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山东省沂水县跋山水库养鱼水面2.34万亩,库中水质肥沃,饵料丰富,养鱼条件优越。  相似文献   

俗话说:三分鱼,七分水。可见养殖水体的调节对养鱼非常重要。当鱼池水质清淡时,水中溶氧较高,鱼类不易发生缺氧浮头现象:当水质肥浓时,鱼类饵料生物多,长得快,但在夜间常会发生缺氧浮头,甚至有泛池死鱼的危险。如何通过人为措施进行调节,培育肥水,调节溶氧,是养殖者不可忽视的重要技术。水质优良的标准是“肥、活、嫩、爽”。现将一年四季鱼池水质调节措施介绍如下,供大家参考:  相似文献   

为了大批量生产鲤鱼种,适应集约式养鲤的需要,1985年怀德县良种场改革鱼种池放养品种的结构,采用配合颗粒饵料主养鲤鱼种,取得了140亩鱼池平均亩产583斤的好成绩。  相似文献   

7-9月高温季节对每667m2载鱼量达300-400kg的高产鱼池来说,既是鱼类生长较快,也是鱼病发生较多的季节。因此,必须搞好以下3个方面的管理:1合理投饵施肥,做到量少次多饵料的质量和投喂的技术是影响池鱼丰产的关键,应根据饲养鱼类、鱼体发育阶段,池鱼活动情况以及季节、  相似文献   

周有明 《内陆水产》2008,33(1):45-46
在0.8hm^2亲鱼池进行生态套养翘嘴红鲌试验。利用亲鱼池的野杂鱼等生物饵料资源,经10个月的养殖,取得较好的效果,共收获翘嘴红鲌327.1千克,产值9813元,利润5853元,平均规格达0.4kg,成活率在82%。结果表明,在亲鱼池套养翘嘴红鲌是可行的。  相似文献   

许文  杨斌 《水利渔业》1988,(4):15-17
利用颗粒饲料在66.8亩鱼池中培育鲤鱼种,培育期115天,入池丰鲤乌仔来自武汉空运,结果平均亩产494.4公斤,其中鲤鱼种464.5公斤;饵料系数1.74;亩平产值2918元,亩盈利906元。  相似文献   

在8000hm^2亲鱼池进行生态套养翘嘴红鲌试验.利用亲鱼池的野杂鱼等生物饵料资源,经10个月的养殖,取得较好的效果。共收获翘嘴红鲌327.1kg,产值9813元,利润5853元,平均规格达0.4kg,成活率在82%。结果表明,在亲鱼池套养翘嘴红鲌是可行的。  相似文献   

姚先清 《水库渔业》1984,(3):F003-F003
湖北省漳河水库养殖场自1977年以来,因地制宜,进行鱼池种稗淹青培育大鱼种,成绩显著。如1983种稗57亩,长稗草54万斤,培育出3寸以上的鱼种1.87万斤,平均亩产328斤。下面是该场今年鱼池种稗养鱼一组场面。  相似文献   

Efforts to reduce the cost of growout feeds for aquaculture have traditionally focused on the use of agricultural wastes as direct or indirect nutritional supplements to support semi-intensive production levels. The merits of a low cost, sugar cane bagasse-based feed for semi-intensive production of Penaeus vannarnei were evaluated. Shrimp averaging 0.24 g each were stocked into 200 m2 earthen ponds at 20/m2 and cultured for a 12 week period. Two bagasse-based feed treatments, a manure-based treatment and a no-feed input control, were compared in replicate ponds. One bagasse treatment (artificial manure) was designed to mimic manure and stimulate autotrophic and heterotrophic growth. The other bagasse treatment (bagasse alone plus inorganics) was designed to stimulate primarily autotrophic growth. Both bagasse treatments produced average growth rates of 0.78 g/wk, which were significantly greater than that of the manure treatment (0.57 g/wk). Lack of difference between the two bagasse treatments suggests that additional supplements used in making artificial manure probably were unnecessary to the nutrition of the shrimp. At harvest, bottom organics in the bagasse-fed ponds were at least twice as great as manure-fed ponds, and may have contributed to the lower survival associated with these treatments.  相似文献   

南美白对虾淡水池塘养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
南美白对虾因具有生长快、个体大、广盐性等优点,已成为内陆地区许多养殖户的养殖新种类。为探索南美白对虾淡水池塘养殖技术,笔者于2002年和2003年进行了南美白对虾深水池塘养殖试验,取得了较好的经济效益。现根据2003年养殖试验结果进行总结、分析,旨在探讨南美白对虾在本地区淡水池塘环境条件下的养殖技术。1 试验地点与池塘条件(1)试验地点 辽中县四方台镇徐家村养殖户王久山的1#、2#、3#三口池塘,面积分别为0 4hm2、0 67hm2、0 93hm2,合计为2hm2。(2)池塘条件及配套设施 试验塘原为鱼塘,黑泥底质不渗漏,水源为地下水,水质良好,…  相似文献   

Clam shrimp, Cyzicus morsie , can occur in hatchery ponds in such dense numbers that they interfere with production of fish. Hatchery ponds are frequently left dry during the fall and winter and are filed in spring or early summer, simulating the vernal pools where clam shrimp naturally occur. Ponds left dry over winter and ponds that were full over winter, but were drained and dried for a period of time immediately prior to stocking, had the highest numbers of clam shrimp (P = 0.001). Few or no clam shrimp were collected in ponds that were full over winter and were not dried in the spring. High turbidities were observed in ponds with high numbers of clam shrimp; however, clam shrimp were not the only cause of turbidity. The largest number of walleye were produced in ponds which contained few or no clam shrimp. Clam shrimp were controlled by preventing hatchery pond substrate from drying during winter and early spring; however, the absence of drying may cause other problems that interfere with fish production.  相似文献   

Agricultural limestone and burnt lime are applied either to the water during shrimp production or to pond bottoms between shrimp crops. However, unless the total alkalinity and total hardness of pond water is below 50 mg/L as equivalent CaC03 or the pond soils are acidic (pH < 7), liming is of little or no value. The use of burnt lime should be avoided because this material can cause high pH in water and soil. Chemical fertilizers or manures are used to fertilize brackishwater ponds. Fertilization programs for brackishwater ponds usually require more nitrogen (N) than those for freshwater ponds. Phosphorus (P) fertilization is important both in brackishwater and freshwater ponds. Because water is exchanged often in brackishwater ponds, fertilizer should be applied in small doses and at frequent intervals. Most managers of brackishwater ponds prefer a large proportion of diatoms in the phytoplankton community. An N:P application ratio of 20:l in ponds favors diatoms; in fiberglass tanks with water of low silica concentration, fertilization with silica encouraged an abundance of diatoms.  相似文献   

对虾高密度养殖过程中水质的周期变化与分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨世平  邱德全 《水产科学》2006,25(9):459-462
通过对对虾高密度养殖池中水质的连续监测,得出养殖水体水质污染状况及一般规律。养殖水体的污染主要是含氮废物的污染,在高密度养殖池养殖后期,养殖水体中氨氮首先达到峰值2.32m/L,随后亚硝酸盐的含量也迅速达到峰值0.773mg/L,在高密度养殖池中活性磷的含量较高,没有显示出明显的磷缺乏现象。  相似文献   

池塘养殖对虾综合防病措施的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着对虾人工养殖规模的迅速扩大和产量的增加,出现了大规模暴发性虾病,给养殖者造成很大损失。一些学者对暴发性虾病的病因和防治方法进行了研究和探讨^[1-5]。然而,有关池养对虾综合防病措施的报导很少。笔者于1997—1998年在河北省昌黎县和唐海县对此进行了研究。  相似文献   

对虾工厂化养殖中浮游动物群落结构的变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了掌握对虾工厂化养殖过程中浮游动物的变动规律,有效管理水体环境质量,提高养殖效益,于2018年8月17日~11月3日,以凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)为研究对象,分析了对虾工厂化养殖水体中浮游动物群落结构特征、演替规律及其与养殖水体弧菌、浮游微藻和环境因素的关系。结果显示,从实验塘鉴定出21种浮游动物,隶属于4大类,种类最多的为原生动物,共13种,占总数的61.9%;其次为轮虫和桡足类,均为3种,占总数的14.3%;枝角类最少,占总数的5%。整个养殖期,浮游动物的平均密度约为0.71×103 ind./L,平均生物量约为11.72 mg/L。养殖过程中优势种由原生动物、轮虫、桡足类物种逐渐演变成单一的原生动物物种。实验塘浮游动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)在0.52~1.64之间波动,前期先降低后升高,后期有所降低。相关性分析显示,浮游动物数量和浮游微藻数量显著负相关(P<0.05),典范对应分析(Canonical correspondence analysis, CCA)显示,温度、pH、营养盐等是影响浮游动物优势种演替的重要因素。研究结果为深入认识凡纳滨对虾工厂化养殖中浮游动物的群落结构提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Water temperature in eight ponds and air temperatures were monitored at 2-h intervals during the 2010 growing season at an inland, low-salinity shrimp farm in Alabama. There was a high correlation (P < 0.01) between mean daily air and water temperatures; pond water usually averaged 3° to 4°C warmer than air. Monthly mean water temperatures among eight ponds differed by 3.40°C in May and by 2.83°C in September, but there was less than 1°C difference among ponds in June, July, and August. Differences in temperature among ponds were not related to pond water surface:volume ratio, but in July and September there was a negative correlation (P < 0.05) with increasing aeration rate. Negative correlations (P < 0.05) between average water temperature over the entire culture period and survival and production of Pacific white shrimp, Litopeneaus vannamei, possibly resulted from variation in crop duration and were not causal. Nevertheless, differences in water temperature among ponds in May and September were great enough to have possibly caused differential shrimp survival and production among ponds.  相似文献   

福建省霞浦县水产技术推广站于2002—2004年在长春镇介石村进行了凡纳滨对虾高位池养成试验。通过池塘选址和建设、清池消毒.基础饵料培养.苗种选择放养.饵料投喂.水质管理等措施,该试验取得了良好的经济效益。三年来,用3.75hm^2的试验池,平均布苗密度160万尾/hm^2,每茬虾经过3—4个月饲养,成活率达78.5%、商品虾规格为77—95尾/kg.饵料系数1.21.共获商品虾54230kg.创产值1103440元,盈利(未扣除同定资产投资)453440元,平均单位面积产量14461kg/hm^2,利润达12.09万元hm^2/茬。  相似文献   

虾池水环境因子与虾病爆发的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001~2002年在对瓦房店市和庄河市等虾池水环境因子的连续监测中,运用多元分析研究了水环境因子与对虾病害爆发的相关性,主成分分析结果表明,NO3-N、COD、NO2-N、盐度、NH3-N和水温是显示对虾疾病爆发的关键因子。  相似文献   

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