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早春大棚西瓜栽培技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尚会敏 《种业导刊》2013,(12):24-25
早春大棚西瓜比露地栽培西瓜上市早,效益高,为了进一步做好大棚西瓜栽培,提出培育壮苗、精细整地、适期移栽、田间管理等早春大棚西瓜栽培技术,供广大瓜农参考。  相似文献   

五膜大棚西瓜是利用棚膜多层保温,提前错季栽培,提早上市的一项创新项目,比普通大棚西瓜能再提前20~30d成熟。由于上市时间早,西瓜价格高,并且二茬瓜还能与普通大棚瓜同时上市,达到双次高效的目的。大棚一季下来,平均产量7.5万kg/hm^2。其栽培技术规程如下:  相似文献   

大棚设施栽培西瓜因西瓜上市时间较早等原因,一般均能收到不错的经济效益。但大棚设施栽培西瓜投资较大,技术要求较高。2010~2011年度我站在南京市种子站的全力支持下,在桠溪镇叶家村进行了20亩大棚西瓜早熟栽培示范,取得了成功。  相似文献   

徐小荣 《种子科技》2011,29(10):37-38
大棚设施栽培西瓜因西瓜上市时间较早等原因,一般均能收到不错的经济效益。但大棚设施栽培西瓜投资较大,技术要求较高。2010~2011年度我站在南京市种子站的全力支持下,在桠溪镇叶家村进行了20亩大棚西瓜早熟栽培示范,取得了成功。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高 ,消费者对西瓜品质的要求也越来越高 ,特别是优质小西瓜倍受青睐。由于大棚小西瓜上市早、品质优、销路畅 ,经济效益高 ,因此近几年来 ,我县大棚小西瓜种植面积不断增加 ,使瓜农从中获得了不少收益。但同时在生产上也出现了许多问题 ,由于种植密度及整枝留蔓和留瓜数量难掌握 ,给生产造成一定损失。为了探索适宜我县大棚小西瓜高产栽培的种植密度及整枝留蔓、留瓜方式 ,进行了本试验 ,现将试验情况总结如下 :1 供试品种与方法本试验采用大棚爬地、地膜全覆盖 (除沟外 )加小拱棚栽培 ,供试小西瓜品种为日本“早春红…  相似文献   

如东县常年种植西瓜面积在4000hm^2以上,其中早春大棚西瓜从1997年开始示范种植,到目前全县种植面积已达到333hm^2,其种植效益比常规农作物要高,然而由于多年连作,西瓜枯萎病等病害发生严重,造成减产甚至绝收。  相似文献   

大棚小米椒间作西瓜是一种高产高效种植模式,小米椒、西瓜采用温室育苗,田间实行五膜覆盖保温栽培技术,实现小米椒和西瓜早育苗、早移栽、早成熟、早上市,不仅产量高,而且价格好、效益高。每公顷收入45万元以上,取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

山东省烟台市大棚早春茬厚皮甜瓜生产,根据棚型及大棚保温性能差异,一般1~2月份育苗,2~3月份定植,4~5月份上市。这茬甜瓜由于春季温度由低到高,昼夜温差适宜,所以产量高,含糖量高,品质好。上市正值冬季贮藏果品日渐减少的时期,价格好,效益高。一、品种选择  相似文献   

为进一步提高西瓜种植效益,从选用优良品种、嫁接育苗、整地施肥作畦、定植管理、适时采收等方面提出大棚西瓜多层覆盖早熟高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

张超 《科学种养》2010,(9):18-18
<正>大棚西瓜以其上市早、品质好、价格高而深受广大瓜农和消费者喜爱,但随着栽培面积的不断扩大,生产中也凸显出一些问题,主要是炭疽病、疫病、白粉病等病害发病重且较难防治,有些甚至因为病害严重而导  相似文献   

石桂双 《种子科技》2005,23(3):169-169
从上个世纪60年代开始至今,每年冬季都有很多陆地区的育种单位和个人利用海南独特的自然条件进行农作物种子科研、生产,不仅使新品种、新组合的育种周期大大缩短,而且促进了我国主要农作物推广品种的更新和换代,为我国的粮食增产和"菜篮子"的丰盛做出了巨大的贡献.笔者曾多次去过海南进行玉米新品种自交系的选育和繁殖,现结合本人工作实践,浅谈玉米南繁育种应注意的技术要点,供参考.  相似文献   

To determine and utilize RAPD markers linked to resistance to downymildew incited by Peronospora manshurica in soybean, a resistantcultivar `AGS129' was crossed to a susceptible cultivar `Nakhon Sawan 1'(NS1). F2 and BC1 populations were advanced from the F1 and evaluatedfor resistance to the disease. 2-test demonstrated that the resistancewas controlled by a single dominant gene (Rpmx). Near-isogenic lines(NILs) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify RAPDmarkers linked to the gene. Six DNA bulks namely F5(R), F5(S),BC6F3(R), BC6F3(S), F2(R) and F2(S) were set up by pooling equalamount of DNA from 8 randomly selected plants of each disease responsetype. A total of 180 random sequence decamer oligonucleotide primerswere used for RAPD analysis. Primer OPH-02 (5 TCGGACGTGA 3 andOPP-10 (5 TCCCGCCTAC 3) generated OPH-021250 and OPP-10831fragments in donor parent and resistant bulks, but not in the recurrentparent and susceptible ones. Co-segregation analysis using 102 segregatingF2 progenies confirmed that both markers were linked to the Rpmxgene controlling downy mildew disease resistance with a genetic distance of4.9 cm and 23.1 cm, respectively. Marker OPH-021250 was presentin 13 of 16 resistant soybean cultivars and absent in susceptible cultivars,thus confirming a potential for MAS outside the mapping population.  相似文献   

我国已经加入WTO,随着世界经济一体化进程的日益加快,农业生产和农产品市场的竞争亦越来越激烈。低水平、低效益和仅以满足人类食物需求为目的的农业生产已经不能适应新形势的要求:特别是我国农业人口比例过大、人均耕地占有量过少、劳动生产……  相似文献   

1 世界种业30年发展带来的启示 近30年是世界种业发展最快的30年,随着种业技术的革命,种子价值得到了极大的提升,世界种子市场价值从1975年的120亿美元猛增至2006年的340亿美元(Seed News,No.4,2007)。  相似文献   

The tremendous seasonal variation of rainfall and the relative little dispose capacity of sewage are the main reason of the lack of water quantity and the contaminate of water quality in low water season in LIJIANG. Adjusting water quantity is an important measure to resolve the problem. So, the author does an investigation on water resource of LIJIANG, calculates upper-water supply and requires equation. As a result, in the condition of no water adjust, and if in the extraordinary year of the lack of water quantity, the water flow will fade in 2010, and the demand of water quantity of 30 m~3/s in the season of the lack of water will not be satisfied. Based on the actuality of water resource, the thesis introduces the project of mending water reservoir to LIJIANG,analyzes its feasibility in the respect of technique and financial condition,brings forward major problem of the project. The result proves the benefit of the project in the field of environment,economy society is very prominent, and the project is an engineering to realize water resource of LIJIANG reasonable utilize; for the reason to guarantee this project to bring into play its function,it is time to carry out integrate management to water resource and water environment in LIJIANG valley.  相似文献   

面对WTO中国种子企业如何应对   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
韩耀民 《种子科技》2001,19(5):253-255
加入WTO,中国种业面临严峻挑战。文章从适应市场经济要求,完善种子法律法规体系;改造市场结构,建立统一大市场;改革科研体制,促进中子企业与科研单位联合;制定企业长期发展战略,强化和发展企业核心能力;进行组织结构调整,适合企业发展战略;开展资本运营,实现有效购并;选择适合市场经济体制要求的产业化组织形式;加强市场营销体系建设等八个方面提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

In sunflower, the patterns of mitochondrially encoded proteins were compared in five cytoplasmic male sterile lines and the corresponding maintainer lines. The line RHA265 with the original fertile cytoplasm (N) showed a unique protein of 53 kDa that was not present in the male sterile isonuclear lines with the CMS-inducing cytoplasms GIG1, MAX1 and PET2. GIG1 and PET2 expressed an additional 12.4 kDa protein. In dependence of the nuclear background i.e. RHA265 or HA89, respectively, a nuclear encoded 24 kDa protein was present or absent in the mitochondrial protein patterns of GIG1, MAX1 and PET2.Nuclear and cytoplasmic differences in the total respiration of isolated mitochondria were detected using NADH, malate and succinate as substrates. For succinate oxidation in dependence of the nuclear background ANL1 and its maintainer RHA266 showed higher respiration rates than RHA265, ANL2, GIG1, MAX1 and PET2. For NADH total respiration of ANL2, GIG1 and PET2 was more than twice as high than for the isonuclear maintainer line RHA265. Also MAX1 showed an increased oxygen uptake even though not as high. The results demonstrated that considerable differences in the total respiration are possible without obvious relevance to the production of vital pollen. Regarding the engagement of the cytochrome oxidase and alternative pathway no differences were observed between CMS and maintainer lines. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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