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Vertebral column pathologies requiring surgical intervention have been described in pet ferrets, however little information is available on the normal vertebral formula and congenital variants in this species. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe vertebral formulas and prevalence of congenital vertebral anomalies in a sample of pet ferrets. Radiographs of 172 pet ferrets (96 males and 76 females) were included in this retrospective study. In 143 ferrets (83.14%), five different formulas of the vertebral column were recorded with normal morphology of vertebrae (rib attachment included) but with a variable number of thoracic (Th), lumbar (L), and sacral (S) vertebrae. The number of cervical (C) vertebrae was constant in all examined animals. Observed vertebral formulas were C7/Th14/L6/S3 (51.74%), C7/Th14/L6/S4 (22.10%), C7/Th14/L7/S3 (6.98%), C7/Th15/L6/S3 (1.74%), and C7/Th15/L6/S4 (0.58%). Formula C7/Th14/L6/S4 was significantly more common in males than in females (P < 0.05). Congenital spinal abnormalities were found in 29 ferrets (16.86%), mostly localized in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral regions. The cervical region was affected in only one case. Transitional vertebrae represented the most common congenital abnormalities (26 ferrets) in the thoracolumbar (13 ferrets) and lumbosacral regions (10 ferrets) or simultaneously in both regions (three ferrets). Other vertebral anomalies included block (two ferrets) and wedge vertebra (one ferret). Spina bifida was not detected. Findings from the current study indicated that vertebral formulas may vary in ferrets and congenital abnormalities are common. This should be taken into consideration for surgical planning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the caudal portion of the equine ureters, pelvic urethra, and urinary bladder and to assess ureteral contractility. Fifteen horses with no evidence of urinary tract disease (five females, five intact males and five geldings) were studied. The lower urinary tract was evaluated ultrasonographically using a transrectal approach. The normal ultrasonographic appearance and anatomic location of structures of the lower urinary tract were evaluated and anatomic relationships described. Both ureters were identified dorsal to the bladder and at their openings into the bladder. Their relationship and different appearance from the male deferent ducts/ampullae and vesicular glands was noted. Ultrasonographic measurements of the diameter of the ureters and urethra were obtained and the ureteral, urethral, and urinary bladder wall thickness recorded. The normal parameters established in this study will be useful during sonographic examination of horses with suspected urinary tract disease. Transrectal ultrasonographic examination is valuable in assessing the presence and frequency of ureteral contractions as well as in detecting structural abnormalities of the lower urinary tract. The use of high-frequency transrectal ultrasound transducers allows for excellent visualization of the structures of the equine lower urinary tract.  相似文献   

The ability of duplex Doppler ultrasonography to assist with the diagnosis of urinary tract obstruction was investigated in a study of 5 dogs with surgically induced, unilateral ureteral obstruction. The resistive index (RI) of obstructed kidneys was compared to that of controls and to the contralateral unobstructed kidneys. The RI was also evaluated following relief of obstruction. On the basis of an RI measurement ≥0.70 indicating obstruction, a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 77% was determined for the diagnosis of obstruction with Doppler ultrasonography. Although mean RI was elevated in obstructed kidneys compared to controls, it was concluded that a high false-negative rate (27%) limits the clinical usefulness of Doppler ultrasonography for the detection of urinary obstruction in dogs. The RI difference between obstructed and nonobstructed kidneys was also evaluated within individual animals, but the magnitude of difference between kidneys did not significantly improve the detection rate for obstruction.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old neutered female mixed breed dog was examined for productive coughing, gagging, increased respiratory effort and restlessness. In survey chest radiographs a soft tissue opacity was present in the right middle lung lobe. In horizontal-beam radiographs, it was apparent that the opacity was a thin-walled cyst containing air and fluid. Peribronchial infiltration and bronchial dilation were present in all lung lobes. At necropsy, a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis and bronchiolitis and cylindrical and cystic bronchiectasis was made. Acquired bronchiectasis may result from any disease process which weakens the bronchial wall or obstructs drainage. Three forms of bronchiectasis have been described in man: cylindrical, saccular and cystic. Cylindrical bronchiectasis is tubular distention of larger, thick-walled bronchi; saccular bronchiectasis is circumscribed outpocketing of intermediate-sized bronchi and cystic bronchiectasis is a more pronounced manifestation of saccular bronchiectasis in terminal bronchi. Cylindrical and saccular bronchiectasis have been described in the dog; cystic bronchiectasis has not been described in the dog. Generalized bronchiectasis is an incurable condition due to the irreversible bronchial pathologic changes. Focal bronchiectasis can be surgically corrected by lobectomy and the prognosis is good. Aggressive antibiotic therapy should be used to treat chronic bronchitis in an effort to prevent bronchial destruction and development of bronchiectasis.  相似文献   

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), an important parameter of renal function, is difficult to assess clinically. Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen measurements lack sensitivity, whereas radionuclide determination of GFR is not always available and requires postinjection patient isolation. GFR can be determined using computed tomography (CT), most commonly via Patlak plot analysis. Four adult cats, two adult dogs, and a foal underwent abdominal CT under general anesthesia for various diseases of the upper urinary tract. CT‐GFR was measured with a single‐slice dynamic acquisition and Patlak plot analysis. In five animals, the total CT‐GFR appeared to be below normal, corresponding with mild (two animals) and moderate (two animals) increases of serum creatinine in four. In the two animals with normal or increased CT‐GFR, serum creatinine was within the reference values. A significant negative logarithmic relationship was found between CT‐GFR and serum creatinine values (P=0.008; r2=0.75). No complications occurred during or following CT‐GFR. CT examination provided clinically relevant information in 3/5 patients with possible ureteral obstruction and in 3/3 patients with suspected ureteral calculi. Single‐slice dynamic CT‐GFR was practical and provided clinically useful information in this small series of patients undergoing CT of the upper urinary tract. There was a significant relationship between CT‐GFR and serum creatinine values, which supports the clinical potential of CT‐GFR and justifies further investigation of this technique.  相似文献   

Diseases of the abdomen of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) include those affecting the liver, spleen, and urinary tract. The most common diseases of captive-bred cheetah are gastritis, gastric ulceration, glomerulosclerosis, and hepatic veno-occlusive disease, and are the most frequent causes of mortality in these animals. The purpose of this study was to describe the ultrasonographic anatomy of the normal liver, spleen, kidney, and urinary bladder of the anesthetized captive-bred cheetah. Twenty-one cheetahs were examined. Eight of the 21 animals had subclinical evidence of either gastritis or chronic renal disease. The ultrasonographic appearances of the liver, gall bladder, common bile duct, and spleen were evaluated and various measurements made. Statistical analyses of the measurements were performed on all the healthy and subclinically ill animals taking sex, age, mass, and anesthetic protocol into account. There were no significant differences in any parameters between the healthy and subclinically ill animals (P > 0.25) and data were combined for statistical analyses. The mean mass was 41.1kg ( +/- 8.8) and the mean age was 5.0 years (+/- 2.2). The mean thickness of the liver medial to the gall bladder was 67.0 mm (+/- 14.8) and the liver was within the left costal arch in 75% of animals, extended caudal to the right costal arch in 50% of animals for an average of 30 mm, and extended caudal to the sternum in 63% of animals for an average of 32.5 mm. The maximum mean hepatic vein diameter at the entrance to the caudal vena cava was 8.6 +/- 2.8 mm; the mean diameters of the portal vein at the hilus and that of the caudal vena cava as it entered the liver were 7.5 +/- 1.6 and 9.9 +/- 4.1 mm, respectively. The mean diameter of the caudal vena cava was significantly affected by the type of anesthetic used (P < 0.10). The mass of the animals was significant in explaining the variance in maximum portal vein diameters (P < 0.10). The mean maximum velocity of the hepatic vein flow at the entrance to the caudal vena cava was 25.3 +/- 2.8 cm/s (n=4), the hilar portal vein was 11.7 +/- 3.3 cm/s (n=7), and the caudal vena cava was 33.8 +/- 19.8 cm/s (n=5). The mean maximum gall bladder length and width, and the mean common bile duct diameters were 44.6 mm (+/- 10.4), 23.3 mm (+/- 5.0), and 8.1 mm (+/- 2.4), respectively. Age was significant in explaining the variance in gall bladder lengths (P<0.10). Urinary tract ultrasonography was performed only in animals that had normal urea and creatinine levels (n=13). Renal cortico-medullary distinction was present in all kidneys and a cortico-medullary rim sign was seen in 21 of 26 kidneys. Mean kidney length, height, and width was 63.9 +/- 5.7, 38.1 +/- 5.2, and 42.1 +/- 5 mm, respectively. The average resistivity index was 0.58 (n=5). Mean urinary bladder length, height, and width were 57.0, 19.2, and 34.9 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

Grass awns are a common cause of foreign body disease in animals, but little is known about their presence in the lower urinary tract. The ultrasonographic features of grass awns in vivo and in vitro have been described in detail. The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical and sonographic features of grass awns in the urinary bladder of dogs and cats. Three male Yorkshire terriers (one of which was examined twice) and one female domestic short‐haired cat were evaluated for signs of lower urinary tract disease, and an intravesicular grass awn was suspected based on ultrasound examination. The grass awn appeared ultrasonographically as a bladder stone (n=1) or a linear hyperechoic structure (n=4) with or without acoustic shadowing that was easy to identify due to contrast with surrounding urine. The presence of a grass awn within the urinary bladder was confirmed during exploratory surgery. In all patients, the route of entry of the grass awn was thought to have been retrograde migration from the urethral opening. The ultrasonographic appearance of grass awns in the bladder is consistent with that in other tissues.  相似文献   

Congenital elbow luxations are responsible for 17-20% of nontraumatic lameness of the elbow joint. They are not associated with a growth disorder or trauma. Congenital elbow luxation has been observed in dogs, but no data were found about this condition in cats. In this report, we describe congenital bilateral elbow subluxation in a cat.  相似文献   

An ornamental pet fish was diagnosed with a spinal fracture and subluxation involving truncal vertebrae 5 and 6 (T5-T6) using conventional radiography, nuclear scintigraphy, and computed tomography. Attempts to evaluate the dynamic nature of the lesion using conventional fluoroscopy in the unanesthetized, moving patient were unsuccessful. Adaptation of imaging techniques to accommodate a fish patient was not difficult and diagnostic images were obtained. The use of multiple imaging techniques was useful in the diagnosis and determination of the treatment plan of the spinal fracture in this patient.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathologic findings related to an infiltrative facial lipoma in a 5-month-old female Holstein Friesian calf are reported. The tumor was congenital, increased in size with time, and deformed the left side of the face and cranial bones. The clinical condition of the calf was good; the only detectable abnormalities were poor weight gain and decreased motility of the left upper lip. Clinical and radiologic data indicated the mass was not removable. Muscle and lymph node invasion by tumor tissue were detected histologically. Infiltrative lipoma is a rare variety of lipoma that has been reported in dogs, cats, horses, and humans. Although its cytologic characteristics are those of a benign tumor, in this patient the invasiveness of the neoplasm was associated with poor prognosis.  相似文献   

A female kitten presented for chronic, intermittent, antibiotic‐responsive urinary incontinence and chronic kidney disease. Abdominal ultrasound identified bilateral pelvic/ureteral dilation and three closely apposed thin‐walled fluid‐filled structures in the caudal abdomen, extending toward the pelvic inlet. Excretory urography and negative contrast cystography identified contrast medium accumulation from the dilated ureters into two tubular soft tissue masses of the caudal abdomen, with subsequent gradual filling of a more cranially located urinary bladder. A retrograde vaginocystourethrogram identified a normal uterus, normal vagina, and a single urethra continuous with the cranially located urinary bladder. Antemortem diagnosis was suspicious for bilateral ectopic ureteroceles. Postmortem diagnosis, 35 months following initial presentation, determined the fluid‐filled masses to have abundant smooth muscle in the wall, including a muscularis mucosa connected by a common ostium, consistent with urinary bladder duplication. Urinary bladder duplication should be included as a differential diagnosis in cats with these clinical and imaging characteristics. In this case, differentiation of ectopic ureterocele from urinary bladder duplication required histological confirmation.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old female spayed mixed-breed dog was presented with a ten-week history of vomiting. A survey abdominal radiograph showed a soft tissue mass on the lesser curvature of the stomach and an adjacent thickened greater curvature. A barium contrast study confirmed the presence of this mass. The radiographic diagnosis was gastric tumor. Radiographic signs of gastric neoplasia include soft tissue masses or thickening of the stomach wall, delayed gastric emptying, immobility of portions of the stomach wall, and residual stomach-wall staining by barium. Necropsy revealed a gastric lymphosarcoma that had infiltrated the entire circumference of the pyloric antrum. The most common gastric malignancy in the dog is adenocarcinoma. Gastric lymphosarcoma is considered rare.  相似文献   

Jan L.  Palmer  DVM  PhD  Nathan L.  Dykes  DVM  Karen  Love  DVM  Susan L.  Fubini  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(3):175-180
Contrast radiographic visualization of the small ruminant and porcine lower urinary tract is an infrequently used modality for the evaluation and management of obstructive urolithiasis. The administration of contrast medium through a tube cystostomy catheter used to divert urine flow until the resolution of the obstruction may provide an easy method to evaluate the status of the urethral obstruction. Contrast fluoroscopy is utilized to monitor and visualize therapeutic flushing of the urethra. A review of 26 patients seen at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital suggested that among the radiographic techniques used, positive contrast normograde cystourethrography through the tube cystostomy catheter allowed the best visualization of the lower urinary tract structures and enabled assessment of the resolution of the obstructive lesion.  相似文献   

Synovial osteochondromatosis, an uncommon monarticular disease characterized by intrasynovial proliferation of cartilage cells, is described in a 16-year-old horse. Synovial osteochondromatosis is a direct metaplasia of connective tissue cells within the synovial or bursal structure. Etiology is unknown although trauma is implicated. Radiographic diagnosis is difficult and may be confused with chondrosarcoma. The presence of intra articular loose bodies and calcified granular matter is not pathognomonic for the disease. Histologic diagnosis is dependent on wide excision biopsy and serial sectioning. Radical synovectomy is the treatment of choice if extracapsular expansion is identified. Intrasynovial osteochondromatosis appears self-limiting. Cosmetic appearance and limitation of motion are the reasons treatment is sought.  相似文献   

A 14-month-old female dog, Gos d'Atura Catala was presented for a 7-month-history of reoccurring urinary tract infection. Using sonography, a focal multilobulated thickening of the urinary bladder wall was discovered. The solid mass was arising from the area of the ureteral papllDae and bulging into the lumen of the bladder neck. The wall of the urethra was uniformly thickened. These findings were not considered typical for a generalized urinary tract infection but more indicative of local severe inflammation, neoplasia or hyperplasia in the area of the ureteral openings. The thickening of the urethra was suggestive of urethritis or neoplastic infiltration. Signs of metastasis were not detected on the thoracic radiographs or in the remainder of the abdominal ultrasound examination. A surgical excision of the multilobulated mass was performed and histologic examination was conducted. A fibrosarcoma in the lamina propria of the urinary bladder wall was diagnosed. Because of reoccurence of hematuria and unresponsiveness to therapy the dog was euthanized. Postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of fiborsarcoma in the urinary bladder. Additionally, neoplastic infiltration of the urethral wall and metastasis in the lungs and liver were detected histopathologically.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old male Setter-Springer crossbred dog was presented with signs of acute peritonitis three days after blunt abdominal trauma. In abdominal radiographs, a bubbly accumulation of gas in the central and cranioventral parts of the liver silhouette and mild peritoneal effusion were seen. At laparatomy, firm, necrotic, nodular hepatic masses containing gas were found to be ruptured. The histologic diagnoses were hepatic adenoma with hepatic necrosis and nodular hepatic hyperplasia. The pathogenesis of hepatic abscessation and the radiographic differential diagnosis of extraluminal abdominal gas are discussed.  相似文献   

A dilated, tortuous blood vessel was identified sonographically in the right medial liver lobe in a puppy with severe ascites. This vessel was thought to represent the dilated right medial portal vein branch. Using pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, retrograde, abnormally pulsatile flow was detected in both the dilated right medial portal vein branch and the main portal vein. The right medial liver lobe was surgically resected then fixed in formalin. Silicon rubber was injected and outlined the connection between the portal vein and hepatic artery.  相似文献   

Charles R.  Pugh  DVM  MS  Phillip J.  Johnson  BVSc  MS  Gregory  Crawley  DVM  MS  Susan T.  Finn  DVM  MS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1994,35(3):183-188
The equine shoulder region is difficult to investigate by conventional imaging modalities. Diagnostic ultrasound has proven valuable for investigation of soft tissue injuries of the human shoulder. In a horse with shoulder lameness, the authors employed diagnostic ultrasound to augment the use of conventional radiography. A defect in the subchondral bone layer of the medial humeral tuberosity, with adjacent bony fragments were clearly identified with ultrasound. Ultrasound was used for initial evaluation of the bicipital tendon and bursa. The technique was subsequently used to follow and evaluate the post-operative condition of the proximal cranial humerus, bicipital tendon and bursa in this patient. The bicipital regions of 2 immature and 3 adult normal horses were also examined with to illustrate the normal ultrasonographic anatomy of the cranial shoulder region.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old dog was presented with generalized extensive pulmonary mineralization associated with exertional dyspnea and cyanosis. The differential diagnosis for the pulmonary mineralization included metastaticand dystrophic pulmonary calcification, atypical pulmonary neoplasia, alveolar microlithiasis, idiopathic pulmonary mineralization, and idiopathic pulmonary ossification. The dog was euthanized at the owner's request. The histologic diagnosis was idiopathic pulmonary ossification. No previous report of generalized extensive idiopathic pulmonary ossification was found. Idiopathic pulmonary ossification occurs in man, usually involves a limited area of lung, and is functionally unimportant. The pulmonary ossification in the dog reported here was generalized and associated with severe pulmonary dysfunction. The disease in man and that in the dog in this report do not appear to be directly comparable.  相似文献   

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