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Infection with virulent biotypes of feline coronavirus (FCoV) can result in the development of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a typically fatal immune mediated disease for which there is currently no effective antiviral treatment. In this study we demonstrate the ability of small interfering RNA (siRNA) mediated RNA interference (RNAi) to inhibit the replication of virulent FCoV strain FIPV WSU 79-1146 in an immortalised feline cell line. A panel of eight synthetic siRNAs targeting four different regions of the FCoV genome were tested for antiviral effects. Efficacy was determined by qRT-PCR of intracellular viral genomic and messenger RNA, TCID50 infectivity assay of extracellular virus, and direct IFA for viral protein expression. All siRNAs demonstrated an inhibitory effect on viral replication in vitro. The two most effective siRNAs, targeting the untranslated 5' leader sequence (L2) and the nucleocapsid gene (N1), resulted in a >95% reduction in extracellular viral titre. Further characterisation of these two siRNAs demonstrated their efficacy when used at low concentrations and in cells challenged with high viral loads. Taken together these findings provide important information for the potential therapeutic application of RNAi in treating FIP.  相似文献   

Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is responsible for enteric disease in pups. Infected dogs generally have a rapid recovery, so the virus is highly contagious and the spread of infection is difficult to control. Chemical disinfectants have been widely used in human disease-control programmes to prevent viral infectious diseases from spreading, but to date, there are no studies in the literature on the sensitivity of CCoV to chemical biocides. The present study investigated the sensitivity of CCoV to disinfectants currently used for prophylaxis in kennel and dog breeding locations. The effects of three agents: alkyl-dimethyl-benzyl-ammonium chloride, benzalkonium chloride and didecyl-dimethyl-ammonium chloride, on the infectivity titre of CCoV in A72 cell lines, were studied at different concentrations. Although they may regard a small number of agents, the findings showed that the sensitivity of CCoV to disinfectants varies and the differences are dose correlated. In general, virus inactivation implies a permanent loss of infectivity which can be evaluated in suspensions and hand disinfection tests.  相似文献   

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) can cause either asymptomatic enteric infection or fatal peritonitis in cats. Although the mutation of FCoV accessory gene 3c has been suggested to be related to the occurrence of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), how the 3C protein is involved in this phenomenon remains unknown. To investigate the role of the 3C protein, a full-length 3c gene was transiently expressed and the cytoplasmic distribution of the protein was found to be primarily in the perinuclear region. Using 3c-stable expression cells, the replication of a 3c-defective FCoV strain was titrated and a significant decrease in replication (p < 0.05) was observed. The mechanism underlying the decreased FIPV replication caused by the 3C protein was further investigated; neither the induction nor inhibition of autophagy rescued the viral replication. Taken together, our data suggest that the 3C protein might have a virulence-suppressing effect in FCoV-infected cats. Deletion of the 3c gene could therefore cause more efficient viral replication, which leads to a fatal infection.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effects of bovine lactoferrin on in vitro replication of feline herpes virus (FHV‐1) and to determine at what points during viral replication these effects occur. Sample population Cultured Crandell‐Reese feline kidney (CRFK) cells and FHV‐1 strain 727. Procedure Five concentrations of bovine lactoferrin (0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 mg/mL) were added at one or more of three time points during conventional plaque reduction assays: (a) uninfected CRFK cells were incubated in lactoferrin‐containing medium for 30 min prior to viral adsorption; (b) virus was suspended in lactoferrin‐containing medium prior to and during adsorption, or (c) CRFK cells were incubated with lactoferrin‐containing medium for 48 h following viral adsorption. Plaques were counted and antiviral effect expressed as percent inhibition relative to control medium that contained no lactoferrin. Results Exposure of CRFK cells to lactoferrin prior to or during viral adsorption inhibited FHV‐1 replication by 87–96% (mean: 91%). Application of lactoferrin following viral adsorption had no appreciable effect on FHV‐1 replication. No additive or synergistic effects were noted when lactoferrin was added at multiple steps. These effects were similar at all concentrations of lactoferrin tested. Cytotoxic effects of lactoferrin on CRFK cells were not observed at any concentration tested. Conclusions and clinical relevance Bovine lactoferrin has a notable inhibitory effect on the in vitro replication of FHV‐1 prior to and during, but not following viral adsorption. These findings strongly suggest that lactoferrin inhibits FHV‐1 adsorption to the cell surface and/or penetration of the virus into the cell. Clinical effects of topical lactoferrin in acute or recrudescent herpetic episodes in cats warrant investigation.  相似文献   

Bone marrow fibroblast colony-forming units (CFU-F) were evaluated in cats experimentally infected with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Cats that developed persistent viral infection and anemia (progressor cats) had a progressive decrease in the number of CFU-F at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks after inoculation with FeLV. This suppression of CFU-F number in progressor cats ranged from 16 to 44% of the preinoculation CFU-F value. Cats that did not develop persistent viral infection or anemia (regressor cats) had decreased numbers of CFU-F (24% of the preinoculation CFU-F value) at 2 weeks after inoculation, but normal CFU-F numbers at 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks after inoculation. In vitro incubation of bone marrow mononuclear cells from healthy cats with the 15,000-dalton envelope protein of FeLV resulted in decreased number of CFU-F (21% of that of untreated cultures). The number of CFU-F from bone marrow mononuclear cells incubated with the 27,000-dalton core protein of FeLV was similar to that from untreated cultures.  相似文献   

A new monoclonal antibody (mAb), CCV2-2, was compared with the widely used FIPV3-70 mAb, both directed against canine coronavirus (CCoV), as a diagnostic and research tool. Western blot showed that both anti-CCoV mAbs only reacted with a protein of 50 kD, a weight consistent with the feline coronavirus (FCoV) viral nucleocapsid. A competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed that the 2 recognized epitopes are distinct. Preincubation of CCV2-2 mAb with FCoV antigen suppressed the immunostaining. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections from brains of 15 cats with the dry form of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) were examined by immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemistry was performed with both anti-CCoV mAbs, either on consecutive or on the same sections. A myeloid-histiocytic marker, MAC 387, was also used to identify FIP virus-infected cells. In all regions where MAC 387-positive cells were present, positive staining with the CCV2-2 mAb was systematically detected, except at some levels in 1 cat. In contrast, none or only a few cells were positive for the FIPV3-70 mAb. Double immunostaining showed macrophages that were immunopositive for either CCV2-2 alone or alternatively for CCV2-2 and FIPV3-70 mAbs. This reveals the coexistence of 2 cohorts of phagocytes whose FIP viral contents differed by the presence or absence of the FIPV3-70-recognized epitope. These findings provide evidence for antigenic heterogeneity in coronavirus nucleocapsid protein in FIP lesions, a result that is in line with molecular observations. In addition, we provide for the first time morphologic depiction of viral variants distribution in these lesions.  相似文献   

Fifty-one specific pathogen-free (SPF) cats 10 weeks to 13 years of age were infected with a cat-to-cat fecal-oral passed strain of feline enteric coronavirus (FECV). Clinical signs ranged from unapparent to a mild and self-limiting diarrhea. Twenty-nine of these cats were FECV na?ve before infection and followed sequentially for fecal virus shedding and antibody responses over a period of 8-48 months. Fecal shedding, as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from rectal swabs, appeared within a week and was significantly higher in kittens than older cats. FECV shedding remained at high levels for 2-10 months before eventually evolving into one of three excretion patterns. Eleven cats shed the virus persistently at varying levels over an observation period of 9-24 months. Eleven cats appeared to have periods of virus shedding interlaced with periods of non-shedding (intermittent or recurrent shedders), and seven cats ceased shedding after 5-19 months (average 12 months). There was no change in the patterns of virus shedding among cats that were excreting FECV at the time of a secondary challenge exposure. Four cats, which had ceased shedding, re-manifested a primary type infection when secondarily infected. Cats with higher feline coronavirus (FCoV) antibody titers were significantly more likely to shed virus, while cats with lower titers were significantly less likely to be shedding. Twenty-two kittens born to experimentally infected project queens began shedding virus spontaneously, but never before 9-10 weeks of age. Natural kittenhood infections appeared to be low grade and abortive. However, a characteristic primary type infection occurred following experimental infection with FECV at 12-15 weeks of age. Pregnancy, parturition and lactation had no influence on fecal shedding by queens. Methylprednisolone acetate treatment did not induce non-shedders to shed and shedders to increase shedding.  相似文献   

Feline coronavirus is a common infection in cats, as indicated by the high prevalence of antibodies against the virus, especially in multicat households. Approximately 5 to 12 per cent of seropositive cats develop classical feline infectious peritonitis. A survey of kittens born into households of seropositive cats demonstrated the existence of healthy coronavirus carriers. Seronegative animals did not appear to excrete virus. No specific antibody titre could be linked to carrier status and some carrier cats subsequently became seronegative. The management of the kittens strongly influenced whether they became infected, and some degree of protection appeared to be conferred by maternally derived antibody. At present, feline infectious peritonitis virus and feline enteric coronavirus can only be differentiated by their different clinical histories in infected catteries. In this survey, cases of feline infectious peritonitis occurred in kittens from households where the initial presentation had been enteritis and vice versa. Therefore no difference in epidemiology could be found.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of various concentrations of L-lysine and L-arginine on in vitro replication of feline herpesvirus type-1 (FHV-1). SAMPLE POPULATION: Cultured Crandell-Reese feline kidney (CRFK) cells and FHV-1 strain 727. PROCEDURE: Uninfected CRFK cells or CRFK cells infected with FHV-1 were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium or in 1 of 7 test media containing various concentrations of lysine and arginine. Viral titer and CRFK growth rate were assessed in each medium. RESULTS: Media depleted of arginine almost completely inhibited viral replication, whereas 2.5 or 5.0 microg of arginine/ml of media was associated with a significant increase in FHV-1 replication. In media with 2.5 microg of arginine/ml, supplementation with 200 or 300 microg of lysine/ml reduced viral replication by 34.2 and 53.9%, respectively. This effect was not seen in media containing 5.0 microg of arginine/ml. Growth rates of CRFK cells also were suppressed in media containing these concentrations of amino acids, but they were not significantly different from each other. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Arginine exerts a substantial growth-promoting effect on FHV-1. Supplementation of viral culture medium with lysine attenuates this growth-promoting effect in media containing low concentrations of arginine. Analysis of data from this study indicates that high concentrations of lysine reduce in vitro replication of FHV-1 but only in media containing low concentrations of arginine. Clinical trials will be necessary to determine whether supplemental administration of lysine, with or without arginine restriction, will be useful in the management of cats with FHV-1 infections.  相似文献   

Preexisting antibody to feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) causes acceleration and enhancement of disease on subsequent infection of cats with FIPV. Other workers have shown that canine coronavirus (CCV) can infect cats subclinically, but have found no evidence of enhancement of, or protection against, subsequent FIPV infection. With various isolates of CCV, we determined that 1 strain of CCV can induce transient mild diarrhea in cats and, furthermore, that previous infection with CCV causes acceleration and enhancement of subsequent infection with FIPV. In addition, sequential inoculation of cats with another strain of CCV caused lesions indistinguishable from those of FIP, without exposure at any time to FIPV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of recombinant human interferon alpha-2b (rHuIFN-alpha2b) and recombinant feline interferon omega (rFeIFN-omega) on in vitro replication of feline herpesvirus (FHV)-1. SAMPLE POPULATION: Cultures of Crandell-Rees feline kidney (CRFK) cells. PROCEDURES: CRFK cells were treated with rFeIFN-omega or rHuIFN-alpha2b at concentrations ranging from 100 to 500,000 U/mL. Cultures were then inoculated with FHV-1. Constant concentrations of interferon products were maintained throughout the study. Reductions in the number and size of plaques were used as indicators of antiviral activity. Six plaque reduction assays were performed in duplicate. A 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay was used to detect cytotoxic effects of interferon. A 1-way ANOVA and Dunnett test were used to determine significant differences. RESULTS: Treatment with rFeIFN-omega at various concentrations resulted in significant reductions in the number of plaques (100,000 U/mL, 54.7%; and 500,000 U/mL, 59.8%) and in plaque size (100,000 U/mL, 47.5%; 250,000 U/mL, 81.0%; and 500,000 U/mL; 70.5%). Treatment with various concentrations of rHuIFN-alpha2b resulted in a significant reduction in plaque size (100,000 U/mL, 56.0%; 250,000 U/mL, 75.7%; and 500,000 U/mL, 69.0%). None of the tested concentrations of interferon caused significant cellular toxicosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: At some of the higher concentrations, the antiviral effect of rFeIFN-omega was greater than the antiviral effect of rHuIFN-alpha2b. Reduction in plaque size appeared to be a good indicator of the antiviral activity of interferon against FHV-1.  相似文献   

Feline coronaviruses (FCoV) comprise two biotypes: feline enteric coronaviruses (FECV) and feline infectious peritonitis viruses (FIPV). FECV is associated with asymptomatic persistent enteric infections, while FIPV causes feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a usually fatal systemic disease in domestic cats and some wild Felidae. FIPV arises from FECV by mutation. FCoV also occur in two serotypes, I and II, of which the serotype I viruses are by far the most prevalent in the field. Yet, most of our knowledge about FCoV infections relates to serotype II viruses, particularly about the FIPV, mainly because type I viruses grow poorly in cell culture. Hence, the aim of the present work was the detailed study of the epidemiologically most relevant viruses, the avirulent serotype I viruses. Kittens were inoculated oronasally with different doses of two independent FECV field strains, UCD and RM. Persistent infection could be reproducibly established. The patterns of clinical symptoms, faecal virus shedding and seroconversion were monitored for up to 10 weeks revealing subtle but reproducible differences between the two viruses. Faecal virus, i.e. genomic RNA, was detected during persistent FECV infection only in the large intestine, downstream of the appendix, and could occasionally be observed also in the blood. The implications of our results, particularly our insights into the persistently infected state, are discussed.  相似文献   

In August 2002, scientists and veterinarians from all over the world met in Scotland to discuss feline coronavirus (FCoV) and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). The conference ended with delegates dividing into three workshops to draw up recommendations for FCoV control, diagnosis and treatment and future research. The workshops were chaired by the three authors and the recommendations are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Feline coronaviruses (FCoV) vary widely in virulence causing a spectrum of clinical manifestations reaching from subclinical course to fatal feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Independent of virulence variations they are separated into two different types, type I, the original FCoV, and type II, which is closely related to canine coronavirus (CCV). The prevalence of FCoV types in Austrian cat populations without FIP has been surveyed recently indicating that type I infections predominate. The distribution of FCoV types in cats, which had succumbed to FIP, however, was fairly unknown. PCR assays have been developed amplifying parts of the spike protein gene. Type-specific primer pairs were designed, generating PCR products of different sizes. A total of 94 organ pools of cats with histopathologically verified FIP was tested. A clear differentiation was achieved in 74 cats, 86% of them were type I positive, 7% type II positive, and 7% were positive for both types. These findings demonstrate that in FIP cases FCoV type I predominates, too, nonetheless, in 14% of the cases FCoV type II was detected, suggesting its causative involvement in cases of FIP.  相似文献   

Feline coronavirus (FCoV) is divided into two types I and II, based on their growth in vitro and antigenicity. In this study, virus neutralization (VN) test was applied for type differentiation of FCoV infections. Sera of cats which were clinically and serologically diagnosed as feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) possessed significantly higher VN titers to type I FCoV, and sera from cats experimentally infected with FIPV type II had high VN titers to type II but not type I viruses. A total of 79 cat sera collected in the years between 2004 and 2005 were examined to evaluate seroprevalence by the VN test, showing the following results: (1) 50 cats (63.3%) were sero-positive to FCoV; (2) of the 50 FCoV positive cat serum samples, 49 (98%) showed significantly higher titers to type I virus and only one (2%) for type II virus. These results indicate that the VN test described here can be used for serological differentiation of FCoV infections of cats, and that FCoV type I is a dominant type in recent years of Japan.  相似文献   

A commercially available in-practice test for feline coronavirus (FCoV) antibodies (FCoV Immunocomb, Biogal Galed Laboratories) was evaluated by comparison with the gold standard FCoV immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test. One hundred and three serum or plasma samples were selected and tested: 70 were positive by both tests, 24 were negative by both tests. The in-practice test produced five false positive and four false negative results. The sensitivity of the in-practice test was 95% and the specificity was 83%. When the titres were compared it was found that the in-practice test results were significantly correlated with IFA titres but the degree of correlation was not likely to be clinically useful. The IFA titres of the four false negative samples were found to be low (less than 40) which suggests that even a cat with a false negative result is still unlikely to be excreting FCoV. A negative result with the in-practice assay is likely to be reliable for screening cats prior to entry into an FCoV-free cattery or stud. It would also be useful in the investigation of suspected FIP as most cats with this condition have high IFA titres of antibodies. A strong positive result would be useful in the diagnosis of FIP (in conjunction with other biochemical and cytological testing), but positive results would be of limited value in monitoring FCoV infection in healthy cats as the antibody titre could not be reliably compared with those obtained with IFA. All positive results obtained using the in-practice kit should be confirmed and titrated by IFA. The kit also appeared to work efficiently with ascites samples (n=6) but too few samples were analysed to draw firm conclusions.  相似文献   

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