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The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) z-axis accelerometer has obtained over 200 vertical structures of thermospheric density, temperature, and pressure, ranging from 110 to 170 kilometers, compared to only three previous such vertical structures. In November 1997, a regional dust storm in the Southern Hemisphere triggered an unexpectedly large thermospheric response at mid-northern latitudes, increasing the altitude of thermospheric pressure surfaces there by as much as 8 kilometers and indicating a strong global thermospheric response to a regional dust storm. Throughout the MGS mission, thermospheric density bulges have been detected on opposite sides of the planet near 90 degreesE and 90 degreesW, in the vicinity of maximum terrain heights. This wave 2 pattern may be caused by topographically-forced planetary waves propagating up from the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

The near-infrared spectrometer on board the Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft found a variation of more than 10% in albedo and absorption band depth in the surface reflectance of asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Spectral shape over the 1-micrometer absorption band indicates that the surface of this body has an olivine-rich mineral assemblage potentially similar to that of LL5 or LL6 chondrites. Diversity in the physical condition of Itokawa's surface appears to be larger than for other S-type asteroids previously explored by spacecraft, such as 433 Eros.  相似文献   

There were about six solar flare events during the last solar cycle which would have exposed a space traveler to serious radiation from solar particles. The radiation from two of these events was intense enough to necessitate extra precautions being taken to protect space travelers.  相似文献   

Organics found in comet 81P/Wild 2 samples show a heterogeneous and unequilibrated distribution in abundance and composition. Some organics are similar, but not identical, to those in interplanetary dust particles and carbonaceous meteorites. A class of aromatic-poor organic material is also present. The organics are rich in oxygen and nitrogen compared with meteoritic organics. Aromatic compounds are present, but the samples tend to be relatively poorer in aromatics than are meteorites and interplanetary dust particles. The presence of deuterium and nitrogen-15 excesses suggest that some organics have an interstellar/protostellar heritage. Although the variable extent of modification of these materials by impact capture is not yet fully constrained, a diverse suite of organic compounds is present and identifiable within the returned samples.  相似文献   

Counts of tracks from heavy cosmic-ray nuclei in helmets from Apollo missions 8 and 12 show variations caused by solar modulation of the galactic cosmic-ray flux. Specific estimates of the biological damage to certain nonreplaceable cells by track-forming particles during these space missions indicate that the fraction of deactivated cells could range from a lower limit of 3 x 10(-7) to an upper limit of 1.4 x 10(-4).  相似文献   

Infection-specific particle from the unconventional slow virus diseases   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Scrapie-associated fibrils, first observed in brains of scrapie-infected mice, were also observed in scrapie-infected hamsters and monkeys, in humans with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and in kuru-infected monkeys. These fibrils were not found in a comprehensive series of control brains from humans and animals affected with central nervous system disorders resulting in histopathologies, ultrastructural features, or disease symptoms similar to those of scrapie, kuru, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. These fibrils are also found in preclinical scrapie and in the spleens of scrapie-infected mice; they are a specific marker for the "unconventional" slow virus diseases, and may be the etiological agent.  相似文献   

The Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA) on board the Mars Express spacecraft found that solar wind plasma and accelerated ionospheric ions may be observed all the way down to the Mars Express pericenter of 270 kilometers above the dayside planetary surface. This is very deep in the ionosphere, implying direct exposure of the martian topside atmosphere to solar wind plasma forcing. The low-altitude penetration of solar wind plasma and the energization of ionospheric plasma may be due to solar wind irregularities or perturbations, to magnetic anomalies at Mars, or both.  相似文献   

Lam R  Geil PH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,205(4413):1388-1389
Isolated single crystals of polyethylene have been crystallized from the glassy state by annealing uniformly thick films of amorphous linear polyethylene just above their glass transition temperature. In agreement with previous results for polycarbonate, substantial molecular mobility at the glass transition temperature is.  相似文献   

The two-neutrino experiment established a relationship between particles, muon and muon neutrino, electron and electron neutrino, which evolved into the standard model of particle physics. The theme of this article is a personal one, which reviews a series of experiments at the Columbia Synchrocyclotron, the Brookhaven Cosmotron, the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, the CERN intersecting storage rings, the Fermilab 400-gigavolt proton synchrotron, and the Cornell electron storage rings, all of which were important in the evolution of the standard model. In some cases the fermion particles were discovered (the second neutrino vmicro, b quark); in other cases fields of research were opened (muon spin resonance, neutral kaons and charge-parity violation, dimuons and the Drell-Yan process), which led to further development of the standard model. Finally, the current ignorance about the properties of now three neutrinos is reviewed.  相似文献   

Digestion of the electron transport particle with phospholipase A results in the loss of its oxidative capacity. Evidence presented indicates that this is primarily due to the cleavage of the phospholipid-cytochrome c complex within the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Frick B  Richter D 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1995,267(5206):1939-1945
Recent neutron scattering experiments on the microscopic dynamics of polymers below and above the glass transition temperature T(g) are reviewed. The results presented cover different dynamic processes appearing in glasses: local motions, vibrations, and different relaxation processes such as alpha- and beta-relaxation. For the alpha-relaxation, which occurs above T(g), it is possible to extend the time-temperature superposition principle, which is valid for polymers on a macroscopic scale, to the microscopic time scale. However, this principle is not applicable for temperatures approaching T(g). Below T(g), an inelastic excitation at a frequency of some hundred gigahertz (on the order of several wave numbers), the "boson peak," survives from a quasi-elastic overdamped scattering law at high temperatures. The connection between this boson peak and the fast dynamic process appearing near T(g) is discussed.  相似文献   

The acceleration and extraction of uranium-238 nuclei by the Bevalac have been confirmed by their visual detection in nuclear research emulsion. A preliminary result for the collision mean free path for stopping uranium-238 (energy 相似文献   

Spencer MK  Zare RN 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,317(5845):1680; author reply 1680
Sandford et al. (Reports, 15 December 2006, p. 1720) reported on organic compounds captured from Comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust spacecraft. We emphasize the difficulty in assigning the origin of compounds detected diffusely along particle impact tracks and show that rapid heating of aerogel that has never been exposed to cometary particle capture can generate complex aromatic molecules from low-mass carbon impurities present in the aerogel.  相似文献   

Ion microprobe analyses show that solar wind nitrogen associated with solar wind hydrogen implanted in the first tens of nanometers of lunar regolith grains is depleted in 15N by at least 24% relative to terrestrial atmosphere, whereas a nonsolar component associated with deuterium-rich hydrogen, detected in silicon-bearing coatings at the surface of some ilmenite grains, is enriched in 15N. Systematic enrichment of 15N in terrestrial planets and bulk meteorites relative to the protosolar gas cannot be explained by isotopic fractionation in nebular or planetary environments but requires the contribution of 15N-rich compounds to the total nitrogen in planetary materials. Most of these compounds are possibly of an interstellar origin and never equilibrated with the 15N-depleted protosolar nebula.  相似文献   

The alpha particle x-ray spectrometer on the Spirit rover determined major and minor elements of soils and rocks in Gusev crater in order to unravel the crustal evolution of planet Mars. The composition of soils is similar to those at previous landing sites, as a result of global mixing and distribution by dust storms. Rocks (fresh surfaces exposed by the rock abrasion tool) resemble volcanic rocks of primitive basaltic composition with low intrinsic potassium contents. High abundance of bromine (up to 170 parts per million) in rocks may indicate the alteration of surfaces formed during a past period of aqueous activity in Gusev crater.  相似文献   

The ion composition in the Jovian environment was investigated with the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer on board Ulysses. A hot tenuous plasma was observed throughout the outer and middle magnetosphere. In some regions two thermally different components were identified. Oxygen and sulfur ions with several different charge states, from the volcanic satellite lo, make the largest contribution to the mass density of the hot plasma, even at high latitude. Solar wind particles were observed in all regions investigated. Ions from Jupiter's ionosphere were abundant in the middle magnetosphere, particularly in the highlatitude region on the dusk side, which was traversed for the first time.  相似文献   

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