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Western Russet, designated experimentally as A7961-1, and resulting from the cross A68113-4 x Bel-Rus, was released in 2004 by the USDA/ARS and the agricultural experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The foliage of Western Russet is spreading, with medium-sized olive-green leaves and abundant white flowers. The tubers are tan, with medium russet skin, oblong shape, a slightly prominent eyebrow, white flesh, and distinctly visible pith. Western Russet was compared with Russet Burbank in trials across the Pacific Northwest for yield, quality, and disease response. In general, Western Russet produced lower total yields than Russet Burbank, but on average and depending on location, similar U.S. No. 1 yields. When observed for defect problems, Western Russet exhibited resistance to second growth, growth cracks, shatter bruise, stem-end discoloration, and heat necrosis, moderate resistance to hollow heart, and moderate susceptibility to blackspot bruise. In product quality tests, Western Russet was rated similar to Russet Burbank for french fry and dehydrated potato flake quality and slightly inferior for baked potato quality. In replicated evaluations, Western Russet was found to have good field resistance to common scab and PVYo, and moderate resistance to verticillium wilt and tuber net necrosis caused by PLRV. It demonstrated susceptibility to late blight, foliar PLRV, dry rot, soft rot, and tuber early blight. Biochemical analysis of Western Russet tubers showed markedly higher vitamin C content than those of Russet Burbank. Tuber glycoalkaloid concentration in tubers produced in a 1988 trial was 1.0 mg 100 g?1.  相似文献   

Gem Russet, a new medium maturing, long russet potato variety, was released in 2000 by the USDA/ARS and the experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It is suited for use in the fresh, frozen-fried processing, and dehydration markets. Total tuber yield of Gem Russet is similar to that of Russet Burbank when grown in eastern Idaho, but lower when grown in the long-season areas of western Idaho and the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington. U.S. No. 1 yield is consistently higher that that of Russet Burbank. Tubers of Gem Russet have good processing and baked quality. Gem Russet is resistant to most external and internal physiological defects, including second growth, growth cracks, shatter bruise, and hollow heart. It is moderately susceptible to blackspot bruise. Gem Russet shows extreme resistance to potato virus X, resistance to common scab, and moderate resistance to early dying. Biochemical analysis of Gem Russet tubers has shown higher solids, lower reducing sugar and glycoalkaloid content, and higher concentration of protein and vitamin C when compared with tubers of Russet Burbank.  相似文献   

Acadia Russet produces oblong, smooth, slightly russeted tubers, that have excellent and uniform type and appearance and Kennebec table quality. This cultivar is well adapted to the Canadian Maritime Provinces, is similar to Kennebec in yield and later in maturity. Its type, appearance, yield, grade-out and quality should make it competitive with other cultivars in the count box trade and the fresh market.  相似文献   

Summit Russet (A84118-3), the result of the cross A77236-6 x TND329-1Russ, was released in 2003 by the USDA/ARS and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The vines of Summit Russet are erect, with very thick stems, large yellowish-green leaves and abundant white flowers. The tubers are tan, with medium russet skin, long-flattened shape, a slightly prominent eyebrow, white flesh, and moderately prominent pith. Tuber dormancy is very long. Summit Russet was compared with Russet Burbank in trials across the Pacific Northwest for yield, quality, and disease response. In general, Summit Russet produced similar or lower total yields than did Russet Burbank, but higher U.S. No. 1 yields. In Idaho variety trials, Summit Russet exhibited resistance to second growth, growth cracks, blackspot bruise, and stem-end discoloration, and moderate susceptibility to hollow heart and shatter bruise. In comprehensive product quality evaluations, Summit Russet was rated superior to Russet Burbank for french fry quality and similar for baked potato quality. French fry quality was retained after long-term storage. In replicated disease trials, Summit Russet was found to have good resistance to common scab, early blight tuber rot, and Verticillium wilt, and moderate resistance to Fusarium dry rot and tuber net necrosis caused by PLRV. It demonstrated susceptibility to late blight, foliar PLRV, PVX, PVYo, and bacterial soft rot. Biochemical analysis of Summit Russet tubers showed them to be higher in total solids and sucrose, and lower in dextrose than those of Russet Burbank. Tuber glycoalkaloid concentration as measured from tubers produced in 1994–1996 trials was 6.7 mg 100 g1.  相似文献   

Russet Nugget is an oblong, smooth, high yielding potato with fresh market and processing qualities. It emerges quickly, produces an erect, large, vigorous vine with a profusion of white flowers, and is late maturing. Russet Nugget is very resistant to common scab, and moderately resistant to leafroll net necrosis,Vertcillium wilt, and early blight (tuber and foliage). In the San Luis Valley of Colorado, yield of Russet Nugget is comparable to Russet Burbank, with a significantly greater percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers. In Texas, total yield is comparable to Norgold 40, with a slightly lower percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers. Tubers of Russet Nugget have high specific gravity and vitamin C content.  相似文献   

Ranger Russet, a new full-season potato variety, was jointly released to growers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado on May 14, 1991. Ranger Russet was tested in irrigated performance trials in the Western U.S. since 1979. It produces a large yield of high quality, long, russet-skinned tubers that are well suited for baking and processing into french fries. Ranger Russet is more resistant than Russet Burbank to Verticillium wilt, viruses X and Y, leafroll net necrosis, and Fusarium dry rot. It is highly resistant to hollow heart.  相似文献   

IdaRose is a late-maturing, potato variety with round, dark red tubers. It has high yield potential and exceptionally long tuber dormancy. IdaRose was released in 2000 by the USDA/ARS and the experiment stations of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. It resulted from a 1982 cross of Sangre and TXA218-7. IdaRose is suited for use in both the early summer and storage fresh markets. Tuber yield of IdaRose is higher than that of Dark Red Norland and Sangre. It has yield potential similar to or slightly lower than Red LaSoda. Tubers of IdaRose have good internal and external quality. Culinary quality of boiled, baked, and micro-waved IdaRose tubers is excellent. It has moderate resistance to growth cracks, hollow heart, and other defect problems. IdaRose is susceptible or moderately susceptible to most common field diseases of potato. Tubers of IdaRose have dry matter content (19.2%) similar to other standard red varieties, and have a relatively high concentration of sugars and low concentration of glycoalkaloids (2.4 mg/100 g).  相似文献   

Pacific Russet is a high-yielding, early maturing, oblong russet fresh market cultivar with excellent tuber appearance and culinary quality. In trials conducted in western Canada the yield of the new cultivar was generally superior to Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet, and Atlantic at 80, 90, and 110 days after planting. In the North Central Regional Variety Trial the yield of Pacific Russet exceeded that of Russet Norkotah in four of the eight sites in 2000 and three of the eight sites in 2001. In trials conducted in Ontario (Canada) Pacific Russet exceeded the yield of Goldrush at both sites in 2001 and in 2002 at two of the three sites that included both cultivars. External and internal defects occur at very low levels. The new cultivar is resistant to common scab and moderately resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium wilt, but susceptible to Fusarium dry rot and late blight (foliar). Pacific Russet shows clear foliar but not tuber symptoms when infected with bacterial ring rot.  相似文献   

BelRus, a new russet potato variety, is medium late in maturity and adapted primarily for the Northeastern United States and northern Florida. Tubers are long, smooth and moderately flat with a heavy russet skin. Eyes are shallow and immediately adjacent skin is, for the most part, nonrussetted in the Northeastern U.S. Industry speaks of the BelRus there as the “white eyed russet.” BelRus is slightly higher in specific gravity than ‘Russet Burbank’, has a superior flavor when baked, and yields excellent french fries and flakes. Glycoalkaloid content of BelRus is quite low, being about 2 mg/100 g fresh tissue. BelRus is immune to virus A and tuber net necrosis; highly resistant to tuber heat necrosis, northern root knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla), and the pinkeye bacterial disease; moderately resistant to scab, Verticillium wilt, leaf roll and potato virus Y. It is not resistant to either late blight or early blight, or viruses M, S, and X. Necrotic spotting of the foliage occurs following periods of high temperature and extended drought. BelRus has demonstrated high tolerance to bruising and storage rots incurred during harvest and handling. Shrinkage in bulk storage has been minimal. BelRus is recommended to be planted at about 25 cm (10 inches) in-the-row on 90 cm (36) rows with about 215 kg (180–200 lbs/acre), N2/ha in-the-row.  相似文献   

‘Marcy’ is a white-skinned, white-fleshed potato cultivar notable for its high yield, good chip color, and resistance to common scab and race Ro1 of the golden cyst nematode. It was selected from a cross made at Cornell University in 1990 between ‘Atlantic’ and Q155-3. Full-season marketable yields of Marcy have averaged 15% to 20% greater than Atlantic in 83 trials across New York, Maine, and Pennsylvania. Specific gravity of Marcy has averaged 0.008 less than Atlantic. Chip color out of 7 C storage in New York has been similar to ‘Pike’, but not as light as ‘Snowden’. Marcy tubers have an attractive oval shape, shallow eyes, and highly textured skin. Marcy was jointly released by the New York and Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Stations in 2002.  相似文献   

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