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Water surged from Puget Sound sometime between 1000 and 1100 years ago, overrunning tidal marshes and mantling them with centimeters of sand. One overrun site is 10 kilometers northwest of downtown Seattle; another is on Whidbey Island, some 30 kilometers farther north. Neither site has been widely mantled with sand at any other time in the past 2000 years. Deposition of the sand coincided-to the year or less-with abrupt, probably tectonic subsidence at the Seattle site and with landsliding into nearby Lake Washington. These findings show that a tsunami was generated in Puget Sound, and they tend to confirm that a large shallow earthquake occurred in the Seattle area about 1000 years ago.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon ages of submerged trees on landslide deposits in Lake Washington, Seattle, indicate that the most recent slides in three separate areas may have occurred simultaneously about 1000 years ago. Tree ring crossdating shows that seven bark-bearing trees from one of these recent slides and a tree 23 kilometers to the northwest in a probable tsunami deposit on the shore of Puget Sound died in the same season of the same year. The close coincidence among the most recent lake landslides, a probable tsunami, abrupt subsidence, and other possible seismic events gives evidence for a strong prehistoric earthquake in the Seattle region.  相似文献   

Shorelines rose as much as 7 meters along southern Puget Sound and Hood Canal between 500 and 1700 years ago. Evidence for this uplift consists of elevated wave-cut shore platforms near Seattle and emerged, peat-covered tidal flats as much as 60 kilometers to the southwest. The uplift was too rapid for waves to leave intermediate shorelines on even the best preserved platform. The tidal flats also emerged abruptly; they changed into freshwater swamps and meadows without first becoming tidal marshes. Where uplift was greatest, it adjoined an inferred fault that crosses Puget Sound at Seattle and it probably accompanied reverse slip on that fault 1000 to 1100 years ago. The uplift and probable fault slip show that the crust of the North America plate contains potential sources of damaging earthquakes in the Puget Sound region.  相似文献   

Episodes of nonvolcanic tremor and accompanying slow slip recently have been observed in the subduction zones of Japan and Cascadia. In Cascadia, such episodes typically last a few weeks and differ from "normal" earthquakes in their source location and moment-duration scaling. The three most recent episodes in the Puget Sound/southern Vancouver Island portion of the Cascadia subduction zone were exceptionally well recorded. In each episode, we saw clear pulsing of tremor activity with periods of 12.4 and 24 to 25 hours, the same as the principal lunar and lunisolar tides. This indicates that the small stresses associated with the solid-earth and ocean tides influence the genesis of tremor much more effectively than they do the genesis of normal earthquakes. Because the lithostatic stresses are 10(5) times larger than those associated with the tides, we argue that tremor occurs on very weak faults.  相似文献   

To show that honey bees are effective biological monitors of environmental contaminants over large geographic areas, beekeepers of Puget Sound, Washington, collected pollen and bees for chemical analysis. From these data, kriging maps of arsenic, cadmium, and fluoride were generated. Results, based on actual concentrations of contaminants in bee tissues, show that the greatest concentrations of contaminants occur close to Commencement Bay and that honey bees are effective as large-scale monitors.  相似文献   

Large earthquakes occur episodically in the Cascadia subduction zone. A numerical model has been used to simulate and assess the hazards of a tsunami generated by a hypothetical earthquake of magnitude 8.5 associated with rupture of the northern sections of the subduction zone. Wave amplitudes on the outer coast are closely related to the magnitude of sea-bottom displacement (5.0 meters). Some amplification, up to a factor of 3, may occur in some coastal embayments. Wave amplitudes in the protected waters of Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia are predicted to be only about one fifth of those estmated on the outer coast.  相似文献   

At least three great earthquakes occurred in the New Madrid seismic zone in 1811 and 1812. Estimates of present-day strain rates suggest that such events may have a repeat time of 1000 years or less. Paleoseismological data also indicate that earthquakes large enough to cause soil liquefaction have occurred several times in the past 5000 years. However, pervasive crustal deformation expected from such a high frequency of large earthquakes is not observed. This suggests that the seismic zone is a young feature, possibly as young as several tens of thousands of years old and no more than a few million years old.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence for the complex, intermittent, and heterogeneous character of plastic flow. Here we report a three-dimensional mapping of dislocation avalanches during creep deformation of an ice crystal, from a multiple-transducers acoustic emission analysis. Correlation analysis shows that dislocation avalanches are spatially clustered according to a fractal pattern and that the closer in time two avalanches are, the larger the probability is that they will be closer in space. Such a space/time coupling may contribute to the self-organization of the avalanches into a clustered pattern.  相似文献   

利用长沙1959—2014年的气象台站观测资料,经整合订正分析,结合线性回归、Mann-Kendall、滑动T-检验和累计距平等方法对气候趋势变化及气候突变进行了分析。结果表明,近50年长沙气温度呈现上升趋势,且在近20年较为明显,其中最低温度增加幅度最大,年平均最低温56年来增幅为0.25℃·10a-1,近15年来增幅为0.92℃·10a-1;春冬两季温度上升相对明显;降水量无显著变化;相对湿度56年来呈现1.2%·10a-1的显著减少趋势。气温由冷转暖的突变在季节上最早发生的是冬季(1991年),其次是春季(1996年),夏季(2002年)和秋季(2000年)突变时间较为接近,较好地符合全球变暖的时间规律。  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis of samples covering a 4.2-kilometer vertical section from the western flank of Vinson Massif, Antarctica's highest mountain, indicates that the Ellsworth Mountains were uplifted by 4 kilometers or more during the Early Cretaceous following the initial separation of East and West Gondwana and accompanying the opening of the Weddell Sea. Relief of at least 1.8 kilometers has persisted in the Ellsworth Mountains since the Early Cretaceous, and a maximum of 3 kilometers of uplift has occurred since that time.  相似文献   

利用望谟县冰雹观察资料( 1967年~2017年),对望谟县近51年冰雹的变化特征、持续时间、入侵路径等特征进行分析,得出如下结论,即近51年望谟县冰雹发生总计35 次,冰雹主要发生在4~5 月;冰雹出现时间主要在14:00 时至18:00 时,出现的次数为12次,次之在18:00时至20:00 时,出现的次数为9次;冰雹持续时间多数在1分钟左右,平均时间低于8分钟;入侵路径主要有自西向东、 自西向东南、自西向东北三条路径。建议每年2月~5月的每日14:00~22:00时段,加强冰雹预防,在冰雹入侵路径上布设防治冰雹的防雹站。  相似文献   

近20年山东省南四湖大风气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据南四湖畔4个陆面台站近20年的大风记录,对南四湖大风天气的基本气候特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:南四湖地区大风以西北风为主,春季出现大风日数最多,秋季最少。自90年代末大风日数呈逐渐减少趋势,南四湖大风频次逐年减少,造成该结果的原因除了大气环流背景方面的影响因素外,还可能与全球气候变暖、测站周围局地环境改变、人工防护林带面积扩大有关。  相似文献   

利用寿阳县1961—2018年逐月降水资料,采用降水Z指数作为气象干旱等级指标,分析该地区的干旱变化特征。结果表明:近58年来,寿阳县年气候呈干旱化趋势,出现干旱16年,发生频率为27.6%,1997-2010年期间干旱发生频率最高,干旱程度最为严重;季节干旱中,春季有湿润化趋势可能,夏、秋、冬季呈不明显干旱化趋势;四季干旱发生频率,春季32.8%、夏季27.6%、秋季37.9%、冬季31.0%。春季干旱主要发生在1971-1982年期间,夏季干旱在1965-1974年、1980-1986年、1997-2001年期间旱情最严重,秋季干旱在1994-2010年和冬季干旱在1981-2002年为多发阶段。季节干旱,除冬季外,其它三季干旱都对当地农作物正常生长带来极为不利的影响。  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dates for three samples of basaltic scoria from Taylor Valley, on the west side of McMurdo Sound, indicate that the basalt, which antedates and postdates major glaciations, is at least 2.7 million years old.  相似文献   

利用1987和2015年Landsat遥感影像解译分析祁连山地区冰川变化,研究冰川变化的影响因素.结果表明,祁连山冰川退缩较为严重,面积从1987年的2072.7 km2减少到2015年的1506.3 km2,28年来总退缩率为27.3%,年均退缩率为0.98%;冰川存在一定的地形/温度分布差异,海拔在4900~5100 m,坡度为10°~20°,坡向以北和东北方向为主,夏季气温为3~5℃时,是冰川发育的聚集区;冰川退缩也存在一定的地形/温度分布差异,海拔4200~4300 m,坡度10°~20°,坡向南和东南方向,夏季气温小于2℃,是冰川退缩最快的区间.以温度为主导的模拟研究表明,研究区冰川未来15和30年退缩严重,退缩率分别达到10.9%和33.5%.  相似文献   

Fire scars in giant sequoia [Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindley) Buchholz] were used to reconstruct the spatial and temporal pattern of surface fires that burned episodically through five groves during the past 2000 years. Comparisons with independent dendroclimatic reconstructions indicate that regionally synchronous fire occurrence was inversely related to yearly fluctuations in precipitation and directly related to decadal-to-centennial variations in temperature. Frequent small fires occurred during a warm period from about A.D. 1000 to 1300, and less frequent but more widespread fires occurred during cooler periods from about A.D. 500 to 1000 and after A.D. 1300. Regionally synchronous fire histories demonstrate the importance of climate in maintaining nonequilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Rivkin RB  Putt M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,238(4831):1285-1288
In the Southern Ocean, primary production estimated from seasonal chemical and geochemical changes is two to four times greater than the value calculated from carbon-14 uptake. Since carbon uptake had typically been measured only during midday incubations, the influence of diel periodicity of photosynthesis on daily productions was not considered. Phytoplankton from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, exhibited distinct, but seasonally variable diel patterns of light-saturated and light-limited photosynthesis. Maximum photosynthetic capacity occurred about noon in early September, and its occurrence progressively shifted to about midnight by late October. This shift was accompanied by a concomitant phase shift in the occurrence of minimum photosynthetic capacity from midnight to midday. Daily production estimated from time-of-day corrected photosynthetic characteristics and from 24-hour incubations was 2.5 to 4 times greater than that predicted from 6-hour midday incubations. If similar diel periodicity in photosynthesis occurs in other polar oceans, primary production would be significantly higher than previously estimated from carbon-14 uptake measurements.  相似文献   

管涔山位于山西省吕梁山脉北段,是华北落叶松的原生地,植被覆盖完好,大型真菌资源丰富。在7年时间里对本地大型真菌资源进行了10余次的野外实地考察,采集标本90种,拍摄照片110张,鉴定山西管涔山大型真菌40余种,初步了解它们的生态分布和习性,为开发利用和保护资源提供了依据。  相似文献   

Between 15,000 and 18,000 years ago, large amounts of ice and meltwater entered the North Atlantic during Heinrich stadial 1. This caused substantial regional cooling, but major climatic impacts also occurred in the tropics. Here, we demonstrate that the height of this stadial, about 16,000 to 17,000 years ago (Heinrich event 1), coincided with one of the most extreme and widespread megadroughts of the past 50,000 years or more in the Afro-Asian monsoon region, with potentially serious consequences for Paleolithic cultures. Late Quaternary tropical drying commonly is attributed to southward drift of the intertropical convergence zone, but the broad geographic range of the Heinrich event 1 megadrought suggests that severe, systemic weakening of Afro-Asian rainfall systems also occurred, probably in response to sea surface cooling.  相似文献   

祁连山北坡气候梯度变化对比研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
试验利用祁连山北坡沿海拔梯度布设的气象站的多年观测数据,采取差值对比方法,研究山地垂直气候带的空间梯度变化规律.结果表明:祁连山北坡海拔每升高100m,年均气温降低约0.52℃,≥0℃和≥10℃的年均积温分别降低147.8℃和160.6℃;在海拔1 700~3 300m区间内,海拔每升高100m,年均降水量增加约17.41mm;在海拔3 300~3 800m区间内,海拔每升高100m,年均降水量减少约30.21mm;海拔每升高100m,年均土温降低约0.8℃,生长季节土壤含水量递增约5.13%.年均无霜期减少量是海拔增加量的0.065 9倍.和过去比,近10a来祁连山北坡气温、积温、地温呈波动性变化,略有升高,降水量和土壤含水量也呈波动性变化,但略有下降.  相似文献   

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