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一、材料与方法 (一) 供试犬来源及管理 试验犬品种为公安部南京警犬研究所存栏的德国牧羊犬(工作系),其中220头为2月龄,166头为4月龄,97头为6月龄, 30头为8月龄,34头为10月龄,33头为12月龄,共580头.用全价颗粒饲料定时定量的饲喂犬.各月末早上空腹测量所有受试犬的体重和体尺.在2月龄以前的仔犬,在20~45日龄期间加牛肉25g/d,至45日龄时开始断奶,45~60日龄期间加牛肉40g/d,所有的犬全日自由饮水.  相似文献   

1987年1月某警犬繁殖训练地,暴发了一起以出血性肠炎为主要症状的疫病。5窝25头1.5至4月龄小犬,先后有24头发病,发病率为96%。经抢救治疗,结果仍死亡11头。本病经病原检验,确诊为犬冠状病毒性肠炎。 发生与流行情况 该基地共有种犬9头,训练工作犬2头、其他犬6头。1986年秋产仔5窝25头,均为德国牧羊犬和杂交犬,分窝隔离饲养,体质发育良好,并均按免疫程序接种了犬细小病毒弱毒苗和犬瘟热苗。12月24日从旧犬舍搬入新犬舍,由开放式饲  相似文献   

一、训练前期准备 (一)犬种的选择 参与搜索TATP训练的警犬情况:警犬的品种分别为拉布拉多犬、史宾格犬、德国牧羊犬、马里努阿犬.2018年通过公安部南京警犬研究所培训考核合格的搜爆犬,年龄为2岁至3岁.这4头犬在参加搜索TATP训练前,都具备搜索黑火药、硝铵炸药、导火索、乳化炸药等常见炸药的能力.  相似文献   

笔者从公安部南京警犬研究所40头拉布拉多犬的体重、体尺数据入手,对1~12月龄拉布拉多犬的生长发育规律进行了研究,旨在探讨拉布拉多犬生长发育的一般性规律,为以后拉布拉多犬各月龄的饲养管理工作  相似文献   

<正>随着警犬业的蓬勃发展,对警犬犬源的要求也越来越高,需要开发的潜能也越来越多。一头优秀的工作犬,必须赢在起跑线上,仔犬的科学性饲养管理和警用性能培训也就显得格外重要。一、引言本文所指仔犬是0~45日龄的犬。新生仔犬生理条件较弱,消化功能有限,只能依靠母乳供给营养。主人对仔犬的日常饲养管理和引导及培训起到了不可或缺的作用。笔者对某大型繁育单位2012年~2016年7月仔犬淘汰、死亡原  相似文献   

<正>犬细小病毒(CPV)是犬的一种急性传染病,主要危害幼犬。笔者在近几年门诊工作中,应用中西医结合治疗125只,治愈113只,死亡12只,治愈率达90.4%,现报告如下:1流行病学1.1各种年龄的犬都易感,但2~4月龄幼犬易感性、发病率较高。在笔者收治125例中:2月龄以  相似文献   

<正>秦皇岛港公安局警犬队成立于2005年,隶属于治安支队,现有带犬人员3人,现役工作犬8头,其中刑侦犬2头,治安犬3头,搜爆犬3头,担负着港区刑事案件、治安防范看守任务、日常巡逻、海上巡逻及港区大型活动和重大场所安检的警犬使用工作。2009年,秦皇岛港警犬队共出  相似文献   

犬瘟热的诊疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991年10~11月,南京某犬场流行一次以腹泻、便血为主要临床症状的传染病,经临床和实验室检查,确诊为大瘟热。现将情况报告如下. 一、基本情况该犬场有犬近200头,其中1月龄以下18头,1~6月龄35头.全犬群每年进行一次犬传染性肝炎、犬细小病毒、狂犬病灭活苗及大瘟热弱苗免疫注射.仔犬从1.5月龄始到4月龄止,按免疫程序进行上述疫苗的免疫接  相似文献   

犬是人类的朋友,除了当作宠物,在现代社会,犬还是不可缺少的重要工作伙伴.2008年是英国首头警犬上路巡逻1 00周年,因此被英国指定为"2008援助犬年".英国邮政专为此于2008年2月5日发行<工作犬>邮票一套6枚,邮票图案选取现实生活中"有名有姓"的六种犬从事不同工作的场面,生动有趣.同时,这套邮票竟也是作为英国的2008年"欧罗巴(EUROPA)"邮票.  相似文献   

警犬冠状病毒病诊断报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1989年秋季,黑龙江省某警犬基地■犬陆续发生了以出血性肠炎为主要临床症状的传染病,累计发病53条,发病率及死亡率极高,对幼犬构成了毁灭性的威胁。木病经多次病原检查,确诊为犬冠状病毒感染。一、疫情发生及流行情况该基地共有各类警犬156条,品种为德国牧羊犬及中国杂交狼种犬。管理情况为成犬及四月龄以上幼犬单圈饲养,二月龄以上幼犬每2~4条为一圈饲养,二月龄以下幼犬随母犬一同饲养。各年龄组的犬营养状况均良好,发育正常,已按免疫程序接种了犬细小病毒、传染性肝炎、犬瘟热等疫苗,接种疫苗后无任何异常反应。  相似文献   

Nuclear angiography was used as a diagnostic aid and in monitoring the clinical course of a case of congestive cardiomyopathy in a dog. Serial examinations revealed progressively deteriorating values for left ventricular ejection fraction before the dog's death. This noninvasive technique can be an alternative to echocardiography for the evaluation of cardiac performance.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus was diagnosed in a dog with concurrent nematode infection. The clinical signs of disease were unusually severe and included multiple neurologic deficits, polyarthritis, and weight loss. The dog was thrombocytopenic, and serotest results included positive lupus erythematosus test, positive rheumatoid factor test, positive antinuclear antibody test, hypergammaglobulinemia, and high platelet-associated IgG concentration. After treatment of hookworm, whipworm, and heartworm infections concurrently with corticosteroid and empiric treatment, the dog's condition improved. However, 10 days later, cyclophosphamide administration was necessary for continued immunosuppression. The dog was euthanatized because of progressive deterioration and development of canine coronavirus diarrhea. Serotest data generated from the dog's serum obtained at the time of referral suggested that autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes may have included IgE isotypes.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of toxic myopathy in a two year old sheltie dog with clinical signs of profound weakness, myoglobinuria, and muscle enzyme elevations. The clinical signs were likely related to the accidental inclusion of monensin sodium in the dog's food. This food was prepared by a small feed milling company that also prepares cattle and chicken rations. A change of dog food resulted in remission of the clinical signs.  相似文献   

Dapsone was given for six days to a dog with chronic skin disease. The dog then became weak and anorectic, and it vomited and had purpura caused by severe thrombocytopenic hemorrhagic diathesis. Despite treatment, the dog died a week later. There were clinical and pathologic evidence that the dog's platelets and megakaryocytes had been destroyed during the first few days of dapsone therapy. It was concluded that the syndrome was dapsone-induced and that thrombocytopenia should be considered among the adverse reactions to dapsone in the dog.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old Maltese dog was presented with abdominal distention and dyspnea. Cytological examination of pleural and peritoneal effusion was suggestive of malignant effusion of glandular origin. Numerous, multifocal, tan to white nodules were disseminated throughout the surface of the abdominal organs and peritoneum at biopsy. Histologically, the tumors were revealed to be an epithelial type of mesothelioma. Neoplastic cells co-expressed cytokeratin and vimentin. Intravenous administration of cisplatin was chosen as the treatment. During treatment, the dog's overall body condition improved and the clinical signs were relieved without significant side effects. The survival time from diagnosis to sudden death by unknown cause was 153 days.  相似文献   

Exposure to marijuana was believed to be responsible for clinical signs consistent with allergic inhalant dermatitis in a dog. The dog had facial and pedal pruritus associated with bilateral ocular discharge. Clinical signs resolved when the dog was kenneled, but returned when the dog was returned to its home. The results of intradermal skin testing, using a standard tray of 51 inhalant extracts, did not adequately account for the dog's clinical signs. Later, the owners indicated that previous residents of the owners' home had cultivated marijuana intensively inside and outside of the home. Intradermal skin testing with a source of marijuana pollen extract was performed, yielding a positive reaction in the dog and a negative reaction in another dog without clinical or historical evidence of allergic inhalant dermatitis. The affected dog was treated successfully and exclusively by hyposensitization with marijuana pollen extract.  相似文献   

Eumycotic mycetoma caused by Pseudallescheria boydii in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abdominal eumycotic mycetoma caused by Pseudallescheria boydii was diagnosed in a 3-year-old male Siberian Husky. The dog was examined because of weight loss and signs of depression. Initially, pyrexia was the only clinical finding. Antibiotic and corticosteroid treatment was ineffective. Two weeks later, the dog's appetite had decreased, it had vomited a few times, and the caudal portion of the abdomen was sensitive to palpation. Hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities consisted of anemia, leukocytosis, hypoglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, and high alkaline phosphatase activity. One week later, the dog's condition continued to worsen, and testicular swelling was observed. The dog was castrated. Microscopic examination of specimens obtained at surgery revealed pyogranulomatous periorchitis with mycetoma granules. Ketoconazole treatment was initiated and continued until the dog died one month later. Necropsy revealed multifocal duodenal ulcers, with transmural pyogranulomatous enteritis, pancreatitis, and peritonitis. This case is unique because the etiologic agent apparently entered via the intestinal tract rather than by contamination of an external wound.  相似文献   

本试验研究不同剂量犬瘟抑制蛋白对犬瘟热的疗效,将犬瘟热试纸检测阳性的病犬24只,随机分为4组,每组6只,分别为对照组、试验1组、试验2组、试验3组。对照组治疗为犬瘟热单克隆抗体、犬干扰素及其对症输液治疗,试验1组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(20IU/kg)、犬干扰素,并结合输液(抗生素和能量合剂等)对症治疗。试验2组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(40IU/kg)、以下同上。试验3组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(60IU/kg)、以下同上。结果表明对照组与试验2组、试验3组其疗效比较明显。试验2组与试验3组的剂量不同,但其疗效一致,故试验2组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(40IU/kg)最佳使用剂量。  相似文献   

Central diabetes insipidus was diagnosed in association with a dexamethasone-insuppressible adrenocorticotropin-secreting tumor in a dog. Over the 3 years before the dog's death, the combination of specific pituitary function tests, peptide hormone radioimmunoassays, and visualization of the tumor by use of x-ray computed tomography of the skull, allowed an etiologic diagnosis. Because initial signs of glucocorticoid excess were questionable and adrenolytic therapy was not allowed by the owners, treatment consisted only of administration of synthetic vasopressin, which was successful in the management of the diabetes insipidus.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old Labrador mixed breed dog, known to suffer from heart disease, was presented. It had recently collapsed on the street. Based on clinical findings and ultrasonography the tentative diagnosis of an atrial rupture with bleeding into the pericardial sac, resulting into a cardiac tamponade, was made. The dog's state of health improved under treatment, including infusion, sedation and analgesia. Therefore pericardiocentesis was unnecessary. The dog was released from hospital the next evening and the medical therapy of its heart disease was continued. The animal died 85 days later.  相似文献   

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