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2008年11月12日是伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山诞辰142周年纪念日。孙中山先生一生的革命事业与天津有着密切的关系。他曾先后三次莅临天津:第一次来天津是上书李鸿章,提出了革新的政治主张,被拒绝后,转赴檀香山,创立了兴中会,提出了推翻清王朝,建立资产阶级共和国的纲领。第二次来天津是北上会见袁世凯,途径天津时,在天津发表了三次演说,阐明了祖国南北统一发展经济、振兴中华的思想。第三次来天津是为了争取中华民族的独立,废除军阀统治,提出了召开国民会议,废除不平等条约的政治主张。孙中山的三次天津之行,在中国历史发展的进程中产生了重要而深远的影响。  相似文献   

The cell cycle coming under control   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An article in 30 June issue (";Dangerous' liaisons in cell biology," p. 1539), which discussed the commentary in the 2 June issue of the journal Cell by Max L. Birnstiel and Meinrad Busslinger regarding the transgenic mice experiments of Corrado Spadafora and co-workers, stated that Vienna's Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), for which Birnstiel and Busslinger work, was seeking patents on extensions of the Spadafora experiments. On further investigation, we have learned that this is not correct. At present no applications have been applied for or granted to IMP or its parent companies Genentech and Boehringer Ingelheim. We wish to correct the record, apologize to Dr. Birnstiel and Dr. Busslinger for this misstatement, and alert our readers to their letter, which is printed in our Letters section on page 243.  相似文献   

学习动机是影响第二语言习得的关键因素之一。作为二语习得的重要理论,Gardner的社会教育模式强调了学习动机的社会性,认为它包含了目标、努力的行为、实现目标的愿望和积极的态度4个方面的内容,将其分为融入型动机和工具型动机。心理学则从学习者出发,强调个体的内部因素,把学习动机视为一个过程,将其划分为内在动机和外在动机。  相似文献   

Multiclonal origin of polyps in Gardner syndrome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Electrophoretic analysis of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was performed on polyp tissue from three black female patients with Gardner syndrome and who are heterozygous for the A and B forms of this enzyme. Polyp tissues from the three patients displayed the AB phenotype. This finding suggests a multiclonal origin of polyps in Gardner syndrome. Studies of tumors originating from such polyps may provide information about the sequence of cellular events leading to malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The appeals procedure begun by Steven Mosher after his 1983 expulsion from Stanford University has reached its final stage of review by university president Donald Kennedy, who asked the former student in a letter to clarify issues raised during the initial investigation of his conduct in China as a researcher. Mosher, dismissed from the graduate anthropology program for unethical behavior in the field, maintains that Stanford's actions were politically motivated, the result of pressure from mainland Chinese officials embarrassed by his reports on birth control and abortion practices. In order to protect Mosher's Chinese informants, the University has not made public the precise reasons for his expulsion.  相似文献   

The chairman of Stanford Medical School's department of medicine, Kenneth Melmon, has resigned his administrative position after receiving a letter of censure from Stanford president Donald Kennedy. A university ethics committee had found Melmon guilty of negligent scholarship after it was discovered that a textbook chapter authored by him contained unattributed material from a book he had earlier helped edit. Melmon maintained that permission to use the material and its proper attribution had been handled by his editor, but this later proved not to be the case. Stanford plans no further action in the matter, and Melmon will retain his professorship.  相似文献   

In my report on the Echo Lakes Symposium on Cosmic Rays (Science, September 2, 1949) the pi- and micro-symbols were interchanged, in the line before last of the second column, p. 242, and in the first line of the third column in the same page. The portion of the text containing these two lines should read: ". . . the latest values for the masses of the micro- and the pi-meson (215 and 285 electron masses respectively) and for the mean life of the pi-meson (0.63x10(-8) see)." In a recent letter to the writer, Dr. Barkas states that this value for the mean life of the pi-meson has been superseded by more accurate measurements. These measurements, made on positive pi-mesons, give a mean life of 1.97x10(-8) sec. Dr. Barkas also indicates that new mass measurements give 276 electron masses for positive or negative pi-mesons and 210 electron masses for positive micro-mesons.  相似文献   

霍桑在他的代表作《红字》中, 从人性的角度出发, 让我们看到人是善和恶的混合体。人性在善和恶之间摇摆, 人所掌握的科学也随之或造福人类或危害人类的幸福。  相似文献   

弗雷格在其残篇《论逻辑的普遍性》中探讨了思想的普遍性问题,他引入了带有单个字母的辅助语言作为研究普遍性思想的桥梁,普遍性思想的结构分析及其真值条件是弗雷格未完成的内容。普遍性思想的构成部分都是不满足的;普遍性思想的真值条件可以通过理解不同层次概念之间的关系而直接把握,一阶量化理论是理解弗雷格残篇的关键。  相似文献   

基于一手资料并参考有关历史文献,本文介绍李待琛博士(189l-1959)作为湖南大学首任校长(1926.2-1926.7),他的教育思想和科学思想。特别是他关于武器装备设计方面的科学管理言论和业绩。文章还对他在这些领域的创新成就给出简要的评论。  相似文献   

Java was hot and there were other discomforts, but all who were present at the congress returned to their homes appreciative of the charms and manifold subjects of scientific and other kinds of interest of what is perhaps the most fascinating of tropical islands, deeply grateful for the courtesies and hospitality extended to them and convinced that the Fourth Pacific Science Congress was the most successful of that series of congresses. Thanks are due all of those who contributed to the social enjoyment and the scientific accomplishments of the congress, but it may be permissible to emphasize the part played by the general president, Dr. Otto de Vries. He showed capacity in the organization of the congress, his handling of all matters connected with it was tactful and his genial personality endeared him to every one. We congratulated him on his success and told him that we were proud of him.  相似文献   

Letters from John Darsee and two Emory University faculty members with whom he co-authored papers will appear in the 9 June 1983 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. The letters will retract articles containing inaccurate and fabricated information that were published by the journal in 1979 and 1981. Darsee's letter of apology will clear his co-authors of any responsibility for the inaccuracies.  相似文献   

根据殷新佑博士在“作物模型与遗传学学术讨论会”(2 0 0 0 ,明尼苏达 ,美国 )上的专题发言 :“作物模型、QTL定位及其相辅作用在植物育种上的应用” ,并参考他的其它有关论文编译而成。主旨在阐述一门新的交叉学科的开拓性尝试 :将作物模型与遗传学的QTL定位及其相辅作用在作物育种上的应用  相似文献   

In our paper we will try to connect the dynamics of community decline to individual responses. We will operate on two levels of reality. At the first level we will discuss the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of small communities in North Dakota. At the second level we will discuss how this decline affects small town residents' attitudes toward economic development. In the first level analysis we examine the thesis that the natural environment of community growth is economic exploitation; therefore, the decline of resource-based communities is natural and inevitable. We discuss the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of small communities in North Dakota. At the second level analysis, we operate at the level at which life circumstances and environments are shaped by political-economic institutions that in turn shape the behavior and mentality of communities, families, and individuals. We hypothesize that residents of declining small towns deny their powerlessness and adapt to their situation through intense dedication to economic growth. We develop a series of hypotheses to test this thesis using data from the North Dakota Rural Life Poll. In our conclusion, we discuss implications for rural development practitioners working in declining small towns where this intense dedication to economic development in prevalent.Dr. Stofferahn is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and director of the Social Science Research Institute at the University of North Dakota. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in rural sociology from Iowa State University. Prior to coming to the University of North Dakota, Dr. Stofferahn was employed by the North Dakota Economic Development Commission. Mr. Fontaine received his M.S. in sociology from the University of North Dakota and is presently employed as the assistant director of the Social Science Research Institute. Douglas McDonald, Mike Spletto and Holly Jeanotte are graduate students in the Department of Sociology at the University of North Dakota. This paper originally was written as a class project in a graduate seminar in rural development.  相似文献   

植物根系吸水模型的发展动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了自1960年Gardner第1个单根吸水模型建立以来的植物根系吸水模型,对模型加以分类,并对其优缺点和适用性进行了阐述,可供现代节水灌溉的理论和应用研究参考。  相似文献   

郑渝 《北京农业》2011,(33):1-5
笔者2011年7月9–29日参加了北京市委组织部组织的加拿大现代农业培训项目。期间听取了安大略省果蔬种植者协会副会长John Kelly博士关于加拿大有机农业发展的大致介绍,参观了安大略省Zephyr Organics有机农场,初步调查了多伦多市部分超市有机农产品销售柜台,查阅整理了相关资料,形成了该文。一方面作为个人培训总结,另一方面希望对北京市发展有机农业有所启迪。  相似文献   

Antagonism of purified asparaginase from guinea pig serum toward lymphoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tumor inhibitory activity of highly purified asparaginase from guinea pig serum toward the Gardner lymphosarcoma in C3H mice was compared with that of the serum itself. The purified enzyme, homogeneous by ultracentrifugation and immunoelectrophoresis, had activity comparable to that of the serum. The serum was also effective in mice which were made immunologically incompetent by radiation with coba't-60.  相似文献   

In our article "Mesons Produced by the Cyclotron" (Gardner, E. et al. Science, 1950, 111, 191) there is a typographical error on page 196 in the table near the top of the page. The first entry in the right-hand column reads 28.8 and should read 26.8.  相似文献   

目前大学英语阅读课堂几乎仍以语言知识讲解传授为重点,这种传统的教学模式让学生觉得缺乏新意,从而对阅读课失去兴趣。多元智能理论中身体运动智能的引入为英语阅读课堂提供了全新的教学思路。  相似文献   

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