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A dairy herd (102 cattle) which had been enrolled under a paratuberculosis control program for two years utilizing a complement fixation test (carbohydrate antigen) and intradermal skin test (johnin PPD) was subjected to two further herd tests and followed to slaughter to determine infection status by culture and histology. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection was demonstrated in 37 of the animals of which only five were considered reactors on the basis of the last two herd tests applied. Cultural and histopathological evaluation indicated the testing procedures had eliminated heavily infected animals. The limitations of these testing procedures under free stall housing conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first formal epidemiological study in Northern Ireland of risk factors for bovine tuberculosis (TB) associated with farm boundaries, neighbours and wildlife. The study was designed as a case-control study and 427 dairy herds were investigated between December 1993 and January 1995. The case herds had more than 30 cattle, and herds in which the source of infection had been ascribed to purchased cattle were avoided. Data on the Department of Agriculture Animal Health Computer were used in conjunction with data collected through a questionnaire to examine a range of possible risk factors, including the number and nature of the farm boundaries, the number of neighbours and their TB history, the number of hedgerows, the presence of badger setts, whether badger carcases had been found on the land, and the possible presence of deer. A follow-up telephone survey was conducted to minimise bias. The results highlighted two main associations with TB breakdowns, the presence of badgers, and contiguous neighbours who had had confirmed TB breakdowns. The estimated aetiological fraction for both associations was approximately 40 per cent, suggesting that although infected cattle may have a significant role in the transmission of TB their importance relative to the badger may have been over-estimated in the Northern Ireland TB scheme. The contribution of the badger is possibly one of several main reasons for the lack of significant progress in TB eradication despite strenuous efforts associated with all aspects of the scheme.  相似文献   

A total number of 640 staphylococci isolated from cows' milk were tested by latex agglutination and coagulase tests. About 50% of coagulase positive and 5% of coagulase negative staphylococci were positive to the latex agglutination tests. Latex agglutination tests were found to be not satisfactory for determining the coagulase status of staphylococci isolated from cows' milk.  相似文献   

The intensity of heat signs in buffaloes is generally low and the incidence of suboestrus varied from 15 to 73% (Buffalopedia). The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of monitoring the changes in some milk constituents, oestradiol levels and electrical conductivity of vaginal mucus during peri‐oestrous period in prediction of the timing of oestrus in buffaloes. Twenty‐one Egyptian buffaloes aged 3–9 year, 1st–6th lactations, were examined by oestrous detector and ultrasonographically for monitoring the ovarian and uterine activity for 7 days around the time of standing oestrus. Sodium, potassium, chloride and lactose were assayed in aqueous phase of milk; besides, oestradiol was estimated in serum. Current results declared highly significant acute changes in milk constituents at the time of oestrus characterized by peaking of chloride and sodium levels and lowering of potassium and lactose values. The alternation in milk composition when arranged in decreasing order of magnitude, sodium was the highest (77.78 ± 0.69%), followed by chloride (61.60 ± 1.52%) and potassium (?58.14 ± 10.89%). Concomitantly, milk lactose decreased by 26.07 ± 7.97% compared to baseline levels. Synchronously, vaginal electrical resistance (VER) showed a significant (p < 0.01) decrease, but serum oestradiol 17β levels surged (59.93 ± 7.29 pg/ml) on day of oestrus. Serum oestradiol level was negatively correlated with VER (r = ?0.577), potassium (r = ?0.661), positively correlated with chloride (r = 0.707) and sodium (r = 0.579) and not correlated with lactose levels. These results for the first time suggested that the changes in constituents of milk during peri‐oestrous period may be used as a practical non‐invasive indicator for oestrous detection and prediction of ovulation in Egyptian buffaloes.  相似文献   

Routine Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) monitoring of a commercial beef herd in southern New South Wales over a 10-year period provided an opportunity to assess the impact of the introduction of BVDV on that herd. BVDV antibody testing provided strong evidence that the herd was initially free of BVDV (2009–2011). Testing from 2012 suggested BVDV had been introduced into the herd and this was confirmed in 2015 with the identification of persistently infected (PI) animals. Having become established in the herd, the owners then set out to eliminate BVDV from the herd. Antigen testing aimed at identifying PI animals revealed BVDV was already absent from the herd. Subsequent antibody testing confirmed that the herd was now free from BVDV. Despite the incursion of BVDV in this herd, there was little measurable impact on reproductive performance (pregnancy rates), although suspected increased calf losses from birth to calf marking were reported. This is the first time such self-clearance has been documented as part of a longitudinal study under Australian conditions.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to estimate the true prevalence of Brucella spp. and identify allied risk factors/indicators associated with brucellosis in the Dinajpur and Mymensingh districts of Bangladesh. A total 320 stratified random blood samples were collected and tested in parallel for Brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal (RBT), slow agglutination (SAT), and indirect and competitive ELISA. In addition, a structured questionnaire was administered to each household herd owner to gather information regarding potential risk factors. Both univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify potential risk factors or indicators at animal level. A Bayesian approach was used to estimate the true prevalence of brucellosis along with the test performances (Se and Sp). The estimated animal level true prevalence in cattle was 9.70 % (95 % CPI 5.0–16 %) and in goat 6.3 % (95 % CPI 2.8–11.0 %). The highest sensitivity was achieved by SAT ranges from 69.6 to 78.9 %, and iELISA was found to be more specific (97.4 to 98.8 %) in comparison with other tests. On the other hand, a significant level of (P?<?0.05) Brucella seropositivity was found in cattle that breed naturally compared with those that undergo artificial insemination. In goats, exotic breeds were significantly associated (P?<?0.05) with Brucella seroprevalence compared with indigenous breeds. Goats with a previous records of abortion and/or retained placenta were also found to have significant levels (P?<?0.05). Cows with previous abortion records showed higher odds (18 times) of being seropositive. None of the evaluated tests can be recommended to apply alone for the diagnosis of bovine and caprine brucellosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to relate acetone in milk with cow and management factors in one low producing dairy herd (5260 kg milk per 305-day lactation). Milk acetone was measured in regular monthly milk samples one to three times within 100 days of lactation in 4433 lactations (2639 cows, 7800 measurements) from one herd over a period of 32 months (1988-91). Associations between milk acetone and cow factors and surrogate measures of management were evaluated by variance components of multiple fixed effect models. Lactation stage, calendar month of study, production groups and milk yield were strong, and percentage milk fat and parity were weak predictors of milk acetone. There was a trend of increasing body weight loss from the first to the second month of lactation with increasing milk acetone level. A substantial increase in milk production in 1991 was accompanied by an almost twofold rise in milk acetone. It was concluded that environmental parameters had strong relationships with milk acetone even in this low-producing herd.  相似文献   

Data from cattle herds infected with brucellosis and from control (noninfected) herds were collected and analyzed using case control techniques. It appeared that herds located close to other infected herds and those herds whose owners made frequent purchases of cattle had an increased risk of acquiring brucellosis, particularly those who made purchases from other herds or from cattle dealers. Infected herds had a lower level of vaccination than noninfected herds. However, the percentage vaccinated was highly variable in each group. Vaccination per se did not appear to adversely influence the interpretation of serological test results nor did it appear to protect the individual animal. Once infected, the time required to become free of brucellosis was increased by large herd size and/or loose housing. Closed herds also took longer to become brucellosis free than more open herds. The percentage of animals removed from the herd was increased by active abortion. Those herds with multiple serological reactors (positives and questionables) at the first herd test after the imposition of quarantine had the highest percentage of cattle removed.  相似文献   

Fifty-one calves were divided into six trial groups of seven to eleven animals and vaccinated with a commercial leptospiral vaccine containing serovars pomona and hardjo. Vaccinations were given at 6,7,14 or 21 months of age and animals in various groups were vaccinated on one to four occasions. Antibody responses were determined by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) and the complement fixation test (CFT) at one to four weeks intervals until 66 weeks after the start of the trial. Fifty percent or greater agglutination in serum diluted 1:100 or more and 50% or greater fixation of complement in serum diluted 1:20 or more were considered positive titres in the MAT or CFI respectively. Positive titres were still present in some animals six weeks after vaccination at 21 months of age. In other cases MAT titres (range 1:100-1:3000) persisted for 7-23 weeks and CFI titres (range 1:20-1540) persisted for 1-14 weeks. Marked individual variation in serological findings occurred using either test. In general the number of animals producing a positive titre, and the magnitude and persistence of titres was related to the number of doses of vaccine given. It was concluded that for diagnostic purposes neither the CFT nor the MAT could reliably differentiate titres due to vaccination from those following natural infections.  相似文献   

牛布鲁氏杆菌病(简称牛布病)是由布鲁氏杆菌引起的人畜共患传染病,不仅危害畜牧业的健康发展,而且对人类健康也构成威胁。本文通过对康乐县苏集镇一养殖户饲养的牛感染布鲁氏杆菌病的净化处置,结合实际,对今后布病的防控提出了建议和意见。  相似文献   

In a large herd 427 cows were examined for reproductive condition 26 to 34 days after calving. Progesterone profiles were obtained from a total of over 5000 milk samples which were taken twice weekly for 4 weeks, starting at the time of examination, and again 21, 23, and 25 days later. Researchers lived on the farm during the experiment to sample cows and record all data. Electronic probe measurements of cervical-vaginal mucus also were obtained. All cows were inseminated artificially with frozen semen from one organization. Eleven percent of the cows were not inseminated in the estrual phase as determined by substantial concentrations of progesterone in milk (MP), and 2% were pregnant and aborted following insemination. The MP 23 to 25 days after insemination essentially was 100% accurate in predicting nonpregnancy and was preferable to day 21. When used in conjunction with MP on the day of insemination pregnancy prediction 23 to 25 days after insemination was 84% accurate. Non-return rate 60 days after insemination was 7% higher than palpated pregnancy rate. The use of electronic probes under large herd conditions was labor intensive and did not give repeatably distinctive values at estrus.  相似文献   

Variances in milk and fat yields due to herd-period-season effects (period either 6 or 12 months, and season either 1, 2 or 4 months) were partitioned fitting a three nested effects model with herd, period within herd and season within period within herd as random nested effects, sire a fixed effect and linear and quadratic regressions on age at calving. The overall effects of period and season of calving were regarded as fixed effects and were removed by precorrecting records using least squares constants estimated from the same data. Environmental correlations within herd, herd-period and herd-period-season were also estimated for all period and season groupings. Records of first lactation milk and fat yields on 25 158 progeny of 69 widely used proven Friesian-Holstein sires in 832 herds in England and Wales were used.The variance components for the effects of herd, period within herd, season within period within herd and residual accounted for 31, 6, 5 and 58% of the total variance in milk yield, and 35, 8, 7 and 50% of the variance in fat yield, respectively, using a period of 12 months and a season of 4 months. Differences amongst correlations within the same herd-period-season, fitting seasons of different lengths, were small. It was therefore concluded that shorter seasons in a herd-period-season fixed effect model of sire evaluation would be of no advantage.  相似文献   

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