scenarios for biomass collection for energy use affect fire behaviour and potential burnt area at landscape level under extreme meteorological conditions in a typical Mediterranean Massif. A case study of Pinus halepensis stands in Valencia (Eastern Spain) was conducted. The FARSITE simulator was used to evaluate the burnt area and fire behaviour parameters. Simulations predicted a significant increase in the burnt area and the values of most fire behaviour parameters in a Scenario of rural abandonment, relative to the current situation. Biomass management through thinning reduced canopy bulk density; however, no differences in the values of the main fire behaviour parameters were detected. Thinning and understory clearing, including biomass collection in large shrub fuel model areas, significantly reduces fire hazard. Forest biomass sustainable harvesting for energy is expected to reduce fire hazard if management includes intense modification of fuel models, comprising management of shrub biomass at the landscape level. Strong modification of forest fuel models requires intensive silvicultural treatments. Therefore, forest biomass collection for energy in the Mediterranean basin reduces fire hazard only if both tree and shrub strata are managed at landscape level.  相似文献   

Roads are recognised as having different ecological roles such as barrier, corridor or habitat, but the spatial extent of road effects on plant communities in forests remains unclear. We studied the effect of forest road distance on plant understory diversity at 20 sites in young and adult oak stands in a French lowland forest with a long history of management and road construction. All vascular and bryophyte species were collected at five distances ranging from the road verge to 100 m into the adjacent forest stand. We analysed species composition, individual species response, a priori life-history traits response – life form, habitat preference and dispersal mode – and environmental indicator values in relation to road distance and stand age. Plant composition strongly differed between road verge and forest interior habitats. The main road effect extended less than 5 m into the forest stand. A third habitat was detected at the forest-road edge resulting from the road effect on light and soil conditions, and from edge-specific topography. Non-forest species were almost absent from the forest interior. In contrast, many bryophytes and several vascular plants kept away from the road. We identified a posteriori six species groups that better explained the variability of plant response profiles than a priori life-history traits. Plant response to road distance was also dependent on stand age: some species colonised from the road into the forest interior in young stands following regeneration cutting, while other species displayed the reverse pattern in adult stands once canopy closed above the forest road. Even if the depth of forest road effect measured in lowland managed stands was narrow, building of a new forest road has non-negligible effects on plant population dynamics. Forest managers should take into account the impacts of roads on biodiversity, since the expected intensification of silviculture in response to global changes is set to accentuate the effect of forest roads. We recommend further study on the role of dispersal by vehicles (i.e. agestochory) in road effects.  相似文献   

Though rarely used in this way, biological control could potentially be exploited for managing spread of invasive species. Because spread of invasive species emerges from the combined action of population growth and dispersal, natural enemies that affect either of these processes should also affect spread. Dispersal of parasitoid species plays a key role in determining their impact on population growth of an invading host species along their expanding population front. In contrast, dispersal of most true parasites only occurs via movement of hosts so any impact that parasites may have on host dispersal may limit the parasite’s own capacity to keep up with an expanding host population. We test this premise by examining field data from what is probably the best example of the successful use of true parasites in biological control: the nematode Beddingia (=Deladenus) siricidicola, which is released for management of Sirex noctilio populations. We analyze the historical impact of nematode releases on the rate of spread of invasive S. noctilio populations in Southern Argentina. Our findings suggest that, nematode releases did not discernibly slow the spread of S. noctilio populations. We conclude that although entomophagous parasites could be effective at reducing the growth and dispersal of localized host populations, they are unlikely, unless widely released through the leading edges, to slow the spread of invading hosts.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in a lowland degraded Quercus remnant forest in northeastern Greece. In 2006, ten plots of 50 m × 50 m were randomly selected in two site types. Site type A is covered by Quercus pubescensQuercus frainetto stands that are under grazing pressure. In Site type B there are Q. pubescens stands and grazing pressure is more intense. Inside these plots 180 subplots of 2 m × 2 m were established in three regeneration environments and the number of sprouts and seedlings was counted. The three regeneration environments were: (a) rather dense groups of trees, (b) areas with bare soil that alternate with areas with grazed herbs and (c) areas covered only from sparse scattered trees. Moreover the regeneration plants were classed as recently grazed and not recently grazed plants. Six years later, 180 regeneration plants having a height equal to or over 20 cm were selected and were classed as seedlings or sprouts. Sprouts were the dominant form in regeneration. The sprouting ability of Q. pubescens and Q. frainetto seems to be an adaption that enables them to endure grazing. Grazing was the main factor that determined the distribution of regeneration. The ecological differences of the two species do not seem to substantially influence their distribution in the different regeneration environments. It seems that intense grazing keeps the regeneration plants in low height. However, regeneration density can be considered adequate for the perpetuation of the studied stands if the grazing stops.  相似文献   

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