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The present study sought to determine the spectrum of diseases associated with subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin in cats undergoing investigation of suspected gastrointestinal problems. The solid-phase boil radioassay (RA) for cobalamin employed in the present study was immunologically specific, precise, and accurate, with a sensitivity of 15 pg/mL. The RA yielded results that strongly correlated with those obtained by bioassay (Spearmann rho = .805; P < .0001), although the absolute values were lower for the RA. Forty-nine of 80 serum samples submitted during the period of January 1996-January 1998 had cobalamin concentrations below the reference range for healthy cats (range 900-2,800 pg/mL; mean +/- SD, 1,775 +/- 535 pg/mL; n = 33). Cats with subnormal cobalamin concentrations (mean +/- SD; 384 +/- 272 pg/mL, range 3-883 pg/mL) were middle-aged or older and were presented for weight loss. diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, and thickened intestines. Definitive diagnoses in 22 cats included inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), intestinal lymphoma, cholangiohepatitis or cholangits, and pancreatic inflammation. Serum concentrations of cobalamin were particularly low in cats with intestinal lymphoma, three-fifths of whom also had subnormal serum concentrations of folate (< 9 ng/mL). The simultaneous presence of disease in the intestines, pancreas, or hepatobiliary system in many cats made it difficult to determine the cause of subnormal cobalamin concentrations. The circulating half-life of parenteral cyanocobalamin was shorter in 2 cats with IBD (5 days) than in 4 healthy cats (12.75 days). The presence of subnormal serum concentrations of cobalamin in 49 of 80 cats evaluated suggests that the measurement of serum cobalamin may be a useful indirect indicator of enteric or pancreatic disease in cats. The rapid depletion of circulating cobalamin in cats suggests that cats may be highly susceptible to cobalamin deficiency. However, the relationship of subnormal serum cobalamin concentrations to cobalamin deficiency and the effect of cobalamin deficiency on cats remain to be determined.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate growth response of cobalt deficient lambs to increasing doses of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and to measure associated changes in serum and liver vitamin B12 concentrations over 243 days. METHODS: From a flock grazing pastures that had low cobalt (Co) levels (about 0.06 mg Co/kg dry matter), 4-6-week-old lambs (n=137) were assigned to four groups and received either no treatment or a subcutaneous injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12 on Day 1. At approximately monthly intervals, all lambs were weighed and blood samples were collected from a selection (n=10) of monitor animals, up to Day 243. Liver biopsies were also carried out on the monitor lambs (n=8) on Days 1, 124 and 215. RESULTS: The vitamin B12-treated lambs grew significantly faster (p<0.001) than untreated animals. Liveweights after 243 days were 28, 45, 45 and 47 kg for the untreated, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs, respectively. Of the initial group of untreated lambs, 68% had to be removed before the end of the trial because of substantial weight loss, but none of the treated animals were similarly afflicted. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations increased in all vitamin B12-treated lambs, reaching a peak at Day 25, and those of the 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs remained significantly higher (except at Day 124) than the untreated lambs to Day 187. However, at Day 124, but not Day 215, the liver vitamin B12 concentrations of treated lambs were two to three times higher than those of controls. CONCLUSIONS: The growth rates of Co deficient lambs were markedly improved by injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and liveweights were maintained for at least 243 days. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations were related to this growth response; concentrations of <220 pmol vitamin B12/l were associated with a 95% probability that lambs were Co deficient and would thus respond to Co/vitamin B12 supplementation. Based on these data, the current New Zealand reference criteria for Co deficiency should be reviewed. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: An injection of 3 mg microencapsulated vitamin B12 given to lambs at tailing will treat Co deficiency and will increase and maintain liveweights in a flock for up to 8 months.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate growth responses of cobalt-deficient lambs to increasing doses of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and to measure associated changes in serum and liver vitamin B12 concentrations over 243 days.

METHODS: From a flock grazing pastures that had low cobalt (Co) levels (about 0.06 mg Co/kg dry matter), 4-6-week-old lambs (n=137) were assigned to four groups and received either no treatment or a subcutaneous injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12 on Day 1. At approximately monthly intervals, all lambs were weighed and blood samples were collected from a selection (n=10) of monitor animals, up to Day 243. Liver biopsies were also carried out on the monitor lambs (n=8) on Days 1, 124 and 215.

RESULTS: The vitamin B12-treated lambs grew significantly faster (p<0.001) than untreated animals. Liveweights after 243 days were 28, 45, 45 and 47 kg for the untreated, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs, respectively. Of the initial group of untreated lambs, 68% had to be removed before the end of the trial because of substantial weight loss, but none of the treated animals were similarly afflicted. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations increased in all vitamin B12-treated lambs, reaching a peak at Day 25, and those of the 4.5 and 6.0 mg vitamin B12-treated lambs remained significantly higher (except at Day 124) than the untreated lambs to Day 187. However, at Day 124, but not Day 215, the liver vitamin B12 concentrations of treated lambs were two to three times higher than those of controls.

CONCLUSIONS: The growth rates of Co-deficient lambs were markedly improved by injection of 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 mg of microencapsulated vitamin B12, and liveweights were maintained for at least 243 days. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations were related to this growth response; concentrations of <220 pmol vitamin B12/l were associated with a 95% probability that lambs were Co-deficient and would thus respond to Co/vitamin B12 supplementation. Based on these data, the current New Zealand reference criteria for Co deficiency should be reviewed.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: An injection of 3 mg microencapsulated vitamin B122 given to lambs at tailing will treat Co deficiency and will increase and maintain liveweights in a flock for up to 8 months.  相似文献   

AIM: To develop a long-acting Vitamin B12 injection to prevent Co deficiency in sheep. METHODS: Formulations of microencapsulated Vitamin B12 in lactide-glycolide polymers were injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously into the anterior neck region of groups of 10 lambs and their efficacy determined from changes in serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations. RESULTS: The 95:5 lactide glycolide and the 100 lactide formulations containing more than 12.5% Vitamin B12 w/w significantly increased and maintained serum Vitamin B12 concentrations for at least 210 days as well as liver Vitamin B12 concentrations in treated lambs when compared with untreated controls. CONCLUSIONS: Injections of microencapsulated Vitamin B12 in lactide/glycolide copolymers are able to increase and maintain the Vitamin B12 status of lambs for at least 210 days. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Another option for the prevention of Co deficiency in sheep is now available using a long acting injectable Vitamin B12.  相似文献   

Modifications of a radioassay method for the analysis of vitamin B12 using chicken serum as the binder are described. This obviates the need to use individual serum blanks to correct for non-specific binding in vitamin B12 assays of the sera and livers of sheep and cattle. Samples with high vitamin B12 levels can be diluted prior to assay without loss of linearity. Recoveries of added cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin were better than 95% and results correlated significantly with those obtained using a microbiological assay (Poteriochromonas malhamensis). Sera and liver samples stored for four weeks at temperatures ranging from -20 degrees to 22 degrees showed no change in vitamin B12 levels. Withholding food from sheep for 44 hours led to a marked increase in serum vitamin B12. This effect was also evident in sheep eating a limited amount of cut grass. In sheep at pasture there was no evidence of a diurnal variation in serum vitamin B12 levels. Serum vitamin B12 levels in sheep at pasture were shown to be an unreliable indicator of liver vitamin B12.  相似文献   

维生素B12的研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
维生素B12是人和动物体内非常重要的水溶性维生素之一,参与体内一碳基团的代谢,主要起转移甲基的作用。体内缺乏时会导致食欲下降、贫血、表皮炎、毛发粗糙、废绝以致死亡。本文就其近些年的研究情况做一概述,以引起营养研究对这种维生素的关注。维生素B12为粉红色结晶,在弱酸性水溶液中相当稳定。在pH值3以下和9以上则及易分解,日光、氧化剂、或还原剂均易破坏维生素B12的活性。维生素B12的活性是由一组化合物构成的,其中包括一个由四个吡咯核连接而成的卟啉环,其氮原子与分子中心的钴原子相连(McDowell,1989h)。吡咯核连接而成的这种结…  相似文献   

Plasma vitamin C (ascorbic acid + dehydroascorbic acid) concentration is a good index of the nutritional status of vitamin C. However, the methodologies for storage and analyses have not been investigated in bovine plasma. The validity of an analytical method for bovine plasma using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a spectrophotometric detector was examined. Exogenous dehydroascorbic acid was almost completely converted to ascorbic acid during the preparation for analysis with a reducing reagent, dithioerythritol. The analytical recoveries of ascorbic acid were high. Ascorbic acid was not detected after treatment with ascorbic acid oxidase. Thus, the specificity of this method is considered to be high. Although vitamin C was stable in plasma treated by dithioerythritol at ?20°C for 6 days, vitamin C in untreated plasma significantly decreased during 3‐day storage at ?20°C. These results indicate that the HPLC method is suitable for the determination of plasma vitamin C in cattle and that the storage conditions are important for determination of plasma vitamin C. Plasma vitamin C concentration ranged between 1.49 mg/L and 3.33 mg/L in fattening cattle. This result suggests that fattening cattle show large individual variation in plasma vitamin C concentration.  相似文献   

Twenty-four crossbred beef cows were used to investigate the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in plasma and tissues following oral administration of four tocopherol sources. Animals were allotted to the following treatments: DL-alpha-tocopherol, D-alpha-tocopherol, DL-tocopheryl acetate and D-alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Animals received a daily oral dose of 1,000 IU of the respective tocopherol treatment for 28 d and then were slaughtered. Blood samples were collected on d 0, 1, 7, 14 and 28 for tocopherol concentration assays, and samples from 10 different tissues were collected from slaughtered cows. Identification of alpha-tocopherol in tissues was confirmed by HPLC retention times and by comparison of mass spectra with that of alpha-tocopherol standards. The D-alpha-tocopherol and its acetate ester increased plasma tocopherol concentration faster than the racemic products, the greatest response occurring with D-alpha-tocopherol. Across all treatments, the highest alpha-tocopherol concentrations were noted in the adrenal gland and liver, the lowest in muscle and thyroid tissue. Tissue analyses confirmed that in adrenal gland, kidney, liver and lung, alpha-tocopherol concentrations were higher following D-alpha than DL-alpha-tocopherol supplementation.  相似文献   

Beef cows, bred to calve in the spring, were housed indoors over the winter. On May 25, 48 of the cows, and their calves, were put out to pasture while the other 24 cows and calves remained confined.Plasma iron concentrations in the pasture cows were higher (P<0.01) than the levels of the barn cows for several weeks after turn-out, but in September there was no difference (P>0.05). In contrast, the pasture calves showed significantly lower (P<0.01) levels than did the barn calves during the first two weeks, however, there was no difference (P>0.05) in September. No difference in plasma iron levels between male and female calves was found.  相似文献   

In two trials an assessment was made of serum methylmalonic acid as a diagnostic criterion of cobalt status in housed cattle. Despite the small number of animals used the method showed some promise, and normal concentrations are tentatively suggested as being less than 2 mumole/litre, subclinically cobalt deficient 2 to 4 mumole/litre and cobalt-deficient greater than 4 mumole/litre. However, for assessing how cobalt status is likely to influence the rate of liveweight gain of cattle, measurements of both serum methylmalonic acid and vitamin B12 concentrations would appear to be better.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of anthelmintics and their metabolites were determined after cattle were treated at recommended dose rates and routes of administration. Fenbendazole, oxfendazole, febantel, albendazole and thiabendazole were given orally and oxfendazole was also administered with an intraruminal injector. After fenbendazole, oxfendazole and febantel were administered, fenbendazole, oxfendazole and fenbendazole sulphone were all detected in plasma in each case. However, there were marked differences between the three anthelmintics in the peak concentrations and areas under the plasma concentration/time curve (AUC) of these three metabolites. Intraruminal administration of oxfendazole produced higher AUC for fenbendazole and fenbendazole sulphone than did oral administration. Albendazole sulphoxide and sulphone were detected in cattle plasma after albendazole administration but no parent drug was present. These metabolites disappeared more rapidly in cattle than has been reported for sheep. Only 5(6)hydroxythiabendazole was detected in cattle plasma after thiabendazole treatment.  相似文献   

Monensin in ruminant diets increases production of propionic acid. We have tested the hypothesis that propionic acid may be elevated to such an extent by monensin that it cannot be optimally metabolized by the methyl malonyl-CoA pathway requiring vitamin B12 (B12) in the liver. Thus, the effects of weekly B12 injections (10 mg X head-1 X wk-1, intramuscularly) with and without dietary monensin (25 mg/kg diet) on average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed to gain ration (F/G), liver and serum B12 concentrations and liver activity of propionate metabolizing enzymes were examined in an 84-d trial. Sixteen lambs (27.5 kg average initial wt) were assigned randomly to one of four treatments in a factorial arrangement: monensin plus B12, monensin without B12, no monensin plus B12 and no monensin without B12. Lambs were fed an 80% concentrate diet and slaughtered at the end of the trial. Liver samples were obtained by biopsy on d 0 and at slaughter on d 84 to determine activity of propionate metabolizing enzymes and B12 concentrations. Serum samples were taken on d 0, 28, 56 and 84 to determine serum B12 concentration. Neither monensin nor B12 affected (P greater than .10) ADG, DMI or F/G. Lambs receiving B12 had higher (P less than .01) serum B12 concentrations, but this was not reflected (P greater than .10) in higher liver B12 concentrations. No difference (P greater than .10) in liver propionate metabolizing activity among treatments was detected; however, monensin decreased (P less than .05) fumarate and malate formation by liver homogenates. Liver B12 concentrations were highly correlated with endogenous propionate metabolizing activity at d 0 (r = .73, P less than .01) and d 84 (r = .51, P less than .05). Results suggest no advantage to providing supplemental B12 to lambs fed monensin-supplemented, high-concentrate diets.  相似文献   

We examined the associations between natural individual variations in basal oxytocin (OXT) in postnatal cattle and social behavioral traits. At 1, 2 and 6 weeks of age, the basal OXT exhibited individual variability in 20 Holstein heifer calves. Cluster analysis of mean OXT for these time periods obtained two subgroups: high OXT (HOXT; n = 9) and low OXT (LOXT; n = 11). Social behaviors were observed for 2 days at week 6 after introduction into a four‐peer group, and at 10–14 months of age (10 months) immediately and 1 week, 1 month and 5 months after introduction into 11–15 heifers. At week 6, the main effect of the OXT groups was not significant for all social behaviors. At 10 months, there tended to be interactions between the OXT groups and time periods with respect to the frequency of escape behaviors. LOXT heifers exhibited more escape behaviors than HOXT heifers on the first day of the second sociality tests. At 10 months, HOXT heifers exhibited both attacking and affiliative behavior for peers more than LOXT heifers during 5 months after the second social introduction. This suggests that postnatal OXT concentrations may have long‐lasting effects on individual differences among social behavioral traits in cattle.  相似文献   

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