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规模化猪场为了保证合理的胎龄结构.每年必须及时补充后备母猪到繁殖群中去.以维持种猪群的生产需要.补充的数量已引起猪场管理人员的足够重视.而补充的质量有时未引起关注。为了降低饲养后备母猪的成本.提高其利用率.笔者根据多年的养殖经验.现把后备母猪的饲养与管理分述如下.供同行参考,  相似文献   

后备母猪的饲养管理对于猪场养殖的经济效益有着十分重要的影响,因此如何培育优良的后备母猪逐步成为了提高母猪生产性能的主要探讨话题。后备母猪主要是指从2月龄开始到初配之前所存留并当作种用猪的母猪,他们是繁殖猪群的重要组成部分,后备母猪生产性能的好坏影响着整个猪群繁殖的性能。所以我们可以说,后备母猪饲养管理工作对于整个养猪业来说都是一个承前启后的重要环节。  相似文献   

养猪户要提高养猪效益,想获得身体健壮、数量多、质量好的仔猪,养好母猪是关键。尤其要选择优良后备母猪群,应加强后备母猪饲养管理。笔者通过二十多年养猪生产技术指导和实践,积累了一些生产管理经验,现就后备母猪的选择与饲养管理技术,简述如下。1后备母猪的品种组合与选择1.  相似文献   

合理及时地补充后备母猪是一个猪场保持持续性高生产力的前提和基础。有计划地补充繁殖性能较好的后备母猪,可保持猪群合理的胎次结构。为保持基础种猪群优秀的生产成绩,每年应淘汰老龄、发情配种异常以及泌乳和护仔性能差的母猪.按计划选留后备母猪补充到生产猪群中.种母猪补充以自繁自养选留和外购选留两种方式来满足。选留数量:生产母猪数×母猪年更替率,即生产母猪×30%;如果自繁自养选留,初选数量为:生产母猪×30÷60%。  相似文献   

后备母猪是仔猪育成结束至初配种前的培育阶段。在后备母猪的饲养和管理在生产实践中,母猪每年的淘汰率在30%~50%,为使繁殖母猪保持较高的生产水平和稳定性,每年都要补充后备母猪,淘汰部分年老体弱、繁殖性能低下以及有其他机能障碍的母猪。因此,后备母猪构成了繁殖群的一个重要部分,  相似文献   

在开展规模化生猪养殖过程中,要充分重视后备母猪饲养管理技术创新,结合养猪场实际情况,不断创新养殖技术,从后备母猪养殖管理、配套饲料、日常管理、疫病防治等多个角度入手,构建现代规模化猪场配套体系,提升养殖综合效果,为养殖户带来更多的经济效益。针对当前后备母猪饲养管理过程中可能出现的问题进行了分析,并给出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

母猪的重要性是不言而喻的,如何饲养管理好猪场的母猪群,经验告诉我们,在品种、栏舍设计已成定局的条件下,合理的保健 科学的免疫 正确的营养 合适的管理,那么母猪这台造钱机器才能正常运转,才能最大程度的发挥其繁殖性能,正确的营养 合适的管理是一个基础,那么在良好的环境条件下,母猪的保健和免疫才能发挥最佳效果,母猪才能生产出健壮而多的仔猪。在这里仅就营养和管理方面发表一下自己的见解,其它暂且不论。一、后备母猪的饲养管理“教育要从娃娃抓起”,养猪也一样。后备母猪的饲养管理非常重要,如同高楼大厦的地基,后备阶段的饲养管理决…  相似文献   

后备母猪的科学化管理奠定了猪场长远发展的基础,对实现猪场自繁自养、提高综合养殖效益意义重大。总结了后备母猪阶段性的饲养管理技术要点,以期为培育出具有优良繁殖性能的后备母猪,在受胎率和产子成活率上得到显著提高,为猪场优化整群、提升综合养殖效益提供参考。  相似文献   

周彦飞 《猪业科学》2008,25(7):33-35
众所周知,猪场获利的关键在于母猪的生产性能,其高与低很大程度上取决于后备母猪的培育.后备母猪约占猪场母猪群的25%~30%,是种猪群的生力军.  相似文献   

空怀母猪.指未配或配种未孕的母猪,包括青年后备母猪和经产母猪(返情、流产、空怀、断奶、超期未配等)。它饲养管理的目标是:促使青年母猪早发情、多排卵、早配种达到多胎高产的目的:对断奶母猪或未孕母猪,积极采取措施组织配种,缩短空怀时间。  相似文献   

夏季气温高,湿度大,若不采取防范措施,会造成妊娠母猪食欲减退,采食量减少、体温升高、呼吸次数增加,并由此引发妊娠母猪机体营养不良、产奶量降低,更为严重的还会出现死胎。因此,搞好夏季饲养管理,可有效提高妊娠母猪的生产性能,增加饲养户的经济效益。(一)提供适宜的温、湿度  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV) among breeding sows was estimated in Castilla y León, the largest region in Spain, by a cross-sectional study. Serum samples (1247) were taken from sows from 58 different herds for this purpose throughout 1988 and were tested by a monoclonal antibody-capture ELISA (MACELISA), a test which detects antibodies to both transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) and PRCV. In order to discriminate positive sera to both coronaviruses, a blocking inhibition ELISA was used for all MACELISA-positive sera. By MACELISA, 31.4% of sera tested were positive and all of them were confirmed specifically as PRCV-positive by blocking inhibition ELISA, thus ruling out the presence of TGEV in the sampled area: 64% of the farms had at least one PRCV-seropositive sow, indicating that the infection was widespread Farms were classified into three categories, according to size and management practices. No significant differences were found in the prevalence rates among the three farm types; there was, however, a highly significant correlation between increasing farm size and increasing within-farm seropositivity.  相似文献   

昌捷  邢孔萍  卢秋咏 《猪业科学》2021,38(6):104-106
便秘是指排便频率减少,粪便量少且干结.在工业化养殖场,母猪便秘并不罕见,其直接或间接地影响母猪的繁殖性能,给猪场带来损失.关于母猪便秘的研究,绝大多数集中在妊娠阶段;事实上,即使在人类,产后便秘都是一种不可忽视的疾病.早在东汉末年,张仲景在《金匮要略》中就提出,大便难是产后三大疾病之一.目前,几乎看不到关于论述围产期母...  相似文献   

Delaying the onset of estrus after weaning and adding fat to the postweaning diet were studied for their effects on estrus and fertility in 232 crossbred primiparous sows on a commercial swine farm. Sows were assigned randomly to the following treatments after weaning in June, July, August, or September, 1983: 1) altrenogest (20 mg/d) was fed for 7 d after weaning (n = 76), 2) altrenogest was fed for 7 d plus .53 kg dried animal and vegetable fat product (.45 kg actual fat/d) for 14 d after weaning (n = 78), or 3) no treatment (controls, n = 78). While a similar proportion of sows came into heat after weaning (lactation length = 4 wk), sows fed altrenogest (14.4 +/- .2 d) returned to estrus about 9 d later (P less than .01) than controls (5.6 +/- .2 d). Serum progesterone concentration was assayed in blood samples collected from a subgroup (74%) of the cows not observed in estrus by 3 wk after weaning to determine possible causes of anestrus. If serum progesterone (greater than 5 ng/ml) was elevated, we assumed that sows had ovulated without expressing estrus (behavioral anestrus) or ovulated with undetected estrus (less overt estrus or error in estrous detection), whereas low progesterone (less than or equal to 5 ng/ml) indicated that sows were anovulatory. About 53% of the sows not observed in estrus across all treatments had luteal function, probably resulting from post-weaning ovulation. Incidence of anovulation without estrus was 47%. Farrowing rate was higher (P less than .05) for sows fed only altrenogest (64%) compared with controls (46%), but similar to fat supplemented, altrenogest-treated sows (52%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The death of over 300 sows in 2 months on a 3000 sow farrow-to-isowean operation in Manitoba was attributed to infection with Actinobacillus equuli. This pathogen commonly infects foals, and is rarely reported in swine. Our report is the second recently published case of this pathogen in North American swine.  相似文献   

Within a year, 4438 blood sera of sows coming from 25 farms of the Strakonice district were subjected to serological examination by the reaction of microagglutination lysis (RMAL) with 12 strains of Leptospira. The reaction was positive in 3.22% of all the blood sera. Separate significant titres were demonstrated in the reaction with the Leptospira organisms of four serological groups, including Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Hebdomadis and Australis. The reactions with the Leptospira of the Canicola serological group were observed only individually as coagglutination with a simultaneous occurrence of antibodies to Leptospira of the Grippotyphosa serological group. The highest number of reactions 119 (75.8%) was demonstrated in titre 400.  相似文献   

In conclusion, replacement gilts should be finally selected before 110 kg body weight and should have been stimulated to reach puberty by this time. Currently, the best method for achieving this is ad libitum feeding and the correct use of boar exposure. However, whether ad libitum feeding will always be the best feeding strategy remains to be seen. The impressive success of selection programs and the potential for the use of growth promoters and repartitioning agents in the feeder barn may require that future replacements be identified at an early stage and raised under a separate feeding regimen. To produce a large first litter, gilts should be bred at their second estrus. There is unlikely to be any further increase in litter size by delaying mating to third estrus. A major consideration when choosing when to breed replacements is the length of their productive life. For many farms, this may be maximized by delaying breeding until the sow is 120 to 130 kg body weight with a minimum backfat depth of 18 mm. For the producer who is able to exert control over lactation condition loss, however, breeding replacements at about 110 kg body weight with backfat depths of 14 to 16 mm should not adversely affect long-term performance. Although it is true that, under some conditions, the lean gilt may become a problem, it is equally true that her potential is as great as her fatter contemporaries. Whether this potential is realized is largely under the producer's control. Regarding the boar, nutritional management need not vary from that provided for gilts. However, if replacement boars are raised on-farm, it is of great importance that they be allowed to socially interact with other pigs. Failure to provide this opportunity will result in a boar with reduced libido.  相似文献   

To investigate the prevalence of chlamydial infection and their significance for reproductive disorders in sow breeding herds in Germany, blood samples of 1493 pigs were taken for a serological survey by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay (ELISA). Antibodies to Chlamydiae were found in 33% of the samples, in all herds investigated responders could be detected. The rate of seropositive animals in different farms varied from 4.3% to 72.7%. The percentage of positive responders in the farms correlated positively with the occurrence of MMA-syndrome (mastitis, metritis, agalactia), return to oestrus and diseases of the piglets. Also these herds showed less weaned piglets per sow and litter. Comparison of seronegative and seropositive sows within single farms revealed also worse reproductive data for seropositive sows. A significant relationship could be found between farms with a high quota of sero-positive sows and poor hygiene status as well as poultry keeping. As a second step 124 cervical swabs and 9 aborted piglets were investigated for chlamydial antigen by capture-ELISA and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Using the capture-ELISA for investigation only 3 probes with chlamydial antigen could be detected, however, examination by the more sensible PCR gave positive results in 50% of the probes. 20% of the PCR-positive animals were clinically healthy sows, 80% of the PCR-positive probes originated from sows with reproductive disorders. A significant relationship could be shown between PCR-positive probes and the incidence of abortion and litters with stillborn piglets and piglets with low viability. Swabs from 93 of the 124 sows were investigated as well for other bacterial pathogens of reproductive disorders. A high degree of micro-organisms of different species could be detected in 70% of the samples of sows with reproductive disorders and in 35% of the samples of clinically healthy sows. Species differentiation of the chlamydial antigen positive samples was done by southern blot hybridisation. Herewith C. psittaci could be diagnosed in all positive samples. Additionally 8 probes revealed a mixed infection with C. psittaci and C. trachomatis. The results of the present study show, that the prevalence of chlamydial infections in breeding herds is high and underline the importance of chlamydial infections for reproductive disorders. Single chlamydial infections as well as mixed infections with other pathogens must be considered.  相似文献   

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