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为了解宁夏海原县茴香苗菜生长适宜的种植密度,以茴香品种民勤2号为试验材料,采用单因素随机区组设计,开展了M1(低密度)、M2(中密度)和M3(高密度)3种种植密度的大田试验,分别测定30 d内茴香苗菜土壤含水量、叶绿素含量、株高、根系性状及单位面积鲜(干)产量。结果表明,随着生长时间的推进,M1、M2和M3茴香苗菜株高、主根长、单位面积鲜(干)产量均呈逐渐增加的趋势,在出苗后30 d,茴香苗菜株高大小依次为M2>M1>M3,主根长度大小依次为M2>M3>M1,单位面积鲜(干)产量大小依次为M2>M3>M1。综上所述,民勤2号茴香苗菜目标鲜产量为170~220 kg·667 m-2时,民勤2号茴香苗菜生产的适宜密度是5万~7万株·667 m-2。 相似文献
不同种植密度对水生蕹菜生长指标的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为明确水生蕹菜适宜生长的密度,在设施大棚内,行距30 cm时,设置了20 cm(P20)、30 cm(P30)、40 cm(P40)3种不同株距,研究了不同密度对水生蕹菜生长指标和生物量积累的影响。试验结果表明,随着密度的增加,水生蕹菜的主茎高、叶片数和主茎粗均表现为P20P30P40,说明生长空间充足利于水生蕹菜单株生物量的积累,但密度过小也不利于水生蕹菜群体生物量的积累,表现为P30P20P40,因此在行距为30 cm时,最适宜水生蕹菜的生长株距为30 cm。 相似文献
为了探明茴香苗菜生产的适宜种植密度,以茴香品种郑茴香1号为试验材料,设置5.0×104、1.0×105、1.5×105、2.0×105、2.5×105株·667 m-2种植密度,分别测定茴香苗菜的形态指标、根系性状、单株鲜干质量及单位面积产量。结果表明,随着种植密度的增加,茴香苗菜株高增高,真叶数、最大叶长及最大叶宽下降,主根长及根系鲜干质量减少,单株地上部鲜干质量减少。在播种后30 d和36 d,单位面积鲜干产量均随种植密度的增加而增多,自播种后42 d起,单位面积鲜干产量均表现为随种植密度增加先升高后降低。在播种后60 d,2.0×105株·667 m-2密度处理的单位面积鲜干产量最高,分别为4 491.06、404.78 kg·667 m-2,且分别较其他密度处理显著提高6.28%~160.88%、5.57%~119.36%。综上所述,郑茴香1号用作茴香苗菜生产的适宜种植密度范围为2.... 相似文献
为探索适合于江门地区绿肉节瓜高产栽培的最适间距,选取江玉11号节瓜品种进行行距为60 cm,株距分别为35、45、55 cm的种植密度试验。结果表明,行距60 cm,春季株距35 cm,秋季株距45 cm,为江玉11号节瓜最适间距。 相似文献
淮安红椒是江苏淮安地区保护地种植规模最大的蔬菜品种之一,年种植面积达2.67万hm2以上,已成为当地农业主导产业之一。辣椒生产追求群体高产,构建合理的群体结构是提高辣椒产量的有效措施。为此作者开展了相关试验,研究不同种植密度对淮安红椒生长发育、产量的影响。试验结果表明,低种植密度可在一定程度上促进淮安红椒根系和茎的发育,种植密度显著影响淮安红椒的叶片鲜质量;种植密度对淮安红椒的单株商品果数影响不大,但显著影响其平均单果质量和单株产量,种植密度越低越有利于辣椒果实的发育,单果质量越大单株产量越高;为获得较高的群体产量,淮安红椒以每667 m2栽3500~4000株为宜。 相似文献
为了探寻不同整枝方式和种植密度对番茄产量和效益的影响,以金鹏冬春如意番茄为试验品种,设置3个整枝方式和种植密度组合,对3个处理的番茄长势、品质、产量效益进行比较。试验结果表明,T处理(双秆整枝、密度3 300株/667 m^(2))的产量高、效益好,推荐在盐城地区日光温室番茄生产上使用。 相似文献
进行了露地砍瓜栽培不同种植密度对砍瓜产量的影响试验.试验结果表明,采用1.5 m×2 m及1 m×2 m两种种植密度进行对比,1.5 m×2 m处理的产量、抗病性、产品外观和经济效益均比1 m×2 m处理有明显优势,其产量差异达显著水平,每1 hm2增产18 390 kg,增产率迭18.4%.综合衡量1.5 m×2 m种植密度为最佳的种植方式. 相似文献
进行了露地砍瓜栽培不同种植密度对砍瓜产量的影响试验。试验结果表明,采用1.5m×2m及1m×2m两种种植密度进行对比,1.5m×2m处理的产量、抗病性、产品外观和经济效益均比1m×2m处理有明显优势,其产量差异达显著水平,每1hm。增产18390kg,增产率达18.4%。综合衡量1.5m×2m种植密度为最佳的种植方式。 相似文献
A. N. M. de Koning 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2013,88(3):465-471
SummaryThe response of glasshouse grown tomatoes, cv. Counter, to day/night temperature regimes was examined in two consecutive years. In both years three day/night temperature regimes, with the same average 24-hour temperature, were applied in duplicate, i.e. high/low, equal, and low/high. Differences in temperature were maintained from three days after planting (4 December 1984 and 3 February 1986) until 13 May 1985 and 1 May 1986, respectively. Plant development (increase in number of trusses) was not affected.by the temperature regime. Growth in length of the stem was strongly reduced by a lower day temperature. In the first experiment the crop at the low day temperature treatment was damaged by leaf scorch, most likely caused by low transpiration. Consequently, early yield was lower for this treatment. In the second experiment no leaf scorch occurred and no significant differences in early yield were found. Final yield and average fruit weight, until 1 July for both experiments, were higher at the higher night temperature. Shelf life of the fruits and internal quality was not influenced by the temperature regime. Thus, the length of a tomato plant can be manipulated by the difference between day and night temperature, while development and early yield depend greatly on the average 24-hour temperature. Final yield can be higher at higher night temperature and the same average temperature because the crop is more robust. Temperature control based on average 24-hour temperat-ure can be used to minimize energy. consumption and, together with other growth factors, to optimize financial yield. 相似文献
J. LóPez-Medina E. Vazquez J.J. Medina F. Dominguez J.M. Lopez-Aranda R. Bartual 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2013,88(5):564-568
SummaryThree strawberry cultivars (Camarosa, Carisma and Andana) were grown during 1997 and 1998 seasons, at two locations (Cartaya and Moguer) within the area of Huelva (Spain). Three planting dates (11, 21 and 31 October) and three plant densities: low (35.3.25.cm; 50,793 plants ha±1), medium (30.3.25.cm; 59,259 plants ha±1) and high (25.3.25.cm; 71,111 plants ha±1), were evaluated. Environment, genotypic and genotype-environment (G3E) interaction effects were significant in all characters. The Genotype 3 Planting Date (G3PD) interaction was a significant source of variation for all characters except for average fruit weight (AFW). The other interaction factors were not significant for any character. The G3E and G3PD were studied with the additive main effects and multiplication interaction (AMMI) model. The genotypes evaluated responded positively to high plant densities with maximum yield early and late in the season. Therefore, increasing density of planting is an effective crop management strategy to increase the yield characters except AFW. The study of G3PD interaction revealed that an early planting date (planting on 11 October) would give the highest yields. 相似文献
A. P. Everaarts M. L. Van Beusichem 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2013,88(5):704-710
SummarySingle and combined effects of three planting dates and three plant densities on nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest by Brussels sprouts (Brassica olerácea var. gemmifera) were studied in field experiments. The total amount of nitrogen taken up by the crop at harvest ranged between 220 and 325 kg ha–1. Although final crop dry matter decreased, total nitrogen uptake was not lower when planting was delayed. This resulted in increased nitrogen concentrations both in the total crop and in the harvested product. Forty to fifty per cent of the nitrogen taken up by the harvest was removed from the field with the product. Within the range of 2.7 to 4.4 plants per m2, plant density had no effect on final nitrogen uptake nor on the amount of nitrogen harvested with the product. The results indicate that nitrogen fertilizer recommendations should take planting date into account, because with delayed planting less dry matter will be accumulated with a corresponding lower nitrogen requirement. There was no interaction of effects of planting date and plant density on nitrogen uptake. 相似文献
采用苗床不同覆盖方式和不同播种密度进行福建山樱花播种育苗效果比较试验。结果表明:以塑料小拱棚+碎草覆盖苗床的发芽率最高,达88.5%;苗木密度以株行距10 cm×10 cm的生长量最大,平均苗高为153.7 cm,平均地径为0.82 cm,平均主根长度为30.4cm,≥5 cm长Ⅰ级侧根平均条数为11.0条。 相似文献
种植密度对黄秋葵生长势、抗病性和产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为研究不同种植密度对黄秋葵生长势、抗病性和产量的影响,对‘石秋葵1号’‘红玉’和‘五福’这3个品种进行了5个种植密度的研究,调查分析了密度对其生长势、抗病性和产量的影响。结果表明,种植密度对‘石秋葵1号’‘红玉’和‘五福’的茎粗、株高、单株结果数、单果质量等影响差异显著。随种植密度的增大,茎粗、单株结果数和单果质量基本呈逐渐下降的趋势,株高逐渐增高,667 m~2产量先缓慢升高后快速降低,在株距45、50 cm(中密度)时产量最高。种植密度在株行距45 cm×70 cm和50 cm×70 cm时,黄秋葵的品质和产量最优。 相似文献
Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. cv. Beniazuma] plug transplants produced from single node leafy cuttings under artificial light in a closed-type growth chamber were planted with roots and substrate of 11- and 15-day old (ca. two to three unfolded leaves with 0.08 m shoot length and three to four unfolded leaves with 0.11 m shoot length, respectively). The plug transplants of both the 11- and 15-day old were planted with one and three nodes depth (ca. 4 and 25 mm deep, respectively) inside the soil ridges (called one- and three-node depth, respectively, hereafter). The conventional vine cuttings (ca. 0.3 m long with seven to eight unfolded leaves) without roots were planted as Control treatment to compare the growth and yield of sweetpotato with each of the treatments of plug transplant. The main objectives of the study were to see the effects of ages of plug transplants and depths of planting for greater growth and yield of sweetpotato in the field. The yield of storage roots 115 days after planting in the field was 33 t ha−1 when using 15-day old plug transplants planted with three-node depth and was 10 t ha−1 greater than that in the Control. The mean storage root length was about 259 mm when using 11-day old plug transplants planted with three-node depth and was 33 mm greater than that in the Control. The mean diameter of storage roots was 70 mm when using 11- and 15-day old plug transplants planted with one-node depth and was 21 mm greater than that in the Control. The plug transplants planted either 11- or 15-day old showed greater overall performances than those of the conventional cuttings. The plug transplants planted with three-node depth showed greater performances than did the plug transplants planted with one-node depth. 相似文献
Cenourete® is a minimally processed carrot root similar to the American product known as ‘baby-carrot’. This product is obtained through peeling and abrasion of cylindrical carrot root segments. The cultivar Esplanada is well suited for the production of Cenourete® due to its characteristics of long length and cylindrical root shape as well as uniform dark orange root colour. For Cenourete® production, the root should be less than 25 mm in diameter. However, it is well known that root size is influenced by planting density and harvest time. Therefore, the adjustment of the cultural practices would be necessary to increase root yield aimed for Cenourete® processing. The recovery of Cenourete® from ‘Esplanada’ was studied under two between-line spacings: 20 cm (5 transversal lines/m) and 12.5 cm (8 transversal lines/m). Roots were harvested at 80, 90, 100 and 110 days after sowing. Cenourete® yield ranged from 2.39 ± 0.37 to 10.75 ± 1.07 t/ha depending on the combination of harvesting date and between-line spacing. These values corresponded, respectively, to a percent Cenourete® yield recovery of 3.3 ± 0.7%–28.6 ± 2.8% in relation to the total root production. It was concluded that higher yield is obtained with 12.5 cm between-line spacing than with 20 cm between-line spacing and with earlier harvest (80–90 days) than with late harvest (100–110 days). 相似文献
以10年生骏枣为试验材料,探究不同枣吊摘心时间和不同喷施赤霉素GA3时间对其产量及品质的影响,分别以不摘心和喷清水为对照。结果表明:骏枣花期枣吊留5节叶摘心和不同时间开始喷施20mg/kg赤霉素3次,可提高坐果率、产量和果实品质。在新疆阿克苏地区,骏枣6月17日前后摘心效果最好,坐果率和产量高于其他时间摘心,较对照分别提高28.65%和33.26%,平均单果重达20.01g;6月10日前后开始喷施赤霉素,坐果率、产量和果实品质高于其他时间开始喷施,较对照增产35.73%,商品果率达93.57%。 相似文献
J. M. Njoroge K. Waithaka J. A. Chweya 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2013,88(5):695-702
Assessment of tree growth and yield components of Coffea arabica L. cv. Ruiru 11, as influenced by tree training on single or two-stem systems at densities between 1600-4800 trees per ha during the first production cycle was carried out at Ruiru, Kenya over three years. Trees trained on the two-stem system tended to be taller than those on singlestems. Although the results were not clear, trees at low plant densities had thicker stems irrespective of the training system. The total number of primary branches was significantly higher on trees trained on the two-stem system. However, bearing primaries and productive wood were higher on the single-stem system during the first year of production. The number of bearing primaries and productive wood increased in subsequent production years on the two-stem system. Training trees on the two-stem system significantly depressed yields in the first production year by 245 to 842%, irrespective of plant density. Yields of clean coffee increased significantly with tree density irrespective of the tree training method. Yields over the production period increased by 33, 45,27 and 9% with increases in planting densities from 1600 to 2400, 2400 to 3200, 3200 to 4000 and 4000 to 4800 trees per ha, respectively. However, yields increased at a decreasing rate at densities above 3200 trees per ha. The proportions of the large grade ‘A’ sized coffee beans were not significantly affected by the treatments. It was concluded that it is possible to raise two stems during the first production cycle of ‘Ruiru 11’, although this might not be economical. Single stems would be preferred and a high plant density of between 3200-4000 trees per ha would be optimum during the first coffee production cycle. 相似文献
不同施肥处理对黄瓜生长及产量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨生物有机肥以及化肥减施条件下不同施肥模式对黄瓜种植的影响,进行了田间试验。共设置6个处理,分别为不使用任何肥料处理(CK)、常规施肥处理(CF)、生物有机肥处理(OF)、生物有机肥+30%化肥减施处理(OFCFJ)、生物有机肥+30%化肥减施处理+氨基酸叶面肥处理(OFCFJA)和等氮肥含量的生物有机肥(OFOF)。试验结果表明,常规化肥施用量时,生物有机肥相较于普通有机肥,黄瓜株高、茎粗、叶绿素含量和产量分别提高了14.10%、16.74%、10.85%和6.92%;而在化肥减施30%时,黄瓜株高、叶绿素含量和产量分别较常规施肥处理下降了4.71%、7.74%和11.22%;肥料农学利用效率结果显示,生物有机肥较普通有机肥可以提高肥料的农学利用效率,且在化肥减施条件下喷施氨基酸肥料可以提升磷肥和钾肥的农学利用效率。聚类分析和主成分分析结果显示,化肥减施条件下施用氨基酸叶面肥,可以显著改善黄瓜的生长。综上所述,生物有机肥对黄瓜的作用效果显著高于普通有机肥,且在化肥减施30%条件下,增施氨基酸叶面肥与常规施肥对黄瓜生长指标和产量的影响类似。表明在目前常规施肥的用量前提下,可以降低30%的化肥用量,同时也可以用氨基酸叶面肥配合施用,提高肥料农学利用效率的同时增加作物产量。 相似文献